Hi, I'm very attracted by technology but because I entered the seminary (convent) had to take my distance from it for a while. now that I'm back, after nearly 10 years I see the HUGE jump that I have to give. My question is:
if theres a way to connect the sgs3 I9305 that I bought with my macbook pro(just the drivers, no kies). I tried the android file transfer app but didn´t work. Can any one help?
SGS3 i9305, note 10.1 N8000, macbook pro core i7, 8gb
Are you using Lion? I hadde majore problems with it. Mountain Lion works fine for me. Snow Leopard is also fine.
Sent from my GT-I9305 using xda premium
Usual to describe a problem in the title .
Otherwise few replies .
Android file transfer app works perfectly for me
Sent from my GT-I9305 using xda app-developers app
Connecting I9305 to a macbook pro with mountain lion
JJEgan said:
Usual to describe a problem in the title .
Otherwise few replies .
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Thanks jje, I`m really new to this. To complement the info: yes I`m running mountain lion. I did downloadad the app from the web page they have. and when i plug in the phone I get a window saying: "no android sys tem detected try econnnecting" I saw a video in you tube where they said your suposed to change the setting to camera ppt I did it and Iphoto inmediately pop ups detecting the phone but just with photos if i start the android file transfer app I get a message saying: no device found.
NOTE: My phone is NOT rooted
Just to make sure. Is Kies completly uninstalled?
Sent from my GT-I9305 using xda premium
yeap. I took the kies icon, dropped it in the trash and empyed the trash, then restart the computer.
Oh man.
hello guys...
i'm one of the happyest owner of a galaxy S and so far so good, my only irritating problem is that on android market, i only can download aplication when connected by data connection, if a turn on wifi the aplications doesn't move from starting download...
i already did 4 Hard Reset's, changed Rom 4 Times..
and notthing... already google It... and the answer on google forums is that some times this happend.. but guess what 2 Weeks with this situation...
can anyone help?
Ok, this is gonna sound pretty dorky but have tried using another wifi router ?
I use the router at work, browsing works just fine but the market is blocked by my employer so i can't access it
Merken_ said:
Ok, this is gonna sound pretty dorky but have tried using another wifi router ?
I use the router at work, browsing works just fine but the market is blocked by my employer so i can't access it
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I have tryed 2 different routers @ work and home
Could be that your 3G is using background data, so it has no bandwidth left for other downloads.
Disable your Background data : Settings -> Accounts and sync -> Turn off Background Data and Auto-Sync
Can you browse the web on 3G ? What about using another gmail account ?
i can use Android Market in both 3G and WiFi
are you able to browse the web when only using WiFi ?
Wifi router firewall??? Disable and problem solved lool
Sent from my GT-I9000 using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
[Q] App market only downloads over wifi?
Ive had my sgs 4 about a month yday i downloaded appbrain and changed my gmail pw, i duno if either of these things affected the app market but now wen i download something it just says download starting and never starts. Ive trued a few things ive read off forums to fix it like delete the download manager data and checking gmail settings but still. Nothing
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Maybe ur over the download limit. Some providers have limits to how much you can download. So i think you should check ur provider
Im with optus in australia got a 2gig limit still got plenty left. The strange thing is i can still download through android browser. I think i mite have to do a factory reset but trying to think of ways around it koz just got the fone how i like it lol
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Im having the same problem happened 2 days ago after I installed the samsung social hub app. Strange thing is my girls milestone is doing the same thing any ideas on how to fix?
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
another posibility might be a reception problem in 3G
tigerhalsey said:
Im having the same problem happened 2 days ago after I installed the samsung social hub app. Strange thing is my girls milestone is doing the same thing any ideas on how to fix?
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
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You could try settings/applications/manage/download manager and delete data that has worked for some people but not 4 me lol. i think it has something to do with settings that go messed up by an app
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
I'm having the same problem, and so it seems a lot of other Android Optus users. Here's a whirlpool thread:
Can update send that link again its didn't work for me
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Thank goodness I found this thread!! I've been going completely mad for a couple of days. I've re-flashed the damned phone 100 times, formatted the SD, repartitioned, cleared the cache, I've tried another google account etc etc. I'm with Optus too and it started happening when my JPC firmware started acting up yesterday. I decided to try JPH and I couldn't download any APPs. Currently I'm not near my WIFI so I'm not sure if that works but I'll check it out soon.
I even went all the way back to the Optus branded firmware JG4 to see if that works and that was dead too.
If it's some kind of Optus thing, I'm OK knowing it's not something with my phone. Hopefully they will fix it soon.
This is fk. Had same problem with Optus. Tried everything with no luck. Gonna ring Optus today.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
okpc said:
This is fk. Had same problem with Optus. Tried everything with no luck. Gonna ring Optus today.
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Like i said befor its ur provider in this case freakin optus!
dj_suca said:
Wifi router firewall??? Disable and problem solved lool
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Great !
dj_suca said:
Wifi router firewall??? Disable and problem solved lool
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I certainly hope you didn't disable the entire firewall, instead merely opened up the specific port(s) required by the market?
If the latter, could you share the port numbers, please? Thx!
davanw said:
I certainly hope you didn't disable the entire firewall, instead merely opened up the specific port(s) required by the market?
If the latter, could you share the port numbers, please? Thx!
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on my router i have in the firewall i have 3 tipes Easy, Medium and Hard first it was on Hard, changed to easy and worked... :S
did not open a specific port, but try this one:
Here are the problems ive been facing after upgrading my phones os from 2.1 to 2.2 through ODIN.
1. Glitch in menu scrolling (rough..gets stuck and isint smooth like on 2.1 eclair)
2. Samsung Keyboard capslock double click doesnt make it permanently capital but rather gets it back to typing small letters anew.
3. Home screen doesnt auto-rotate.
4. Alphabets on the right side of contacts, spread horizontally for ease of finding contacts, disappear once i try scrolling on it through my finger.
5. Cant change shortcuts from the default launcher whereas could do so in 2.1 (Eclair)
6. Default Email application doesnt load emails properly. Also when i click on an email to read it and it opens, i try zooming in through pinch technology but it is not at all smooth. Cant scroll emails side by side to read the whole email properly.
Have you guys been facing such similar problems? Please tell me how do i get rid of this? I had contacted a guy from youtube who made videos on stufflike rooting, lagfixing phones and he helped me out thoroughly till this point where my phone really started giving me problems. He doesnt even reply properly to me now. Need you guys to help me out as soon as you can. Any suggestion and advice will be appreciated
is it a costume rom?
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Ahh just downloaded xda and checked your reply. Well, it wasn't. It was just a rooted samsung galaxy s before but now my computed engineer actually tweaked with it and got a dell firmware in my sgs lol. It doesn't lag much now but I have to keep rebooting it..because of kernal upload mode randomely making my phones screen go black. I think I probably am waiting for sgs3 to release.
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vrindamishra said:
Ahh just downloaded xda and checked your reply. Well, it wasn't. It was just a rooted samsung galaxy s before but now my computed engineer actually tweaked with it and got a dell firmware in my sgs lol. It doesn't lag much now but I have to keep rebooting it..because of kernal upload mode randomely making my phones screen go black. I think I probably am waiting for sgs3 to release.
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Dell firmware?? Wtf?
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Hi dear!
I'm currently using Nexus S but I want to get galaxy tab!
I used to have iPad 1g and it was quite useful for study and web browsing.
I miss my iPad right now but I have not budget t.t
So I just want to get galaxy tab as a phone and a tablet pc.
I have some questions so please answer me asap before I make a decision!
1. how is the battery life? (compare to smartphone such as nexus s)
2. How is the internet browsing? (compare to iPad, does it have lag when scrolling?)
3. as a phone, is it okay? (I heard when calling, can use a bluetooth earphone)
4. is it fine to read pdf files? (as I'm a student so I need to read some pdf files and ebooks in galaxy tab.)
5. Skype has been updated hence is video chat working on galaxy tab?
Please reply me I don't mind whether or not it will be updated to honeycomb if it works well as a phone, an ebook reader and a multimedia device.
oh should I root it for better performance or is it okay with a stock rom?
1. 8 hours flat out depending how you use it 2-3 days if you leave it alone.
2. Depnds what browserdolphin browser hd is the fastest.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA Premium App
3.as a phone its ok if you use earphones or handsfree but impractical without them as you have to hold it upside down with the screen pointing away from you.
4. Yes you can as long as you get all the free adobe stuff of the market.
5. Yes you can video chat now although it's a bit pixilated and laggy.
6. If you want extra functionality or to install custom roms boot animations and have full control over it, root it with superoneclick, you can get superoneclick from shortfuse.org
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA Premium App
aliaksei said:
3.as a phone its ok if you use earphones or handsfree but impractical without them as you have to hold it upside down with the screen pointing away from you.
4. Yes you can as long as you get all the free adobe stuff of the market.
5. Yes you can video chat now although it's a bit pixilated and laggy.
6. If you want extra functionality or to install custom roms boot animations and have full control over it, root it with superoneclick, you can get superoneclick from shortfuse.org
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Okay thanks for reply
but I saw the stock browser on gingerbread is blazingly fast!
should I use the third party app?
Btw, I read that if I root, I can also do video chat on google talk, is it right?
two more! handsfree is in the original package or have to buy?
lastly, after rooting, how can I update OS although we dont know exactly when it will come out?
Stock browser is very fast but isn't tabbed and dolphin browser is which is slot faster.
Earphones with a microphone come with the tab but handsfree kits come separately and you don't need any kind of special one just one with bluetooth.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA Premium App
Yes you can video chat as long as the other person has a pc with a webcam or a rooted device with goggles talk on it.
For the last one that's a question to go to the development section but all I know is you need to get the files from there and flash them with odin there will usually be a guide that comes with it.
Hope you buy a galaxy tab or you might consider galaxy tab 10.1 (the ipad slayer)
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA Premium App
Sorry meant google instead of goggles!!
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA Premium App
Seems you could get your question solved with gtab which has low budget
sent from my 2.3.3|dxjpe DJGTabs7
I love my Tab. Do lots of surfing and reading on it. It's the perfect size (for my uses anyway.) Don't have any plans to replace my phone with it though, so can't say as far as those aspects go. If you can find one for $200 or less, it's a steal and well worth the money.
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pvtjoker42 said:
I love my Tab. Do lots of surfing and reading on it. It's the perfect size (for my uses anyway.) Don't have any plans to replace my phone with it though, so can't say as far as those aspects go. If you can find one for $200 or less, it's a steal and well worth the money.
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Thank you for reply.
But in New Zealand where I live, tab p1000 brand new is still 640 and only wifi version is 500. Is it worth if I use it as what I stated on the above? Hm..
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Declan79 said:
Seems you could get your question solved with gtab which has low budget
sent from my 2.3.3|dxjpe DJGTabs7
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But its not low budget in new zealand t.t
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA Premium App
i recently got my samsung galaxy tab and it's the best device i had ... with custom rom i use overcome rom and the battery life is really great .. the best size for a tab as you can hold it with one hand while going out and even to use it as a phone .. many many apps and games are optimized for it ... great Tablet indeed ..
What s up guys!
I ve got a annoying issue with windows media player and my IncS .
Today i tried to sync my fav music to my phone but windows media player didnt detect htc... strange because about 3-4 weeks ago i did this on same pc and same phone. ( I still worked on Ice cold sandwich 8.3 and Windows 7 64 bit)
ps Reboot pc or htc doesnt work.issue still exist.
I now this doesn't really answer your question but I find Mozilla Thunderbird a really good media transfer program
Sent from my Nexus 7
Go to the manufacturer's website of your laptop/desktop (HP, Dell, Toshiba) and check if your blue tooth drivers are up to date.
Sent from my Incredible S using xda premium
Fallen said:
Go to the manufacturer's website of your laptop/desktop (HP, Dell, Toshiba) and check if your blue tooth drivers are up to date.
Sent from my Incredible S using xda premium
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i work on pc no laptop and without bluetooth
i use usb
Oh ok. It may sound obvious but are you on Disk Drive? I'm pretty sure it should be on Charge Only
Sent from my Incredible S using xda premium
I use Ice cold sandwich 8.3. This is no-sense rom and i vent got option to choose for example usb/charge only/ data sync/ etc.. after i plug usb to pc
i ve got only 2 option like in cm 7 usb storage on/off < green and orange droid> and yes usb storage is on
Bump up!
Sent from my HTC Incredible S using Tapatalk 2 & Swype
Can you take your sdcard out and transfer directly with the computer?
Sent from my Nexus 7
markj338 said:
Can you take your sdcard out and transfer directly with the computer?
Sent from my Nexus 7
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my pc is very old and i vent got sdcard/pc adapter =(
But thx 4 tip!
Do you have USB debugging on? Perhaps try turning it off. If all else fails you could flash a different ROM, sync, then reflash your old one.
akbar26 said:
Do you have USB debugging on? Perhaps try turning it off. If all else fails you could flash a different ROM, sync, then reflash your old one.
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Yes debuging usb is/was off
Sent from my HTC Incredible S using Tapatalk 2 & Swype
Does anyone know how to use Wifi direct with the HTC one to transfer moderate to large files like movies or videos.( beam/bue tooth is to slow) Everytime i try to use it with any phone it fails or doesn't connect. ive also tried third party apps like super beam/ send!/file transfer/ none of which work. i find it hard to believe that the HTC one is suppose to compete with the GS4 and GS3 but cant do any features that mimic S BEAM its a fail on HTC. if anyone could help to get this to work i would appreciate it thank you
Download Superbeam in the market.
Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 4 Beta
david279 said:
Download Superbeam in the market.
Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 4 Beta
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Op said it didn't work
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Superbeam works fine on my HTC one. Use it to transfer between my one and my Nexus 10 all the time. Make sure Wifi direct is enabled on your phone, I believer there is an option to block it if you don't want people connecting, or something.
Every time I use it it says wifi direct fail I've tried HTC to HTC and HTC to Samsung I have my wifi and wifi direct turned on still not working I even went into the wifi direct option and manually paired with device still not working also tried a different HTC to make sure it's not mine still having same is first file was 86kb failed next was 1gb movie failed
Sent from my HTCONE using xda app-developers app
I've successfully transferred a picture with super beam from my one to nexus 7. Not sure what's keeping it from working
Sent from my HTCONE using xda app-developers app
Maybe you could try doing a factory reset or a custom rom, maybe something is borked in your os.
Have the same problem. Try to use WiFi direct with my wife's gs3 so I can watch a movie on my ps3 and her phone kept saying connection failed. Her sbeam was on and we were paired. Kinda weird. Any way on a side note any way to connect our phone as mass storage instead of mtp?
Sent from my HTCONE using xda app-developers app
i rooted and flashed custom rom wifi direct still not working with superbeam always comes up saying wifi direct failed try wifi hot spot option....any other suggestions
MadMan3353, we are building an app that does exactly just that. The app is called Drop, and it is a simple, fast, and secure way to share files with people/devices in proximity over WiFi Direct. We are going into a limited Private Beta soon, so if you're up for the challenge, (and running Jelly Bean) then sign up at www.get-drop.com. Seats are limited, and we have a rolling enrollment, so check it out.
MadMan3353 said:
Every time I use it it says wifi direct fail I've tried HTC to HTC and HTC to Samsung I have my wifi and wifi direct turned on still not working I even went into the wifi direct option and manually paired with device still not working also tried a different HTC to make sure it's not mine still having same is first file was 86kb failed next was 1gb movie failed
Sent from my HTCONE using xda app-developers app
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I've read the Samsung only permits Samsung to Samsung transfers.....fail!
O.M.J said:
I've read the Samsung only permits Samsung to Samsung transfers.....fail!
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Seriously? This doesn't help solve his problem. Especially when it is obvious from his posts that he has tried HTC to HTC.
MrFixit007 said:
Seriously? This doesn't help solve his problem. Especially when it is obvious from his posts that he has tried HTC to HTC.
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This is why I think Samsung in the long run is going to lose...as they copied their way to the top, they are becoming like Apple...create a closed-ecosystem solution. At a minimum you need to create something that works at least within Android....and if you're ambitious, make it work cross-platform with iOS....shameless plug...go check out what we're doing at www.get-drop.com! Going into Private Beta soon for Android first...
Enabled Wi-Fi Direct Sharing
Check this my friends: