i came from CheckROM GB to ICS ROM.Initially tried both Criskelo's and Kingdroid and got stuck in nandroid backups and install zip into system.Hangs.Found out that the problem is partial root: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1828538.
Tried to reflash ROM with CF kernel,install SuperSU,superuser all failed
So right now i am going back to GB first to install ICS ROM then custom ICS ROM to get full root.
I looked at dr. ketan's thread:http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1329360 and downloaded the pre-rooted ROM SGN_XX_OXA_KJ1_FACTORYFS.zip. I would like to claify something before i proceed.
-Currently on Kindroid + CF root kernel.I can just go ahead and start flashing the pre-rooted GB ROM right?safe?
-So after installation,"Wipe cache, data and delvic cache from recovery"-Wipe everything from recovery meaning factory reset?
-Copy ICS ROM file in .tar (you want to flash) to Internal SD card (recommended, but you can have it on EXT too)-any ICS ROM?
JxXxn said:
1-Currently on Kindroid + CF root kernel.I can just go ahead and start flashing the pre-rooted GB ROM right?safe?
2-So after installation,"Wipe cache, data and delvic cache from recovery"-Wipe everything from recovery meaning factory reset?
3-Copy ICS ROM file in .tar (you want to flash) to Internal SD card (recommended, but you can have it on EXT too)-any ICS ROM?
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1-As such there is no issue to flash any GB ROM on Any stock/custom ROM. yes it is safe.
2- yes it will be factory reset, when you wipe data.
3-This step is righ if you want to use Mobile Odin Pro for stock ICS (for custom ROM you need to use CWM, not mobile odin)
Thanks for quick reply.
As by searching i am going to follow this step by step guide>http://www.geekyandroid.com/2012/05/how-to-downgrade-ics-on-samsung-galaxy.html (Have to turn OFF USB debugging?)
Does this pre-rooted ROM come with CWM?Once i factory reset it,does it retain root?
Yes said prerooted ROM having CWM
And hard reset doesn't erase root/CWM
Humble request, stick to XDA. Difficult to give opinion on all guides around planet.
Ha,OK..just randomly searching ard on google for downgrade steps.
Do u have a step by step guide on the GB downgrade part,the one i saw on yr sig is after flashing back to ICS.thanks for yr help!
Post #2 of first link on my signature have guide how to Install rootable GB ROM, here same way you can flash prerooted GB ROM.
OK just successfully flashed back to GB..Thanks!
sorry can i ask i can download any ics ROM?is there any recommendation?
For kernel selection,is it safe not to select CF root?will be get the partial root problem again?
You can have any stock ics
Use notecore kernel.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
Ok.thanks.So thankful for yr patience and help!
In summary
I downloaded ICS stock ROM + NoteCore Kernel,open Mobile Odin,Flash them.So I would have Rooted ICS with custom kernel
then if i would like custom ICS ROM,i flash in CWM after install stock ROM:
-Need full wipe?
-is abyss kernel essential for flashing?
-OK to flash kernels other than CF root for custom ROM,root will stay intact?
My note is 2.3.6 , N7000LA2, now kernel is XXKKA,
I am not an expert, so I rooted in a wrong way then causing yellow triangle, But i removed the triangle finally
Actually I want to flash andriod 4.0 / other ICS theme rom, what procedure I should do now??
1. Is my note not a correct kernel now??
(I feel that the battery consumed faster than before, & not as smooth as than before getting yellow triangle)
2. Can I use a regular way (using odin to root back the right kernel & flash rom)?
3. my cwm mgr is not working correctly, how should i do??
Please advise ..
Many Many many thanks!
Do you have root working now?
If yes, update CWM, you can get proper kernel from my thread 'How to Root'(c signature for link)
after that you can update to any ROM with CWM
dr.ketan said:
Do you have root working now?
If yes, update CWM, you can get proper kernel from my thread 'How to Root'(c signature for link)
after that you can update to any ROM with CWM
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Thank you so much!
My colleague's fd finally helped me flash a new kernel ([email protected]#3)
But I have some questions
1) which version is this kernel??
2) can i keep this kernel , then flash another 4.0 rom??
3) if i dont want to use odin (pc version) to flash, can i use mobile odin or cwm to flash?
what exact procedure i have to do?
please advise..
thanks !!!
this is abyssnote kernel, universal
you can use CWM to update 4.0 ROM, put file on SD card n boot in recovery.
select flash zip file, point to ROM file, confirm it by saying ye, done.
if get bootloop, wipe cache, wipe data (it will wipe off data so take backup b4 proceeding)
dr.ketan , really thanks for your prompt reply
but I am now in another bad situation..
I flashed something wrong & the note keep rebooting, & then now cannot get in the system , just stop at the N7000 welcome page,
But i can go to CWM recovery
get into recovery, wipe cache, wipe delvic cache
still not works wipe data (you will lose data) This is routine for 4.0 based ROM
And wat u mean by 'something wrong', you are not sure it was custom ROM file?
If nothing works then go to download mode n flash older Stock ROM with PC odin
dr.ketan said:
get into recovery, wipe cache, wipe delvic cache
still not works wipe data (you will lose data) This is routine for 4.0 based ROM
And wat u mean by 'something wrong', you are not sure it was custom ROM file?
If nothing works then go to download mode n flash older Stock ROM with PC odin
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Thanks dr.ketan!
But it is not 4.0 based rom yet, just a 2.3.6, official rom (before "broke" )
So, should i still follow your method to do??
or should i get into recovery, try to flash the stock rom N7000OZSLA2 ?
I think i flashed the wrong version:
Now I find I cant flash any rom by CWM....
"installation aborted"
Have u wipe data ? If not do it first thn flash stock rom using pc odin
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
thanks ketan!
I really didnt wipe data, but finally flash stock rom by pc odin
done by following your post , thats really useful!
I flash hk version LA2, but cant root
& then flash KJ1 Factoryfs, got the CWM
lastly I flash the abyssnote kernel
so is my SGN now contains a KJ1 rom?
can i flash back to LA2 without losing the root?
or is there any big differences between KJ1 & LA2??
& one more, I want to add the battery %, where can i find/search the suitable one for my SGN
s42715 said:
thanks ketan!
I really didnt wipe data, but finally flash stock rom by pc odin
done by following your post , thats really useful!
I flash hk version LA2, but cant root
& then flash KJ1 Factoryfs, got the CWM
lastly I flash the abyssnote kernel
so is my SGN now contains a KJ1 rom?
can i flash back to LA2 without losing the root?
or is there any big differences between KJ1 & LA2??
& one more, I want to add the battery %, where can i find/search the suitable one for my SGN
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Now you can flash to la2 with CWM n keep cf-root when ask
Or use mobile odin n enable everroot option in mobile odin n flash
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
Thank you so much ketan!
I got LA2 n keep the cf-root now!
One thing I want to ask :
Is any roms to flash can follow the below procedure?
or which situations cannot follow this procedure:
2. CWM recovery (you need Root + CWM on existing ROM. Get )
Download the ROM. Extract it.
Create folder /sdcard/external_sd/firmware (thats folder "firmware" (lowercase) on your external SD card) (see image)
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This is for Stock ROM only
If you want to flash custom rom, u have to select flash zip option, not 'flash stock firmware' option
i need some help.
i'm currently on open germany stock ics (LPY). i've read, that this kernel has some serious problems. so i was wondering how to get back to GB if i would like to. can i use non wipe stock GB rom and just flash it via pc odin? or do i need to use full wipe rom? but i'm affraid to use a full wipe one because of the LPY problems. or do i need to use some completly different scenario? i would be very greatful if someone could clearify that for me. thank you!
bletozavr said:
i need some help.
i'm currently on open germany stock ics (LPY). i've read, that this kernel has some serious problems. so i was wondering how to get back to GB if i would like to. can i use non wipe stock GB rom and just flash it via pc odin? or do i need to use full wipe rom? but i'm affraid to use a full wipe one because of the LPY problems. or do i need to use some completly different scenario? i would be very greatful if someone could clearify that for me. thank you!
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When my SGN was in ICS Criskelo v3 I did the following steps suggested by this forum
1. download AbyssNote 4.2 kernel and place it on your internal/external SD Card
Also download the GB Rom you want to install and put it on your SD card.
2. reboot to CWMR and do a backup of your current system
3. after your backup is done, stay in Recovery
4. go to install a zip from SD card --> select AbyssNote 4.2 zip and flash it
5. go back to CWMR's root menu --> advanced --> reboot recovery
6. you'll find yourself in AbyssNote's Recovery
7. factory reset --> wipe cache --> wipe dalvik
9. flash the GB Rom of your choice
10. reboot and let the Rom settle for a couple of minutes
It worked for my SGN. I am not sure if it will work with your ICS rom.
bletozavr said:
i need some help.
i'm currently on open germany stock ics (LPY). i've read, that this kernel has some serious problems. so i was wondering how to get back to GB if i would like to. can i use non wipe stock GB rom and just flash it via pc odin? or do i need to use full wipe rom? but i'm affraid to use a full wipe one because of the LPY problems. or do i need to use some completly different scenario? i would be very greatful if someone could clearify that for me. thank you!
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I used GB2.3.6 Singapore LC2 ROM which is unrooted and quite stable ...
is it safe to flash a stock gb rom via pc odin over a stock ICS rom?
buberlo said:
is it safe to flash a stock gb rom via pc odin over a stock ICS rom?
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I am not sure if it is safe, but I reverted to GB from LPY using PC odin.
No problem.
I'm in a similar situation: stock LPY, rooted with temp CWM. The thing is that I did a full wipe with stock recovery a few days ago. How could I know if my eMMc is damaged? being a flashaholic in rehab, i don't want to risk my note... is it safe for me to flash, say, singapore LC2 with pc Odin??
oscarsalgar said:
I'm in a similar situation: stock LPY, rooted with temp CWM. The thing is that I did a full wipe with stock recovery a few days ago. How could I know if my eMMc is damaged? being a flashaholic in rehab, i don't want to risk my note... is it safe for me to flash, say, singapore LC2 with pc Odin??
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As far as i am aware there is no way to chwckbif ur emmc is damaged or not.i too had gone wpie on lpy and safely moved moved to lc2Gb last week.my suggestion will be to stay put or go for a safer Gb option if u really have to flash
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I have recently downgraded to Gingerbread 2.3.6(using this Rooted_Stock_Odex_N7000DDLB2.rar), kernel version LB2. Now, I am really struggling to understand what should be done next?
How can I root LB2? Do I have to downgrade it again to the lower version using PC odin? If yes, which is the safest one?
My main aim is to install a custom ROM.
EDIT: Ok, so I can see superuser app in my drawer(so it is rooted). I want to install a CWM recovery option so that I can flash kernel and flash custom roms. Sorry for the confusion.
use the three button option to go to custom recovery that must have come with your present rom
( vol up+power+home -- till you see N7000 logo, wait for recovery to appear)
from the options in this recovery flash whichever rom you want.
read the instructions in opening post of the rom you want first.
wipe data, cache, and in advanced -- dalvik and then flash zip file of the rom you must have placed on your sd card from before.
rraaka said:
use the three button option to go to custom recovery that must have come with your present rom
( vol up+power+home -- till you see N7000 logo, wait for recovery to appear)
from the options in this recovery flash whichever rom you want.
read the instructions in opening post of the rom you want first.
wipe data, cache, and in advanced -- dalvik and then flash zip file of the rom you must have placed on your sd card from before.
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That is the issue. CWM recovery is not there.
what happens when you use three buttons for recovery ? blank screen ?
then download KL3 rom from Dr Ketans sticky thread and its corresponding rooting tools ( zergrush method) and flash that rom.....
or you could also try KJ1 from Dr Ketans signature, thats also pre-rooted, it will give you a recovery,
flash again indownload mode if you face simillar problems.
KL3 is reliable though.
rraaka said:
what happens when you use three buttons for recovery ? blank screen ?
then download KL3 rom from Dr Ketans sticky thread and its corresponding rooting tools ( zergrush method) and flash that rom.....
or you could also try KJ1 from Dr Ketans signature, thats also pre-rooted, it will give you a recovery,
flash again indownload mode if you face simillar problems.
KL3 is reliable though.
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I was not getting options to take backup, restore. Now I have installed CWM recovery using InitialCFRootFlasher method(http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1331784).
I can see CWM now and also many option when I restart the mode in recovery mode.
Now, next step whether to flash a kernel and then flash a custom ROM? If I flash a kernel first, which one is compatible with 2.3.6 firmware?
u dont need to change kernel now on GB
u want to flash ICS custom rom right ?
rraaka said:
u dont need to change kernel now on GB
u want to flash ICS custom rom right ?
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This is one thing I have to explore now.
Any good custom rom would be good. Pleas suggest.
i just realised you should have posted in QA forum.
No matter which rom you decide to flash you must read the opening post and last couple of pages to get a fair idea.
ICS kernels and stock ics based kernels like CF root, - you cant wipe on them, factory data reset, flash new zip roms, nandroid restore, so be careful
my fav is Kingdroid v 7.4
but you can also flash the most recent release of Touchwiz official - LRQ and learn to root it and then install mobile odin and flash a safe kernel- its newest headline on this forum, worth it. :good: you can flash it with mods from Jeetu's thread in theme section.....
have fun
So, this is what happened. I first upgraded to the latest official JB 4.1.2 XXLSA firmware. I noticed that it still wasn't as fast as I'd like, and wanted to try a custom ROM instead. I read through the guides in here and get that I have to downgrade to a GB ROM first in order for me not to hardbrick my phone. So, I download "N7000XBKK4 ------ 2.3.6 2011 November------- N7000OXXKK5--------------------- Nordic countries" from that list over stock ROM's in the Q&A root guide here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1424997 . I follow the flashing guide to the letter, puts my phone in download mode, runs the flash via Odin, the phone restarts, and everything goes south. Basically this happens: When I start my phone it get's to the point in the GB initial startup where I'm to touch the Android to start, but then all it does is throw messages at me about this service and that service having stopped responding, untill the phone reboots. So now I have reflashed back to the JB ROM.
So basically, what am I doing wrong, and what can I do to make a proper downgrade so I can get rooted, install CWM and get down and get it on with some custom ROM's?
Thx in advance!
Same happened with me. I flashed GB and was getting force close messages. But not a big problem. Just flash GB rom again. And after flashing just delete all user data from recovery and reboot. U wont get those messages any more.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA Premium HD app
You always need to WIPE data / factory reset after downgrading from JB .. GB is safe to go ahead.. if you choose ICS then first flash a safe kernel and then do wipe
It seems to me that KK5 is non wipe, which explains why you got those messages. The rest is detailed in nokiamodeln91's message BTW, JB is still not official for our Notes. What you installed was a leak with a safe kernel (if it was Philz).
nokiamodeln91 said:
You always need to WIPE data / factory reset after downgrading from JB .. GB is safe to go ahead.. if you choose ICS then first flash a safe kernel and then do wipe
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Stock GB kernel its safe and Stock ICS Unsafe?
Yiannis75 said:
Stock GB kernel its safe and Stock ICS Unsafe?
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I had this issue too when downgrading to GB. Wipe Cache and Dalvik and you should be ok from then on.
Wow. A lot of replies in just a single day. You guys are awesome
Now you say that the KK5 is non-wipe. Are there any GB-roms which are wipe, so to speak? Or do I have to do the flash to GB, enter recovery, wipe cache partition and do wipe/factory reset, then reboot into a now working phone, set up for root with USB and so forth, root and install CWM, copy the custom ROM to my SD-card (gonna go for ParanoidAndroid) as well as Google services if I want those, and then install them via CWM/Mobile Odin?
Godofmosquitos said:
Wow. A lot of replies in just a single day. You guys are awesome
Now you say that the KK5 is non-wipe. Are there any GB-roms which are wipe, so to speak? Or do I have to do the flash to GB, enter recovery, wipe cache partition and do wipe/factory reset, then reboot into a now working phone, set up for root with USB and so forth, root and install CWM, copy the custom ROM to my SD-card (gonna go for ParanoidAndroid) as well as Google services if I want those, and then install them via CWM/Mobile Odin?
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GB LC1 is wipe. But if you want PA (which is an excellent choice) just flash a CM10 kernel in your recovery (if your recovery is safe, like GB for example). Then follow Utacka's instructions for the installation.
But if I want CWM I should do root and install CWM there? And then flash the custom ROM from CWM?
Godofmosquitos said:
But if I want CWM I should do root and install CWM there? And then flash the custom ROM from CWM?
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The CM10 kernel comes with its own recovery where you can flash from. If you have root issues, just flash CWM-SuperSU-v0.99.zip. In any case don't flash from stock ICS with CMW.zip: if you are on ICS and not rooted flash the relevant Philz kernel (which is safe and will give you root and CWM) then the CM10 kernel.
Edit: what ROM do you have now?
I use the 4.1.2 XXLSA ROM
Btw, anyone knows where I can download the Google Services Framework so I can install it alongside Paranoid Android? I have been led to believe it's not included as per default
Thx for all the replies!!
If you have downloaded the xxlsa rom then it's inside the rom zip file. Path system/app/GoogleServicesFramework
nokiamodeln91 said:
If you have downloaded the xxlsa rom then it's inside the rom zip file. Path system/app/GoogleServicesFramework
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Hmmm. not that I can see. Even tried unpacking the .tar files. Can't find it :/
Edit: Ah, found it Thx for all the help
Hey Guys,
I'm due to return my phone to a Samsung service center because of a faulty charging port. I was wondering how to revert to UK Stock Gingerbread (that is what I received it as) from my current ROM? (Rocket Rom Reloaded v1 JB) and unroot?
Thank you very much in advance!
Download the GB Stock from Dr. Ketan's old thread or from sammobile.
Install this Rom with PC Odin - No need to "unroot".
Don't forget to wipe after for removing your data on internal card.
Will this unroot and revert the phone back to stock kernel, recovery etc?
Also which method should I use to wipe, as I remember the stock kernel had the emmc brick bug if I had wiped?
Thanks in advance!
If your phone detecting in PC Odin then do the following step
(No need to format sd card, just remove sd card, dont forget to take all app, data, contacts and messages )
1. Go to cwm recovery
2. Do 3 wipes and do format /system, /data, & /Preload, Format emmc
3. Reboot download mod
4. Flash Stock GB rom from Dr. Ketan's thread using PC ODIN
After flashing you will be having stock rom with stock kernel
Thanks for both of your answers
So I should just go with any of the UK Stock ROMs found here right? (Just making sure I have the right download and thread)
Yeah. There or samfirmware.com