Hello people
My problem is this:
Last tuesday I installed a new version of Cyanogenmod on my WiFi 32GB HP Touchpad. I installed CM9 on it a year ago and had no problems in this months, but tuesday night I upgraded it to CM10. Upgraded succeded but after installing a new version of gApps via clockworkmod, I lost the Android partition, so I start tro use webOS again.
Before connecting my Touchpad to my computer, windows saids that it was a problem with the Touchpad hard drive and I selected to format it =S
Well, my Touchpad became a brick for two days until I found this forums(dot)webosnation.com(slah)webos-internals/295881-webos-doctor-12-issue-fixed(dot)html. Ok, I have webOS on it again and is working great, BUT... I cannot install Cyanogenmod 9 or another ROM. Installation get stuck before trying to resize partitions, it says that a previous CM installation was detected and and then it says something like this "Resizing partitions failed because partition size is not the same than its backup... ".
I dont know what to do, I search all the web and didnt find anything :/
Do you guys know what can I do to fix this and install CM9 again?
Im sorry if it is not easy to understand me, thats because English is not my main language
This is what appears on display after running ACMEInstaller3.
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I guess the problem is the difference between the reported free space, and the the real free space on system.
How can I fix that?
Gabonjour said:
Hello people
My problem is this:
Last tuesday I installed a new version of Cyanogenmod on my WiFi 32GB HP Touchpad. I installed CM9 on it a year ago and had no problems in this months, but tuesday night I upgraded it to CM10. Upgraded succeded but after installing a new version of gApps via clockworkmod, I lost the Android partition, so I start tro use webOS again.
Before connecting my Touchpad to my computer, windows saids that it was a problem with the Touchpad hard drive and I selected to format it =S
Well, my Touchpad became a brick for two days until I found this forums(dot)webosnation.com(slah)webos-internals/295881-webos-doctor-12-issue-fixed(dot)html. Ok, I have webOS on it again and is working great, BUT... I cannot install Cyanogenmod 9 or another ROM. Installation get stuck before trying to resize partitions, it says that a previous CM installation was detected and and then it says something like this "Resizing partitions failed because partition size is not the same than its backup... ".
I dont know what to do, I search all the web and didnt find anything :/
Do you guys know what can I do to fix this and install CM9 again?
Im sorry if it is not easy to understand me, thats because English is not my main language
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Follow this guide: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=
If you have problems with novaterm, there's a good work around on page 12.
Read the whole thing, there's lots of good information there.
If you're going to use cm10 or higher, use acmeinstaller3 to install it.
Good luck.
Edit : use acmeinstaller3 even if you're going to use CM9. Also, if you haven't done so already, update your moboot to 0.3.8 and cwm to 6.xx here's the link : hmm, can't paste. Those files are in goo.im/devs/jcsullins.
Make sure you have a full charge on the battery. You don't want to run out of power in the middle of the procedure.
Here's a good link, fixings the above : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1426244
chicle_11 said:
Follow this guide: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=
If you have problems with novaterm, there's a good work around on page 12.
Read the whole thing, there's lots of good information there.
If you're going to use cm10 or higher, use acmeinstaller3 to install it.
Good luck.
Edit : use acmeinstaller3 even if you're going to use CM9. Also, if you haven't done so already, update your moboot to 0.3.8 and cwm to 6.xx here's the link : hmm, can't paste. Those files are in goo.im/devs/jcsullins.
Make sure you have a full charge on the battery. You don't want to run out of power in the middle of the procedure.
Here's a good link, fixings the above : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1426244
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Thank you very much but... I cant access to Touchpad as root user when using novaterm in windows and linux. It doesnt say [email protected] It only shows a "]" symbol. When I type "lvm lvscan" or any other command, it says "This command doesn exist"...
I plan on installing the CyanogenMod once I get my Nexus One. I have heard many positive things from him, especially from G1 owners
My question is, is the Cyanogen wiki guide sufficient for someone who can read and understand directions? It's located here:
I have read everything and it seems to be laid out nicely! I haven't encountered any steps that were confusing at all.
My only question is the lack of partitions. I've watched some youtube videos and they are always taking about setting up partitions (using words like "ext4" and "ext6"). But this guide doesn't mention anything regarding this. Does this guide do the partitions automatically without user intervention?
I actually do have questions.
Regarding the "Flash Recovery."
1. Note: The Recovery.img should NOT be on the SD Card, it should be in the current working directory.
2. On the command prompt you opened earlier, type in the following command.....
Where exactly is the current working directory? Do I need to select it or do Ii simply enter the command "fastboot flash recovery Recovery.img"
Many thanks! I haven't done anything yet but just want to go over the steps so I don't get lost!
the working directory will likely be the tools directory of your SDK, or whatever directory you have fastboot.exe in.
Before writing in fastboot flash recovery, you need to navigate to the tools directory in the cmd prompt, either by typing "cd" then the /route/to/the/directory, or in vista and above, go to the tools directory, right click while holding shift and go to the option "open command window here"
Don't worry about partitions unless you intend to use apps2sd.
Easiest way to parition for apps2sd is with amon ra. Just follow the prompts, no directions required. Figuring out what size you want those partitions or swap, not so easy. I searched for ages without coming across anything concrete. Ended up going 64 meg swap, 1 gig ext 4 and the rest FAT.
the working directory is the place you extract the AndroidSDK file (usually in the local C drive, so it may look like this: C:\AndroidSDK-windows\tools\
once you install the usb drivers and get adb/fastboot working, you'll usually be running cmd commands from inside the "tools" folder
those directions in his wiki are perfect; as for partition, if you want to use Apps2SD, it's really simple to do as it's one of the options under Amom-RA's recovery image
Thanks guys!
So the partitioning is actually related to Apps2SD? This means that I do all the partitioning after the rom is installed?
Before, all data is lost when you partition. You can mount the sd after you partition while in amon ra and move the rom over then dismount it. Before you flash wipe everything. My advice would be to do a nandroid on the old sd to start. Then copy all files from the old sd to the pc, only takes a minute.
I went to the following http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=613217 and it worked that way. I am not sure why that method works but it does
Hmm it seems I have trouble already.
After I install the USB drivers via Android SDK, and then enable usb debugging mode,
When it installs drivers, one of them doesn't install:
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I tried using USDBDeview to remove em and reinstall em, but I end up with the same message.
I am using Windows 7 64 bit
attached below is my android sdk settings:
and what happens when i go to command prompt:
Ok if driver isn't installed, go into device manager and update Nexus One driver yourself.
Browse for this DIR C:\AndroidSDK\android-sdk-windows\usb_driver (where you have installed it etc)
Just seen you're edit, my bad.
Leoncc said:
Ok if driver isn't installed, go into device manager and update Nexus One driver yourself.
Browse for this DIR C:\AndroidSDK\android-sdk-windows\usb_driver (where you have installed it etc)
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No apologies! You are correct though. That is the why to install it if it can't automatically find it
Anyway, I managed to install it! The instructions are very clear so props to whoever created that wiki page!!
I do have one more question and it's regarding Apps2SD.
On this page, it gives instructions on how to enable and disable it.
When I go to the option menu, it doesn't allow me to select it. It's faded out. What do I do to go about enabling this?
i thought cm's instructions were enough; but thanks to the help i got here, i was able to root.
bozeefus said:
I do have one more question and it's regarding Apps2SD.
On this page, it gives instructions on how to enable and disable it.
When I go to the option menu, it doesn't allow me to select it. It's faded out. What do I do to go about enabling this?
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Usually that means you need to partition or if you are partitioned to switch to ext 4 on CM
I have tried installing Android on my TouchPad by using the rootzwiki, XDA, Idiots Guide 2.0 on YouTube and it just wont install. I have double-checked and triple-checked every step in the guides and it still will not install moboot.
When I go into USB mode and input the commands on CMD it wont do anything and it will stay in USB mode and wont go into double-penguin mode.
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I have installed Android on this touchpad before but I didn't like the early CM7 builds so I uninstalled Android and just used stock WebOS. Could that be the problem or are the guides outdated?
Is there a different method to installing Android on the Touchpad?
liftedngifted1 said:
I have tried installing Android on my TouchPad by using the rootzwiki, XDA, Idiots Guide 2.0 on YouTube and it just wont install. I have double-checked and triple-checked every step in the guides and it still will not install moboot.
When I go into USB mode and input the commands on CMD it wont do anything and it will stay in USB mode and wont go into double-penguin mode.
I have installed Android on this touchpad before but I didn't like the early CM7 builds so I uninstalled Android and just used stock WebOS. Could that be the problem or are the guides outdated?
Is there a different method to installing Android on the Touchpad?
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It's been a while since I installed android, but for CM9, I think you have to use Acmeinstaller 2.
After the CM7 methods did not work, I tried the CM9 and ACMEInstaller2 methods and it still didn't work.
liftedngifted1 said:
After the CM7 methods did not work, I tried the CM9 and ACMEInstaller2 methods and it still didn't work.
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Hmmm.. The only thing I can think of is doctor the TP and do a fresh install for android.
chicle_11 said:
Hmmm.. The only thing I can think of is doctor the TP and do a fresh install for android.
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What do you mean by doctor? Like reset the touchpad to factory settings? Because I have done that already.
liftedngifted1 said:
What do you mean by doctor? Like reset the touchpad to factory settings? Because I have done that already.
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WebOS Doctor. Read here : http://www.webos-internals.org/wiki/How_To_Recover
You said USB mode - do you mean in WebOS or within the USB loading screen ?
Also, try re-downloading the files from RootzWiki - ACMEInstaller2, moboot, cwm, and the Alpha2 ROM zip. Make sure they're placed in the proper folder on your /media partition (/cminstall, no spaces, no caps), and try that again.
Barring that, you can always try going to THIS THREAD and resetting your TP to factory - it's the most comprehensive way to clear it and start fresh.
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i have problem what i can do i am not good in inglesh
my hp touchpad after i install AOKP rom
the tablet is stuck on the moboot
i cant install or wibe or anything
when i want to wibe or boot webos rom or android its stuck
i try webos doctor and its not working its stuck in 8%
now in the moboot i see e:cant mount / cache/recovery/command
what i do please help meee
Read this guide http://en.m.webos-internals.org/wiki/How_To_Recover?wasRedirected=true
Sent from my cm_tenderloin using xda premium
well, have the same here ... actually I think all filesystem is currepted ...
in my case , can't even find any STORE folder in FS all recovery terminal commands can't help
also can't uninstall moboot !
any idea how to recover it to WebOS ! again and wipe everything
Ajeeb said:
well, have the same here ... actually I think all filesystem is currepted ...
in my case , can't even find any STORE folder in FS all recovery terminal commands can't help
also can't uninstall moboot !
any idea how to recover it to WebOS ! again and wipe everything
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Hold power and middle button at the same time, it could take 15 seconds or so. Then boot into CWM and restore your last working backup. If you don't have one, doctor might be your only option. There are several good tutorials here and in the webOS nation forum.
Good luck.
chicle_11 said:
Hold power and middle button at the same time, it could take 15 seconds or so. Then boot into CWM and restore your last working backup. If you don't have one, doctor might be your only option. There are several good tutorials here and in the webOS nation forum.
Good luck.
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same problem ... CWM recovery not able to make restore E:Can't mount /sdcard etc....
and doctor always stuck with 8% ! nothing with partition stuff is work or help !
Ajeeb said:
same problem ... CWM recovery not able to make restore E:Can't mount /sdcard etc....
and doctor always stuck with 8% ! nothing with partition stuff is work or help !
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Here's the link to the webOS doctor files: http://www.webosbuzz.com/webos-info...webos-doctors-touchpad-pre-pixi-veer-etc.html
You might have to use 3.0.0 first, as that is the only one that partitions or something.
Like I said in my previous posts, there are several good tutorials on the subject, even/specially for the 8% problem.
Good luck.
hamza palestine said:
i have problem what i can do i am not good in inglesh
my hp touchpad after i install AOKP rom
the tablet is stuck on the moboot
i cant install or wibe or anything
when i want to wibe or boot webos rom or android its stuck
i try webos doctor and its not working its stuck in 8%
now in the moboot i see e:cant mount / cache/recovery/command
what i do please help meee
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you need to get the stock rom back on there. i dont know if you have a downloader mode on that.
vol - and power and home button combined. good luck
goldflame09 said:
you need to get the stock rom back on there. i dont know if you have a downloader mode on that.
vol - and power and home button combined. good luck
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no problem with Downloader mode ! usb symbol and I always try with WebDoc.3 ... nothing happen and no partition even with terminal !!
Ajeeb said:
no problem with Downloader mode ! usb symbol and I always try with WebDoc.3 ... nothing happen and no partition even with terminal !!
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Unfortunately I don't know how to change web os as I do Samsung roms. Did you try formatting EVERYTHING?
Sent from my YP-G1 using xda app-developers app
I rooted my SM-N9005 with CF-Autoroot and tried installing the hltexx cyanogenmod 11 nightly Rom. First, I flashed Clockworkmod via Odin and put the .zip of the cm rom on the external sd card. When I tried installing the Rom, it failed: This version is for hltexx, you have htle
As far as I read, htle stands for various samsung devices, but htlexx stands for SM-N9005. I looked up my device description in the build.prop:
The first attempt to fix this was to simply change the build.prop (which might have been a stupid idea). CWM reported the same problem as before... :/
Then I flashed twrp and tried flashing the cm rom. Not only did it report a problem with the wrong phone model, it also reported that it couldn`t mount drive E (Usbstick).
My next troubleshooting approach was to erase (not delete) the file "metadata", which determines the right device as hltexx. That caused the installation to abort at the point where it usually reports the error... Adapting the metadata to hlte caused the installation to abort, too.
All metadata approaches where done on both cwm and twrp, I also tried restoring the build.prop, so I don`t manually create a difference between the Rom target device and what the ro.product.device tells.
For the sake of it, I also wiped the phone multiple times....without any impact apart from me having to get back old data soon
Someone please help me solve this problem, I did everything I could to get the rom to work. This is my first Android device and attempt to flash a custom Rom, so please don`t laugh at me if I did a stupid mistake somewhere
Ie0n said:
I rooted my SM-N9005 with CF-Autoroot and tried installing the hltexx cyanogenmod 11 nightly Rom. First, I flashed Clockworkmod via Odin and put the .zip of the cm rom on the external sd card. When I tried installing the Rom, it failed: This version is for hltexx, you have htle
As far as I read, htle stands for various samsung devices, but htlexx stands for SM-N9005. I looked up my device description in the build.prop:
The first attempt to fix this was to simply change the build.prop (which might have been a stupid idea). CWM reported the same problem as before... :/
Then I flashed twrp and tried flashing the cm rom. Not only did it report a problem with the wrong phone model, it also reported that it couldn`t mount drive E (Usbstick).
My next troubleshooting approach was to erase (not delete) the file "metadata", which determines the right device as hltexx. That caused the installation to abort at the point where it usually reports the error... Adapting the metadata to hlte caused the installation to abort, too.
All metadata approaches where done on both cwm and twrp, I also tried restoring the build.prop, so I don`t manually create a difference between the Rom target device and what the ro.product.device tells.
For the sake of it, I also wiped the phone multiple times....without any impact apart from me having to get back old data soon
Someone please help me solve this problem, I did everything I could to get the rom to work. This is my first Android device and attempt to flash a custom Rom, so please don`t laugh at me if I did a stupid mistake somewhere
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First of all this is the wrong forum. You are in the ATT Note 3 forum.
Secondly, you don't erase the meta inf folder.
If you want to fix your updater issue, go to the meta inf>com>Google>android and find the updater-script
Send it to me and I will fix it for you so it will install
Sent from my SM-N900A
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I'm loathe to write one of these desperate threads as I greatly prefer to find an existing solution already posted, but my searches are coming up short in this case. I'll freely admit that I'm probably one of the least experienced Android users on XDA, so I may need you to speak slowly and use small words/steps (if anyone responds at all).
The Problem:
I have both a Nook HD (Hummingbird) and Nook HD+ (Ovation) which were both running amaces last Lineage 14.1 builds on EMMC. At about the same time they both began crashing after booting into Lineage. On the Hummingbird, I was able to do a clean flash to get everything working again and even flashed the latest official TWRP build into recovery. With the Ovation, when I attempt to wipe/reset/format/repair/flash I get I/O errors on the Data partition, a very slow process, and in the end nothing on the EMMC has changed. At some point since, the Ovation has started to boot loop at the Nook screen. I tried to install the latest TWRP recovery image, and though the flash looks successful, recovery still has TWRP 3.0.1. I've also tried adb shell recovery --wipe_data, and tried commands to remount partitions as r/w but nothing I do seems to make any changes to the EMMC. It doesn't make any difference weather I'm working from the internal recovery, or the recovery SD card image provided by amaces (even CWM).
This thread: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/q-twrp-wiped-my-whole-device-now-i-o-errors.2444927/ and this: https://android.stackexchange.com/questions/139521/i-o-errors-opening-files-in-data-partition have led me to believe I have corrupt partition data and that fastboot would allow me to correct the issue (assuming the EMMC itself has not gone bad) but I've found statements that fastboot is not supported on Ovation and Hummingbird. I've found other statements that seem to indicate it is possible to create a bootable SD with fastboot, but not instructions on how to create one or any images, and fastboot is not a part of amaces recovery SD card images as far as I can tell. Sp3dev appears to have gotten fastboot working in this thread: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/fastboot-and-genode-os-on-nook-hd.2273603/ where he provides a precompiled u-boot binary, but I'm not capable enough to go from that to a bootable SD without step by step instructions. Is there already a fastboot SD image available somewhere that anyone can point me to?
I've yet to try any tools like REPIT because everything else I've run from recovery isn't able to make changes to the Ovation's EMMC. Instructions I've found for wiping and re-creating partitions manually are specific to Nook Tablet or Kindle Fire devices so I'm not comfortable following them (couldn't even get the parted command to work so I stopped there). Are there repartitioning instructions more specific to Ovation available somewhere?
Obviously I'm open to suggestions on how to recover the device at this point. I suppose I can just run an image from SD from now on, but I'd prefer to recover the EMMC if possible.
Okay, more of my fumbling in the dark.
I took the CWM boot files provided by by leapinlar here:
[CWM/ROOT/UNKNOWN SOURCES] HD/HDplus Stock Root/other Mods - via CWM flashable zips | XDA Developers Forums (xda-developers.com)
I put them on a FAT32 formatted SD card.
I replaced the uImage file with the binary provided by sp3dev here:
Fastboot and Genode OS on Nook HD+ | XDA Developers Forums (xda-developers.com)
now my Ovation boots from the SD card and says "Fastboot entered..."
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It shows up as Blaze_Tablet under Other devices in the Windows 10 (x64) device manager, but Windows reports that there are no compatible drivers for the device.
I disabled driver signature so I could install this OMAP4470 driver found here:
TI OMAP Drivers (now with 4470) | XDA Developers Forums (xda-developers.com)
I also tried Kindle Fire HD drivers found here:
Connect to Fire Tablet through ADB | Fire Tablets (archive.org)
But Windows doesn't like either of them for the Blaze_Tablet device. Does anyone know if proper USB drivers are available for the NOOK HD+, or where to find them? Could I work around this driver problem from a Linux installation?
Any advice is appreciated.