I recently updated my phone to 2.3.7, and now i want 4.04
But for that, 2.1.1.A.0.6/2.1.1.C.0.0 SE firmware is required.
And after upgrating to 2.3.7, firmware is changed, and i've lost my previous backup, so i cant restore it.
Now how to i get my previous firmware ?
Please help
you don't need to change the firmware or move to stock version, you can upgrade to ICS if you have unlocked bootloader
Use Sony PC Companion or Sony Update Service.
If you have never update your phone to 2.1.1.A.0.6 or 2.1.1.C.0.0 it's required to do that before flashing cm9.
Straight Answer
Simply get flashtool. Then the stock 2.1 firmware. Open flashtool. Then drag the firmware from desktop onto flashtool in the white space. A menu will pop up. Click ok. It will ask you to plug you x8 in flashmode. (instructions for this will pop up. When you do this the instructions will dissapear. Then it will flash the stock sony 2.1 and then reboot.
flashtool: Here
firmware: Here
Please click 'thank' if you appreciate my effort. Sorry if this wasn't what you were looking for. For a simple fix just use pc companion as said before. But it takes longer.
Rogers branded Xperia arc ROM extracted through PC Companion, run through SEUSdecrypt, repackaged with Bundle Package in Flash Tool.
Version: 2.3.3 ("Facebook Inside Xperia" update), 2011 June
Baseband: 7X30A-AAABQMAZM-1290_21-22
Kernel: [email protected] #1
Build: 3.0.1.A.0.145
NOTE: I had issues flashing with beta and had to use 0.2.8.
Flash Tool: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=920746
NOTE: As of 2011-06, v2.3.3 CANNOT be rooted directly with GingerBreak/SuperOneClick (yet). To maintain root, you must upgrade from v2.3.2 by flashing over-the-air (OTA) from .181. See instructions here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1115542
Previous Rogers ROM thread (v2.3.2, 3.0.A.2.181): http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1088539
This works on ANY Xperia arc.
Your arc does NOT have to be rooted.
Your arc does NOT have to be bootloader unlocked.
This does NOT re-lock a SIM unlocked phone (unlocking is ONCE and PERMANENT).
This does NOT unlock your bootloader.
This WILL wipe your phone & root. Backup first.
You MUST have BOTH PC Companion and Update Service installed.
Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?uen7h027tc0ci (264.76 MB, single flashtool file)
Please do NOT mirror files.
Update to v2.3.3 and keep root.
I have an unlocked Rogers branded arc and it's rooted too. It shows an update but I can't do it OTA. Tried twice but still not working.
Did you modify 2.3.2?
If yes, change that mods back to stock and OTA should work.
Sent from my LT15i using XDA Premium App
What do you mean modify? I sim unlocked it, then rooted it, and changed the launcher. I didn't do any other modifications. Bootloader is still locked. I changed back to the arc launcher, but its still the same issue. It downloads the update, and then it shuts off then it appears to be updating, but when the phone boots back up it said it cannot update.
i think its because your sim is unlocked
how do i reset my arc back to 2.3.2? i accidentally upgraded to 2.3.3 with my computer when trying to restore it back to stock 2.3.2 because the update wouldnt finish for me, i got the "cannot update software" error, so i thought restoring it completely might have helped....
likiud said:
What do you mean modify? I sim unlocked it, then rooted it, and changed the launcher. I didn't do any other modifications. Bootloader is still locked. I changed back to the arc launcher, but its still the same issue. It downloads the update, and then it shuts off then it appears to be updating, but when the phone boots back up it said it cannot update.
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Probably means some system files have been modified. As shown in the video in the 2nd post, flash BACK to v2.3.2 using my other Rogers firmware thread and then update over-the-air:
BluechipJ said:
Previous Rogers ROM thread (v2.3.2, 3.0.A.2.181): http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1088539
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somevietguy said:
i think its because your sim is unlocked
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Nope. SIM/network unlocking has NOTHING to do with flashing/rooting/updating and is completely independent (and permanent).
somevietguy said:
how do i reset my arc back to 2.3.2? i accidentally upgraded to 2.3.3 with my computer when trying to restore it back to stock 2.3.2 because the update wouldnt finish for me, i got the "cannot update software" error, so i thought restoring it completely might have helped....
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... did you even watch the flashing video? Flash back to v2.3.2 using the stock Rogers firmware, root, then update OTA:
BluechipJ said:
Previous Rogers ROM thread (v2.3.2, 3.0.A.2.181): http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1088539
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I think I know why I can't update OTA. It may be because I removed some of the Rogers bloatware via titanium backup. I just tried the Flashtool to restore it back to the stock 2.3.2, but it came up an error and I had to use the repair tool via the PC companion to fix it. At the same time, the repair also installed .145 on it and I lost root.
I once again tried using Flashtool to install back .181 on it, but again error came up and had to fix it with PC Companion. Any ideas? I guess I'm stuck with unrooted 2.3.3 for now then?
The error that comes up in flashtool is that it tells me to turn on unknown sources and debugging. I actually already have both turned on but it still shows me that error
likiud said:
I think I know why I can't update OTA. It may be because I removed some of the Rogers bloatware via titanium backup. I just tried the Flashtool to restore it back to the stock 2.3.2, but it came up an error and I had to use the repair tool via the PC companion to fix it. At the same time, the repair also installed .145 on it and I lost root.
I once again tried using Flashtool to install back .181 on it, but again error came up and had to fix it with PC Companion. Any ideas? I guess I'm stuck with unrooted 2.3.3 for now then?
The error that comes up in flashtool is that it tells me to turn on unknown sources and debugging. I actually already have both turned on but it still shows me that error
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Which version of the FlashTool? It's rather finicky. It often fails on one of my desktops, but not my laptop (both are Win 7 x64). Try another computer, another version of the FlashTool (as stated in the original post, doesn't work for me).
Just keep flashing until you get back to Rogers' v2.3.2.
I used and it didn't work. I tried and it didn't work either. I changed to a different computer but still didn't work.
likiud said:
I used and it didn't work. I tried and it didn't work either. I changed to a different computer but still didn't work.
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Did you:
1) Run Flashtool as Administrator (Right-Click, "Run as Administrator")
2) Disable User Account Control on Windows Vista/7
3) Correctly connect your Arc
CarbonX13 said:
Did you:
1) Run Flashtool as Administrator (Right-Click, "Run as Administrator")
2) Disable User Account Control on Windows Vista/7
3) Correctly connect your Arc
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1) Yes
2) I don't know. I used Windows XP laptop and a Windows 7 desktop. Not really sure if that's disabled on Windows 7
3) I'm positive its connected correctly. Hold back button and plug USB.
Its is for LT15a
First of all great work Mr. Rogers
but i have a problem my phone is orange branded and it is LT15i
but you give here for LT15a so please can you give us rooted 2.3.3 ftf file for LT15i
thanks for your great work
zohaib0001 said:
First of all great work Mr. Rogers
but i have a problem my phone is orange branded and it is LT15i
but you give here for LT15a so please can you give us rooted 2.3.3 ftf file for LT15i
thanks for your great work
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First, Mr. Rogers passed away in December 2008: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Samuel_Rogers
Second, WHY are you in a Rogers thread, asking for an international ROM??? FAIL.
There are LT15i ROMs in the forum...
e.g. [System] Rooted LT15i 3.0.1.A.0.145: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1044201
[ROM] Xperia Arc Firmwares 3.0.1.A.0.145: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1093523
My Battery was at 78% when I flashed back to .181 / 2.3.2
After rebooting the phone after the flash.
My phone is now 1% Battery.
Not sure what happen...
Solved: Remove the battery and wait 10seconds. Boot up and its 76% now
I'm on Rogers 2.3.3 right now as the OTA wasn't working for me and I did the update via the update service. So I'm going to flash back to 2.3.2 and root, then OTA.
Question is any advantage of doing a generic US rom or global rom over the Rogers one? I don't carry about warranty issues as I know I can flash back to Rogers anytime. I guess most of the bloatware won't be there or is it just pretty much branding and no other differences?
ie: will the generic get updates quicker than the Rogers branded ones?
jdhatt said:
I'm on Rogers 2.3.3 right now as the OTA wasn't working for me and I did the update via the update service. So I'm going to flash back to 2.3.2 and root, then OTA.
Question is any advantage of doing a generic US rom or global rom over the Rogers one? I don't carry about warranty issues as I know I can flash back to Rogers anytime. I guess most of the bloatware won't be there or is it just pretty much branding and no other differences?
ie: will the generic get updates quicker than the Rogers branded ones?
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Typically, the generic firmwares are updated before branded ones (due to the addition of carrier apps and customization). Different generic firmwares have different applications. e.g. UEFA, PlayNow, etc.
However, the North American v2.3.2 isn't update-able over-the-air to 2.3.3 (to maintain root). There is a USA version through Wotan Server (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1126409). That's what I'm currently running. I need to make a video about it.
hi all i tried to install escha and stromvix rom today and it says my baseband is outdted need xxx 015 ...i checked and its the same ...i can install gxp ,gdx and gc but i cant intstall this2 ..help please =(
tohno said:
hi all i tried to install escha and stromvix rom today and it says my baseband is outdted need xxx 015 ...i checked and its the same ...i can install gxp ,gdx and gc but i cant intstall this2 ..help please ='
Before you do anything else, you need to update your phone using PC Companion (download here: http://www.sonyericsson.com/cws/supp...x8?cc=us&lc=en). PC Companion will guide you right through all the steps for updating.
The latest version is 2.1.1.A.0.6, and the latest baseband is M76XX-TSNCJOLYM-53404015.
You can check your version by going to Settings -> About Phone.
If you are already running a custom ROM, you should update using PC Companion too, because some roms (like MiniCM) need the latest official version.
If you need basebands for your X8, here's a helpful thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=976538
Flash them with FlashTool.
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checked ...its all up to date...i tried n my old w8 ( a month ago ) the prrblem is the same o.?
AbirXtreme said:
The latest version is 2.1.1.A.0.6, and the latest baseband is M76XX-TSNCJOLYM-53404015.
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That's not entirely correct ...
The latest ROM version for the X8 is 2.1.1.C.0.0 and there's a FTF image for Flashtool flashing.
The latest ROM version for the W8 (and that's tohno's phone) is 2.1.1.A.0.53(?) .54(?) and there's no Flashtool FTF around. The best thing you can find is a 2.1.1.A.0.46 xRecovery backup. I once found the latest W8 ROM image (FTF) by Google on some Malyasian? Chinese? websites where one needs some program to download plus a login to the site distroing the file (looks like Share or PerfectDark or something along that line).
lol ..that is too advanced for me
Hi wanted to install the latest update via PC Companion.
But there always comes the error message:
The phone contains modified software that can not be updated.
(Error 2003)
At the last update time I installed the following firmware
Xperia Z rooted firmware 10.1.1.A.1.253 German stock + CWM
Who can help me as I can now install the current firmware without which all data are gone?
greeting Thomas
There is a forum for Q&A.
But just reflash firmware with flashtool and exclude data partition.
Sent from my Xperia Z using XDA premium.
Okay how can i chance my post in forum Q&A???
u can download sony's update service program and flash the stock fw. from here
pch.radu said:
u can download sony's update service program and flash the stock fw. from here
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Stop spamming and saying wrong solution. Flashtool is the best to fast and without problems flashing any firmware. Solution for his problem was already posted so you mustn't post again solution but this time you say wrong solution.
I have the Japanese Xperia Z4 - 402SO (Softbank). I wanted to debrand the phone, so I flashed with a generic USA Z3+ E6553 Marshmallow firmware. I used Flashtool and Xperifirm. The process went well, everything works, but I lost NFC, so I decided to flash back the stock firmware. After flashing the 402SO firmware, the phone boots up and a constant popup saying 'com.adroid.phone has stopped'. I can't even get to the home screen. I tried to repair using Xperia Companion, but I get an Error and fail to Restore. I can flash back to the E6553 firmware and I can use the phone again... but I would really like to revert to stock.
Any ideas on how to flash back to stock Japanese firmware? I would like to revert to stock in order to get the NFC working again.
spoonmasta said:
I have the Japanese Xperia Z4 - 402SO (Softbank). I wanted to debrand the phone, so I flashed with a generic USA Z3+ E6553 Marshmallow firmware. I used Flashtool and Xperifirm. The process went well, everything works, but I lost NFC, so I decided to flash back the stock firmware. After flashing the 402SO firmware, the phone boots up and a constant popup saying 'com.adroid.phone has stopped'. I can't even get to the home screen. I tried to repair using Xperia Companion, but I get an Error and fail to Restore. I can flash back to the E6553 firmware and I can use the phone again... but I would really like to revert to stock.
Any ideas on how to flash back to stock Japanese firmware? I would like to revert to stock in order to get the NFC working again.
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Just try this: Reflash the Stock ROM and also tick the Cache & Data clear. First time, I also faced the same issue, after reflashing with cache & data clear, I got success.
[email protected] said:
Just try this: Reflash the Stock ROM and also tick the Cache & Data clear. First time, I also faced the same issue, after reflashing with cache & data clear, I got success.
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I usually tick all the boxes under the Wipe section, to do a clean install. When you say Cache, do you mean to exclude the cache? the only area I see cache is under the Exclude section. I'm using Flashtool version
spoonmasta said:
I usually tick all the boxes under the Wipe section, to do a clean install. When you say Cache, do you mean to exclude the cache? the only area I see cache is under the Exclude section. I'm using Flashtool version
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Not exclude, I mean check all wipe section. If you already tried with all wipe options checked, then no other suggestion from me.
spoonmasta said:
I have the Japanese Xperia Z4 - 402SO (Softbank). I wanted to debrand the phone, so I flashed with a generic USA Z3+ E6553 Marshmallow firmware. I used Flashtool and Xperifirm. The process went well, everything works, but I lost NFC, so I decided to flash back the stock firmware. After flashing the 402SO firmware, the phone boots up and a constant popup saying 'com.adroid.phone has stopped'. I can't even get to the home screen. I tried to repair using Xperia Companion, but I get an Error and fail to Restore. I can flash back to the E6553 firmware and I can use the phone again... but I would really like to revert to stock.
Any ideas on how to flash back to stock Japanese firmware? I would like to revert to stock in order to get the NFC working again.
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Please, can you learn me Step by Step to flash sony z4 softbank to international rom nougat? Thanks
---------- Post added at 03:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:32 PM ----------
spoonmasta said:
I have the Japanese Xperia Z4 - 402SO (Softbank). I wanted to debrand the phone, so I flashed with a generic USA Z3+ E6553 Marshmallow firmware. I used Flashtool and Xperifirm. The process went well, everything works, but I lost NFC, so I decided to flash back the stock firmware. After flashing the 402SO firmware, the phone boots up and a constant popup saying 'com.adroid.phone has stopped'. I can't even get to the home screen. I tried to repair using Xperia Companion, but I get an Error and fail to Restore. I can flash back to the E6553 firmware and I can use the phone again... but I would really like to revert to stock.
Any ideas on how to flash back to stock Japanese firmware? I would like to revert to stock in order to get the NFC working again.
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Please, can you learn me Step by Step to flash sony z4 softbank to international rom nougat? Thanks,
Hi guys. I customized my Xperia Z C6602 quite a while ago now, may be 5 years ago. Screen broke at that time, and I bought another phone as I couldn't buy another screen. Now I've managed to get a new screen and replaced it, and I want to sell this phone, but it's still customized, and I don't remember like anything that I did. I want to go back to stock.
I was about to follow the [GUIDE] How to revert your phone from CM/AOSP/AOKP/PAC to STOCK, but I read it could be "overkill", and so I though it would be better to ask. Let me tell you what I have right now:
CyanogenMod Version: 12.1-20150803-UNOFFICIAL-yuga
Compilation Number: cm_yuga-userdebug 5.1.1 LMY48G 1fba35b830
Core Version: 3.4.0-cm-ge347aa9-00481-ge09347c
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Xperia Compannion says it won't restore because it's unlocked bootloader. Emma doesn't recognize the phone (I think it only works for C6603, not C6602). I can't think of others "official" ways to go back. Should I follow the revert guide? Or what should I do?
Thanks you very much in advance!!
Using Flashtool then
I had fresh experience with going back to Stock.
Download and Install Flashtool.
Download Stock 4.4.4 ftf
Download Stock 5.1.1 ftf.
1.Put your phone in Flashmode(powered off;while connecting usb to pc,hold Vol Down button,it should flash Green light,also Flashtool should say 'Device connected in Flashmode')
2.Flash Stock 4.4.4 ftf(download ftf based on your region,or your phone original firmware).
3.Check if its bootup to 4.4.4
4.Now again put phone in flashmode
5.Flash stock 5.1.1. ftf
6.Done,you are on Stock now.
Now why to flash 4.4.4 first??
Reason-If you flash directly 5.1.1,the phone wont boot after bootlogo,just black screen.I don't know what causes it,but all have experienced it here.
So this the only way to get back to stock rom.
Link for Stock ftf you can find in the forum.Use the search function