Help, I cant seem to find a clear answer so I am asking you fine folks for help.
I have a N7000 running the stock (no root) samsung 4.0.4 ROM baseband XXLRK, what baseband do I want to use if I want to run it on Tmobile's HSPDA/HSPA+ in California, US? Can I just flash a new radio? which one works best?
Do I just sell this thing and get the Tmobile version?
Any help is appreciated!!
evegas316 said:
Help, I cant seem to find a clear answer so I am asking you fine folks for help.
I have a N7000 running the stock (no root) samsung 4.0.4 ROM baseband XXLRK, what baseband do I want to use if I want to run it on Tmobile's HSPDA/HSPA+ in California, US? Can I just flash a new radio? which one works best?
Do I just sell this thing and get the Tmobile version?
Any help is appreciated!!
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Last time I checked, you can't get Tmo 3g or 4g unless you have a pentaband device, (Like the gnex) which I don't believe out Note is. Sell it and get the Tmo version.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2
trell959 said:
Last time I checked, you can't get Tmo 3g or 4g unless you have a pentaband device, (Like the gnex) which I don't believe out Note is. Sell it and get the Tmo version.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2
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I am having a hard time locating the Tmo version though.
evegas316 said:
I am having a hard time locating the Tmo version though.
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1st you need root to do some trick with you phone
2nd like the man said we not able to get 3g except you on some location provide 1900 band
3rd if you cant wait for note 2 come to Tmo on mid November then you can go to Walmart they still have note 1 with 626 $
evegas316 said:
Help, I cant seem to find a clear answer so I am asking you fine folks for help.
I have a N7000 running the stock (no root) samsung 4.0.4 ROM baseband XXLRK, what baseband do I want to use if I want to run it on Tmobile's HSPDA/HSPA+ in California, US? Can I just flash a new radio? which one works best?
Do I just sell this thing and get the Tmobile version?
Any help is appreciated!!
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XXKK5 Modem will helps u
n7000 baseband on usa net
evegas316 said:
Help, I cant seem to find a clear answer so I am asking you fine folks for help.
I have a N7000 running the stock (no root) samsung 4.0.4 ROM baseband XXLRK, what baseband do I want to use if I want to run it on Tmobile's HSPDA/HSPA+ in California, US? Can I just flash a new radio? which one works best?
Do I just sell this thing and get the Tmobile version?
Any help is appreciated!!
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I have the same phone gt-n7000 on T-mobile running cyanogenmod 10.1 and I am using baseband xxlso and it works fantastic....loaded the new baseband from .bin file using pc odin 3.07..
Model: SGH-T849 | Code: TMB | Version: T849UVJJA/T849TMBJJA/T849UVJJA/T849UVJJA
Anyone have this or a dump of one? I flashed mine and want to go back to stock but no one seems to have it.
I'll *pay* for it. I thought I had backed it up before playing around, but I did not do it correctly or something and lost my original FW.
I don't want to have to "kill it" and take it back to T-Mo for a replacement if I can avoid it.
Can anyone help?
mattj949 said:
Anyone have this or a dump of one? I flashed mine and want to go back to stock but no one seems to have it.
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If you just want your 3G Internet back, all you have to do is flash the US modem.bin back.
Get it here:
I haven't succeeded in flashing back the whole firmware yet. I'm pretty happy with the Euro firmware.
Me to but i still like 3g better ebge is to slow
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
Curious would tmobile take it back with the euro rom would they check? What would be best to do or what do they check for, I'm thinking of canceling and just buying contact free from amazon to avoid taxes
Sent from my SGH-T849 using XDA App
rotohammer said:
If you just want your 3G Internet back, all you have to do is flash the US modem.bin back.
Get it here:
I haven't succeeded in flashing back the whole firmware yet. I'm pretty happy with the Euro firmware.
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I think the op means that the stock firmware is on the Samsung FUS server and can downloaded if you know the URL. This willow people to go back to stock 100%.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
mattj949 said:
Model: SGH-T849 | Code: TMB | Version: T849UVJJA/T849TMBJJA/T849UVJJA/T849UVJJA
Anyone have this or a dump of one? I flashed mine and want to go back to stock but no one seems to have it.
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I read a thread about a backup software that can be used..
is it possible to backup the whole roms and software of the tab before doing any flashing or modding to the original roms ...?
I have the entire Original rom backed up
How can I get it from you? I'll gladly paypal or whatever. I can do the modem.bin thing too I guess too.
Pls post any info about flashing back the stock firmware
Sent from my SGH-T849 using XDA App
x2beach said:
I have the entire Original rom backed up
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This if great x2beach,...
do you like to share how did you do the backup, and does is restore the tab to its original state completely, thanks.
I did put the modem.bin back in (thanks for the info/link!) ... it works again but I think I have the bands messed up (was playing with them) and I get Edge then H only.. no 3g.
I still want the full original firmware and will pay for it.
mattj949 said:
I did put the modem.bin back in (thanks for the info/link!) ... it works again but I think I have the bands messed up (was playing with them) and I get Edge then H only.. no 3g.
I still want the full original firmware and will pay for it.
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H is 3G, just faster. As far as the rest of the firmware, just wait for an official release, then you can flash it for free.
rotohammer said:
If you just want your 3G Internet back, all you have to do is flash the US modem.bin back.
Get it here:
I haven't succeeded in flashing back the whole firmware yet. I'm pretty happy with the Euro firmware.
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Hi Roto
so if I want voice call on the tmobile version ....can I just flash the euro modem.bin instead of flashing all the Euro firmware...
and will I need to unlock and rooting to do that...?
wawoox said:
Hi Roto
so if I want voice call on the tmobile version ....can I just flash the euro modem.bin instead of flashing all the Euro firmware...
and will I need to unlock and rooting to do that...?
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Nope, the Euro firmware has the dialer, which is needed as well.
Hello, i am in situation like mattj949 - searching for original SGH-T849 rom or modem, can i get from someone pls modem or whole T849 rom?
Regards Pavel
I just got an SGH-T849 yesterday, still at stock. I was thinking of flashing Overcome 1.4.0 rom and associated kernel. Now I came across this thread with posters frantically trying to go back to stock. So should ileave mine alone? Stock works fine although I noticed some wifi-quirks.
Thanks for your insights.
Sent from my SGH-T849 using XDA App
just do a rotobackup or download the stock firmware from this site provided by rotohammer
Sent from my GT-P1000 using Tapatalk
I want the same original ROM for SGH-T849 t-mobile version
I install 2.3.3 but almost I lost a lot of stuff and now the new OS can't amount the internal SD card
I can't even get root access and can't connect USB.
So I need to recover the original ROM, any help will be amazing
thanks in advanced
Dear Rotohammer,
I am in very bad situation, kindly help me. I have wiped my cache on my T849, it was totally unlocked, since I am very new to TAB I did accidently wiped everything. Now I need firmwares and perfect guidance.
Can anyone help me how do you flash a tmo tab and i need to flash it i'm not getting any 3g only e? Can someone please help me.
Does any one know if the Honey Comb ROM(Awesome Job BTW)
@ this thread
Is compatible with the GalaxyTab P1000L, i would love to get it on my tab.
Thanx in advance for your help.
is ur tablet gsm?
yup, i have the p1000 GSM model.
What about the ones with Sprint CDMA version?
Would love some "honeycomb" on this side of the table :-D
khairilyazit said:
is ur tablet gsm?
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Yes my Tab is the GSM one =D
The SHP-P100 would be nice as well.
So, Siarnaq, did you ever figured this one out? I also have the P1000L from Mexico Telcel, trying to root and move up to Honeycomb, any success with this?
Siarnq, did you ever figure this out? I got the P1000L from Telcel here in Tijuana, I am trying to root it or to move up to Honeycomb, I am stuck with Gingerbread 2.3.6 and need to either downgrade to root or flash rooted rom to it, Thanks!
hey all, just wondering if the GT-I9305 and the GT-I9305T are the same or not, and whether the GT-I9305 stock firmware is transferable over to the GT-I9305T. :laugh:
Do you mean the Telstra GSIII LTE?
Do you mean the Telstra GSIII LTE?
If yes, then try asking Telstra, though probably they won't give an answer.
I believe they might not be compatible because Telstra has history of modifying models,
both hardware and software, which compromised the phone experience under other carriers.
And assume they are compatible, then why it is named I9305T instead of I9305?
Obviously making one model is easier than making an I9305 and another version with a "T".
So, I guess you probably should not try the firmware for another version of the GSIII LTE until you get a CLEAR answer
Good Luck!
NevErSn0w said:
hey all, just wondering if the GT-I9305 and the GT-I9305T are the same or not, and whether the GT-I9305 stock firmware is transferable over to the GT-I9305T. :laugh:
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This has been talked about a bit but Yes you can use I9305 firmware on a I9305T. But you need to use a I9305T modem otherwise you will not get 4G reception and some modems no reception
Sent from my GT-I9305 using XDA Premium HD app
NevErSn0w said:
hey all, just wondering if the GT-I9305 and the GT-I9305T are the same or not, and whether the GT-I9305 stock firmware is transferable over to the GT-I9305T. :laugh:
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As far as I know they are exactly the same aside from slight software differences. I've got a GT-I9305 bought from Kogan which is a Hong Kong version. In stock form it worked on the Telstra network but the signal strength was not all that great and it use to drop of the network on odd occasion which required a restart in some case to reconnect. I got a bit tired of it so I flashed it with the official Telstra ROM last Friday. So far everything is running great, signal strength is as expected and it did not drop of the network at all since the re-flash.
All I can say now my phone is now a GT-I9305T and it works as it should :good:
awesome, thats great to know.
i was also doing some searching on the internet earlier today and realized that my s3 ( GT-I9305T) was only running the 4.1.1 version of android and that the GT-I9300 was updatable to 4.1.2, i then went on to check for an update which came back unsuccessful saying that i had the latest version of firmware, i understand that they are releasing it model by model but does anyone have any idea on whether the GT-I9305T will get the update? and also any estimate on when?
MrM77 said:
As far as I know they are exactly the same aside from slight software differences. I've got a GT-I9305 bought from Kogan which is a Hong Kong version. In stock form it worked on the Telstra network but the signal strength was not all that great and it use to drop of the network on odd occasion which required a restart in some case to reconnect. I got a bit tired of it so I flashed it with the official Telstra ROM last Friday. So far everything is running great, signal strength is as expected and it did not drop of the network at all since the re-flash.
All I can say now my phone is now a GT-I9305T and it works as it should :good:
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Where did you get the stock telstra firmware? cheers
bretto_aus said:
Where did you get the stock telstra firmware? cheers
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there's the 4.1.1 stock telstra firmware.
txr33 said:
This has been talked about a bit but Yes you can use I9305 firmware on a I9305T. But you need to use a I9305T modem otherwise you will not get 4G reception and some modems no reception
Sent from my GT-I9305 using XDA Premium HD app
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im wondering can istill root my devise its the gt-i9305t but it runs kitkat 4.44
just quickly hat do u mean by i9305t modem i dont understand
txr33 said:
This has been talked about a bit but Yes you can use I9305 firmware on a I9305T. But you need to use a I9305T modem otherwise you will not get 4G reception and some modems no reception
Sent from my GT-I9305 using XDA Premium HD app
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thought id repeat myself since i dont know where to write my reply.i dont understand what you mean by using "i9305t modem". i always just thought a modem was a modem nessassary for internet?
---------- Post added at 08:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:12 AM ----------
txr33 said:
This has been talked about a bit but Yes you can use I9305 firmware on a I9305T. But you need to use a I9305T modem otherwise you will not get 4G reception and some modems no reception
Sent from my GT-I9305 using XDA Premium HD app
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ZachariahZ said:
Do you mean the Telstra GSIII LTE?
If yes, then try asking Telstra, though probably they won't give an answer.
I believe they might not be compatible because Telstra has history of modifying models,
both hardware and software, which compromised the phone experience under other carriers.
And assume they are compatible, then why it is named I9305T instead of I9305?
Obviously making one model is easier than making an I9305 and another version with a "T".
So, I guess you probably should not try the firmware for another version of the GSIII LTE until you get a CLEAR answer
Good Luck!
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here do you find out excately what model phone it is mine syas in different places Samsung galaxy s3 GT-i9305t 4g/telstra, how do i found out if it is LTE?
binga517 said:
here do you find out excately what model phone it is mine syas in different places Samsung galaxy s3 GT-i9305t 4g/telstra, how do i found out if it is LTE?
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Gt-i930[5] = lte(4g)
gt-i930[0] = regular 3g model
Reply and question
Hey m8 thanks for reply could u point direction to how to root my phne
Search the XDA forums all the information you want is there already. Also remember to do a Nandroid backup.
MrM77 said:
As far as I know they are exactly the same aside from slight software differences. I've got a GT-I9305 bought from Kogan which is a Hong Kong version. In stock form it worked on the Telstra network but the signal strength was not all that great and it use to drop of the network on odd occasion which required a restart in some case to reconnect. I got a bit tired of it so I flashed it with the official Telstra ROM last Friday. So far everything is running great, signal strength is as expected and it did not drop of the network at all since the re-flash.
All I can say now my phone is now a GT-I9305T and it works as it should :good:
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my phone is model no: S3 GT-I9305T 4G teltra modified, Android version 4.4.4 kitkat, Baseband Version I9305TDVUEOK1 i have been having trouble finding it correct CF-Auto-Root file. would you know of a site where i could find this. thanks my name is binga517
---------- Post added at 02:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:16 PM ----------
Phone model GT-I9305T 4G telstra modified
Android version 4.4.4 kitkat
Baseband version I9305TDVUEOK1
Build number KTU84P.I9305TDVSEQA1
Kernal version 30.31-6186118 [email protected]#1
SE for Android Status: Enforcing SEPF_GI9305T_4.4.4_0048
Please can someone help me to find the correct CF-Auto-Root file. or since i would like to at least upgrade it to lollipop 5 can i use another file, im such a newbie i only learnt about unzipping couple days ago. PLEASE HELP
binga517 said:
my phone is model no: S3 GT-I9305T 4G teltra modified, Android version 4.4.4 kitkat, Baseband Version I9305TDVUEOK1 i have been having trouble finding it correct CF-Auto-Root file. would you know of a site where i could find this. thanks my name is binga517
---------- Post added at 02:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:16 PM ----------
Phone model GT-I9305T 4G telstra modified
Android version 4.4.4 kitkat
Baseband version I9305TDVUEOK1
Build number KTU84P.I9305TDVSEQA1
Kernal version 30.31-6186118 [email protected]#1
SE for Android Status: Enforcing SEPF_GI9305T_4.4.4_0048
Please can someone help me to find the correct CF-Auto-Root file. or since i would like to at least upgrade it to lollipop 5 can i use another file, im such a newbie i only learnt about unzipping couple days ago. PLEASE HELP
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Have you tried this search?
I guess you will find help in one of the search results
First of all download Samsung USB Drivers:
Download TWRP for GT-I9305T: (its an old version of twrp but it should work)
After downloading twrp download Odin3:
Extract it od desktop
Now power off your s3 and boot into download mode holding Power Button + Volume Down + Home Button
You will see that screen turned on and press Volume up to continue into Download mode
Connect your s3 into your pc via usb cable. Open Odin3 and you will see on the left side message that says Added!!
Now click od the AP button and select twrp that you downloaded
Go to options tab and make sure that Re-Partition is unticked, Auto-Reboot and F. Reset Time keep ticked
Finally click Start button and the twrp should flash, you will see green text saying PASS!
After flashing twrp the phone should automatically reboot, download SuperSU:
Turn off the phone again and hold Power Button + Volume Up + Home Button and it should boot into twrp, swipe to allow system modifications, and select install and find the file, select it and swipe to confirm flash.
After reboot your s3 should be rooted. You will have SuperSU app in the menu.
Hey guys I'm new to rooting devices and got one about a month ago mine is a Samsung galaxy s3 GT-1903T on Telstra 4G. I have done a lot of searching over the web and have only found one thing, the Samsung galaxy s3 toolkit but I don't know if it works for my phone so if anyone could help a noob out that would be really great thanks
80 views still no reply please someone
Mate, if you go onto the android dev forum for this handset you can get a full write up on how to root, backup your efs/nv data, and then how to flash a new rom (eg pandoriam, ripper, rxtreme, wanam etc) if you can't find something then search the forum for the answer. It should all be thsre , good luck!!
Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk 2
apsmiles said:
Mate, if you go onto the android dev forum for this handset you can get a full write up on how to root, backup your efs/nv data, and then how to flash a new rom (eg pandoriam, ripper, rxtreme, wanam etc) if you can't find something then search the forum for the answer. It should all be thsre , good luck!!
Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk 2
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But can u at least answer this for me is the GT 19305T the same as I9305? If so i already have toolkit but the first thing asks me for my build which could be 11,12,13,14. idk which one cant find the last letters in system info
Yes the "T" in the name is just the Telstra branding, if you follow ausdims rooting thread you will be fine
Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk 2
apsmiles said:
Mate, if you go onto the android dev forum for this handset you can get a full write up on how to root, backup your efs/nv data, and then how to flash a new rom (eg pandoriam, ripper, rxtreme, wanam etc) if you can't find something then search the forum for the answer. It should all be thsre , good luck!!
Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk 2
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apsmiles said:
Yes the "T" in the name is just the Telstra branding, if you follow ausdims rooting thread you will be fine
Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk 2
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Thank you
The 'T' in the model number isn't branding. The phone is actually slightly different.
I have a friend who works for Telecom here in NZ and they also sell the I9305T.
He said it is optimised for use on Telecom's network (and obviously Telstra's too) it uses different modems and the antenna is different inside the phone.
They do however use the same ROMs and firmware. Anything intended for the I9305 will also work the same on the I9305T, except modems.
Sent from my GT-I9305 using xda app-developers app
Obagleyfreer said:
The 'T' in the model number isn't branding. The phone is actually slightly different.
I have a friend who works for Telecom here in NZ and they also sell the I9305T.
He said it is optimised for use on Telecom's network (and obviously Telstra's too) it uses different modems and the antenna is different inside the phone.
They do however use the same ROMs and firmware. Anything intended for the I9305 will also work the same on the I9305T, except modems.
Sent from my GT-I9305 using xda app-developers app
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Hi all,
I have a question about rooting, i followed the ausdim rooting guide and installed triangleaway but system still shows modified. Anyway, Is there a ways not to use CWM recovery and use stock recovery? how can i flash stock recovery and keep root? and if i want to update to 4.1.2, can i do OTA without losing root? Thanking you in advance
Hello everyone!
New to this forum and new to Android phone. I have searched the whole forum and read through the dev-sections. Also did searches on multiple sites and through searchengines to find out what device model to use in the ToolKit...didn't find any confirming answer to my question.
As I have no posts from before, I couldn't write this in the dev-section, so I chose the thread that was closest to what I was looking for.
Question: What is the correct device model to choose in the ToolKit (I have version 7.0.0).
Information from my "about section"...
Phone: Samsung Galaxy SIII 4G
Model: GT-I9305
Android-version: 4.1.1
Build: JRO03C.I9305XXALK5
Operator: Telenor (Norway)
The options I lean towards since the only choice showing 4G, is number 21 (International 4G).
Problem is that it says it's GT-I9305N and not GT-I9305. It also says (Build JRO03C ALIA) and that does not match to my build either.
Then I look at the (International LTE), which says (GT-I9305)...which is ok.
And then number 14, which says (Build JRO03C ALK5), which is the same as mine...but it doesn't say 4G, which I have.
It might sound silly, but I really dont want to make the wrong choice here and end up having a phone that either "does not work at all"
or "does not work as it should". And before anyone says that I then should just leave it alone, my only intention at this point is to let
my anti-virus get root-access, so that the firewall works and the anti-theft works.
Hope anyone can be of help and thanks in advance.
Anders - Norway
awaeraas said:
Hello everyone!
New to this forum and new to Android phone. I have searched the whole forum and read through the dev-sections. Also did searches on multiple sites and through searchengines to find out what device model to use in the ToolKit...didn't find any confirming answer to my question.
As I have no posts from before, I couldn't write this in the dev-section, so I chose the thread that was closest to what I was looking for.
Question: What is the correct device model to choose in the ToolKit (I have version 7.0.0).
Information from my "about section"...
Phone: Samsung Galaxy SIII 4G
Model: GT-I9305
Android-version: 4.1.1
Build: JRO03C.I9305XXALK5
Operator: Telenor (Norway)
The options I lean towards since the only choice showing 4G, is number 21 (International 4G).
Problem is that it says it's GT-I9305N and not GT-I9305. It also says (Build JRO03C ALIA) and that does not match to my build either.
Then I look at the (International LTE), which says (GT-I9305)...which is ok.
And then number 14, which says (Build JRO03C ALK5), which is the same as mine...but it doesn't say 4G, which I have.
It might sound silly, but I really dont want to make the wrong choice here and end up having a phone that either "does not work at all"
or "does not work as it should". And before anyone says that I then should just leave it alone, my only intention at this point is to let
my anti-virus get root-access, so that the firewall works and the anti-theft works.
Hope anyone can be of help and thanks in advance.
Anders - Norway
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Ok, so I rooted my device yesterday after reading through like 10 more threads...just took a chance, thought to myself "guts and glory" and went for it..went well =) I chose option 14 the build was the same as mine and it worked like a charm.
I am still left with a few quesitons though...might not be relevant to the thread anymore...
Does the rooting share the same build-match requirement as the flashing of a new operatingsystem?
How do I uninstall apps that were preinstalled on an operatorlocked phone?
Anders - Norway
I think you should look for app in app store, Root App delete or something like that. Then search for you operator apps/files and remove.
Hey guys
i have the internationa galaxy s3 running 4.1.2, i haven't done anything to my phone yet and im about to root it is the boot loader unlcoked and if not how do i unlock it , could someone please help me and give me clear instructions and links please thanks you so much,
BTw i know this is the wrong thread but i cant find the right one, thanks alot guys
regards nick
NickVHD said:
i have the internationa galaxy s3 running 4.1.2, i haven't done anything to my phone yet and im about to root it is the boot loader unlcoked and if not how do i unlock it , could someone please help me and give me clear instructions and links please thanks you so much,
BTw i know this is the wrong thread but i cant find the right one, thanks alot guys
regards nick
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1. Bootloader is allready unlocked
2.For how to root look here
3. Flash custom recovery, would advice this one Download the .tar.md5 and flash with Odin in PDA.
4. Go to the CM thread and download the latest nightly and Gapps (Google apps) and place on the sdcard.
5. Go in recovery and wipe cache, dalvik cache, format system and data factory reset and then flash the CM rom and Gapps right after another without rebooting, reboot and you`re done.
hello does it matter that it's a different usb cable, its of htc because the one i got with the phone doesnt seem recognise my phone on the pc
Is it better to update (to current) android version?
Or is there ANY practical sense to ROOT at lower level android v. Then apply OS mainframe.. YDVTY
I have a GT-I9305T (Telstra Version) currently running CM10.1, I would like to unroot the phone and return it to factory original stock...
1) can I flash a stock i9305 or does it have to be a i9305T based ROM? - where can I get these?
2) should I run triangle away in CM10.1 then flash the stock ROM, and run SU to unroot?
3) after all that is done I still have CWM right? how do I return that to stock?
GODSPD said:
I have a GT-I9305T (Telstra Version) currently running CM10.1, I would like to unroot the phone and return it to factory original stock...
1) can I flash a stock i9305 or does it have to be a i9305T based ROM? - where can I get these?
2) should I run triangle away in CM10.1 then flash the stock ROM, and run SU to unroot?
3) after all that is done I still have CWM right? how do I return that to stock?
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1) Yes you'll need a I9305T based rom, it's to do with basebands and 4G (e.g. i9305 can't do 4G in Australia while i9305T can...)
2) I forget how it is with triangle away, but that's up to you. Whether or not that red exclamation mark bothers you or not. Also it'll automatically unroot when you flash the stock rom via Odin. So no worries about that!
3) CWM will be removed (stock recovery restored/added) and any custom kernels will be gone too.
Good luck, but becareful with Odin. If you don't feel certain about something, look it up on YouTube (as their explanations will be better as you'll be able to view it).
Hope this helped
thank you
there's a button for that
Valdorous said:
1) Yes you'll need a I9305T based rom, it's to do with basebands and 4G (e.g. i9305 can't do 4G in Australia while i9305T can...
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This line is complete bull****. You need the "T" modem only not the rom for your model.
Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk 2
me_ashman said:
This line is complete bull****. You need the "T" modem only not the rom for your model.
Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk 2
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He wants to unroot and go back to stock, he is using a T model.
Research before you come and talk...
"The I9305 is the European version and the difference is:
The I9305 operates on the LTE800 & LTE2600MHz bands
The I9305T operates on the LTE1800 & LTE2600MHz bands
Therefore the I9305 will not currently operate in 4G mode in Australia (will only operate in 2G or 3G mode) as Australia is currently using the LTE1800MHz band (both Telstra & Optus).
If you are living overseas and want to visit Australia, then the I9305 will work (not at it's full potential though). If you live in Australia buy the I9305T."
So please...
The likes of you are not wanted here.
In-case you meant he just needs any old rom for i9305 and just flash a modem for the T. There are from what I understand a complete different line of stock roms for the T version. Just simplify it and let him flash the official stock for the i9305T, if you want to go into details feel free to. I offered help and gave him a valid answer.
Claiming my answer is bull reflects badly on you and only you.
And to prove the existence of a stock rom specifically for the i9305T - here you go:
Get a life and stop trying to answer an already answered question.
Good day to you sir...
I live in Australia and have both t and international versions. Both work on 4g. I stand corrected if he wants to go back to stock on t version.
But you are wrong about the T version only doing 4g here. Both t and non t work perfectly here and you can use either rom on both its the modem that's specific that was my point.
Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk 2
me_ashman said:
I live in Australia and have both t and international versions. Both work on 4g. I stand corrected if he wants to go back to stock on t version.
But you are wrong about the T version only doing 4g here. Both t and non t work perfectly here and you can use either rom on both its the modem that's specific that was my point.
Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk 2
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The thing is, you're stating that Telstra themselves lied when they said using an i9305 Rom/firmware package is not something that is recommended and hasn't been tested.
They also said that there is a difference...
Also, they way you came and said that was 'bull' was childish and plain rude.
I answered the question correctly and showed facts.
You've done nothing but call part of my explanation 'bull' and nag about how there is then no difference when clearly there is.
Next time I recommend you be more friendly when claiming someone is wrong.
I recommend you leave it at that, cause I am.
Can Europe GT-I9305 run with Telstra Rom?
I have a Galaxy S3 4G GT-I9305 bought via Kogan. Came with a French splash screen.
I currently am using Telstra but have rooted the phone and running Cyanogenmod.
I want to unroot the phone. Can I use the Telstra GT-I9305T rom? Will it work or is the modem different?
Valdorous said:
He wants to unroot and go back to stock, he is using a T model.
Research before you come and talk...
"The I9305 is the European version and the difference is:
The I9305 operates on the LTE800 & LTE2600MHz bands
The I9305T operates on the LTE1800 & LTE2600MHz bands
Therefore the I9305 will not currently operate in 4G mode in Australia (will only operate in 2G or 3G mode) as Australia is currently using the LTE1800MHz band (both Telstra & Optus).
If you are living overseas and want to visit Australia, then the I9305 will work (not at it's full potential though). If you live in Australia buy the I9305T."
So please...
The likes of you are not wanted here.
In-case you meant he just needs any old rom for i9305 and just flash a modem for the T. There are from what I understand a complete different line of stock roms for the T version. Just simplify it and let him flash the official stock for the i9305T, if you want to go into details feel free to. I offered help and gave him a valid answer.
Claiming my answer is bull reflects badly on you and only you.
And to prove the existence of a stock rom specifically for the i9305T - here you go:
Get a life and stop trying to answer an already answered question.
Good day to you sir...
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"Unfortunately Jupiter you have been misinformed. Optus provide a 1800mHz LTE network and sell Samsung I9305 handsets to use on this network. The I9305 will also work on the Telstra 1800mHz LTE network.
Google is your friend. Try these links for some light reading and education."
Maybe you should have read the thread you linked to a bit better you arrogant clown, the above was the last post.
Valdorous said:
Therefore the I9305 will not currently operate in 4G mode in Australia
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I know this is bulls#@t because I have the optus GT-I9305 not the I9305T, my girlfriend has the I9305 on optus too and we both get 4G.
Pull ya frikken head in and don't shout someone down when you appear to know sfa about the 4G networks in Australia.
Yes, to go back to stock the I9305T rom is needed for the OP but saying that the I9305 WON'T get 4G in Aus is complete and utter crap.