Hi people of XDA!
Let's go introduce myself.
My name is Alex and I'm from Spain. A month ago I did my second YouTube channel. The first was removed because it was bugged.
In this new channel I record my own gameplays on my PC.
Black Ops, F.E.A.R. 3, RaiderZ, Star Conflict, SCP and some tips for you. As soon as possible I'll upload Slender, League of Legends and maybe The War Z if I buy it.
My YouTube channel is commented in Spanish but everyone is WELCOME.
I love to have suscribers from other countries, so I could learn more English with you
Enter my channel and subscribe if you like it, is a great help to me! You can comment in English, no problem!
URL of my channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/byikress
Suscribe, don't forget!
There is already a YouTube video thread. Post your videos there.
Sent from thousands of years ago into the future.
Why in the name of all things holy would I want to watch someone else's gameplay on YouTube? I can understand if you are posting walkthroughs to games, but just to watch you play? I'd rather watch paint dry.
Closed because of the reasons described in the two posts above and because XDA isn't a place for free YouTube channel advertising.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using xda premium
This is a really cool site my friends showed me, the basic idea is this: You set up a player, join a team, and run your players career. This is the FAQ for the site if you want to learn more
If you wanna join it is free of charge. This is a link to create an account
This isn't a scam or anything just thought people would be interested in it. You can see that I have been a member of xda for a while so I hope that brings up peoples trust levels. It is a lot of fun and can be a very in depth game, check it out.
CBS TV channel:
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I am really sorry to hear that,.
Hope all goes well so quickly,. be strong for the victim,. my prayers are with you,..
isnt this post against this forums policy?
i dont think this post is appropriate for this forum, im Jewish and i get offended to see posts with pictures or links to it were im and people like me whos grandparents lived through Holocaust being called a Nazi,
that's not the reason why i visit this forum so please lets respect each others values while being on this forum, and show your so called emotions somewhere else.
Protest against Israeli War
Not against Jews
well it is the same, since ur content doesnt show any difference, as you see an argument is already going.
Before this get's out of hand I'm closing this thread.
The is a phone forum, not a place for political debate (even in the off-topic).
I was told by a mod that this thread is fine. I won't throw this mod under a bus, but if this is not allowed please close.
I run an Android website with roughly 8-10 writers and YouTube reviewers. We are currently looking for 2 more writers and 2 more YouTube review guys or gals. This website is strictly Android and a lot of our news comes from the devs here at XDA (we ALWAYS link back here to XDA). We don't support warez or any kind or stealing peoples or business's work.
If this is something you're interested in and ready for a commitment, hit me up here in my pm or hangouts. ([email protected]).
We are an up and coming Android site that get fun review units and have recently added a forum. We're all set with mods for the forums, but need writers and youtubers.
Thanks for looking and mods if this is not allowed please shut this thread down.
Sent from my White Moto X
Mod edit: Sorry, but this isn't allowed...
Forum Rules said:
Encouraging members to participate in forum activities on other phone related sites is prohibited.
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Sent from my XT1058 using Tapatalk 2
hi everyone hows it going I recently re-started my youtube channel on which i post gameplay videos with commentary with my asus zenfone 4 i will appreciate it if u guys helped me grow share and subscribe the videos ! (ps: i'll buy u all dark souls 3 !! lmao jk) anyway its my humble request to everyone of u to please help me grow
thanking you
yours sincerely
my channel:<Mod edit>
Oh yeah and I post videos every friday, saturday & sunday thanks once again
Y_2_J said:
hi everyone hows it going I recently re-started my youtube channel on which i post gameplay videos with commentary with my asus zenfone 4 i will appreciate it if u guys helped me grow share and subscribe the videos ! (ps: i'll buy u all dark souls 3 !! lmao jk) anyway its my humble request to everyone of u to please help me grow
Oh yeah and I post videos every friday, saturday & sunday thanks once again
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THREAD CLOSED! Youtube links removed!
XDA Forum Rules (excerpt):
5. Create a thread topic or post a message only once, this includes external links & streaming media.
As a large forum, we don't need unnecessary clutter. You're free to edit your message as you like, so if you do not receive an answer, revisit your message and see if you can describe your problem better. Not everyone is online at the same time so it might take a while before you receive an answer.
You can bump your unanswered question once every 24 hours
Duplicate threads and posts will be removed
Always post in an existing thread if a topic already exists, before creating a new thread.
Use our search function to find the best forum for your device.
Links to an external source are only allowed if relevant to the topic in hand. A description must be included, no copy & pasting from the original source.
Self-promotion is forbidden, this includes blogs, social media and video channels etc. Random links will be removed.
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XDA is one of the most-viewed creators on YouTube, boasting 788 thousand subscribers. It started in 2009.
One common question we hear is: What is XDA's net worth or how much does XDA earn?
The answer is given here:
XDA Net Worth and Earnings (June 2023)
XDA is a YouTuber with 788 thousand subsribers. Find out XDA's net worth and earnings.
That's a lot of supposed money... Especially as a user just reported a few days ago that the channel meanwhile only presents a handful of videos differently to the 1K+ years ago.
What happened to XDA's YouTube videos?!
Hello all, I apologize in advance for using my very first post on this forum / site for a question and not a proper introduction. I just noticed that XDA's YouTube channel has only 70 videos or so. But I have around 5 videos in my playlists...