my phone's build.prop sais:
I bought the phone from a store in Greece and not from an Operator and i use it with Greek Op... When I bought it, about a month ago I did an OTA update to the version 10h...
My questions are:
1) Is it safe to do a manual update with an Euro Open Version or a Greek Version for v20a or i'll have to stay with TMO (which i think it means T-Mobile)?
2) Will that change the operator in my phone and what other changes are made (except from the s/w version changes. for ex does it change the target_country?)?
3) From the store i bought it they said that I have full waranty from LG Hellas for 2 years. If I can and do the update to the Euro Open or Greek V. will I loose the waranty?
4) If I can do the manual update can you provide me a link with the steps to do it?
Thank you very much!
anyone??? please i feel so idiot that i cannot update it!
go to this link, it will open white page, in adress bar after "=" sign at the end just put your IMEI number and hit enter, copy info WITHOUT you phone IMEI and paste here
Regarding your questions:
1. It is safe like you do this with ota or lg tool, every flash have risks
2. No change
3. Yes, and no, if your currently phone software is online aka http://lg-phone-firmware.com/index.php?id_mod=15 and you can download it and flash it then you have no worry about warranty, but if isn't and if you flash v20, and in the meanwhile you need to use your warranty..then you cant go back to latest stock software for you phone and maybe you have problems than..because you cant use recovery phone in lg tools for reverting to stock for two reason: Obviously there isn't jet JB for your region otherwise you would not post these questions, and second if you update manually to v20 only way to reverse to stock is to use different method (downgrading) also included in link above(problem if you dont have matching v10h software if you have some branding apps included). Or you can wait official JB for your phone's region. So check that you can download from internet your currently stock software.
4. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=36676469&postcount=1 look here for methods, i use it all including LGFlash tool (this method is not in the list) and never had problems..
Freddowar said:
my phone's build.prop sais:
I bought the phone from a store in Greece and not from an Operator and i use it with Greek Op... When I bought it, about a month ago I did an OTA update to the version 10h...
My questions are:
1) Is it safe to do a manual update with an Euro Open Version or a Greek Version for v20a or i'll have to stay with TMO (which i think it means T-Mobile)?
2) Will that change the operator in my phone and what other changes are made (except from the s/w version changes. for ex does it change the target_country?)?
3) From the store i bought it they said that I have full waranty from LG Hellas for 2 years. If I can and do the update to the Euro Open or Greek V. will I loose the waranty?
4) If I can do the manual update can you provide me a link with the steps to do it?
Thank you very much!
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1) Software-wise it is safe. It is also possible to go back to LG-P880-V10h-NOV-19-2012 if you want to later.
2) It won't change your operator. Also, your phone should remain linked to Greece (or perhaps Germany as that's in your build.prop) and T-Mobile by IMEI.
3) I don't know whether the T-Mobile version has additional software installed, but it seems likely. They should be able to tell that that software is missing. If you don't have any specific T-Mobile software on the phone they probably cannot tell the difference after you go back to LG-P880-V10h-NOV-19-2012. Of course you can be smart about it and make a CWM-backup + Titanium Backup of ALL your apps so you can restore everything after reinstalling LG-P880-V10h-NOV-19-2012. In that case they cannot tell the difference. Note: You need to then also remove CWM and root after the restore before you send it in for repairs.
4) I preferred this method: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2069723.
thank you both!!! very much!!!!
hpnxfox said:
3. Yes, and no, if your currently phone software is online aka http://lg-phone-firmware.com/index.php?id_mod=15 and you can download it and flash it then you have no worry about warranty, but if isn't and if you flash v20, and in the meanwhile you need to use your warranty..then you cant go back to latest stock software for you phone and maybe you have problems than..because you cant use recovery phone in lg tools for reverting to stock for two reason: Obviously there isn't jet JB for your region otherwise you would not post these questions, and second if you update manually to v20 only way to reverse to stock is to use different method (downgrading) also included in link above(problem if you dont have matching v10h software if you have some branding apps included). Or you can wait official JB for your phone's region. So check that you can download from internet your currently stock software.
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Fortunately, the rom he has is standard, so he just needs to worry about potential extra apps. Root+Titanium backup should cover that, as he can reflash->root->restore all apps+data with Titanium Backup->remove root.
Dear all
I write this post as I hope to get some input and some expert suggestions on the course of action I should take with my phone.
For many years I have been supplied with a phone through my company but it seems to be always the crappy old Nokia. Good for making telephone calls but worthless for anything else.
So recently I bought a Galaxy S on a business trip to China. I love the phone, it works and by now I have almost no Chinese letters and applications left anymore. This is really something else; I'll never go back to the company Nokia. Never!
I think most of the applications are working and I have access to the Android Marked. However, Youtube is not installed or working and I think that the GPS is a little off.
Now I read a lot about Froyo and I bet I would want to get that on my phone, I am also pretty sure that I want to get the phone totally de-Chinese and preferably into something Danish or at least English.
What do I do next?
I have been reading so much on this site that I am getting dizzy. Flashing, rooting, updating, kies(hey, I actually got it working now (again) ) Odin, JM1, JPK etc.
Now my phone has the following;
ProductCode: I9000HKDVD2
Phone: I9000BUJG1
SalesCode: VD2
Reading through posts on this forum I never saw anyone with the same codes as mine.
Model number: GT-I9000
Firmware version: 2.1-update1
Kernel version: 2.6.29 [email protected] #2
Build number: ECLAIR
As mentioned, I bought the phone in China and I have no idea if it is branded (with Google printed on the back cover) has been unlocked, but I suspect it has. It has been rooted (I have a little black ninja guy giving Superuser Permission) and there is a folder-like icon named "root(and some Chinese letters)"
Well, as I said I have Kies running again. First it was running fine then it stopped connecting to the phone and now after unmounting the external SDcard I can again access the phone from my PC.
Through Kies I can do a firmware update. But should I?
Will it be re-locked?
Will it get all the Chinese stuff back?
Will it somehow be converted into a European phone?
Should I wait for the official Froyo or just go ahead and update?
I can update again when the Froyo finally arrive?
Do I need to make backup of any of my "system" files before doing anything?
Any help suggestions and/or warnings will be appreciated.
If you can do an upgrade through Kies it will aslo tell you what the update is (JG2 for example) since you have what I gues is a chine salescode, you will probably get a chinese update .. What you can do, is goint to the devlopers section and read the topic about spoofing your productcode in the registry so Kies thinks you have phone from another provider / country than that what you have now
I am almost certain that if you can enter an old danish firmware in the registry and a danish productcode you will get offeren a new new danish firmware through kies ..This will not relock your phone ( if it was locked before) as far as I know only the froyo builds will do that.
I have been reading some more on the forum and found that the phone is actually branded.
Model [Country of Origin](Branded Phone Carrier) = Code
I9000 [Germany](Vodafone) = GT-I9000HKDVD2
I have also checked out the 3-button combo which seems to be disabled on my phone. I'll get this fixed before doing anything.
So I want to update to the froyo release and will probably be uding the Kies hack to do this. I'll use the XEE code which I believe will give me the danish language as an option.
Do I need to make backup of some of the system files before doing this?
In some poste there is talk about backing up some system files before upgrading as there is some information which is needed to unlock the phone again.
Well. I am still investigation this issue.
Now I am looking into using odin and firmware from samfirmware . com. Probably to JPA or JPO? Then I have been reading about the DocRambone ROM and will probably try that.
However they suggest to "- Check Simlock and Network lock is OFF *#7465625#". When I do this I am promted with a "Rejected" message.
Can anybody please tell me what this means?
I do not want to start messing with it before I know that the phone will not be locked after flashing to new firmware?
If it will be locked then what is the procedure of unlocking anagin. I have already made backup of the "nv_data.bin.md5" and the "nv_data.bin". Having these files is the same as having backup of the /efs? Reason for asking is that I cannot find /efs on the root of my phone.
Please help!
I have a question regarding to software update:
The latest version on my phone is v10a, but in Hungary we have the v10c update.
(and i think more updates are coming)
So, I can't update my phone via wifi (it says authentication error), neither via lg pc suite tool (it says this is the latest sw version).
I bought this phone in a local gsm shop, and I think this phone is from abroad, that is the reason why I can't update it. The shop just installed Hungarian language and unlocked it.
Do you have any advise, trick or something what can I do in this case? Because I don't want to bring my phone to the shop every time when a tiny update releasing.
Thanks in advance!
(btw as I know installing the latest original lg sw to this phone won't solve my problem)
You can find what you need in android development forum. There is a thread call firmware flashing rooting. You shound find: 1. methods to flash firmware . 2. Link to download firmware (page maintained by Luivit).
Remember, do it at your own risk. You may end up brick you phone, it would be a real pain if you don't have warranty.
Sent from my LG-P970 using XDA Premium App
These are probably newbies questions but I could not find a definitive answer for them. Basically, I think I am having some mismatch between my CSC code and my location.
I bought my GT-N7000 in Senegal (where I live) a bit more than a year ago, with a GB ROM. A couple of weeks afterwards, I received an OTA update (pushed) without any issue, apparently the last one on GB. Then the Note was caught in a storm and the motherboard was fried. The local after-sales service ordered a new motherboard, which was installed in August. Since then, I have not received a single OTA notification.
A few weeks ago, I tried to force OTA to check updates, but I keep getting a Server connection error. I installed Kies but am then getting the Device not supported error, though I have not rooted the phone or changed anything from the stock base. I also tried both processes while visiting in France, using a French (Bouygues) sim card but with a similar result.
The *#1234# maneuver gives the following:
Phone: N7000UBKK3
The CHO CSC code is confirmed on Kies. Apparently, this is a code for Chile, so I don't quite understand why I would have it for a Senegalese phone. When using the 272 + IMEI code, I also get the CHO code, with no alternative choice.
I tried looking through various sources, here and on SM, but cannot find any confirmation as to what the CSC code for Senegal should be (i.e some national code or a regional / open one), as I did not check this with my initial motherboard.
The local after sales service has no idea about any of this ("you should not try to update too much via OTA, your will fry your motor") and they suggest the current GB 2.3.6 ROM is indeed the latest one available here. So my questions are:
1. Is there a way to confirm this latter assertion?
2. In case there is in fact a newer stock ROM but the CHO "discrepancy" (provided it is indeed a mismatch) prevents it from being reachable on OTA and Kies, to which code should I change my CSC to make them available again?
3. Should this change not be possible (or the CHO code be the correct one), which ROM (most likely JB) should I use via Odin to be sure I will still be able to use any and all of my local setup. Since there is no reliable Wifi here, I have to rely on 3G (this gets all the more tricky since I am using a small operator (Expresso) instead of the large Orange one) so losing the expresso APN in the flashing process is not an option (I understand crashing APNs can be a drawback of flashing non-national ROMs on Odin, maybe I'm wrong).
Sorry if this is all very basic, but not finding any specific, local info is getting a bit frustrating
You can try CSC Changer from play store but i doubt that you will find csc for your country there, even if you do and you choose it, it will format your phone. JB update is available in Africa but not in your country, nearest one being south africa and kenya. You can flash firmware for any of these countries. Regarding APN Settings: if you are rooted used TBP to backup your APN settings or even My Backup Pro can also backup your APN Settings which you can restore after flashing firmware for any of the 2 countries mentioned above.
Make sure to format everything from recovery (ofcourse after backup) and flash JB using Odin.
Good Luck!!!
Hi guys,
I know there are many similiar threads to this one and I'm sure I've read most of them. Either my issue is different, or, if the answer was in one of them, I was too stupid to realize it.
With my S4 Active GT-I9295 I had to go back to stock ROM for the Samsung S-Health and Gear related apps.
I came from spegelius' (absolutely awesome) Google Edition for SGS4A (int'l) v0.9.9.-od2 and flashed the Samsung Stock 4.4.2 with Odin (*). The procedure was: Flash -> Factory Reset -> Flash again to be absolutely sure all files are updated. Currently, I rooted the phone.
My problem persists:
After a reboot I (usually; not always) am able to make normal phone calls.
After some time (sometimes minutes, sometimes hours) I no longer have sound.
I do not hear ringing, the callee can't hear me, I can't hear the callee.
Same problem if I'm being called
Establishing a connection though works always.
Mobile Data is not affected.
WiFi works
Also observed after factory reset -> re-flash, only enter WiFi PW and Google Login Data -> try phone call
I know this problem often arises from a baseband/modem mismatch. So I investigated my CWM backup of the pre-installed 4.2.2 ROM.
That's what was pre-installed:
Bootloader: I9295XXUBMK3
Modem: *I did not find the info in my backup*
This corresponds to the Romanian 4.2.2: http://www.sammobile.com/firmwares/download/22586/I9295XXUBMK3_I9295OXXBMK3_ROM.zip/
That's why I flashed the direct successor http://www.sammobile.com/firmwares/download/37083/I9295XXUCNI1_I9295OXXCNI1_ROM.zip/
I tried everything I could find online, nothing helped. I am really running out of ideas. Is it possible to go back to 4.2.2 to see if the problem persists?
I do have logcat logs of the radio module before and after the problem occured. But its thousands of lines. If it helps I can upload it!
Thank you guys for your help
(*): I did some intermediate flashing of several other firmware versions (especially different baseband / CSC versions of the same 4.4.2). But I assume this does not affect the result. I used Odin v3.07 & v3.09
Edit: PS: I still think that I might have the wrong CSC Version. I know the 4.2.2 PDA/CSC matches, but I am not from Romania. I'm actually from Germany. And what makes me wonder is that I cannot select the German Keyboard Style without downloading it first. I can't remember doing something similar after unboxing the phone and setting it up for the first time.
Are you aware of this thread?
Bevare the Thanks Button
Thanks for the answer O-T!
Yes, I was aware of that thread. However, I never made it until here
Although I did the things basically as described in that posts I have a new question:
Which country is relevant for the search on sammobile? I mean, do they ask me "Where do you live" or "For which country was your device produced?".
Edit: Okay actually they ask me for the 'product code', so it's probably the latter question.
I realized that my 4.2.2 PDA and CSC also match the French version. That would match the language of my original packaging. I already flashed the French 4.4.2 once but heard only noise when calling someone. So I gave up on that one quickly. But I'll give it another shot now.
Is it possible that I had a factory installation of the firmware for country A, and when I first registered with my local carrier I received a modem update OTA for country B?
That would really surprise me. But it could explain my issues, since there is no 4.4.2 for o2 Germany, i.e. I probably wouldn't receive another modem update OTA.
(I never looked into the carrier specific firmwares because I figured they are for sim-locked devices.)
If the above is true, I understand that the only option would be to somehow downgrade my device back to 4.2.2.
I know I'm asking a lot of questions that have been asked and answered elsewhere. But by now I tried so much and nothing worked that I'm really confused and need your guidance.
I know I type too much, so a short summary.
Everything I tried so far didn't help, the stock ROM from sammobile.com doesn't help, currently I'm on 4.4.2 XEF (France)
I'm 80% sure I have the firmware for the correct country
From factory-side I definitely had an XX PDA and OXX CSC, so shouldn't all XX/OXX versions work, even if not the exact country?
What should I try next?
Is there a way to uniquely identify the country code from a backup of the /system or /data parition?
hyperion89 said:
I know I type too much, so a short summary.
Everything I tried so far didn't help, the stock ROM from sammobile.com doesn't help, currently I'm on 4.4.2 XEF (France)
I'm 80% sure I have the firmware for the correct country
From factory-side I definitely had an XX PDA and OXX CSC, so shouldn't all XX/OXX versions work, even if not the exact country?
What should I try next?
Is there a way to uniquely identify the country code from a backup of the /system or /data parition?
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I am not sure if you have done this, but one thing I always recommend is a phone factory reset from settings (not CWM/TWRP) when you are on stock firmware as this is known to correct a lot of issues caused mainly due to faulty partition / corruption. However beware of the fact that this will wipe your internal SD card therefore back it up before you do that.
If you have flashed the correct firmware for your country & carrier (if it has a separate one) where you are using the phone, and done the above then I do no see any other issue than a faulty IC that requires replacement
I am not sure if you have done this, but one thing I always recommend is a phone factory reset from settings (not CWM/TWRP) when you are on stock firmware as this is known to correct a lot of issues caused mainly due to faulty partition / corruption. However beware of the fact that this will wipe your internal SD card therefore back it up before you do that.
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Yes, I always did a factory reset. Most of the times I even flashed the firmware a second time after the factory reset. (This was recommended somewhere else.)
If you have flashed the correct firmware for your country & carrier (if it has a separate one) where you are using the phone, and done the above then I do no see any other issue than a faulty IC that requires replacement
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Now that really helps me! Thanks. BUT: There is a seperate firmware for my carrier. However, I did not purchase the phone from that carrier. That's why I never tested the carrier specific firmware. Moreover, there is only the old 4.2.2 available, so I can't test it, since I cannot downgrade.
hyperion89 said:
Now that really helps me! Thanks. BUT: There is a seperate firmware for my carrier. However, I did not purchase the phone from that carrier. That's why I never tested the carrier specific firmware. Moreover, there is only the old 4.2.2 available, so I can't test it, since I cannot downgrade.
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You can flash only the modem & non-holos from the 4.2.2 firmware and check
You can flash only the modem & non-holos from the 4.2.2 firmware and check
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Tried it and it didn't work; completely crashed my Phone Application. It rang on the other side, but no conversation was possible. Is this because of the bootloader / modem mismatch?
Does anyone have instructions to safely downgrade to 4.2.2 again? Should I open another thread for this discussion?
hyperion89 said:
Tried it and it didn't work; completely crashed my Phone Application. It rang on the other side, but no conversation was possible. Is this because of the bootloader / modem mismatch?
Does anyone have instructions to safely downgrade to 4.2.2 again? Should I open another thread for this discussion?
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Identify the bootloader version and Knox state:
Knox is not a counter - it's a like a fuse.
Hi O-T,
the bootloader is I9295XXUBMK3 and it does not yet have the warranty bit which I assume you mean by KNOX state.
Are there maybe any new ideas?
hyperion89 said:
Hi O-T,
the bootloader is I9295XXUBMK3 and it does not yet have the warranty bit which I assume you mean by KNOX state.
Are there maybe any new ideas?
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There's 3 stock 4.2.2 TW ROM I9295XXUBMK3 to choose for flash by Odin. All have different Germany CSC (Carrier Specific Code) - Generic, O2, T-Mobile. PDA=MODEM=I9295XXUBMK3 for all of them. Not sure if O2 or T-Mobile versions are locked, but they usually have operators bloat apps.
Remember to power OFF before entering download mode, flash ROM in Odin, factory reset.
Your choice.
O-T I'm so sorry. My post from yesterday was a lie; I can't read my own OP. :crying: :angel:
I9295XXUBMK3 was preinstalled
Now I'm on I9295XXUCNH2, which implies 4.4.2 and makes a downgrade to 4.2.2 impossible (afaik).
Please note that I already tried the generic German (4.4.2) firmware. I never had operater bloat apps and I bought a simlock-free version of the device. Thus I never tested the o2 / T-Mobile ones. (I did, however, once flash the o2 modem over the generic 4.4.2, which turned out to be a bad idea).
I would love to extract the modem info from my CWM backup. The bootloader / CSC strongly suggest I have a French phone, but the modem would ultimately clarify that.
What is your opinion on trying a different custom-ROM? I never built one so I have no idea from where designers obtain their NON-HLOS and modem files. I know many don't come with any of those and require an already working ROM before flashing so these drivers can be kept. On the other hand, Darkman's StockyROM has an additional modem pack.... which, in my case, didn't help.
I simply cannot believe that it's a hardware issue. Everything worked fine until the update to 4.4.2 and new radio drivers should be thoroughly tested before distribution.
I just got brand new Xperia X Performance that came with 6.0.1, and I'm trying to figure out why I can update it. It's unlocked but not rooted, basically right from the factory as far as I know.
When I go into Software Update in the phone's settings, it says "Your device already has the latest available system updates."
When I use the Sony app on my PC it says my system software is up to date.
I actually can't find anything about this issue, anybody here have any ideas?
try downloading and running xperifirm, find out if your region has the update at all, you should be able to update atleast to 7 anyway
There are a few variants that are considered as internal units or something like that and they don't get OTA updates, also HK units were stuck on 7 for some reason last time I checked. Mine is a french model, and yesterday I received the april security patches while the global variant got it two months ago
st3ch said:
try downloading and running xperifirm, find out if your region has the update at all, you should be able to update atleast to 7 anyway
There are a few variants that are considered as internal units or something like that and they don't get OTA updates, also HK units were stuck on 7 for some reason last time I checked. Mine is a french model, and yesterday I received the april security patches while the global variant got it two months ago
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Thanks for the reply.
Here's a screenshot of Xperiafirm. https://ibb.co/dUCN3T
I'm in Canada, though I'm on Freedom Mobile, not Rogers or Bell. I don't think my carrier ever sold this phone, and I'm not sure what would happen if I flashed 8.0 made for Bell or Rogers phones.
Ideally I'd like 7.1.1 Canadian generic for Xperia X Performance, but I can't seem to find that anywhere.
I've also never done this so I don't really know what I'm doing, and don't want to void my warranty!
Thanks for you help!!
Good the ROMs that you see for Canada are all latest 8.0 with May security patches and maybe your phone is one of these and the updates just got stucked for some reason.
First you have to check what kind of model you have to check this, to do so you should open the dialler and type
From the service menu you should select -> Service Info -> Software Info and look for Customization Version:
As I said mine is a french model so it states 1302-9342_R2E your should be something different but only the first 8 numbers matter
then look this number in Xperifirm if yours is everything different from Internal Unit (second column from the screenshot) then there is a easy way to try and update without loosing your warranty
First there is always a risk! But I have done this a few times for my Xperia U and Xperia M5 and had no problems at all.
Do a backup - contacts...everything you need as it will delete them
charge the phone to at least 80%
then you should go to the Xperia Companion and do a software repair, not update but repair
It should install the latest version for your phone but it shows the version it installed only when it's finished...
Even if it has not installed the latest update then just connect the phone to your wifi/LTE and try the OTA updates again (could take up to an hour)
This is the safest way that will not void your warranty in any way but will delete your info (contacts, pics..etc. ) so do a backup prior
And if possible use a laptop with a working battery as even a 1 second glitch in the grid could cause the phone to get bricked
And if your phone is imported from China and the customization number is considered as an Internal Unit the only way you could get 7.0 or 8.0 is by flashing and another ftf file as the ones for Bell Canada or Rogers, there are actually some ROMs uploaded in XperiaBlog
there could be some in XDA but I have not search for any
st3ch said:
Good the ROMs that you see for Canada are all latest 8.0 with May security patches and maybe your phone is one of these and the updates just got stucked for some reason.
First you have to check what kind of model you have to check this, to do so you should open the dialler and type
From the service menu you should select -> Service Info -> Software Info and look for Customization Version:
As I said mine is a french model so it states 1302-9342_R2E your should be something different but only the first 8 numbers matter
then look this number in Xperifirm if yours is everything different from Internal Unit (second column from the screenshot) then there is a easy way to try and update without loosing your warranty
First there is always a risk! But I have done this a few times for my Xperia U and Xperia M5 and had no problems at all.
Do a backup - contacts...everything you need as it will delete them
charge the phone to at least 80%
then you should go to the Xperia Companion and do a software repair, not update but repair
It should install the latest version for your phone but it shows the version it installed only when it's finished...
Even if it has not installed the latest update then just connect the phone to your wifi/LTE and try the OTA updates again (could take up to an hour)
This is the safest way that will not void your warranty in any way but will delete your info (contacts, pics..etc. ) so do a backup prior
And if possible use a laptop with a working battery as even a 1 second glitch in the grid could cause the phone to get bricked
And if your phone is imported from China and the customization number is considered as an Internal Unit the only way you could get 7.0 or 8.0 is by flashing and another ftf file as the ones for Bell Canada or Rogers, there are actually some ROMs uploaded in XperiaBlog
there could be some in XDA but I have not search for any
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Thanks so much for the reply...I discovered the version of Android installed on my phone is a version meant for Journalists/Reviewers/Commercial use, and can not be updated. I just got a refund for the 3-year warranty portion of my purchase after pointing this out to them. So after the 90 day warranty that came with it runs out, I'll be able to do anything I feel like with this device.
I'll be looking for a safe way to install 7.1.1 hopefully, and if not then 8.0. There seem to be less issues with 7.1.1, but there's really only one way to find out: when I start using it.
I'll definitely need a point in the right direction when it comes to that though. I understand Sony has an official flashing tool, and you have to unlock the bootloader (which is supported on my phone even with this version). But I haven't done it before and don't know how.