[Q] [HELP] I install a wrong ROM and now can't boot - Galaxy S I9000 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I install Darky Base ROM JVU over my GT-i9003 and now I have a big problem... Can't boot phone, can't enter into downloading mode or recovery :S The phone is totally dead. Can someone tell me something that can i do ? Thanks.


[Q] Cant get into recovery mode due to darkys rom

Hi im trying to figure out the galaxy s i9000 droid
i have flashed and re flashed my phone a number of times..
installed CWM and flashed it again.
after installing darkys rom i cannot go back into recovery mode and my phone wont boot if i try.
i have to repartition it with odin to get it to boot again.
but then again if i install darkys rom i can never go back into recovery mode again.
any idias why or how to fix it ? mayB im doing somthing wrong ?
other then that bug my phone seems to work perfectly with darkys rom.
thanks !!
You tried not installing that ROM .
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App

[Q] SGS cant go into recovery mode!

hello guys - about 2 months ago ive installed ICS 4.0 onto my SGS1 al works fine till... yesterday
Basically phone turned off in me pocket - so I did tried to turn it on but it just show SGS logo - then ICS logo and then all over again, again and again. I can get phone to the download mode but not to RECOVERY MODE - it just doesnt work. can anyone help me pls ? !
Well i don't know but if the download mode is OK maybe try to reflash it? If i were on your place i would definitely not wait but reflash it
Put your phone into the download mode and flash a rooted kernel with CWM.
try FixRecovery solution http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=24407067&postcount=2598
There is a possibility, flash trough odin http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=925613&d=1330551490
You only flashed ICS (let me guess AOKP?), without another kernel, you see AOKP does not have CWM ;-) Done this mistake by myself, reflash older fw with odin, root, install kernel with CWM, flash ICS, flash kernel. If still in bootloop, flash again ;-)

how can i flash a custom rom via odin?

hi guys
today i tried to flash Alpha 3![ICS AOSP]
when i flashed it , it got stuck at boot
now i want try again and install it via odin
can some one help me do it
im stuck at the boot :|
i just can get to download mode and recoverymode :|
Read this guide and you will solve your problem http://www.teamovercome.net/p1000/?page_id=17

Rom Mess up

Hi guys
I really need you help...
I have a samsung Ace .. i had this rom: [ROM] [Stock] [Nims 11 Mem Hack / BE 1.6 Kernel] S'Perience ROM ®
with clockwork recovery and of course root
then i want to try the stock rom version 2.3.6 TPH (Portugal) .. I went to sammobile downloaded that rom and odin with ops... after all of the process the odin shows up the message "pass" with blue color but my phone was blinking.. and now it only does that, blinking.. i´m not able to enter on recovery mode or on the mobile itself... only able to get download mode..
Pleasee some help!
someone ?!
Try to install the CWM recovery for Odin: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1465599
And then a Custom ROM.
maniaczek1111 said:
Try to install the CWM recovery for Odin: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1465599
And then a Custom ROM.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I have already tried that without sucess .. After I install anything from odin it keeps blinking
AnonFreitas said:
I have already tried that without sucess .. After I install anything from odin it keeps blinking
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Reflash stock via odin. Your device mightn't boot for the first time. Then reconnect & reflash via odin right away. Your device will boot. If it doesn't, take off the battery & put it back, go to recovery mode & do a factory reset & reboot. It should work. But before doing all this, remember, close all the intervening programs like kies,etc & make sure you have the latest device drivers installed.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium

[Q] Samsung Galaxy Ace II semi brick phone ?

Hi guys,
So after many combinations of uploading custom roms to my phone I've failed. I've tried to install UltimateROM on stock rom but before that I had to install TWRP/CWM, and I installed this file (it's attached below), so it only destroyed partitions in my phone. Right now I can boot into stock ROM but everything seems to shut down in a while. Also I can boot into recovery and download mode. However in recovery mode phone can't find /data /cache and something else. I've also tried to install stock rom again using ODIN, but I get a message "There is no pit file". So my stock rom is a I8160XXNB1_I8160OXXNB4_HOME.tar and my phone model is GT-I8160. (Download link for this faulty modification "https://drive.google.com/open?id=1XZGuwn9vJD8mUMH0CP2czM8JjY_MjoYa"
Please help guys, and thanks in advance !

