RIP CassDroid - Off-topic

I'm sure most everyone is already aware, through other sites, or facebook, or twitter, but I just wanted to post it here too. CassDroid aka Cassy Wright passed away on Sunday. The details are unclear but there was a lot of unusual activity and posts on her facebook account.
I wanted to also propose some form of donation page for her family. I can't personally start it up, but I would hope that one of the XDA Admins would be willing to; I can pass along her family's contact info to whomever does take that responsibility.
Cassy was a valued member of the Android community with her friendly personality, her wit, and her vast knowledge of a large majority of the spectrum of Android phones. Many have already posted notes of condolence to her family and close friends.
Google is your friend if you want more posts/details.
Edit: Donation page already up by her friends


post taken down?

hey yesterday I posted a thread on how I got money from bank of america, and now I don't see it. Was it taken down? Did the mods think it was spam? Are those type of things not allowed? I just wanted to pass on the good news, and maybe help some fellow members out.
About (5 Viewing)
Anything to do more with the site than with the phones. Feature requests, announcements, praise, moaning, etc.
sounds like the place to ask
Hey, thanks. Apparently it was marked as a spam. I don't get it, I was only trying to help people. But I guess, people assumed I had some other agenda.

There are no usenet groups for android/G1.

Moderators, please feel free to move this to another forum if it doesn't fit here.
There are currently no Usenet groups for Android software or supported trans-coded video files. There are advantages to hosting these files on Usenet, rather than on this, or other websites. Please PM me if you would like to hear my opinion. I will not discuss this openly.
I would like to propose one be created, but actual new group additions to Usenet are a pain in the rear and require a community backing.
Is anyone else here familiar with the process?
I have never added a group myself, but I have worked for a Usenet provider and know that it is not a simple process. It would require a proposal in the alt.control newsgroup, as well as a discussion and justification of the group between supporters and the ISC ( For this, we need people to speak up and support our group in the alt.control newsgroup.
Notice how I say OUR group. I propose the group be un-moderated, because suggesting a moderated group requires a lot more organization, time, and discussion before the ISC will consider the addition.
Again, if anyone has actually undergone the addition of a new group, please speak up. If no one has, but people are interested, I will try to work with Usenet assistance groups on getting a group added.
I'd be surprised if a quarter of this forum knows what a newsgroup is.
jashsu said:
I'd be surprised if a quarter of this forum knows what a newsgroup is.
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Ahh, well if there is not a community interest, I won't pursue it. In my opinion, the brightest people use this site, so I'm only posting here.
I guess then, I am one of the 25%. I gave up on usenet years ago when the content to spam ratio got too bad.
I still grin when I think of alt.barney.die.die.die
I guess it all depends on what exactly the OP wants out of a newsgroup. These days most interest groups / communities on the internet form around http-based services like forums and bulletin boards. There are also hybrid http/email mailing list type things. Generally the whole of the Android community is well served by these tools already. Between the various fansites (phandroid, androidguys, etc), the Google android-discuss groups, xda-dev, and #[email protected], I think there are plenty of points on the internet as-is for all comers alike.
Of course, then theres the modern-day usage of usenet, which is not so much discussion-centric rather than a no-holds-barred haven for digital piracy and pretty much every kind of porn under the sky.

Help a fellow XDA member. Donate for Prader-Willi Research

I am hoping there are some great people on these forums to help donate for Prader-Willi Syndrome. My god-niece Sophia was diagnosed with this unfortunate genetic disorder and it is heartbreaking that she will never have the opportunity to live a normal life. She has been in the hospital more times than I have ever been in my entire life and she is just turning 1. XDA gets millions of members on their site. If everyone just donates $1, a big difference can be made. If you can't donate, please vote this to the front page. I am hoping that the XDA community can make a difference.
Here is a link to the site. You can read her story, and more on Prader-Willi. There are walks happening all over the US. If you don't donate on her page, you can also donate to your local walk as well.
Thank you for everyone who sends in a donation.
sekigah84 said:
I am hoping there are some great people on these forums to help donate for Prader-Willi Syndrome. My god-niece Sophia was diagnosed with this unfortunate genetic disorder and it is heartbreaking that she will never have the opportunity to live a normal life. She has been in the hospital more times than I have ever been in my entire life and she is just turning 1. XDA gets millions of members on their site. If everyone just donates $1, a big difference can be made. If you can't donate, please vote this to the front page. I am hoping that the XDA community can make a difference.
Here is a link to the site. You can read her story, and more on Prader-Willi. There are walks happening all over the US. If you don't donate on her page, you can also donate to your local walk as well.
Thank you for everyone who sends in a donation.
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Eventhough this can be for a good cause, unfortunately we cannot allow these kind of threads in the site. Sorry.
On that note, thread closed.

Zurker : A New Social Networking Site

Can a cooperative social networking site that allocates shares between users take on Facebook? Zurker's founder Nick Oba thinks so.
Zurker's USP is that users are "coowners and investors" in the platform. By joining Zurker and inviting your friends, you get issued with "vShares". A vShare is a virtual share which you can monitor on your profile. You can buy additional vShares for $1 (£0.62) and one vShare is the equivalent to ownership of 1/1,000,000th of the Zurker in your territory -- eg Zurker UK or Zurker USA.
The project isn't promising anyone to break the bank or turn into a millionaire overnight. Zurker just gives that opportunity, but it doesn't promise anything. On the other hand, the chances for making some good money with Zurker are not bad and the uniqueness of the project makes everyone succeed together.
So, In a way Zurker promises to award you real shares and a chance to earn some free money if it ever strikes gold.
For More Info, Click Here
Sign Up for the service here
(And yeah it's my referral link)
Source :
Search: An old way to prevent reposts.
Sorry, it didn't show up in the results when I was typing the thread title.
Please post referral links in the referrals thread.
Thread closed.

[Website] Growing Fast, Needs Staff

Hi Everyone,
I recently created a website with a couple of XDA members, and were growing in views fairly fast. However we literally cannot keep up with the content we need to publish in order to be competitive.
So were looking for new staff.
We need:
Writers, if your good at English and can write fluently and professionally why not get into Article writing and gain some popularity across the internet.
Site Designer: I can design a website, but I would like someone with a little more knowledge than me to converse with, also if they want to the Site Designer can also write articles (if they desire)
Social Media Promoters: If your up for getting into a new team and are a Social Guru, get involved and help us grow our social following.
Payments can be discussed depending on work rate.
Sorry, but there's a recruitment section and this isn't it

