[Q] Safestrap: How to create romslot at ext sdcard - Motorola Atrix HD

at Safestrap Recovery V3.1, how can I create the romslot at ext SD?
I only able to create one romslot at internal SD

for right now, that is all you can do


sd card help

I have 3 files on my sd card that needs to be pushed to my EXT3. These files are from my old sd card.
Files are
They are currently on my fat32 partition of my new sd card.
What commands do I use in adb to push these files to EXT3 ?
Can you give the commands for terminal as well because with my new sdcard I can't boot into the Rom
For some reason also with my new sd card I can't boot into the rom even after a nanoid restore and reflash of the rom.

[Q] CWM: Can't mount SD. Can mount EMMC.

Hello everyone.
I am trying to install a new ROM but when I boot into CWM and try to create a Nandroid Backup it says that it cannot mount the internal sd card. But when I go to 'install zip from sdcard' it accesses the card and its contents perfectly.
This is reversed for the EMMC. I can mount EMMC from 'Mounts and Storage' yet cannot access from 'install zip from internal sdcard'
This is annoying since I need to create a backup recovery, and then install the ROM.
Any ideas?
I have the same problem
Try using CWM other version
Sent from my LG-P990 using Tapatalk
I'm probably not saying anything new to you but it seems that CWM has some trouble with our O2X's scheme for internal/external memory, because O2X uses an "internal card".
However, you can check this thread for a CWM that uses the internal memory a bit better, and maybe you can consider just using internal memory?

[Q] Partition Size for 4G SD card

I am helping a friend to root her LG P970 and I am thinking to flash boybe's cm7.
Should I make any changes to the SD card partition? If yes,
What is the best partition for a 4GB SD card in my situation?
Put the card inside phone and format(options > storage > format). This is the best option, I think.
No need to format the SD Card at all (unless you want to get rid of the junk from some apps you won't be using anymore), no need to create partitions... Just put boype's .zip file on the SD card. Then go to CWM and do wipe data/factory reset and wipe cache partition. After that in CWM go to install zip from SD card and choose boype's.zip. That's it.. ofc you have to be on a rooted OB with patched CWM.

Backup on internal SD

I hope anyone can give me an advice for my 'problem. It is the first time for me rooting my device... but I want CM 10^^
I have used unlockroot to root my device (http://www.unlockroot.com/). Then I installed the ROM Manager. Flashed Clockworkmod..Then I tried to make a backup.. Somehow the ROM Manager makes the backup of my system on the internal SD card into the folder 'clockworkmod -->backup' and not on my 16GB external SD Card.
1) Shouldn't clockworkmod be on my external SD-Card?
2) If I wipe everything before I install a new ROM. Will I loose my backup?
3) Should I care that the backup is on my internal SD?
Thanks for any help!!!
Here is what Clockworkmod shows me, when doing a backup:
ClockworkMod Recovery c5.0.2.0
Waiting for SD Card to mount
SD Card mounted...
Verifiying SD Card marker...
SD Card marker not found...
Checking Internal SD Card marker...
ROM Manager Version
October 26, 2012
SD Card space free: 3523MB
Backing up boot image
Backing up recovery image...
Backing up system...
Backing up data...
Backing up .android_secure...
Backing up cache...
No sd-ext found. Skipping backup of sd-ext.
Generating md5 sum...
Here are te steps I have taken:
1.) Install drivers ( I am on v20Q stock ROM)
2.) Root mit unlockroot
3.) Update SuperUser
4.) Download ROM Manager
5.) Flash Clockworkmod
5) Backup with ROM Manager
1) Go here, install the external version of, problem solved.
2 & 3) No, wiping does not touch the internal sd-card. However, some other procedures do, like smartflash, so it's best to have the backups on the external card.
TrymHansen said:
1) Go here, install the external version of, problem solved.
2 & 3) No, wiping does not touch the sd-cards. However, some other procedures do, like smartflash, so it's best to have the backups on the external card.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks! wow, that was fast!
I am a noob. Therefore my question: How do I install the new clockworkmod? Do I push "Install ROM from SD Card" in ROM Manager and then choose the .zip file? Should I do any wipe before?
by the way: I do not care if my backup is on my internal SD or external. So do I need to have the backup on my external SD if I install a new ROM? (I mean I can make a copy of the backup on my PC...)
Just dowload the archive in thread I linked to, unpack it, connect your phone (debugging enabled) and run the external .bat-file. That's it.
No, you don't need to have the backups on your external.

[Q] Move apps to SD card

I can't move apps from my internal storage to external storage.I tried app2sd,link2sd,but told me it can't move.What can I do?I have a motorola milestone A853 rooted with android 2.2.1.
You need an ext partition to move apps that do not support native app2sd.
This should be accomplished easily with this recovery: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1091787&highlight=partition
But remember to make a backup of your SD card first - everything will be erased.
ok but how i install minimod?from open recovery?
It's a replacement for Open Recovery.
Just copy the update.zip and "Open Recovery" folder from MiniMod to your SD card and boot to recovery as usual.

