Hello everyone,
i really thank all the people who are investing lots of time on this site to help others. I have found myself many solutions to many issues in many of my phones.
now i have a new issue and I have not benn able to find a solution. maybe its hidden in the forums, if you know it, please send my a link.
got a g1 from the US, using it in EU.
if I turn it on, shows the G1 logo folowed by the recovery(android system recovery uitility)
It doesnt matter if I do something else, it allways comes the screen.
Tried several upgrades but it allways tells me:
Install form sdcard...
E:No signature (XXX files)
E:Verification failed
Installation aborted.
on top of the recovery there is a message:
E: can't open /cache/recovery/command --> to this i found several solutions, but all require a running g1... this is not the case.
Also the "back+power" wont load the defaults, it doesnt matter what i do.. wont do anything.
PS: SD is an 8Gb class 6 which was working on my old G1, fresh formated
any clues?
most appreciated!
I almost forgot to mention..
Power + Cam, fastloader wont work, wont load.. also found a solution having a working G1.. again.. this is not the case. I got the phone yesterday and should be working, it looks rather soft-bricked
A hint might be to post this in the Dream Q & A Section before you get battered for posting in the Dev section....
many thanks! Q&A should have been!
any ideas to solve my problem? thanks
E:No signature (XXX files)
E:Verification failed
is due to the ROM not being signed.
if you want to get into bootloader to flash nandroid backups
adb reboot bootloader
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Hi B-man007,
thanks.. is there a way to use ADB if the phone has no OS? and if its not recognized by PC... ? found solutions about how to use it.. IF the phone is running. please let me know if i am missing something here. cheers!
any other solutions?
if the roms that i tried are not signed.. could you suggest me one which is?
tried from original ones to cooked.. same responce. i even tried 30 to 33.. to see waht happens, it started but showed me again an error message, it would make sense if the installed rom would have been 30. i was just trying around.
any links to a very old android which is signed? to keep on trying.. cheers!
Since you have a US G1, flash the RC29 DREAIMG.nbh to get to Android 1.0
ADB can be used in recovery since there is a kernel being used. You need to install the drivers for it to work
no cannt do.. driver for win7 x64 are not te be found and the update from RC29 not possible. i cannt access the booloader to install images ;(
tried several signed updates and roms, allways the same crap!
any other idea? thanks!
The adb drivers for vista x64 should work just fine. If you can't get into bootloader by holding Cam+Power
you will need adb to actually boot into the bootloader to flash the RC image
so.. many tests .. same situation
ADB works if the device is conected. it could be recognized if the bootload is on OR if android is running.
none of this works for me.
i cannt access anything but the android recovery, believe that the old user saved recovery on SDcard and send me the phone w/o it... E:/can't access recovery.. blah
i am getting really angry with the phone and the seller.. damm eVay
I have been trying to get the clockworkmod on my galaxy tab so I can flash the EXT4 kernel and the overcome ROM but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do the clockworkmod. I've tried searching everywhere for instructions, this site, google, youtube, and I've had no success in understanding how to do it for my tab, let alone finding where to download the clockworkmod file that I need. I have dialed *#1234# and *#7465625# to get the info of my tab, when I dial the one number it says for everything is off and when I dial the other number I get this info, PDA1000JPJJ1 Phone1000JXJJ1 CSC1000OJPJJ1. I have no carrier that I'm using just running it off of wifi, but if I ever decide to buy a data plan it will probably be with at&t. A friend of mine bought me the tab from afghanistan he told me it was unlocked. I know I have a slot for a SIM card. Just trying to give as much info about the tab as I can cause if what I'm reading is correct you have to install a certain clockworkmod depending on your tab. like I said I just am not understanding how to do this or where to get the files I need. I have rooted the tab and I have the ROM manager and ASTRO file manager apps downloaded and I've tried just tapping on the Flash ClockworkMod Recovery in ROM manager then tapping on Reboot into Recovery and when that happens it pops up in the reboot screen but the text is still green and I believe what it said was it was installing files for clockworkmod recovery but would never finish so I'm assuming I did that wrong. Could some one please help me with this I'm going crazy trying to figure out how to do it? that are too many different post about how to do it and one person saying do it this way while the other says do it this way and I'm not grasping how to do it properly without messing up my tab, it already keeps freezing up on me from time to time and i have to hold the power button in and restart it. Please any help I'd appreciate, Thank You.
Just follow the guide in the overcome thread. Its a pdf file you download and print, with very careful instructions.
I did things in a different order. I flashed the overcome kernal, which did the ext4 reformat, and it installed CWM.
Just in case you havnt found the thread, it's here --> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=932082
I suggest you print the pdf file and follow it STEP BY STEP.. mark each step you've done if necessary..
I have been trying to upgrade my htc magic 32a from 1.5 ever since I got it 10 months ago...but no success. One of the reasons I learned in my inquiry is that it is not possible to upgrade a "perfected spl" which is what I have. However, I have found several bloggers who claimed to have done so using ROM Manager, flashrec.apk, ADB, etc. But when I try any of the suggested methods, I eventually reach a failure message (can't be installed on this phone, force stop, etc) of some kind.
So here are my questions:
Was the blogger correct about the "perfected spl"? If I knew that for certain, then I would dismiss the claims of success as bogus, give up the ghost on this phone, and start looking for an upgradeable replacement!
If the answer to the above is no...meaning there is a procedure for upgrading my phone, then I would be forever indebted if someone can point out the way!
Desperate in Buenos Aires,
if you use flashrec.apk, you have to enable the option to install application out of market.
Perfected SPL issue
Although I appreciate your input, if you'll read my post, you'll see that I have tried flashrec.apk and I did it correctly allowing non-market applications.
"...ROM Manager, flashrec.apk, ADB, etc. But when I try any of the suggested methods, I eventually reach a failure message (can't be installed on this phone, force stop, etc) of some kind.
My question which I will repeat more clearly is this:
Is it possible to upgrade an HTC Magic 32A with a PERFECTED SPL...and if so, how do I do it?
I can tell you I HAVE read posts of people upgrading these phones. even changing the radio and spl on almost bricked ones.
My question to help you from here is :
Do you have a mytouch 1.2 (fender)
If so it says 32A but it is really a 32B board.
I have the fender and I used clockwork recovery, superwipe, and then ezTerry radio and spl update zips.
I suppose I should ask: upgrade 1.5 what?
If you just mean android 1.5
I used clockwork recovery and then put cyanogen 5 on. Easily
I have since put cm6 on and even cm7
All in all. Keep reading I read for days and days, but... Putting a rom on already rooted phone was easy. And very possible
Sent from my Dream/Sapphire using XDA App
Yes: I would like to upgrade from Android 1.5 to whatever!
No: I don't even know what a mytouch 1.2 fender is! When I boot up, the Airtel logo appears followed by "HTC Magic." There's a T-Mobile logo printed on the case above the screen and "With Google" on the back. Here's what it says I have in about phone:
Sapphire PVT (32A) Ship S-On H
Hboot-1.76.0009 (SAPP10000)
CPLD-12 (Dec 8, 2009)
Type: EB11/32A
I cannot or do not know how to use clockwork recovery. In fact, I am not able to boot into recovery...only HBoot which has no options other than to reset or power down.
I have tried to download and install ROM Manager from Market but get an error saying that there is no such apk. When I try to install from the SD card, I am told that the apk is not for this phone. I have also tried to install it from AppBrain Market but repeatedly get an internet error "Please check your connection and try again." My connection is fine and I'm able to download and install a variety of apks...but none that help me change the rom. I am rooted by the way.
Any ideas?
Fender means that it has an audio jack.
Have you read the Cyanogenmod wiki quide? First you need to have root access and an unlocked bootloader (hboot). Only after that you can start installing custom ROMs
Looks like you have the same phone as I do, so you should use this guide: http://wiki.cyanogenmod.com/wiki/HTC_Magic_%2832A%29:_Rooting_%286.35.x_radio%29
It's old but works. After that you can go forward on installing a ROM you like. Also you always have to remember to have correct radio/SPL versions (you'll learn about them with the guide) before installing software. Otherwise it won't boot.
This is what my phone looks like ATM:
LAFitz said:
No: I don't even know what a mytouch 1.2 fender is! When I boot up, the Airtel logo appears followed by "HTC Magic." There's a T-Mobile logo printed on the case above the screen and "With Google" on the back. Here's what it says I have in about phone:
Sapphire PVT (32A) Ship S-On H
Hboot-1.76.0009 (SAPP10000)
CPLD-12 (Dec 8, 2009)
Type: EB11/32A
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Your phone is pure 32A Magic, not fender or mt4g v1.2
Well then, I don't have an audio jack so my HTC Magic is not a Fender. And I have read...but not followed the Cyanogen Wiki because it specified the "HTC Magic (32A) with 3.22.x radio" while my radio is
I did install ADB on my computer and I created a Gold Card both as per the Wiki instructions. However, I gave up on that method after repeatedly getting a "device not recognized" error.
I do have root access but not a clue as to whether hboot is locked or not. How would I determine that?
Sorry I'm being such a dimwit but I am soooooo frustrated with this phone. Maybe I should either just leave well enough (Android 1.5) alone...or find someone who has a clue to replace the guts of the device with a more adaptable OS.
Thanks for trying,
No recovery & fastboot fails to install
I just attempted to follow the instructions from http://wiki.cyanogenmod.com/wiki/Howto:_Install_the_Android_SDK once again to install the SDK and fastboot on Windows 7 but the installation of fastboot failed. See screenshot attached.
In addition, I seem to have no recovery at all on the device. Booting from Home/Power brings up the Airtel screen where it remains until I remove the battery. Booting from Vol-Down/Power produces Fastboot which offers 4 options as follows:
<Vol Down> HBoot Mode
<Send> Reset Device
<Action> Restart to HBoot
<Menu> Power Down
Choosing <Vol Down> gives me:
<Back> Fastboot Mode
<Send> Simlock
Both <Send> and <Action> restart the device and of course, <Menu> turns it off.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I suspect that I cannot proceed with changing the radio or the spl without Fastboot on my computer...and I should not try to proceed without Recovery on the device. So what do I do?
You need to run the installer as admin, and it's safest to run everything as admin since it's the easiest way
The recovery you have is the stock recovery so it won't show anything useful.
I followed this guide: http://wiki.cyanogenmod.com/wiki/HTC_Magic_(32A):_Rooting_(6.35.x_radio) and it worked perfectly!
I did run the SDK installer as Admin and after a bit of manipulating managed to get fastboot where it is supposed to be. Then I attempted to follow the guide you suggested. However, when I try to "push adb"...I get a "permission denied" message and can go no farther.
So does having the "stock recovery" mean that I cannot enter recovery mode? Hanging up on the Airtel screen is to be expected? Then I truly don't understand. How do I back up my current ROM? And if things go wrong...which they can't because I cannot adb push anything to my SD card...then how do I recover?
I honestly appreciate your help...but I seem to have the device from hell and every time I hear how "easy" it is to do what I have not been able to do in a year, I want to tear my hair out!!!!
LAFitz said:
I did run the SDK installer as Admin and after a bit of manipulating managed to get fastboot where it is supposed to be. Then I attempted to follow the guide you suggested. However, when I try to "push adb"...I get a "permission denied" message and can go no farther.
So does having the "stock recovery" mean that I cannot enter recovery mode? Hanging up on the Airtel screen is to be expected? Then I truly don't understand. How do I back up my current ROM? And if things go wrong...which they can't because I cannot adb push anything to my SD card...then how do I recover?
I honestly appreciate your help...but I seem to have the device from hell and every time I hear how "easy" it is to do what I have not been able to do in a year, I want to tear my hair out!!!!
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Please try to follow the 6.35 instructions
Did you use a goldcard? Check the wiki for that too
You can probably try temproot and then backup with that - but SMS and some other stuff can probaby be backed up in some other ways. If you can't push anything to the sdcard, have you enabled USB debugging from the settings? You can also try to enable USB storage from the usb menu that appears when you connect your phone to your computer and put the files there that way. I can't really remember how I did it since it was such a long time ago :/
Don't worry, it's hard but not impossible!
Yes...I have tried to follow those instruction as well as versions thereof listed below.
And yes...I have created a Gold Card as well as installed SDK, Eclipse, etc...but all to no avail.
When I read "Hey look. I just upgraded my HTC Magic (with the same credentials by the way) to Froyo...in only 10 minutes!" I must come to the conclusion that I am the problem in the sense that there is something that I am not getting. Consequently, my question is this:
Does anyone know of a technical service where I can send my device to have it upgraded professionally?
If it is in the general vicinity of Denver (CO)...that would be cool but at this point I'm willing to mail it. PLEASE HELP! The phone works just fine...but it is sooooooooo limited by Cupcake!
p.s. Below is only a few of the more then 60 urls I have found in my search for a step-by-step process for upgrading the ROM.
http://forum.gsmhosting.com/vbb/archive/t-1112558.html NOTE: I did make a gold card...but it didn't work.
Try Spanish posts
Hmmm.... the science of the magic is a little hard to some few...
Have you tried Spanish tutorials?
There's also an Spanish page (h ttp:/ /htcmania .com) that can help you, because the Magic was first released in Spain
(if you are going for the spanish forums be careful! those use 32b motherboards)
BTW, if you want to upgrade, remember something, you must download 1= the recovery and 2= roms
To install them, you need to use a terminal emulator and all that.... (the forums w/download links also have an installation guide)
I wish you look n.n
and if you need help on how to install or root something... contact me (Y)
Yes...I need help!
Hola Cesar,
Thanks for your suggestions. Since I have the 32A motherboard, I don't want to risk bricking my phone by doing anything meant for the 32B. But I can surely use your help with the following which by the way, I have already tried:
Finding and installing the correct Recovery & ROM. I have been referred to a variety of each but haven't been successful at installing any as you can see from my list...even when following the respective installation guides.
Currently, I'm running a rooted phone with a perfected SPL with no recovery. No problems so far but I would love to upgrade to Froyo if that is possible. Another by the way: I just spoke to an Android specialist at Cricket who said he could do it...but didn't understand why I would want to since I'm not having problems with the phone - if it ain't broke, why fix it?
Try to root by SuperOneClick. Even shell root will help in future
If not, i will write more hard manual
I am rooted
Thanks for the suggestion Strogino but I already have root. My problem is not being able to upgrade from Android 1.5.
Laurie, The magic of the Magic is a pain!
Let's do this:
Turn of your phone and turn it on by presing back + power
That's the bootloader screen, then tell me what says there
second: Download any root app (like root explorer) and tell me if you can acces the root of your sd (something like / or try to go to /system/data and see if you can COPY an app to the SD). BTW, how did you rooted your phone?
for now, you must decide wich ROM you will use, tell me that and give me the link of the rom (if you want a reco' look for Ginger Yoshi)
That's all for now, do your homework an tell me that ^
Glad to help you!
Cesar™ said:
Laurie, The magic of the Magic is a pain!
Let's do this:
Turn of your phone and turn it on by presing back + power
That's the bootloader screen, then tell me what says there
second: Download any root app (like root explorer) and tell me if you can acces the root of your sd (something like / or try to go to /system/data and see if you can COPY an app to the SD). BTW, how did you rooted your phone?
for now, you must decide wich ROM you will use, tell me that and give me the link of the rom (if you want a reco' look for Ginger Yoshi)
That's all for now, do your homework an tell me that ^
Glad to help you!
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It says FASTBOOT and lists
<Vol Down> HBoot Mode
<SEND> Reset Device
<ACTION> Restart to HBoot
<MENU> Power Down
LAFitz said:
It says FASTBOOT and lists
<Vol Down> HBoot Mode
<SEND> Reset Device
<ACTION> Restart to HBoot
<MENU> Power Down
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I have Root Explorer installed and am able to access the SD Card although there's no /system/data folder. I went to system/app instead but can't figure out how to COPY any of the apps listed to the SD Card.
As for the ROM, I don't have a clue which will work on my device. I do have Ginger Yoshi on my PC. What's next?
Ive been wondering how to get back to stock rom with the Smart Flash but the steps arent very clear.Hopfully someone can help me
Your model is a LGP990HN.
If you are flashing stock, why not use the official KDZ with LG R&D Test Tool?
Tutorial is here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1327929
Use your carrier KDZ flash file (FIDO LGP990HN V21b): http://csmg.lgmobile.com:9002/swdata/WEBSW/LGP990HN/AFIDDW/V21B_00/V21B_00.kdz
Does it matter if my phone is already rooted to the computer? I rooted it to the computer but it doesnt work it only charges and plus is this the orgnial one i dont get the steps canada still has froyo so do i download that please help
Bro please help when i do all the step the last part goes to 15% then it said failed commucation with phone please connect .. and my firmware update driver says install failed.
No, it doesn't matter if your phone is rooted, I've done myself here and it works, but you loose root.
You didn't give more details, is your phone bricked? Did you tried a hard reset?
If you have problems with the drives, I suggest you to uninstall LGMobile update, download usbdeview and remove everything with LGE on the drive description, reinstall LGMobile update and try again.
Also, make sure USB debugging is checked under development menu.
bricked as in ? and it my phone work pefectly fine i just wanna retore it with out any rooting or cm7 etc but like i did all the steps but like the hardware driver thing it said failed to install but i dont think that really important but when i actaully finish the step it only goes to 15% then pop up amd says phone connection failed or not connect please press restart.
I'm incountering the same issue as this. Can anyone help me to resolve this issue?