Ok so yea I know im late in the tablet scene but im finally in the building(as we say in n.y.)
My question is I have used search and google search. how do I root this slab?
And kernel ?
If anybody can help by posting up some links.
I currently own a htc rezound and galaxy nexus but with the phones we have all these one click root things(plain easier..credit to whoever makes one click exes.)
I have a windows pc to work with my knowledge of android and the xdA community to help.
ThanXx guys...the tablet is the verizon version and its on 2.3.5 Sent from my SCH-I800 using xda premium
jaestreetss said:
Ok so yea I know im late in the tablet scene but im finally in the building(as we say in n.y.)
My question is I have used search and google search. how do I root this slab?
And kernel ?
If anybody can help by posting up some links.
I currently own a htc rezound and galaxy nexus but with the phones we have all these one click root things(plain easier..credit to whoever makes one click exes.)
I have a windows pc to work with my knowledge of android and the xdA community to help.
ThanXx guys...the tablet is the verizon version and its on 2.3.5 Sent from my SCH-I800 using xda premium
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Hey,you can flash kernel to have root via Odin for your PC. It is easy.
Then, I heard about Unlock Root app for PC which does rooting by two - three clicks via USB-debugging for 2.2-4.0.3 . (I didn't use it, I have pre rooted 4.0.4 )
Then you can just flash a rom with root,cwm,ext4-filesystem.
That is the way to taste Android 4.0.4 that is really awesome
Sorry, I can't paste links right now but I wish I helped you
A good start for you would be to flash the overcome ROM.
Here is a copy of the Installation Guide (with images)
Here is a link to the Overcome website
Simply follow the instructions and you'll be fine with a brilliant new rooted ROM.
If you want to go to ICS then I can recommend Cyanogenmod 9 - there are several ICS ROMs based on CM9 out there so I'll leave it to you to search them out; however my advice is start with Overcome to get a feel for the PC tools and CWM recovery.
Good luck
thanXx guys will report back bcuz i justt got to my laptop....i hope this works
Hello all,
I've been reading and downloading from xda for over a year now (sgs- darky's rom mainly), and this is my FIRST POST!
I know i can find my answer just by looking but i really wanted to post for the first time so here's my question- My tab is in the post (got it from ebay as i'm a pauper and can't afford it new, or the 8.9 or 10.1) and obviously want to root it straight away. I've seen that some are using z4 root but my sgs won't accept this method, can i be sure it'll work?
take care fellow "tabbers"
PS the doorbell just rang and it's here! *wets pants and logs off*
What firmware version is it on? Please post complete information from *#1234#
until we know that we cannot advice you.....
bongski55 said:
What firmware version is it on? Please post complete information from *#1234#
until we know that we cannot advice you.....
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it's 2.2 froyo build number FROYO.XWJJ7
baseband P1000XXJK5
KERNEL [email protected] #1
I need to get gingerbread (at least) on this thing straight away! Or any cool roms you can recommend?
How do i find out if it's GSM or CDMA? i'm in the UK... That is probably a really stupid question, but i'm a stupid guy... A stupid guy who loves android and wants to learn more!
Any links to the right places would be really appreciated
First you're not stupid. You're just new and learning.
Second your tab judging by its firmware is gsm european tab.
Third you can root using superoneclick root.
Fourth. Head to the development section and you will find alot of great roms (or click on my sig if you're interested in overcome). JUST BE SURE TO READ ENTIRE GUIDES AND STUDY THEM BEFORE FLASHING ANYTHING.
DarkPal said:
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+100000000000000 (I'd keep my finger depressed on the 0 key longer, but you get the point)
So many people get themselves into trouble by not reading instructions or skipping ahead.
Easy to get yourself into trouble, can be VERY hard getting out...
Thank you for all the help, most kind I'm at work now so will try some bits tomorrow, managed to get rooted before leaving tho
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
Your tab is rooted already. Look at the kernal version. In your apps you will see something called Superuser. Tap it. If its there and opens you are rooted.
rangercaptain said:
Your tab is rooted already. Look at the kernal version. In your apps you will see something called Superuser. Tap it. If its there and opens you are rooted.
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That's what really confused me, the kernel said root on it, but no super user was there and none of my purchased root apps could aquire root.... so I used super one click as advised and hey presto! Still confused as to why it said that on my kernel tho...
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
Someone tried to return the tab to stock. The busybox was probably there too. Anyway, you are good now. What's next?
Resolve the signed bootloader with chainfire patch
Sent from my GT-P1000 using Tapatalk
Thanks all, I installed the overcome gold rom last night and all is well
Just out of interest as i'm un-learned, how can you tell if the bootloader is signed? (As far as I can tell) it hasn't affected the rom installation... could it?
Thanks all for the support!
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
locked bootloader? read here
i picked up a used first generation(7" SCH-I800) VZW Galaxy Tab on Craigslist a couple weeks ago and have had a series of problems while trying to root it or even connect it to my computer.
im looking for Verizon specific instructions if anyone can make that happen.
i have a Windows 7 64bit PC and every time i try to install the drivers it fails. i do NOT have the Kies option in the USB connect menu in settings, only Media Play and Mass Storage. i downloaded Kies from Samsung website and installed it, and again the driver failed to install properly.
i know theres a bunch of people out there with rooted/rom'd Verizon branded Tabs. i'd love to figure out how you guys are doing it.
any help would be greatly appreciated.
nothing? nobody here has a rooted Verizon Tab?
I've got the same tab. Been trying to root it for weeks. Z4 wont work, superoneclick hangs and the tab turns off but only goes into standby and doesnt really get rooted. I would deff make a donation to anyone who can help, I cant wait to get rid of all the verizon bloatware on this thing!
davidd1493 said:
I've got the same tab. Been trying to root it for weeks. Z4 wont work, superoneclick hangs and the tab turns off but only goes into standby and doesnt really get rooted. I would deff make a donation to anyone who can help, I cant wait to get rid of all the verizon bloatware on this thing!
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can you connect your tab to a PC?
Dl odin and do a sesrch for cw5. Go to samsung site and dl the driver for your tab.put it in dl mode.power button plus volume down.open up odin plsce the cw5 file you just dl in the pda box.hoom up tab and hit start.rooted and ready to run ics in two mins.
Sent from my SCH-I800 using XDA App
Dl the kernal and rom on your tab before you switch to cwm5. Makes it a lot easier.I just did all steps a few days ago so iknow it works.
Sent from my SCH-I800 using XDA App
The topic can be found in development section.under ics help.it literlly walks you tgrough it.Again I can't stress this enough dl rom gaps and kernal to sd card before you upgrade to cwm5. Ssving you the headache it caused me.gl and enjoy.
Sent from my SCH-I800 using XDA App
rjumawan said:
The topic can be found in development section.under ics help.it literlly walks you tgrough it.Again I can't stress this enough dl rom gaps and kernal to sd card before you upgrade to cwm5. Ssving you the headache it caused me.gl and enjoy.
Sent from my SCH-I800 using XDA App
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found the thread, followed instructions, "failed to detect compatible device"
again, i dont have the Win7 64bit drivers
Get drivers from the samsung website.that's what I did.much faster than keis
Sent from my SCH-I800 using XDA App
Vzw cwm mia
I have googled and searched for the proper kernel, cwm and zip files to flash ICS to my VERIZON Tab but no look....anyone? Help please? I am already rooted on 2.3.5
cmross13 said:
found the thread, followed instructions, "failed to detect compatible device"
again, i dont have the Win7 64bit drivers
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hey where did you find it? i couldnt find.. the link for the thread please send me the link thanks i been trying looking for stable root for my sch-800 for month now.. but couldn't find the right for my sch i800 thanks for reply.
XxExtremeHDxX said:
hey where did you find it? i couldnt find.. the link for the thread please send me the link thanks i been trying looking for stable root for my sch-800 for month now.. but couldn't find the right for my sch i800 thanks for reply.
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bump because me too
rjumawan said:
Dl odin and do a sesrch for cw5. Go to samsung site and dl the driver for your tab.put it in dl mode.power button plus volume down.open up odin plsce the cw5 file you just dl in the pda box.hoom up tab and hit start.rooted and ready to run ics in two mins.
Sent from my SCH-I800 using XDA App
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The cwmr I got from the official website is a zip
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using XDA
Im going to be real with y'all this to me is the most weird root i have ever had to do. I have rooted every android device i have owned with no problem but this just doesn't make sense to me. How do I root this blasted thing? No one can give me a straight answer some say zroot that doesn't work some say superoneclick that doesn't work. Is it the fact that its the sch 1800 from verizon? I don't understand why this device is so difficult to root can some one point me to a video or a direct like so i can read up on it cause its not making sense to me.
CZEN2 said:
Im going to be real with y'all this to me is the most weird root i have ever had to do. I have rooted every android device i have owned with no problem but this just doesn't make sense to me. How do I root this blasted thing? No one can give me a straight answer some say zroot that doesn't work some say superoneclick that doesn't work. Is it the fact that its the sch 1800 from verizon? I don't understand why this device is so difficult to root can some one point me to a video or a direct like so i can read up on it cause its not making sense to me.
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This worked for me, I just need to flash the latest cwmr I guess
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using XDA
Kenneth.Torres said:
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using XDA
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Oops double post lol
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using XDA
Kenneth.Torres said:
This worked for me, I just need to flash the latest cwmr I guess
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best directions i have seen yet but i still couldn't get this to work. getting stuck on step 11 one of the partitions cant be located every time i do it its a different one. I think I may just give up on this I don't understand why its this difficult but i guess these is the breaks
I have the SCH-I800 or verizons galaxy tab and am looking to upgrade it some. It currently has galaxy cubed and I wanted to go to CyanogenMod9 or ICS. I tried going to CyanogenMod9 from clockwork but it aborts with error code 7. So does anyone have some recommendations as to what I should upgrade 2 and a rather noobish guide on how to do it?
Been using this from weeks , have no problem. Perfect daily driver
Sent from my SCH-I800 using XDA
I recently purchased the same VZW tab (part of $49 close-out sale) and have been unable to find definitive instructions for rooting the device. Would you mind sharing a link that describes the steps?
Thanks in advance.
There complete guide here , follow above link .
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using XDA
After rooting install clockwork mod ( not sure abt this it can be with heimdall .
Than u can install ics from first link provided
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using XDA
Hi. I have been reading your threads on rooting the original verizon galaxy tab and everything makes sense through root. In one of your posts you say,
"After rooting install clockwork mod ( not sure abt this it can be with heimdall .
Than u can install ics from first link provided "
I am very new at flashing roms, so this portion of your phrase is not clear to me. Before I root, I want to have decent confidence I can get ICS onto my tab. Have downloaded the daily driver you noted (Build 10 and the patch) into folders to flash....None of the files in each look like what was inside the Vanilla folder. ANy additional advice or steps you can provide post root would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks much in advance. Will post this on the thread as well in case others are in the same boat.
gonna try it tonight
from what i read this is suppose to work the same way on the vzw tab. im gonna try tonight and report back.
as per cm9 instructions the rom is suppose to be flashed thru cwm not thru heimdall.... but first you have to upgrade cmw to the 5.. one
i followed this method. instead. method above made me soft brick my tab. post #563 has the instructions.... you must use winzip to unzip cmw recovery file
I posted this question back in early october and no correct answers were given and thread was deleted. so here it goes again. I updated from stock hc to official stock ics through kies i guess? whichever is through the settings - check for updates on the tab. i then asked how to root to jb and people tried telling me one way and then others said no dont do it that way since im running stock official ics. i dont know what odin is, i dont know what flashing is and i dont know what kernels are. i would please like simple simple step by step instructions on how to root to the latest AOKP jb from official ics. i am sorry for the edginess but im just so frustrated i bought this tab and paid 330 for it in sept and I wish I would have waited. this tab is just to slow and id like the extra speed and features from jb as well as an option to oc the processor. $70 more and two months of waiting i could have got the nexus 10 .. oh and i have the wifi only 7310. PLEASE HELP!!
Read the stickies, they'll tell you what to do.
Sent from my SGH-I727 using xda app-developers app
i have been searching stickies for hours, none of it makes sense to me thats why i am asking for simple instructions. Everyone who knows all tnis stuff post things assuming that everyone knows all the jargon, i am a tech noob. Debating on selling this thing if i cant get jb. what do you think a 32 gb 7310 only two months old aind in mint condition with a nice moto $40 leather case could fetch? lol again sorry for soundimg like an ass im just frustrated
I have a tab i957. It wasn't the easiest to get jb on. Which tab do you have?
The first thing you need is Odin. Google Odin 3 ver 1.85.
Then you'll need to flash a recovery, either twrp or clock work mod, make sure it's specific to the tab you have. you flash it with Odin
Then you'll need to down load a jb Rom on to your device,again make sure it's for your device. Then you flash it through the recovery.
The stickies will have more specific info. There are no simple steps. You have to learn by reading and trying.
Sent from my SGH-I727 using xda app-developers app
jd1639 said:
I have a tab i957. It wasn't the easiest to get jb on. Which tab do you have?
The first thing you need is Odin. Google Odin 3 ver 1.85.
Then you'll need to flash a recovery, either twrp or clock work mod, make sure it's specific to the tab you have. you flash it with Odin
Then you'll need to down load a jb Rom on to your device,again make sure it's for your device. Then you flash it through the recovery.
The stickies will have more specific info. There are no simple steps. You have to learn by reading and trying.
Sent from my SGH-I727 using xda app-developers app
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You dont have to use Odin with the latest roms! do you?
Not to flash the Rom, only to get clockwork or twrp recovery on the device. The Rom is flashed thru the recovery.
Sent from my SGH-I727 using xda app-developers app
So I got the All-In-One toolkit today and used ver 6. cwm and installed the SU313-BIN311_4ICS su app successfully onto my 2x. so I guess im rooted now???
I have the lg-p990hn running 4.0.4 android v30a from the lg tool
if anyone could point me in the right directions on some good threads or sites that i can learn how to install custom roms etc. or be my "mentor" it would be greatly appreciated.
eager to learn.
Tr3vor said:
So I got the All-In-One toolkit today and used ver 6. cwm and installed the SU313-BIN311_4ICS su app successfully onto my 2x. so I guess im rooted now???
I have the lg-p990hn running 4.0.4 android v30a from the lg tool
if anyone could point me in the right directions on some good threads or sites that i can learn how to install custom roms etc. or be my "mentor" it would be greatly appreciated.
eager to learn.
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Download a good custom stock or cm ROM and put it in the external card....go to cwm....then flash it....that's it buddy....life is pretty simple
I would suggest you to avoid flagging new kernels for a few days until you understand the tricks.....
Check for the most popular ones for now....you can see that from the threads by most replied.....and check your pm which i sent you before...there is a mention of a good one
Hope it helps
Sent from my LG-P990 using xda premium