I was on ROM XXKKA with Root.
I flash the new rom XXLC1 with Mobile ODIN Lite. Now, device isn't anymore root.
Y tried to get root with CF Root en I get
--- STARTING ----
--- cleaning
--- pushing zergRush"
865 KB/s (23052 bytes in 0.026s)
--- correcting permissions
--- executing zergRush
[**] Zerg rush - Android 2.2/2.3 local root
[**] (C) 2011 Revolutionary. All rights reserved.
[**] Parts of code from Gingerbreak, (C) 2010-2011 The Android Exploid Crew.
[+] Found a GingerBread ! 0x0002e118
[+] Found a Samsung, running Samsung mode
[*] Scooting ...
[*] Sleeping a bit (~40s)...
[*] Waking !
[*] Sending 149 zerglings ...
[*] Sleeping a bit (~40s)...
[*] Waking !
[*] Sending 189 zerglings ...
[-] Hellions with BLUE flames !
if it gets stuck over here for a long time then try:
disconnect usb cable and reconnect it
toggle "USB DEBUGGING" (first disable it then enable it)
We should have (temporary) root now
We will try to flash CF-Root kernel now
Please watch for any errors beyond this point!
Appuyez sur une touche pour continuer...
--- pushing zImage
3341 KB/s (8387840 bytes in 2.451s)
--- flashing zImage
/dev/block/mmcblk0p5: cannot open for write: Permission denied
--- cleaning up
--- rebooting
If all is well, CF-Root should be flashed
Your device should be rebooting now
Please check if you have root and CWM after boot completes!
But after that my devic still Unroot...
Anybody can Help??
Thread closed, double plus wrong section.
after updating my rooted kl7 to la1 I had to reflash using odin (PC) because it did not flash the csc correctly (nullnullnull issue).
trying to root it based on the official thread i end up with
Press any key to continue . . .
--- STARTING ----
--- cleaning
--- pushing zergRush"
1442 KB/s (23052 bytes in 0.015s)
--- correcting permissions
--- executing zergRush
[**] Zerg rush - Android 2.2/2.3 local root
[**] (C) 2011 Revolutionary. All rights reserved.
[**] Parts of code from Gingerbreak, (C) 2010-2011 The Android Exploid Crew.
[+] Found a GingerBread ! 0x0002e118
[+] Found a Samsung, running Samsung mode
[*] Scooting ...
[*] Sleeping a bit (~40s)...
[*] Waking !
[*] Sending 149 zerglings ...
[*] Sleeping a bit (~40s)...
[*] Waking !
[*] Sending 189 zerglings ...
[-] Hellions with BLUE flames !
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Any suggestion what to do to regain root? downgrading will most probably not work due to the CSC issue i had in the first try..
will try to re-flash.
perhaps that works.
still no progress with rooting after flashing.
Press any key to continue . . .
--- pushing zImage
4730 KB/s (8387840 bytes in 1.731s)
--- flashing zImage
/dev/block/mmcblk0p5: cannot open for write: Permission denied
--- cleaning up
--- rebooting
Downgrade, then flash with Mobile Odin. Make sure EverRoot is selected.
Nah, that did not work.
What worked was this:
* downgrade (kk9 in my case)
* root + cwm
* upgrade to LA1
* again NULL error
* just flash the CSC file via odin
THAT actually did work and kept me root.
hey donblick i have the same situiation as your's as mine is i'm not rooted and i want to get root my version is the same as yours N7000DXLA1 .My problem is also the same when i run the runme.exe after pushing 189 zerlings it says blue flames with hellions. So you said you have solve the problem by downgrading? can you help me how to downgrade? thanks
I ran the runme.bat and everything seemed to run just fine, no errors. after reboot, I'm still at unroot. no SU permissions. BTW, I just want to root, not flash a custom ROM. Sorry I'm posting here. XDA wouldnt' let me add to the current thread about zergrush.
Easy rooting toolkit (v4.0)
created by DooMLoRD
using exploit zergRush (Revolutionary Team)
Credits go to all those involved in making this possible!
[*] This script will:
(1) root ur device using latest zergRush exploit (21 Nov)
(2) install Busybox (1.18.4)
(3) install SU files (binary: 3.0.3 and apk: 3.0.6)
(4) some checks for free space, tmp directory
(will remove Google Maps if required)
[*] Before u begin:
(1) make sure u have installed adb drivers for ur device
(2) enable "USB DEBUGGING"
from (Menu\Settings\Applications\Development)
(3) enable "UNKNOWN SOURCES"
from (Menu\Settings\Applications)
(4) [OPTIONAL] increase screen timeout to 10 minutes
(5) connect USB cable to PHONE and then connect to PC
(6) skip "PC Companion Software" prompt on device
Press any key to continue . . .
--- STARTING ----
adb server is out of date. killing...
* daemon started successfully *
--- creating temporary directory
mkdir failed for tmp, File exists
--- cleaning
rm failed for *, No such file or directory
--- pushing zergRush
720 KB/s (23060 bytes in 0.031s)
--- correcting permissions
--- executing zergRush
[**] Zerg rush - Android 2.2/2.3 local root
[**] (C) 2011 Revolutionary. All rights reserved.
[**] Parts of code from Gingerbreak, (C) 2010-2011 The Android Exploid Crew.
[+] Found a GingerBread ! 0x00000118
[*] Scooting ...
[*] Sending 149 zerglings ...
[+] Zerglings found a way to enter ! 0x10
[+] Overseer found a path ! 0x000151e0
[*] Sending 149 zerglings ...
[+] Zerglings caused crash (good news): 0x40119cd4 0x0054
[*] Researching Metabolic Boost ...
[+] Speedlings on the go ! 0xafd193a3 0xafd3908f
[*] Popping 24 more zerglings
[*] Sending 173 zerglings ...
[+] Rush did it ! It's a GG, man !
[+] Killing ADB and restarting as root... enjoy!
if it gets stuck over here for a long time then try:
disconnect usb cable and reconnect it
toggle "USB DEBUGGING" (first disable it then enable it)
--- pushing busybox
1222 KB/s (1075144 bytes in 0.859s)
--- correcting permissions
--- remounting /system
--- checking free space on /system
0 KB/s (439 bytes in 1.000s)
--- Free space on /system : 12380 bytes
--- no cleanup required
--- copying busybox to /system/xbin/
2099+1 records in
2099+1 records out
1075144 bytes transferred in 0.503 secs (2137463 bytes/sec)
--- correcting ownership
--- correcting permissions
--- installing busybox
--- pushing SU binary
694 KB/s (22228 bytes in 0.031s)
--- correcting ownership
--- correcting permissions
--- correcting symlinks
--- pushing Superuser app
1169 KB/s (785801 bytes in 0.656s)
--- cleaning
--- rebooting
Press any key to continue . . .
i had the same problem i downloaded super one click and rooted my phone using that method it worked like a charm on the first try
Or you could just unlock it..
superoneclick is easy and quick
Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk
Thanks for the advice. I forgot to mention that I tried SuperOneClick as well. It told me that I was already rooted and did I want to run it anyway. I said yes. I tried Root Check Baisc and it said I'm rooted as well. the problem is when I open Terminal Emulation I get a $. If I type SU, I get permission denied. SU binary is up to date.
BTW, I'm primarily doing all this so I can clear dalvik-cache and perhaps move some of my apps to SD. Still can't do that.
If I open ADB shell on my computer, I can change $ to #, but after I reboot phone, it's back to no permissions.
what abt your firmware version? its impossible to root .62. you must downgrade it first to .58. Same was the case with and after downgrading it worked like a charm.
this helped me get there:
i didnt found a solution. i have a problem with the root. i cant root mi galaxy note.
my phone info is....
samsung gt-n7000
gingerbread 2.3.6
[email protected] #2
compilation gingerbread.vskl1
have the same problem of many ppl here.
Easy rooting toolkit (v3.0)
created by DooMLoRD
using exploit zergRush (Revolutionary Team)
Credits go to all those involved in making this possible!
[*] This script will:
(1) root ur device using latest zergRush exploit (16 Nov)
(2) install Busybox (1.18.4)
(3) install SU files (binary: 3.0.3 and apk: 3.0.6)
[*] Before u begin:
(1) make sure u have installed adb drivers for ur device
(2) enable "USB DEBUGGING"
from (Menu\Settings\Applications\Development)
(3) enable "UNKNOWN SOURCES"
from (Menu\Settings\Applications)
(4) [OPTIONAL] increase screen timeout to 10 minutes
(5) connect USB cable to PHONE and then connect to PC
(6) skip "PC Companion Software" prompt on device
Press any key to continue . . .
--- STARTING ----
--- cleaning
--- pushing zergRush"
2251 KB/s (23056 bytes in 0.010s)
--- correcting permissions
--- executing zergRush
[**] Zerg rush - Android 2.2/2.3 local root
[**] (C) 2011 Revolutionary. All rights reserved.
[**] Parts of code from Gingerbreak, (C) 2010-2011 The Android Exploid Crew.
[+] Found a GingerBread ! 0x0002e118
[+] Found a Samsung, running Samsung mode
[*] Scooting ...
[*] Sleeping a bit (~40s)...
[*] Waking !
[*] Sending 149 zerglings ...
[*] Sleeping a bit (~40s)...
[*] Waking !
[*] Sending 189 zerglings ...
[-] Hellions with BLUE flames !
if it gets stuck over here for a long time then try:
disconnect usb cable and reconnect it
toggle "USB DEBUGGING" (first disable it then enable it)
--- pushing busybox
2282 KB/s (1075144 bytes in 0.460s)
--- correcting permissions
--- remounting /system
mount: permission denied (are you root?)
--- copying busybox to /system/xbin/
/system/xbin/busybox: cannot open for write: Read-only file system
--- correcting ownership
Unable to chmod /system/xbin/busybox: No such file or directory
--- correcting permissions
Unable to chmod /system/xbin/busybox: No such file or directory
--- installing busybox
/system/xbin/busybox: not found
--- pushing SU binary
failed to copy 'files\su' to '/system/bin/su': Read-only file system
--- correcting ownership
Unable to chmod /system/bin/su: No such file or directory
--- correcting permissions
Unable to chmod /system/bin/su: No such file or directory
--- correcting symlinks
rm failed for /system/xbin/su, Read-only file system
link failed Read-only file system
--- pushing Superuser app
failed to copy 'files\Superuser.apk' to '/system/app/./Superuser.apk': Read-only
file system
--- cleaning
--- rebooting
Press any key to continue . . .
lfcpato said:
i didnt found a solution. i have a problem with the root. i cant root mi galaxy note.
my phone info is....
samsung gt-n7000
gingerbread 2.3.6
[email protected] #2
compilation gingerbread.vskl1
have the same problem of many ppl here.
Easy rooting toolkit (v3.0)
created by DooMLoRD
using exploit zergRush (Revolutionary Team)
Credits go to all those involved in making this possible!
[*] This script will:
(1) root ur device using latest zergRush exploit (16 Nov)
(2) install Busybox (1.18.4)
(3) install SU files (binary: 3.0.3 and apk: 3.0.6)
[*] Before u begin:
(1) make sure u have installed adb drivers for ur device
(2) enable "USB DEBUGGING"
from (Menu\Settings\Applications\Development)
(3) enable "UNKNOWN SOURCES"
from (Menu\Settings\Applications)
(4) [OPTIONAL] increase screen timeout to 10 minutes
(5) connect USB cable to PHONE and then connect to PC
(6) skip "PC Companion Software" prompt on device
Press any key to continue . . .
--- STARTING ----
--- cleaning
--- pushing zergRush"
2251 KB/s (23056 bytes in 0.010s)
--- correcting permissions
--- executing zergRush
[**] Zerg rush - Android 2.2/2.3 local root
[**] (C) 2011 Revolutionary. All rights reserved.
[**] Parts of code from Gingerbreak, (C) 2010-2011 The Android Exploid Crew.
[+] Found a GingerBread ! 0x0002e118
[+] Found a Samsung, running Samsung mode
[*] Scooting ...
[*] Sleeping a bit (~40s)...
[*] Waking !
[*] Sending 149 zerglings ...
[*] Sleeping a bit (~40s)...
[*] Waking !
[*] Sending 189 zerglings ...
[-] Hellions with BLUE flames !
if it gets stuck over here for a long time then try:
disconnect usb cable and reconnect it
toggle "USB DEBUGGING" (first disable it then enable it)
--- pushing busybox
2282 KB/s (1075144 bytes in 0.460s)
--- correcting permissions
--- remounting /system
mount: permission denied (are you root?)
--- copying busybox to /system/xbin/
/system/xbin/busybox: cannot open for write: Read-only file system
--- correcting ownership
Unable to chmod /system/xbin/busybox: No such file or directory
--- correcting permissions
Unable to chmod /system/xbin/busybox: No such file or directory
--- installing busybox
/system/xbin/busybox: not found
--- pushing SU binary
failed to copy 'files\su' to '/system/bin/su': Read-only file system
--- correcting ownership
Unable to chmod /system/bin/su: No such file or directory
--- correcting permissions
Unable to chmod /system/bin/su: No such file or directory
--- correcting symlinks
rm failed for /system/xbin/su, Read-only file system
link failed Read-only file system
--- pushing Superuser app
failed to copy 'files\Superuser.apk' to '/system/app/./Superuser.apk': Read-only
file system
--- cleaning
--- rebooting
Press any key to continue . . .
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Flash stock rom kk9 via Odin and use root files kk9 and should be good to go as its a directly root able rom
+1 above
You are on later versions of the ROM which are not directly rootable.
Im trying to root my galaxy mini 2.3.6 with DooMLoRD_v4_ROOT-zergRush-busybox-su and can't get it work. When I start rooting it shows me this msg:
Press any key to continue . . .
--- STARTING ----
--- creating temporary directory
mkdir failed for tmp, File exists
--- cleaning
--- pushing zergRush
1443 KB/s (23060 bytes in 0.015s)
--- correcting permissions
--- executing zergRush
[**] Zerg rush - Android 2.2/2.3 local root
[**] (C) 2011 Revolutionary. All rights reserved.
[**] Parts of code from Gingerbreak, (C) 2010-2011 The Android Exploid Crew.
[+] Found a GingerBread ! 0x00000118
[+] Found a Samsung, running Samsung mode
[*] Scooting ...
[*] Sleeping a bit (~40s)...
[*] Waking !
[*] Sending 149 zerglings ...
[*] Sleeping a bit (~40s)...
[*] Waking !
[*] Sending 189 zerglings ...
[-] Hellions with BLUE flames !
if it gets stuck over here for a long time then try:
disconnect usb cable and reconnect it
toggle "USB DEBUGGING" (first disable it then enable it)
--- pushing busybox
3831 KB/s (1075144 bytes in 0.274s)
--- correcting permissions
--- remounting /system
mount: permission denied (are you root?)
--- checking free space on /system
71 KB/s (439 bytes in 0.006s)
df: /mnt/.lfs: Function not implemented
df: /mnt/secure/asec: Permission denied
--- Free space on /system : 17244 bytes
--- no cleanup required
--- copying busybox to /system/xbin/
/system/xbin/busybox: cannot open for write: Read-only file system
--- correcting ownership
Unable to chmod /system/xbin/busybox: No such file or directory
--- correcting permissions
Unable to chmod /system/xbin/busybox: No such file or directory
--- installing busybox
/system/xbin/busybox: not found
--- pushing SU binary
failed to copy 'files\su' to '/system/bin/su': Read-only file system
--- correcting ownership
Unable to chmod /system/bin/su: No such file or directory
--- correcting permissions
Unable to chmod /system/bin/su: No such file or directory
--- correcting symlinks
rm failed for /system/xbin/su, Read-only file system
link failed Read-only file system
--- pushing Superuser app
failed to copy 'files\Superuser.apk' to '/system/app/./Superuser.apk': Read-only
file system
--- cleaning
--- rebooting
Press any key to continue . . .
what's wrong?
first, wrong section
trx it with a update.zip root package via stock recovery to get root.
cause your problem is the firmware u wanr to root!
Sent from my GT-S5660 using xda app-developers app
But my phone have no recovery. I bought it few days ago and I get it with 2.3.6 by default. what to do?
it has one, a stock samsung one,
which makes hlupdate.zip's aviable
Sent from my GT-S5660 using xda app-developers app
There's something noobs don't always understand: THERE IS A ****ING GENERAL SECTION.
how can I get that recovery?
i tried with pressing some buttons but cant get it in
wrong section
press and hold volume up AND home button, while pressing buttons turn the phone on and apply update.zip from menu
Just a reminder, the only things that belong in Development are things that you have created yourself. Not questions. Your thread has been moved.
no problem about topic
Hello all,
I just acquired a T679 and am having some trouble rooting it.
I have tried ZergRush with no luck
> USB debugging is enabled. So is 'Uknown Sources'
> Here is the output from the ZergRush session
Press any key to continue . . .
--- STARTING ----
--- cleaning
rm failed for *, No such file or directory
--- pushing zergRush"
2814 KB/s (23056 bytes in 0.008s)
--- correcting permissions
--- executing zergRush
[**] Zerg rush - Android 2.2/2.3 local root
[**] (C) 2011 Revolutionary. All rights reserved.
[**] Parts of code from Gingerbreak, (C) 2010-2011 The Android Exploid Crew.
[+] Found a GingerBread ! 0x00029118
[+] Found a Samsung, running Samsung mode
[*] Scooting ...
[*] Sleeping a bit (~40s)...
[*] Waking !
[*] Sending 149 zerglings ...
[*] Sleeping a bit (~40s)...
[*] Waking !
[*] Sending 189 zerglings ...
[-] Hellions with BLUE flames !
if it gets stuck over here for a long time then try:
disconnect usb cable and reconnect it
toggle "USB DEBUGGING" (first disable it then enable it)
--- pushing busybox
4929 KB/s (1075144 bytes in 0.213s)
--- correcting permissions
--- remounting /system
mount: permission denied (are you root?)
--- copying busybox to /system/xbin/
/system/xbin/busybox: cannot open for write: Read-only file system
--- correcting ownership
Unable to chmod /system/xbin/busybox: No such file or directory
--- correcting permissions
Unable to chmod /system/xbin/busybox: No such file or directory
--- installing busybox
/system/xbin/busybox: not found
--- pushing SU binary
failed to copy 'files\su' to '/system/bin/su': Read-only file system
--- correcting ownership
Unable to chmod /system/bin/su: No such file or directory
--- correcting permissions
Unable to chmod /system/bin/su: No such file or directory
--- correcting symlinks
rm failed for /system/xbin/su, Read-only file system
link failed Read-only file system
--- pushing Superuser app
failed to copy 'files\Superuser.apk' to '/system/app/./Superuser.apk': Read-only
file system
--- cleaning
--- rebooting
Press any key to continue . . .
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Is it currently possible to root this phone?
To make sure we are all on teh same page, here is the About Phone info.
Model: SGH-T679
Android: 2.3.6
Is there an updated ZergRush?
whiteghetto said:
Hello all,
I just acquired a T679 and am having some trouble rooting it.
I have tried ZergRush with no luck
Is it currently possible to root this phone?
To make sure we are all on teh same page, here is the About Phone info.
Model: SGH-T679
Android: 2.3.6
Is there an updated ZergRush?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Install a new recovery and then flash Jocala's custom rooted kernel. Zergrush doesn't work on 2.3.6.
use the jocalas mod men
Thanks a ton guys. This info was very hard to find in a coherant manner. I was able to flash CWM with the stock recovery. Then flashed the 'stock root' ZIP from jocale.
I am not rooted