Avatar Rom
// RazrHD XT926
// Android 4.1.2
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Always do a backup before flashing, responsibility lies with the operator of the device ultimately
General Info
Of all the open-sourceish MIUI alternatives this rom wins, It is absolutely fantastic in every regard, I love it.
General Features
-MIUI Security
-MIUI Swipe Keyboard
-MIUI Notes
-MIUI-ish Theme Manager (accessed through CMs themes, requires internet connection to DL and first-time boot)
-MIUI Weather (US only)
-MIUI Status Bar
-MIUI Framework themes
-MIUI Calculator
Known Annoyances
-Camera, other CM10 inherent issues
-USB mounts are somewhat messed up :S
Do a full wipe and install via the usual method in CWM or touch recovery, whichever you use
3/10/13: AvatarRom
Big thanks to
Specifically every person here that does source work
Misc Notes
Hey guys, this rom should be stable It has a distinct feel all It's own, that's for sure.. please leave feedback asap
This Rom has a built-in theme manager, to access it just go to 'themes' in settings while online, This rom can apply MIUI themes which can be found there.
Thanks for continuing to develop for us. Its appreciated.
If I read that right... This will work with twrp on the dev phones?
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Xparent Cyan Tapatalk 2
GoClifGo05 said:
Thanks for continuing to develop for us. Its appreciated.
If I read that right... This will work with twrp on the dev phones?
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Xparent Cyan Tapatalk 2
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Don't know for sure, it was based on Dhackers CM so if his does, this will.
In the next few weeks I'll bring a few fun roms over to the 926 & 925 respectively but I want to make sure that both AvatarRoms are bugfree before moving on to the next.
and plus I have to update the 926 remics at some point; oi.
Its 20 of 4. I'll flash this tomorrow and let you know if it boots up for me.
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Xparent Cyan Tapatalk 2
Downloading will this have a nav bar?
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using xda premium
---------- Post added at 02:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:15 PM ----------
I flashed and everything went fine but only briefly showed the setup and went back to the boot animation..
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using xda premium
triskropf97 said:
Downloading will this have a nav bar?
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using xda premium
---------- Post added at 02:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:15 PM ----------
I flashed and everything went fine but only briefly showed the setup and went back to the boot animation..
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using xda premium
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Werd, is your phnoe plugged into a PC while installing because that could be the problem
It's crazy there are 6 Downloads but only 1 person giving feedback, can I get some confirmation on the working order of this
Tquetski said:
Werd, is your phnoe plugged into a PC while installing because that could be the problem
It's crazy there are 6 Downloads but only 1 person giving feedback, can I get some confirmation on the working order of this
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Nope it wasn't.. I tried reflashing the rom lik cm10 but still boot loops... I wanna get it up sooo bad!
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using xda premium
Possible noob question: If this is CM10 based, how come it doesn't have the same issues?
jldr said:
Possible noob question: If this is CM10 based, how come it doesn't have the same issues?
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The OP says it does.
Tq is aware of this, but for others benefits, it does not install with TWRP on the dev phones. Stick with CWM.
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Xparent Cyan Tapatalk 2
jldr said:
Possible noob question: If this is CM10 based, how come it doesn't have the same issues?
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Known Annoyances
-Camera, other CM10 inherent issues
I did read that, but I didn't interpret "annoyances" as broken. It's more than an annoyance. That makes it sound like it's just buggy.
triskropf97 said:
Downloading will this have a nav bar?
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using xda premium
---------- Post added at 02:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:15 PM ----------
I flashed and everything went fine but only briefly showed the setup and went back to the boot animation..
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using xda premium
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Ditto on my part with that. Goes to the start up screen to choose the language and loops into the boot. Then back to language set up for a brief second then back to boot
GoClifGo05 said:
The OP says it does.
Tq is aware of this, but for others benefits, it does not install with TWRP on the dev phones. Stick with CWM.
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Xparent Cyan Tapatalk 2
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You think that would be the case with the consumer version?. I don't see why a recovery wouldn't let install a rom though. I'll try a different recovery maybe.
Never mind cause it doesn't work with the dev one either so its not a recovery
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk 2
jldr said:
I did read that, but I didn't interpret "annoyances" as broken. It's more than an annoyance. That makes it sound like it's just buggy.
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Exactly. I kind of have a question about that. Cm10 has a working camera, so I was wondering why it wasn't working here. Is that because of the locked bootloader or is the base build being used older?
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk 2
---------- Post added at 09:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:59 PM ----------
koftheworld said:
Exactly. I kind of have a question about that. Cm10 has a working camera, so I was wondering why it wasn't working here. Is that because of the locked bootloader or is the base build being used older?
Keep up the awesome work tq! Any word on that vanilla cm10 build? :beer:
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk 2
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Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk 2
So Tquetski are we doing something wrong? Or? Will there be a fix soon? Cuz I'd luv to see this thing up n going..
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using xda premium
im getting the same as everyone else, boots for a second then bootloops
No, It's the base I used to port from, tomorrow I will post a working build of this for you folks.
Tquetski said:
No, It's the base I used to port from, tomorrow I will post a working build of this for you folks.
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That's great can't wait!
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using xda premium
Tquetski said:
No, It's the base I used to port from, tomorrow I will post a working build of this for you folks.
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Thanks man you rock.
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk 2
koftheworld said:
Exactly. I kind of have a question about that. Cm10 has a working camera, so I was wondering why it wasn't working here.
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For the 926?
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk 2
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Original Jelly Bean Fastboot Files for DROID RAZR M Verizon
Android 4.1.1 ---- 98.12.4.XT907.Verizon.en.US
Any chance you guys get the Telstra (AUS) firmware or run us Aussies through how to extract one from our devices?
Note we're BL unlockable if that helps.
How can we use this firmware on a retail version, knowing that BL is locked?
Any instructions/description will be greatly appreciated
safsaf_asm said:
How can we use this firmware on a retail version, knowing that BL is locked?
Any instructions/description will be greatly appreciated
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you use this in conjunction with RSD Lite. put the razr m in fastboot mode, run rsd lite, browse for this, and extract & flash it. itll take a bit, but bring you back to fully stock 4.1.1
antp121 said:
you use this in conjunction with RSD Lite. put the razr m in fastboot mode, run rsd lite, browse for this, and extract & flash it. itll take a bit, but bring you back to fully stock 4.1.1
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What's the benefit of this ROM? Is it an update to the jelly bean already out there?
Sent from my XT907 using xda app-developers app
Benifit is that we can look into the file now instead of OTA or Blind Flashing.
Also if you screw up u can Fast boot flash this Firmware with RDSLite.
Now my question is does any one have the JB AUSSIE Radio 4.1.1 ?
Or will the AUSSIE 4.0.x Radio work in here ?
Aussie radio from ICS works fine with this so far.. will test tomorrow in lte coverage area too.
Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk 2
Works for me also on Verizon phone.
Still curious if we can get a Australia fast boot. I think theirs maybe less bloated ?
Again thanks for the fast boot files
Germanese said:
Works for me also on Verizon phone.
Still curious if we can get a Australia fast boot. I think theirs maybe less bloated ?
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There's a tonne of Verizon bloat in these fastboot images that's for sure.. however, much of it is easily removed
Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk 2
Did a factory wipe, and flashed just boot and system on my Aussie RAZR M.
Everything works except LTE. When it kicks over to LTE it can see the network and connect to it, but the data connection doesn't establish (ie the 4G symbol does not appear and data connectivity doesn't work, despite strong signal in a 4G area).
Any ideas on what may need to be tweaked to get LTE data to work? Data works fine on UMTS.
Sent from my XT905 using Tapatalk 2
apacheo said:
There's a tonne of Verizon bloat in these fastboot images that's for sure.. however, much of it is easily removed
Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk 2
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So you're saying we can reimage an Telstra phone using the Verizon fastboot then separately pushing the radio fastboot afterwards?
wintermute000 said:
So you're saying we can reimage an Telstra phone using the Verizon fastboot then separately pushing the radio fastboot afterwards?
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Just flash the system and boot partitions. However, lte doesn't seem to work. Gsm and umts do though.
Sent from my XT905 using Tapatalk 2
In the process of trying to get LTE going, I managed to fry it, so I'm going to have to do a re-install this afternoon. Only shame of it is, I don't live in an LTE coverage area, so I can't test.
So for me, it's a question of do I want smooth jellybean goodness with (at most) DC-HSPA, or do I want ICS with LTE ... grunt, why can't I have both!?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
apacheo said:
In the process of trying to get LTE going, I managed to fry it, so I'm going to have to do a re-install this afternoon. Only shame of it is, I don't live in an LTE coverage area, so I can't test.
So for me, it's a question of do I want smooth jellybean goodness with (at most) DC-HSPA, or do I want ICS with LTE ... grunt, why can't I have both!?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
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Are you using an Aussie one?
Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk 2
antp121 said:
Are you using an Aussie one?
Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk 2
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Sure am. Unlocked Aussie RAZR M (XT905)
apacheo said:
Sure am. Unlocked Aussie RAZR M (XT905)
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And its LTE?
Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk 2
antp121 said:
And its LTE?
Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk 2
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Of course it is
---------- Post added at 05:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:06 PM ----------
apacheo said:
Of course it is
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Having said that it's LTE, I've followed these instructions:
Apparently this should get LTE working outside the US ... will give it a try when a chance avails.
I still don't get why we need this file because we already had the OTA and that's how I updated my phone through RSD Lite. Forgive me for saying this, but it's just my opinion.
Sent from my XT907 using xda app-developers app
---------- Post added at 09:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:10 PM ----------
Just trying to understand more clearly is all. So I respect anyone who is uploading files ROMs for our phone. I truly believe this is the greatest Android phone on the market today.
Sent from my XT907 using xda app-developers app
alwaysbelieve1 said:
I still don't get why we need this file because we already had the OTA and that's how I updated my phone through RSD Lite. Forgive me for saying this, but it's just my opinion.
Sent from my XT907 using xda app-developers app
---------- Post added at 09:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:10 PM ----------
Just trying to understand more clearly is all. So I respect anyone who is uploading files ROMs for our phone. I truly believe this is the greatest Android phone on the market today.
Sent from my XT907 using xda app-developers app
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Simple. For people who have modded their ICS firmware, the OTA won't apply unless they revert to stock first. At least with this, they can flash jellybean, then mod their rom again.
Plus it's also nice to have something to reimage your phone with if you screw it up
camera JB
Are anybody can upload camera and gallery and all additional files from JB?
First of all, I am a beginner (at best) and have no idea what I'm doing, so if you reply, don't get too technical with me because I won't understand
I have an unlocked Verizon Droid 3... well, actually two of them. I have one and my husband had one, but he got the Nexus 4 and switched to Tmobile. I want to switch too, but I really love my Droid 3 and don't want to get a new phone. I have heard that there are ways to make my phone work on GSM so that I can insert a Tmobile SIM card (which I already have), but I am really dumb when it comes to this stuff so I have no idea where to begin. I haven't unlocked the phones yet, but have the unlock codes from Verizon. As I mentioned, I already have a Tmobile SIM card, so I'm ready to go, just need some instructions (in layman's terms, please?).
Thanks in advance everyone!
Layman's terms: either get ready to read a lot and learn a lot, or get someone else to do it for you.
Also, here is thread for learning material: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1406812
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
edictiF Can
SithDagger said:
Layman's terms: either get ready to read a lot and learn a lot, or get someone else to do it for you.
Also, here is thread for learning material: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1406812
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
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Funny thing... the link you provided was the first place that I looked... found it through a Google search. However, the first download, to flash the phone if it's not stock, doesn't work. So that didn't really get me very far
Thanks for the suggestion though!
if you have not flashed a custom rom phone is stock and you can skip step one
Sent from my XT862 using xda premium
---------- Post added at 09:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:12 PM ----------
menu>system>about phone>system version 890 or 906?
Sent from my XT862 using xda premium
sd_shadow said:
if you have not flashed a custom rom phone is stock and you can skip step one
Sent from my XT862 using xda premium
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I'm using my husbands unused phone, because I need mine to remain connected to Verizon for the time being. His phone isn't stock, so I have to flash first. Any good links to flash that actually work?
which system version?
Sent from my XT862 using xda premium
---------- Post added at 09:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:15 PM ----------
if 890 use 890 sbf and rsd lite
if 906 use 906 one click
both links here
sd_shadow's list of links for Droid FAQs, SBF, Rooting, ROMs.... https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Goawxdx_UBF4Y8lqzHYWf8Ha3yUcRK4faq0UWIlXLWA/edit
Sent from my XT862 using xda premium
sd_shadow said:
which system version?
Sent from my XT862 using xda premium
---------- Post added at 09:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:15 PM ----------
if 890 use 890 sbf and rsd lite
if 906 use 906 one click
both links here
sd_shadow's list of links for Droid FAQs, SBF, Rooting, ROMs....
Sent from my XT862 using xda premium
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How do I know if I'm 890 or 906?
sd_shadow said:
if you have not flashed a custom rom phone is stock and you can skip step one
Sent from my XT862 using xda premium
---------- Post added at 09:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:12 PM ----------
menu>system>about phone>system version 890 or 906?
Sent from my XT862 using xda premium
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read my posts
Sent from my XT862 using xda premium
sd_shadow said:
read my posts
Sent from my XT862 using xda premium
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You're not being helpful. I am not knowledgeable. I'm sorry if I'm inconveniencing anyone, but I thought the point of forums was for people who have information to share it with people who don't.
what part of
menu>system>about phone>system version 890 or 906?
don't you understand?
sd_shadow said:
what part of
menu>system>about phone>system version 890 or 906?
don't you understand?
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Your answer was "read my posts." I'm not a tech person. How am I to know what you are referring to?
Please don't treat me like crap because I'm not a techie. If you don't have the patience to educate me, then please don't respond anymore. I am so turned off to this site now because I was told that it was a good place for me to ask experts and get advice, but apparently if you're not already an expert no one will treat you with any respect.
tap the menu button, tap settings, scroll down to about phone
---------- Post added at 09:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:42 PM ----------
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sarajoz said:
Your answer was "read my posts." I'm not a tech person. How am I to know what you are referring to?
Please don't treat me like crap because I'm not a techie. If you don't have the patience to educate me, then please don't respond anymore. I am so turned off to this site now because I was told that it was a good place for me to ask experts and get advice, but apparently if you're not already an expert no one will treat you with any respect.
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Don't take it the wrong way, we generally expect that people have a basic level of knowledge when they get into android modding, we also encourage people to research and learn on their own, and as such we're more likely to point someone to a resource than walk them step by step
Also keep in mind that written word doesn't always convey tone. More than once I've written a post with humour in mind that people have taken offensively
Sent from my DROID3 using xda premium
sarajoz said:
Your answer was "read my posts." I'm not a tech person. How am I to know what you are referring to?
Please don't treat me like crap because I'm not a techie. If you don't have the patience to educate me, then please don't respond anymore. I am so turned off to this site now because I was told that it was a good place for me to ask experts and get advice, but apparently if you're not already an expert no one will treat you with any respect.
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Sorry if anyone seems rude, we just do expect a bit of experience/self study before asking as phone modification is a very dangerous thing if you don't know exactly what you're getting into. But trust me, we are willing and happy to help.
Please check your system version by tapping the menu button (while at the home screen) then tapping settings. OR opening the app drawer and selecting settings. Scroll to the bottom to "About phone" and tap on it, the System version should be on this page. Please type out what it is so we can further help.
or turn phone off, hold volume down button & power, to boot
AP Fastboot Flash Mode
0A.64 you can only use .906 1-click-sbf.exe + tools [10-8-2012]
0A.53 you can use 2.3.4/5.6.890.xml or 5.5.959.xml
If you are on 906, do you need to reflash to the earlier version or can it still be moved to, say, ATT without doing that?
If you have to, does that pretty much clear the phone of all data?
this assumes I am stock (but rooted)
Deleted all info as there are few people who just complaining , sorry folks but there's a few bad apples that are disrespectful to us helpful xda members
Sent on my Gummy running Lenoto X
flashallthetime said:
Ok tired of answering thus question constantly
To accept and flash an ota you must have the following phone set up
1) Stock recovery. No it will no flash with twrp or cwm
2) All root removed completely from your system
3) Xposed framework completely removed from your system, uninstalling will not work,you need to flash the xposed Disabler zip
4) Any mods to any system file must be reverted to stock
5) Running the stock odex ROM
6) Any system apps frozen must be unfrozen
If you have at any point of time flashed any 4.4.2 firmware along with the boot loader 30.B3 or 30.B4
Sent on my Gummy running Lenoto X
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i posted this at the top of my guide but this is more indepth i am going to add it to it great work
dray_jr said:
i posted this at the top of my guide but this is more indepth i am going to add it to it great work
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I have answered this question 15 times already so I thought its time for another thread, I must be a :banghead:
Sent on my Gummy running Lenoto X
flashallthetime said:
I have answered this question 15 times already so I thought its time for another thread, I must be a :banghead:
Sent on my Gummy running Lenoto X
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no i agree im wondering if there is away that when you sticky a thread that it shows up at the top in all the moto x sub-forums
I'm trying to figure out where my problem is. I wiped and flashed the stock 4.4 firmware, flashed stock recovery, made sure I did a full unroot and I'm getting an error while flashing the new OTA. Some type of roboto-font error. I'm going to get a screen shot in just a minute. Just wondering if you fine folks had any ideas
Sent from my XT1053 using Tapatalk
I was hoping someone would make something like this. I'm already through the process now but thanks, I'm sure it will help a lot of people
Devans32 said:
I'm trying to figure out where my problem is. I wiped and flashed the stock 4.4 firmware, flashed stock recovery, made sure I did a full unroot and I'm getting an error while flashing the new OTA. Some type of roboto-font error. I'm going to get a screen shot in just a minute. Just wondering if you fine folks had any ideas
Sent from my XT1053 using Tapatalk
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Really , what I would suggest is download the ota again, probably a quirk in the original download, you can also wait for the sbf firmware and flash it manually
Sent on my Gummy running Lenoto X
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Sent from my XT1053 using Tapatalk
---------- Post added at 08:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:59 PM ----------
I redownloaded and I get the same. Guess I'm just going to wait on the sbf files
Sent from my XT1053 using Tapatalk
Devans32 said:
Sent from my XT1053 using Tapatalk
---------- Post added at 08:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:59 PM ----------
I redownloaded and I get the same. Guess I'm just going to wait on the sbf files
Sent from my XT1053 using Tapatalk
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Wait man,it ain't worth screwing up your phone for a small update, one thing I want you to check is what bootloader version do you have. You can find this out by going to the fastboot screen
Sent on my Gummy running Lenoto X
Yea I'm definitely not going to push my luck haha
Sent from my XT1053 using Tapatalk
---------- Post added at 08:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:14 PM ----------
Bootloader is 30.B2
Sent from my XT1053 using Tapatalk
Devans32 said:
Yea I'm definitely not going to push my luck haha
Sent from my XT1053 using Tapatalk
---------- Post added at 08:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:14 PM ----------
Bootloader is 30.B2
Sent from my XT1053 using Tapatalk
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Ok so it just started to update, your boot loader is the 4.4 boot loader which is a good thing as you will not suffer from a hard brick flashing the new boot loader. You're ok to flash the complete sbf firmware
Sent on my Gummy running Lenoto X
Man I wish the sbf files were out already. I got excited for nothing lol
Sent from my XT1053 using Tapatalk
Devans32 said:
Man I wish the sbf files were out already. I got excited for nothing lol
Sent from my XT1053 using Tapatalk
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Which carrier?
Sent on my Lenoto A2109 tablet
Sent from my XT1053 using Tapatalk
Devans32 said:
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Devans32 said:
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Well in my opinion people are royally screwing up there phones but what you can do is replace the fonts folder with one from here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2638090
Or I can upload the fonts folder for you but no guarantee it will work
Sent on my Lenoto A2109 tablet
I appreciate it man. I'm just going to wait. If I bork my phone I don't want it to be because I'm too impatient
Sent from my XT1053 using Tapatalk
Devans32 said:
I appreciate it man. I'm just going to wait. If I bork my phone I don't want it to be because I'm too impatient
Sent from my XT1053 using Tapatalk
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Good, by tomorrow the crap will hit the fan again, every time there's a new ota people hard brick there phones. hopefully I'm wrong but I doubt it
Sent on my Lenoto A2109 tablet
Haha no it'll definitely happen. I'm just going to do my best not to be one of the hard bricks. Thanks man
Sent from my XT1053 using Tapatalk
Devans32 said:
Haha no it'll definitely happen. I'm just going to do my best not to be one of the hard bricks. Thanks man
Sent from my XT1053 using Tapatalk
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No problem:thumbup:
Sent on my Lenoto A2109 tablet
I have a couple of newbie questions, so please excuse my inexperience.
I have an XT1053 T-Mobile version with an unlocked bootloader, TWRP, 4.4, and Xposed.
First of all, will I lose system/app data at any point while trying to get my phone to accept the OTA safely?
Secondly, what would be the best method to revert my recovery back to stock?
Thirdly, how would I fully remove xposed to accept the OTA? In the thread for Xposed, there is an attached file called "Xposed-Disabler-Recovery.zip", but the only thing in the .zip is a file called "update-binary". What am I supposed to do with this file, and do I do this before or after uninstalling the framework via the app?
Once again, sorry if the answers to these questions seem obvious, but I haven't been able to find an answer by skimming some related threads and this seems like the right place to ask.
Im on Tmobile and am rooted and with some custom stuff and can't flash the stage fright OTA so I want to flash the Factory image to not lose data. Would anybody know what I need to flash from the factory image to get me up to date? Would it be ok to flash everything except user data? Thanks in advance!
Nocturnal86 said:
Im on Tmobile and am rooted and with some custom stuff and can't flash the stage fright OTA so I want to flash the Factory image to not lose data. Would anybody know what I need to flash from the factory image to get me up to date? Would it be ok to flash everything except user data? Thanks in advance!
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If your referring to a stock image, nexus. System.... Stage fright I a part of the base media and there's quite a few libraries. I believe there was some device ID changed.
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---------- Post added at 08:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:29 PM ----------
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---------- Post added at 08:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:30 PM ----------
713brianp27 said:
If your referring to a stock image, nexus. System.... Stage fright I a part of the base media and there's quite a few libraries. I believe there was some device ID changed.
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---------- Post added at 08:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:29 PM ----------
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And yes userdata isn't a partition that needs updating but..... Are you flashing the same system your on? Imagine your on a ROM, don't like it so you switch but keep data (don't want to lose anything), well your new ROM, be it factory based , aosp.. Won't be the same system. Therefore that data you kept will probably cause issues.
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713brianp27 said:
If your referring to a stock image, nexus. System.... Stage fright I a part of the base media and there's quite a few libraries. I believe there was some device ID changed.
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---------- Post added at 08:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:29 PM ----------
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---------- Post added at 08:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:30 PM ----------
And yes userdata isn't a partition that needs updating but..... Are you flashing the same system your on? Imagine your on a ROM, don't like it so you switch but keep data (don't want to lose anything), well your new ROM, be it factory based , aosp.. Won't be the same system. Therefore that data you kept will probably cause issues.
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Yes Im stock just rooted and have a custom kernel.
Are you changing builds? You can definitely keep your kernel.
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713brianp27 said:
Are you changing builds? You can definitely keep your kernel.
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I just want change the last Tmobile build to the current Tmobile build.
You may be Ok. If its just an exploit fix. But you are gonna have to flash the firmware (boot loader , radio) if you want to change the build version. Don't need cache, boot, data).
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713brianp27 said:
You may be Ok. If its just an exploit fix. But you are gonna have to flash the firmware (boot loader , radio) if you want to change the build version. Don't need cache, boot, data).
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Ok great. So just system, boot loader, radio is what's required to update and keep my data and settings and all? Would I be ok to or would it cause issues to just flash everything but user data or would that be unnecessary.
Nocturnal86 said:
Ok great. So just system, boot loader, radio is what's required to update and keep my data and settings and all? Would I be ok to or would it cause issues to just flash everything but user data or would that be unnecessary.
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Only need boot loader/radio on a custom ROM. To updrade but on stock you want the system also. Cache, data are basically empty.
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713brianp27 said:
Only need boot loader/radio on a custom ROM. To updrade but on stock you want the system also. Cache, data are basically empty.
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Yea Im on stock so I guess I'll just flash those 3, thanks for helping me out! Just want to patch up my phone with no issues and be on with my life lol
Nocturnal86 said:
Yea Im on stock so I guess I'll just flash those 3, thanks for helping me out! Just want to patch up my phone with no issues and be on with my life lol
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713brianp27 said:
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I understand that. I can't flash the OTA cause I have a modified kernel and am rooted and all. I tried.
Nocturnal86 said:
I understand that. I can't flash the OTA cause I have a modified kernel and am rooted and all. I tried.
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Why can't you?
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713brianp27 said:
Why can't you?
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because Im not completely stock as I mentioned before. Im rooted and have a custom kernel... I flashed the system image so I should be good now.
You can still flash the firmware, it is just bootloader, radio? Your build number didn't change did it? I changed from D to Z on custom ROM using these.
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713brianp27 said:
You can still flash the firmware, it is just bootloader, radio? Your build number didn't change did it? I changed from D to Z on custom ROM using these.
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It's not needed. System.img would be enough.
Build.number changes when updating the rom (system) nothing to do with radio or bootloader
I flahsed bootloader, radio, and system and went from E to J.
Did that just to be sure but all went well, I kept root and the customer kernel and all my data.
I have used Google so please help out here. I want to flash back to the 5.1.1 radio and bootloader because I want to go back to a 5.1.1 rom
Does anyone have a link to get back? Android M doesn't really offer anything extra so losing stuff really wasn't worth it.
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zmedhaug said:
I have used Google so please help out here. I want to flash back to the 5.1.1 radio and kernel because I used some mods that don't work on Android M 6.0
Does anyone have a link to get back? Android M doesn't really offer anything extra so losing stuff really wasn't worth it.
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All our guides can be found in Nexus 6 general. Look at the sticky threads.
zmedhaug said:
I have used Google so please help out here. I want to flash back to the 5.1.1 radio and kernel because I used some mods that don't work on Android M 6.0
Does anyone have a link to get back? Android M doesn't really offer anything extra so losing stuff really wasn't worth it.
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What are you asking for? There's a few radios, and stock kernel?
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---------- Post added at 01:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:11 PM ----------
Here's googles factory downloads.
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713brianp27 said:
What are you asking for? There's a few radios, and stock kernel?
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---------- Post added at 01:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:11 PM ----------
Here's googles factory downloads.
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The radio and bootloader is what I need for 5.1.1
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OK. Send me a pm. I have some, I'll get you what you need.
Official Team Bliss Flo/Deb/v410 Maintainer
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zmedhaug said:
The radio and bootloader is what I need for 5.1.1
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You know these don't affect the functionality of the ROM though, right? That they don't help any functionality issues that you have on M
danarama said:
You know these don't affect the functionality of the ROM though, right? That they don't help any functionality issues that you have on M
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Correct but I'll need to go back to them to run a 5.1.1 rom
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713brianp27 said:
OK. Send me a pm. I have some, I'll get you what you need.
Official Team Bliss Flo/Deb/v410 Maintainer
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Just saw your reply. I am looking to go back to 5.1.1
I need the bootloader and radio. I know Verizon has a separate radio. That's the one I need. thanks a bunch man
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zmedhaug said:
Just saw your reply. I am looking to go back to 5.1.1
I need the bootloader and radio. I know Verizon has a separate radio. That's the one I need. thanks a bunch man
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No problem. That would be 101R. I'll send it. Check tour xda inbox in a sec
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zmedhaug said:
Correct but I'll need to go back to them to run a 5.1.1 rom
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No, you wont... They're backwards compatible.
simms22 said:
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Who you derpin..[emoji39] [emoji33] [emoji41]
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zmedhaug said:
The radio and bootloader is what I need for 5.1.1
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no its not. you CAN try and use whatever radio works best, and you can use the newer bootloader on older android versions. i go back and forth all the time.
---------- Post added at 08:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:31 PM ----------
713brianp27 said:
Who you derpin..[emoji39] [emoji33] [emoji41]
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posted in the wrong thread :angel:
simms22 said:
no its not. you CAN try and use whatever radio works best, and you can use the newer bootloader on older android versions. i go back and forth all the time.
---------- Post added at 08:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:31 PM ----------
posted in the wrong thread :angel:
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@simms22 not everyone's a simms [emoji529] there's your banana analogy
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simms22 said:
no its not. you CAN try and use whatever radio works best, and you can use the newer bootloader on older android versions. i go back and forth all the time.
---------- Post added at 08:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:31 PM ----------
posted in the wrong thread :angel:
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Yes thank you Simms. I kept the bootloader and radio and I'm rocking and rolling on 5.1.1 You Sir are the man.... Chigga chigga!
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713brianp27 said:
@simms22 not everyone's a simms [emoji529] there's your banana analogy
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thats not quite a banana analogy :silly:
oh, and im outta thanks
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---------- Post added at 09:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:21 PM ----------
zmedhaug said:
Yes thank you Simms. I kept the bootloader and radio and I'm rocking and rolling on 5.1.1 You Sir are the man.... Chigga chigga!
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and i recommend that you try all the radios, and use the one that fits your situation the best
Yeah I told him to base radio on service not #. Limit on thanks? How's that logical. Thinking you'll run around just build up thanks. Lol
713brianp27 said:
Yeah I told him to base radio on service not #. Limit on thanks? How's that logical. Thinking you'll run around just build up thanks. Lol
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yea, limit. just in case i decide to thank all my friends and nobody else
zmedhaug said:
Yes thank you Simms. I kept the bootloader and radio and I'm rocking and rolling on 5.1.1 You Sir are the man.... Chigga chigga!
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Hey man, just Simms. Lol Glad your groovin
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713brianp27 said:
Hey man, just Simms. Lol Glad your groovin
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and i got my thanks back