Hello there.
When I installed ICS (RC4.2) to my Galaxy S (GT-i9000), I noticed that the screen's gamma value had changed just enough to make all the colors look a bit darker. I know it isn't really that big of a problem, but I'd prefer to have the gamme value back to what is used to be. So I'm asking if there's a way to change the gamma value back to the way it was in, say, in Android 2.3.3?
I did a quick search and couldn't find any solution.
Thanks in advance!
sure dude, you can download Voodoo Sound App from market, you can manage gamma colors from there
it works for me
hi friends...
as we all know gnote has 800*1200 resolution
its quite big there are many application which doesn't fit on screen properly
i hv galaxy tab also, all apps fit perfec on screen
(i know there are some density changer on market but they alll need root to do so
but i dont want to root my gnote)
so plz tell me how can i decrease my resolution to 600*1024
and if it can be decreasd is there any prob with apps (like apps goes out of screen)
sorry for my english
Any one plz
newhunt app, spb mobile shell is not displaying in correct way
plz any thing that can solve my prob
It's impossible to do this. You should just root it and change the density.
Has anyone tried it???
I think if I do so.... main menu gonna has some kind prob because it has 5*5 icon set
Tell me if I can make it 5*4
Is there any way to do this
Thanks in advance
The Resolution is a physical attribute of the screen - you cannot change it by software. You could probably emulate a different resolution but it would look unsharp and crappy.
Instead you should do what SilverHedgehog suggests and change LCD density - search for LCD density to find out more.
I use launcher pro, and there is a option to change rows/columns to your desired number, don't know if this helps, it's obviously dependent on hour launcher, but thought I'd chime in.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk
If you have a laptop, or a PC with an LCD monitor, try setting the resolution to something non-native and marvel at how crappy it looks.
Then consider how your Note's screen would look if you could do the same.
Thanks guys for your precious suggestions
Actually I hv galaxy s2 and galaxy tab n both has perfect screen resolution
All apps working perfect... no screen resolution glitch in apps working
I think I should wait for ice cream sandwich update
Thanks again
Feel free for More suggestions
Has anyone figured out how to adjust the screen colors under ICS yet? I used to use Chainfire3D's Nightmode to adjust the colors in GB, but that no longer works in ICS.
And before anyone asks "why?", I am a photographer and I view my photos on my TP. By default the colors are way off (~7200k white point).
Chainfire3D allowed me to adjust the colors where they were relatively close to 6500k across the board.
On my Epic 4g I use Voodoo Color, which is obviously for Galaxy S series devices only.
Maybe something like this could be ported?
Woohoo, I can confirm that Night Mode is working again under 4.0.4 and I am quite happy to have a color calibrated Touchpad again!
The only problem is that it also applies the adjustments to the recents thumbnails, thus doubling the correction (this would also be true for any screenshots).
Hi guys, I am currently on ICS Stunner and in settings>display there is an option to change font size, which i set to small and is perfect for the note screen.
I can't find a similar option on any of the Samsung ICS roms i have tried, meaning fonts are HUGE and does no justice to the note's screen size or resolution.
Is there any way to manually change the font size without changing overall screen density?
I really want my s-pen features back and this is the only thing that's keeping me on AOSP.
Spare parts doesn't change overall font size, best thing i've found is https://play.google.com/store/apps/...51bGwsMSwxLDIxMiwib3JnLnBieGVzLmZvbnRzaXplIl0
My problem with this app is that it doesn't support custom fonts (or so the comments seem to suggest) and i think i read somewhere that this app just installs the default font at varying sizes, something which i could do myself in a few minutes without spending money on a useless app.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
EDIT: I have also seen this app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.a0soft.gphone.bfont&hl=en but it seems to have odd bugs on the Note.
Can I change the screen resolution of my s3 mini in any way? i changed them with app settings (xposed) in facebook and facebook messenger (but i guess it's kind of the dpi then?? or maybe not??) anyway, in those apps the icon's are most the same size just the images are more sharp etc. pretty cool!! um... maybe i could change the jellybean main app to a higher resoltion by app settings?
i tried custom dpi already, it seems like the screen doesn't really get sharper other than on the resoltion change in facebook!
thanks guy!
jellybean (surface) didn't make any changes excerpt a crooked lockscreen so far so i'm now at "touchwiz-start" which crashed 2times checking if i find a higher resolution though.. this is definitely one of the apps i need to change...:good:
did some more changes now i need to restore nandroid.. not going to continue trieng until somebody can give me an answer if it's possible.. lol thanks
Hi all.
I rooted my gear so I can install/run the "Background Color Changer" app someone made.
This app works great and I'm super appreciative that someone took the time to make it.
Does anyone know of a way to change the TouchWiz font color?
I would ideally like to change the background color and font color to match what I'm wearing for the day or something along those lines.
It may sound silly I know but it would really make my day if I was able to easily change the TouchWiz font color.
Why Samsung decided to let us choose from orange or white only is mind boggling to me.
Any help would appreciated.