I really loved getting to read daily comics on webOS with Comics HD. I only see comic book readers when doing a search for something similar on Android. Has anyone seen an app than works in the same manner by allowing you to read comic strips?
cajunflavoredbob said:
I really loved getting to read daily comics on webOS with Comics HD. I only see comic book readers when doing a search for something similar on Android. Has anyone seen an app than works in the same manner by allowing you to read comic strips?
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I use an app called 'comic strips '. I got from market (play, now), but I couldn't find it now. It's version 1.7,maybe a google search will turn it up. If you can't find it, post again and I'll put it in Dropbox or something and send you the link.
chicle_11 said:
I use an app called 'comic strips '. I got from market (play, now), but I couldn't find it now. It's version 1.7,maybe a google search will turn it up. If you can't find it, post again and I'll put it in Dropbox or something and send you the link.
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Was this it?
cajunflavoredbob said:
I really loved getting to read daily comics on webOS with Comics HD. I only see comic book readers when doing a search for something similar on Android. Has anyone seen an app than works in the same manner by allowing you to read comic strips?
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One issue is that many of the comics aren't licensed to be viewed from an app... In many cases the original artists or publishers find out and shut down the apps, because they're basically being stolen from. Don't know if Comics HD is licensed, or just "flying under the radar" as it were...
But the best way due to that is to add the RSS feeds to google reader and use the Google Reader app.
lotherius said:
One issue is that many of the comics aren't licensed to be viewed from an app... In many cases the original artists or publishers find out and shut down the apps, because they're basically being stolen from. Don't know if Comics HD is licensed, or just "flying under the radar" as it were...
But the best way due to that is to add the RSS feeds to google reader and use the Google Reader app.
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Yea, that's what i'm using now. It's just a bit cluttered. I loved how Comics HD had it all organized together under one roof. In any case, that's an angle I hadn't considered, and would explain why there isn't anything really close on Android.
chicle_11 said:
I use an app called 'comic strips '. I got from market (play, now), but I couldn't find it now. It's version 1.7,maybe a google search will turn it up. If you can't find it, post again and I'll put it in Dropbox or something and send you the link.
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This is the app I use.
I tried a few different comic readers but eventually stopped with this one:
It has a lot of features and even comes with a shelf like home page.
These two apps are my favorite and most useful tv guide apps i use on my ipod.
"What's On TV"
"What's On TV" is great but it doesn't support landscape mode. "i.TV" is a great app that supports both modes but does alot [i like the more simple "Whats On TV" app]. It would be great if these apps were ported!!
Or, if anyone has another TV Guide app they can suggest, that would be awesome.
I used to use TV Guide Mobile (http://tvguide.handmark.com/), but it does not have digital channels
that handmark app is no longer available. i've seen a few freeware tv guide apps but they have no visual appeal. the apps are in basic text. i might have to dust up the old keyboard and get to some ol' fashioning programming and making some GREAT apps
whatthefudgsicle said:
that handmark app is no longer available. i've seen a few freeware tv guide apps but they have no visual appeal. the apps are in basic text. i might have to dust up the old keyboard and get to some ol' fashioning programming and making some GREAT apps
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That would be amazing if you or someone could create such an app.
I will definitely subscribe to this thread in hopes of some news.
cincy1020 said:
That would be amazing if you or someone could create such an app.
I will definitely subscribe to this thread in hopes of some news.
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Just an app that would parse through the data on http://www.tvguide.com would be enough for me....
For now I use http://m.tvguide.com/ which (sort of) works...
Take a look HERE
bbonzz said:
Take a look HERE
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After clicking the link and reading the technique (even if I was in Italy), my head was spinning. I think I'll wait till an app is made or a widget for WM6.5 that reads dish network, Direct TV or TV guides websites and parses the data in realtime.
nmhusa said:
After clicking the link and reading the technique (even if I was in Italy), my head was spinning.
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That's funny, lol. It had the same effect on me
Last night I wanted to do the share feature on FB but it did not work in a sideloaded book. I tried the same thing in something from B&N and it did let me. I also tried it in a sideloaded book disguised as a sample as I discussed here
I guess B&N really gimped the books you manually put on so you'd buy theirs with the cool features.
Bobb_o said:
Last night I wanted to do the share feature on FB but it did not work in a sideloaded book. I tried the same thing in something from B&N and it did let me. I also tried it in a sideloaded book disguised as a sample as I discussed here
I guess B&N really gimped the books you manually put on so you'd buy theirs with the cool features.
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Sharing books is a way for B&N to use social networking to sell more books. They don't want you sharing books you got elsewhere.
I am a wedding and portrait photographer and am trying to integrate my Xoom into my business. What I would love to see is an app that allows me to import my contracts in pages or ms word format, edit them on the tablet, have my customers review the contract and sign it on the tablet, then export the file as a pdf and email a copy to the client. Anyone got any ideas, or is this just wishful thinking. I have not seen an app for android or iOS that can handle this. Im obviously not a developer, but it seems like there would be a huge market for this, and as a laymen it seems like it should be fairly easy to accomplish.
I really need a app that I can put documents on for my business and my clients can sign on the xoom then I don't have to print all this paper and everything would be electronic.
Check out EasySignMobile. It is an iOS app, but if it is what you are looking for it might be worth contacting the developer to see if they are working on an Android port.
We need to get some traction on this. I'd be willing to pay for an app like that and even donate to a dev willing to do it.
sangreal06 said:
Check out EasySignMobile. It is an iOS app, but if it is what you are looking for it might be worth contacting the developer to see if they are working on an Android port.
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I have found most of the iOS apps to the sub par, and many of them are subscription based and are handled through a website service, or do not allow for editing docs on my device. What I need is an app that will handle everything locally, on my device, and I can backup to my computer at home. I will take a look at EasySignMobile though.
IncredibleMidgett said:
I have found most of the iOS apps to the sub par, and many of them are subscription based and are handled through a website service, or do not allow for editing docs on my device. What I need is an app that will handle everything locally, on my device, and I can backup to my computer at home. I will take a look at EasySignMobile though.
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After further reading it does sound like that app has the limitations you're talking about
sangreal06 said:
After further reading it does sound like that app has the limitations you're talking about
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Thanks for the suggestion though!
FYI I just emailed the developer of easysign just to see. I'll let you guys know if anything turns out.
Thanks for the suggestion
Ye I contacted most of the developers for these apps like pdf expert, what I use on the I pad for signing PDF and filling out forms, but they and most developers said that they do not have any plans for developing for android. Their excuse is that they believe in quality and not quantity, but I respond by saying that you can still make a quality app for android, but still no use. Some did say though that if they do expand then the android market will be next.
Android does lack in business apps and I will gladly pay money for those apps. That is why I am returning my xoom (what a shame) because I need one for business, the same reason why you need one for yours, and going back to my ipad where I use quicksale for invoices and pdf expert for filling out forms and signing business contracts.
If any developer reads this thread just know that I will gladly pay $20 for an app that can satisfy this need as well as a seperate twenty for invoices. The ipad apps that I use are very nice, easy to use, and well developed. So for business I would get the ipad than the xoom. And for those who say there is an invoice app for the xoom, I have tried them all, and paid, and they SUCK.
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Although you can't edit repligo reader does let you annotate and even add handwriting onto a pdf. Documents to go is okay for editing word docs but yet to find anything that lets you save as pdf. So no perfect solution but a few apps as mentioned are close. Its odd there are so many apps that let you take a photo and convert to pdf but nothing for documents, wonder if its an adobe licensing issue? I know acrobat pro for windows is pricey but I use it all the time at work particularly to distribute visio and ms project docs.
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IncredibleMidgett said:
I am a wedding and portrait photographer and am trying to integrate my Xoom into my business. What I would love to see is an app that allows me to import my contracts in pages or ms word format, edit them on the tablet, have my customers review the contract and sign it on the tablet, then export the file as a pdf and email a copy to the client. Anyone got any ideas, or is this just wishful thinking. I have not seen an app for android or iOS that can handle this. Im obviously not a developer, but it seems like there would be a huge market for this, and as a laymen it seems like it should be fairly easy to accomplish.
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+1 same
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Hey Everone,
I have a NC and I see everyone saying how they have hundreds of epub magazines and books that they sideload, etc...
I was just wondering where everyone gets their epub media, either free or paid? What are the best places to look?
Any advice for a noob with a Nook would be appreciated.
Look in torrent sites. There's a bunch.
Sent from my LogicPD Zoom2 using XDA App
If you have Usenet access try the alt.binaries hierarchy and look for e-books. Tons of ebooks of all types.
Sent from my LogicPD Zoom2 using XDA Premium App
If you happen to come across some books and magazines in the places the others suggested you can use calibre to convert them to epub format.
I like O'Reilly books because you can get them in multiple formats at any time once purchased including ePub and PDF. They run ebook specials all the time, so I'd recommend getting on their mailing list if you like tech books.
My Library. I can literally borrow tons of eBooks and AudioBooks straight from their Website. Sure they Expire after 2 weeks but hey, I didn't spend a cent and didn't break a single law. Usually I read a book once anyway.
And of course there are sites out there that let you buy a Book without Den but sometimes they charge a Premium or the selection sucks. Of course these are the Legal ways that don't involve buying from the Big 3(Google, B&N, Amazon)
You can go the Gray route of course, namely Shady sites or torrents but the dificulty of finding a book or magazine varies depending on popularity. It can be fairly simple and easy, or cost you hours of time and be near impossible. Also you usually have to know what your looking for beforehand, unlike other places that help you find books you might be interested in.
There's my 3¢.
Sent from Nookie Froyo using Tapatalk
my biggest issue with torrents is that there are so many fake ebooks out there, for those who have downloaded tons that way, how can you be sure they're the real ones? For example, when harry potter book 7 came out, the ebook that was out there actually only had 3 chapters of the real story and the rest of the ebook was fan fiction! Someone put it out there to mess with people.
My second biggest issue with torrents is I don't like to bootleg (anymore). Although they charge an outrageous price for ebooks on the big 3.
japzone said:
And of course there are sites out there that let you buy a Book without Den
Sent from Nookie Froyo using Tapatalk
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Apparently Tapatalk doesn't like DRM either.
The books listed below are all PD or use Creative Common License
Google free books (link)
Project Gutenberg
MobileRead (book section)
Torrents. Arghhhhh...
Thanks everyone. I will take a look at the links above. I appreciate everyone's opinion/recommendations.
rhmclay said:
Thanks everyone. I will take a look at the links above. I appreciate everyone's opinion/recommendations.
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Also, you might download laputa app...it's stores are all international and have less-than-legal books on there.
You can buy ebooks at www.baen.com in multiple formats (including epub) - all without DRM.
Hey guys -
I was wondering is there a bible app that does not use the internet. It is a WIFI only Xoom and my church does not have an open WIFI.
All the ones I have tried from the market are not formatted for the tablet, and also use an internet connection.
I use Bible by Youversion.
While you're on WiFi, just download the version you use to your XOOM so you can use it anywhere.
You could also use www.acrobible.com
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I use the NIV Bible from Tecarta. It works well on the tablet and has good navigation, but it crashes occasionally. The Bible from YouVersion is also good, as mentioned above, but the navigation is not as user friendly.
I use tecarta nasb. Works perfectly for me but it does cost money
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arrtoodeetoo said:
I use Bible by Youversion.
While you're on WiFi, just download the version you use to your XOOM so you can use it anywhere.
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cam30era said:
You could also use www.acrobible.com
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singraham said:
I use the NIV Bible from Tecarta. It works well on the tablet and has good navigation, but it crashes occasionally. The Bible from YouVersion is also good, as mentioned above, but the navigation is not as user friendly.
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Thanks guys..
I have NewVersion I just need to download it directly for offline access. I never knew that.
I cannot log in though, for some reason it does not allow me to input any information for log in. It's just blank. Can some one confirm they are able to log into the software?
Olivetree has a program called Biblereader that is the Cadillac of Bible programs on mobile platforms. The program itself is free, but the various versions cost money. The versions are portable to other mobile platforms, and there are tons of additional resources that are supported in program. The current android version is one major revision behind iOS, but they are working on releasing a new one soon.
All in all, it is one of the best study tools out there on any platform. Check it out.
jwischka said:
Olivetree has a program called Biblereader that is the Cadillac of Bible programs on mobile platforms. The program itself is free, but the various versions cost money. The versions are portable to other mobile platforms, and there are tons of additional resources that are supported in program. The current android version is one major revision behind iOS, but they are working on releasing a new one soon.
All in all, it is one of the best study tools out there on any platform. Check it out.
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Will do, I am running into issues with YouVersion.
I use the Barnes & Noble Nook app, and you can get any version of the bible, (N.I.V., King James. Etc...) for about a buck. Has chapters, works off-line, can highlight, annotate, bookmark, lookup words) even does the little page flip like on the iPad, love it.
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A little off topic
I've been trying to get the people at globible.com to add the android tablet platform. Very cool Bible app and the more people requesting it the more likely they will push development.
I am not a huge Olive Tree fan but it if probably the best offline Bible. I read that they recently updated the reader so I should give it another try. I have in my Kindle app, too, but find the YouVersion app has the best search feature.
I love youVersions bible. Tons of translations. I bounce around KJV and NIV during study, sometimes KJV is a little over my head.
If you go into the list of translations there is a green button on the right to download to the device locally.
I attend a pretty old fashioned baptist church, and get some pretty interesting looks from the older folks when I break out the tab
Glad to see so many other Christians on here as well, it's exciting.
I got a little excited and didn't read the whole thread. But I saw one or two people say something about youVersion and logging in.
Even though it doesn't show your email or passwords in the field, they are in fact being input. Just be careful and you should be able to login without issue. It took me 2 or 3 tries to get the UN and PW right.
Kcarpenter said:
I love youVersions bible. Tons of translations. I bounce around KJV and NIV during study, sometimes KJV is a little over my head.
If you go into the list of translations there is a green button on the right to download to the device locally.
I attend a pretty old fashioned baptist church, and get some pretty interesting looks from the older folks when I break out the tab
Glad to see so many other Christians on here as well, it's exciting.
I got a little excited and didn't read the whole thread. But I saw one or two people say something about youVersion and logging in.
Even though it doesn't show your email or passwords in the field, they are in fact being input. Just be careful and you should be able to login without issue. It took me 2 or 3 tries to get the UN and PW right.
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Yeah after playing around I finally got un and pw to work correctly.. :-D
Sorry to dig up an old thread, but I'm working on a Honeycomb optimized bible and note taking app and I could use testers and people to bounce ideas off of.
I love youversion on my phone, but I can't stand it on my tablet. So I figured this would be a cool way to learn a bit about Fragments and just expand my knowledge in general.
Thread is here. I'd love any feedback.
I checked it out!
"ESV Bible" (free) and "LiveBible" (also free) support offline viewing. While offline is the default for ESV, you will need to download the texts for LiveBible first.