Bootloop / Lost Recovery - Galaxy S I9000 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Apologies for opening a new thread for this. I am unable to reply on the dev thread as I have less than 10 posts. So in reference to the following post, I'd like to contribute some experience I had in the last two weeks.
Across the space of two weeks, I have had a chance to note this symptom on three devices.
Device 1 SGS i9000
Rooted phone and have been on CM9 for as long as I can remember. Wake up one morning to find phone with BLN on, but no ability to wake the phone (power button, home button, volume buttons, nothing works). Popped the battery out, and the bootloop / no recovery went on forever. Had to Odin flash back to Stock 2.3.6 to start again. Since then, any CM9 (nightlies or RC2) attempted always end up in the bootloop, i.e. stock > flash rom, first boot = bootloop. I figured then if I had to go back to 2.3.6, I'd rather go to JB. First JB tried was HellyBean, and the same thing happened. It was only trying pawitp's current alpha CM10 that it worked. Days later reverted back to ICS (Paranoid Android v1.6) due to lags and bugginess.
Important to note, the CWM kernel I have gone through are,, And Paranoid Android put me back to
Device 2 SGSi9000
Rooted phone and have been on CM9 for as long as I can remember. Phone cut off and rebooted in the middle of a phone call and ended up in bootloop with no recovery. Exactly the same symptom attempting to get the phone back into any of the CM9 roms (nightlies or RC2). Ended putting the phone on Paranoid Android as well.
Device 3 HTC Sensation
Had a lot of trouble trying to flash CM9 on this using CWM. Random bootloop with no recoveries. CWM at that time was, which I had lots of trouble flashing Gapps on. More on this device posted here:
And finally, one other observations across all these devices. Somehow with CWM v6.x.x.x I had rather poor battery life. For instance, on CM9 Nightly 07/23, say I started with 100% charge in the morning at 8am, by 12pm, I would be looking at 80% left. Once a week, I will let the phone shut itself down on low power, and charge without switching the phone on. On any other evenings, I would plug the phone and leave it charging overnight, e.g. at 10pm with only 30% left. I have constantly noticed that within a few minutes, it jumps back to 40%, which is rather odd. A 10% charging achieved within minutes is rather unusual.
I have also noted that, when the SGS i9000s ended in the bootloop / no recovery situation, the phone can never be charged. Plugging the phone for charging will the a blank battery icon lit up, with the swirly thing on top of the icon appeared frozen and it stays that way.
Being on lower version of CWM, in this instance, v5.5.0.4., I can observe the units (observed being the keyword here) charges "normally", i.e. no funny 10% charge achieve within minutes. Also, battery life are much better as well, i.e. only 10% drain between 8am (100%) to 12pm (90%).
So, not being a developer but someone that likes to tinker and observed:
- Is it possible that newer version of CWM potentially have some impact to battery life?
- Is it possible that how CM9 is being flashed onto a phone has potential issue? I find it a bit disturbing on an initial flash from stock to CM9, I had to pop the battery out after the flash initially loads a new CWM onto the phone. Then start the flash again with the newly loaded CWM.
I am hoping all these I have experienced in a short amount of time can be helpful to potentially looking into where issue might be. Most people have one phone and tested across different kernels and ROMs. I had the luxury of testing across three devices on a narrower choices of kernels and ROMs.

For the first SGS paragraph I can relate. EVERY ROM would boot loop. I had to flash to stock With repartition ticked. And then flashed semaphore kernel, and formatted system, data and cache. Then I flashed to whatever ROM and was okay.
Also I seem to have the problem with having to pull the battery after a flash to the new recovery. Only happened a few times, but non the less, still happened. Just make sure you flash twice afterward to make sure
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda premium

AlwaysDroid said:
For the first SGS paragraph I can relate. EVERY ROM would boot loop. I had to flash to stock With repartition ticked. And then flashed semaphore kernel, and formatted system, data and cache. Then I flashed to whatever ROM and was okay.
Also I seem to have the problem with having to pull the battery after a flash to the new recovery. Only happened a few times, but non the less, still happened. Just make sure you flash twice afterward to make sure
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda premium
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Yup, on every occasion I mentioned above, wipe (system/data/cache) are part of the ritual. Just didn't mention them.
I just think the battery-pulling feels rather odd. Can understand why it's needed, but just feel odd. Wondered if it'd be better to keep kernel and ROM separate, e.g. flash new kernel via Odin, then simply do ROM. This might be a 'cleaner' method perhaps? It feels almost like flashing kernel as part of the process is like modifying Windows files whilst still in Windows, then do a reboot.
For now I have fear against v6.x.x.x kernels. But will likely go back to it once CM10 is stable. We'll see.

I installed Eryigit's Android 2.3.6 ROM onto my SGP 5 and have this battery charging boot loop. Are there any solutions for this yet?


[Q] Captivate Reboot and Battery Loop problem

Hello everyone, long time reader, first time poster (with a real query).
Actually last Friday my cappy started to show 100% of the battery after being for some time in use, so I reboot it trying to solve the issue.
After the boot, the cell shows the Initially Battery screen for 2 seconds with the battery without charge then turns off. Tried several times and also using a second battery with full charge and same problem persisted.
10 minutes later without having a battery inside the phone, it boots but when I rebooted the problem arises again.
This weekend I installed Illuminance 3.01, after that I have installed CM9 (very nice ROM) and the battery problem still is happening. I am able to use the phone but I don´t know for how much more.
Any suggestion?
have you tried to wipe battery stats in recovery ?
Felixcm88 said:
have you tried to wipe battery stats in recovery ?
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Yesterday night I did a wipe battery stats and the problem still is there.
It starts with the loop and the only way I can start the phone is plugging it then it shows the actual charge of the battery and after that I can boot.
It must be something "deeper" than the rom...
Somebody can help?
I am having the exact same issue, stock froyo 2.2 rooted 5 months ago. I'm trying everything before updating to 2.3, I'll let you know if I find a fix, please do the same.
Searching google is not working this time, it's been 3 days...
Things I've tried:
1- From recovery, boot phone. Problem persists after phone is turned off.
2- Boot from revovery, then reset to factory settings, after rese, same issue.
3- Wipe cache from recovery. Problem still there.
4- Wipe cache+user data from recovery. Same thing.
5- repeating 1-4 without SD card or SIM card.
- Wipe battery data... nothing...
- Unrooting, same issue, rooted again.
- Run root fixes with Titanium backup. Same...
- Removing battery for hours, while charging it externally, replace battery, same issue.
All to no success. Things yet to try:
- Update to 2.3 using kies
- Update to beta 2.3.5 using odin
- Update to custom rom, maybe try 3 or 4 different...
- Cry, then save and buy a new phone, use cappy as shiny paperweight...
Please let me know if you could fix it...
I'm not sure what you mean when you say "initial battery screen."
But if I am to understand the rest, your problem is:
initial boot - runs fine, but battery stays at 100% no matter how long it runs.
reboot - phone now says the battery is suddenly dead, and shuts-off.
further reboots - same
You can't get the phone to fully boot till the battery is left out for a while and the phone is fully de-energized.
You have tried a different battery and it behaves the same.
- - - - - -
Have you tried using a known "good" battery? (a new one or one from someone who's phone works fine)
Also, what happens if you plug in the USB while the phone is off? (after the inital boot, when it is stuck in the "dead battery loop.")
Still dead after installing update and 2 custom roms...
Yes I tried a good battery from another cappy, if I plug in the cable it does the same, instead of normally booting, it displays an empty battery and goes off.
I am able to make it work but only entering the restore mode, so I cannot for example be on a trip and reset the phone for whatever reason...
have you tried using a different kernel?
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA App
sorry, but how can I try a different kernel? do i need to change the rom?
Nah, kernels can be flashed independent of ROMs just look through development for topics that have "[Kernel]" as the fist word in their title.
If you have gone and loaded two custom ROMs and it still persist then it's not a kernel issue. As the kernel is always changed along with the ROM.
That said, I can only think of two other possibilities: one being dirt or such making a short in the contacts of the usb (does it sometimes think it is plugged in when it's not), two something in the circuitry for the battery randomly went bad.
Try cleaning the socket for the usb. If that does not fix then assume the worst
leaked from my ICS- FUSED SGS I897 contaminating you via XDA app.
Ok, here's the thing, I left it without the battery for 24 hrs, then it was worst. The phone would not turn on at all. However, after that I tried putting the battery in while holding the power button, it worked!!! it's better than having to connect to the computer, but still, I don't want to have to do this every time... flashing roms now to try again.
We're getting somewhere now...
DaNaRkI could be right about it being a circuitry problem (which would suck). With that in mind, have you checked to make sure the prongs which connect the battery to the phone are still in good shape?
When you flashed the roms, are you doing complete wipes? (wiping the cache/dalvik/data)? It might be worth it to go one step beyond that and format all the partitions and then reflash. I think if you do that, you could basically rule out any software problems.
Be sure to back up your data!
P.S. When you do all this wiping and formating and reflashing, boot up and check to see if the problem is still there before you put your data back on jic there is some weird corruption in your data which is causing this.
have you checked to make sure the prongs which connect the battery to the phone are still in good shape?
yes I have, they're perfect
When you flashed the roms, are you doing complete wipes?
many times, actually
I have yet to format all partitions, how can I do that?
and yes, all my data is well backed up in my PC and cloud...
---------- Post added at 12:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:09 AM ----------
this is rather odd, just tried to factory reset again, then restarted using the battery method, then... turned it off, and now it boots normally!!!
Thanks for your help !!!
I have the same problem. What exactly did you do? I use a custom rom, and I flashed stock gingerbread 2.3.4.
Formatting the partitions won't do anything, since the phone won't even turn on sometimes. So when exactly did this problem start happening? Was it after a particular flash or other incident?

Keep phone on long enough to transfer files?

I have had a ATT captivate for almost 2 years now. It falls in the IMEI range specified by ATT. But it wasn't really a problem until very recently.
It got much worse about 3 weeks ago when the phone kept constantly rebooting. It would load the OS, begin media scanning, once that concluded, it would immediately reboot (almost every 20 seconds). Only way to stop the reboot cycle is to take out the battery. No new apps were installed, no system changes were made when this happened.
I am able to get the phone's menu which allows me to wipe and I am able to get the phone into download mode.
I have read (4) of this article regarding sleepdeath and all corresponding articles referenced.
This is what I did...
1) Performed hard reset, cleared storage. This eliminated all third party apps, returned the phone to stock (I think), but the phone is still rebooting.
2) Attempted to install a brand new rom (CM) via CWM = Problem got much worse. Still rebooting but this time, after the ATT logo appears, the screen changes to static (noise) and reboots. Followed instructions and diles from here.
3) Since the phone became useless, I hunted around to return it to stock again and used this. The phone now boots up into the OS, but now it's back to rebooting.
I repeated steps 2 and 3 just to make sure I didn't miss a step, but same problem.
I have 2 goals:
1) Get the phone working, if at all possible!
2) If that's not possible, recover the 300 pictures that are on the device.
My challenge is that since the phone keeps rebooting every 20 seconds, by the time it connects to my PC via USB as external storage, it reboots! This ofcourse is also preventing me from loading a ROM directly on to the SD card.
So if anyone can help me to do the following:
1) Point me in the right direction to how I can keep the phone in a certain mode or setting (download mode doesn't work) where I can transfer files, recover my pics, and perhaps load a custom ROM?
2) Next steps?? Am I even on the right track? Since the stock rom keeps the phone rebooting, will a custom ROM solve the problem (have not been able to get a conclusive answer on this on the threads referring to sleep death (which this is an exaggerated version of) or is the phone a lost cause?
I know I can call ATT and try to haggle a replacement (since the phone is out of warranty), the only benefit being they don't renew my contract, and I don't have to upgrade.
Any help or guidance is much appreciated.
Wow, bummer
Well i don't know if you can mount the sd card in stock recovery (never used it) but if you can't then you could flash one of the stock one click roms with cwm recovery from this thread....
In cwm recovery there is an option to mount sd while connected to pc so you can backup your stuff.
For the reboots, could it be your power button? Mine is acting up, and often seems to cause reboots. There are threads about fixing that. Idk just a thought.
Hope that helped a bit
Sent from phone with app
Like the previous post says, maybe try a custom recovery, go to mounts and storage, and mount USB storage. While you're at it, try flashing a compatible ROM through that recovery i.e. GB rom if its a GB kernel with CWM recovery or ICS rom if its an ICS recovery.
Did you try to do a dump of SD card data with adb?
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda premium
The static issue is because you flashed a gingerbread kernel but you don't have gingerbread bootloaders. You can fix this by flashing an AT&T stock one click with bootloaders.
Once there, you can flash corn kernel and use recovery to mount the sd card.
Or I guess you could flash a froyo kernel.. there's a number of ways to do this.
Sent from a jelly bean

CM10 won't shut down or display battery properly

My sincerest apologies if this has been discussed elsewhere, but I've searched high and low in Google and XDA without result.
I recently rooted my P3 and then flashed CM10. Took me a few goes (first time 3G wasn't working etc.), but each time I factory reset, wiped cache and dalvik cache before and after flashing. I eventually got it working just fine, except for the battery not displaying properly. It always said it was charging, even when it wasn't, and it wouldn't charge to 100%, instead stopping at 99%. I used the battery calibration mod, and tried to wipe the battery stats via CWM recovery, but to no avail.
Other than that, and the auto rotation flipping to the opposite side you turn (I understand this is a known bug), everything was running smoothly so I decided to do a backup via CWM recovery. Once everything was completed I booted back up. It all was working as it had before, until I tried to power down. The screen went black, but shortly the Samsung Galaxy splash screen came on and it booted up again. I tried wiping the cache and dalvik cache, wiping battery stats, but it still will not stay powered down. The only exception is when I have it plugged in and charging, then it will stay on the battery charging animation instead of rebooting.
Any help would be much appreciated. I really don't want to have to revert to base CWM after tasting the awesomeness of CM10!
Xanthippus said:
My sincerest apologies if this has been discussed elsewhere, but I've searched high and low in Google and XDA without result.
I recently rooted my P3 and then flashed CM10. Took me a few goes (first time 3G wasn't working etc.), but each time I factory reset, wiped cache and dalvik cache before and after flashing. I eventually got it working just fine, except for the battery not displaying properly. It always said it was charging, even when it wasn't, and it wouldn't charge to 100%, instead stopping at 99%. I used the battery calibration mod, and tried to wipe the battery stats via CWM recovery, but to no avail.
Other than that, and the auto rotation flipping to the opposite side you turn (I understand this is a known bug), everything was running smoothly so I decided to do a backup via CWM recovery. Once everything was completed I booted back up. It all was working as it had before, until I tried to power down. The screen went black, but shortly the Samsung Galaxy splash screen came on and it booted up again. I tried wiping the cache and dalvik cache, wiping battery stats, but it still will not stay powered down. The only exception is when I have it plugged in and charging, then it will stay on the battery charging animation instead of rebooting.
Any help would be much appreciated. I really don't want to have to revert to base CWM after tasting the awesomeness of CM10!
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Which version are you using? It was a known bug in an older ROM, which should have been fixed in the newer ones.
Using the 20120816 version that I got from the link in this thread:
I've also had this problem for awhile, with several different ROM's.
Does fastboot work for you? Cause it doesn't for me, but not sure if related.
Xanthippus said:
My sincerest apologies if this has been discussed elsewhere, but I've searched high and low in Google and XDA without result.
I recently rooted my P3 and then flashed CM10. Took me a few goes (first time 3G wasn't working etc.), but each time I factory reset, wiped cache and dalvik cache before and after flashing. I eventually got it working just fine, except for the battery not displaying properly. It always said it was charging, even when it wasn't, and it wouldn't charge to 100%, instead stopping at 99%. I used the battery calibration mod, and tried to wipe the battery stats via CWM recovery, but to no avail.
Other than that, and the auto rotation flipping to the opposite side you turn (I understand this is a known bug), everything was running smoothly so I decided to do a backup via CWM recovery. Once everything was completed I booted back up. It all was working as it had before, until I tried to power down. The screen went black, but shortly the Samsung Galaxy splash screen came on and it booted up again. I tried wiping the cache and dalvik cache, wiping battery stats, but it still will not stay powered down. The only exception is when I have it plugged in and charging, then it will stay on the battery charging animation instead of rebooting.
Any help would be much appreciated. I really don't want to have to revert to base CWM after tasting the awesomeness of CM10!
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Are you using the correct recovery? Not sure that you would be able to get as far as you if it were wrong but ...
I caused myself heartache at some point as a result of using the wrong recovery. It gave my weird results too. I am other 16 Aug ROM and I find it pretty damn good.
Here is the right one
GaryWS said:
Are you using the correct recovery? Not sure that you would be able to get as far as you if it were wrong but ...
I caused myself heartache at some point as a result of using the wrong recovery. It gave my weird results too. I am other 16 Aug ROM and I find it pretty damn good.
Here is the right one
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I got the recovery from the same thread I linked above, so pretty sure it was the right one. Just to be sure I downloaded and flashed the one you linked with Odin, but it's made no difference. However, I have (finally) had success in getting the battery to charge to 100%. I kept wiping the battery stats every time I booted up, and powered it down while plugged in and left it on charge when I wasn't using it. After a couple of days (with it on and off charge) it finally said it was fully charged when I powered it on. I have used the battery calibration app with it at 100%, so hopefully it shall begin indicating properly, although it still says it's charging all the time, and the charging animation when it is powered down does not indicate its actual charge level.
As for it not powering down when it's not plugged in... I am still new to rooting and ROMs, but would it be of help if someone who has no problems powering down uploaded their kernel and I flashed that?
Xanthippus said:
As for it not powering down when it's not plugged in... I am still new to rooting and ROMs, but would it be of help if someone who has no problems powering down uploaded their kernel and I flashed that?
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Re-download the lastest ROM and flash it; the latest ROM does not have that problem.
pruano said:
Re-download the lastest ROM and flash it; the latest ROM does not have that problem.
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Where would I get that ROM from? The latest one from the link above at the Droid basement is the 16th August version I already have.
Xanthippus said:
Where would I get that ROM from? The latest one from the link above at the Droid basement is the 16th August version I already have.
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I would recommend you re-download and re-flash it, since others (myself included) have no such problem with that version.
Didn't work. Redownloaded, reflashed, same problem. I even tried to unroot it so that I could flash it all again fresh, but somewhere along the way something has gone wrong. Odin is not working anymore. I can transfer files to and from my tablet, the computer still recognises it when plugged in, and Odin recognises the USB connection too, but if I try to flash something with it, it always says it is unable to open the COM port.
Tried this many different ways, with different roms, nothing seemed to work. Finally, tried AOKP milestone 6 (based on CM9) and it works perfectly. Go figure...

Phone Won't Start. Endless Loop.

I've flashed CM 9.1 rom 2 weeks ago. Everything was perfect (well, ok camera app was a bit laggy). I installed it through CWM, like wiki says.
2 days ago, I was using phone as Navigation, and battery depleted to 0 (phone switched off). When I plugged it into a charger, battery charging animation was displayed, then phone switched off and so on (loop). Same situation is when I power on. CM logo endless loop.
Recovery doesn't start, download mode is working tho.
I checked different battery, same thing.
Is it software related problem ? Should I just flash phone again via ODIN or Heimdall?
I had something similar like this a few months ago because my nephew was pressing random buttons. I did indeed just reflash the phone again. Lucky for me I had a backup of my data so that fixed most of my problems.
Hope you figure it out,
Currently, I've flashed hardcore Kernel (CM wiki page) to flash CM9.1 rom.... it gives me Status 7 error (get.prop("ro.product.device")). Same with CM 10 Nightly.
Flashing Slim ICS gives me Status 0 error.
What should I do?
Hey just flash stock GB firmware via Odin then u r good to go...
Do post results
If my post helped, don't mind hitting THANKS
Yes it helped. Thanks.
Strange tho, stock 2.3.6 feels faster than CM9.1

Battery glitch or is my kernel screwed?

So I recently rooted and installed twrp recovery with cyanogenmods most recent nightly. It was running smooth as butter for about a week. The battery ran dead the other night so I hooked it up to a charger and it only charged enough to show the root boot and battery symbol. Then nothing it just won't charge.
Funny thing is, when I plug it in regularly I get nothing, but if I leave it plugged in, take the battery out then back in, I get the battery charge logo for a few seconds then again nothing.
Anything I can do to remedy, troubleshooting steps before I insure it?
Kernel and battery probably have nothing to do with it.
Did you install A kernel other than Cyanogenmods' built in kernel?
Anyways, to "unbrick":
Can you put the phone in to Recovery (hold all three "home, power, volume up", and let go when you see "recovery booting" in blue text. I'm assuming you have A custom recovery installed since you have cyanogemod on it.
You can work with it from there. Wipe Cache/dalvik or wipe data/factory reset to see if it comes back to life.
See if it goes in to recovery like that, than it can be saved.
There's also odin which will bring it back to stock like when you first got it. Using A Windows PC.
Odin stock/unroot tutorial:
You will want A newer odin than whats in the tutorial:
and the latest firmware that's not in the tutorial (download the first link, "full rom")
If you have troubles with this let me know.
I had an LG with the same issue of only showing the battery symbol, then shutting off. It's dead to this day.
Yeah I have team win recovery. I tried a few times getting it into recovery but didn't have luck.
I have only had my used Note 4 a week, but just wanted to say maybe your battery is going bad. I remember reading about some people having problems like lockups and not booting, only to discover the battery was causing it. One guy posted a youtube video about it

