This was created when we didn't have S-OFF yet.
If you have S-OFF or /system overlay script you won't need to go through all the steps simply download adfree android.
I know most of you will be able to do this. But I believe that it might not be as easy for the beginners. So here is a little walk through.
1. Download Adfree Android
2. Wait for it to determine local hosts then click on download and install hosts.
Now it will try to replace /system/etc/hosts but fail (it should reboot the phone but it didn't reboot mine)
4. go to adb and reboot your phone into recovery (with power on+volume down OR the command: "adb reboot recovery")
5. Open up the recovery-windows (start recovery-windows (make sure your in the right directory))
6. mount your system and sdcard you might be able to just use mount and mount everything but I've mounted them serperatly.
Here's how: "adb shell mount /system" next "adb shell mount /sdcard"
7. Now we're going to put it in the etc directory where it should be: "adb shell cp /sdcard/hosts /system/etc"
8. reboot the phone ("adb reboot")
That should remove most of the adds.
I know it's explained on a really low level of knowledge but I wanted to make it accessible for all of you.
Only the needed codes:
1. adb reboot recovery
2. start recovery-windows
3. adb shell mount /system
4. adb shell mount /sdcard
5. adb shell cp /sdcard/hosts /system/etc
6. adb reboot
has it the option to only block browser ads? when I tried it time ago it couldn't. I don't like to block the app ads
No it removes the adds everywhere. It simply blocks the links to adds. it doesn't actually remove them. they are still being called but they just don't show up.
I have this very same problem for a long time now, with the constant reboots etc.
Followed your steps, but after the reboot, as soon as I press the button to update the hostfile, it reboots my phone
Thanks anyway...
PirateNL said:
I have this very same problem for a long time now, with the constant reboots etc.
Followed your steps, but after the reboot, as soon as I press the button to update the hostfile, it reboots my phone
Thanks anyway...
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Do you have root access?
Have you checked if the hosts file is at the root of your SD?
A good guide, if a little misplaced, but another option is the /system overlay.
JonasDroid said:
Do you have root access?
Have you checked if the hosts file is at the root of your SD?
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Yes and yes
where is the most recent hosts file? I'm using a vibrant and it says it worked, but of course, it doesn't. And it doesn't copy the hosts file to my sdcard either ? odd
Hello ,
Finally I got Adfree working
Ok it's not perfect because app continue to reboot the phone after updating the hosts file ,
and we need to copy it manually in recovery mode but it better than nothing
Thank you very much JonasDroid for this little How to .
For me step 5
JonasDroid said:
5. adb cp /sdcard/hosts /system/etc
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adb shell cp /sdcard/hosts /system/etc
Yeah indeed its adb shell cp thx for letting me know
Sent from my Legend using XDA App
Can you link me the apk of adfree? I can't download the app from my phone
BTW it's 'ADs" single d
short for advertisment (notice the single d?)
Fixed that English is not my main language
Sent from my Legend using XDA App
JonasDroid said:
5. Open up the recovery-windows (start recovery-windows (make sure your in the right directory))
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Can't get "start recovery-windows" to work. What is the "right directory"?
Things seems to have worked for me without that portion. Many thanks, I will now change my review in the market for that app from one star to three stars. If they include a note describing this problem upfront I may bump it up further.
It could simply be called start recovery (depending on where you got your rooting tools)(if you've got the from The Unlockr you'll need the -windows)
If you have S-OFF or if you use an /system overlay script these steps aren't needed. (It was created when we didn't have S-OFF for our legends yet.)
Anyone having problems with adfree scripts on Legend since Froyo update? Neve had a problem witha rooted 2.1, but have lots of problems since rooted Froyo 2.2
It seems HTC may have some service which is checking for modifications to symlinks etc.
When I run adfree in my S-off CM7, i get an
Someone else having this?
I had some problems at first, but reinstalling adfree android from market seemed to help. No problem now with CM7 (01/03 from ali ba) and s-off.
adfree no block ads!
i install the adfree on my legend with 2.2 with sense.
i did download the host from the app all work ok got a message say it was success install and need to restart the phone.
i did it but still get all the ad like before on all apps.
pls help!
Have you followed the steps? (explained in first post)
Note that you should have a rooted legend (if you don't know what that is then you don't have one)
Can anyone plz tell me how access adb shell ive tried open it from run in the computer but it only opens for like milli second then it closes. Can someone plz tell me what am doing wrong:-( thanks
Sent from my E15i using XDA App
open adb with command prompt (cmd)
try to reboot your pc maybe drivers haven't finished installing into system.
Thank you for this post
this forum is relly helpfull and usefull
for me I was waiting for more than 1 and 1/2 months to find a way to unlock my X8
this afternoon i have tried the ADB methode for unlocking Samsung galaxys
the methode on xda developper is correct and works perfectly
I was wondering to do so for my experia but no way
please help me to make it working cus I change it with my samsung galaxy fit and no I do not have Handhelp
I think If it too hard to access Adb shell (so do I) you can use Android Emulator instead
Hi everybody. I have a problem with rooting my kindle fire hd. I used this method Method1, Method2, Method3.
In first method all proces has been end sucesfull but my kindle nothing rooted (in superuser i don't see anything aplication.
In second method it's this same.
In third method I can't get permision to create data/local.prop
adb shell
[email protected]:/ $ echo 'ro.kernel.qemu=1' > /data/local.prop
echo 'ro.kernel.qemu=1' > /data/local.prop
/system/bin/sh: cannot create /data/local.prop: Permission denied
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What I do wrong? I have two superuser apps on my kindle but anything don't get root permision to my es file explorer. I buy this few days ago and I never install before root to my kindle.Please help me.
I restore to factory settings, install root from method1 and now device has been rooter. I don't know why in first time i can't set root to aplication. Now all is ok. You can close this topic
Rooting KindlefireHD 7.2.3
after i have typed echo 'ro.kernel.qemu=1' > /data/local.prop
kindle told me i have no persmission to do it. But remove hide tmp folder i can be able
anybody can help how to continue?
Rooting KindlefireHD 7.2.3 - success
dagelo said:
after i have typed echo 'ro.kernel.qemu=1' > /data/local.prop
kindle told me i have no persmission to do it. But remove hide tmp folder i can be able
anybody can help how to continue?
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okey. So, after dancing with ... :cyclops: i was able to get root in my kindlefirehd. Unconfortable was that all this magic i did from my Windows 7 I wasnt able to do it from my gentoo. Dunno still why.
So, about rooting process in windows -> First problem was that adb.exe from both methods (in archve archive) didnt see my Kindle device, despite of fact that kindle storage presented in My computer. Every time i run adb.exe its told me that please insert device or device not visible for ADB.
Then, adb.exe devices returned me only empty output lines.
This problem was fixed by download Andloir SDK tools and copy ADB.EXE from platform-tools to the both unzipped directories from these rooting methods.
After completed first method my kindle was very slow. Second methond with Qemu solved it somehow
So, now i can edit some files via simple built-in texteditor. Also, TitanimBackup now installed on my device.
Also, there is a one note about linux. Especial for gentoo distribution with hardened kernel. Something (dont know still what exactly, maybe PaX configuration) causing that adb returns error :
ADB server didn't ACK
* failed to start daemon *
error: cannot connect to daemon
If you run
adb nodaemon server
it will show you exactly the reson what is wrong. In my case it was:
error: Operation not permitted: cannot create input thread
Solving with command paxctl -m /path/to/file/adb
Hope somebody will found my note useful.
rooting kindle fire hd 8.9
I have tried all methods. Just factory reset and tried method 1,2 and 3 again. Method 2 give this message Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE] after the daemon loads. I am downloading the Android SDk to try and get the latest adb program. Maybe that will work. Any HELP!!:fingers-crossed:
First things first lets get your sdk and drivers setup correctly.
1. Download the sdk package from here
2. Open the file you downloaded and take the sdk folder and the sdk manager file and copy it to you hard drive. C:/sdk** C Being the hard drive letter.
3. Now you need to open up sdk manager and go to tools menu and select manager addon sites. Now select user defined sites tab and select new and enter this site. and click ok.
4. You need to click the following boxes to install the packages you need. TOOLS, ANDROID 4.0.3 (api 15), and EXTRAS. Then click install packages to install them.
5. Now you need to install JDK from here
6. Now you need to install your basic java from here
7. Now you need to install kindle fire hd adb drivers from here
8. Now shut down your kindle and connect your kindle to your pc and let it boot all the way and unlock the lock screen.
9. Now you need to run this tool
And select option 1 and on your kindle when tbe screen pops up asking to restore go ahead and tap on restore.
10. When your kindle restarts the lock screen should turn black and look funny ( if this does not happen then run the tool again untill it does) Now unlock the lock screen.
11. Now you need to run this tool and select option 1
When it says press enter to proceed make sure you wsit till it fully boots and you unlock the lock screen before continuing to next step. Once all steps are completed you should have root.
Open superuser to activate itand enjoy.
Pm me if you have any questions or just reply here.
Sent from my KFTT using XDA Premium HD app
Hinzman420 said:
First things first lets get your sdk and drivers setup correctly.
1. Download the sdk package from here
2. Open the file you downloaded and take the sdk folder and the sdk manager file and copy it to you hard drive. C:/sdk** C Being the hard drive letter.
3. Now you need to open up sdk manager and go to tools menu and select manager addon sites. Now select user defined sites tab and select new and enter this site. and click ok.
4. You need to click the following boxes to install the packages you need. TOOLS, ANDROID 4.0.3 (api 15), and EXTRAS. Then click install packages to install them.
5. Now you need to install JDK from here
6. Now you need to install your basic java from here
7. Now you need to install kindle fire hd adb drivers from here
8. Now shut down your kindle and connect your kindle to your pc and let it boot all the way and unlock the lock screen.
9. Now you need to run this tool
And select option 1 and on your kindle when tbe screen pops up asking to restore go ahead and tap on restore.
10. When your kindle restarts the lock screen should turn black and look funny ( if this does not happen then run the tool again untill it does) Now unlock the lock screen.
11. Now you need to run this tool and select option 1
When it says press enter to proceed make sure you wsit till it fully boots and you unlock the lock screen before continuing to next step. Once all steps are completed you should have root.
Open superuser to activate itand enjoy.
Pm me if you have any questions or just reply here.
Sent from my KFTT using XDA Premium HD app
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It worked for me! Thank you!
Try this man
Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
Your welcome I too had a horable time rooting until I pieced this together. Glad it helped
Sent from my KFTT using XDA Premium HD app
Hinzman420 said:
First things first lets get your sdk and drivers setup correctly.
1. Download the sdk package from here
2. Open the file you downloaded and take the sdk folder and the sdk manager file and copy it to you hard drive. C:/sdk** C Being the hard drive letter.
3. Now you need to open up sdk manager and go to tools menu and select manager addon sites. Now select user defined sites tab and select new and enter this site. and click ok.
4. You need to click the following boxes to install the packages you need. TOOLS, ANDROID 4.0.3 (api 15), and EXTRAS. Then click install packages to install them.
5. Now you need to install JDK from here
6. Now you need to install your basic java from here
7. Now you need to install kindle fire hd adb drivers from here
8. Now shut down your kindle and connect your kindle to your pc and let it boot all the way and unlock the lock screen.
9. Now you need to run this tool
And select option 1 and on your kindle when tbe screen pops up asking to restore go ahead and tap on restore.
10. When your kindle restarts the lock screen should turn black and look funny ( if this does not happen then run the tool again untill it does) Now unlock the lock screen.
11. Now you need to run this tool and select option 1
When it says press enter to proceed make sure you wsit till it fully boots and you unlock the lock screen before continuing to next step. Once all steps are completed you should have root.
Open superuser to activate itand enjoy.
Pm me if you have any questions or just reply here.
Sent from my KFTT using XDA Premium HD app
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I hear you about this being a nightmare. I'm pretty sure got all pre-req, adb drivers and i've checked adb devices and the device appears but i keep getting system/bin/sh permission denied message.
what do i need to fix?
Widodude said:
I hear you about this being a nightmare. I'm pretty sure got all pre-req, adb drivers and i've checked adb devices and the device appears but i keep getting system/bin/sh permission denied message.
what do i need to fix?
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Try deregistering your kindle and reinstall java then try rooting again. Dont ask why but this worked for me.
Sent From My Kindle HD Running Kinology Rom
Had to factory reset kfhd7 and when I did, it booted up like an android phone. ... Now there's no browser and I can't get play to work. Usb debug is enabled but when I connect to the computer to try and push a browser, my computer doesn't recognize it. I have all the newest drivers installed and just about every program that I can think of (adb, sdk, jdk) What I don't have is a fastboot cable. Any ideas?
Missing my kindle
Edit* So I do have chrome installed but when I open it, I get an error message saying "critical functionality required to run chrome is missing; either your chrome installation is incomplete, or not compatible with this version of android"
Terminal emulator installed too but when I try to open it I get a "terminal emulator has stopped" error.
Super SU installed, works.
No es file explorer
Ok, so I decided to open cmd just to see if I can recognize my device.... and it did! So how can I fix my kindle if adb is connecting?
Edit#3 adb devices shoes device but when running a command, it says "device offline"....
Edit#4 plugged usb into another port and reloaded drivers = adb connects, device is online. I have tested by pushing an app to the sdcard. My goal now is to be able to push es file explorer to /system/app/ .... or ..... /data/app/ ...... or where ever it will become active for use. (you know what I mean?) I don't know how to change the permissions via adb and push to system folder. I believe I have successfully pushed es file explorer to the /sdcard/ but I have no idea where to go next.
Now what..... ?
How to Install Packages using adb install
Krsmqn said:
Had to factory reset kfhd7 and when I did, it booted up like an android phone. ... Now there's no browser and I can't get play to work. Usb debug is enabled but when I connect to the computer to try and push a browser, my computer doesn't recognize it. I have all the newest drivers installed and just about every program that I can think of (adb, sdk, jdk) What I don't have is a fastboot cable. Any ideas?
Missing my kindle
Edit* So I do have chrome installed but when I open it, I get an error message saying "critical functionality required to run chrome is missing; either your chrome installation is incomplete, or not compatible with this version of android"
Terminal emulator installed too but when I try to open it I get a "terminal emulator has stopped" error.
Super SU installed, works.
No es file explorer
Ok, so I decided to open cmd just to see if I can recognize my device.... and it did! So how can I fix my kindle if adb is connecting?
Edit#3 adb devices shoes device but when running a command, it says "device offline"....
Edit#4 plugged usb into another port and reloaded drivers = adb connects, device is online. I have tested by pushing an app to the sdcard. My goal now is to be able to push es file explorer to /system/app/ .... or ..... /data/app/ ...... or where ever it will become active for use. (you know what I mean?) I don't know how to change the permissions via adb and push to system folder. I believe I have successfully pushed es file explorer to the /sdcard/ but I have no idea where to go next.
Now what..... ?
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Sorry for the delayed response, we have been real busy the last few days. You may use the
following command to install or reinstall software on the Kindle:
adb kill-server
adb start-server
adb devices
android update adb
If adb is working move on to install software:
adb install package-whatever.apk
You need to make sure the .apk software package in in the same directory as adb. If
you can not get the Kindle stable you may need a USB Factory Cable, you may order
one from XDA User SkOrPn just send him a PM with the subject Factory Cable Info Please,
include your ship to country and number of cabled needed. He will respond with a PayPal
Invoice. The cable is about $15 USD and is worth every penny since it allows quick
recovery of your Kindle.
I want to thank you for all your help. Unfortunately, my issue was kind of a rare issue. I had deleted some amazon apps that were system apps. I tried your solution time and time again to no avail. I was stumped until I remembered a thread I saw in development.
I was able to download and unzip the 7.2.3 update version and simply install the apks that I was missing. Then, as far as google play went, I just went into System>Applications>Installed Applications>Appstore (Amazon)> Force stop, clear data & cache. Reinstalled Vendor.apk and then updated. Viola!
The USB notification came back, as well as all the other options in settings. Problem solved. Hope this helps future users.
Follow Up - Feedback
Krsmqn said:
I want to thank you for all your help. Unfortunately, my issue was kind of a rare issue. I had deleted some amazon apps that were system apps. I tried your solution time and time again to no avail. I was stumped until I remembered a thread I saw in development.
I was able to download and unzip the 7.2.3 update version and simply install the apks that I was missing. Then, as far as google play went, I just went into System>Applications>Installed Applications>Appstore (Amazon)> Force stop, clear data & cache. Reinstalled Vendor.apk and then updated. Viola!
The USB notification came back, as well as all the other options in settings. Problem solved. Hope this helps future users.
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Great post Krsmqn, I am glad to hear your problems are solved! We offer a fresh copy of the /system/app
folder here:
Anyone who is experiencing odd issues can download this folder and side load it back to the Kindle through
adb or ES File Explorer. Thank you again, I was getting a bit worried.
I saw a lot of threads asking for instructions on how to use ADB to reboot into recovery, Push/Pull Files, etc, etc.
Just follow this guide to set up ADB in 5 seconds WITHOUT THE ANDROID SDK.
This ADB setup is less than one MB and no need to download the entire useless (for us, anyway) Android SDK.
1. Extract the Mini ADB archive attached below to any folder.
2. Just use the RunME.bat file to open a console directly in the ADB folder, so you can get started directly without the cd command!
To reboot into recovery:
Extract, Open RunMe.bat, type adb reboot recovery.
That easy.
Just make sure to have LG Phone Drivers installed beforehand.
Get Drivers here: Here
thanks mate ,, i never used adb when i get bootloops ,, i thought its complicated
rrgrrg said:
thanks mate ,, i never used adb when i get bootloops ,, i thought its complicated
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Now you see how easy it is! Did you try it?
Its Super simple!
Does it work on any Android?
cm9 htc a310e
Yes.. It works when debugging is On.....
But how to get into recovery when we have bootloops or system force close
Type adb reboot recovery... it's in the op...
Sent from my LG-P970 using xda app-developers app
When you have bootloops:
Remove battery.
Re insert.
Connect phone to computer using USB.
Try to turn on phone, when bootanimation keeps looping,
run the runme.bat, type adb reboot recovery.
And remember to press thanks
Sent from my LG-P970 using Tapatalk 2
thanks ykumar00 :good:
You can use adb also to install applications from your pc. I keep copies of my apks on windows machine - sending via usb and installing from phone is a tedious task (mounting usb, copying file, unmounting, waiting for sdcard scanning, navigating to apk file, installing). Just type:
adb install -r name.apk
USB debugging should be on.
I've created a batch and registry entry so I just make right click on apk and choose "install to sd" or "install to phone"
kretos said:
You can use adb also to install applications from your pc. I keep copies of my apks on windows machine - sending via usb and installing from phone is a tedious task (mounting usb, copying file, unmounting, waiting for sdcard scanning, navigating to apk file, installing). Just type:
adb install -r name.apk
USB debugging should be on.
I've created a batch and registry entry so I just make right click on apk and choose "install to sd" or "install to phone"
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That's just one thing adb can do! Apart from reebooting normally and recovery, You can push/pull files to/from any folder, you can take logcats, and on ics, you can use adb to even take phone backups!
Also, could you share the bat and registry file? Looks interesting.
Sure, I'll post it here in the evening (in 4 hours)
Yup it would be really very useful and if someone has something to share related to adb please do so... it would be really very usefull for all ob users.
Sent from my LG-P970 using xda app-developers app
I could add it to the OP. With credits of course....
Ok, here you go:
the scripts assume that adb.exe is extracted to e:\MiniADB\
download attachments and remove .txt extension from them.
put scripts install.bat and install_tel.bat to e:\MiniADB and run (double click and confirm in Vista/W7/W8 to run as administrator) apk_install.reg.
After that you will get two options in context menu for apk files:
Install in phone
Install in SD card
First option will install application in phone's memory, second in sd card. If application is already installed, it will be overwritten.
If you wish to put MiniADB somewhere else you have to:
modify install.bat and install_tel.bat and replace e:\MiniADB\ with your path
modify apk_install.reg and replace e:\\MiniADB\\ with your path but remember to make all \ doubled \\
if you want to put MiniADB into c:\Android\MiniADB then replace e:\\MiniADB\\ with c:\\Android\\MiniADB\\ in a .reg file
Those scripts are for Windows only. I'm not sure if it works for Windows NT/9x as registry file format was changed as I remember.
USB debugging must be on in a phone to adb work properly. Phone must be connected to computer
Sorry for delay
When trying adb, I am having this problem.
Sent from my LG-P970 using xda premium
vishaldhamnekar said:
When trying adb, I am having this problem.
Sent from my LG-P970 using xda premium
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the command is "adb reboot recovery".
dcop7 said:
the command is "adb reboot recovery".
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Ohhh sorry,my mistake. I didn't read it carefully.
And Thanks...