Hi Everyone,
Recently, I got a Galaxy S I9000M from a friend. The phone was running 2.1 firmware when I got it. There were two updates for the phone from kies(2.2 & Gingerbread) I updated the phone to 2.2 froyo from kies. later, kies stopped to recognise my phone. so I thought to root my phone and did using rootme 2.2. I don`t know if the phone was rooted but I could see superuser. Then I flashed with some ROM and messed my phone. on booting the phone stuck on blinking on galaxy s logo and will not start. After flashing few more firmware, I am stuck on brick picture on phone. I cannot go to recovery also but I can go to download mode. I am guessing that flashing the stock 2.1 may help to start the device. I have searched everywhere to find the stock 2.1 for i9000M but cannot find because many links are dead and samfirmware.com does not show me the old firmware. By the way, I have downloaded stock 2.3.3 (samsung-updates.com) which I don`t know will work.
Please help me to find the stock firmware or any other way though which I can solve my problem. Tell me which files do I need and how can I flash.
Thanking everyone in anticipation.
Edit: I found stock froyo 2.2 files and phone is working again
so i have froyo odin one click version running on my phone right now which is [email protected] im from canada and im with rogers and im trying to use kies to update it back to rogers 2.2 stock but when i connect it says its not supported by my device. anyone know what i need to do to get it to the new 2.2 rogers os. my phone is rooted and it does recognize my phone just says it isnt supported which is messed up
When you flash a rom that is not made 100% for your device what happens sometimes is your product ID gets changed in the process. KIES will try to read this and your build.prop to determine if there is an update available for your device. The US Galaxy S devices are not supported by the full KIES program. We are forced to use KIES mini to do our updates. Because you flashed an AT&T based ROM your version of KIES is seeing your phone as a US version. There is a Odin flashable version of the 2.2 Rogers in the development forum.
thank you so much for the quick response! hopefully the rom is tested and working great
I tried to use ROM manager to update my rom to overstock, this did not work so well. It installed fine but then the battery refused to charge and all sorts of wierd problems so I used my backup to uninstall and that failed. I downloaded Odin3 v1.7 and downloaded the original stock firmware(eclair) and that failed. I then used UGJH2 and the phone will boot and see the galaxy s load but then the screen goes blank and vibrates periodically. in the recovery (3e) it says Can't mount /dev/block/st110. The last official firmware install was KC1 through kies but I can't find that anywhere is there any hope for this(sweating cause wife might find out)
I am also on sasktel and am an impulsive flasher (1-5 times daily) Heres an easy, fast fix. GO here:
go to section enabled "For GT-I9000 users only" and follow step by step. You can stop at step 2 if you want to leave your rom stock samsung or do last few steps to have darkys on there. EIther way once done you'll also have to enable the 850 band *#2263# then enable wcdma 850 option. Also you will have to manually enter your APN under network options. I use inet.stm.sk.ca for sasktel. Note that the Ficeto_JVB.zip download there includes all needed to flash (.pit file, rom, odin). THis is always my fail safe method after boot loops ( I always screw something up playing around lol).
ps: also depending how desperate you are and how trusting you are, I work at sasktels head office in the cornwall and if you wish I am sure I could take 15 mins out of my day tomorrow to do this for you, although you will not be able to get through security so you will have to trust me taking off with your phone lol. email me at [email protected] if needed.
trouble is I can't put things on SD card because I can't get it to load android
You won't be able to load eclair through Odin because JL2 installed a new SBL (secondary boot loader). Go to samfirmware.com, download JL2, and use odin to flash that. Once that's flashed it should fix your issues. Then, if you want a custom ROM, try the romkitchen (romkitchen.org).
problem solved!! turns out darkyrom did fix my phone, I couldn't push the zip file to my phone but their tar file got my phone working! Thanks for all the help
Dougustine said:
I tried to use ROM manager to update my rom to overstock, this did not work so well. It installed fine but then the battery refused to charge and all sorts of wierd problems so I used my backup to uninstall and that failed. I downloaded Odin3 v1.7 and downloaded the original stock firmware(eclair) and that failed. I then used UGJH2 and the phone will boot and see the galaxy s load but then the screen goes blank and vibrates periodically. in the recovery (3e) it says Can't mount /dev/block/st110. The last official firmware install was KC1 through kies but I can't find that anywhere is there any hope for this(sweating cause wife might find out)
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I loled, I've been in the same boat, wife is always asking me why I always have to mess around with stuff. Shoulda seen her face after I soft bricked the phone the first time.
Just rooted my phone
I am new to this, I can do all kinda of things with my pc but with my phone a different story lol. I don't understand when you say "Eclair". Is that a different model or is that stock. I am too from sasktel.
Android 2.1 is Eclaire, 2.2 is Froyo and 2.3 is Gingerbread... Ice cream is next 4.0
hi guys, I know this is an old post but has anyone successfully unlocked their Sasktel i9000 vibrant without paying any unlock code service? has anyone tried anything like the SGS Unlock Pro that claimed to unlock all GSM galaxy S phones but did not list Sasktel? anyways, from the sound of it is Darky's rom currently the best for i9000's? I wanted to try CM9, so i did the super 1 click root and followed the CM wiki page to push clockwork recovery to the phone through Heimdall Suite but both times i tried failed and stuck in a boot loop so both times i ended up going through Odin to fix it. (super 1 click root didnt seem to stick b/c i lost superuser after fixing the phone w/ Odin, is that normal?)
anyways i had a very unique situation, originally had a Bell i9000m but died 1 week later tried to fix it numerous times for 7-8 months ( i live in U.S., and Sammy refuse to fix it b/c i dont have a canadian address they can send it back to b.s.) anyways finally landed myself a dead i9000m w/ broken screen, so i took both apart and put the working parts together. now 1 working phone with 3 problems: 1) so it seems that it's currently locked to Sasktel (it can be done but i'm curious if there is a cheaper way or even free) 2) CM wiki suggested Heimdall push CW recovery cause boot loop (some on xda suggested flashing the phone back to 2.2 (or 2.1??) first) 3) i was playing around and click on screen update and lose my touch keys ever since (ppl also suggest flashing it back to 2.1 and reupdate the keys, but will a bell i9000m 2.1 stock rom be compatible w/ the i9000m from Sasktel?)
anyways lots of questions there but if anyone can answer anyone of these would be greatly appreciated.
thanks in advance
Update: problem 1 is taken cared of. SGS Unlock Pro worked like a charm. tested, working. other 2 problem still unsolved.
Since a few days it is impossible to use my Samsung Galaxy GT-I9000 as a phone. Whenever i try using it, it doesnt register on the network.
I am running DarkyROM JVH v10.1 baseband version I9000XXJVO Firmware 2.3.3
If i try to register on the network is searches and searches and searches... but doesnt find anything.
What "worries" me is the fact that when i start up the phoe is tells me its a Samsung Galaxy S II, which it surely isnt!
Please advice.
CheopsChefren said:
Since a few days it is impossible to use my Samsung Galaxy GT-I9000 as a phone. Whenever i try using it, it doesnt register on the network.
I am running DarkyROM JVH v10.1 baseband version I9000XXJVO Firmware 2.3.3
If i try to register on the network is searches and searches and searches... but doesnt find anything.
What "worries" me is the fact that when i start up the phoe is tells me its a Samsung Galaxy S II, which it surely isnt!
Please advice.
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There is your problem..
Re-flash stock firmware with pit and re-partition, When complete, check you can register on the network.
If so then avoid the ROM which you are currently running.
EDIT: When you say the phone says Galaxy S II, Is this not a boot animation taken from the SGS II ? Or is it the actual boot screen which says its a SGS II ?
Call me stupid ;-) but i didnt save my stock-rom....
CheopsChefren said:
Call me stupid ;-) but i didnt save my stock-rom....
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No problem.
Head over to www.samfirmware.com and grab one from there, flash it through odin, Instructions are on that site too.
Thanks AzzleDazzle, but now comes up another problem.... Probably very basic, but for me, its all abracadabra.
I have an European Samsung Galaxy S GTi9000, but if i look at the site there are many roms u can download. From Android 2.1 to Android 2.3.4 for "my" device. Which is the one i should use? My ID is I9000XWJVH, which is according to the site an unknown H version.
Please advice once more, thanks in advance!
No worries, Make sure you download a firmware specifically for the I9000
the last 3 letters eg JVH is the firmware version, JV.X. represents gingerbread 2.3.3 and above.
Gingerbread is the latest release, so i would go for one of them, The one at the bottom of the page on samfirmware will be the very latest, Which i think is JVR
So look for I9000XXJVR.
flash that in ODIN and job done you should be back up and running and with the latest release.
The rest is upto you . i.e going to a custom ROM / rooting ect...
i feel more and more like a noob....
I started Odin, and there u can choose for the pit file, or for the pda file (which is the one i should use i guess), but also u have the choices of re-partition auto reboot and f. reset time. Which of those 3 (or non at all) i should use?
I dont know what has happened. I choose for only reboot after flashing. Flashing went okay, but now it seems to be stuck in a loop. The Galaxy S screen gets followed up by a Swisscom screen in a seemingly endless loop.
Worse, with volume down - power on i can not come in the download menu anymore...
Any advice would be much appreciated now.....
Also when trying a re-partitioning via Odin it doesnt work?
Found the solution. Using Odin 1.8 did the trick. I used Odin 1.3 which probably couldnt flash the 2.3.4, while when i tried with Odin 1.8 it worked flawlesly.
Thanks for your help!
Hello all,
I recently bought samsung galaxy s i 9000 it was pre loaded with froyo 2.2 and when ever i connect it to kies it gets connected for the first time and then onn if i disconnect it will never get connected unless i restart the phone.. I tried to update the firmware several times and it downloads the files but gets disconnected in between. I badly wanted to change to ginger bread and just loaded with odin.. Now, I started having the real problem its getting stuck most of the times and i had to open the task manager to free the ram.
But the video player is supporting more formats and no problem connecting with kies.. and i used it for sometime. Now while hanging up a call its getting stuck frequently. And once i had to lose most of my balance.
I decided to roll back my firmware to froyo 2.2 but I came to know I might lose the warranty tampering with O.S.. Is that really so?? And I got an asian version of froyo 2.2.1 for march 2011 from one of the threads and I flashed it into my phone. Now, kies is telling that this version cannot be updated. Can some one please suggest me
1) How I can get back my official firmware...which can also support updates in kies.
2) And Is that possible to retain warranty with any firmware?
I had to spend the whole of sunday over this please suggest me...
Thank you
go to samfirmware.com try search see u got luck there got upload the version for ur country... juz flash with odin... very easy....
Flash 2.3.3
ovsanjay said:
Hello all,
I recently bought samsung galaxy s i 9000 it was pre loaded with froyo 2.2 and when ever i connect it to kies it gets connected for the first time and then onn if i disconnect it will never get connected unless i restart the phone.. I tried to update the firmware several times and it downloads the files but gets disconnected in between. I badly wanted to change to ginger bread and just loaded with odin.. Now, I started having the real problem its getting stuck most of the times and i had to open the task manager to free the ram.
But the video player is supporting more formats and no problem connecting with kies.. and i used it for sometime. Now while hanging up a call its getting stuck frequently. And once i had to lose most of my balance.
I decided to roll back my firmware to froyo 2.2 but I came to know I might lose the warranty tampering with O.S.. Is that really so?? And I got an asian version of froyo 2.2.1 for march 2011 from one of the threads and I flashed it into my phone. Now, kies is telling that this version cannot be updated. Can some one please suggest me
1) How I can get back my official firmware...which can also support updates in kies.
2) And Is that possible to retain warranty with any firmware?
I had to spend the whole of sunday over this please suggest me...
Thank you
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Go to www.samfirmware.com and register. Download the ROM you want. I'm currently using XXJVR (Android 2.3.4). It is quite stable.
Then, use Odin to flash the ROM onto your device. Make sure you backup all your important data. I recommend MyBackupPro. It's available in the Market.
Then, switch off your phone completely and put it in 'Download Mode' (Volume Down + Home + Power). Connect it to your PC. Make sure you have the drivers installed.
Follow the instructions given on the website to flash with Odin. The XXJVR ROM has only 1 tar file. So, you're gonna have to use this procedure--> http://www.samfirmware.com/Odin I9000 2.png
Best of luck! Do let us know how it goes!
Hi All
I was playing around with custom roms on my phone and stupidly managed to brick the phone.
I accidentally clicked the option repartition in ODIN when flashing a ROM...... I think this is how I bricked it.
I want to get it back to the official Optus 2.3.6 I9000XWJW6_I9000OPSJV6_OPS, I downloaded this official ROM from here (SamMobile)
If I try to install the above rom the phone just gets stuck on the start-up screen. (I notice errors in the phones recovery when trying to install the official firmware)
Or if anyone can get me back to a working phone with working firmware that would be awesome.
Any help would be much appreciated...
Found the solution!
This worked, thank god.
have a look here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=30415128&postcount=1