[Q] Any body working on TWRP recovery? - Xperia SP Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Any body working on porting TWRP recovery for our device?

nitun07 said:
Any body working on porting TWRP recovery for our device?
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But why would you need TWRP when you have CWM?
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I like the UI of TWRP. Moreover the CWM doesnot recognise sd-ext2 partition of my sdcard. I cant backup my sd-ext2 partition with CWM. Maybe TWRP will recognise it..
Sent from my C5302 using xda app-developers app


Change hboot via recovery problem

Hello guys, today I changed the hboot of my N1 using a zip file taken from the joelshawdow thread (this is not the first time that i do this operation!!) and unfortunately I forgotten to wipe everything except the sdcard;now,when I go into the 4ext recovery, it said to wipe the system partition but it stuck into the operation without complete it!..if i try to install a zip from sdcard, 4ext seems to start the installation but doesn't display any information of the installation and seems to be blocked!
Can someone help me please? Thank you so much!
it doenst work on 4ext use cwm then reflash 4ext
flash cwm using Rom Manager
Sent from my Nexus One using xda premium
xeloni said:
it doenst work on 4ext use cwm then reflash 4ext
flash cwm using Rom Manager
Sent from my Nexus One using xda premium
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Thanks for the reply!The problem is if I try to boot the N1 goes on fastboot mode..i can only access to the recovery!if I go to "info" in 4ext, it doesn't show me the partitions of the phone!!!
did you try this method?
Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk
n1newbie said:
did you try this method?
Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk
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Yes, but 4ext didn't show any text on screen and seems blocked!! :crying:
Just reflash 4ext (or another recovery).
tommert38 said:
Just reflash 4ext (or another recovery).
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Thank you so much it works!!!! I changed the recovery via fastboot and now I can format system and install the rom!!
Thanks to everyone!!!!

[Q] HELP! CWM - can't flash another recovery

Hey guys
I've flashed the CWM (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1852725) bu now I'm unable to do anything in my device, the recovery works but I can't reboot into system, it only reboot into recovery.. I flashed CWM 5.0.26 via Odin but nothing happens, still reboots into Pls, someone can help me with this? Is my phone bricked now?
If you have on your SD card CWM 5th it can be installed by CWM 6 which now have and abductions reboot system now, then you start CWM 5 and ate with reboot system now ...
shucrut said:
Hey guys
I've flashed the CWM (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1852725) bu now I'm unable to do anything in my device, the recovery works but I can't reboot into system, it only reboot into recovery.. I flashed CWM 5.0.26 via Odin but nothing happens, still reboots into Pls, someone can help me with this? Is my phone bricked now?
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Any success in getting cwm to work finally??
Sent from my GT-I5800 using xda app-developers app
Yess, here what i did:
Downloaded a sock rom flashable via odin (cant remember what version was, i think it was xwkt7), then my phone stucked in boot and i flashed again the recovery 5.0.26 and everything came back to normal
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda app-developers app
shucrut said:
Yess, here what i did:
Downloaded a sock rom flashable via odin (cant remember what version was, i think it was xwkt7), then my phone stucked in boot and i flashed again the recovery 5.0.26 and everything came back to normal
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda app-developers app
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Please provide me a link to the cwm5 file u flashed.
Sent from my GT-I5800 using xda app-developers app

Got a boot loop by rom toobox

Hello i installed rom tool box pro and i saw some options to change the icons of wifi.I did a bakup too and installed the icons but unfortunately it was stored on internal memory.Then it asked reboot and when i rebooted got a boot loop.
How to fix this? Is there any way to get the backup file from my internal memory?
If you have access to recovery, use aroma file manager. You will have to place the aroma zip on sd or internal storage and flash via cwm. Then you will have a file manager to work with
nokiamodeln91 said:
If you have access to recovery, use aroma file manager. You will have to place the aroma zip on sd or internal storage and flash via cwm. Then you will have a file manager to work with
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ok lets give it a try.
Sent from my AN8CG3 using xda premium
nokiamodeln91 said:
If you have access to recovery, use aroma file manager. You will have to place the aroma zip on sd or internal storage and flash via cwm. Then you will have a file manager to work with
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it says
E:signature verification failed
Sent from my AN8CG3 using xda premium
You need to have cwm recovery.
there are so many methods in forum so confusing.
Sent from my AN8CG3 using xda premium
nokiamodeln91 said:
You need to have cwm recovery.
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Does this need a safe kernel?I have stock ics 4.0.4 and all stock kernel.But as per i read stock kernel is considered as unsafe kernel.
Sent from my AN8CG3 using xda premium
muskanstha said:
there are so many methods in forum so confusing.
Sent from my AN8CG3 using xda premium
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You can flash Phliz kernel in stock recovery. That will give you CWM and root, find it here:
glevitan said:
You can flash Phliz kernel in stock recovery. That will give you CWM and root, find it here:
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i have root already
Sent from my AN8CG3 using xda premium
root and stock kernel..not a healthy combo...
flash philz kernel ...ths way you will be same and will get cwm
nokiamodeln91 said:
root and stock kernel..not a healthy combo...
flash philz kernel ...ths way you will be same and will get cwm
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phillz kernel is installed and i fount the backup and tried to restore but the process is aborted
Sent from my AN8CG3 using xda premium
what now flash rom again.i havent used odin no idea about it.
Sent from my AN8CG3 using xda premium
just to confirm.. you are on Philz kernel right.. ? if so then try doing a factory reset, wipe cache and wipe dalvik cache.
nokiamodeln91 said:
just to confirm.. you are on Philz kernel right.. ? if so then try doing a factory reset, wipe cache and wipe dalvik cache.
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all wipe reset done
again installation aborted!
Sent from my AN8CG3 using xda premium
what are you trying to install and whats the version of Philz kernel you have?
nokiamodeln91 said:
what are you trying to install and whats the version of Philz kernel you have?
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ver 3.99
i had installed staus bar icon mod and made a backup .thay mod made boot loop but i cant install backup
Sent from my AN8CG3 using xda premium
So why don't you just do that what you asked for in the torrent thread? Download and install a Stock Rom. After that you have "clean" state and can start again.
Or download some of the Custom Roms here and follow the installation instructions. Same result but already on Custom with all the benefits.
muskanstha said:
ver 3.99
i had installed staus bar icon mod and made a backup .thay mod made boot loop but i cant install backup
Sent from my AN8CG3 using xda premium
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You can flash the same rom you on without wipes this time. if custom .. do it from recovery .. or do as ThaiDai says
ThaiDai said:
So why don't you just do that what you asked for in the torrent thread? Download and install a Stock Rom. After that you have "clean" state and can start again.
Or download some of the Custom Roms here and follow the installation instructions. Same result but already on Custom with all the benefits.
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Actually due to my bandwith and other problem i cannot download continiously.So was searching for torrent .
Sent from my AN8CG3 using xda premium
muskanstha said:
Actually due to my bandwith and other problem i cannot download continiously.So was searching for torrent .
Sent from my AN8CG3 using xda premium
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Coz we have power cuts here this season so cant download via horltfile cox it dont let me resume my downloads.
Sent from my AN8CG3 using xda premium

[Q] Stuck after correct decrypt code entered. Razr i. Telcel

I HAVE AN XT890 and have been using it for about two weeks..
I rooted the phone and just installed rooted apps on top of stock firmware.
but then I tried installing a mod ROM and it goes trough, but when is at the "Type password to decrypt storage"
I enter my code and it goes fwd but then it just stops at the green android dude that has gears for top and bottom parts....
I thought it was a problem with my password, but I realized that it still recognizes it, since it does not go to the green android sceen if I enter the incorrect password..
I tried to just wait for it.. But no luck..
tried to flash a stock ROM using RSD lite
I get an error with a command Not recognized
In recovery, I try to wipe data, but it says:
wiping data
Formating /data...
Error mounting /data!
Skipping format...
Formatting /cache...
Formatting /sd-ext...
Formatting /sdcard/.android_secure...
Error mounting /sdcard/.android_secure!
Skipping format...
Data wipe complete.
Thanks in advance to all of you guys!!!
If i read it correctly, u are trying to wipe and then flash a custom ROM through stock recovery?
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Hazou said:
If i read it correctly, u are trying to wipe and then flash a custom ROM through stock recovery?
Sent from my XT890 using xda app-developers app
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Yes, but not stock recovery..
using the latest one i think its called clockwork mod.. Its an orange top hat and it is touch..
Were did u get it from? I assume u did unlock your boot loader.
Sent from my GT-P5110 using XDA Premium HD app
Hazou said:
Were did u get it from? I assume u did unlock your boot loader.
Sent from my GT-P5110 using XDA Premium HD app
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I did..
I see the: "warning.. Bootloader unlocked" thing when the phone powers on..
And I am pretty sure I got it from this website.
sorry, this is the version of recovery I am using
Cwm-based Recovery v6.0.1.9
Hazou said:
Were did u get it from? I assume u did unlock your boot loader.
Sent from my GT-P5110 using XDA Premium HD app
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So.. I got it to work.. This is what I did
Flashed twrp and was able to wipe all data correctly.
Tried to flash ROM but Took too long
Flashed cmw and installed the ROM.. And voilà!!
All is good now!
Nice one. Installing the ROM can take some time. Even in twrp.
Sent from my GT-P5110 using XDA Premium HD app

[Q] install CWR To sdcard

My question is if is possible install a recovery in sdcard or from flashtool.
For all user that as me lost recovery and root upgrading firmware.. 4.3 to kk For example.. Only solution is return to 534 and restart all.. But with external recovery or one dual boot... Maybe is impossible for LB.. Im not a dev.. This is only one idea
Sent from my C6903 using xda premium
gioiellino said:
My question is if is possible install a recovery in sdcard or from flashtool.
For all user that as me lost recovery and root upgrading firmware.. 4.3 to kk For example.. Only solution is return to 534 and restart all.. But with external recovery or one dual boot... Maybe is impossible for LB.. Im not a dev.. This is only one idea
Sent from my C6903 using xda premium
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Just do what you said in the post. no need for unlocked bootloader at all.
So.. Nothing for LB.. As a Sd bootable CWR..
Sent from my C6903 using xda premium
gioiellino said:
So.. Nothing for LB.. As a Sd bootable CWR..
Sent from my C6903 using xda premium
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No recovery has to be in the system or in the kernel.
But you have already given yourself the solution,
downgrade to 534, install dualrecovery, flash SuperSU, install the KK prerooted rom, done.

