Title pretty much says it. To clarify: we are starting to experience not receiving texts. When we discuss with the sender, we find they have sent to several people at once.
Is anyone else experiencing that? Any fix?
ewingr said:
Title pretty much says it. To clarify: we are starting to experience not receiving texts. When we discuss with the sender, we find they have sent to several people at once.
Is anyone else experiencing that? Any fix?
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Is the sender an iPhone user? iPhone group texts go out as MMS, which Google Voice doesn't support.
Hmmm....that's interesting. Given so many folks are iPhone users, that could almost negate the value of GV, as it relates to using for texting.
I know that not all of the folks sending them are iPhone users.
I know I have gotten texts from my sister who I believe is an iPhone users. But now I need to double check that.
My wife was with her friends this morning, and thd texting discussion came up. Turns out that many strange things happening for them when sending to a group: some get them, some don't; some get them as if from a different person than who sent it. I'm beginning to think that SMS group sending is just problematic. I would tend to think that maybe they are doing it wrong, but I don't see how a person could even do it in a way to hve a message look like it came from someone else.
Thanks for your thoughts.
ewingr said:
Hmmm....that's interesting. Given so many folks are iPhone users, that could almost negate the value of GV, as it relates to using for texting.
I know that not all of the folks sending them are iPhone users.
I know I have gotten texts from my sister who I believe is an iPhone users. But now I need to double check that.
My wife was with her friends this morning, and thd texting discussion came up. Turns out that many strange things happening for them when sending to a group: some get them, some don't; some get them as if from a different person than who sent it. I'm beginning to think that SMS group sending is just problematic. I would tend to think that maybe they are doing it wrong, but I don't see how a person could even do it in a way to hve a message look like it came from someone else.
Thanks for your thoughts.
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I agree that it is odd. I never noticed it until recently, although it that could be due to me not paying attention as much as anything. I wouldn't have picked up on it at all except that I use GoSMS with popups and, instead of showing the message when I get a group message from my wife (who has an iPhone), I get the MMS icon. Click on it and you get the message.
As far as I can tell, iPhone (and maybe others, I'm honestly don't know) send their group messages as MMS. If another iPhone user replies to it, all of the original recipients get the reply. If I reply, only the sender gets it. I think it has to do with if the message goes out as an iMessage. I don't know what makes an iMessage special, but I do know that my wife can't send one if she doesn't have a data connection, which would support the MMS theory. I'll look into it more when I get home from work tomorrow and see if I can figure it out.
I dumped Google Voice due to it's lack of MMS support as well. You just can't expect people to remember to send pictures to one number and text messages to another, it's just not a realistic expectation. I just use it for voicemail now.
I did validate that I do get text messages from my Sister, who is on an iPHone.
But regarding pictures, I don't really get or send pictures, and don't particularly care. If I want to share pictures, I typically do it on Facebook, or put on my picture site, and send links.
I do feel though that GV should support pictures. I don't know if that is in the future for GV or not.
I am a little confused. Are you saying that when you did use GV, you did get TExts from iPhone users, but if setn to a group you also got it ,but only sender got your reply?
Again, we do get individual texts from iPhone users, but not when they send to a group...at least not consistently.
ewingr said:
I am a little confused. Are you saying that when you did use GV, you did get TExts from iPhone users, but if setn to a group you also got it ,but only sender got your reply?
Again, we do get individual texts from iPhone users, but not when they send to a group...at least not consistently.
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I worded it strangely. What I meant was that on my normal phone number (not using GV), if I get a text message from an iPhone user it comes through as a regular text message. If I get a group message, however, I get it as an MMS. If I reply to that text, just the sender gets it (I believe anyway), but if anyone with an iPhone replies, every recipient (including me) gets their reply.
Since Google Voice doesn't support MMS of any sort, I get the same behavior that you are describing: on my GV number I can get text messages sent just to me from iPhone users, but I don't get any sort of group text sent from an iPhone to my GV number.
Thanks for the clarification.
I suspect that the ones my wife is having problem with then are iPhone users. I'll have her double check.
Yep. Found out group text msgs from iPhone won't come thru to GV. Come on Google....
PLease i just realised that i was still getting charged for sending text messages, even though i have tha total intertnet plan from tmobile.
I was just wondering if anyone knows of a program that would let me send text messages bypassing the cellular network, and using my internet,(be it wifi or edge or gprs) to carry the messages.
Kinda like when you use your computer to send texts to phones, is there a program for windows mobile?
thank you in advance
I believe there are a few websites out there to send messages with, tmobile used to have a public SMS application, however I am unsure of any method of "relaying" an SMS message through the included pocket outlook sms handler to one of those sites transparently.
thank you. I still will be awaiting answers.
moyofalaye said:
thank you. I still will be awaiting answers.
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one approach might be to use an email server to bounce the messages to sms email addresses.
say you use the email side of the messaging app, either through synching to exchange or through a pop, imap or whatever, and point the email at the sms address, I forget what the tmobile address is, but for example it would be like [email protected]
I guess that semi solves the problem without any programming, you would just need each carrier's email address, and specify a return address that would go to your phone for when they SMS back.
CaptDistraction said:
moyofalaye said:
thank you. I still will be awaiting answers
previous:H6315(hell in gadget form), Tmo original xda PPCPE.
CaptDistraction, you need to be creative about the 6315; I gave mine to my wife when I upgraded to to 8125. Got rid of the memory hogs and you can't imagine how our relationship has improved, we now talk about the same techy stuff; she complaing, I fixing by the way she no longer complains about how much time I spend with my phone, cause she's now doing the same. Now we have no time to talk to each other...... :twisted:
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Haha, I tried every rom out there, I kept the device for a while and finally sold it to support the MDA purchase.
Man I messed with that 6315 to no end, had so much stuff going on with it trying different app combos, spent hours in the registry, no matter how simple I kept it, I couldn't ever get it to answer calls in a timely fashion.
My biggest love with the MDA is when you press that green answer button, it immediately picks up the call.
Seems SMS messages are restricted to 160 characters on my Diamond, anything over and it goes into a second SMS. Is there a way to extend this?
I've searched the forum, but I couldn't find a solution... either that or my searching skills are nil points
even if you changed it on your end. the received phone would still split the message.
You sure? I don't understand. I could type bigger texts than this on my old phones. Isn't there new versions of SMS that support more characters that have been out for a few years now? Or am I missing something?
hoolak said:
You sure? I don't understand. I could type bigger texts than this on my old phones. Isn't there new versions of SMS that support more characters that have been out for a few years now? Or am I missing something?
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It is called email
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Short_message_service
SMS is restricted to 160 characters each message. That isn't something with the Diamond but a limitation of the protocol -always, on every phone-. that's why it is called SMS: "SHORT message service".
Most modern phones, including the Diamond, are sending multiple messages to overcome this limit. In most cases the receiving phones are able to combine those segmented messages.
So, perhaps some settings (on you Diamond, or more likely on the other end) are mixed up.
So I just ignore the fact I can type text messages over 160 characters on my old LG/Sony phones without having to send two messages and get used to the fact my futuristic Diamond can't?
aaah, maybe it's an optical illusion. I just feel I'm having to send shorter text since getting this phone. Maybe I should reduce my font text size to help me from feeling/seeing things lol. Excuse my loco'ness.
As I said, your Diamond will overcome this restriction by dividing your text in seperate messages, you have to do nothing, just type what you want to type. If you are not able to do so, search for any relevant settings. I guess your Diamond isn't much different from mine, and mine is intelligent enough to do the job on its own.
Yeah, it will go over 160. So, if I do, the recipient will receive two (or more) text messages?
hoolak said:
Yeah, it will go over 160. So, if I do, the recipient will receive two (or more) text messages?
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Techically: yes. But he/she also did with messages send with your old phone. It all depends on the phone and settings used by the recipient if it actually shows up as seperate messages or if they will be combined again.
cheers. I shall put it to the test by text my girlfriends phone! Huzzah!
Succes! (and as this forum has a restriction of AT LEAST 10 characters, I type some nonsense as well )
Just send an MMS, its cheaper than two SMS (at least with my german contract) and you can send 300KB of text. That should cover even the longest short message ;-)
Well my phone contract allows me unlimited text messages (sms). I just didn't want to confuse ppl with my 2 part texts.
I did the test. Sent a text 180-odd characters long (Diamond said '2 messages').. received on a Sony Ericsson all contained in 1 text message. Damn you Diamond for making me flap.
You really don';t get it do you?
When you had to pay for your sms, you'd get really expensive.
Technically, in the 'mobile phone world', a SMS-message CAN NOT BE longer than 160 characters.
Not a single phone can do that.
So when your girls phone sais 1 message, it cleverly combines your 2 sent messages.
Send it to a ericsson t28
No, I really didn't get it, but now I do thanks to my thirst for knowledge and the helpful people of this forum.
Sorry if my lack of SMS protocol knowledge appauled you
With the new lineup of full keyboard phone, texting 160 characters if pretty easy to do, especially when your friends don't like to talk on the phone and strictly text. Has anybody found a registry hack to allow more than 160 characters? For instance, the woman has sent numerous texts to me and she has AT&T as do i, and there has been messages she sends that are well over 500 characters on her Pantech and it allows it.
phones already do this
you can send larger txts but your carrier charges you one text per 160 characters.
or you could use email
I have unlimited text so it really doesn't matter to me how many text messages I have in a month. Anybody?
bratch15 said:
I have unlimited text so it really doesn't matter to me how many text messages I have in a month. Anybody?
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Just keep typing then - the messages get sent in 160 character blocks, and re-assembled into one big message by the recipient's phone.
I guess what I'm asking is that when you go over 160 characters the phone splits the messages into two or however many messages. I've seen my woman type in messages that are well over 500 characters and when sent it shows up as one long message on her phone and on mine. Is there a way to increase the 160 character cut off so I can keep typing and send to other phones and they will see one long message? I'm sure shes getting charged for a couple message but the actually reading the message shows up as one long message.
Alright, thanks. Did not know that it does that so I end up erasing sentences and sending multiple messages. Sucks especially when you're fighting and trying to get a point across but now I know.
http://forum.xda-developers.com/images/smilies/smile.gif Well if you send your message n the form of an MMS then you'll have 1000 letters you can use. And if there's no media n the message then' you might b able to send a longer message!!!!http://forum.xda-developers.com/images/smilies/rolleyes.gif Hope that's helps your problem.. That's how I send a long message so it doesn't get broken up n2 separate message's.
I think its built into threading
I've seen my woman type in messages that are well over 500 characters and when sent it shows up as one long message on her phone and on mine.
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It happens when I text from my phone to anyone who has threading support for a windows mobile 6.1 phone
If you type above 160 characters in a regular SMS the person receiving it will get it as one message if they have a phone that supports it. If someone sends me a text with a Moto razr it will be split into 160 character messages instead of one long one
As Bajanman mms messages can hold more letters because it is data related unlike text messaging which rely on a back channel for cellular networks which costs the company 0 dollars to send as long as it is exactly 160 characters haha how ironic they charge us for something that was discovered to be free to the cell phone companies. Thank god for those unlimited texting plans that include the mms messages.
I keep getting texts from +474663. The text says "Content not supported". I have been getting them for months. I get charged for every incoming text receive, (except for my Favorite 5 contacts), so I have to forward the texts to a specific number to get them deducted off my bill. It's a pain in the a** and I would like to stop them.
How do I find out where they are coming from? I did try an app that blocks texts, but it didn't work.
My carrier can't do anything about, I asked them.
Have you test to google that number.
Isn't there some (Who has the telephone number) Internet site in Canada.
A long time ago (2004-2005) had I SE T630 that I failed to set up the MMS with my provider (didn't know that providers could send configurations settings by SMS).
My little sister though loved to take photos with her Samsung phone and send them as MMS to me. My provider then sent a SMS telling me that a MMS had been sent to my number.
Had for two years pre paid with Telenor and they would send me a SMS telling me how much money there was left, after each outgoing call and SMS.
Resulting in my simple SE T280i's SMS inbox was filled and also had missed "more or less important" SMS.
(After some time I stopped looking and erase the providers SMS's, resulting that "new messages icon" always was visible).
I still have the provider (now Halebop) to send a SMS when a certain amount of money been spent on calls and messages per month.
Have you texted back asking to stop?
MacaronyMax said:
Have you texted back asking to stop?
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Actually, yes, a couple of times with no luck.
Blåburk said:
Have you test to google that number.
Isn't there some (Who has the telephone number) Internet site in Canada.
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Yes and no. The first thing I did was Google the # and got no decent result.
So I guess there isn't any solution to this problem. People can just text anonymously and get away with it. I can't believe in this day of technology a person has to be subjected to crap text messages and has no recourse.
w98seeng said:
So I guess there isn't any solution to this problem. People can just text anonymously and get away with it. I can't believe in this day of technology a person has to be subjected to crap text messages and has no recourse.
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u gotta call your cell provider , and ask if you bought any service from anyone , they maybe even taking your money !!
and while ya at it , they can block the number for you too ..
If you have AT&T you can call them and tell them you want to block a specific number and they'll block it so that when that person texts you, AT&T will automatically send them a reply that says "this number is out of service" or something similar, and you'll never get their texts and won't be charged. Most providers probably offer something like that. I know this because back in college one of my girlfriends' moms didn't like me and blocked me so she couldn't text me lol.
w98seeng said:
I keep getting texts from +474663. The text says "Content not supported". I have been getting them for months. I get charged for every incoming text receive, (except for my Favorite 5 contacts), so I have to forward the texts to a specific number to get them deducted off my bill. It's a pain in the a** and I would like to stop them.
How do I find out where they are coming from? I did try an app that blocks texts, but it didn't work.
My carrier can't do anything about, I asked them.
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Since you said "Fav 5" I am guessing that you are with T-Mobile. I worked for T-Mobile in the highest tier as a tech. This number is obviously a short code and even though they don't have a system that allows blocking of sms from regular numbers, they can block short codes. Did it all the time myself. Call tech support tell them that you are receiving short code sms and have tried to stop them and it needs to be blacklisted. They will be able to see where they are coming from (they may not tell you) but they can blacklist it.
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w98seeng said:
My carrier can't do anything about, I asked them.
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Doesnt sound right to me...
If you dont want that number to text you then they can block it. Unless theres a law against that over there which I dont know about or something, which would suck.
Phone back and kick up a fuss...
conantroutman said:
Doesnt sound right to me...
If you dont want that number to text you then they can block it. Unless theres a law against that over there which I dont know about or something, which would suck.
Phone back and kick up a fuss...
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Tmo can't block individual numbers but they can blacklist shortcodes.
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ROM: Paragon RC5.1 1200 mhz/100hz kernel
Ok, I guess I "ass"umed. Looked at your profile and see that you are not on tmo and you are in canada. You can try what I posted above with your company and see if it is the same thing.
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ROM: Paragon RC5.1 1200 mhz/100hz kernel
RaneMan said:
Tmo can't block individual numbers but they can blacklist shortcodes.
Sent from my Samsung Captivate using the XDA app
ROM: Paragon RC5.1 1200 mhz/100hz kernel
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Lol that's ridiculous. Switch to another provider then because tmo sucks in every way.
Thanks all for the help.
My wife got a Moto X a couple of weeks ago, and can't find a way to send a contact by text message. I looked at her phone and it isn't an option under contacts. On a contact, under the share menu, it has several options. None of them are send by text message, and its the easiest way to send a contact. It's kind of weird, but one of the options is send by LAN, click it and it says not supported.
I have a Droid Maxx, and when I open a contact and select share I have a option to send it by text, but the Moto X doesn't.
I've tried searching forums like here, Motorola, google searches etc., and can't find any mention of this anywhere. Only place it is mentioned is as issue # 42174 on code.google.com where it was dropped off the base code after 4.2.1. In her words "Everybody else can, people do this all the time, this is a problem".
The only thing that kind of works is copying part of the contact to the clipboard, and pasting it to a text, some times it takes several texts to send all the contact information though.
Does anyone have any suggestions, or am I not looking in the right place to do it?
You can't. As of right now there is no vcard support via mms. We can't send or receive. Confirmed by moto rep on official forums. As you stated, it's been removed from android for whatever reason, and moto hasn't added it back in. I noticed it myself the other day, it's pretty annoying considering I send and receive contacts via mms all the time. At least I did.
_MetalHead_ said:
You can't. As of right now there is no vcard support via mms. We can't send or receive. Confirmed by moto rep on official forums. As you stated, it's been removed from android for whatever reason, and moto hasn't added it back in. I noticed it myself the other day, it's pretty annoying considering I send and receive contacts via mms all the time. At least I did.
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Thanks for the reply ( I guess). Now I'm going to have to tell her she can't do it, damn. I was really hoping it was something I was overlooking. It really seems to be a pretty big omission by not being able to send vcards that way. I'm a little surprised not many people are complaining about it though. It was really hard to find any mention of it. That's the second strike against the Moto X for her. She has the damn bug where her phone wouldn't get out driving mode, it kept announcing out loud who was calling after she quit driving. Not a good thing to happen in an operating room. I had to disable that part of moto assist to get it to shut up. Hope there is an update soon for that bug too.