my tab has a poor signal connection in this overcome 4.1
firstly I thought the problem was on my provider
but when I flash the other rom, the signal is a lot better than before
but I love overcome rom
so does anyone know how to fix it??
thx before
Probably the problem is in modem? Try another one...
can i just change another modem?
I'm from asia and from overcome guide jpz modem is for asia
is it safe to try like jmf modem or jk3?
this is quote from chastity
"I had an issue with 4G (in fact it almost always chose Edge) but I fixed that by installing the stock modem i.e. "downgrading" from KM2."
is this can solve my problem too?
but i don't understand how to downgrading from km2?
First, he cant be on 4G. Must be a typo.
Second, he downgrade from km2 to stock.
You never had km2, so you cant downgrade.
Just try other modems and I dont think at&t stock modem will help though.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
I recently updated to Darky's Rom, 8.0, wipe edition, and although I really like how fast it is, and the battery life seems ok, I've noticed a strange issue.
I'm on Rogers in Canada, with a Bell Galaxy S Vibrant (i9000m) so it only gets UMTS band 1900.
While on the stock Samsung firmware, I'm often in an area where I get say 1-3 bars, but it seems to work fine.
On Darky's rom, it's constantly going from the 1-3 bars to no signal
In areas with good-excellent signal, it works flawlessly.
I'm guessing this is a bug with the modem he is using in this rom?
Any ideas anyone?
The modem he uses is the latest one XXJPY. Only thing I can suggest is try one of Doc's ROM's and choose the modem you had before you installed Darky's ROM and see if that affects performance. Some modems perform better for others purely because of their location (Normally Europe tbh mate). If you see better signal from a different modem on Doc's though and its a real problem to use Darky's, just make as much of a similar version or maybe one you actually prefer in his kitchen and install R64's theme ontop. Won't be much different tbh mate
Instead of flashing another rom why don't you just try flashing a new modem, in the JL2 thread found in the general section theres a JL2 modem file thats flashable with clockwork. Try just flashing the modem to see if it helps you out.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Magic Kitchen build your own rom choose the modem .
Couple of faqs on modems on the page .
Samdroid_G_S said:
Instead of flashing another rom why don't you just try flashing a new modem, in the JL2 thread found in the general section theres a JL2 modem file thats flashable with clockwork. Try just flashing the modem to see if it helps you out.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
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Thanks, I found it:
I may give that a whirl, at least to try it. It seems the general consensus is that the GPS does not work anywhere near as well with this as with the one Darky uses, but I definetly want to compare, so it's good. Thanks
JJEgan said:
Magic Kitchen build your own rom choose the modem .
Couple of faqs on modems on the page .
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That's pretty neat, I hadn't seen that before
I'm running darky's 8.0 with a jl2 modem. Just find a modem that is flashable via cwm and flash that on top look in one of my recent posts, there is one in there. Then all you need to do is manually add your access point name after you flash the modem and you should be good.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
JL2 Modem with 8.0
I'm running darky's 8.0 with a jl2 modem and the signal and GPS functions amazingly. I'm on Fido (Rogers Network) and highly recommend flashing the JL2 modem to fix your issue.
there you go!
Just flash with CWM
thanks guys, i'll give it a try.
btw I did some more investigation by going through the band selection.
Rogers, who I use, uses GSM (EDGE) on 850mhz and 1900mhz, and UMTS (3G) on 850mhz and 1900mhz
The i9000m supports GSM (EDGE) on 850mhz and 1900mhz, and UMTS (3G) on 1900mhz
Using Darky's rom, GSM 1900mhz and UMTS 1900mhz are working. GSM 850mhz is NOT working, hence when I'm in an area with poor 3g signal, it is dropping to EDGE, and since I'm not getting the 850mhz GSM band, I'm dependent on the 1900mhz GSM band, which is iffy in this area
So I installed the JL2 modem, and sure enough 850mhz is BACK!
Woot! Thanks people
I'll do some tests with the GPS later and see if that is still working correctly.
sw411 said:
So I installed the JL2 modem, and sure enough 850mhz is BACK!
Woot! Thanks people
I'll do some tests with the GPS later and see if that is still working correctly.
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Great to hear! Enjoy this awesome ROM and if you haven't already, please consider donating as Darky has put a lot of work into the creation of the ROM.
no issues at all since switching back to JL2 modem, looks like this is a must for Rogers users.
Thanks again all.
Works for Latin America SGS
Thanks for the info. My phone works very well now.
Santa Cruz - Bolivia
Is there a way for me to verify the version of my modem? It looks like it's working better ever since I flashed JL2 modem, but I just would like to check...
Hello everyone!
Im from Malaysia. I flashed my GT-I9000 about with Darky ROM 10.2 final which is based on JVQ ROM (Gingerbread 2.3.4) about a week ago. Everything else is great except for the poor signal strength. I suspected this could be due to Europe Modem. Can I flash my phone with Asia modem? If yes, what the best asia's modem version to be used with DarkyROM JQV v10.2?
My phone:
19000XXJVQ [email protected] #DarkCore_2.9.1_JVQ
DarkyROMJVQ v10.2
Hi guys
I'm running a Telstra (australia telco) tab on Overcome 1.4.5 custom ROM.
This carrier has an 850Mhz 3G network just like AT&T or Rogers over in N America.
I am unable to connect 850Mhz in HSDPA, only in GSM.
I have tried both JMF modem and stock Telstra modem (i.e. stock from carrier), same issue. If I force the 'WCDMA' setting I cannot see the 850 network at all.
Anyone else running Overcome and using 850Mhz 3G? Help appreciated
i have the same tab, and im on overcome 1.4.5 still, grab the modem.bin from rotohammers thread, by memory its the i9000 modem, ive been using that and its been working perfectly.
cool, and you're on NextG?
BTW I've tried locking it to 850Mhz via @#2263#, and it is still choosing the 2100 network (3Telstra) lol. A guy on whirlpool forum is telling me its a random bug, heard anything about that?
You can get a CWM flashable bell modem at the first post of the overcome thread.
yeah I'm trying that tonight (the JMK modem) cheers @ work now don't have the cable with me...
FWIW the jk3 (typoed jmk above) modem did the trick.
It wasn't included in the overcome 1.4.5 thread but IS on the 1.6 threads, go figure
not sure why the stock carrier modem didn't work? but not fussed
any idea of a good radio, im suffering from slow/poor call/3G connection?
Unfortunately it all depends on the area where you are and by your carrier.
However, the modem JVR looks good otherwise try to flash the modem present in the firmware of your carrier (if available).
Otherwise you just have to test some modems (the flash of a modem is something fast)
Br1g0 said:
Unfortunately it all depends on the area where you are and by your carrier.
However, the modem JVR looks good otherwise try to flash the modem present in the firmware of your carrier (if available).
Otherwise you just have to test some modems (the flash of a modem is something fast)
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what's the best radio to be used in italy? i'm currently using CM 7.1 and it uses the XXJVK one... do you think I should change it? (my carrier is 3 italia)
thank you
I would like to flash a rom to this phone. Can I flash any rom made for the I9000? What about the modem? I need this this phone to work in the 850 band.
Can anyone help me with this? There is not much information available about this specific model, I want to flash onecosmic's rom or F1 Innovation if the first is not stable enough.
Also there are no firmwares from my carrier in sammobile's website. Can I make a backup of my stock rom to restore if I ever need to take the phone for repairs?
Just to be safe you better confirm with the ROM developers first. If you just flash it carelessly there's a risk of incompatibility and other matters.
The modem doesn't really matter since it'll follow the modem of the custom ROM that you're going to flash to your phone. Just make sure that your base stock ROM fits the prerequisite (e.g JVU, JW1, etc). For backups you can make one using kies or make an nandroid backup using CWM.
Hope that helps
go ahead and flash i9000t is the same as i9000 the only thing that changes is the modem, just make sure you flash a modem that supports the 850hz band
BradleyR2010 said:
go ahead and flash i9000t is the same as i9000 the only thing that changes is the modem, just make sure you flash a modem that supports the 850hz band
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Is it true for C-RoM 4.4.2 AOSP as well?
there is a question in the development of that rom and the answer is that only i9000. As far as I understand the only difference between the i9000T and the i9000 is the 850MHZ 3G band support. the modem that is used in this Rom is supposed to support the 850MHz as far as I understand so I have no idea why shouldn't it work. any ideas?
could it brick if I try?
amirai said:
Is it true for C-RoM 4.4.2 AOSP as well?
there is a question in the development of that rom and the answer is that only i9000. As far as I understand the only difference between the i9000T and the i9000 is the 850MHZ 3G band support. the modem that is used in this Rom is supposed to support the 850MHz as far as I understand so I have no idea why shouldn't it work. any ideas?
could it brick if I try?
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Check great sticky thread by @xsenman, there he has described all the differences between some 20 sub-variants of the SGS1
tetakpatalked from Nexus 7 flo
Hi All..
I have been having some peculiar problems regarding modems and was hoping someone could share some insight on it.. I get my modems here: , and currently am on MIUI, but the same problem that I am facing persists with CM7, ICS, or any I9000/I897 roms too.
First off, I'm from Malaysia and using Celcom, thus these bands are used:
3g: WCDMA-2100
2g: GSM-900
The problem that im facing is, whenever I flash a modem that doesn't have 3g 850mhz by default, I break my 2g.
Something like this: Flash a modem with 850mhz by default (ones that i tried: UGKG3,BVJJW2,UGKC1,UGJK4), everything works fine.
Flash modems that don't have 850mhz by default (ones that i tried: ZSJPG, DXJV9, ZSJV6), 3g works fine (wcdma 2100) but 2g is broken and if i force it to "2g ONLY" i get emergency calls only. Checking the service menu, i realise that it is getting a signal from another carrier using the gsm-1800 band, but doesn't get anything from home network on gsm-900 band.
Any idea why and how to overcome this?
Hmm... Use one of the modems that work for you, and the problem is solved!
Sent from my CM9 ICS i897 Captivate
You can try looking at see if there is intenational package for your are and pull our the modems then put it in a cwm scrip for cm7/ics.
korockinout13 said:
Hmm... Use one of the modems that work for you, and the problem is solved!
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Yea, that works too, but all the modems that work are not even remotely meant for my region.
prbassplayer said:
You can try looking at see if there is intenational package for your are and pull our the modems then put it in a cwm scrip for cm7/ics.
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Actually the modem that is used here officially for the i9000 is DXJV9 and already available and is one of the modems that I tried but is giving me the problem..
I'm using BVJJW2 for now, somehow UGKG3 heats up my phone very fast.
I have similar problem.
My cappy can use only 2G network but not 3G.
I am running on Doc's Master ICS V3.1 with its default baseband.
Is there any one facing the same problem ?
Please advise.