After installing the latest Rocket Rom V20, i noticed that the widgets were grouped by app, now after a couple of days i noticed that the widgets aren't grouped anymore. Any way to make them grouped again ?
If you are using an different Launcher, you can modify in launcher settings.
using adw, any idea where it is ?
it's called AppWidgetPicker and it should be present in most custom ROMs for gNote.
Link to original thread
Is anyone working on or have a themed TouchWiz Launcher? I like the TW launcher because it is lightweight and doesn't take up a lot of memory (even with the friends widget active). But it is not very customizable.
The only modified one I have seen is the Crush TW launcher which has a 5 icon dockbar, and I like it but it doesn't allow me to add the friends widget or set custom pictures for icons.
Can the normal TW launchers framework me modified through Ninja Morph, etc?
What are you looking for?
Just a Tw launcher with a 4 icon customizable dock that maybe allows folders and custom shortcuts. Maybe with dark themed touchwiz widgets. I thought something was out there...but am having trouble finding anything.
Sent from my fascinate
stelv said:
Is anyone working on or have a themed TouchWiz Launcher? I like the TW launcher because it is lightweight and doesn't take up a lot of memory (even with the friends widget active). But it is not very customizable.
The only modified one I have seen is the Crush TW launcher which has a 5 icon dockbar, and I like it but it doesn't allow me to add the friends widget or set custom pictures for icons.
Can the normal TW launchers framework me modified through Ninja Morph, etc?
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The TeamCarbon Steel Blue theme has a blue themed touch wiz launcher that has a customizable dockbar. (I also use BetterCut to create my own customer app icons.)
ED01 CommROM ~1.3 TeamCarbon/BigLoofs_STEEL BLUE V1.75
stelv said:
Just a Tw launcher with a 4 icon customizable dock that maybe allows folders and custom shortcuts. Maybe with dark themed touchwiz widgets. I thought something was out there...but am having trouble finding anything.
Sent from my fascinate
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Good day, find it a tad odd that you're having trouble getting the friends widget to work with my launcher, BuddiesNow should work, and nobody has reported any problems so far. If you're looking for dark themed touchwiz widgets, then it's not the launcher that's responsible for that, but the widgets themselves. I'd suggest the Vibrant's TW widgets, they're the darkest themed out of all of em, I have a modded Vibrant BuddiesNow in my thread. And as mentioned above, BetterCut can be used to edit some images, though from the TouchWizLauncher itself, only folders, the App Drawer icon, Google Search widget I think, and I guess the page dots are what can be changed.
CrushD said:
Good day, find it a tad odd that you're having trouble getting the friends widget to work with my launcher, BuddiesNow should work, and nobody has reported any problems so far. If you're looking for dark themed touchwiz widgets, then it's not the launcher that's responsible for that, but the widgets themselves. I'd suggest the Vibrant's TW widgets, they're the darkest themed out of all of em, I have a modded Vibrant BuddiesNow in my thread. And as mentioned above, BetterCut can be used to edit some images, though from the TouchWizLauncher itself, only folders, the App Drawer icon, Google Search widget I think, and I guess the page dots are what can be changed.
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Thank you for the advice and your work. I finally did get the TW widgets to work with your launcher. I had to push them into system/apps with root explorer before I pushed your launcher. Its all good now. I have been pushing items with root explorer because amend zips will not work with my edify CWR.
I am currently running the Miuiwiz Rom now, but I am going to use your launcher when I go back to Com Rom or EF. Thanks for the response.
For those of you who are Miui fans out there, I ran into a Miui Launcher. And it's as close as it gets to the official ROM's launcher. From no app drawer, to the dock, to the widgets, to the themes. After editing my build.prop and changing my VMheap and Maxperseconds or whatever that one is, I went back to the Stock Launcher and there were no redraws or any problems. I love Miui icons so i installed custom shorcuts from the market to add my Miui icons to my frequently used apps on my stock launcher. I love the blur effect when switching from screen to screen. Then Unfortunately, i ran into a problem. I found this Miui Launcher and man it is pretty amazing! Now i don't know which launcher to use so ima sleep on it and hopefully I can make a decision based on your feedback but check it out. I left the link to share with ya'll!
Yours truly,
Miui seems cool to me, and that theme looks good, but I personally have no problem with the stock one (yet, As I'm still new to android devices). Only thing I'm trying to change is the notification bar.
How do I remove this launcher and revert back to stock?
Just go to settings applications then manage, and uninstall the miui launcher
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I tried this out the other day, a few apps are in chinese as well as the clock widget.
I loved the ICS calendar (agenda) and photo gallery widgets from the previous builds, how can I get them for the official ICS? Thanks!
Also, any way to use S planner widget on Nova launcher?
It seems this update is still incompatible with many icons/widgets ATM. I have many icons missing using Go Launcher EX and it suffers from a lot of lag over GB.
I guess only time will be the cure for now.
Update: I pulled gallery apk from cm9 and put it in system/ works! The widget is there!
Unfortunately, calendar, doesn't work...I tried moving calender and calenderprovider apk's from cm9 over but it won't show up after reboot, and won't install (says existing app with conflicting certificate exists?). Any advice?
Along these same lines...can I replace MMS.apk from CM9 over the stock ICS one? I much prefer the look. Also the dialer? Will this be safe?
Also, in regards to the S planner conflicting? Can I just backup/delete s planner and then install CM9 calendar apk?
I noticed, that in apex launcher i don't have some widgets that i do have in stock tuchwiz. For example the weather widget or s planer widget. I got really used to apex but I would like to use that widgets to. Is there any fix to this problem?
Btw, I'm using latest alliance rom (LSA leak).
I was searching for a solution to this as well. This is a known issue currently without a fix.
The stock widgets comes from the Touch Wiz UI, therefore you can't find it in other UI. It is not totally impossible to make it available in other UI, but most users wanted to use another UI because it has better widgets and mods, so it is unlikely that you will find stock widgets in other UI. I personally prefer the SPlanner widget, so I am still staying on TW.
I hope this clears things up. If you find this helpful, please press thank button. :fingers-crossed:
I am currently running ARHD and I used Rom cleaner to delete the sense launcher and I'm using Nova.
I was looking through the system files and noticed that most of the sense widgets are still there, i.e. calculator, tasks widget.
My question is, am I able to somehow make those available on the Nova Launcher.
I know there is a thread in the mods section where someone made a .zip file that has some of the widgets but not the ones I want so I wanna try it myself. I was able to take some apks and move them to system/app and they work pretty good so far so I thought it shouldn't be too hard.