This is my first CyanogenMod theme, and its just been put on the market. I'm calling it X-Vision Blue, and its a theme I have put many months into developing and I doubt I will ever finish so please be sure to give me a review positive or negative although if you have some criticism, be kind about it so I can look into fixing any issues. Please get the market version because I will make changes and add other screen sizes over time. Feel free to make any suggestions in the reply posts or market reviews, I will read them all. Also stay tuned for my lime green theme which hopefully won't take too much longer but I do have school work to do in the run up to Christmas but I might make it into a present in the form of a free download link for all who buy my blue theme up to Christmas.
Built for CM10 but should work on any ICS or JB rom with the T-Mobile Theme Chooser
1.1 Market download now working and some minor changes(Nav bar etc.)
Full version
Thanks Guys!
Looks dope AF can't wait but link is dead
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Xparent Blue Tapatalk 2
charlie95113 said:
Looks dope AF can't wait but link is dead
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Xparent Blue Tapatalk 2
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Thanks man, sorry I had problems with google play but it will be up again as soon as possible, but for now, enjoy mediafire
SiMBol10 said:
Thanks man, sorry I had problems with google play but it will be up again as soon as possible, but for now, enjoy mediafire
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Sent from my SPH-D700 using Xparent Blue Tapatalk 2
OP will you be uploading back to the Playstore or want me to link to this thread for now?
The theme is too sick i m sure I'm staying with it for a while
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Xparent Blue Tapatalk 2
krazie1 said:
OP will you be uploading back to the Playstore or want me to link to this thread for now?
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Could you please link the thread as I have no free time for a few days and I won't be able to sort it until Thursday or Friday, thanks
Great work! Very nice theme, thanks for sharing.
bearw815 said:
Great work! Very nice theme, thanks for sharing.
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Thanks for caring
Really like this theme quite a bit keep up the good work
Any new updates for this one? This is the only theme I keep going back to since I like it so much.
New colors would be cool too
redspeed said:
Any new updates for this one? This is the only theme I keep going back to since I like it so much.
New colors would be cool too
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I have the latest update on the market, not updating the beta as it was only intended as a free beta. I'm working on green and using my green keyboard as I type but its a long way off as I can't seem to be able to use the same base theme as a template so I have to start from scratch. Almost immediately after the green theme is done though I should be able to upload purple and orange
i have a htc pico with cm10 rom, this work with my htc?
costyprj said:
i have a htc pico with cm10 rom, this work with my htc?
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no sorry I think thats an mdpi or ldpi phone and I havent added complatibility for that yet, the theme has been pretty much abandoned for now until I have the time to complete it
Closed for updates
Themes department
Closed for updates
Can you do a white and clear theme? Maybe light greyscale. I love the look of the blue theme but I'm not a big blue guy lol. Another idea would be a green theme but they are hard to achieve without looking cartoonish. If your real bored you could always try and redo the 5 quick function buttons on the notification drop down. You asked for suggestins lol
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Nice work man! I'm gonna try this out. if looking for suggestions, black themes are always my fav and do well here.
sent from my RAZR
This might be dumb but will either of these work on viperrom? Also, what determines compatibility with themes?
get thE PICture?
Yes, it'll work on the version of viper running dk17 (latest, as of today). Look for title of whichever rom's thread, where it will indicate.
sent from my RAZR
bryanfritz1 said:
Can you do a white and clear theme? Maybe light greyscale. I love the look of the blue theme but I'm not a big blue guy lol. Another idea would be a green theme but they are hard to achieve without looking cartoonish. If your real bored you could always try and redo the 5 quick function buttons on the notification drop down. You asked for suggestins lol
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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decalex said:
Nice work man! I'm gonna try this out. if looking for suggestions, black themes are always my fav and do well here.
sent from my RAZR
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Thanks for the input, I will work on those for you guys. ;0)
johnyardavid said:
This might be dumb but will either of these work on viperrom? Also, what determines compatibility with themes?
get thE PICture?
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Some Roms do a lot of work and mods of their own, making it hard to make them universal. My BattMod won't work with Viper yet and this has it built in. But, I will have one out for viper shortly... with or without the battmod. : )
a454nova said:
Thanks for the input, I will work on those for you guys. ;0)
Some Roms do a lot of work and mods of their own, making it hard to make them universal. My BattMod won't work with Viper yet and this has it built in. But, I will have one out for viper shortly... with or without the battmod. : )
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The reason your battery mod don't work with viper is cause that rom is already themed. By adding the battery mod your replacing his framework.
If you need any help feel free to pm me
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
THANKS A BUNCH FOR THE THEME I AM DOING THIS FOR MY CHICK I HAVE A EVO BUT LOVE HER EPIC i am looking foward to the pink them for her when u get done snoozing lol it is still early can you get that one up thanks
a454nova said:
-Nova's Themes for Epic 4G - DK17 : 27NOV10
These are a few themes that I built for my group of Epic owner here at home, thought I'd share, hope you like.
I'm not good at naming things so do make fun of me. :0)
Compatible With:
Quantum ROM 1.5
Froyo DK17 Stock DK17
Download and flash zip files in ClockworkMOD
Please make a backup first!! :0)
The Blue Majestic
Preview it
Download it
The Pink Panther
Coming soon
** I'll put of more tomorrow, need to catch some zzz **
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I am really enjoying your work your putting into theming these leaks. I would really love to know how you theme...what program do you use to edit the images? I've been using Paint.NET but it doesn't work to good. (;
bubby323 said:
I am really enjoying your work your putting into theming these leaks. I would really love to know how you theme...what program do you use to edit the images? I've been using Paint.NET but it doesn't work to good. (;
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I use Photoshop for editing the images. But if you don't know Photoshop, it will frustrate you. It still does me after 10+ years lol. I read a lot about Gimp being good, I haven't checked it out tho.
I'll make a useful list of links to guides for the diy'ers.
thanks for the work
Thanks for your work, but since you're taking requests can we have a black theme.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
Do you know which png is behind the word "ongoing" in your status bar preview? is that in the twframework or just framework-res?
EDIT: wait. I got it quick_panel_list_bg_01.9.png
mysteryemotionz said:
The reason your battery mod don't work with viper is cause that rom is already themed. By adding the battery mod your replacing his framework.
If you need any help feel free to pm me
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
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Thank you
get thE PICture?
Loving your work...currently using your batt mod along with your black theme and black mms!!! Wud love to see some sort of transparent theme..with a transparent status bar
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
johnyardavid said:
Thank you
get thE PICture?
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mrkrabs said:
Loving your work...currently using your batt mod along with your black theme and black mms!!! Wud love to see some sort of transparent theme..with a transparent status bar
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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Like clear?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
a454nova said:
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
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I quoted the wrong post lol, I meant thanks for replying.
get thE PICture?
a454nova said:
Like clear?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
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Totally I would love to see a clear theme all across the os. That would be awesome. Hey if you ever want custom icons let me know or send me a image you want changed. I don't know adroid framework, but I'm real good with photoshop and illustrator.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Please click here to go to the thread @ RootzWiki
Thank you for the support!!
Reserved for future use
Looks great. Running it right now.
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App
Not bad, not really fond of the blue/red contrasting colors such as the 3g icon.
Looks nice.
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App
Installed it...looks great.
Out of curiousity, when a new release of CM7 is made, will I have to wait for this theme to be updated, or can I flash the previous release?
tommyboy2034 said:
Out of curiousity, when a new release of CM7 is made, will I have to wait for this theme to be updated, or can I flash the previous release?
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Its better to wait till the theme gets updated. Im pretty fast though, once I see a new CM7 I should have an update up within a few minutes to a few hours.
There should be a new CM7 tonight according to a slayher tweet, hope you can get this skin updated for it quickly, really liking the look.
tommyboy2034 said:
There should be a new CM7 tonight according to a slayher tweet, hope you can get this skin updated for it quickly, really liking the look.
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Yep, I'm monitoring his tweets as well as his freenode channel. This will be ready asap after release. Some updated images as well!
tgwaste said:
Yep, I'm monitoring his tweets as well as his freenode channel. This will be ready asap after release. Some updated images as well!
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it's out
tommyboy2034 said:
it's out
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Its up '' in the first post.
tgwaste said:
Its up '' in the first post.
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Noice Getting it now
So what images changed this release...I like the change to the notification pull down..the red bar was a bit strong
Sent from my ThunderBolt using XDA App
Anyone think this will work with Carbonite's ROM? he says its 90% CM7 lol.. just a thought..
Any chance you can change the icon for Application and ADWLauncher to be different?
Travar1410 said:
Anyone think this will work with Carbonite's ROM? he says its 90% CM7 lol.. just a thought..
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If you link me to the .zip file of the ROM I can pass it through my scripts and build the theme for it. I also need to know if you are using g-apps and a link to the one you're using.
thirdeye updated on first post:
New CM7.1.0.RC0.2 here
Going to try this out. I like the splash of colors.... is up on the first post.
cm7 rc0.3 is here
This is a Windows 8 Theme for Android (CyanogenMod9/10/10.1/AOKP) Theme Chooser. NOW COMPATIBLE WITH XTHEME ENGINE
Should work with any Android 4.0.3+ Theme Chooser enabled device.
I don't guarantee that it will display correctly, so that is why I decided to make the thread and get all or most of the issues fixed before releasing a paid/donate version in the Play Store. I would also like to receive your feedback/suggestions on how to make it better in your opinion.
Go to the Theme Chooser application or within Settings select Theme Chooser
Select "Eight"
Hit apply, and ignore the error message and press apply anyway.
Reboot your device!
DOWNLOAD Latest Version:
Add me on Google Plus to get information about my themes
([email protected])
Check Play Store
Check Play Store
Calendar should be 95% themed (tablets only, need phone testing)
Keyboard buttons pressed remade
Settings 98% themed for LiquidSmooth rom on Asus Transformer
Sliders themed like windows 8 (I cannot do it exactly because of legal reasons but I might change them)
People app should be 100% themed ( Tablets only, issues on phone version)
Phone dialer should be displaying correctly
Buttons remade
Fixed calendar agenda text display
Changed calendar display colors
Theme system about 85%
Fixed side effect on people app due to system theming
Released theme on xda
Calendar issues on agenda text display
Hi, I've installed it on my HP Touchpad. But only checkboxes are a little bit different, the rest seems normal. No Metro Ui or sth like that.
Nice theme!
I fixed a lot of things already so I'm probably going to release it in the market already
Sent from my Transformer using Tapatalk 2
PaintballerAlex07 said:
I fixed a lot of things already so I'm probably going to release it in the market already
Sent from my Transformer using Tapatalk 2
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So when do you release it?
andreknieriem said:
So when do you release it?
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I was going to release it 2 days ago but I had stuff to do. For now I'll just upload the newest version
PaintballerAlex07 said:
I was going to release it 2 days ago but I had stuff to do. For now I'll just upload the newest version
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waiting for this one
nice work :good:
I like it alot. Good work but post it up already!
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium
xavier13 said:
I like it alot. Good work but post it up already!
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium
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Calm down, I got disconnected from my WiFi before it finished uploading. Anyways the link is up. Enjoy
Sent from my Transformer using Tapatalk 2
Hey thanks were can I donate some funds for your hard work. :beer:
Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda premium
xavier13 said:
Hey thanks were can I donate some funds for your hard work. :beer:
Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda premium
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I'll be making a donate version soon, but you can donate to my paypal or amazon.
Yeah much better. Now Gmail and Astro File Manager are usable again. They had black background before. Nice job! Go on! Can you change icons of wifi etc?
Little review after using for some minutes
Nice theme but still needs some more changed images. E.g. the notification drawer looks a bit odd with the black notifications on grey bg. Also the bottom bar should get white instead of blue when dragging down. Also dislike the black calendar, (which crashes btw everytime about 3sec after launch) but that's just me.
Apart from that, it seems like a really solid base for an awesome theme! Just try to get the Android look fully away for the Metro look. At the time
it is a mashup of both. I would gladly buy it for some bucks if it gets better and better.
HTC 1S with Pacman (4.1.2)
balducien said:
Nice theme but still needs some more changed images. E.g. the notification drawer looks a bit odd with the black notifications on grey bg. Also the bottom bar should get white instead of blue when dragging down. Also dislike the black calendar, (which crashes btw everytime about 3sec after launch) but that's just me.
Apart from that, it seems like a really solid base for an awesome theme! Just try to get the Android look fully away for the Metro look. At the time
it is a mashup of both. I would gladly buy it for some bucks if it gets better and better.
HTC 1S with Pacman (4.1.2)
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Thanks for the feedback. I also thought of leaving the calendar white, like in my WP7 Revolution theme for CM9, but I know that most of the users like battery saving themes. For now I'll focus on the dark version since it is the hardest.
I wish I could work on it 24/7 but I have college to attend and to. Just bear with me please.
Sent from my Transformer using Tapatalk 2
Any Progress?
andreknieriem said:
Any Progress?
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Uploaded to market, just search for paintballeralex07
Sent from my Transformer using Tapatalk 2
Don't work in my hp touchpad (32gb) with "jcsullins CM10 Unofficial Build 20121216"
Mattemoller90 said:
Don't work in my hp touchpad (32gb) with "jcsullins CM10 Unofficial Build 20121216"
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If you get the unproperly compiled error, I suggest for you to download the xhdpi/hdpi theme chooser update.
Sent from my HTC Vision using Tapatalk 2
PaintballerAlex07 said:
If you get the unproperly compiled error, I suggest for you to download the xhdpi/hdpi theme chooser update.
Sent from my HTC Vision using Tapatalk 2
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Where can I download?
I proudly present you a theme with PCB (Printed circuit board) optic, fitting to Sprint HTC One
I have heard about, that Sprint users have problems with taking effect of themes out of the international forum
so I made a version for Sprint users, may work on other US HTC One, please test and report back!!!!
At first before I start with the theme, I want to give credits to:
Scar45 of Team Broccoli - Many many thanks to him for his permission to use his work for the HTC One
Hd2neuling - For his patience and help and base of the theme and for HOSTING for sure.
torxx and he_stheone64 for their great ROM Trickdroid
VR Team for their great VR theme system
And many thanks to all, who helped me understanding Android modding and to the whole XDA community.
If I have forgot somebody, please write me, I will give proper one for sure!
The theme is based on the blue theme of hd2neuling.
What is themed:
nearby all Frameworks
WeatherIcons in HD
EQS - Icons
Dialer and Phone - I know there is a little glitch, working on it
Original Thread of my theme:
This is a work in progress and there could be glitches, but the theme is usable for daily use.
Before flashing please DO A NANDROID BACKUP!!! I am not the one who shoots your phone. Use at your own risk.
Suggestions and critics are always welcome!
I hope you like the theme!!!
Downloadlink for themes and dialers:
Downloadlink for Iconsets (please do not use the dialers zips):
Please pay attention!!! There is a wrong .9.png in the theme, this could cause FC! Working on it!!!! - SEEMS TO BE FIXED (I have no problems
15/06/2013 - V2.1
Some more Icons and even browser.apk
11/06/2013 - V2.0
Cangend many many icons - once more thanks to SeriouslyCrazy
Redone EQS - native EQS is also themed
Added Iconsets - You are able to use them with custom launcher or with desktop visualizer (there a some threads about it)
22/05/2013 - V1.2
Changed more Icons
Cleaned up framework
New Battery Icons
29/04/2013 - V1.1
Initial Release
Thanks very much, the theme looks awesome! Imma get me some thanks, lol ......
Edit: the previews didn't show up on my phone.
Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 2
sniperkill said:
Thanks very much, the theme looks awesome! Imma get me some thanks, lol ......
Edit: the previews didn't show up on my phone.
Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 2
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Will upload better images asap! Thanks for the kind words!!!
Looks awesome man, thanks for sharing.
Sent from my Wicked HTC One
I'm not a fan of blue, really.. I'd prefer red. But damn, this looks GOOD. Really liking, except for the notification bar icons. not easy to read at a glance at all and they're all too flat of a blue with little definition. Had to flash Team 420's Statusbar icon pack. aside from that, Love it.
felacio said:
I'm not a fan of blue, really.. I'd prefer red. But damn, this looks GOOD. Really liking, except for the notification bar icons. not easy to read at a glance at all and they're all too flat of a blue with little definition. Had to flash Team 420's Statusbar icon pack. aside from that, Love it.
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Thanks for the kind words, yeah maybe I should think about the icons, but good, that icons from others also fits.
Sent from my RenovatiOne
Pete2506 said:
Thanks for the kind words, yeah maybe I should think about the icons, but good, that icons from others also fits.
Sent from my RenovatiOne
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I'm actually getting FC's from a couple apps I use. One of which is Tapatalk. it will open, but when I try to open a thread it will force close.
Also, I use Mobile Admin for Minecraft and it force closes immediately on opening.
UPDATE: I'm going to have to go back to stock look. Several apps from the Play store do the exact same thing, they will FC instead of launch. I'm sure it's a simple fix but I can't really go back to the Stock ROM since I flashed ViperROM before doing a backup. I know, I know, not smart. haha. As soon as this issue is fixed I'll dive back in head first though.
felacio said:
I'm actually getting FC's from a couple apps I use. One of which is Tapatalk. it will open, but when I try to open a thread it will force close.
Also, I use Mobile Admin for Minecraft and it force closes immediately on opening.
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Ok, so it must be a combination of theme and rom, which causes the problem. International HTC One FC are gone with rom update.
Possible that somebody can test latest rom from sprint one forums. And install e.g. Tapatalk from playstore new?
Sent from my RenovatiOne
It's something in framework-res.apk
I replaced that with a backup and those apps work again. Hope that helps a little :-\
Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 2
Thanks for the theme, do you have a flashable clock/weather?
Sent from my aluminum T.A.R.D.I.S!
felacio said:
It's something in framework-res.apk
I replaced that with a backup and those apps work again. Hope that helps a little :-\
Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 2
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Great!!! That helps a lot!!!
Sent from my RenovatiOne
motoelliot said:
Thanks for the theme, do you have a flashable clock/weather?
Sent from my aluminum T.A.R.D.I.S!
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Hm..., do you mean only weather clock?
Sent from my RenovatiOne
Pete2506 said:
Hm..., do you mean only weather clock?
Sent from my RenovatiOne
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Yeah... I've played with the zips a bit but haven't got it the way I want... Thanks for the quick response... You've got some nice stuff here..
Sent from my aluminum T.A.R.D.I.S!
motoelliot said:
Yeah... I've played with the zips a bit but haven't got it the way I want... Thanks for the quick response... You've got some nice stuff here..
Sent from my aluminum T.A.R.D.I.S!
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There is an separate clock . apk in the zip. Under system folder not in vrtheme system folder. VR first installs theme and then the apk, so when you want to play around with the clock you have to delete the apk from the zip or change the apk.
Greetings Pete
Sent from my RenovatiOne
Pete2506 said:
There is an separate clock . apk in the zip. Under system folder not in vrtheme system folder. VR first installs theme and then the apk, so when you want to play around with the clock you have to delete the apk from the zip or change the apk.
Greetings Pete
Sent from my RenovatiOne
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Thanks so much, but I got it figured out... Excellent work ! :beer:
Btw my sister in law with her iPhone 5 just can't comprehend what I just did... May have a convert soon... Lol
Sent from my aluminum T.A.R.D.I.S!
motoelliot said:
Thanks so much, but I got it figured out... Excellent work ! :beer:
Sent from my aluminum T.A.R.D.I.S!
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Nice, maybe we should work together! Familiar with photoshop or else and with 9.pngs?
Sent from my RenovatiOne
Pete2506 said:
Nice, maybe we should work together! Familiar with photoshop or else and with 9.pngs?
Sent from my RenovatiOne
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A lil, but need some practice. I can usually work an figure my way through things. I also have a lot of time on my hands as I work midnights... With a lil guidance I could probably be quite helpful....
Sent from my aluminum T.A.R.D.I.S!
motoelliot said:
A lil, but need some practice. I can usually work an figure my way through things. I also have a lot of time on my hands as I work midnights... With a lil guidance I could probably be quite helpful....
Sent from my aluminum T.A.R.D.I.S!
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ASAP I will send you an pm.
Thanks Pete
Sent from my RenovatiOne
I just tried this theme, looking good but getting force closes with apps just like previously stated ( I.e tapatalk), other then that nice work!
Sent from my tube steak using your face.
drewdown757 said:
I just tried this theme, looking good but getting force closes with apps just like previously stated ( I.e tapatalk), other then that nice work!
Sent from my tube steak using your face.
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We work on it, it thanks for feedback!
Greetings Pete
Sent from my RenovatiOne
delete this, thanks
For best results you can use the gapps below.
TBO Theme Ready Gapps
for more themes.
Work in progress...
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
Nice Work [emoji106]
Gesendet von meinem Oneplus One
chris264 said:
Nice Work [emoji106]
Gesendet von meinem Oneplus One
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Yes very nice work. :good:
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
i just bought Black N Smash Theme CM11 but even after restart i got fc on google play .I have oneplus one 4.2.2
malavan said:
i just bought Black N Smash Theme CM11 but even after restart i got fc on google play .I have oneplus one 4.2.2
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email R3Ds he can help you with that check the OP out
So glad to see you back themeing again.. Your themes for cm7 were some of the best around.. Excellent work.. Thanks for sharing for us poor folk. who are behind on our phone bill because my college can't get their head out of their ass and get me student loan money to me..
Sorry about the rant.. Thanks again for the work.. You've been missed.. I even tried applying some of your cm7 stuff for sh!ts and giggles on cm10 but too many things just didn't look right.. You had some of the best red and multi-colored bright as you know what in your face themes out there.. Amazing..
malavan said:
i just bought Black N Smash Theme CM11 but even after restart i got fc on google play .I have oneplus one 4.2.2
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What ROM and build date?
Great theme, I bought this when it first came out on the Playstore, Love It!!!
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
Your themes are the best. Thanks for all the hard work and quick updates and and and........Awesome!
Sent from my SCH-I605 using XDA Free mobile app
I bought the Smash&Black and Smash & Blue and just love them. Best complete CM11 theme around for me. It is very detailed and not just changing the background color. Hey fkfmfz you thought of maybe adding the circles in the pull down toggles like on the app icons? Just a suggestion, thanks for your work.
mexicandroid said:
I bought the Smash&Black and Smash & Blue and just love them. Best complete CM11 theme around for me. It is very detailed and not just changing the background color. Hey fkfmfz you thought of maybe adding the circles in the pull down toggles like on the app icons? Just a suggestion, thanks for your work.
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thank you for your support, really appriciated.
you mean like smash n black tiles? sure i can do that.
smash n lollipop free theme here
fkfmfz said:
thank you for your support, really appriciated.
you mean like smash n black tiles? sure i can do that.
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Yea just like that, but just a request its all up to you buddy
fkfmfz said:
smash n lollipop free theme here
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Great theme! I think my favorite part is the icons Could you provide the hex code for the blue?
xonelith said:
Great theme! I think my favorite part is the icons Could you provide the hex code for the blue?
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Thanks... The color hex code is #ff3f51b5
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2