There are some bundled apps with the phone that aren't un-installable, what would be the best way to remove them?
Root and remove from /system at a guess.
Doesn't even look as though it'd need the boot loader unlocking!
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
Root your Phone and just freeze the Apps with Titanium Backup.
You can easily Root without unlocking your Bootloader with bin4rys method.
Gesendet von meinem LT30p mit Tapatalk 2
vogi said:
Root your Phone and just freeze the Apps with Titanium Backup.
You can easily Root without unlocking your Bootloader with bin4rys method.
Gesendet von meinem LT30p mit Tapatalk 2
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I uninstall system apps after rooting with Titanium Backup Pro - just select the app and choose un install (always an Idea to do a backup of the app first in case other apps depend on it) . Not sure if the free version of TB can do the uninstall though.
I've used TB Pro for ages to strip all the bloatware that comes with stock firmware.
Thanks for the help guys, I rooted using Binary's method and then used the free version of Titanium backup to remove some of the bloat.
Anyone found all the different locations of all the different bloat-and-crap-ware?
If one of the knowledgeable members could compile a list and folder location of what is all safe to remove and what not, it would be awesome!
JJD809 said:
Anyone found all the different locations of all the different bloat-and-crap-ware?
If one of the knowledgeable members could compile a list and folder location of what is all safe to remove and what not, it would be awesome!
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So far came across, 'root/etc/product/applications'
EDIT: This is not a list of recommended apps to remove. Its a compilation of all apps found under this specific location.
I usually freeze them with Titanium.
Not to steal the thread, but I am curious WisePilot. Seems to have good reviews, but I am not sure I want to fork over $ for nav. Anyone used it that can comment? Also, as a business user, there's an app on your list that I NEED
charlatan01 said:
I usually freeze them with Titanium.
Not to steal the thread, but I am curious WisePilot. Seems to have good reviews, but I am not sure I want to fork over $ for nav. Anyone used it that can comment? Also, as a business user, there's an app on your list that I NEED
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Sorry, if you misunderstood my post. I haven't made any recommendations of what to keep or delete. Just a list of apps found in that location.
I see no custom roms yet so what tool should I use to edit build.prop entries and dpi settings, fonts, etc. any info is appreciated.
any app suggestions?
Xposed from g2 works
Sent from my LG-D959 using Tapatalk
Root explorer has always and still does work for me. I'd personally wait for a custom recovery before messing with the phone too much, but it's up to you.
Da Kine said:
Root explorer has always and still does work for me. I'd personally wait for a custom recovery before messing with the phone too much, but it's up to you.
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I read a couple places there is a way to put a custom recovery on unless our us at&t model isn't supported ( and I also read another thread that we could use freegee pro to install cwm or twrp... is any of this true?'
would titanium backup be the best app for removing bloat?
deadenz said:
I read a couple places there is a way to put a custom recovery on unless our us at&t model isn't supported ( and I also read another thread that we could use freegee pro to install cwm or twrp... is any of this true?'
would titanium backup be the best app for removing bloat?
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I keep forgetting that there's more than one variant of this phone in the same section (which will be interesting when it comes to flashing roms)
As far as I know, the Sprint and T-Mobile variants still have locked bootloaders and no custom recoveries. As for the AT&T variant and freegee pro, I have no idea.
As for removing bloat, I like to use Root Explorer...I don't know if there is a best app, it really depends on what app suits your needs.
deadenz said:
I read a couple places there is a way to put a custom recovery on unless our us at&t model isn't supported ( and I also read another thread that we could use freegee pro to install cwm or twrp... is any of this true?'
would titanium backup be the best app for removing bloat?
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Titanium is best app for freezing bloat root explorer best get rid of it
Sent from my LG-D959 using Tapatalk
Rom Toolbox Pro is working good so far. probably because of the android version.. it doesn't work too well with kitkat
Hey everyone. I am happy that we have a kernel with write protection removed. Thanks to CurbThePain and rbheromax. Please use this thread in making a list of bloatware that we can remove safely without bricking our phones. I have been freezing apps with TB and kind of observing how the phone runs. If anyone has tried this or is interested in making a list, please contribute. Thanks everyone.
All google apps expect for playstore or frame service or keyboard I remove the google apps they take space I remove play music movies calendar alarm clock launcher and replace it with nova
I have removed pretty much everything short of the Google framework, HTC Sense, and some of the HTC services (simply because I don't know what they do). I left the clock. I like the clock.
Ajfink said:
I have removed pretty much everything short of the Google framework, HTC Sense, and some of the HTC services (simply because I don't know what they do). I left the clock. I like the clock.
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When I had a HTC sensation I removed HTC sense but takes out a lot but there was a lot of development on that phone fast this one kinda standing still so make a back up and remove let us know I don't have root yet but I will
I'm currently in the process of making a non-bloat deodexed, Senseless, rooted stock ROM. I'm literally deodexing all of the system apps as we speak. There's ~390MB of bloatware that can be safely removed (if you don't mind removing Sense/using a different launcher). I might plop out a list later on.
CraviingCritic said:
I'm currently in the process of making a non-bloat deodexed, Senseless, rooted stock ROM. I'm literally deodexing all of the system apps as we speak. There's ~390MB of bloatware that can be safely removed (if you don't mind removing Sense/using a different launcher). I might plop out a list later on.
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Any launcher is better the HTC adw golaucher to Google now is what I use on top or HTC just hurry and get rid of it lol
Pinalp84 said:
Hey everyone. I am happy that we have a kernel with write protection removed. Thanks to CurbThePain and rbheromax. Please use this thread in making a list of bloatware that we can remove safely without bricking our phones. I have been freezing apps with TB and kind of observing how the phone runs. If anyone has tried this or is interested in making a list, please contribute. Thanks everyone.
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I started with these
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didn't gain alot of space but every little bit helps
None of the Sprint apps are necessary?
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Free mobile app
Mobile Installer
Does anyone know whether the Mobile Installer app is safe to freeze / uninstall? I was looking around on Google for its function, but could not find anything.
Ajfink said:
None of the Sprint apps are necessary?
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Free mobile app
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not that I'm aware of ... Keep in mind my phone is not activated and is only used as an mp3 player / wifi internet browser
Did you finish your Rom? Does it work with boost?
acesavant00 said:
Does anyone know whether the Mobile Installer app is safe to freeze / uninstall? I was looking around on Google for its function, but could not find anything.
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I removed the Mobile Installer because it had something to do with virgin mobile reinstalling thing's after I deleted them my phone is fine after deleting it and the odex file.
Bloatware Removal
I am somewhat new the this rooting trend lol. However I got my 510 rooted (boost mobile). I just want to remove bloatware so I can free up some space. However I am not sure how to go about exactly removing it.
I got the kernel for S-Off and some other nice tricks from here :
I was reading and found out you can boot the kernel and remove the bloatware and then reboot using the stock kernel again. Which is really all I want. What do you use to remove/unbloat the 510?
Phoenix12786 said:
I am somewhat new the this rooting trend lol. However I got my 510 rooted (boost mobile). I just want to remove bloatware so I can free up some space. However I am not sure how to go about exactly removing it.
I got the kernel for S-Off and some other nice tricks from here :
I was reading and found out you can boot the kernel and remove the bloatware and then reboot using the stock kernel again. Which is really all I want. What do you use to remove/unbloat the 510?
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Download an app called flashify and backup your current kernel do what you want and flash back. You're limited to 3 flashs per day so go ahead and support the dev if you feel it helped. As far as what is safe to take off, there are reports of things around here so just check around.
Sent from my 0PCV1 using XDA Free mobile app
---------- Post added at 12:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:20 AM ----------
[email protected] said:
Download an app called flashify and backup your current kernel do what you want and flash back. You're limited to 3 flashs per day so go ahead and support the dev if you feel it helped. As far as what is safe to take off, there are reports of things around here so just check around.
Sent from my 0PCV1 using XDA Free mobile app
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To remove bloatware use a combination of titanium backup and root browser
Sent from my 0PCV1 using XDA Free mobile app
I successfully flashed rbheromax's v1 kernel, got the apps and such, and still have S-ON. If you're having trouble with persistent bloatware, that could be why. I'm looking for answers and will reply again if I can get it fixed.
Phoenix12786 said:
I am somewhat new the this rooting trend lol. However I got my 510 rooted (boost mobile). I just want to remove bloatware so I can free up some space. However I am not sure how to go about exactly removing it.
I got the kernel for S-Off and some other nice tricks from here :
I was reading and found out you can boot the kernel and remove the bloatware and then reboot using the stock kernel again. Which is really all I want. What do you use to remove/unbloat the 510?
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[email protected] said:
Download an app called flashify and backup your current kernel do what you want and flash back. You're limited to 3 flashs per day so go ahead and support the dev if you feel it helped. As far as what is safe to take off, there are reports of things around here so just check around.
Sent from my 0PCV1 using XDA Free mobile app
---------- Post added at 12:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:20 AM ----------
To remove bloatware use a combination of titanium backup and root browser
Sent from my 0PCV1 using XDA Free mobile app
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Should i uninstall from titanium backup first, then remove apk/odex? or otherway around?
Phoenix12786 said:
Should i uninstall from titanium backup first, then remove apk/odex? or otherway around?
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I do it the other way
Sent from my 0PCV1 using XDA Free mobile app
Hi guys,
I foolishly removed the sprint_vowifi apk/odex not realizing it's something I do use on occasion (rarely make phone calls, but recently have been dialing into conference calls for work). Could someone make a backup with titanium and share? I would really appreciate the help.
simple question, is supersu NOT for deleting bloatware? do i have to do all that manually? i tought that was the wole point behind rooting and this useless supersu app.
---------- Post added at 09:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:06 PM ----------
whattheflip said:
simple question, is supersu NOT for deleting bloatware? do i have to do all that manually? i thought that was the wole point behind rooting and this useless supersu app.
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titanium back up owns, its the way to go. best so far.
i need an app permission manager that working on Oxygen OS. What I found in Xposed repository or play store don't work.
Have someone an app or mod that working?
martinklaus said:
i need an app permission manager that working on Oxygen OS. What I found in Xposed repository or play store don't work.
Have someone an app or mod that working?
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There is a native one built in into the system. Anything wrong with it?
C3C076 said:
There is a native one built in into the system. Anything wrong with it?
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Yes but you can't stop auto run or keep awake.
I am searching too...
Tried xprivacy and app settings but both did not work..
Gesendet von meinem ONEPLUS A3003 mit Tapatalk
Something like
martinklaus said:
Yes but you can't stop auto run or keep awake.
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I agree. Coming from Cyanogenmod ROMs, permission management on OxygenOS feels very limited.
Also, wanted to say, if auto run and keep awake are your only 2 points (I'm guessing probably not), and if your phone is rooted and has Xposed, try out the module BootManager, and, of course, Greenify. I would think that you already know, but, thought I'd mention it just in case.
dueydotnet said:
I agree. Coming from Cyanogenmod ROMs, permission management on OxygenOS feels very limited.
Also, wanted to say, if auto run and keep awake are your only 2 points (I'm guessing probably not), and if your phone is rooted and has Xposed, try out the module BootManager, and, of course, Greenify. I would think that you already know, but, thought I'd mention it just in case.
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I need it for Play Services
I just found out that it's possibly more of an issue with Android standard permissions available for Marshmallow and up.
Compare "Review app permissions thru Android 5.9"
With: "Control your app permissions on Android 6.0 and up"
... for the second page, the listed permissions at the bottom is pretty similar to what is available with OxygenOS, so, it's following AOSP.
*shrug* I guess I've just been using Cyanogenmod for too long.
n0gg said:
I am searching too...
Tried xprivacy and app settings but both did not work..
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how did you know that xprivacy didnt worked?
i thought xprivacy is foolproof, it will work 100% of the time.
how did you test it?
control freak said:
how did you know that xprivacy didnt worked?
i thought xprivacy is foolproof, it will work 100% of the time.
how did you test it?
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Xprivacy is working perfect. I havent rooted my 3T yet. When i had xprivacy on my s2 and s5mini i never encountered any issues. Xprivacy is a learning by doing app. At least it was for me
Hey developers!
Magisk is awesome, and there is a lot of untapped potential. For example being able to debloat without touching system! For some devices there are already modules around and I know creating one isn't that hard.
but: if there was one to create a module that shows you the applist and checkboxes.. the checked apps will be 'debloated' upon next reboot..
we would need only 1 app to debloat all devices, and even those who are unable to create the module themself can tap into the mind of magisk!
Unfortunately i'm unable to create such a GUI myself and hope someone is out there who would be willing to create such a thing.
what do you guys think?
This would be nice to have. Would be great to remove all the Google stuff from new devices.
Gesendet von meinem Y6 Max mit Tapatalk 2
+1 to debloater module ?
After every ROM update (flashed), I need to manually delete unwanted apps in system (like webview, music app from dev, system setup, etc)... So that I can make system space for other necessary sound enhancer modules like ARISE...
It will be great if it can be automated with debloater module.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
avinashjirapure said:
+1 to debloater module
After every ROM update (flashed), I need to manually delete unwanted apps in system (like webview, music app from dev, system setup, etc)... So that I can make system space for other necessary sound enhancer modules like ARISE...
It will be great if it can be automated with debloater module.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
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use addon.d
crusader727 said:
use addon.d
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what is addon.d and where to find?
Gesendet von meinem Y6 Max mit Tapatalk
Ikzy said:
Hey developers!
Magisk is awesome, and there is a lot of untapped potential. For example being able to debloat without touching system! For some devices there are already modules around and I know creating one isn't that hard.
but: if there was one to create a module that shows you the applist and checkboxes.. the checked apps will be 'debloated' upon next reboot..
we would need only 1 app to debloat all devices, and even those who are unable to create the module themself can tap into the mind of magisk!
Unfortunately i'm unable to create such a GUI myself and hope someone is out there who would be willing to create such a thing.
what do you guys think?
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But wouldn't it be much more easier to use Titanium Backup? You could select the (system-)apps (use filter), you want to freeze (yes, freeze. Otherwise, the concept of working systemlessly would not make sense), create a label for that and then select the corresponding batch-task, reboot and ready...
Please someone create a module for full andoid backup including system etc, apps.
For people who don't have TWRP because is not available and no Root access only using Magisk . It will be a great deal and help last rescue. Thank you so much for understanding.
LucasNoob said:
Please someone create a module for full andoid backup including system etc, apps.
For people who don't have TWRP because is not available and no Root access only using Magisk . It will be a great deal and help last rescue. Thank you so much for understanding.
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Have you tried Flashfire?
Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk
metalcated said:
Have you tried Flashfire?
Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk
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I try OK. My phone is branded os and is not possible to make backup using for example ADB command because always my phone just freeze to death and need reboot during ADB backup >
metalcated said:
Have you tried Flashfire?
Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk
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Not working for my LeEco le3 Pro AI x650
Uhhh if your phone doesn't have root, then you don't have Magisk. So a Magisk mod is useless for you. If you do have root just use titanium backup or similar app to back your apps up and restore them. It can even do system apps.
metalcated said:
Have you tried Flashfire?
Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk
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pbanj said:
Uhhh if your phone doesn't have root, then you don't have Magisk. So a Magisk mod is useless for you. If you do have root just use titanium backup or similar app to back your apps up and restore them. It can even do system apps.
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I have root only in magisk no other possibilities existing now, root otherwise is not available for my phone not yet.
A titaniumbackup make full Android backup? Including modification of xposed framework etc.... ??
LucasNoob said:
I have root only in magisk no other possibilities existing now, root otherwise is not available for my phone not yet.
A titaniumbackup make full Android backup? Including modification of xposed framework etc.... ??
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Maybe this will help?
And also, TitaniumBackup does not do full partition backups.
Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk
metalcated said:
Have you tried Flashfire?
Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk
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FlashFire doesn't work on my phone
you can use migrate to backup
Migrate - ROM data backup: 4.0 - Apps on Google Play
after flash your rom and root install Migate flasher and restore without custom recovery
Migrate flasher - Apps on Google Play
...and it works with A12 n A13? On phones with A/B partition? If so, I need to give it another, esp. since the new version...fingers crossed.
Zaxx32 said:
...and it works with A12 n A13? On phones with A/B partition? If so, I need to give it another, esp. since the new version...fingers crossed.
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I test it on A12 & A13, using emergency restore but it's only useful in backup user and system apps, not full system backup