(theme) Blacked out For fassygum rom - Fascinate Themes and Apps

This is normal gummy theme with blackened backgrounds and apks, I pulled the apks and backgrounds from black exodus theme and Steel blue CM7 Theme.
What's themed:
-Font changed to Sony sketch
-Cyanogenmod 9 Bootanimation
-Changed lock screen stars to Phone and Messaging Icons
-Added Second zip. with blue lock screen icons


[Theme][04/05/11] NitroDark v4.0 - Tested with SC 2.9.2 *Big Update*

**I am not responsible for anything that may occur to your phone**
*NitroDark v4.0 - 04/05/10*
If you like my work please consider donating to my coffee fund!
Donate: http://forum.xda-developers.com/donatetome.php?u=3247702
This update is similar to Eclipse but it has some color added to it!
-Nearly every launcher icon has been modified as well as the app itself has been themed.
Modded framework and twframework - images and xml files
Themed app list:
-Black modded gmail - fixed issue with not being able to distinguish between read and unread emails
-Black Google Voice
-Black Google Talk
-silver/Gray and blackout mms app with custom made bubbles and menus
-Modified particle ring bootanimation to match theme (over 100 images)
-Black/Grey/green Calculator
-Black/Silver/Gray Calendar
-Removed blue and ugly buttons from car cradle and replaced with black/silver
-Blacked out browser header
-Removed color from deskclock and added sense analog clock for widget (nitsuj sense images)
-Black/silver contacts app
-Removed ugly blue header in email app and custom menus (plan on removing blue header text)
-Modded VA green epic lockscreen to match theme. Created custom missed calls and text boxes
-Blacked out MyFiles app and replaced menu icons and removed blue fonts
-News and Weather widget themed with transparency and custom menu icons
-Blacked out settings and created grayscale icons
-VoiceRecorder blackedout menu with custom menu icons
-google search blacked out with transparency
-Task manager blacked out with custom menus
-Youtube widget transparency with custom menu icons
(I said I wasnt going to theme FB and Twitter anymore but this theme wouldnt be right without it!)
-Blacked out Twitter 2.0.1!!! with custom widget
-Blacked out Facebook 1.5.2!!! with custom widget
-Custom dialer with blacked out and silver keys
-Custom phone.apk for in call. Blacked out keys and menus with a custom gradient
-themed ESPN scorecenter with black transparent widget
-Themed Launcherpro 0.8.4 - select the dock image as froyo wide to get the dock in the screen shots.
-Themed pandora widget with unlimited skips
-blacked out market with a splash of color
-I am sure that I forgetting something but I have themed nearly every Superclean app!
Download NitroDark v4.0: http://www.mediafire.com/?5ciq3c6dlwshxg6
If you like my work please consider donating to my coffee fund!
Donate: http://forum.xda-developers.com/donatetome.php?u=3247702
*NitroDark v3.0 -3/20/10*
-added back in some color (mainly some greens)
-changed the blue progress bars to green
-new themed launcher pro
-some new launcher icons (gmail,email and market) from bendbowdens honeycomb
-added in a themed touchdown for exchange launcher icon
-added in a themed latinime(stock) keyboard
-lightened up the lock screens
-themed many launcher icons
-removed all black gmail until I get time to edit it
-cleaned up some market images for the all black
-added in some new status bar icons
-cleaned up contacts and finished making it all black
-cleaned up browser so that it is all black now (frames)
-new dropdown notification bar modded from gingerbread
-added some background to the dialer buttons and a splash of green
-hopefully fixed some issues when flashing
-new bootanimation from dysgenic and modded by aph
Download NitroDark v3.0: http://www.mediafire.com/?qlugof8b0sisbs9
If you want some blacked out apps you can flash the NitroDark eclipse apps below. I do not have the time to edit market apps.
*NitroDark Eclipse Changelog 3/12/11*
I have completely rebuilt this version from the ground up to make this theme even better! I have created two version of this theme. One version has the music lock controls (Thanks Sbrissen)and one version without the music lock controls. Some people are having issues with Sbrissens new music lock controls so I have posted two versions of the new NitroDark. You can flash either version of SC 2.9 or 2.9.1. SC 2.9.1 has the music lock controls removed from it. I have not tested this on Blackhole, or DarkRevenge. I have listed some additional apps in another package now due to the size.
NitroDark Eclipse Features:
-Blacked out Gmail with new launcher icon. (just some custom shading)
-New Dialer with transparency and Google Voice (I will release a Verizon voice mail soon. The wife wants me to come to bed!)
-Custom new lockscreen slider icons. They are now more blacked out and go well with the new NitroDark.
-All menus have custom icons
-New Blacked out contacts with custom images
-new phone.apk with some blacked out menus and custom launcher
-New blacked out mms with the message bubbles from kenesis' message app
-New blacked out browser with custom dark launcher icon
-Misc status bar icons (3G, USB, vibrate, battery, bluetooth, etc..)
-New themed launcher pro with custom shading and transparency
-Themed settings menu with power controls and media dock controls
-New google voice blacked out with new custom launcher icon
-Google Maps custom launcher icon
-Themed deskclock with custom launcher icon
-Blacked out market with custom icons, and a hint of color
-Nice and clean bootanimation
-Blacked out "videos" and custom launcher as well as the music player
-New gallery and calendar launcher icons
-Blacked out themed Swype
-Many more new custom images and touchups of existing images
-Cleaned up black Google Voice as well as the widgets
-New Black transparent Google Search Widget with custom launcher
I also have created a new NitroDark Apps Package as well. Here is what is included:
-Blacked out Facebook 1.5.1 and widgets
-Blacked out Twitter 2.0 and widgets
-Custom ESPN live scores widget
-Custom YouTube widget
-Custom transparent Pandora with unlimited skips
Download NitroDark Eclipse Apps: http://www.mediafire.com/?zugwibb890r8q16
Download NitroDark Eclipse with music controls: http://www.mediafire.com/?af877rmoc077rr1
Download NitroDark Eclipse without music controls: http://www.mediafire.com/?n6g4ircmxic5m5l
NitroComb - HoneyComb Stytle theme below:
Come check out NitroComb v1.0 here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=11945933#post11945933
Version 2.3 changelog:
-Inverted Facebook so that it is now black with white text (updated apk)
-Inverted Twitter so that is it now black with white text (updated apk)
-Themed Launcher pro widgets so that they have some transparency so that it matches the rest of the theme
-Updated black/black market to 2.3.4
-Cleaned up more images!
-Updated Settings for mediadock
**Version 2.2 - Tested with SC 2.6, 2.7, 2.8
-Created new Google Voice Widgets (Now Transparent)
-Created a black transparent Pandora Widget
-Created a black transparent power control widget
-Updated framework from SC 2.8
-Working on an all black market 2.3.4. You can freeze the market updater if (using Titanium Backup) you do not want it to get updated
**Version 2.1** - Tested with SC 2.5, 2.6, 2.7(you get the idea), Blackhole 4.21, May work with other EB01 Roms. Framework should be compatible now.
-Now tested and works with Blackhole 4.21
-Cleaned up black gmail. I had some issues with images and some black on black text
-added some new themed icons in some of the settings menus
-Cleaned up some images in the notification area
Created some new black themed widgets:
-News and Weather (black themed)
-Google Search (black Themed)
-Themed Facebook
-Themed Twitter
-Themed YouTube
-Black Google Talk!!!
-Black Gmail!!!
-Market is now black instead of black/green
-Cleaned up dialer a little bit
-Cleaned up some images and removed some of the black on black items
-cleaned up black title bar when loading
-added new accurate battery (Sbrissen)
-addes new jar files from Sbrissen
-added edify script support for the new version of clockwork as well as the old.
-cleaned up the browser so that the black address bar does not appear when websites are loading
-changed download, volume, browser progress bars to green. (matches the theme better)
*** Version 1.1 fixes:
- I have resolved the issue with the 3g always appearing to look on although it is not.
- Updated using latest SC 2.7 frameworks
- Cleaned up market. It mainly has just a splash of green now and some color but mainly blacked out now
I wanted a dark theme with a little bit of color so I thought I would give it a shot. Let me know if you find any issues with it! I am sorry if I forgot to thank someone!! (NitroDark V1.0)
- Modified frameworks from Adryn's Super Clean 2.7 (Thanks to everyone, Sbrissen, andryn)
- Dark UI theme based off of images from Super Dark (thatdudebutch) and modded by me.
- 5 Lock Mod, AOSP and Rotary themed (Thanks to Sbrissen)
- Clock options, accurate battery and reboot options (Thanks to Sbrissen)
- Themed Dialer with Google Voice (Thanks to VA, modified by me)
- New power toggles and pulldown elements (Thanks to chopperthedog)
- Reboot options, clock hide in settings, and accurate battery mod (thanks to thatdudebutch and bendbowden, modded by me)
- Black themed Google Voice (nitroglycerine33)
- Modded launcherpro with colored icons in settings (nitroglycerine33)
- Themed black and green market 2.3.3 (Thanks to 00.ante for the neon green color and modded by nitroglycerine33)
- modded themed items in the browser, colored settings menus (nitroglycerine33, icons from manups nextheme framework)
- modded black out contacts app with colored settings menus (nitroglycerine33, icons from manups nextheme framework)
- modded phone.apk for custom colors (nitroglcyerine33)
- app widget picker is included (thanks to boombuler)
- modded usb connected (Thanks to VA for icons)
Screenshots please!!! =)
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
nice man, though all the framework mods where down by Sbrissen, the bleeding eyed smali staring beast that he is. Please update OP.
Also, you called me a ***** in the OP. Sup with that.
Wow, this really looks amazing!! Love the dialer!
Sorry about the typo thatdudebutch. I guess I got the "u" and the "i" key switched around there. I edited that! My apologies!!
"thatdudebitch"...lol...sorry, that was funny...
Is there Any way you could, put the Galaxy " S " on the Notification Pull down?
that's would make it even More Awesome... Thanks
Dragonblade02 said:
Is there Any way you could, put the Galaxy " S " on the Notification Pull down?
that's would make it even More Awesome... Thanks
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Mine has the "Galaxy S" logo on the pull down. I assume it's because I had regular Super Dark installed first. Try flashing Superdark v3, then Nitrodark....should have the logo then.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA Premium App
I just realized you might be talking about the large "S" logo a la Blackish Storm. Can't help with that one.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA Premium App
I am not too big of a fan of having that much stuff going on but if you like I can make you a flashable zip with the modded S in the notification background if you like?
JJRocker said:
I just realized you might be talking about the large "S" logo a la Blackish Storm. Can't help with that one.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA Premium App
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You mean borrowed from D101 Super Dark to Blackish Storm
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA Premium App
What a great job. The flash went perfect, no issues. My phone has picked up speed and the UI is gorgeous. Thanks for the incredible work.
gomagic14 said:
What a great job. The flash went perfect, no issues. My phone has picked up speed and the UI is gorgeous. Thanks for the incredible work.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Theme is optimized for SPEED!!
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA Premium App
Is there a reason why in Nitro and Super Dark the 3g icon seems to always be active?
What I mean is I have nothing being synced or used by 3g on my phone yet it looks like the arrows are highlighted as if I'm accessing data. (Which I'm not)
Thanks, it's a great theme.
gomagic14 said:
What a great job. The flash went perfect, no issues. My phone has picked up speed and the UI is gorgeous. Thanks for the incredible work.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
a theme would in no way impact the performance of your phone unless it was significantly modifying things...and then it would essentially be a rom that is themed..not just a theme
Blastem said:
Is there a reason why in Nitro and Super Dark the 3g icon seems to always be active?
What I mean is I have nothing being synced or used by 3g on my phone yet it looks like the arrows are highlighted as if I'm accessing data. (Which I'm not)
Thanks, it's a great theme.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Lol just noticed that. This theme is based off my theme so I'll look into after midterms see over for me on thursday.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA Premium App
I think I might know what the issue is. Not sure if when it is lit up that the data might actually be off and when it's not lit up it might be in use. I will look it though!
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA Premium App
Is there any way can make a a all black market option, without any of the color swirls?
I could do that for you. The new black and green version of the market isnt so intense either if you wanted to give that a try
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA Premium App
I'm downloading now....question, that cool green that the swooshes are in the market app pictures...are the progress bars that color, and if not, could they be?
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA Premium App

[THEME][5/31/11] Nitro Honeycomb v4.3.1!! ED01 - Community Rom 1.3

Welcome to Nitro Honeycomb v4.3!!
If you like my work please feel free to donate to my coffee fund!!!!!
Donate: http://forum.xda-developers.com/donatetome.php?u=3247702
DOWNLOAD HONEYCOMB 4.3.1 for Community Rom 1.3(5/31/11)
Resolved font color issues and revamped apps from EF Themes
Download here: http://www.mediafire.com/?4n17iosavn2kydb​
I forgot to add in the TSM settings. Please apply this after the theme.
TSM Settings Patch: http://www.mediafire.com/?n34ayn3vy0dhcwu
Honeycomb 4.3 Changelog (5/9/11)
-Updated all Apps to ED01
-Rethemed some items
-Added back in honeycomb clock font (not shown in pictures)
-Added in themed Android keyboard
-Fixed Dialer contacts drop down white on white
-Updated with Miui framework
-Compatible with Kang Bang (Comm rom) and Evil Fascination
-Added back in some black windows and dropdowns
-I know I am forgetting some stuff but here you go!
*I have some stuff that will be in a later release but I wanted to get this out there for people to enjoy.
​Special Thanks to:
If you have themed apps in this list from the market remove them before theming!!
Flash the theme followed by the apps. I am going to keep the two separate for easier updating.
ED01 Downloads
Download Honeycomb v4.3 with Animations: Coming Soon!
Download Honeycomb v4.3 w/o Animations: http://www.mediafire.com/?mzfq428snygs72x
For those who would like a non-accurate standard honeycomb battery
With Animations download ED01: Coming Soon!
Without Animations download ED01: Coming Soon!​
If you like my work or I helped you out please feel free to donate to my coffee fund!
Donate: http://forum.xda-developers.com/donatetome.php?u=3247702
Image with non-accurate battery*Not available at this time
"lightbox_close": "Close",
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"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
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"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Honeycomb Extras Images (Transparent Dialer, Android Keyboard) Not available at this time
Now for the Goodies!
Honeycomb Changelog:
Honeycomb v4.2.1 Changelog:
-Changed dropdown and search dropdowns back to white
-Changed dropdown and search font color back to black
-Changed the Email app subject headers from ugly samsung blue to a honeycomb blue
-Fixed signal strength bar when no signal is present
-Added some new images and cleaned up a few others
-Changed TW Framework color calls to remove samsung blue and replace with grey.
-Cleaned up twframework a little
-Added in adyns stay awake mod to settings
Nitro Honeycomb Extras!
Transparent Dialer download: http://www.mediafire.com/?j5dcd5p6cj650l7
Docks, Icons, Wallpapers (flashable *creates sdcard/nitrohoneyextras): http://www.mediafire.com/?t7zduxdd3wl42x7
Alternate Keyboard download (will replace "Android" keyboard *no haptic feedback): http://www.mediafire.com/?knylz62bckmxt31
You can get a themed launcherpro here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=783427
-Honeycomb v4.1 Changelog
-New Popups windows to resolve some white on white and black on black text
-Updated Market to 2.3.6
-some random image cleanup
-Changed primary font color back to black
-added new buttons
-updated to EC01
Honeycomb EB01 v4.0:
-Revamped the framework, big changes!(new popups, buttons, many xml edits)
-Framework popups took a lot of time to get them the right size. Let me know if there are issues.
-New notification bar header, background, white fonts
-thin progress bars
-Removed slide puzzle text from lockscreen
-new lockscreen icons
-new lense lockscreen (lense image from bendbowden) I modded it to my liking :)
-Created two versions; with and without animations
-Themed many apps to match the honeycomb theme
-Themed apps changelog/list:
App Widget picker (white fonts) - thanks obsessionxyz
Browser (launcher icon, menus, search bars)
Camera (removed ugly Samsung blue, and launcher icon)
Car Cradle (removed samsung blue, and changed launcher icon)
Contacts (pics, buttons, menus, launcher, headers)
Deskclock (menus, colors, honeycomb clock widget, launcher icon)
DialerTab (revamped buttons and keys, launcher icon, backgrounds)
Email (themed menus, buttons, removed samsung blue headers, launcher icon)
Facebook (inverted black, launcher icon, buttons)
Gallery3D (launcher icon, honeycomb themed widget)
GenieWidget (launcher icon, honeycomb themed widget)
Gmail (inverted black with honeycomb background, menus, buttons, launcher)
GoogleQuickSearch (honeycomb images and widget, launchericon)
google Voice (inverted black with honeycomb themed widgets and menus)
Job Manager (blacked out with custom menus, launcher icon)
Maps (custom launcher icons, maps, navigation, places)
MMS (themed msg bubbles, buttons, colors, launcher icon)
Music (added honeycomb icons and sense images, honeycomb themed widget, launcher icons)
Myfiles (removed samsung blue, blacked out, menu icons, launcher icon)
Phone (matched dialer, background and buttons)
Settings (launcher icon, menu items, honeycomb themed widget)
SpareParts (launcher icon)
Swype (honeycomb themed)
Talk (inverted black, menu icons, launcher icon)
Touchwizcalculator (removed sammy blue, blacked out with blue key press, launcher icon)
Touchwiz Calendar (silver and black menus and header, launcher icon)
Twitter (inverted black, custom buttons, themed honeycomb widgets)
Vending (2.3.4, black and honeycomb blue, thanks ante.00 lightly modded, launcher icon - will update to 2.3.6)
VoiceRecorder (custom menus, launcher icon)
VoiceSearch (blue highlight, menu, launcher icon)
YouTube (themed honeycomb widget)
***********Ultimate Honeycomb V3.1.2 changelog************
Reworked framework-res.apk - removed window animations (possible memory leak)
Added in new swype theme from kenesis' collections
Added new bootanimation
cleaned up a few images
updated screenshots below as well.
Not a whole lot cosmetically with this release
Updated Facebook app to 1.5.2 with a themed honeycomb widget
Glitch in v3.1.2:
I have created a patch for those who use the AOSP lockscreen. This will resolve the issue with the "unlock" and "sound on/off" text being cut off when you slide it.
******Ultimate Honeycomb v3.1.1 Changelog********
-Fixed Google Maps issue being removed when the theme is flashed
-Added Honeycomb style clock digits to the lockscreen (screenshots have not been updated)
-Touched up a few framework images
-Fixed some other random bugs
A larger update will be coming shortly!! I wanted to get this out to fix some of the bugs that I have noticed!
Download v3.1.1: removed
For a look more like Valle-Mod's honeycomb flash this in clockwork. (This will remove window animations and remove custom menu icons and replace them with solid color menus)
Download: removed
Note: This is only a framework and twframework edit. You will not get the themed apps. You may flash this on top of the full package. I have only added this for users who preferred the look of mobs honeycomb theme. Do not flash the custom batteries located above if you are using this.
******Ultimate Honeycomb v3.1 Changelog********
**This had been tested to work with SC 2.9, 2.91, and 2.92.**
Ultimate Honeycomb v3.1
-Updated to SC 2.9.2 framework
-Added several new launcher and menu icons from Vivid
-Google Maps
-Voice Search
-My Files
-News and Weather
-removed some of the off color icons that didnt match the theme
-New status bar and pull down notifications and backgrounds
-fixed size issue on usb connected and mass storage mode
-Added a new launcher background and some a few new wallpapers
-cleaned up some framework images
-Removed the touchdown for exchange app (sorry I left it in for myself) -I will post a zip if anyone wants it.
-Added in some new launcher pro menu icons
-Overall just keeps getting better and better!!
Download Ultimate Honeycomb v3.1: removed
Extras: removed
*This Theme is fully functional and no longer has font color issues.*
**This has only been tested on SC 2.9 and SC 2.9.1**
*****Ultimate Honeycomb 3.0 changelog:*****
-Revamped all menu items and buttons
-Changed back to white backgrounds with black fonts (Some market apps do not use system fonts but they use system background and the end result is having to theme too many ever changing market apps)
-MMS Launcher icon taken from BendBowden's honeycomb
-New launcher icons taken from a Xoom dump (camera,calendar,contacts, email, gmail, market and a few others!)
-New Contacts app
-New Dialer app
-Cleaned up mms app
-Added some new images and cleaned up the Market app slightly
-New blue themed gingerbread keyboard (android keyboard in settings) from Dark Android for those who do not like swype.
-New resized buttons with a blue glow when pressed
-New USB connected icons from High Voltage
-Some new menu icons from Xoom
-Cleaned up browser so that is a deep gloss black
-Changed progress bar color to a different shade of blue
-Custom created checkboxes and radio buttons - (created from gingerbread icons)
-Spent a lot of time in resizing popup windows and xml files so that it doesnt cut off buttons and text fields
-modified s23's honeycomb launcher pro to add in some honeycomb icons
-Added in some wallpapers and honeycomb launcher icons (I dont use them but someone might) The icons and wallpapers will be on your sd card in folders labeled NitroWallpapers and NitroLauncherIcons.
-I chose not to add in the lockscreen numbers from honeycomb. I dont think they look as clean as the stock sammy numbers. I tried them out and they just get old over time.
-Stock honeycomb clock widget with black background (transparent version available below)
Download Ultimate Honeycomb: removed
Extras: removed
***Nitro HoneyComb v2.0 Beta!!***
I am bringing you my flavor of Honeycomb in beta form. I have used some of the images from obsessionxyz's version of honeycomb. Everything is fully functional except some areas have some black on black text. Such as adding a widget or occasionally when scrolling through menu commands in root explorer. I have stared at too much XML the past few days trying to fix it but I am running into a wall. So if anyone would like to assist me in tracking down the culprit xml file(s) it would be greatly appreciated. Otherwise I think this is one of the most complete Honeycomb themes for the fascinate. This version does not have the music controls on it and only tested with SC 2.9 and 2.9.1. It is a quick fix to add music controls later but I would like to try and fix the text issue before I add any more features.
Here is the changelog for version 2.0 beta:
-New wireless and radio signal strength status icons (mob87's honeycomb)
-Custom new honeycomb lockscreens (obsessionxyz, modded by me)
-Themed deskclock with integrated honeycomb clock widget images that I used from the xoom
-Themed launcherpro widgets from s23 and slightly modded by me
-New notifications bar icons and I added some honeycomb glow to it
-All menu items have a nice honeycomb glow to it
-Blacked out mms app with a some custom bubbles to match the theme
-new dialer from NitroDark
-new contacts app so that it is blacked out (looks cleaner)
-Cleaned up some images on the 2.3.4 honeycomb market
-blacked out gmail with a new launcher icon
-Some new status bar icons that I whipped up
-Themed Swype, black and blue (thanks for the images from thatdudebutch swype metamorph)
Themed launcher icons:
Camera, settings, gallery, music, settings to match the theme better.
Honeycomb themed widgets:
-Analog Clock
-Google Search
-Google Voice
-News and weather widget
-Power Control bar (used light blue color from Bendbowden)
Nitro HoneyComb Apps include:
Themed YouTube Widget
Themed Pandora and widgets
Inverted Black Twitter
Inverted Black Facebook
Theme ESPN Widget
Download NitroHoneyComb v2.0: removed
Download NitroHoneyComb Apps v2.0: removed
NitroComb 1.0 Features:
-Dark UI with a hint of blue with over 800 custom images!
-Customized launcherpro with a hint of blue (highlights and menu buttons)
-Honeycomb market 2.3.4 - thanks ante.00 for the market header
-Blacked out Gmail
-Blacked out Google Voice
-Blacked out Google Talk
-Custom Contacts with blue menus
-modded phone.apk colors
-Custom browser colors and background
-Reboot options, hide clock, accurate battery and framework (Sbrissen)
-Custom Calculator, USB Images, and boot animation from Team Carbon
-Custom wallpapers on sdcard after flash.
-Blue volume and progress bars
-Honeycomb battery, wireless and signal strength
-Blacked out stock mms app
-Black Transparent News and Weather widget
-Black Transparent Google Search widget
-Black Transparent Power control widget
Download NitroComb v1.0: removed
NitroComb 1.0 Apps Features:
*If you are using any of these stock apps from the market uninstall them first!!
-Inverted Facebook app with Black Transparent widgets
-Inverted Twitter app with Black Transparent widgets
-Black Transparent YouTube Widget
-Black Transparent ESPN widget
-Themed Miui Music App
Download NitroComb 1.0 Apps: removed
Looks good...downloading now
3.0 compatible?
Really enjoy your work is this theme 3.0 CWM compatible?
This looks great. I want to flash now, but something tells me a AOSP music player lockscreen addition will be added very shortly and this will update. And that's a compliment! If this is anything like your other recent theme this thing will be regularly brought up to date.
Thanks for the hard work!
Edit: Flashed it anyway. Awesome job.
I'm running this now. More awesome work, Nitro: Thanks Again!
As much as I like it, I can always think of suggestions to make it even more awesome. Check out This thread in I9000 forum. The status bar icons (except on solid black status bar), dialer, & calculator from that GlowingBlue thread would go awesome with your theme. For everything else, I like your theme better or I would just make a port request for the whole theme.
Just a couple other things: The pulldown notification background you have used is just like SuperDark v3, but SuperDark v1 pulldown was better if you are able to switch to it. And is there a way to invert the "What's on your mind" part of the Facebook & Twitter widgets so they are black instead of white?
I hope I don't sound like I am picking, really love your work and just trying to provide constructive suggestions. It's actually really great just like it is.
Just flashed from nitrodark, i love them both. thanks and nice work!
Great theme. Keep up the great work!
EDIT: nevermind, theme looks great.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
How do I install the apps? I tried from both Root Explorer and apk manager, but both say app not installed when it tries to install.
Put the .zip file on the base of your sd card, reboot phone into clock work, chose install from zip, and install. The same way you installed the theme.
Sent from Tapatalk on my SC2.8 Honeycombed Fascinate.
Anyone try this on sc2. 9?
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA Premium App
k rock said:
Anyone try this on sc2. 9?
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA Premium App
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Click to collapse
Nope dont think it will work since framework is diff....SC v2.9 has the lockscreen music controls included in it
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA Premium App
tapout27 said:
Nope dont think it will work since framework is diff....SC v2.9 has the lockscreen music controls included in it
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA Premium App
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Click to collapse
If you flash this on SC 2.9 you will lose the lock screen media player. I will have this updated in the next day or two. I am almost finished with the new version of NitroDark which includes the new lockscreen music controls.
Not too sure why this theme isn't getting more love! Great combination, I wasn't the biggest fan of just the nitro, definitely liked honeycomb;but this combo is bad ass... thank you guys alot!!
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
I installed this great theme and I have quick question....if u see ur example of the first pix in the middle...you have that cool big timer and weather together....I really want to have that!!! but i have no idea how to set that up...and my apps(like phone, contact, home, message and interent widgets are gray unlike urs) how do I change them to colors like yours?
Im running SC 2.9 non voodoo
k rock said:
Anyone try this on sc2. 9?
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA Premium App
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I tried it last night on 2.9 voodoo and it would not go past the cool bootup screen...pulled battery and went back to 2.8 voodoo just to have this theme.
Thank you for the awesome work. Any poss way we will see a purple version of this theme?
Sent from my awesome SC 2.8 voodoo w/Nitrocomb theme
mengineer said:
Put the .zip file on the base of your sd card, reboot phone into clock work, chose install from zip, and install. The same way you installed the theme.
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Click to collapse
Is there a way to install only individual apps or do I need to remove all the default apps and install all via CW?
ckirkp79 said:
I tried it last night on 2.9 voodoo and it would not go past the cool bootup screen...pulled battery and went back to 2.8 voodoo just to have this theme.
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Click to collapse
I flashed this over 2.9 voodoo last nite and everything has been working perfectly fine except i dont have the music player on the lockscreen... when this gets updated will i have to reflash 2.9 to get the music player on the lockscreen or will it be put back in when the theme is updated
Very Nice!! going on my Phone right now.
I flashed this last night after flashing SC2.9nv and didn't have one problem. Then I flashed Honeycomb over this theme, cause I'm still stuck on Honeycomb lol but it lacks the themed widgets, and didn't have one problem then either. Then later in the night mob87 put up a new Honeycomb and I flashed that on top of Nitrocomb, and the SC2.8 Honeycomb, and not only was there not a single problem, going about 12 hours now, but it's a perfect mash up. I get all the themed widgets but have the pure Honeycomb theme for everything else, which is cool cause mob87's latest iteration included the music controls on the lock screens, even though I barely ever use them. Overall they're both two kick arse themes alone too.

[THEMES] 9/04/11: Dark Fire, Dark Fire Blue, Gilded Hammr- Mosaic Rom

This is the official thread for my Dark Fire and Gilded Hammr themes for Captivate Gingerbread Roms. If you are looking for the Dark Fire Froyo Builds, go here.
These themes have been built for Team Phoenix's Mosaic Rom (Android 2.3.x) It has NOT been tested on any other roms- if you're running something other than Mosaic, flash at your own risk.
All flashable files on this thread support both CWM 2 and CWM 3.
I am not responsible for anything that happens to you, your phone, or anything else as a result of flashing these themes or any other content featured on this thread. Everything posted here has been personally tested by me and others, but flash at your own risk! As always, back up all of your important data before flashing anything.
To install the theme: download the theme file, place it on your phone's internal sd card, and flash it through Clockwork Mod. For the add-ons, install the full theme first, reboot, download the add-on you want, put it on your internal sd card, and flash it through Clockwork Mod.
Having troube changing your wallpaper after flashing one of my themes?
Use root explorer, total commander, or any file manager that allows you to browse and edit system files:
Go to: /data/data/com.android.settings/files
In that "files" folder will be a file named "wallpaper". Delete that file, and you will be able to change your default homescreen wallpaper. No reboot is required.
If you like my work, please hit that "Thanks" button and/or consider donating to me.
A Special Thank You to All My Testers:
General Changelog (What's New)
-Dark Fire 6.0 released
-Dark Fire 6.0 Add-Ons released
-Added Ginger Chrome Icons to post #6
-Added Green Chrome Icons to post #6
-Updated and expanded Gold and Blue Chrome Icon sets in post #6
-Dark Fire Blue updated to 4.4.1
-Gilded Hammr updated to 1.4.1
-Added Dark Fire Chrome Icons to post #6
-Gilded Hammr Updated to 1.4
-Dark Fire Blue Updated to 4.4
-Dark Fire Blue Updated to 4.3
-Gilded Hammr Updated to 1.3
-Added Gold Glow Swype Keyboard for Gilded Hammr
-Gilded Hammr Updated to 1.2
-Added Gold Glass Swype Keyboard for Gilded Hammr Theme
-Gilded Hammr 1.1 released
-Gilded Hammr alternate drop-down mods added
-Gilded Hammr 1.0 released (Beta)
-Added Gilded Hammr Gold Chrome Icons to post #6.
-Updated Dark Fire Blue and Add-ons for Mosaic IV
-Added Overscroll Bounce Revert File for Mosaic IV- I restored overscroll glow in my themes. If you want the overscroll bounce, flash the "Overscroll Bounce Revert" file.
-Dark Fire Blue Revert Added- thanks to robm1911 for the revert file.
-Dark Fire Blue Updated to 4.2.1
-Fixed battery indicator disappearing when battery level is above 80% while charging
-Dark Fire Blue Updated to 4.2
-New Blue Chrome Icons preinstalled
-Blue chrome icon pack added. Flashes to internal SD card.
-Updated Dropbox to 1.1.3
-Added Dark Fire Blue Chrome Icons to post #6
-Dark Fire Blue 4.1 released
Dark Fire Blue 4.4.1
Dark Fire Blue 4.4.1 Changelog:
-Fixed browser fc issue
Dark Fire Blue 4.4 Changelog:
-Full support for Mosaic VI
-Updated dropbox to v1.2.3
-Fixed themed market not installing
-Fixed bootanimation not installing
-Fixed launcher pro for "plus" market app not enabling widgets/themes
Dark Fire Blue 4.3 Changelog:
-Updated to support Mosaic V
-New settings.apk for lockscreen wallpaper
-Various framework/icon tweaks
-New blue glass swype keyboard
-Updated dropbox to v1.2.1
Dark Fire Blue 4.2.1 Changelog:
-Fixed battery indicator disappearing when battery level is above 80% while charging
Dark Fire Blue 4.2 Changelog:
-New Blue Chrome Icons preinstalled
-Blue chrome icon pack added. Flashes to internal SD card.
-Updated Dropbox to 1.1.3
Known Issue: Minor Black on Black text problems, mostly with 3rd party apps. I've fixed it in all the system apps.
-New Boot Animation
-Blue Status Bar Clock and Progress Bar
-Themed Swype and Gingerbread keyboards
-Themed Android Launcher
-Themed Touchwiz30Launcher
-Themed Launcher Pro
-Themed Launcher Pro Widgets (Launcher Pro Plus Only)
-Themed Market
-Themed Calculator
-Themed Gmail, Email, and MMS
-Themed Dialer, Contacts, and Phone
-Themed Settings
- Themed Extended Power Menu
-Themed Analogue Clock, Google Search, and Power Control Widgets
-Tons of wallpapers in the Tw Wallpaper Chooser
-5 lock screen mod (all themed)
-Tweaked Dropbox (fixes a black on black text issue in the notification dropdown)
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Alternate Notification Backgrounds: (These are only add-ons for my Dark Fire Theme. Flash the complete theme first)
If you like my work, please hit the "Thanks" button and/or consider donating.
Mosaic V/VI Downloads:
Dark Fire Blue 4.4.1
Alternate Bottom Bar Notification Add-On
Empty Notification Background Add-On
Alternate Bottom Bar and Empty Notification Background Add-On
Mosaic IV Downloads:
Dark Fire Blue 4.2.1
Alternate Bottom Bar Notification Add-On
Empty Notification Background Add-On
Alternate Bottom Bar and Empty Notification Background Add-On
Overscroll Bounce Revert
Mosaic III Downloads:
Dark Fire Blue 4.2.1
Dark Fire Blue 4.1
Dark Fire Blue Revert: Thanks robm1911!
Alternate Bottom Bar Notification Add-On
Empty Notification Background Add-On
Alternate Bottom Bar and Empty Notification Background Add-On
Dark Fire 6.0
Dark Fire 6.0 Changelog:
-Initial Release
Known Issue: Minor Black on Black text problems, mostly with 3rd party apps. I've fixed it in all the system apps.
-Animated Notification Background New!
-New Boot Animation
-Blue Status Bar Clock and Progress Bar
-Themed Swype and Gingerbread keyboards
-Themed Android Launcher
-Themed Touchwiz30Launcher
-Themed Launcher Pro
-Themed Launcher Pro Widgets (Launcher Pro Plus Only)
-Themed Market
-Themed Calculator
-Themed Gmail, Email, and MMS
-Themed Dialer, Contacts, and Phone
-Themed Settings
- Themed Extended Power Menu
-Themed Analogue Clock, Google Search, and Power Control Widgets
-Tons of wallpapers in the Tw Wallpaper Chooser
-5 lock screen mod (all themed)
-Tweaked Dropbox (fixes a black on black text issue in the notification dropdown)
Alternate Notification Backgrounds: (These are only add-ons for my Dark Fire Theme. Flash the complete theme first)
If you like my work, please press the "Thanks" button and/or consider donating.
Mosaic VI Downloads:
Dark Fire 6.0
Empty Drop-Down Notification Background Add-on (Not Animated)
Skull Drop-Down Notification Background Add-on (Not Animated)
Gilded Hammr 1.4.1
Special thanks to BWolf56 for pitching me the idea to do a black and gold theme.
Gilded Hammr 1.4.1 Changelog:
-Fixed browser fc issue
Gilded Hammr 1.4 Changelog:
-Full support for Mosaic VI
-Updated dropbox to v1.2.3
-Fixed themed market not installing
-Fixed bootanimation not installing
Gilded Hammr 1.3 Changelog:
-Changed a few .pngs in the framework and other sytem apps
-Added glowing border to pop-up windows
-New Phone Dialer layout (updated screenshot as well)
-Changed blue subtext to gold in Dialer
-Added gold border to power control widget
Gilded Hammr 1.2 Changelog:
-Updated Settings.apk for Mosaic V
-Fixed alternte Lockscreen Wallpaper not sticking
-New Gold Glass Swype Keyboard (Original Gold Glow Swype has been added as an Add-On Mod)
-Updated Dropbox to v1.2.1
Gilded Hammr 1.1 Changelog:
-New unknown contacts picture
-Tweaked numerous icons and .pngs throughout the system apps and framework
-Updated themed Dropbox to 1.1.4 (most recent version as of 7/11/11)
-Changed data signal icons
-Tweaked Google Search Widget
-Switched to Black Themed Market
-Added additional icons to Gold Chrome Icon pack (installs to sd when flashing theme)
-Added force install wallpaper script for first flash
Gilded Hammr 1.0 Changelog:
-Initial beta release.
Known Issue: Minor Black on Black text problems, mostly with 3rd party apps. I've fixed it in all the system apps.
-New Boot Animation
-Gold Status Bar Clock and Progress Bar
-Themed Swype and Gingerbread keyboards
-Themed Touchwiz30Launcher
-Themed Launcher Pro
-Themed Market
-Themed Calculator
-Themed Gmail, Email, and MMS
-Themed Dialer, Contacts, and Phone
-Themed Settings
- Themed Extended Power Menu
-Themed Analogue Clock, Google Search, and Power Control Widgets
-Tons of wallpapers in the Tw Wallpaper Chooser
-5 lock screen mod (all themed)
-Tweaked Dropbox (fixes a black on black text issue in the notification dropdown)
Alternate Notification Backgrounds: (These are only add-ons for my Gilded Hammr Theme. Flash the complete theme first)
Alternate Gold Glass and Gold Glow Swype Keyboards:
If you like my work, please hit the "Thanks" button and/or consider donating.
Mosaic V/VI Downloads:
Gilded Hammr 1.4.1
Empty Notification Drop-Down Add-on
Silver "Off" Notification Drop-Down Buttons Add-on
Empty Drop-Down and Silver Buttons Add-on
Gold Glass Swype Keyboard
Gold Glow Swype Keyboard
Dark Fire Battery Mods
Coming Soon!
Additional Content
Dark Fire Chrome Icons (Credit to sv0911 for the original template)
To install these icons, you need to use a launcher that supports custom icons (launcher pro, adw) or use an app that allows for the use of custom icons (desktop visualizer, folder organized, ect.)
Dark Fire Blue Chrome Icons
Download DFB Chrome Icons
Dark Fire Chrome Icons
Download DF Chrome Icons
Gilded Hammr Chrome Icons
Download Gilded Hammr Chrome Icons
Green Chrome Icons
Download Green Chrome Icons
Ginger Chrome Icons
Download Ginger Chrome Icons
Great work Hammer. I am sure there will be quite a few happy campers.
sent using a phone.
NunHugger said:
Great work Hammer. I am sure there will be quite a few happy campers.
sent using a phone.
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Click to collapse
Thanks Nun! There were so many delays with this build, its just good to be back in buisness.
Nice to see Dark fire alive and well on Mosaic!! Great work 10ton
I'm currently running launcer pro plus, flashing theme will not revert me back to TW, right?
Notices a minor issue in BW when trying to change clock/weather skins, pop menu cannot be seen(blacked out). Otherwise it looks great, thanks!
eep2378 said:
Nice to see Dark fire alive and well on Mosaic!! Great work 10ton
I'm currently running launcer pro plus, flashing theme will not revert me back to TW, right?
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That's correct. Themed launcher pro is in the theme. Launcher pro plus themed widgets as well, as long as you have paid for an unlock code.
eep2378 said:
Notices a minor issue in BW when trying to change clock/weather skins, pop menu cannot be seen(blacked out). Otherwise it looks great, thanks!
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Yea, the black on black in 3rd party apps is a known issue. Its collateral damage for doing a black based theme.
Excellent work, 10ton. Glad I could help with testing.
10tonhammr said:
That's correct. Themed launcher pro is in the theme. Launcher pro plus themed widgets as well, as long as you have paid for an unlock code.
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I have paid version of LPP but the themed version is not the latest? Also I never got an unlock code when I paid for it. If you look at LPP details/info in market it states themed/modified versions are not supported. ??
eep2378 said:
I have paid version of LPP but the themed version is not the latest? Also I never got an unlock code when I paid for it. If you look at LPP details/info in market it states themed/modified versions are not supported. ??
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Signal23 (the original dev who did the themed LP widgets) hooked up Frederico Carnales (creator of LP) to get unsigned versions of the apk that he could retheme and then sign himself. His themed apks with the widgets were available for free in his XDA thread, up until recently. Frederico decided to build a theme engine into the official LP apk (which is awesome) and Sginal23 published his themed LP widgets as market apps (most are free, some are paid) that are compatible with the new theme engine. The most recent versions of LP (with the theme engine) are not supported if rethemed or modified in any way. The themed LP in my theme is the most recent version without the theme engine, and has the themed widgets built in. However, you still need to unlock the widgets in order to use them. (Giving away paid software for free is a huge no-no.)
Launcher Pro Plus was originally unlocked via paypal and an official unlock code. If you got LPP this way, you're all set. Long press on the home screen, try to add a LPP widget, and enter the code when prompted. However, the new Launcher Pro Plus is available as a liscense key app in the market. It downloads the liscense to your phone, launcher pro recognizes it and unlocks the widgets. This liscense key will not recognize any themed or modded version of Launcher Pro (different signatures). That's why I haven't updated my themed LP app to the most recent version. If you have an unlock code, you can use my themed LP and have the LPP widgets you paid for. If you unlocked LPP through the market, you cannot use my themed LP and the widgets. You have to choose. There is nothing in my themed LP that is all that critical to the overall appearance of the theme. Its just icons, basically. So, if you unlocked LPP with the market app, just uninstall my themed version using TiBu, reboot, and download official LP from the market and enjoy the widgets you paid for!
Sorry for this llooooooooooonnnngg, rambling post, but its kind of a weird situation.
Been waiting for Dark Fire to be ported to GB before I made the jump. I just like my Red too much to leave it behind.
10tonhammr said:
Signal23 (the original dev who did the themed LP widgets) hooked up Frederico Carnales (creator of LP) to get unsigned versions of the apk that he could retheme and then sign himself. His themed apks with the widgets were available for free in his XDA thread, up until recently. Frederico decided to build a theme engine into the official LP apk (which is awesome) and Sginal23 published his themed LP widgets as market apps (most are free, some are paid) that are compatible with the new theme engine. The most recent versions of LP (with the theme engine) are not supported if rethemed or modified in any way. The themed LP in my theme is the most recent version without the theme engine, and has the themed widgets built in. However, you still need to unlock the widgets in order to use them. (Giving away paid software for free is a huge no-no.)
Launcher Pro Plus was originally unlocked via paypal and an official unlock code. If you got LPP this way, you're all set. Long press on the home screen, try to add a LPP widget, and enter the code when prompted. However, the new Launcher Pro Plus is available as a liscense key app in the market. It downloads the liscense to your phone, launcher pro recognizes it and unlocks the widgets. This liscense key will not recognize any themed or modded version of Launcher Pro (different signatures). That's why I haven't updated my themed LP app to the most recent version. If you have an unlock code, you can use my themed LP and have the LPP widgets you paid for. If you unlocked LPP through the market, you cannot use my themed LP and the widgets. You have to choose. There is nothing in my themed LP that is all that critical to the overall appearance of the theme. Its just icons, basically. So, if you unlocked LPP with the market app, just uninstall my themed version using TiBu, reboot, and download official LP from the market and enjoy the widgets you paid for!
Sorry for this llooooooooooonnnngg, rambling post, but its kind of a weird situation.
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Great info! It all makes sense now. I unlocked LPP with the market app. Its not really that big a deal for me though. If I need the LPP widgets I'll delete the themed one with TiBu and redownload latest LPP. For now though, I'm rocking Dark Fire Blue with LP(btw, love the blue "text" dock icons). Nice work!
Sure ill break the ice, any chance of a revert file?
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
wretchedhorror said:
Sure ill break the ice, any chance of a revert file?
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
ill b doing a revert soon. There is also a revert file in the mosaic themes thread, but I don't know if it will undo everything in my theme.

[THEME | XTHEME] - [ Hue 4.4 ] - [Colored | Plain | Simple | Dark] [CM10.x] [Nov.24]

"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Version 4.4
40,000+ Downloads
After my previous themes
Asul & SimpleSoft
Here is my 3rd theme
- 100% FREE cm theme
- a simple theme, stock look icons but colored on a dark background environment
- for cm10.x (android 4.1.x / 4.2.x / 4.3.x)
- based on stock holo blue color #FF33B5E5
- available in 11 more colors, (see 2nd post)
- inverted / dark themed apps included
- multi rom icon support
- ported to xtheme (see 2nd post)
original animated features
- breathing notifications
- smoother download / upload animation
- swipe animation for clear notification icon
- animated usb notification icon
want to know more about Hue?
- check this review by @LOBBS
And check my new theme for girls
HeKi [Hello Kitty]
Android 4.1.x / 4.2.x / 4.3.x Framework & SystemUI
Apex Launcher
Apolo Configurator
Camera 360
Clock Plus
Dash Clock
DSP Manager
ES File Explorer
EX Dialer and Contacts
Falcon Pro
Gsam Battery Monitor
K-9 Mail
MX Player
News and Weather
Notifications Widget
Nova Launcher
Onandroid Backup
PA Prefs (Hybrid Properties)
Performance Control
Permissions Manager
Play Music
Play Store
Rom Control
Root Explorer
Sim Toolkit
Slim Center
Swype Beta
Terminal Emulator
Titanium Backup
Triangle Away
Voice Dialer
Voice Search
XDA Premium
Xposed Installer
Xposed DPI
Zip Installer
Hue 4.4 - [All Colors] [Nov.24.2013]
add support to android 4.1.x
fixed compose label text color in email
fixed tapatalk sidedrawer icon
fixed mms list selected color
fixed quickpic launcher icon
fixed grey dialogs
updated tapatalk launcher icon
updated cm camera
added icon support to liquidsmooth rom
improved slimcenter and trds icon
revert compose label text color in gmail
revert message count color in MMS
themed / inverted ex dialer & contacts
HueWhite additional changes:
fixed holo light radio buttons
fixed holo light progress bar
fixed holo light menu icons
fixed holo light checkbox
fixed chrome invisible icons
fixed suggestion text color
removed shortcut icons
removed gsam battery
themed launcher icons
changed signal qs tiles to solid white
changed wifi qs tiles to solid white
HueWhiteKat additional changes:
changed default contact picture
changed default user picture
changed overscroll glow
changed gps notification icon
changed gps qs tiles
HueWhiteKat 4.3.2 - [Nov.14.2013]
fixed suggestion text color
resize statusbar handle
resize adb icon
changed signal and wifi qs tiles to solid white
changed airplane off qs tile
changed app drawer icon
HueWhiteKat 4.3.1 - [Nov.06.2013]
basically same as HueWhite but with KitKat touch
changed launcher icons of phone, settings and camera
changed wallpaper to black kk wallpaper
changed theme preview
changed settings icon in notification
changed adb icon to kk bars
changed notification drawer handle
themed launcher icons to white
add shadows on navbar buttons (kk look)
for better result on homescreen, set statusbar and navigation bar color to #00000000
Hue 4.3 - [All Colors] [Oct.25.2013]
clean up!
fixed boarder of menu popup/dropdown
fixed es pressed background color
fixed incall info background
fixed broken dialog popup
fixed navbar icon opacity
fixed keep mic icon
fixed PAC settings
changed gmail compose label text color
changed qs tiles background to black
changed mms message count color
changed text cursor color
added icon support to dirty unicorn's settings
added icon support to rootbox settings
removed airdroid
updated lockscreen shortcut icons
updated Tapatalk HD
updated Camera 360
updated Playstore
themed Apolo Configurator
themed BLN Control Pro
themed Active Display
themed Sim Toolkit
HueWhite [Additional Changes]
changed holo_light background to grey
changed white popups to grey
unthemed most of launcher icons
darker notification pressed background
darker calculator pressed background
darker keyboard pressed background
darker qs tiles pressed background
darker keyboard popups
darker on switch
Hue 4.2 - [All Colors] [Oct.17.2013]
downgrade API level to 17 (android 4.2 and up compatibility)
color and image redirections
fixed button icon in cm settings
fixed gmail compose text color if trds is on
fixed email compose text color if trds is on
fixed some blurred and semi transparent icons
changed notification handle background to transparent and resized H icon
changed notification pressed background
changed tiles pressed background
changed slim battery
added icon support to PAC settings
added black background on lockscreen handle
removed antutu benchmark
removed unused launcher icons
Hue 4.1 - [All Colors] [Oct.2.2013]
clean up!
upgraded to api level 18 (android 4.3)
fixed breathing notification for playstore update apps
fixed app fc after installation
fixed theme chooser icon
fixed google keep issues
fixed power menu toggle
fixed gmail color issues
fixed dialer font color
fixed slim ota icon
fixed grabber icon
fixed navbar icons
updated camera 360
updated tapatalk4
updated dropbox
updated greenify
added swipe animation for clear notification icon
added breathing notification for playstore installed apps
added breathing notification for titanium backup
added breathing notification for dropbox
added breathing notification for adb
added support to carbon settings
added support to Tapatalk HD
added back YouTube theme
removed gingerbread icons in framework
removed lockscreen widget icons
resized default wallpaper
forced calculator button text to be white
changed system/dialer background into xml
changed notification drawer handle
changed lockscreen handle
themed onandroid backup
Hue 4.0 - [All Colors] [Sept.19.2013]
Hue 4.0 - [Sept.17.2013]
initial release for android 4.3 support (may be used / but not fully compatible to android 4.2.2 and below)
removed 4.2.2 and below rom specific icons (will add on future updates depends on user demand)
based on slimrom 4.3
fixed distorted appwidget pressed background
fixed unthemed slimrom specific icons
fixed grey boarders on background
fixed unthemed menu/popup panels
fixed contacts background
fixed privacy guard icon
fixed issues on camera
fixed unthemed dialer
updated es file explorer
updated framework
updated settings
updated mms
themed lockscreen (slide)
removed youtube for now
Hue 3.1 - [All Colors] [July.04.2013]
clean up!
color redirections
fixed dual carrier data indicator for T-Mobile
fixed ES file explorer color codes
fixed youtube graphical glitches
fixed some unthemed icons
updated RootBox Settings
updated qs tiles
updated utorrent launcher icon
removed hdpi launcher icons, xhdpi will automatically resized
removed halo specific themed icons
removed duplicated images
changed signals to stock aosp look (still PerAppColor compatible)
changed spinner (themed aosp spinner)
changed Mms bubbles
reverted holo white background to pure white
themed trebuchet
and some other changes i can't remember
Hue 3.0 - [All Colors] [June.11.2013]
clean up! image redirections to reduce apk size
HueOrange - changed from #FF6600 to #FF8800 (android's holo orange dark)
HuePurple - changed from #9966CC to #AA66CC (android's holo violet light)
HueGreen - changed from #00CC00 to #99CC00 (android's holo green light)
HueRed - changed from #FF0000 to #FF4444 (android's holo red light)
fixed unthemed Slim's settings icon in notification window
fixed unthemed Slim's mark read in email
fixed unthemed Slim's qs tiles
fixed unthemed RootBox's mark read in mms
fixed unthemed RootBox's enter key icon
fixed unthemed RootBox's Halo icon
fixed unthemed RootBox's Logo
fixed unthemed PAC's performance control icon
fixed unthemed AOKP's installer icon
fixed unthemed AOKP's darkui icon
changed theme preview image
changed default wallpaper
changed list headers
updated Gmail 4.5.x (fixed white panel and font issues)
updated RootExplorer v3.x (fixed unthemed icons)
updated Falcon Pro (fixed unthemed/wrong icons)
updated Playstore (fixed font/background issues)
updated ES FIle Explorer (fixed unthemed icons)
updated Apex (fixed unthemed icons)
updated Swype (fixed orange trail)
themed Google Play Music v5.0.x (inverted)
themed Tapatalk4 beta
themed Triangle Away
themed SlimCenter
themed PA's Halo
themed Chrome
removed viber
removed talk
Hue 2.9 - [All Colors] [May.16.2013]
updated framework / systemui
updated rom control
updated settings
updated camera
updated notifications widget
updated nova launcher
updated apex launcher
updated greenify
updated youtube
added icon support to carbon settings
added icon support to slim settings
adjusted notification background to 50% black
adjusted some color codes
new set of signal and battery icons compatible to PA's per app color
themed xda app with diff package name
themed permissions manager
themed mms android emojis
themed swype in playstore
themed titanium backup
themed halo)))
Hue 2.8 - [All Colors] [Apr.22.2013]
updated RootBox settings, framework, systemui
updated swype with diff package name
updated default circlemod battery
fixed tapatalk breathing notification
fixed apex unthemed action icons
fixed dropbox progressbar
fixed some blurred icons
added version number in theme preview
added breathing calendar notification
added animation in usb notification
removed list dividers
semi transparent notification background (33% black)
themed notification handle (glow on press)
themed / modified RB speedometer battery
themed / inverted Camera 360 v4.0
themed / inverted Playstore v4.0
themed / inverted Greenify
themed ES file explorer V3.0
themed notifications widget
themed voice dialer
themed RB papers
themed zipinstaller
themed uber sync
themed quadrant
themed quickpic
themed antutu
Hue 2.7 - [All Colors] [Mar.30.2013]
clean up part 4!
updated framework
updated systemui
updated settings
color adjustments in gmail
color adjustments in mms
color adjustments in calendar
modified circle mod battery
modified scroll bar handle
changed off state tiles from 25% - 33% opacity
added email breathing notification
fix notification boarder
themed airdroid (not inverted)
themed clock plus
themed google keep - inverted
Hue 2.6 - [All Colors] [Mar.21.2013]
clean up part 3!
fixed some redirections in 2.5.1
fixed some blurred icons in 2.5.1
fixed contacts white header in 2.5.1
fixed compatibility of sms breath committed in other roms
fixed compatibility of missed call breath committed in other roms
fixed some calendar issues
fixed unthemed navbar targets
fixed unthemed cLock check icon
fixed google play music progress bar
fixed broken charging animation value
fixed font issue of email in tablet mode
changed 4G indicator to LTE
adjusted dropbox background in textfile
added icon support to xylon rom
added boarder to notification items
added boarder to quick settings tiles
reworked calculator
reworked stock keyboard
reworked wifi and signal icons
updated gmail
updated RootBox settings
themed torch
themed logcat
themed mx player
themed swype beta
themed terminal emulator
themed gsam battery monitor
themed k-9 mail + breathing notification
Hue 2.5.1 - [Mar.11.2013]
HueLite 2.5.1 - [Mar.11.2013]
HueCyan 2.5.1 - [Mar.11.2013]
clean up part 2!
themed superuser open source in system settings
fix some toggles
smoother download/upload animation
redirected launcher icons in one place
HueLite released (same as Hue Holo but launcher icons are not themed)
HueCyan released hexcode: #FF33E5E5
Hue 2.5 - [All Colors] [Mar.09.2013]
clean up! removed unnecessary files!
fixed gtalk font issue on white background
fixed gmail font issue on white background
fixed email font issue on white background
fixed playstore comments section in tablet mode
fixed orange background when pressing file list
fixed unthemed H+ tiles
fixed unthemed navbar icons
fixed unthemed google now icons
fixed unthemed statusbar tile icons
fixed unthemed contacts tab selector
fixed unthemed gallery icon in camera
reverted youtube stock scrubber handle
reworked on some launcher icons
adjusted USB tether tile
adjusted youtube video background (font color automatically adjusted)
improved RootBox icons (about rb, rb settings and update center)
modified android usb unconnected image
changed default contact picture
added animated notification (breathing effect) for
-- sms - mms - missed call - playstore - talk - tapatalk --
added animation for battery charging
updated Framework-res and SystemUI
updated RootBox settings / tiles
updated Falcon Pro (much darker)
updated SuperSU
themed AdAway
themed Performance Control
themed Xposed Installer
themed Xposed DPI
themed / inverted uTorrent
themed / inverted Dropbox
themed / inverted Dash Clock
Hue 2.4 - [All Colors] [Feb.12.2013]
fixed multilanguage dialer for the 3rd time (hope this works fine now)
fixed fc in settings while changing lockscreen targets/shortcuts
fixed orange color when pressing button
fixed cut text in rootexplorer's button
fixed browser quick settings color
fixed aokp mms quick reply icons
fixed bluetooth notification
fixed min signal icon in cm
fixed quiet hours tile icon
fixed some blurred icons
themed icons in settings>battery such as android os, cell standy, phone idle, etc...
battery bar graph percentage in settings themed
some color hexcode / png adjustments
default buttons themed
dialer letters themed
changed lowbat state colors (0-10% red ; 11-15% orange)
changed wifi and signal icon (looks cleaner now)
changed profile icon in quick settings
changed calendar launcher icon
updated changes from chronus to cLock
updated Rootbox settings
updated Romcontrol icons
updated framework and systemui
added aokp mms bubble (choose frame with arrow) via "mms theme settings"
added icon support to Carbon settings
added icon support to Baked Settings
XDA Premium themed (choose "dark" display style)
Google Talk themed (inverted)
Youtube themed (inverted)
DSP Manager themed
Email inverted
HueYellow 2.3 - [Feb.02.2013]
HuePink 2.3 - [Feb.01.2013]
HueGreen 2.3 - [Feb.01.2013]
HueBrown 2.3 - [Jan.31.2013]
HueOrange 2.3 - [Jan.31.2013]
HuePurple 2.3 - [Jan.31.2013]
HueRed 2.3 - [Jan.31.2013]
HueSilver 2.3 - [Jan.31.2013]
HueBlue 2.3 - [Jan.31.2013]
Hue 2.3 - [Jan.30.2013]
updated framework
updated SystemUI
updated AOSPA settings
updated AOSPA hybrid properties
fixed / themed holo light pop-ups
fixed unthemed toggle icons in some roms
fixed orange boarder in tapatalk text field
fixed narvbar ring targets (recolored)
fixed unthemed multi-language dialer in other color versions of Hue
fixed font color issue in google search
changed signal and wifi icon (modified stock signal - recolored & resized)
changed keyboard pop-up panel background
added icon support to baked settings
Google Music themed
Downloads themed
Viber themed
Falcon Pro themed
HueBlue changed to #FF3388FF
HuePink 2.2 - [Jan.19.2013]
HueYellow 2.2 - [Jan.19.2013]
HuePurple 2.2 - [Jan.19.2013]
HueBrown 2.2 - [Jan.19.2013]
HueGreen 2.2 - [Jan.19.2013]
HueOrange 2.2 - [Jan.19.2013]
HueBlue 2.2 - [Jan.19.2013]
HueRed 2.2 - [Jan.18.2013]
HueSilver 2.2 - [Jan.18.2013]
Hue 2.2 - [Jan.18.2013]
Launcher Icons themed (all themed apps in Hue)
fixed unthemed "location icon" in clock
added icon support to Eclipse settings
updated RootBox settings and icons
added multi-language dialer support
default wallpaper changed
Framework and SystemUI updated
--- themed additional icons from latest nightly (cm and aokp) ---
--- revert off state toggles in power menu to 50% white ---
--- reworked some blurred icons ---
--- font color adjustments ---
--- navbar glow changed ---
--- popup boarder fixed ---
Keyboard updated
--- fixed broken boarder when pressed ---
--- darker keyboard tiles ---
News and Weather updated
--- additional themed icons ---
--- font color adjustments ---
--- darker barkground ---
Tapatalk updated
--- font and background color adjustments ---
--- fixed consistent blue background ---
Browser updated
--- adjust progress bar (little thicker and darker) ---
--- reworked some blurred icons ---
--- font color adjustments ---
Phone updated
--- fixed consistent blue background ---
--- themed dialer ---
Nova updated
--- fixed unthemed shortcut icons ---
--- themed disc folder ---
Gmail inverted
Google Now inverted
HueSilver 2.1.1 - [Jan.13.2013]
Hue 2.1.1 - [Jan.13.2013]
toggles off state changed to 25% opacity of color version
null icon of wifi and signal changed
added icon support for liquidsmooth settings
modified holo light backgrounds (for silver icon to be clearer)
small fix on calendar white background
fixed top glow color on notifications
Hue 2.1 - [All Colors] [Jan.12.2013]
fixed theme chooser launcher icon
updated framework
reworked some blurred icons
resized some icons
themed font color and cursor on some fields per hue color versions
updated rootbox settings
chronus themed
news and weather themed
playstore inverted / fixed percentage font color
calendar inverted (some backgrounds still white, it is hardcoded in layout)
HueYellow 2.0 - [Jan.03.2013]
HueRed 2.0 - [Jan.03.2013]
HuePurple 2.0 - [Jan.03.2013]
HuePink 2.0 - [Jan.03.2013]
HueOrange 2.0 - [Jan.03.2013]
HueGreen 2.0 - [Jan.03.2013]
HueBrown 2.0 - [Jan.03.2013]
HueBlue 2.0 - [Jan.03.2013]
Hue 2.0 - [Jan.01.2013]
updated android 4.2.x and still supporting android 4.1.x
updated android 4.2.x systemui, framework & settings (cm10.1 and aokp)
updated android 4.2.x rom control (aokp)
updated android 4.2.x gallery / camera
updated android 4.2.x gmail
updated android 4.2.x clock
themed email
themed apex launcher
themed betterbatterystats
themed playstore
themed mms send/received with bubbles (only for mms.apk without theme settings)
fixed nova launcher "app info" icon
Hue 1.3 - [All Colors] [Dec.08.2012]
fixed "about" icon in PA
fixed blue circle button when selecting lists in other color versions
fixed force close in "join contacts" activity
color font of "links" in tapatalk changed to #ff598ecb (default in all color versions)
changed custom toggles to stock themed toggles (off state set to 50% white)
navigation button glow changed
wifi and signal icons changed
default 1% battery changed to Arc3 battery mod using Rom Fumbler by OlliG
circlemod battery option in aokp removed
added icon support to jellybam settings
themed S Pen icon in romcontrol on some roms
settings launcher icon themed in other color versions
quick search box (google now) themed
keyboard themed
root explorer themed
gallery / camera themed
nova launcher themed
Hue 1.2 - [All Colors] [Dec.02.2012]
fixed vibrate, wifi, wifi tether and 4G toggles not changing color in cm10
fixed volume slider colors in color version of hue
fixed contacts background in tablet mode
fixed deskclock theme
fixed some icons in framework (to correct color conversion)
removed dark blue notification icon background
themed the thin default battery
signal and wifi icons changed (unconnected/white signals - dark now)
toggles "off state" set to 50% transparent to reduced white color icon
tapatalk themed
HueOrange 1.1 - [Nov.28.2012]
HueBrown 1.1 - [Nov.28.2012]
HueGreen 1.1 - [Nov.28.2012]
HueBlue 1.1 - [Nov.27.2012]
Hue 1.1 - [Nov.26.2012]
added icon support to slim rom settings
added icon support to resurrection remix rom settings
added boarder to pop-up menus (1 pixel)
phone themed
supersu themed
calculator themed
browser themed
gmail themed
calendar themed
goo manager themed
clock themed
Hue 1.0 - [Nov.23.2012]
Initial release
colored based on Holo Blue
custom toggles from SimpleSoft
custom statusbar Icons from SimpleSoft
1% battery mod
1% Vertumus Circlemod - AOKP circlemod option
pure black system and dialer background
pure black popup background
inverted contacts
inverted mms
inverted PA Preferences
icon support to rootbox rom settings
download apk > double click file to install
on update, uninstall previous version (recommended)
go to settings > theme chooser > select Hue > apply
reboot (recommended) and enjoy
check 3rd post for lockscreen morph
possible errors in installation
missing assets
apply anyway
theme improperly compiled
apply system theme then reboot your phone and try applying Hue again
revert to default dpi then apply Hue again
if in "Paranoid Android" set Themes Provider app to 161 dpi then apply Hue again
if in Tablet, follow this
parse error
reboot your phone then install again
redownload apk and install again
Learned from their threads:
Useful templates:
ebs512 - theme chooser
MrDSL - Mms, PAprefs, Contacts
m4570d0n - Contacts
Big thanks to:
All of you guys who support my themes
vertumus - circlemod battery used until Hue 1.2
Kryten2k35 - some color codes in his inverted Playstore 3.x until Hue 2.7
OlliG - battery created by his "The Rom Fumbler" tool
titanic_fanatic - modified aapt to compile upper case packages
MrDSL, djdarkknight96, B-boy, TUN_SD - for their help on right file names
Donation thanks (for all of my themes):
[email protected] [2x] ;
@gippy2 [7x] ; @Cjeetje63 [5x] ; @kantjer [4x] ; @joshuaw84 [2x] ; @pissyhun [2x] ; @rtimoff [2x] ; @stg13 [2x] ; @User_99 [2x] ;
@annoyingduck ; @Aphex13 ; @astrogambit78 ; @bkdodger ; @Cliniclyinsane ; @Computoncio ; @dhatch93 ; @djmouse ; @Droidlovinyogi ; @ercxar ; @follettoverde ; @freak.hh ; @fredgar75 ; @GadgetFreak ; @Gordietm ; @HAVOK83 ; @Lashe ; @LauraSakura ; @lilmagnus ; @malavan ; @Mercado_Negro ; @MissyKoneko ; @Narzissus ; @Neverendingxsin ; @nihilista ; @oli20021978 ; @partylikeaninjastar ; @pearljohn ; @red3razor ; @sero86 ; @Starymari ; @Tidewater ; @Tripledrop ; @ts85 ; @vivmar ; @xeGox ; @z28tovette ; @zulu888
if you appreciate my work and want to support my theme development
buy me a cup of coffee to keep me awake while making themes
G+ | Facebook | Twitter​.
hexcode: #ff33b5e5
Same as Regular Hue [Holo Blue] but launcher icons are not themed
hexcode: #ff3388ff
hexcode: #ffaa8855
hexcode: #ff33e5e5
hexcode: #ff99cc00
hexcode: #ffff8800
hexcode: #ffffaacc
hexcode: #ffaa66cc
hexcode: #ffff0000
hexcode: #ffcccccc
hexcode: #ffffffff
hexcode: #ffffffff
same as HueWhite but with KitKat touch
hexcode: #ffffff00
XTheme Section
@mcsqwizzys98 has been porting my themes for a very long time, and now we decided to include it in my thread, credits to him
again i am not the one porting it to xtheme, if you have any questions or concerns, you can post it here in my thread addressing to him
one note: xtheme ported themes would not look exactly as the original due to no support to style.xml w/c i had most of the invert codes, enjoy it anyway
Head over to XTheme thread for installation instructions and some info regarding xtheme
Ported Hue 4.3 post link by @mcsqwizzys98
Ported HueWhiteKat 4.3.1 post link by @mcsqwizzys98
Ported Hue 4.4 post link by @Computoncio
Lockscreen Add-on
reboot into recovery
Nandroid Backup!!!! <<-- don't forget this part -->> Nandroid Backup!!!
flash zip
reboot system
download your color version here
HDPI (480 x 800) & XHDPI (640 x 960)
download file as per your screen resolution
rename to bootanimation.zip
copy file
go to system/media
rename existing bootanimation.zip to bootanimation.zip.bak
paste your new bootanimation.zip
download your color version here
1080 x 1920 (2 sets to choose from)
download your color version here
filename: sig_Hue.png
you may show your support
by adding these sig pics in your signature
download your color version here
Calendar Fix​
Nice !
I'm right that you said that we get that theme maybe also in other colors :fingers-crossed:
cheers for your another great work!=)
Thanx, I'm gona give it a try :good:
thanks guys,
I will update OP when I got home,
Sent from my Galaxy S2
kroz said:
thanks guys,
I will update OP when I got home,
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Installed it and it looks great, this is now my default theme :good:
and here is a cup off coffee, Confirmation number: 80831420K7272202P
kantjer said:
Installed it and it looks great, this is now my default theme :good:
and here is a cup off coffee, Confirmation number: 80831420K7272202P
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
thanks mate for your support,
thanks for the first donation on this theme
Sent from my Galaxy S2
I love the other themes you've made so I'm sure this one will be just as nice.
Well done sir.
scottx . said:
I love the other themes you've made so I'm sure this one will be just as nice.
Well done sir.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
thanks mate,
just making different themes (noticeable difference right?) depending on users taste so they can choose what they really like,
Sent from my Galaxy S2
really nice theme.. thanks and keep going
kancherlapraneeth said:
really nice theme.. thanks and keep going
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
thanks mate,
Sent from my Galaxy S2
Yup pretty nice kroz
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
Absolutely Love this Theme... Thanks a lot for your hardwork and very nice theme You Rock
Sent from my GT-I9100G using Tapatalk 2
guys do you prefer the pure black background for popup menus (ex in power menu, and volume menu)
or do you like me to add a colored boarder to it to be more recognizable?
Boarder would be nice...
kroz said:
guys do you prefer the pure black background for popup menus (ex in power menu, and volume menu)
or do you like me to add a colored boarder to it to be more recognizable?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
a thin colored boarder would be nice.
User_99 said:
Boarder would be nice...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
kantjer said:
a thin colored boarder would be nice.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Done! added 1 pixel boarder just to recognized the pop-ups
Enjoy the beer
Small donation for your efforts in making such nice themes...

[Theme Chooser]-AOSP Awoken

*100% Source Built - No apktool reverse hacking/engineering (f*ckery)
*ZipAligned and Optimized
*BakedROM Soft keys - all credit TeamBAKED
*Pulldown Clock and Date Holo Blue
*Black semi-transparent windows, dialoges, notification tray, QS tiles
*Black backgrounds
*Calculator buttons
*Notification icon tinting - removed
*Custom signal cluster, wifi icons
*misc themed framework images throughout
*Themed Widgets
-power widget
-aosp music
-tunein radio
-news/weather (genie widget)
-google music
*Slightly Altered App Icons
-gallery (??) -calculator
-downloads -clock
-gmail -email
-youtube -aosp calendar
-g plus -g music
-maps -places
-g settings -camera (??)
(??) = Seemes to work with some ROM/Gapp packages, but not all.
*Colored Notification Icons
-misc. framework icons *-misc. in app notify icons
-playstore -email
-mms -phone
-missed call -voicemail
-upload -download
-gmail -talk
-twitter -tunein
-screen shot -facebook
-aosp calendar -apollo
-g music -g+
-tweetdeck -seesmic
-instagram -pintrest
-whatsapp -tapatalk
-aosp music -pandora
-fb messenger -iheart
-snapchat -tango
-yahoo mail
1) Make sure you are on the system default theme
2) Apply AOSP Awoken
3) Apply again - Wallpaper will take afterward (small, yet annoying bug)
4) Everything should take, however a reboot couldn't hurt
5) Enjoy
If you choose to support my work and recieve auto updates, then get it from the play store. Search AOSP Awoken Theme (Donate)
Free version here - updated 4-23-13 - (same as paid):
I will add more as time allows of course. if you find issues, post them up. Same with requests. Enjoy.
version 1.3
new signal cluster
wifi icons
old progress horizontal themed
holo progress bar indicators themed
new unlock handle note this will not work on all roms
check boxes
radio buttons
What font are you using in your screenshot?
looks nice, gonna try it,
thanks for the excellent work :good:
LiquidSolstice said:
What font are you using in your screenshot?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Ubuntu. It my fav
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Nice theme man, well done!!
updated to 1.3
post 2 for changes
Nice and simple. I particularly like the dialer. Thanks
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
Bump for a great theme.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
Love the theme I'm on PA alpha 7 would love to see messaging apk themed... #justsaying
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Can u hook us up with that lockring in the screenshots?
Mate, does the build.prop command
persist.sys.themeId=Theme name
with this?

