Hey guys... Ok I am in a very unique situation. I was recently testing to get 4.2.2 ROMs to work on sprint with a kernel...
Well, it ended up not working, and a few things ended up getting jittery. So i relocked bootloader, did a fastboot oem rebootRUU, and went ahead and ruu'd the phone. Here is where it gets weird...
After the RUU finished succesfully, I went into bootloader, and it showed "RELOCKED S-OFF", and figured that cant be good, so i proceeded to do a fastboot oem writesecureflag 3, and re-relocked via RevONE. Bootloader now showed "LOCKED S-ON", so RUU'd again. Now, my CID is still unlocked which has nothing to do with hboot i know. Either way, I did the fastboot flash unlocktoken......, and got HTCDEV unlocked. I then proceed to unlock via RevONE with all successful. I even flashed the boot_unsecure.img (kernel) on the stock RUU rom.
Bootloader shows "UNLOCKED S-OFF"... But I am not S-Off, simply my flag shows it. I cannot flash a different hboot, nor can i flash a radio (and yes i tried flashing within rebootRUU). It gives me the stupid "remote - not allowed".
Would there be a way to DD the mmcblk? Does anyone on an ENG S-Off bootloader have the mmcblk partition number? Mine does not show the hboot label... cat /proc/emmc.
Anyone ideas? Moonshine does not work either.
Update... MMCBLK0P12 hboot
Lol that was easy... Just had to do a low level overwrite (DD) to an ENG hboot, so that i could then truely S-Off, and flash other hboots and radios... sheesh...
Tilde88 said:
Hey guys... Ok I am in a very unique situation. I was recently testing to get 4.2.2 ROMs to work on sprint with a kernel...
Well, it ended up not working, and a few things ended up getting jittery. So i relocked bootloader, did a fastboot oem rebootRUU, and went ahead and ruu'd the phone. Here is where it gets weird...
After the RUU finished succesfully, I went into bootloader, and it showed "RELOCKED S-OFF", and figured that cant be good, so i proceeded to do a fastboot oem writesecureflag 3, and re-relocked via RevONE. Bootloader now showed "LOCKED S-ON", so RUU'd again. Now, my CID is still unlocked which has nothing to do with hboot i know. Either way, I did the fastboot flash unlocktoken......, and got HTCDEV unlocked. I then proceed to unlock via RevONE with all successful. I even flashed the boot_unsecure.img (kernel) on the stock RUU rom.
Bootloader shows "UNLOCKED S-OFF"... But I am not S-Off, simply my flag shows it. I cannot flash a different hboot, nor can i flash a radio (and yes i tried flashing within rebootRUU). It gives me the stupid "remote - not allowed".
Would there be a way to DD the mmcblk? Does anyone on an ENG S-Off bootloader have the mmcblk partition number? Mine does not show the hboot label... cat /proc/emmc.
Anyone ideas? Moonshine does not work either.
Update... MMCBLK0P12 hboot
Lol that was easy... Just had to do a low level overwrite (DD) to an ENG hboot, so that i could then truely S-Off, and flash other hboots and radios... sheesh...
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I thought once soff always soff I have ruu 2 times already after soff revone and was still able to flash the radio from the newest firmware. After every ruu it always said soff
Sent from my GT-P3113 using xda app-developers app
Just out of curisosity, could anyone explain why that happened? What made the security flag change?
Also, why did you say "this cannot be good" when you saw "RELOCKED S-OFF"? Were you S-OFF to begin with? You can lock the bootloader and still remain S-Off, correct?
karn101 said:
Just out of curisosity, could anyone explain why that happened? What made the security flag change?
Also, why did you say "this cannot be good" when you saw "RELOCKED S-OFF"? Were you S-OFF to begin with? You can lock the bootloader and still remain S-Off, correct?
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Yes, but I figured that while it was relocked, it would overwrite the hboot to stock if I RUU'd, thus making the flag S-On. however, this needed to be manually done with fastboot apparently.
Tbh, I think this all started from a ROM flash, it was an international ROM, and I hadn't bothered to check to know the partition layouts were different. Kernel ended up flashing to recovery, and system almost went to radio, lol idk how it didn't brick.... but yea.
Tilde88 said:
Yes, but I figured that while it was relocked, it would overwrite the hboot to stock if I RUU'd, thus making the flag S-On. however, this needed to be manually done with fastboot apparently.
Tbh, I think this all started from a ROM flash, it was an international ROM, and I hadn't bothered to check to know the partition layouts were different. Kernel ended up flashing to recovery, and system almost went to radio, lol idk how it didn't brick.... but yea.
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Oh, so you were more concerned that it said relocked than S-OFF. S-OFF was bolded so I thought you were saying "Uh oh" to the S-Off.
Hi guys.
First time posting, but have used the site extensively over the past 6-8 months. I have an AT&T HTC One. I had unlocked it, s-off, rooted, installed GPe, and decided to go back. The ROM I went back to was supposed to be MY stock ROM, but it turns out it was unbranded 4.2.2. I thought nothing of it, and as of yesterday, had sold my phone on ebay. I decided to wipe my phone to get ready to ship. I locked my bootloader and went to s-on, but when I went to factory reset, I got a "security warning" and it won't reboot into recovery. I've tried everything- tried to re-unlock it with htcdev, which freezes at the bootloader. I've tried to unlock via revone, since I still have root (root checker verified this to be the case), but get the -6 error when using terminal emulator in ROM Toolbox, and get the same error when doing it via adb commands. I've tried probably 50 different things about 10 different times, and am about to pull my hair out! I've read and searched probably hundreds of threads over the past 24 hours. Trying to flash stock RUU (the exe) just freezes as well. Any help would be appreciated! Let me know what info you need from me.
Android 4.2.2
Hboot 1.44
Software number 2.24.401.8
HTC SDK API level 5.34
Kernel version 3.4.10-g28df0d6 [email protected] #1 SMP PREEMPT
Baseband version 4A.18.3263.15_10.38h.1157.04L
Build number 2.24.401.8 CL235216 release-keys
Thanks guys! Awesome community!
I think you need to read Vomers guide and install using the ADB Method
but also Read Mike 1986's Return to stock Guide before - this will ensure you are aware of what needs doing before you start to do it
The search option would have found these for you and saved some time and heartache :highfive:
L0rdNels0n said:
I think you need to read Vomers guide and install using the ADB Method
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I have (almost) the same problem as OP: bootloader (HBOOT 1.44) shows "locked", "tampered" and "S-ON". The radio is apparently broken and I want a new unit, so I installed mike1986's "stock 4.2.2" ROM, because is broken and apparently has corrupt RUU downloads (every RUU I've tried fails miserably, and extracted rom.zips don't work either). It's rooted, with SuperSU. I relocked and S-ONed the bootloader with revone, but then found a stock backup and tried to unlock/S-OFF so I could install TWRP back.
Unfortunately for me (and OP), revone -P fails with error -6. revone -s 0 -u fails with error -1. revone -t reports success, but the tampered flag remains there. Trying to flash TWRP with a market app freezes Android. Trying to unlock the bootloader with HTCDev reports success in fastboot, but the unlock prompt never shows up, and the bootloader freezes.
Read again: revone fails. That guide, as well as the other 4 or so similar ones floating around, are useless in this case.
If anyone has any ideas (or an HTC EastEurope RUU download that doesn't fail), I'm open to hearing them.
AndyM3 said:
I have (almost) the same problem as OP: bootloader (HBOOT 1.44) shows "locked", "tampered" and "S-ON". The radio is apparently broken and I want a new unit, so I installed mike1986's "stock 4.2.2" ROM, because is broken and apparently has corrupt RUU downloads. It's rooted, with SuperSU. I relocked and S-ONed the bootloader with revone, but then found a stock backup and tried to unlock/S-OFF so I could install TWRP back.
Unfortunately for me (and OP), revone -P fails with error -6. revone -s 0 -u fails with error -1. revone -t reports success, but the tampered flag remains there. Trying to flash TWRP with a market app freezes Android. Trying to unlock the bootloader with HTCDev reports success in fastboot, but the unlock prompt never shows up, and the bootloader freezes.
Read again: revone fails. That guide, as well as the other 4 or so similar ones floating around, are useless in this case.
If anyone has any ideas (or an HTC EastEurope RUU download that doesn't fail), I'm open to hearing them.
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What's the date of your hboot? If it's after May 2013, it might be a patched version (applies to AT&T and T-Mobile), otherwise revone will work.
Read here: for the prerequisites to get S-Off.
Try that, and report back and we'll go from there.
PS: keep S-Off, no need to ever to back S-On even for repair because some devices are shipped S-Off. The repair center can't prove you've done anything to your phone, unless they see "LOCKED / RELOCKED / TAMPERED"
nkk71 said:
What's the date of your hboot? If it's after May 2013, it might be a patched version (applies to AT&T and T-Mobile), otherwise revone will work.
Read here: for the prerequisites to get S-Off.
Try that, and report back and we'll go from there.
PS: keep S-Off, no need to ever to back S-On even for repair because some devices are shipped S-Off. The repair center can't prove you've done anything to your phone, unless they see "LOCKED / RELOCKED / TAMPERED"
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Bootloader date is May 3, 2013. It's a downloaded "stock unmodified" 1.44 HBOOT. I'm not in the US.
On the other hand, I'm on a 4.2.2 ROM right now. Should I try to downgrade? If yes, can anyone point me in the direction of an HTC RUU that actually works? (CID is HTC__032)
AndyM3 said:
Bootloader date is May 3, 2013. It's a downloaded "stock unmodified" 1.44 HBOOT. I'm not in the US.
On the other hand, I'm on a 4.2.2 ROM right now. Should I try to downgrade? If yes, can anyone point me in the direction of an HTC RUU that actually works? (CID is HTC__032)
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May 3 is good, revone should work. If it's not working on your ROM now, try downgrading to a 4.1.2 ROM to try to make it work.
For the RUU, have you looked here:
Otherwise try to get @Mike1986 odexed ROM, it worked a couple of days ago for someone else: (read last post)
nkk71 said:
May 3 is good, revone should work. If it's not working on your ROM now, try downgrading to a 4.1.2 ROM to try to make it work.
For the RUU, have you looked here:
Otherwise try to get @Mike1986 odexed ROM, it worked a couple of days ago for someone else: (read last post)
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I downloaded a 1.20.401 RUU (should be 4.1.2, probably), and I am on mike1986's odexed ROM right now. I'd downgrade, but how? I can't install a custom recovery.
Edit: RUU exited with a "bootloader version error". Could I have downloaded a corrupt HBOOT or something? revone gave success messages about five times now, but the bootloader still says "LOCKED" and "S-ON".
AndyM3 said:
the bootloader still says "LOCKED" and "S-OFF".
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So S-Off achieved great.
What's still the problem?
nkk71 said:
So S-Off achieved great.
What's still the problem?
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Typo, sorry. It's S-ON.
AndyM3 said:
Typo, sorry. It's S-ON.
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Hi Andy,
I just re-read your original post, and am getting a bit confused cause you said "bootloader (HBOOT 1.44) shows "locked", "tampered" and "S-ON"." you mean RELOCKED?
Probably best if you post your "fastboot getvar all" (remove IMEI and serial number) , full details of the ROM you're using, and a screenshot of your bootloader.
As for "HTCDev reports success in fastboot, but the unlock prompt never shows up", maybe you should try the process from the beginning again and get a new unlocktocken.
nkk71 said:
Hi Andy,
I just re-read your original post, and am getting a bit confused cause you said "bootloader (HBOOT 1.44) shows "locked", "tampered" and "S-ON"." you mean RELOCKED?
Probably best if you post your "fastboot getvar all" (remove IMEI and serial number) , full details of the ROM you're using, and a screenshot of your bootloader.
As for "HTCDev reports success in fastboot, but the unlock prompt never shows up", maybe you should try the process from the beginning again and get a new unlocktocken.
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I did mean "locked". I used revone -l to restore the lock status. On the other hand, now I accidentally installed HBOOT 1.54 instead (figured the bootloader may be broken and installed a 2.24 firmware package). I tried HTCDev Unlock twice (the whole process), and it... still doesn't work. To be more specific, fastboot flash unlocktoken reports success, but the next fastboot command, whatever that may be (getvar, reboot, etc), errors out with something to the effect of "could not load custom splash". Trying to flash any sort of different HBOOT (older/newer) complains about signatures, or maybe that's just my downloads.
Of course, revone doesn't work with 1.54, so I'm pretty much ****ed. Might as well take the damn thing back to Orange.
AndyM3 said:
I did mean "locked". I used revone -l to restore the lock status. On the other hand, now I accidentally installed HBOOT 1.54 instead (figured the bootloader may be broken and installed a 2.24 firmware package). I tried HTCDev Unlock twice (the whole process), and it... still doesn't work. To be more specific, fastboot flash unlocktoken reports success, but the next fastboot command, whatever that may be (getvar, reboot, etc), errors out with something to the effect of "could not load custom splash". Trying to flash any sort of different HBOOT (older/newer) complains about signatures, or maybe that's just my downloads.
Of course, revone doesn't work with 1.54, so I'm pretty much ****ed. Might as well take the damn thing back to Orange.
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Sometimes a factory reset can help with the unlock token, but since you're on 1.54 now it would make little difference.
Sorry & good luck
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
Yep. I'm in exactly the same boat. Actually, I am on 1.44 HBOOT, dated May 3rd, and none of the available options worked. And yes, I've tried the links included in subsequent posts. And I'm "locked" via same way as above. Since I was selling the phone and trying to revert to stock, my only option was to manually erase everything and send it off. I couldn't do a factory reset, because it just kicked me to bootloader with a "security warning" error. Couldn't install older RUU, as it would just hang at the HTC black screen with no green progress bar.
AndyM3 said:
Bootloader date is May 3, 2013. It's a downloaded "stock unmodified" 1.44 HBOOT. I'm not in the US.
On the other hand, I'm on a 4.2.2 ROM right now. Should I try to downgrade? If yes, can anyone point me in the direction of an HTC RUU that actually works? (CID is HTC__032)
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Same problem
Hey guys, I have a same problem, and I'm pissed off and depressed :crying:
I tried GPE, but then I wanted to go back to Sense, and then everything went wrong. I have HBOOT 1.54, S-ON, RELOCKED, TAMPERED. I can't unlock the bootloader, although cmd writes that writing was successful, and the phone still says "RELOCKED". I can't get to system and recovery because always get into bootloader with the message "Security Warning". I can't upload any RUU, recovery, nothing ... always cmd writes "failed", in case RUU (1.28.401.7 - my regional which should work) writes "Error 155".
Please guys, help me. I do not know what to do and I'm clueless.
PlaviiCZ said:
Hey guys, I have a same problem, and I'm pissed off and depressed :crying:
I tried GPE, but then I wanted to go back to Sense, and then everything went wrong. I have HBOOT 1.54, S-ON, RELOCKED, TAMPERED. I can't unlock the bootloader, although cmd writes that writing was successful, and the phone still says "RELOCKED". I can't get to system and recovery because always get into bootloader with the message "Security Warning". I can't upload any RUU, recovery, nothing ... always cmd writes "failed", in case RUU (1.28.401.7 - my regional which should work) writes "Error 155".
Please guys, help me. I do not know what to do and I'm clueless.
Sorry for my bad english, but I hope hope you'll understand.
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You have google CID and s-on and relocked .. your pretty much screwed near as i can tell. did you try fastboot oem unlock ?
clsA said:
You have google CID and s-on and relocked .. your pretty much screwed near as i can tell. did you try fastboot oem unlock ?
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Yeah, I'm dumbass...Yes, I did, and nothing...just "failed" in cmd. Should I try again to tell you, what is in cmd exactly written?
EDIT: Please help (
No one knows anything?
I have to sen my phone in for repairs so I've been trying to return my phone to stock. Everything was working fine, I changed my CID back from Super CID, had stock rom and kernels etc. When I had to relock my bootloader and remove the tampered warning, I followed the instructions and all seemed to be fine so I S-Oned and rebooted. The first time it worked fine but I rebooted into the bootloader to make sure everything was still good.
This is where the problems arose. The phone went into a bootloop but I was able to get it back to the bootloader. The problem is that it now shows the TAMPERED flag as well as a SECURITY WARNING flag and the phone won't boot. I'm now stuck with a locked bootloader, S-On and a bricked phone.
Is there anything I can do?
Here is what my screen is looking like:
The Inquisition said:
I have to sen my phone in for repairs so I've been trying to return my phone to stock. Everything was working fine, I changed my CID back from Super CID, had stock rom and kernels etc. When I had to relock my bootloader and remove the tampered warning, I followed the instructions and all seemed to be fine so I S-Oned and rebooted. The first time it worked fine but I rebooted into the bootloader to make sure everything was still good.
This is where the problems arose. The phone went into a bootloop but I was able to get it back to the bootloader. The problem is that it now shows the TAMPERED flag as well as a SECURITY WARNING flag and the phone won't boot. I'm now stuck with a locked bootloader, S-On and a bricked phone.
Is there anything I can do?
Here is what my screen is looking like:
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known problem, when going from s-off to s-on on hboot 1.55, you should have done it before 1.55!!!
you need to unlock and get s-off again using rumrunner, then check my guide in my signature.
nkk71 said:
known problem, when going from s-off to s-on on hboot 1.55, you should have done it before 1.55!!!
you need to unlock and get s-off again using rumrunner, then check my guide in my signature.
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Thanks for the reply. I've tried to use rumrunner but I keep getting this error message:
"ERROR: run rumrunner again and READ (no adb connection to device. Debugging on? Drivers?)"
So I'm trying to get the unlock email from HTC but it won't send. It says it's successful but won't appear in my email. Is there anything I can do?
EDIT: Their site was under maintenance. Bootloader is unlocked.
I posted in the Verizon forums a day ago, but have received little to no help. Now I hope that someone can help me here.
Original post
I used this thread to unroot and return to stock
I had done this before with one of CM 10 and I kept the files used in this thread.
I switched to AOKP kitkat 12-30-13. I wanted to return to stock and unrooted.
I got to the oem ruu and kept receiving this message. FAILED (remote: 90 hboot pre-update! please flush image again immediately)
I did this repeatedly as followed. It went over 5 times. I figured this was a problem. Now I am stuck in the bootloader where my phone is locked and S-on. I tried to flash it again and now I get remote: 12 signature verify failed.
It also says ***TAMPERED*** at the top of bootloader, above ***LOCKED***
Edit: I wanted to mention that I do have a backup of my kitkat state at the beginning of all of this. It is in twrp, but I can't flash install the twrp.img, signature verify failed.
What exactly was the order you did this in? When I set my phone back to stock, I did it in the following order:
1. run RUU
2. lock bootloader
3. S-ON
I'm guessing you did not do it in that order, since you are trying to flash the RUU with a locked bootloader and S-ON.
Since the RUU failed to flash, you should still have TWRP. You said signature verification failed, but I believe there is an option in TWRP that lets you toggle signature verification. Once you have turned off signature verification, try restoring your backup.
If your backup restores successfully, you need to S-OFF your phone and unlock your bootloader, as you will need the unlocked bootloader later on.
The following is the gist of what you need to do. Check here for a more detailed explanation:
Once you S-OFF your phone, set your CID to stock and run the RUU. You should be back with stock ROM and stock recovery. However, to lock the bootloader and S-ON your phone, you need superuser. You need to flash TWRP (which is why the bootloader needs to be unlocked at this point) so that you can flash superuser (SuperSU).
Once you have superuser, flash the stock recovery through fastboot. This will only work with an unlocked bootloader, which is why you must flash the stock recovery before you lock the bootloader.
Superuser is still functional with stock recovery. Run through the commands to reset the tamper flag, lock the bootloader, and set your phone back to S-ON. You can then unroot through the SuperSU app.
sweetnsour said:
What exactly was the order you did this in? When I set my phone back to stock, I did it in the following order:
1. run RUU
2. lock bootloader
3. S-ON
I'm guessing you did not do it in that order, since you are trying to flash the RUU with a locked bootloader and S-ON.
Since the RUU failed to flash, you should still have TWRP. You said signature verification failed, but I believe there is an option in TWRP that lets you toggle signature verification. Once you have turned off signature verification, try restoring your backup.
If your backup restores successfully, you need to S-OFF your phone and unlock your bootloader, as you will need the unlocked bootloader later on.
The following is the gist of what you need to do. Check here for a more detailed explanation:
Once you S-OFF your phone, set your CID to stock and run the RUU. You should be back with stock ROM and stock recovery. However, to lock the bootloader and S-ON your phone, you need superuser. You need to flash TWRP (which is why the bootloader needs to be unlocked at this point) so that you can flash superuser (SuperSU).
Once you have superuser, flash the stock recovery through fastboot. This will only work with an unlocked bootloader, which is why you must flash the stock recovery before you lock the bootloader.
Superuser is still functional with stock recovery. Run through the commands to reset the tamper flag, lock the bootloader, and set your phone back to S-ON. You can then unroot through the SuperSU app.
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Using the procedure shown, I followed the steps exactly stated in the post. However you are right, about switching the methods 2 and 3. I didn't realize what using the last step, switching to s-on would do. I failed to flash the stock rom, and then proceeded to s-on, and during that I guess the bootloader locked, or it locked before when it was trying to flash stock.
Anyways...I only briefly read the links you posted, but it seems most of the stuff, and the download files are for sprint, att, t-mobile, google, etc but not Verizon. I'm not sure if these methods will help much with a verizon phone, or I might get stuck along the way looking for Verizon actions.
Also in the very red for the s-off revone it says that it does not support hboot 1.54, which is what I have.
geeibara said:
Using the procedure shown, I followed the steps exactly stated in the post. However you are right, about switching the methods 2 and 3. I didn't realize what using the last step, switching to s-on would do. I failed to flash the stock rom, and then proceeded to s-on, and during that I guess the bootloader locked, or it locked before when it was trying to flash stock.
Anyways...I only briefly read the links you posted, but it seems most of the stuff, and the download files are for sprint, att, t-mobile, google, etc but not Verizon. I'm not sure if these methods will help much with a verizon phone, or I might get stuck along the way looking for Verizon actions.
Also in the very red for the s-off revone it says that it does not support hboot 1.54, which is what I have.
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The method should work no matter the carrier; just be sure you have the appropriate files. What I mean is, the only time you need to consider the carrier is for the RUU file.
hboot 1.54 is not be supported by revone, but it is supported by rumrunner.
I think for now, you should just try to get your phone booted. Were you able to restore your backup?
sweetnsour said:
The method should work no matter the carrier; just be sure you have the appropriate files. What I mean is, the only time you need to consider the carrier is for the RUU file.
hboot 1.54 is not be supported by revone, but it is supported by rumrunner.
I think for now, you should just try to get your phone booted. Were you able to restore your backup?
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I couldn't access twrp, when I try to go to recovery from the bootloader, it takes me back to fastboot. So I was unable to do that.
I don't know how to gain s-off from my point. You said rumrunner should support it, but I tried running it, and it failed, it didn't get to the first step because it had to recognize the device, where adb commands cant recognize it.
Anyways, I gave up and asked for a warranty replacement.
geeibara said:
I couldn't access twrp, when I try to go to recovery from the bootloader, it takes me back to fastboot. So I was unable to do that.
I don't know how to gain s-off from my point. You said rumrunner should support it, but I tried running it, and it failed, it didn't get to the first step because it had to recognize the device, where adb commands cant recognize it.
Anyways, I gave up and asked for a warranty replacement.
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to be able to reflash twrp you need to unlock your bootloader that is why you are getting signature fail error
Alright, lets get into this. My camera has purple tint, so I was going to return to stock and take it in. This isn't my first attempt at returning to stock, last time I failed but was able to flash the GPE RUU. I'm with Rogers, so on this attempt I once again tried using the rogers RUU, I changed my CID back to ROGER001, I re-locked bootloader and put S-ON. Ran the RUU and got error 155. So I re-acquired s-off with Rumrunner. Then I locked the bootloader and put S-ON again. When I tried rebooting I got Tampered, Locked, Security Warning. Recovery seems to have disappeared, any attempt to reboot brings me back to the bootloader. I've attempted flashing a rogers recovery from an OTA, I've tried flashing the out of the Rogers RUU, I've tried flashing the GPE RUU zip. Basically anything I try ends with (bootloader) signature checking... FAILED (remote: signature verify fail). I've tried unlocking the bootloader from HTCDEV, the screen prompt to unlock the bootloader doesn't appear on my device. I've tried running fastboot oem unlock (because it was GPE). Anything I could think of I tried.
TLR I bricked it good. Do I have any options?
Cazrelleum said:
Alright, lets get into this. My camera has purple tint, so I was going to return to stock and take it in. This isn't my first attempt at returning to stock, last time I failed but was able to flash the GPE RUU. I'm with Rogers, so on this attempt I once again tried using the rogers RUU, I changed my CID back to ROGER001, I re-locked bootloader and put S-ON. Ran the RUU and got error 155. So I re-acquired s-off with Rumrunner. Then I locked the bootloader and put S-ON again. When I tried rebooting I got Tampered, Locked, Security Warning. Recovery seems to have disappeared, any attempt to reboot brings me back to the bootloader. I've attempted flashing a rogers recovery from an OTA, I've tried flashing the out of the Rogers RUU, I've tried flashing the GPE RUU zip. Basically anything I try ends with (bootloader) signature checking... FAILED (remote: signature verify fail). I've tried unlocking the bootloader from HTCDEV, the screen prompt to unlock the bootloader doesn't appear on my device. I've tried running fastboot oem unlock (because it was GPE). Anything I could think of I tried.
TLR I bricked it good. Do I have any options?
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nope your pretty much done, you could have run over it with a truck ..same effect
Cazrelleum said:
Alright, lets get into this. My camera has purple tint, so I was going to return to stock and take it in. This isn't my first attempt at returning to stock, last time I failed but was able to flash the GPE RUU. I'm with Rogers, so on this attempt I once again tried using the rogers RUU, I changed my CID back to ROGER001, I re-locked bootloader and put S-ON. Ran the RUU and got error 155. So I re-acquired s-off with Rumrunner. Then I locked the bootloader and put S-ON again. When I tried rebooting I got Tampered, Locked, Security Warning. Recovery seems to have disappeared, any attempt to reboot brings me back to the bootloader. I've attempted flashing a rogers recovery from an OTA, I've tried flashing the out of the Rogers RUU, I've tried flashing the GPE RUU zip. Basically anything I try ends with (bootloader) signature checking... FAILED (remote: signature verify fail). I've tried unlocking the bootloader from HTCDEV, the screen prompt to unlock the bootloader doesn't appear on my device. I've tried running fastboot oem unlock (because it was GPE). Anything I could think of I tried.
TLR I bricked it good. Do I have any options?
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GPE bootloader 1.54+ can not be unlocked (the well known GPE bootloader bug)
You did the final blow when turning it back S-ON.
Now that you can't boot it, you can't achieve s-off anymore and the only work around for the GPE bootloader unlock bug require S-OFF.
So you are stuck with a non-bootable, non s-off'able, non-unlockable phone, well, a brick with written proof that you have caused it yourself (tampered flag in the bootloader)
Sorry :crying:
Now time to send your phone for repair or to buy another one.
Try this
Thread closed and cleaned up at OP's request.