[Q] Wlan/Wifi sleep control and booting question - Galaxy Note GT-N7000 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Here's too question : First, I've seen, in BetterBatteryStats i think, that you could see how long wifi has been on AND ALSO how long it was working (meaning receiving/sending). Cause the "wifi on" stat is always at 100% even though in advanced options i've set it to sleep after i put the device to sleep.
Second, at every boot in status bar i see "Currently checking media" but i don't understand that, since this is internal memory, and since the system has started already, why the hell it's doing this before loading everything? And also it takes at least 5-10seconds before it's starting doing it... All that take more than 20seconds...
Last thing, i saw in Android battery usage "Wifi sharing", what is that exactly?

In order:
The WiFi sleep seems to work intermittently. I stopped using that and use Llama to turn off my WiFi 1 minute after screen off. Tasker will be able to do this too, I believe. It works very well, and I can even set it not to turn off if certain apps are running, like Internet radio.
Media checking is something that happens. It is a good thing. It gets lists of all media files so you do not have to search when loading most apps. If charging while off, I normally leave the Note plugged in until all searches are done, and then another minute or two to reach 100% battery when I boot.
WiFi sharing is a leech on your battery, unless you happen to want to share your WiFi. It was one of the first items I blocked once I rooted the phone. You need Root to block, disable or remove this.

Thanks for all that, but there're things i don't get : 1/ Are you saying that "turn after screen's off option" is useless/defective? And why you tell me to use tasker (not free) if Llama (free) can do the job? 2/ Do not have to search what? And why telling you keep the note plugged 2min after Media Checking? 3/ Wifi Sharing app (the trouble maker) is not android tether function, right? If so, in which app does it share wifi? As said, i tried to freeze it with Titanium but it kept loading. I don't like Freeze with Anttek cause there's still an icon app in my Folder Organizer widget (which list all apps icon on a screen).
PS: I really wanna find back the app where was displyed the info i mentionned in 1st post (see when wifi's working and not just when it's on)

1. Yes, I think the WiFi sleep function is defective. Just my view. Llama does the job much better, which is why I suggest it. It does a great deal more too, which is also why I suggest it.
2. The media search operation is searching for all media. This is music, photos and videos (not sure what else, if anything). Once completed applications do not have to look at your SD card every time they open to search for media. This makes the apps faster and saves battery. Ignore the rest of what I said.
3. I do not know if WiFi sharing is the Tether function. It certainly seems like it could be. If it is frozen by Titanium it should not be starting. I have no idea why it does.


Auto send/receive while in sleep mode?

Is it just me or can this phone not do it?
On my iphone if I leave wifi on and turn the screen off, it will connect only when needed using the auto send/receive schedule.
My xperia no matter what i do just wont seem to send receive with auto send/receive set to 5 minutes, wifi enabled, and i turn screen off with power button (or even leave it automatic).
Does it work for anyone else or is this just the way the xperia works? It only sends/receives when it's awake, in which case, pretty stupid,cause i can just do it manually if i'm using it.
I think winmo only sends/receives over a cellular connection while the phone is asleep. Wifi on the other hand is disabled when the phone goes asleep in order to preserve battery life....so no sending or recieving emails over wifi with the device in sleep mode
sonus said:
I think winmo only sends/receives over a cellular connection while the phone is asleep. Wifi on the other hand is disabled when the phone goes asleep in order to preserve battery life....so no sending or recieving emails over wifi with the device in sleep mode
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That's really disappointing, it's a feature I had come to expect, thinking the device could atleast witch it on long enough to sync my email just like the iphone does before switching it off again.
guess my only option is to buy a data plan.
Try Advance config
Bottom right softkey "Menu" --> More Settings --> Connections --> Enable Wi-fi on standby mode
Ashwm said:
Try Advance config
Bottom right softkey "Menu" --> More Settings --> Connections --> Enable Wi-fi on standby mode
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Thanks, I have just tried this, but I see that basically what it does is prevent the wifi from sleeping on standby mode, which is going to kill the wifi I presume in a couple of hours.
I guess it's just not possible for it to do what exactly I wanted it to do which is to connect and disconnect when required, to send and receive, while left switched on and the phone is in standby.
I believe that even when the phone is on and wifi is on I think the normal wifi power save (middle slider position) switches itself off after an idle period to save power when not in use, "on" just means available for use, not necessarily powered up.
I need this too, could someone try a mort-script or something to connect to WiFi automatically and then send/receive emails every desired set hours? Think it is possible..
I tried enabling this (and yes, the wifi stays on while asleep) and putting my power save slider all the way to the right, however, after waiting the set time for my auto send/receive (5 minutes) and infact more, it did not send/receive until the moment I woke it, so I don't know if it was just about to do it, or if waking it caused the update.
i will give it another go and see how it goes, if you say that the wifi does infact just sleep itself when idle it shouldn't harm the battery life too much.
Ok, after further experimentation, I got it to send/receive my email while sleeping with the mode set for standby wifi enabled, however, with the refresh time setto 5 minutes, it took almost 15 minutes to update.
15 minutes is about the time I want, but will it take more power if I leave it on 5 minutes, or will it take even longer still if i set it to 15 minutes?
I'll try leaving my wifi on for a couple of days and see how it goes.
Try the program rk-OSR. It can connect/disconnect wi-fi automatically only for synchronizing e-mail.
maedox said:
Try the program rk-OSR. It can connect/disconnect wi-fi automatically only for synchronizing e-mail.
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Thanks, I'm going to see how it fairs over the next couple of days with the wifi set to work during standby (in terms of battery life) and if that doesn't work out i'll take a look at the app.
I don't know what it is but i just have a phobia of running extra 3rd party software on a phone that can only just about handle itself.
You pretty much have to run 3rd party apps on WinMo. In my opinion it's like using a normal computer with windows without installing any other applications. It's barely usable for anything at all without getting really annoyed.
maedox said:
You pretty much have to run 3rd party apps on WinMo. In my opinion it's like using a normal computer with windows without installing any other applications. It's barely usable for anything at all without getting really annoyed.
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Yeh, but what annoys me is that my desktop computer is designed with the hardware to run its OS and a hell of a lot more, the hardware in this thing barely runs the naked OS, so I'm reluctant to add any more.
Anyway, after experiments it's been pretty much a total failure with the sleep wifi thing.
Looks like that 3rd party app will be my last resort, lets just hope it's unobtrusive and has litttle battery drain (aside from the obvious).
Failing that, it's either keep lugging around an iphone or get a data plan. Might sell the iphone to fund it.
You can't seriously consider using the iPhone for this. It's a toy.
I'm sure you'll be happy with rk-OSR.
maedox said:
You can't seriously consider using the iPhone for this. It's a toy.
I'm sure you'll be happy with rk-OSR.
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You;re right, iPhone is a toy, but considering the problems I'm now having downloading email attachments (mp3) and the fact that it doesnt check my mail properly while sleeping, it seems almost worth carrying just to make sure I get my email without having to actively check for it.
I'll take your word though and try rk-OSR and hopefully find a solution to my attachment problem, then I'm a happy happy xperia owner in heaven.
Ok, got rk-OSR installed and it is working perfectly if I use the "test" button. However, I put the device to sleep, set to sync in a couple of minutes, wait 5 or 6, wake it up myself and nothing. Even the log doesnt have anything after my test attempt. What could be the problem?
still wondering how to get the phone to do this... is it not possible for the phone to check emails while it's in your pocket? such a simple concept yet...
alias_neo and dinan, I found a solution!!! All you have to do is to install GProfile and this program called rk-OSR. You create a time-based profile (in GProfile) and choose a specific time (eg: 1am) to run rk-OSR. You don´t have to select anything else (wifi toggle, etc). Then you select the same time in rk-OSR (1 am) and in this program you select the wifi options. It worked for me.
Hope it helps you

[APP] Wireless Power Chief needs some advanced testing!

Hi guys! We have had reports of the app having issues controlling the wifi scanner and background data schedules on some devices.
We really need testers with root (but its not necessary if you just want to test the wifi scanner).
You can get some info on the app below. But what we really need is some testing! You can download it for free and then try using the wifi scanner and intervals, as well as the background data schedules.
If you find your device has issues, click "Write to us" to send logs. Please make sure you describe which issues you have - scanner or background data!
Thanks very much!
Wireless Power Chief
Wireless Chief is an application designed to control the wifi and data radios in your device, as well as many related functions like background data and autosync.
It can be used to save power or minimize data usage, and works either by reading the screen state, the battery state or on a completely custom schedule.
All data and sync options require root access. There is no other may to manipulate the radios.
- Turn features on or off depending on screen state
- Disable wifi if no known network is available
- Change wifi scan intervals and scan attempts
- Schedule autosync and background data
- Force autosync on wifi only
- Disable wireless radio features according to battery level
- Watched active download state, disabling the service until a download completes
If you have any issues, please leave comments in this thread or better yet use the "Write to us" dialog in the application's settings.
Locked: All Screen state options are free
Unlocked: Full functionality, including Battery and Scheduled profiles
Market link:
sounds neat .. will give it a shot ...
Did you have a chance to test as described above?
I've purchased the app and have been testing it for a about a week with root access enabled.
Currently using only the screen profiles since working with multiple profiles enabled seems to overwrite my screen profile settings. It would be nice to have some more options like for example only using the scheduler settings when the screen is OFF, this way I could use both.
I'm currently having a lot of problems with the app though which is making it not as useful as it could be.
Biggest problem would probably be that the app loses focus after a while. It just stops working all together until I reopen the app, then it works fine again for a while before I have to repeat the procedure. Similar apps use a notification in the status bar to keep the app alive, maybe this could fix it?
Another big problem I've come across is some weird behavior with syncing. First I had my "Screen Off" profile set to "Sync Disabled" and "Screen On" "Sync Enabled". This would result in my phone starting to sync as soon as my screen would get turned on. I noticed similar behavior with setting it to "scheduled". So now I just disabled sync on all profiles because this is costing my almost as much battery as the app is saving.
I've also noticed some issues when I spent a long time configuring the settings. For example yesterday I was testing some different configurations. I then got to playing with the "Activation times" for enabling or disabling wifi/data and when I set it to 30 seconds it would still use the previously set 0 seconds value. I then cleared app data from Android application settings, set the value to 30 seconds again and it would work. This is a minor issue because I will probably just set these once and not fiddle around with it anymore.
I will continue testing for now but if the first 2 problems remain I will have to fall back to using Easy Battery Saver app. I would love to keep using the Chief though, I really like the concept.
I'm using a SGS2 running on CheckRom RevoHD6 (GB2.3.6), tried different kernels with similar results (stock, neak, redpill). Also wiped my phone and did a reinstall of CheckRom but also this didn't help.
If you need more details on my testing let me know.
I bought this one hoping it would do what I wish... But now I am not quite sure.
I just want an application that toggles on/keeps it for a while/toggles off autosync in given periods. Yes, this program can do it but I am unable to prevent it to switch my Wifi on.
Wifi checkboxes are unchecked, only scheduled autosync state is set as I wish. But it keeps turning Wifi on while I am at home, I can't override it off manually.
Hi, I've just downloaded this, I'll try it out as much as I can tomorrow. Hopefully if this conserves battery well enough I'll want to keep this phone more
Sent from my Desire HD using xda app-developers app
What happened...Any testing still goin on?
MyCanSeeYou said:
Hi, I've just downloaded this, I'll try it out as much as I can tomorrow. Hopefully if this conserves battery well enough I'll want to keep this phone more
Sent from my Desire HD using xda app-developers app
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Just saw this app...looks like it may be making a comeback with some new developers. I just DL it and am in the process of testing it out... will post some results soon...

2 issues

I just noticed these issues today usage no different from the past weeks. 1st is I noticed battery drained really quickly with no indication. 2nd is music the equilizer would not work. Idk if the 2nd one deals with the whole ram management issue but it does come back and it's like it's turned half way down
Lots of threads in the forums re: battery drain. For me, my biggest hitters were (1) the stock email app sync and (2) wifi scanning.
I'd suggest going into stock email app settings if you use it and turn sync to manual long enouh to see if it has an impact and make sure your wifi's always allow scanning is unchecked. Then do some reading imto other causes people are niting.
oh, and android 101: shut off location when ur not using it.
Not sure about the EQ but I thought it only works with the stock music app.
jeff_roey said:
Lots of threads in the forums re: battery drain. For me, my biggest hitters were (1) the stock email app sync and (2) wifi scanning.
I'd suggest going into stock email app settings if you use it and turn sync to manual long enouh to see if it has an impact and make sure your wifi's always allow scanning is unchecked. Then do some reading imto other causes people are niting.
oh, and android 101: shut off location when ur not using it.
Not sure about the EQ but I thought it only works with the stock music app.
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Also, use an automation app such as Tasker to control syncing, wifi, etc.
Yea it didn't die on me today which is good. Will try that tasker
My biggest battery drain was with Google wallet, specifically the NFC Tap & Pay. It's almost as if the Wallet app gets an exclusive hold on the NFC radio & doesn't let go... Finally had to just turn off the NFC radio & the battery drain is much better. .
I have a 300mbps DL and 20+ upload and a 5ghz modem. My s5 has no problem showing 100-200mbps on the speed test app, but my s6 is barely hitting 80mbps. But in real life situations its less then 1mbps. There will be long periods of time for Pandora to load the next song without skipping as well as overall growing the internet is slow. I'm outside my 14 days so I'm hoping its a bug. And that damned screen rotation issue.... My battery has been stellar. But I don't text much or make too many calls from it.

Tasker... prevent phone from deep sleep

Everything I find is about people wanting to setup Tasker to make their phone deep sleep. I need mine to stay awake.
Phone: Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505, on 5.1.1. CyanogenMod 12.1.
Issue: Using phone on work wifi to listen to music, wifi disconnects after 15 minutes (assuming due to the Android deep sleeping). Annoying that I have to reconnect so I don't use all my mobile data.....
Wanted solutions: A Tasker profile set up that when connected to work SSID, task will run to keep Android from deep sleep (battery will be hit hard but I can make it work), and phone will resume usual deep sleep once I leave work. I'm also open to hearing suggestions if you think deep sleep is NOT the cause.
Unwanted solutions: Apps like Stay Alive!, don't seem like they can be set to activate how and when I want. Prove me wrong though and I'll definitely be interested!
Other info: settings/wifi/advanced/keep WiFi on during sleep is set to ALWAYS. Doesn't seem to make a difference.
The only battery saver I have is Greenify, but I don't think that's causing the issue, yeah? My greenified apps are Messenger, Facebook, Google Play Music (not what I use for music, I use SoundCloud or the stock player), Adobe Acrobat, es file explorer, and Instagram.
My phone, obviously, is rooted. I also have Xposed.
Apparently Tasker used to have a display sleep setting, I don't have it in mine. And all I can do in Secure Settings from what I see, is the wifi sleep policy, which tells me that it's already set to never go to sleep...
just add your music app to not optimized…
loogielv said:
just add your music app to not optimized…
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??? That doesn't really answer my question. The wifi connection drops every 15 minutes. While not a huge ordeal with a stock music player, it IS a big deal with SoundCloud (and Pandora, as I occasionally use, too).
Also, as the topic I posted in.... I'd prefer Tasker profile suggestions on how to do what I need it to do. Unless you say another potential reason you think is the cause, and why.
I'm open to build.prop editing as well IF you know what works.
androiduser1719 said:
Also, as the topic I posted in.... I'd prefer Tasker profile suggestions on how to do what I need it to do. Unless you say another potential reason you think is the cause, and why.
I'm open to build.prop editing as well IF you know what works.
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I'm in a similar situation as yourself with Tidal app - did you ever find a working solution?

Widgets not updating

My widgets are very slow to update. It may take him a half hour or longer to update. I have checked battery optimization is not on for those apps, although one of those two apps that I have the problem with background data is grayed out. So I can't turn on allow background data. Not sure why that would be great out.
Any thoughts?
Wunderlist Task List.
But, I did some things poking around, don't remember for sure what all, but I had read that changing the Animation Scale etc to .5 would help. I did change that.
Before posting, I had found that Wunderlist was on battery optimization. Changing it didn't appear to help, so I posted. But now, it seems to be working. Maybe it's fixed. I'll post back in a day or two and indicate if it is still working or has stopped again.
Well, no, I'm not saying that. I'm just saying that's the only change I made, and at that point it had started working.
Are you having same problem, albeit different widgets?
FYI... mine is now not working again. I'm not surprised. But am frustrated.
I am finding that it does eventually update. It feels like the phone has been taken over by something. But, then, other things don't seem slow.
I just installed Gsam battery monitor, and ran the ADB cmds to try to identify apps using battery. Maybe I'll find something using a lot of battery and hence cycles.
My battery does seem to be going down quite a bit faster than it should.
It cleared up for a while after a factory reset,But it's back, and, I find that notifications from Lightflow come in 30 minutes after recieved.
It's like the phone is operating in molasses.
I'm beginning to think this phone is crap. If I switch back to my old Mate 9 it works fine.
jd14771 said:
certain apps aren't syncing well with pie. i had this same issue with Beautiful widgets, could not get the weather or time to update unless i manually updated it.
Under <Problem APP's> App Info > Battery
1.A Make sure the app is allowed background activity
1.B Make sure the app is not set to "optimized"
. (note: by default, the optimized list will only show apps that HAVEN'T been optimized, . you have to select "ALL" at the top to see all apps.)
Under <Problem APP's> App Info > Mobile Data
2.A Make sure "allow background data usage" is enabled.
2.B Make sure "allow app while data saver is on" if you have data saver enabled.
. (enable this if you want to be sure an app will receive background data.)
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Thanks for the suggestions. I don't seem to be having any luck with that. Had already done those.
But!! ...
I just found a post after doing a global search for another issue I am having that seems to coincide with the widget issues, which is, Play Store freezing during updates. The post was in a Xaiomi forum. He said that he found if he had blue tooth on, his play store would constantly freeze. He turned off BT, and rebooted, and it worked.
I just did the same thing...and it is working...both the play store, and widget updates.
Interesting to have the great feeling of success, along with the frustration of a new (newly realized) issue yet remaining (BT).
Looking for a little further and through the settings on Bluetooth, I turned off Bluetooth scan. Now at first I would still have problems with Bluetooth on even though Bluetooth to scan was off. That of course would be very quickly after turning it on or off at cetera.
so this morning I get up having left Bluetooth on all night, with scan off, and everything's working fine. I did find last night that when I would first turn Bluetooth on even with skin off, the problems would be there. But of course when you first turn Bluetooth on it's going to scan anyway.
so I will update this thread little later after I see a little more about weather. Just having scan off actually cures the problem, in case someone else runs into this and it helps them.

