Move To SD Button? I only have USB Storage... - Galaxy S I9000 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Where is the move to SD button? I only see move to usb storage..

Why won't anyone chime in?
After doing a Google search on the text string "move to usb storage," this is the second or third forum thread I've found in which such as the thread-starter's question has been asked...
...yet no one will respond. Of all the places where I figured someone would know what's going on, this forum would be the one. Yet, just look: No response.
I make this point because my Samsung Infuse 4G is suddenly and inexplicably exhibiting the symptom, to wit: The button which used to say "move to sd card" on it now suddenly says "move to usb storage" on it.
The phone is an unrooted/still-locked (and please do not suggest rooting or unlocking as part of your response) Samsung Infuse 4G (SGH-i997), which was released as a new model just one (1) year (at this writing) ago, in May of 2011. It was released with 2.2 Froyo on it. Go figure.
The 2.3 Gingerbread upgrade was only released in February 2012, then promptly (like, literally, after only 3 days) withdrawn; then re-released in April of 2012.
I finally upgraded to 2.3.6 Gingerbread this month (at this writing), in May of 2012. I learned from my Samsung Captivate 2.3 Gingerbread update/upgrade experience that one should back-up everything to a PC, and then restore the phone to factory state before applying the 2.3 Gingerbread upgrade/update; and that said upgrade/update should be applied immediately after said restoral to factory state. Doing it that way -- and ONLY that way -- virtually guarantees that the upgraded 2.3 Gingerbread installation will be good and accurate and reliable. The rationale is that the Samsung/AT&T engineers, when they were testing the 2.3 Gingerbread upgrade, obviously test using only phones in 2.2 Froyo factory state. Stop and think about it: What else would they use? And so just about the only way for the end-user to ensure that s/he will end-up with the same results as said engineers would be to replicate what they did. By doing that on both the Captivate and the Infuse, I got perfect, pristine, error-free 2.3 Gingerbread updates/upgrades, while most others (who applied the 2.3 updates/upgrades to 2.2 Froyo phones which had been in use for a while) got into forums and complained that this wasn't working, or that wasn't working. They had troubles. I did not. Do the math.
So, in any case, everything on my Infuse 4G since the 2.3 Gingerbread update/upgrade has been terrific. Perfect. Not a single problem. And one thing I know, for sure, is that when I went into...
Menu > Settings > Manage Applications
...and then if I pressed on an app which was movable to SD (but which was installed to the device), the little button to the right of the "Clear Data" button had the words "Move to SD Card" on it (or some variant thereof... perhaps "Move to SD storage"... I can't remember, excatly. The point is, that the purpose of the button was to move the app from its place of installation in the phone's 2GB of internal/processing storage, out to the phone's 2GB external SD card. In both 2.2 Froyo, and now the upgraded/updated 2.3 Gingerbread, that has always been that button's purpose. That I can't, now, remember the precise words on said button doesn't change that point.
Now, though, suddenly (and inexplicably) that button has the words "Move to USB storage" on it.
That's the symptom that the thread-starter, here, was trying to convey: The button which used to say "Move to SD storage" on it all of a sudden contains the words "Move to USB storage."
And there's yet another (I believe related) symptom: If I open an "App2SD" type app (such as, in my case, specifically, the App2SD component of the "ZDBox" app), and then ask it to take a look at the external SD card, it, indeed "sees" what apps are installed out onto the external SD card...
...yet the amount of free space thereon which it reports is not the free space on the external SD card but, rather, the free space on the internal SD card.
Confused? Here... let me try too explain a little differently...
The Samsung Infuse 4G ships with a non-removable 16GB internal solid state storage card in it; and also with a little 2GB card in the phone's external SD card slot.
Two (2) gigabytes (2GB) of the 16GB solid state card is partitioned-off to become the phone's "internal/processing" storage... where apps are installed, and temp files are created, and RAM paging occurs, etc., etc. All phones have it... on some phones it's only 1GB, on others (like mine) it's 2GB, and on newer phones it's 3GB or sometimes (though rarely) even 4GB.
The remaining 14GB of the non-removable 16GB internal is called "internal SD" storage. By reading various forums, one can see that many users are confused by this "internal SD" storage because it behaves like "external SD" storage in most ways (and so all kinds of music and photos and whatever else the user wants to store in it may be so stored), yet the phone's OS refuses to see this 14GB of "internal SD" storage as true "SD" storage for purposes of "App2SD." This problem is particularly well-known among Samsung Captivate (SGH-i897) users, who often complain in forum postings that they can't move anything to SD using App2SD technology...
...and that's because, again, the Android OS simply refuses to "see" the 14GB of "internal SD" as true "SD" storage... ostensiibly because it's got a 2GB system partition on it.
So Samsung wised-up when it released the Infuse 4G (SGH-i997). Unlike the Captivate (which shipped with an empty external SD card slot), the Infuse 4G shipped with a little 2GB SD card in its external SD slot.
So, then, in other words, the Infuse 4G shipped with the 16GB internal solid state card which was partitioned into a 2GB "internal/processing" storage system partition, plus a 14GB "internal SD" mass storage partition. And then, additionally, there was a 2GB external SD card in the external SD card slot.
Moreover, because of this, Samsung then slightly modified the Android OS on the Infuse such that all apps which could be installed to external SD (using App2SD technology) were automatically so installed... by default. This is different from how the Captivate behaves, to wit: Even if a Captivate has a an SD (be it plain ol' SD, or a higher-capacity SDHC) card installed into its external SD card slot, it still always installs all apps to the 2GB of internal/processing storage; and then if the user wants whatever apps are capable of being installed out to external SD installed thereto, then s/he must do it manually. So the Infuse 4G, then, default use of external SD storage for app installation (using App2SD technology) an integral part of its OS.
And the reason, obviously, is that it's very easy to put too much into the 2GB of internal/processing/system storage, and either slow-down or choke the phone. Both the Captivate and the Infuse 4G really start to become dogs once the 2GB of internal/processing/system storage gets down below around 512K in size. So by installing out onto an external SD card as many apps as will allow themselves to be so installed, the Infuse 4G can keep the avalable working space in its 2GB of internal/processing/system storage as big as possible. Take it from me (who has tried it both with all apps installed internally, and with about half of them installed out onto external SD), it makes a huge difference. The Samsung Infuse 4G which has as many apps as possible installed out onto the external SD card (using App2SD technology) is considerably faster and more responsive than one with all its apps installed to the 2GB of internal/processing/system storage.
So, then, Samsung, having installed a 2GB SD card into the external SD slot in new, as-shipped Infuse 4G phones, decided to make its actual App2SD-style use something which it does by default (unlike the Captivate). With an Infuse 4G, whatever can be installed out to the external SD card will be so installed, by default; and so then if the user wants it installed back in the 2GB of internal/processing/system storage, s/he must manually so move it. Again, the Captivate, even if it has an SD card installed into its external SD card slot will not behave that way.
Okay... so, then, that's how the Infuse 4G ships from the factory. And with both the factory-installed/shipped 2.2 Froyo, and also even after the 2.3 Gingerbread update/upgrade, the App2SD button in the applications management area of the phone always had the words "Move to SD storage" on it (that is, unless the app was simply not capable of being moved to external SD, in which case said button was grayed-out... but even then it still had the same "Move to SD storage" words on it).
Moreover, under both the factory-installed 2.2 Froyo, and also under the 2.3 Gingerbread update/upgrade, any third-party App2SD apps which were able to report both used and avialable external SD space would always report what was on the SD card in the actual external SD card slot, not what's both used and available in the "internal SD" card. Such apps, in other words, never got confused about which SD storage is the true "external" storage.
However, the symptom which the thread-starter and I now have, suddenly and inexplicably (in my case, after about three weeks of trouble-free post-Gingerbread-upgrade/update use; and in his case, after I have no idea what) is that all of a sudden...
a) the App2SD button which used to say "Move to SD storage" on it now says "Move to USB storage" on it; and,
b) at least on my phone, any third-party App2SD apps accurately show any apps installed out on the external SD card, but when they report how much space is both used and available thereon, it actually reports what's in the "internal SD" storage... where, trust me, no apps are installed.
So, then, the bottom line would appear to be that the external SD card is being recognized as external SD for purposes of having apps installed onto it, but the OS is calling it "USB storage;" and (perhaps) because of that, all reporting as to used/available external SD space is being read from the "internal SD" card, where no apps are installed.
So, then, I ask the experts here: What's causing this? And why would the symptom, at least in the case of my phone, rear its ugly head only after about three weeks of perfectly excellent post-Gingerbread-update/upgrade performance?
Here's something which may be relevant... and, in fact, I believe it's actually somehow the culprit: When I updated/upgraded to 2.3 Gingerbread, I did the pre-update/upgrade factory reset, and then the update/upgrade, itself, with the factory-installed 2GB SD card in the external SD card slot. And so, therefore, it got initialized and reformatted as part of the factory reset (to factory-state 2.2 Froyo), and was also read as "native" during the 2.3 Gingerbread update/upgrade. And all of my trouble-free post-Gingerbread-update/upgrade use was with the 2GB card in the external SD card slot.
However, just a few days ago, I upgraded that little 2GB external SD card to a big 32GB SDHC card. But I didn't just do it willy-nilly. I was careful. First, I backed-up everything on the 2GB card to my PC; then I unmounted the 2GB card; then powered-down the phone; then removed it. Then, with the phone still off, I inserted the 32GB card; then I powered-up the phone; then I unmounted the 32GB card; then I reformated it (under 2.3 Gingerbread); then I rebooted the phone; and then I restored everything from the 2GB card backup on the PC to the new 32GB card.
And the phone seemed to work okay thereafter. My mistake, for our purposes, here, is that I didn't go look at the App2SD button and see if it still had the words "Move to SD storage" on it, or whether it at that point said "Move to USB storage" on it, after installing the 32GB card and restoring the 2GB card's contents to it.
So, then, my suspicion, obviously, is that the problem is due to the post-Gingerbread-update/upgrade substitution of the 32GB card for the original factory-installed 2GB card.
And so I would ask the thread-starter if he did anything like that, too. However, since it appears that he got the symptom immediately after his 2.3 Gingerbread update/upgrade (and I didn't see mine until three weeks later, after swapping the factory-installed 2GB external SD card for a big 32GB SDHC one), our symptoms, though similar, may actually be caused by different things. Who knows.
What both the thread-starter and I are looking for, here, though, is some help -- some ideas, thoughts, notions, suspicions, etc. -- from the people around here whom we've come to realize tend to know more about these phones than almost anyone else. This forum is where all the real experts are...
...and we were hoping that at least one of them could somehow shed some light on this.
One theory I had was that even though I formatted the new 32GB card in the phone, under 2.3 Gingerbread, I nevertheless moved the hidden...
.android secure
...folder (where the apps installed to the external SD card using App2SD technology are installed) from the 2GB card's backup on my PC to the new 32GB rather than using the...
.android secure
...folder that is automatically created by the formatting on the phone. In other words, once I formatted the 32GB card in the phone, I then promptly deleted the...
.android secure
...folder, and also the...
...folder to make the 32GB card completely empty (except for formatting information); and then I simply copied those folders...
.android secure
...over from the 2GB card's backup on the PC over to the new 32GB card. I did all this, it's worthy of note, via a USB connection between the phone and the PC.
I had hoped that because it was all done using a USB connection (with the phone connected to the PC via USB, and said phone being told to make said connection in "mass storage" mode), and so, then, because the phone was actually writing to the 32GB card (as opposed to my removing said 32GB card from the phone and inserting it directly into the PC), the writing of the...
.android secure
...folder would be the same as when said folder is created during formatting. But my fear, now, is that it was not...
...and that that's the reason why the phone's App2SD components are now calling the 32GB SDHC card in the phone's external SD slot "USB storage;" even though for App2SD purposes, the phone's still installing stuff there.
So, then, my further question is: Is my hunch correct? Did my moving the...
.android secure
...folder from the 2GB card's backup on the PC, over to the new 32GB card (rather than using the one created by formatting), somehow confuse the phone into exhibiting its current symptoms?
For what it's worth, as a test of that theory, I moved all apps from the external SD card back to the 2GB internal/processing/system storage (which, yes, slowed-down my phone a little... but that's okay temporarily); then I rebooted; then I unmounted the external SD card; then I reformatted it; then I rebooted again.
However, sadly, even after that, the App2SD part of the OS still sees that card as "USB storage," and so the words "Move to USB storage" (rather than "Move to SD storage") are still on the button which normally moves apps from phone to SD (using App2SD technology).
I realize that I can fix all this by just backing-up everything to my PC, and then doing a complete GSM reset of the phone back to factory state (though, technically, it would be 2.3 Gingerbread "factory state"... which, because the phone only ever shipped with 2.2 Froyo on it, would be a misnomer); then restore contacts and bookmarks and stuff; and then just reinstall everything.
And that's what I'm right on the cusp of doing...
...but I'm hesitant only because I just did all that post-Gingerbread/update/upgrade. And so I'm loathe to go and do it all again...
...expecially because I don't know what caused the symptom in the first place.
That said, if I'm right that it has something to do with the upgrade from the 2GB external SD card to the 32GB one, then one thing that would be different this time is that the new 32GB card would be initialized as the phone's external SD card as part of the factory reset...
...which might just do the trick.
Still, I want the thoughts/opinions of the experts, here, before I do it.
So, then, you experts out there...
...thoughts? Opinions? Criticisms? Ridicule? I'm open to it all.
Thanks, in advance, for the help.
Looking forward to hearing from... er... well... at least someone.

OK I didn't read the previous post but move to SD and USB storage have the same function. So don't worry.


[Q] System Storage vs. USB Storage

Just recently got my Note, and it's the best phone I've ever had. Love all the storage as well. But I'm curious though, how come everything downloaded goes to system storage rather than USB storage? (I have all this space in USB storage, but nothing seems to go there)
Because you are a noob I won't Delete this thread I ll move to Q&A post anymore in the wrong area and they get deleted, only warning-- Moderator
Beethoven9th said:
Just recently got my Note, and it's the best phone I've ever had. Love all the storage as well. But I'm curious though, how come everything downloaded goes to system storage rather than USB storage? (I have all this space in USB storage, but nothing seems to go there)
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System storage is just where Android prefers to install applications, in a partition that can't be accessed without root access (and therefore doesn't need to be "shut down" when you turn on USB storage mode).
Since most apps are only a few megabytes, and you have almost 2 gigabytes of System storage, it's no big deal. You'll have to work VERY hard to fill up System storage with applications.
USB storage is where a lot of the data lives (cached map files, music, downloads, etc). Plenty of space there, for sure, but it's also "off limits" to Android when USB is mounted on a computer.
But if you really want to use it instead of system storage (I don't recommend it), you can go to Applications/Manage Applications then pick the app you want, click on it, and there will be a button that says "Move to SD Card". Keep in mind that things will load slower off USB storage as well, it's formatted differently and takes longer to read and write.
Back in the bad old days when HTC called a lot of the shots in the Android world, system storage was TINY, 512 or 256 megabytes, and internal USB storage really didn't exist (needed an external SD card). So it was a big deal when Froyo was released with official "apps2SD" support, allowing people to move apps the the external SD card.
Samsung blew that trend all to hell with the original Galaxy S, with unheard of HUGE System and internal USB storage, along with support for an external SD card. Now everyone follows suite with at large System storage, to be competitive with Samsung, and because memory is much cheaper these days as well.

[Q] Question about how the storage on the M8 is mounted

Considering how many people have used one of these by now, I was wondering if anybody could answer this.
One thing that drove me crazy about some Motorola and Samsung phones with 16+GB of internal storage, is that the storage was partitioned off and the usable space was mounted as if it was an sd card. This really wrecked havoc on apps that are supposed to save data to the SD card, because they would think the internal storage was the SD card and save to there. Not only was this annoying for some backup-based apps, but games which need to download anywhere from 500MB to 3GB of resources would install to the (usually 10GB or less after the rest is partitioned to the system) internal storage, thinking they were installing to the sd card. Basically, the sd card was only usable for photos, videos, and music... and file managers. The phone might as well not have an SD slot.
So far every HTC phone I have had hasen't been this way, the EVO 3D I currently has mounts the internal storage as actual internal storage, so apps correctly download these large amounts of data to the SD card. I didn't get a One because the lack of a SD slot was a dealbreaker for me, but now I am extremely interested in the M8 (Just a shame it isn't water proof like the S5 or Z2, oh well).
I am curious about how it treats it's internal storage however, since it starts out at 16GB(although it appears the Sprint version will be 32GB). Does it actually mount it as internal storage, so apps who want to write to the SD card would be writing to the real SD card itself, or does it work like the Samsung and Motorola phones where it partitions off part of it's internal storage as if it was external, making apps think that it's internal storage is the SD card?
I really hope it doesn't mount it's internal memory as if it was the SD card.
I have the Evo LTE, and it has the same storage space as the new One (16gb internal with a microSD slot). It treats the memory as internal SD and external SD. Most apps are saved to the internal SD. Only a mere few (XDA is the only one that comes to mind) can be saved/moved to the ext SD.
I hope that this answers your question.
aarsyl said:
I have the Evo LTE, and it has the same storage space as the new One (16gb internal with a microSD slot). It treats the memory as internal SD and external SD. Most apps are saved to the internal SD. Only a mere few (XDA is the only one that comes to mind) can be saved/moved to the ext SD.
I hope that this answers your question.
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The latest update to the EVO LTE changed the way storage was handled. They got rid of the internal SD so all of the 16 Gb was treated as phone storage. I would imagine that the M8 will be the same, especially given how Kit Kat treats memory cards.
ahecht said:
The latest update to the EVO LTE changed the way storage was handled. They got rid of the internal SD so all of the 16 Gb was treated as phone storage.
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Wouldn't something like that require re-partitioning of the flash ROM? I remember when I asked if it was possible to do this on a Galaxy S4 with a custom ROM I was told it would require re-partitioning the internal memory and be extremely risky and possible to brick.
Granted though, I would love it if the M8 handled memory this way. Has anyone here tried one and can confirm or deny this?
Cyber Akuma said:
Wouldn't something like that require re-partitioning of the flash ROM? I remember when I asked if it was possible to do this on a Galaxy S4 with a custom ROM I was told it would require re-partitioning the internal memory and be extremely risky and possible to brick.
Granted though, I would love it if the M8 handled memory this way. Has anyone here tried one and can confirm or deny this?
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Yes, the Android 4.3 update for the EVO 4G LTE was distributed as an RUU that repartitioned the internal memory.
The repartitioning to the LTE brings it in line with the first HTC One in terms of internal storage. It does mean that USB file transferring becomes MTP-only (no more mounting the partition directly). I find MTP rather slow (and at least under Linux, unreliable)... It's annoyed me to no end dealing with my wife's HTC One. At least the faster CPU than my Evo 4G LTE should make SFTP not glacially slow.
gbritton said:
The repartitioning to the LTE brings it in line with the first HTC One in terms of internal storage. It does mean that USB file transferring becomes MTP-only (no more mounting the partition directly). I find MTP rather slow (and at least under Linux, unreliable)... It's annoyed me to no end dealing with my wife's HTC One. At least the faster CPU than my Evo 4G LTE should make SFTP not glacially slow.
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The external SD can still be mounted in Mass Storage mode on the EVO LTE, so hopefully that'll also be the case on the M8.
Mounted as SDCARD
Cyber Akuma said:
Considering how many people have used one of these by now, I was wondering if anybody could answer this.
One thing that drove me crazy about some Motorola and Samsung phones with 16+GB of internal storage, is that the storage was partitioned off and the usable space was mounted as if it was an sd card. This really wrecked havoc on apps that are supposed to save data to the SD card, because they would think the internal storage was the SD card and save to there. Not only was this annoying for some backup-based apps, but games which need to download anywhere from 500MB to 3GB of resources would install to the (usually 10GB or less after the rest is partitioned to the system) internal storage, thinking they were installing to the sd card. Basically, the sd card was only usable for photos, videos, and music... and file managers. The phone might as well not have an SD slot.
So far every HTC phone I have had hasen't been this way, the EVO 3D I currently has mounts the internal storage as actual internal storage, so apps correctly download these large amounts of data to the SD card. I didn't get a One because the lack of a SD slot was a dealbreaker for me, but now I am extremely interested in the M8 (Just a shame it isn't water proof like the S5 or Z2, oh well).
I am curious about how it treats it's internal storage however, since it starts out at 16GB(although it appears the Sprint version will be 32GB). Does it actually mount it as internal storage, so apps who want to write to the SD card would be writing to the real SD card itself, or does it work like the Samsung and Motorola phones where it partitions off part of it's internal storage as if it was external, making apps think that it's internal storage is the SD card?
I really hope it doesn't mount it's internal memory as if it was the SD card.
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I also was using HTC EVO 3D. Now I am using HTC One M8. This phone treats Internal Storage as SDCARD and External Storage card as SDCARD2. I am also seeing this as problematic. I don't want to root at this point of time and just living with it with my M8. I rooted EVO3D and had complete Freedom even with CM 11 (KK 4.4.3). Lets wait and watch...

Marshmallow, SD Cards, App Data storage

I feel like I'm missing something. I recently upgraded to Marshmallow on my 8gb Moto G (2014). I saw the stuff about the adopted SD so I thought I'd try it with my 16gb card. I did this and then I found that Google Play and Pocket Casts, my two big data apps, are impossible to move to adopted storage. My internal storage filled up pretty much instantly with music and podcasts. Since my SD card is encrypted I can't just drop my music onto it with USB anymore.
So I go reformat my SD card and have it be portable. Now it's impossible to move the data from Google Play, Pocket Casts and Merlin Bird ID app to my SD card as I used to be able to. Any new pictures I take are also saved with the app on internal storage. So now with my SD card as portable my internal storage fills up quickly and I'm once again boned.
Am I missing something? This new SD card management thing is worlds worse for me than Lollipop and I'm really tempted to downgrade but I feel like I'm missing something. Should I learn how to partition my SD card and make some of it adopted and some portable? Am I missing a setting or button to fix this?
You can connect your phone on the computer and access the SD card as always on MM, at least you should be able to (I am).
If your SD card doesn't appear when you connect your phone on your PC try to chance the connection setting on the notification area.
The new SD card management thing just makes your data more... Secure. It doesn't forbid you of copying things to your SD card via USB (but accessing it via an adapter is forbidden, tho)
I just upgraded wife's 2014 moto g last night and initially used her original 32gb card, but allowed it to be formatted for internal storage. Now i'm trying to use a 128 card I bought tonight. It keeps dropping out of the format with some sort of Java error message that goes away quickly. I have to then "fix" the card with mini partition manager on a Windows PC. It works fine for the other storage type. I tried even a 64GB Fat32 partition with other half not formatted, does same thing. I think Android is reformatting from scratch and it appears creating another smaller partition (as that what partition manager shows). Any ideas? I suppose this new Android scheme is only good for up to 32GB cards.
If you have SuperSu, untick 'Mount namespace separation'.
It causes SD problems.

Confused about using micro SD cards on this phone

Just received my RP2 yesterday and I'm really confused on how SD cards are used. I currently have it formatted as portable.
Here's the problems I'm seeing:
- Camera doesn't have an option to save to SD card.
- The Google photos app doesn't see any pictures/videos on my SD card.
- plugging into my Windows 10 computer, I only see internal storage.
I've tried formatting as internal, didn't seem to resolve any of the issues above. Not sure I like the idea as internal. When does it decide to use the SD card? It even warned that apps may be slower when formatting as internal.
So far I'm only able to use my SD card for Netflix downloads and Google Play Music downloads.
Never had this problem with any previous phones (Xperia XZ1, Nokia 7.1, LG G6)
I've noticed this on my razer phone aswell tried to use a 128gb card and it just absolutely tanked my loading speeds to the point phone wouldn't boot with said sd card in mounted as internal storage. Took said card out phone works fine. It was a class 10 speed too guess they need to be alot faster in read/writes to work properly
It appears the photos app couldn't see my SD card due to a common bug. I had to clear data and cache from system apps "Media Storage" and "Settings Storage". After clearing, photos app now sees my SD card and I can also see it when plugged into a computer.

Moved some apps to SD Card and Internal Storage still full

Anyone else have an issue when trying to format an SD Card as Internal Storage? I just got a 128GB Samsung EVO Plus UHC 3 Class 10 SD Card for the purpose of extending the small 64 gb storage on the unit. When its formatted as internal it shows as a 256 GB Card with 132 GB Being used. When i go to app mgr and transfer the apps to SD Card i see the relative increase in space being used on my SD Card however my internal storage space stays just as full, which i believe shouldn't be the case. Anyone else have a similar issue, or know any workarounds to this issue? I do not think its device related as my girlfriends Razerphone 2 is acting the same way with the card i got for her. When we format it as removable storage it shows up correctly as a 128 GB but i dont want to be restricted to media only i dont plan on removing this card from the device.
Any assistance is much appreciated!
I have same issue but know not ofa work around or fix.
Even when you move apps to the SD card, the amount of data moved varies, and you'll still have necessary files on the internal storage. So I doubt you'll ever fully resolve that.
Regarding the idea in general, it's not a good idea to install apps on to the SD card in the first place. They are not designed to handle the amount of data writing that happens with normal app use and can corrupt the card relatively quickly. It's best to leave apps on the internal storage, and just put independent files (photos, videos, documents, etc) on the card.
Mr_Mooncatt said:
Even when you move apps to the SD card, the amount of data moved varies, and you'll still have necessary files on the internal storage. So I doubt you'll ever fully resolve that.
Regarding the idea in general, it's not a good idea to install apps on to the SD card in the first place. They are not designed to handle the amount of data writing that happens with normal app use and can corrupt the card relatively quickly. It's best to leave apps on the internal storage, and just put independent files (photos, videos, documents, etc) on the card.
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Yeah but that isnt quite the issue. I see the gigs of storage space on my SD get used but the space on my internal storage remains exactly the same as it was before i moved as well. I paid extra for the Class 3 card just for better read and write speeds to be usable as internal storage. The 64 gigs on this is too little and id rather not have to redownload apps every time i decide to change a game.
On my previous HTC 10 with Android 8 when i combined my SD as internal it basically combined as a single storage with my internal had just one big storage drive. I didnt have a class 3 card for that one, it definitely slowed things down but was hoping for better results with this faster SD, just now it seems like the feature is broken and not working as intended on this Device model altogether

