[Q] Gesture Control - Xperia SP Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

are there any gesture control apps for this phone??
does this phone support any gestures like that of samsung Galaxy



[Q] how to disable epic lockscreen vibration ?

Anyone know how to disable vibration in epic lockscreen ?

[Q] Prevent navigation bar rotation?

I have enabled navigation bar/keys on my S5 rooted stocked touchwiz rom and when it is in landscape, the navigation bar is all black with no keys... Is there a way to disable navigation bar rotation...so that I don't lose the keys?


"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
SONIC OPEN KANG PROJECT ​A premium quality Android OS from Sonic-Developers​
* Your warranty is now void.
* I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
* do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if you
* point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you.
*Click Here To Read More Disclaimers
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Clock & Date with custom definable location and styles along with selectable custom colors
Customizable Status bar Battery icon with percentage .
Status Bar Brightness control
Option to Enable & Disable Network Activity Arrows
Double Tap to sleep option on status bar
Status Bar Task Manager
Quick Settings :
26 user Selectable Quick Setting tiles including Ambient Display,Nav Bar ,Slim Actions, Live Display, Gesture Anywhere ,Battery Saver & App circle bar tile.
Switch to Disable & Enable Enlarge view of first row tiles.
Option to Set four Tiles In a row of quick Settings.
Switch to enable/disable vibration on tile touch.
Switch to enable/disable Brightness Slider.
Options to add max 3 actions in Slim Action tile.
Configurable QS Quick Pull down .
Configurable QS Smart Pull down.
Animation Controls:
IME Animations
Over Scrolling Effects
Toast Animations
List View Animations
AOKP System Animations
Option to Enable/Disable Scrolling Cache
Scrolling Modifiers.
Navigation Bar
Switch to Enable/Disable onscreen navigation bar
Navigation Bar buttons large number of buttons provided including Screenshot, power menu, custom application buttons etc.
Navigation bar dimensions
option to select menu location
Switch to enable/disable landscape view of navigation bar.
Hardware Buttons:
Switch to enable/disable hardware key buttons
Buttons back light option
Option to hide/show/auto detect overflow button
Customizable key actions including normal press,long-press, double-tap actions for back,home and menu key.
More them 10+ user configurable power menu options this includes bellow mentioned buttons
Screen Shot ,Screen recorder, Advanced reboot, Custom Application, users
PIE Control :
Switch to enable/disable pie control
Configurable various number of buttons including button style and button second layer
User configurable button styles with trigger option , custom color,transparency ,and size
Option to configure menu visibility in pie controls
Display Settings :
User configurable brightness settings along with adaptive brightness .
Display sleep settings from 15 sec to 30 min including 45 sec step.
Expanded Desktop with per application configuration
LCD Density Settings
En chased font size slider
Auto Display rotation with all rotations angles including 180 degrees .
Screen Cast
Custom Display options like volume rocker wake ,wake on charger plugged/unplugged .Double tap to wake (supported devices only)
Ambient Display with Advanced Doze options including Doze pulse .
Live Display:
Live Display modes
Color temperature Settings
Switch to enhance colors
Color calibration including RGB sliders
Gesture Anywhere &vApp Circle Bar :
Switch to enable/disable Gesture anywhere & app circle-bar along with tile on QS
Option to set gesture location, trigger width ,height, position
Recents Panel :
Switch to select slim and stock recents panel
Custom background ,text color option in slim recents
option to show/hide topmost task in slim recents
Configurable recents applications size in slim recents
Sounds & Notifications
Enable/disable camera shutter sound
Enable/disable safe headset volume
swap volume buttons when screen is rotated
Volume steps
less frequent notification sounds can be configured from 3sec 5 mins
User configurable per application notifications
Notification lights with custom color options for missed cal ,voice mails etc [only supported devices ]
Battery light with custom color option [only supported devices] for battery low,charging, pulse if battery low, and fully charged lights
Heads Up Notifications with Snooze timer and time out options .
Security & Lockscreen :
Privacy Guard
Smart lock
Double tap to sleep anywhere on lock-screen
Show/hide advanced reboot
Hide quick settings on secured lock-screen
Lock Screen Shortcuts
Other Options :
Dolby Digital and Digital plus as standalone sound controllers.
Layers RRo 2.1 with orion to launch layer manger from Settings
Wake Lock Blocker
Screen Recorder with external audio , video-size, and bit rate options.
Custom application settings menu with privacy guard .Appops settings
Configurable media scanner behavior on boot.
Device partition info on Storage settings.
Option to hide super user indicator.
Disable FC notification
Kill apps back button with configurable time option
Option to show CPU info on Development settings
Custom colors for battery saver and trigger options
Advanced Keyboard options like auto rotation with time out,disable full screen keyboard ,volume key cursor control.
Still list continues .................................
For more updated And Detailed List of Features with images visit here
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# SOKP-L-5.1.1-LVY48C-R8.0
Anti-Piracy Support [Forget cracked Nulled themes & Apps All those will not work in SOKP ..We support Developers Hard Work along with Countless of effort and time they utilize on making a theme or application ...Hope our users also support This]
cameraservice: Resolve message vs start/stop preview races
libstagefright: Fix LPA default min duration
audiopolicy: Fix DTS Eagle dependence on kernel
Fix order of Slim Actions & Navigation Short cuts
Lockscreen Wallpaper: Fix FC on None security
Settings: Long Term Orbits (LTO)
Battery saver: Add 10% and expand options up to 30%
Custom clear all icon color
Double tap to sleep on navigation bar
Fix GPS for old GPS HALs
qs: initialize day temperature in livedisplay tile
camera: Unbreak the extended face detection code
Floating windows: Fix statusbar immersive mode for snap points.
Added Back FingerPrint Lockscreen [Hardware support required]
Fix for rare recents npe
Display headset when plug
Add a controller for in-call proximity sensor
autobrightness: Fix the brightness dialog is not work when first enable auto-backlight
Updated Prebuilt Filemanger
Telecomm: Support Samsung Dual Sims Phone phone_type switch
Photo Gallery widget: fix NPE in getViewAt
Gallery2: Intents for image/video directory viewing/picking
telephony: use IMEI as device ID when LteOnCdma mode is enabled
Fixed KeyGuard not being disabled on second quickmessage
Mms : Don't load slideshow details for draft
ComposeMessage: Improve performance with large groups
allow platform / system app to access thermal sysfs in qcom sepolicy
Fix status text to reflect when FM is enabled
FM: fix mRadioTextScroller usage in transmitter activity
FMRadio : Launch station list automatically after scan
New Device tree and kernel source for YUYureka & Yuphoria [warning custom kernels built with old source may cause boot loop.]
Minor DTS Sound tweaks
Fix Poweroff charging animation for Yureka
# SOKP-L-5.1.1-LVY48C-R8.0
Updated To Android 5.1.1 r8
Changed Headsup options more friendly
Swipe Options - for notifications
Lauch Heads up notifications in floating mode
Lauch Notifications in floating mode
Appcirclebar float mode switch
Clean up floating mode option handling code
Gesture anywhere launch apps in floating mode & switch
livedisplay: Fix issue where settings weren't applied
Fix mounting of non-FAT formatted SD cards
Add multi SIM ringtone support
Add support for default ringtones per sim
Speed up Statusbar and Activity Manager
Mobile data tile: open network settings
WifiTile: Fix wifi toggle state in detail view
msim: Fix saving default sim from select SIM dialog
livedisplay: Round values up
Fix JNI global references leak in AudioEffect
Added SlimDim
Added Lockscreen wallpaper support [see security settings]
fix misaligned ripple for pin-entry backspace button in keygaurd
Fix ClassCastExceptions in systemui
SystemUI: dismiss brightness slider on screen off
livedisplay: Fix outdoor mode detection
improve lock screen wallpaper behavior
Fix a system server crash in backup
StatusBar Ticker
add reboot confirmation dialog for tablets
MediaScanner: Detect folders
KillProcessGroup on background thread
Fix a GL error leak issue
fix CTS DisplayTest.testGetMetrics
Density scaling: scale compatibility apps, wm command support
Rewrite Keyguard Visualizer
Fix keyguard wallpaper issues
Recentsevelopment shortcut
systemui: never show excluded recent task in recents view
Add an option to disable searchbar in recents
recents panel clear all button tweaks
replaced recents clear all button with a fab button
add floating button center option & change clear all button
Add Fade in and Fade out effect to Recents FAB
option to ignore the last app when clearing recents
Add membar to recents options
Show live wallpapers in the recents view on high-end devices
Screen pinning improvements
SlimRecent: Set topmost task to ON
Allow screen unpinning on devices without navbar [Set long press back button to kill task]
Added Extend swipe helper
Added on-the-spot user preference dialog
Stock Recents: Launch apps in Floating mode.
Floating windows update: Fixes and Improvements.
Floating windows: Fix when we close floating window also remove the task
Floating windows: Fix minimize/maximize buttons coloring
SystemUI: fix recents task view height calculation
Add alternate WebView provider package
fix NPE in visualizer tile
Soniclaucher : 75% transparent app drawer
add expanded desktop navbar action
Improve dalvik cache pruning
Allow skipping of dalvik cache pruning if boot marker is in place.
Support QC2.0 type charger
# SOKP-L-5.1.1-LMY48G-R6.0
Updated to Android L5.1.1-R6
Changed Rom & Kernel compilation tool chain to Saber-Mod
Floating Window with Multitasking [ Can be enabled vis appcircle bar,slim recents....]
Chrome floating issue fix
Gesture Lockscreen
Lockscreen weather/icons/text customization
Add Lock Clock,Weather Settings
Fix overflow/underflow problem in comparison logic in alarm
Added keyguard wallpaper functionality to WallpaperManager
Clean up keyguard carrier text handling.
Fix Photosphere/Camera FCs
Added option to disable lock screen shortcuts
Fix ro.telephony.default_network setting parsing
long press lock screen lock icon to sleep
fix device sleeping with lid with incoming call
Added option for lock screen visualizer to be disabled
Disabled visualizers during power save mode
Moved keyguard visualizer behind notifications
Fix for visualizer flash on track change
Added dynamically generate visualizer color
Fix LiveDisplay notification
Added option to Display cursor buttons in navigation bar while typing
Volume Button Long Press Skip Tracks
Allow disabling adjusting volume sounds
launch default music player on headset connect
AudioService: fix crash when no music player found
Fix volume key music controls and wake up
Add Weather display to status bar header
Fix "ghost" weather display in expanded status bar
SmartPullDown to SlimActions.
Add ability to ignore interruptions while active media playback
Chamber of Secrets
Hide secondary icon and divider on expanded panel.
Always show ZenPanel when showing expanded volume panel
Implement linked volumes
fix Notification volume slider linking
Fix notification sounds for wifi only devices
Fixed broken link in UiAutomation
fix heads up snooze button
Battery saver enhancements
Slim action float tile
Materialize Gesture everywhere close button and improve layout
Breathing missedcall/sms/voicemail [ Not tested]
Added Option to re start system ui in development settings
Restart SystemUI tile
Added restart systemui to slim actions
Left clock
Added timeout and instant lock option to slide lock
Fixed non-intrusive incoming call
SlimHeadsUp: Add a global 3-way switch
Non-intrusive InCall UI switch
Screen Security settings
Fix pattern visibility settings
Fix FC when adding shortcut to launcher
Add a 2 sec timeout for heads up notifications
Add toggle for captive portal check
HWKeySettings: Don't enable NavBar when disabling hw keys
Settings: fix BT switch enabling discoverable mode
Fix memory leak issue in application settings
Settings: add setting for default alarm tone
USB Settings: Warn before enabling UMS mode
Settings: fix bad MTP uncheck behavior
Fixed Network activity arrow andd removed option to hide
healthd: allow custom charger
fix Deadlocks
Fixed incoming call handling while heads up off : CM defects.
Fix for InCallUI post app close FC fix.
Show waiting state in call title also for MSIM.
Browser: Power saving mode
Enable USB OTG settings for yureka
Sonic-launcher fix custom icon pack support
Added Backup restore launcher settings option
Sonic Launcher - Oprion to hide statusbar
Sonic-Launcher fix text label color in appdrawer.
# SOKP-L-5.1.1-LYZ28E-R5.0
Updated to Android L5.1.1-R5
# SOKP-L-5.1.1-LMY48B-R4.0
Ctrl+alt+delete >>> old base #Re-Base SOKP to AOSP.
Since we re-based rom we can consider new features which added on to of AOSP can be considered as change log
Clock & Date with custom definable location and styles along with selectable custom colors
Customizable Status bar Battery icon with percentage .
Status Bar Brightness control
Option to Enable & Disable Network Activity Arrows
Double Tap to sleep option on status bar
Status Bar Task Manager
26 user Selectable Quick Setting tiles including Ambient Display,Nav Bar ,Slim Actions, Live Display, Gesture Anywhere ,Battery Saver & App circle bar tile.
Switch to Disable & Enable Enlarge view of first row tiles.
Option to Set four Tiles In a row of quick Settings.
Switch to enable/disable vibration on tile touch.
Switch to enable/disable Brightness Slider.
Options to add max 3 actions in Slim Action tile.
Configurable QS Quick Pull down .
Configurable QS Smart Pull down.
IME Animations
Over Scrolling Effects
Toast Animations
List View Animations
AOKP System Animations
Option to Enable/Disable Scrolling Cache
Scrolling Modifiers.
Switch to Enable/Disable onscreen navigation bar
Navigation Bar buttons large number of buttons provided including Screenshot, power menu, custom application buttons etc.
Navigation bar dimensions
option to select menu location
Switch to enable/disable landscape view of navigation bar.
Switch to enable/disable hardware key buttons
Buttons back light option
Option to hide/show/auto detect overflow button
Customizable key actions including normal press,long-press, double-tap actions for back,home and menu key.
More them 10+ user configurable power menu options this includes bellow mentioned buttons
Screen Shot ,Screen recorder, Advanced reboot, Custom Application, users
Switch to enable/disable pie control
Configurable various number of buttons including button style and button second layer
User configurable button styles with trigger option , custom color,transparency ,and size
Option to configure menu visibility in pie controls
User configurable brightness settings along with adaptive brightness .
Display sleep settings from 15 sec to 30 min including 45 sec step.
Expanded Desktop with per application configuration
LCD Density Settings
En chased font size slider
Auto Display rotation with all rotations angles including 180 degrees .
Screen Cast
Custom Display options like volume rocker wake ,wake on charger plugged/unplugged .Double tap to wake (supported devices only)
Ambient Display with Advanced Doze options including Doze pulse
Live Display modes
Color temperature Settings
Switch to enhance colors
Color calibration including RGB sliders
Switch to enable/disable Gesture anywhere & app circle-bar along with tile on QS
Option to set gesture location, trigger width ,height, position
Switch to select slim and stock recents panel
Custom background ,text color option in slim recents
option to show/hide topmost task in slim recents
Configurable recents applications size in slim recents
Enable/disable camera shutter sound
Enable/disable safe headset volume
swap volume buttons when screen is rotated
Volume steps
less frequent notification sounds can be configured from 3sec 5 mins
User configurable per application notifications
Notification lights with custom color options for missed cal ,voice mails etc [only supported devices ]
Battery light with custom color option [only supported devices] for battery low,charging, pulse if battery low, and fully charged lights
Heads Up Notifications with Snooze timer and time out options .
Privacy Guard
Smart lock
Double tap to sleep anywhere on lock-screen
Show/hide advanced reboot
Hide quick settings on secured lock-screen
Lock Screen Shortcuts
Dolby Digital and Digital plus as standalone sound controllers.
Layers RRo 2.1 with orion to launch layer manger from Settings
Wake Lock Blocker
Screen Recorder with external audio , video-size, and bit rate options.
Custom application settings menu with privacy guard .Appops settings
Configurable media scanner behavior on boot.
Device partition info on Storage settings.
Option to hide super user indicator.
Disable FC notification
Kill apps back button with configurable time option
Option to show CPU info on Development settings
Custom colors for battery saver and trigger options
Advanced Keyboard options like auto rotation with time out,disable full screen keyboard ,volume key cursor control.
Still list continues .................................
# SOKP-L-5.1.1-LMY48B-R3.2
Bugfix build for tomato and cancro
# SOKP-L-5.1.1-LMY48B-R3.1
Determine default 12/24 hour time format setting from locale.
Modify GC Delay to include subsequent launches. (fix)
Profiles: re-enable data toggling
systemui: notify everyone that lockscreen is not going to be shown
Increase brightness faster if ambient light is brightening quickly.
Revert "frameworks: display: Added automatic brightness configs"
Allow sending vendor- or device-specific commands to the camera HAL.
Themes: Multiwallpaper support
Revert to previous battery padding
PackageManagerService: Create means of installing prebundled applications
Eleven: Remove inset from top tracks circle
Eleven: Remove inset from top tracks circle
Kill off a few MSIM tab hosts.
Settings: Add some more entries into 'SMS message limit' menu
Fix invalid roaming_protocol for telenor.smart APN
Drop hipri,supl from Smartfren4G
Adjustments in recents clear all icon
HW keys tweaks
recents panel clear all button tweaks
add HeadsUp button in status bar header
Bring back silent mode
Changes in Heads up qs tile
HeadsUp: fix headsup for incoming calls
Heads up Touch outside to hide
Improve HeadsUp
HeadsUp timeout option
HeadsUp options
EmailTests: fix api change
email: fix tests
Mms : Add users permission to prevent crash
PhoneCommon : Add layouts to support hdpi devices
WakeLock: Layout Improvements
CMSDK: Hide CMContextConstants from docs.
SettingsProvider: Update icon.
Dialer: deblur fab_blue.png
Gallery2: rematerialize icon
SlimPIE: Configurable sensitivity
Sync PIE with kk sources in PhoneWindowManager and fix mask with navbar
Correct the color of ic_navigation_ring_power_menu.xml
SlimPie give user ability to reduce trigger heights if IME keyboard shows (1/2)
Remove IME switcher codes
Frameworks: add ability to send a custom intent after keyguard is finished
Frameworks: moar shortcut icons by Sven R.
Frameworks: Keyguard - Add user configurable shortcuts
Frameworks: add all slim shortcut image resources
Frameworks: inital bringup of slim actions and helper classes
Frameworks: Add several Slim helper classes and constants back
Frameworks: Add volume panel expand animation
Power menu into navring targets
Power menu QS tile
NavBar tile
Navbar tweaks
Revert Runtime toggle of navbar
Camera2 Introduce a 'device plugin' concept.
Settings: materialize grabber icon
ThemeChooser Allow changing status/navigation bars when styles selected
ThemesProvider Check old install state before reapplying icon pack
Telephony msim: Fix up activity for Call settings
Calendar: fix recurrence picker switch
email: fix Exchange sync frequency account setup
ThemeChooser: add uninstall shortcut to ChooserDetailFragment
email: linkify phone numbers
Recognized multiple wallpapers in theme
SystemServer: Skip TorchService construction if no flash feature detected
Add alternate WebView provider package
Fix array bounds exception in getSecondaryStorageState
unbreak density scaling
tomato: lights: Adjust to new aw2013 driver
tomato: Remove lights dependency on kernel headers
tomato: Update EGL libraries
tomato: Update QC soundfx libraries
titan: init: Update fingerprints to LXB22.99-24.2
Tomato: New Kernel.device tree and vendor blobs
shamu: Use platform cert for CNEService
shamu: Update blobs for 5.1.1 (LYZ28E)
shamu: Allow vvm to work
klte:update blobs
# SOKP-L-5.1.1-LMY48B-R3
Updated To Android 5.1.1 R3
Fix for invisible drawable in QS Tiles
Fix for SystemUI FC after call
Fix Filtering additional Tiles
Fix unnecessary camel case in System UI
Fix setting hotspot bounds in a drawable container
Fix PackageManager crashes w/ queryIntent using callerUID of 0
Remove net id broadcast change event
Fix Context leaks in EditText causes out of memory
Fixed memory leak in ExtractEditLayout finish()
Fix to Prevent possible memory leak in SpanSet
Avoid unnecessary restart provider process in activity manager
Fixup volume stream linking
Remove some useless debug spam.
Allow the StatusBarComponent be externally defined
KeyGuard Fix the wrong Plmn/SPN display.
Fix activity always visible.
make Default profile change ring mode back on
Improve PreviewsColumns
Fix LiveDisplay QS icon size.
Fix old code in MediaPlayer
Fix context leak
Prevent windows from freezing screen while timeout
Fix lost singleton provider after force-stopping user or package.
Adjust display inversion matrix to account for luminance
Implement better legacy support for themes
AudioService: persist volume of ring stream when ringer mode changed
Made default overlay for spell checker
Fix bug of unnecessary wakeups after completed syncs.
Fix for infinite loop in RemoteViewsAdapter
Fix bugs regarding delay the dispatching of non-wakeup alarms
Align recents clear button to screen edge instead of tasks if close
VolumePanel Properly update expanded volume panel sliders
Add alternate WebView provider package
Add Bluetooth tethering option to BT overflow menu
Hide soft keyboard when opening LockPatternActivity.
Livedisplay: Respect default values passed from CMHW
Enable apps2sd for apps with unspecified install location
Exclude themes from being moved to external storage
All Recent Themes Updates from CM12.1
Remove gamma correction from color correction shader
Fix a memory corruption issue when vector resize
Fixed streamType for non-media streams
Smart Dialer
# SOKP-L-5.1.1-LMY47V-R2
Updated To Android 5.1.1
Fix Navibar Issue with devices having Hardware key
Fix QS icon issues
Fix QS background Theme issues
Fix duplicate option in lack-screen settings
Heads Up Tile
Over all Bug fix which is present in R1
Removed QS color , navi bar custom options [will be added back in next version]
Some Stability tweaks
# SOKP-L-5.1-LMY47I-R1
Updated To Android 5.1 r5
Merged DTS Audio Sytem With Dolby And Dolby Digital Plus
Added AOKP System Animations
Added Xui-Mod Toast Animations
Added Listview Animations
Added Listview Interpolator
Added Gesture Anywhere
Added Network Traffic Meter
Re-Added Secure Lock-screen features
Re-Added Battery Saver Features with profile,colour change option and extended automatic trigger option to till 30%
Re-Added Hide Power Menu In Secure Lockscreen
Power Menu Screen shot delay Options
Added Lock Screen Power Menu
Quick Settings customizations
Quick Settings Color Options
Added Apps Cicle Bar with configurable Trigger Region
Added Lockscreen timeout and instant lock option to slide lock
Camera Sound Toggle
Added solid black not a gradient as background
Added more sensitivity steps Edge Gesture Service
Added the ability to hide superuser status bar icon
Added Volume panel timeout
Added Dotted circle battery
Added storage notification enhancement
Added Screenrecord and screen record option in power menu
Re-Implement ambient display as Active Display And Ambilent Display tile
Add music tile
Add USB Tether tile
Allow screen unpinning on devices without navbar
CM Screen Security settings
Implement SOKP Boot Logo & Boot Message
Mobile data tile: open network settings
Optimize IncallUI delay for voice calls
Fix memory leak due to duplicate in shadow cache
Removed unnecessary surface transaction calls
Fixes for large number of thumbnails leads to low memory
MediaCodec: Update cached buffers in async mode
Telephony: Modified RILConstants in accordance with LMR1 RIL.h
SystemUI: Hide secondary icon and divider on expanded panel
Added brightness settings to Profiles
Removed unnecessary sleep in ActivityThread.
Disable switch/recents key to be pressed on lockscreen
Fix ServiceRecord leakage
Improve task order of getRunningTasks.
Add ProcessInfoService to activity manager.
Fix for leaking surfaces from exiting windows
Fix up torch tile handling.
Fix Google backup/restore
Fix lockscreen selection view in landscape mode
Fix QS tiles not being refreshed on overscrolling
Various Fix on android Framework
Fix pattern visibility settings
# SOKP-RC-02-L-5.0.2-LRX22G
Reverted to Material stock AOSP UI( SOKP Dark Theme is under construction).
Switch To Enable or Disable Quick Settings access in secured lock screen (automatically activated when pin or pattern is enabled ).
Switch to Enable or Disable Power menu Access in secured lock screen.
Long Press to sleep in lock-screen lock icon.
Scrolling Cache is Disabled for better performance.
Fix for system/call volume when head set connected.
Added Option to enable disable screen shot sound.
Fix Data input stream leak.
Fix for potential GraphRunner leak in camera effects.
Added Option to set mediaScaner behavior on boot.
Density Changer .
Disabled media tests.
Added option to show 4 tiles in a row in quick settings.
Added option to resize dual tiles in quick settings.
Added Live Display & fix issues when using multiple users.
Implemented Ambient Display as Active Display with various configuration.
Fix Accessibility focus bug in status bar.
Added Lockscreen visualizer.
Add Support to set default ring tone on per sim basis.
Hide unused Msim icons
Added Many Custom Tiles.
# SOKP-RC-01-L-5.0.2-LRX22G
initial Build
Various Bug Fixes Compared To Goggle AOSP
Material Dark UI.
Advanced Mode In Settings.
Configurable Custom colours in Battery Saver Mode.
On The Spot
On Screen Navigation Bar switch.
Navigation Bar Left handed Mode in Landscape Mode.
Configurable Navigation Bar Hight.
Navigation Bar Button Colour.
Materialised Toast Frames.
Disable FC Dialogues.
Materialised Text Select handle.
Smooth Upload & Download Animations.
Fix For Battery Status wakelock
Status Bar Left Clock.
Customizable Battery icon.
Status bar Notification Counts.
Double Tap To sleep option in status bar.
Status bar Brightness control.
Quick Pull-down
Weather above Quick settings.
Quick Settings Customizations
Configurable Power Menu.
Configurable Multi-user Accounts.
Customizable device wakeup with home, volume buttons
Customizable long press action and Double tap action
Option to reorient volume button when screen rotates
Customizable lock screen slider short-cuts
Glow-pad double tap gesture
Wake Lock Blocker
Customizable Navigation Bar and Navigation Rings
Cyanogen Mod Themes with customizable Styles,,Icons,fonts boot animation,sound packs,etc
Custom Profile switcher
Expanded Desktop
Customizable advanced Display with Scenario,night mode.
Notification Light
Screen Caster
CPU and Memory Info In Settings About.
Custom Volume Steps
Ascending Phone Ring Tones
Privacy Guard
Mock Location and Mock SMS
Adoptive Back light
Beautiful SOKP Fonts System Wide.
Apex Launcher As Default Launcher for Time being.
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We would like to thank Google AOSP ,Slim-ROMS ,CyanogenMod for their device trees, hardware repos , frameworks/Settings mods and their code that was incorporated into this project. We also extend our gratitude to the devs whose code that we have incorporated. Proper authorship has been maintained and can be viewed on our repository.
We would also like to credit
My Friends @thereassaad & @worstenbrood
Dolby Developers Team
Zeroinfinity(i love you you are my motivation....)
Koushik Data
Rizal Lovigs
Developers of HWAUIE ACSEND P6 k3v2oem1 Device
Developrs of Acer E1 Device
Sonic-Developers & Members...
Our Dynamic supporters & Beta-testing Team
If we still miss any one by-mistake Please don't start Thermo-Nuclear War or Ward War -3 in with me In thread Just Push a PM to me we will Add your Name to list if you deserve it ...
Click Here to visit the Detailed List of Credit that we maintain
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Complete Source of SOKP including Device ,kernel , vendors which we use in our official Release builds.
Please Note : Until and Unless we specify/ mention separate source here the above source are valid for SOKP official Builds That we release here .
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Minimum Requirements To Install SOKP:
Your Device Should be Rooted with Unlocked Boot-loader & Latest Custom recovery Installed.
Recommended Custom Recovery TWRP : Click Here to View TWRP Offical supported devices
Installation Procedure:
(A)If you are making a Fresh Installation(or Coming from any other rom other than SOKP) :
Boot Into Recovery Mode
Wipe Data,System,Cache,Dalvik
Flash provide latest SOKP ROM Zip
Again Wipe Cache and Dalvik
Reboot To System
Now again Reboot into Recovery Mode
Flash latest G-Apps
Wipe Cache and Dalvik....and Reboot To System.
(B)If you are already Running SOKP Rom But You want to Update with latest Version:
Boot Into Recovery Mode
Flash provided Updates of SOKP ROM(latest weekly)
Again Wipe Cache and Dalvik
Reboot To System.
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Official G+ Community
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XDA:DevDB Information
SONIC OPEN KANG PROJECT- A Premium Quality , ROM for the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2
Adi Shakthi
Source Code: https://github.com/SOKP
ROM OS Version: 5.0.x Lollipop
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.0.x
ROM Firmware Required: Rooted with Unlocked Boot-loader & Latest Custom recovery Installed.
Based On: AOSP
Version Information
Status: Testing
Current Stable Version: SOKP-L-5.1.1-LVY48F-
Stable Release Date: 2015-08-24
Current Beta Version: SOKP-RC-01-L-5.0.2-
Beta Release Date: 2015-03-02
Created 2015-03-02
Last Updated 2015-09-22
Credits to @SacredDeviL666 For Beautiful Screen Shots of SOKP
Screen shots of sokp
Nice thread layaout , finaly we are back in STYLE
Hay P31XX users .....
any feedback about rom ?
i can see many downloads but no feedback any special reason ?
Thank you for your work! I'll be trying this out later today! Loved SOKP on my s4
DLUX24 said:
Thank you for your work! I'll be trying this out later today! Loved SOKP on my s4
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its already made i think may be you can check download site once
downloading now will soon post feedback
thanks for your great work
Downloaded and will back soon for feed back.
thank you for your hardwork:good::good:
Is the GPS work in this ROM
once again thanks bro the touch responsive is very smooth no laggy battery is so good.​but here no Dolby digital plz fix the issue and plz add double tap to wakeup the touchscreen feature​otherwise no issues the rom is bettar than the other lollipop roms thanks @Audiogod:good:​
Just now Downloaded the Rom, What about GAPPS, I didnt find them in the Download link provided.
Request you to kindly help.
Thanks in advance...
pmuthuk1037 said:
once again thanks bro the touch responsive is very smooth no laggy battery is so good.​but here no Dolby digital plz fix the issue and plz add double tap to wakeup the touchscreen feature​otherwise no issues the rom is bettar than the other lollipop roms thanks @Audiogod:good:​
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Dolby is not added in this build ....will be added soon .......double tap to wake i will look into it when am free ......currently am concentrating on rom source rather then specific device ........ hope fully i will add it soon
Downloading now will soon post feedback
Thanks for work
The link not work for me
aumast said:
The link not work for me
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disable add blocker and reset your APN once .....use opera ...
if you use pc wipe your DNS cache
Server is working fine ....
Adi Shakthi said:
disable add blocker and reset your APN once .....use opera ...
if you use pc wipe your DNS cache
Server is working fine ....
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I changed dns and it's work but the speed download is very bad [emoji17]
Trying to install on gt-p3110 with TWRP but I have had an error: "E:error executing updater binary in zip '/external_sd/Modding/......."
Any ideas?
Inviato dal mio Nexus 5 con Tapatalk
i will test the rom soon on my 3110 but where is the GAPPS?
But thanks anyway!
Just flashed on 3110.
From some reason o dont have playstore and no gapps!
Well after searching i found this link, GAPPS for sonic!!!
Works on sonic rom for 3110 and maybe for others.
hope help some one.
Also thanks for the rom!
Rom installed succesfully without problem...but problem found when flash gapps....I'm using slim gapps and failed to flash.
Gotta find another source of gapps...
will feed back soon...:good::good:

gesture in screen off mode

i want to enable wifi during screen off by doing a gesture ... is it possible with tasker? even with any plugin

Using third party app for notification panel

My device- samsung galaxy S20 FE, running one UI 4.0
I want to use power shade as my default notification panel but whenever I try to use it, I can do it partially, i.e. when I swipe down the notification panel both the power shade pane and system panel come down. I just want to use the power shade.
I already toggled "on" the override system panel in the app, but it does not solve the problem

