A step closer to being able to theme PC free - Nexus S Themes and Apps

I came across an app that is free in the play store called photo editor, you can edit pngs with this app! Now my question and barrier that's blocking me since theme Chooser came out you only have to have a theme in apk and not zip so do you really need to be able to decompile and recompile for the apk to work properly and if so how can you go about decompiling recompiling on the android itself, very useful post for ppl having issues with their PC or don't have a PC at all and want to create their own themes, I know you can take a copy of the systemui and framework-res in a file manager and extract it but if you want to make an apk theme is it really as easy to edit pngs and compress it back to apk?
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[ACS][HOW-TO]Remove Sprint branding

so of you have notice and have been asking about this. i decided i would open up my vault and let the secret out for all.
this is brought to you by myself and the rest of ACS.
Me and dreamsforgoten figured this one out together.
Disclaimer: do not decompile a custom framework and expect it to recompile as it will not work and you'll end up with a list of errors. You can not hold me our anyone at ACS for bricking your phone or any damage that may have occurred by doing this
this how-to is written as if you have a half a brain and know what your doing. if you dont know what your doing please read the themeing how to's written by dreamsforgotten.
1. decompile framework-res.apk
2. open up the values folder
3. locate strings.xml and open with notepad++
4. ctrl+f and search for Sprint. it should be under zz_roamingguard_1 or something simliar. make sure just to edit the roaming guard_1 only
5. rename to w/e you would like. this changes the pull down branding, the aosp lock screen branding, and the network in settings
6.recompile apk. if your building a theme make your other xml edits while decompiled
If you use this mod in your custom themes or roms please give me credit
if you feel as you have benefited from this in anyway please buy me a beer in my signature to keep me motivated on finding more tricks, hacks and themes
Not sure if this will work on other phones or carries.
Thanks for posting this. Is there a way to tell if a framework-res is modded already? Or, more specifically, if trying this on dk28, where's the best place to get a "pure" framework to start with?
also, do you use a specific level of compression when compiling your edited framework?
Thk u.
Sent from the future.
decalex said:
Thanks for posting this. Is there a way to tell if a framework-res is modded already? Or, more specifically, if trying this on dk28, where's the best place to get a "pure" framework to start with?
also, do you use a specific level of compression when compiling your edited framework?
Thk u.
Sent from the future.
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When I mean a modded framework-res.apk it's one that comes from a theme. They don't compile nicely with the new images added.
I'm personally using the dk28 release from ACS as my framework to modify.
A good way to test is as soon as you de compile the framework re compile it. If it re compiles with no errors you then you can go ahead and use that framework.
I haven't changed my compression when compiling any of my work
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I know in apk manager 4.9 it saves the file as unsigned_filename.apk but when you chose yes to carry over the signature, it is carried over into the new file in tact. You can skip the last step of resigning the apk after compiling if you choose yes as a system file when you compile. it throws you off being named unsigned but if you open it the meta inf folder is in there.
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Maybe i am in wrong thread but here goes.
I installed acs dk28 fro-yo version when it was first released
I have an app i use called privacy star,it no longer will let me use the app
I called privacy star they say my carrier is iroot the original branding acs used for the ROM since iroot isn't a phone company i cannot pay for the app at all.
tell me why, and any suggestions how i can change my carrier back to sprint branding, i have a build prop if anyone can help me.
about phone says sprint as my carrier and i didnt see anything odd in buildprop
humdrum2009 said:
Maybe i am in wrong thread but here goes.
I installed acs dk28 fro-yo version when it was first released
I have an app i use called privacy star,it no longer will let me use the app
I called privacy star they say my carrier is iroot the original branding acs used for the ROM since iroot isn't a phone company i cannot pay for the app at all.
tell me why, and any suggestions how i can change my carrier back to sprint branding, i have a build prop if anyone can help me.
about phone says sprint as my carrier and i didnt see anything odd in buildprop
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you may basically have to reverse the instructions in the OP. do you understand the instructions? browse the how to theme guides by dreams, you wouldnt be doing all the editing of pngs and compiling in eclipse, but you will need apk manager. basically decompile your framework-res.apk, go to values/strings.xml and change iroot back to Sprint in Notepad++, recompile. you could either drop it in /system/framework with root explorer or replace in the ROM zip and reflash.
Ill get on it right now thanks
Nice post.
Hmm.. I'm curious If that works for you, since you're decompiling and recompiling a "modified" framework.
Sent from the future.
decalex said:
Hmm.. I'm curious If that works for you, since you're decompiling and recompiling a "modified" framework.
Sent from the future.
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Unfortunadamente, it won't. You can however, take a stock framework-res.apk and copy over the drawable-hdpi folder. But you will lose the battery % mod as well, so make sure to change the battery images back to stock before you copy it.
Sent from my Xtremely Syndicated and Emotionless Epic 4G
Thread cleaned. If something like this happens again, infractions will be handed out to everyone involved.
If you have a member that is trolling/flamming, just ignore them and report the post. I will take care of it.
By saying something to them you are going to get yourself in trouble and start a large fight in a thread that does not need it.
decalex said:
Hmm.. I'm curious If that works for you, since you're decompiling and recompiling a "modified" framework.
Sent from the future.
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you can reverse the order but there will be extra steps involved. when your ready ro re compile you would have to add in all the stock .9.pngs when re compiling.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
Thx for your help guys I'll edit this post with results.
Cool-- using both of your recommendations (starting with orig ACS DK28 rom's framework-res.apk, I was able to edit the xml(s), recompile, (delete resources.arsc in the created keep folder), then signed, then dropped in drawable pngs. When you want to do the png edits, do you overwrite All of the folders in your signed framework's res folder? (wouldn't that overwrite the xml edit made)? or just the drawable folders
decalex said:
Cool-- using both of your recommendations (starting with orig ACS DK28 rom's framework-res.apk, I was able to edit the xml(s), recompile, (delete resources.arsc in the created keep folder), then signed, then dropped in drawable pngs. When you want to do the png edits, do you overwrite All of the folders in your signed framework's res folder? (wouldn't that overwrite the xml edit made)? or just the drawable folders
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you will only loose your xml edits if you replace the xmls
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hehe.. come on man. gimme a little more credit than that
in compiled state, the strings.xml (for example) is contained in the resources.arsc file (?). Because, decompiled, obviously, the folder structure is different.
so, I could basically just replace the whole res folder, since the resources.arsc is *not* in that folder? I'll play around with it, but I think I'm getting the gist.
decalex said:
hehe.. come on man. gimme a little more credit than that
in compiled state, the strings.xml (for example) is contained in the resources.arsc file (?). Because, decompiled, obviously, the folder structure is different.
so, I could basically just replace the whole res folder, since the resources.arsc is *not* in that folder? I'll play around with it, but I think I'm getting the gist.
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When editing xmls you delete the xmls you edited in the keep folder. The hidden xmls like strings.xml is not seen when being built. I delete the resources.arcs when ever I edit a xml even if it is a visable xml. You cannot replace the hole res folder cause of the xmls inside. Some xmls makes changes in the public.xml when compiled. The public.xml is also hidden.
Just decompile the custom framework you wanna edit. Make your changes. Replace all the modified .9 images with the stock ones. Recompile the framework. In the keep folder delete resources.arcs and any xml you can see in the build that you edited. Delete the .9s from the keep folder since you replaced them. Once the file is compiled sign it. Open up the old custom framework with 7zip and your newly created framework with 7zip. Drag and drop the .9s.from the custom framework into your framework
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Flashable Swype Theme

Is it possible to make a theme for swype that can be flashed? Any chance if the answer is yes someone could direct me on the best place to start?
use apktool to decompile the swype ime apk. the keyboard layouts are in the assets folder. edit with your favorite graphics program, and recompile with apktool.
I know it can be done that way. I want to be able to make it flashable so that it would not interfere with someones beta instal.
I guess you could try changing the package name in the manifest xml, and see if you could get it to install alongside the beta. Doubt it will work, but may be worth try.
maybe just make a metamorph.
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Is there a way to only apply the framework from a theme?

I really am not a fan of the themed apps (i.e. market, dialer, etc) that come packed with themes. Is there a way to only change the framework? The REVOlution and STRUCK themes are awesome but I just can't stand the themed apps.
Thanks in advance.
take the framework.res apk and the htc.resources.apk from you phone
take the same files from the theme
extract the images from the theme files into ythe files from you phone and reload
open the zip using 7zip or whatever you use and delete the apps you dont.
mbh87 said:
open the zip using 7zip or whatever you use and delete the apps you dont.
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Okay, thanks a lot.
Also you could use NinjaMorph. I use it all the time for just what you are saying. I am running VanillaBean 1.2 with all dark backgrounds and shade etc thanks to NinjaMorph.
Thunderbolt says end of line.

How to Port themes

First off, BIG BIG thanks to dhemke17, this is only me adding to his guide.
How to Port Themes To Other roms:
First off, Slow down, relax, look at what you are doing, this is a generalization, if the xml, or image file does not exist
in the apk your trying to theme, do not add it, or subtract it, you add or subtract anything it will not work, YOU ARE ONLY
REPLACING!!(doin some math here is your ticket to boot camp)
1) Download 7-zip, or winrar as they can open .apk files without unarchiving them.
2) Download both the rom you want to theme, as well as the theme you want to port.
3) Using 7-zip, open the rom and pull out the following files:
a. Browser.apk
b. DeskClockGoogle.apk
c. GoogleQuickSearchBox.apk
d. Launcher2.apk
e. SystemUI.apk
f. Framework-res.apk
4) Make a separate folder and unarchive the theme your want to port there.
5) Open a theme .apk file(s), Open in 7zip or winrar, dont extract, just open and manipulate.(keep in mind, all your image
files you will need to replace will be in the following folders)
6) Open these folders in your themes .apk(s) files:
a. Drawable-mdpi (may be drawable-xlarge-mdpi/hdpi/nodpi)
b. Drawable-nodpi
c. Mipmap-hdpi
d. Mipmap-mdpi
7) Now, open the corresponding folders in the roms apk file,(agian, winrar, 7zip)
a. Select all images from the theme's .apk and drag-and drop to the corresponding location in your roms apk file.do this
for each image and you will be about 90% there…
b. If the image you want doe snot exist in the theme, use photoshop or gimp to produce it as you see fit, when your done
make sure you put it in the right folder, make sure its the same size and resolution and name as the original, or it will
not work!!!
8) There are several xml files that need replacing…
a. DeskClockGoogle.apk/layout-xlarge-land/desk_clock.xml
b. Launcher2.apk/layout-xlarge/
i. all_apps_paged_view_application.xml
ii. button_bar.xml
iii. customize_paged_view_item.xml
iv. customize_paged_view_wallpaper.xml
v. customize_paged_view_widget.xml
c. SystemUI.apk/drawable/
i. status_bar_notification_area.xml
ii. status_bar_notification_panel_title.xml
d. SystemUI.apk/layout-xlarge/
i. status_bar_notification_area.xml
ii. status_bar_notification_panel_title.xml
e. framework-res.apk/layout-xlarge/ keyguard_screen_status_land.xml
I your making a new theme or have nothing to port, you will need to decompile with apk tool to actually go in and edit values and colors in xmls
Below is the link to download a update.zip template, (how you and everyone will apply the theme)
By this step the structure of the folders inside of the update.zip should seem familier, just bare in mind anything you put
in there will 1. replace the existing 2. add if not there already. You will Open the update in winrar 7zip as well, if you theme an
app thats not a system app, it will go to update.zip/data/app, if it is a system app it will go to update.zip/system/app,
and the themed framework-res goes to update.zip/system/framework/
Good luck, happy theming, if you need help PM me or dhemke7 and we'll see if its salvagable
Nice post...looks familiar lol...I would like to add a couple of things though since this was very specific for the the HoneyBread Theme:
Additional Steps:
1) Pull the images as described above
2) In order to determine what xml files were originally edited, one can arrange the folders by date modified and go through and find what xmls were most recently edited and pull them...OR
3) To modify the xmls yourself, you must use apktool to decompile the specific apk files. Once decompiled, you can actually read the xml files and you can edit them yourself.
Remember, when porting a theme, always give credit where credit is due and you should ask permission from the initial creator before posting. Have fun everyone...if you need any help with theming/apktool, feel free to contact me here or PM me and I will be happy to help.
Thank you thank you
So how hard do you think it would be to port the Matted Blues Theme? with jabbawalkee permission of course! Always been a fan of that theme.
Post a link, ill get it ported.asap...
Sent from my SCH-I510 using XDA App
what is the the theme from?
Its from CM...gbread...they just made it an apk to run on their theme engine. I would love to learn how to port the themes myself...I have read through this tutorial, but at some points I am getting lost. Here is the theme...I mean if you guys could help it would be awesome!
you on this D? Let me know if there is anything I can do
MitchTank said:
you on this D? Let me know if there is anything I can do
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I hate to say this, but there would be all sorts of compatibility issues being that the theme comes from a phone, which has different dimensions and sized images, they all have different names..it would honestly take forever to port. One would be better to completely redesign the theme for honeycomb. I don't have time for that right now
that is a good point, it is sweet though.....onward to the Charge
Id love to see this on the charge...if you plan on tackling this.beast, you have to modify the XML files yourself as aosp files aren't compatible.
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hey guys. I've been beta testing bigdx's zoom zoom theme for the galaxy tab 10.1. I've ported it to Caulkins touchwhiz km7 rom but I can seem to change the clock colors. Can you help me out?
on ours its in a values folder after recompiling with apktool
hey i was porting the aosp theme of galaxy s to galaxy fit....everything worked fyn xcpt one !! in main theme a green line comes below every power button of the pulldown status bar when it is switched on...i am just nt able to put it,pls help!!!
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[Q] How to write Xperia 4.3 Themes (from scratch, not by apk modding)

Does anyone know or have any guides to writing themes for the 4.3 Xperias? I would really like to write some themes on my spare time. Haven't found anything anywhere.
Please note: I don't want to mod APKs, I want to write these themes in Eclipse, not by editing smali and decompiling apps. Please don't send me threads that reverse engineer pre made APKs.
DdcCabuslay said:
Does anyone know or have any guides to writing themes for the 4.3 Xperias? I would really like to write some themes on my spare time. Haven't found anything anywhere.
Please note: I don't want to mod APKs, I want to write these themes in Eclipse, not by editing smali and decompiling apps. Please don't send me threads that reverse engineer pre made APKs.
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@funky0308 do you know something about it?
eclyptos said:
@funky0308 do you know something about it?
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Yeah...a bit...
There's no need for eclipse for themes...
Themes are 99.9% png's - what uou need is good PhotoShop skils and few xml's which you can write in simple notepad(++).
Draw assets and patch them in eclipse, contact all with xml's and compile...
If you have your reasons to use eclipse - O.K but we aren't using apktool only for reverse engineering...
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funky0308 said:
Yeah...a bit...
There's no need for eclipse for themes...
Themes are 99.9% png's - what uou need is good PhotoShop skils and few xml's which you can write in simple notepad(++).
Draw assets and patch them in eclipse, contact all with xml's and compile...
If you have your reasons to use eclipse - O.K but we aren't using apktool only for reverse engineering...
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Then how do the themes that are available on the Play Store get written? I know how to theme using apktool and whatnot. I'm mainly asking this because I haven't been able to change colour accents successfully with decompiling using apktool. I also don't think using a modded APK would be ok if wanted to publish on the Play Store.
DdcCabuslay said:
Then how do the themes that are available on the Play Store get written? I know how to theme using apktool and whatnot. I'm mainly asking this because I haven't been able to change colour accents successfully with decompiling using apktool. I also don't think using a modded APK would be ok if wanted to publish on the Play Store.
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I'm not saying you should MOD theme from market - build it.
Draw all pngs and write all xml's.
You can use template to see dimensions and use that one as a template but you don't have to mod png's.
I'm doing that way...
I check dimensions and I draw my own png - same procedure is for xml.
You must contact Sony for that, send them your theme and only if they approve it and sign it with private keys you'll be able to sell it on market...
Problem is in keys, not in editing...
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funky0308 said:
I'm not saying you should MOD theme from market - build it.
Draw all pngs and write all xml's.
You can use template to see dimensions and use that one as a template but you don't have to mod png's.
I'm doing that way...
I check dimensions and I draw my own png - same procedure is for xml.
You must contact Sony for that, send them your theme and only if they approve it and sign it with private keys you'll be able to sell it on market...
Problem is in keys, not in editing...
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Mm, makes sense. Thanks.

