Did you receive 4.3 OTA yet. Please post location. - Nexus 4 General

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I think it's based on IMEI/SN rather than location, so it will be nice to know the production date (212K, 301K, 302K etc...) of those who managed to receive an OTA update.
306K here - nothing yet.

303k turkey ota come not yet dudes.

303k India running JDQ39E, nothing yet.
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212K, Finland. Nothing yet

Georgia not yet

omaga said:
212K, Finland. Nothing yet
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212K Finland & same.. nothing.

DuudX said:
212K Finland & same.. nothing.
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I updated by downloading the firmware from google dev. site......am from india and Mine production date is Jan/2013

sachindpai1 said:
I updated by downloading the firmware from google dev. site......am from india and Mine production date is Jan/2013
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There is always one!!!! lol
I'm in UK and no OTA yet for both my Nexus 4 or 7.

Nothing here - UK bought phone, manufactured April 2013

um, says post if you DID...
Sent from your mom's bedroom using her iPhone

Very, VERY true. Apologies for the spam ... and further apologies for the extra spam that serves only to apologise for spam.

212K. No sign of updates here at Silicon Valley.

Location has nothing to do with when you'll receive the OTA update.

has everyone been doing the dialer code?


Nope, no update yet. (location =India) btw what is every one writing with those "k"?? How check that out??
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Not yet. NYC area.
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Marcb said:
Location has nothing to do with when you'll receive the OTA update.
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What else does? And any source that states that?
btw. Austria and still nothing ...

I have an N4 and N7.. been monitoring both forums.. I don't think I've seen a single person say they got the OTA via OTA.
I also would have expected to see Engadget, etc, annc that 4.3 was rolling out.
So I'm not sure it's really being pushed yet.


Please report your OTA status for AT&T Nexus One stock EPE54B

Can people please log the if, when and where status of the OTA for the above phone?
Nothing. Even did the *#*#checkin#*#*
been trying since yesterday. nothing.
I can't wait! I am already feeling anxious.
Hey looks like the Motorola Droid/Milestone will get it before the Nexus One.
Saw some reports that they are aiming for a July release for Droid and August for Droid X.
Nice - I really appreciate the way google is treating its Nexus One customers.
nexusdue said:
Hey looks like the Motorola Droid/Milestone will get it before the Nexus One.
Saw some reports that they are aiming for a July release for Droid and August for Droid X.
Nice - I really appreciate the way google is treating its Nexus One customers.
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Troll. (10char)
Nothing here too.
But I'm trying everyday *#*#checkin*#*#
Nothing here yet...
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spidermonkeyrob said:
Troll. (10char)
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Says the one person not actually contributing.
Nothing here
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Nothing here on Rogers Canada yet..
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Nothing Here
Telcel on Mexico . . .
Nothing on AT&T in AZ...FWIW, been doing the *#*#checkin*#*# at least once a day for the past week.
Nothing here yet in CT, USA. I'm waiting for T mobile and AT&T
Nexus One 2.2 beta1 using XDA App
Nothing for my att nexus one here in md
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Hey, I just read an article at Android and Me where they claim there is a new update for EPE54B build. Go check it out, I . http://androidandme.com/2010/06/news...update-frf85b/
I already installed it and works like a charm. The instructions for a manual install are there.
Atento said:
Nothing here too.
But I'm trying everyday *#*#checkin*#*#
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How do you do the checkin thing?

Android 4.3 update, who's still waiting?

I know we have a lot of threads discussing 4.3 already, but those seem to be for people who have successfully downloaded it and worked with it. I'm curious to see how many others are still waiting on the update. I live in Canada and so far I've seen no sign of it, my device tells me I'm still up to date with 4.2.2. I don't have 3G but I regularly connect to WiFi.
It's not a very big deal... the update doesn't seem to have much that I need, except maybe a slightly faster speed when doing things. But yeah, I'm curious. Share your locations if you're still waiting.
EDIT: I really wish there was a way to edit the titles for threads...
EDIT 2: Thank you for that.
Philippe Lemay said:
I know we have a lot of threads discussing 4.3 already, but those seem to be for people who have successfully downloaded it and worked with it. I'm curious to see how many others are still waiting on the update. I live in Canada and so far I've seen no sign of it, my device tells me I'm still up to date with 4.2.2. I don't have 3G but I regularly connect to WiFi.
It's not a very big deal... the update doesn't seem to have much that I need, except maybe a slightly faster speed when doing things. But yeah, I'm curious. Share your locations if you're still waiting.
EDIT: I really wish there was a way to edit the titles for threads... I realize I should have added more details like [Android 4.3 update, who's still waiting?], but it's too late now.
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just edit your post(via browser). press edit, advanced, then edit in the title line.
UK, got the update on my old gnex but still waiting on n4.
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sensation lover said:
UK, got the update on my old gnex but still waiting on n4.
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Im in russia with a UK model still waiting. Im too busy at the moment to actually flash it so im going to be patient and wait for OTA.
It seems we are always last on the list here to get OTA or any updates.
Could any Russian users post and let me know if they have the update
Kind regards
In in South Carolina and one of my N4 has gotten the update but my other N4 hasn't gotten it yet. And neither has my N7 for some reason.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
I've got the update on my n7 but not my n4 here. (Minnesota)
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I haven't gotten mine in Canada yet :crying:
Im from brazil and Ota shows up yesterday
I got nothing here in Brooklyn, NY. I have been doing the framework trick since the news hit and still nothing but all my friends who live on the same block have it. I don't get how they work the OTA some say region and server...I say by your IMEI...its annoying me
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
Canada here,
Still waiting on my N4 and N7.
N4 is on and off 3G doesn't seem to make a difference.
Last time around, the N7 got it within the week and N4 had to wait 2+ weeks until it arrived.
Austria; 212K N4 (stock everything) still nothing ...
I am on a custom rom and I am too lazy to go back to stock. Would wait for a week untill PA or CM have cooked their 4.3 builds.
UK, London - Tried the framework thing - Nothing....
Phone bought in UK, using Norwegian sim-card. Now travelling in Europe. Have checked (WIFI) in Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. Still nothing.
Croatia still didnt get it hopefully soon
No updates in Bangladesh either...
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got tired of waiting after the OTA zip was published. downloaded the thing and sideloaded it. easy as pie and stopped me from checking the damn system update like an addict
check the excellent OTA thread, it should be easy enough for moderately literate geeks to flash it in a breeze
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I am waiting, but not for the OTA that arrived on my phone a couple of days ago. I am waiting for all the bugs to get squashed and for the apps to get updated to accommodate 4.3.
In the UK just received the update
Austria. Got it offered today via OTA. Default System w unlocked bootloader. Installed wo problems.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2

Samsung Don't like USA

USA we are still waiting for our update....
Most countries received their update on 11/13/2013...
I don't think there are more than 100 buyers in some of the countries listed on Samsung updates.. http://samsung-updates.com/device/?id=SM-V700
F$$k you Samsung I'm sick of you not supporting your products..
dmoney94 said:
USA we are still waiting for our update....
Most countries received their update on 11/13/2013...
I don't think there are more than 100 buyers in some of the countries listed on Samsung updates.. http://samsung-updates.com/device/?id=SM-V700
F$$k you Samsung I'm sick of you not supporting your products..
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Try this ..... stop whining and download and install MK7 yourself.
FYI, not only the States but Canada did not get the upgrade but I stopped feeling sorry about myself and installed the firmware anyway.
dmoney94 said:
USA we are still waiting for our update....
Most countries received their update on 11/13/2013...
I don't think there are more than 100 buyers in some of the countries listed on Samsung updates.. http://samsung-updates.com/device/?id=SM-V700
F$$k you Samsung I'm sick of you not supporting your products..
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Install the UK version yyourself Damn man it works flawlesly
AstroDigital said:
Try this ..... stop whining and download and install MK7 yourself.
FYI, not only the States but Canada did not get the upgrade but I stopped feeling sorry about myself and installed the firmware anyway.
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Already Have...
But why haven't they release for USA and Canada yet...
This is beyond me.
Why still whyning you got yourself a full working gear right?
Sent from my SM-N9005 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
I would like the u.s version. ...no offense but having a u.k version would bother me.
Sent from my SM-N900T using xda app-developers app
Canada got the update.. i have mk7 right now on my gear.. got it 5 days ago
Sent from my SM-N900W8 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Is there any difference on the US and UK versions of mk7?
Sent from my SM-N900T using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
I have flashed the UK and it works great. Why wait? It is an official release, just for the UK. I think US get last on a lot because of all he laws/regulations and the number of users. Release it to the lower number to filter out the bugs. If all is well release to the rest.
Then don´t buy Samsung. Over here in Mexico we dont get any more support than in USA and Canada and we are not whining about it.
Samsung Don't like USA
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Because USA love Apple
dyspire said:
Because USA love Apple
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One issue with the UK is that you still have to put on the hacked email app to be able to get Microsoft exchange notifications. I am hoping that they fix the manager and gear update to take care of this problem. Also I have notifications working now but they get stacked on top of each other in Exchange, when several come in close together.
That's my issue too. I don't want to use a broken exchange solution just to get the mail that should be working . I am NOT a big complainer but this too has really pushed my button expect more from Samsung on this particular for us early adopters
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highlordkram said:
One issue with the UK is that you still have to put on the hacked email app to be able to get Microsoft exchange notifications. I am hoping that they fix the manager and gear update to take care of this problem. Also I have notifications working now but they get stacked on top of each other in Exchange, when several come in close together.
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inmnbob said:
That's my issue too. I don't want to use a broken exchange solution just to get the mail that should be working . I am NOT a big complainer but this too has really pushed my button expect more from Samsung on this particular for us early adopters
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This is not a "problem/bug" its a security layer implemented by Samsung..
Exchange mail requires a pass lock to be active on Samsung's official app. You may use exchange mail as a every day feature, although people use it mainly for business purposes.
Reason why they force you to view it on your device, your device should be secured with keyguard so your identity can be verified before displaying the email.
Well if that was the case why did the first version work?
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inmnbob said:
Well if that was the case why did the first version work?
Sent from my SPH-L900 using XDA Premium HD app
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Same reason why minimal notifications were available upon release, Samsung was rushing the release.
Jeshter2000 said:
Why still whyning you got yourself a full working gear right?
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Not Whining...
Is just the principal..
You never leave US out...
We the largest consumers in Electronics..
What pisses me of is some of these countries with the update probably have 10 people that own the device.
Lol there's a hostile mob in this thread.
There's nothing wrong with pointing out that the US was left behind with these updates. Yes, I could break out Odin and manually update the Gear myself (and I did exactly that). However, it's ridiculous that the update is taking this long for US customers. I mean, is there a reason why this should be the case? It's going to be the exact same update that everyone else received.
I just don't get it. And frankly I don't understand why you guys are being so passive about it. If the firmware had not been made available by samsungupdates, then everyone would still be **** out of luck.
Running UK version myself but what the heck. Every time someone posts a thread about the US update all the stupid people come out and tell us to install the UK version. My gear IS NOT working flawlessly unless I happen to have a phone from the UK too. As many have pointed out, exchange does NOT work and its not that way because of security trying to protect us. Or is it just people in the US that needs this so called security feature.
Exchange in Europe works with UK ROM, exchange in US plus UK ROM/firmware =FAIL.
If you don't need exchange...good for you, but don't say UK firmware works flawlessly for US customers. It just works flawlessly for the features you happen to use.
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When will the Official kitkat for At&T be released ?

It's out on other carriers. Anyone know when AT&T are going to release it? I'm running the leak which works fine...
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It's unknown. Att could be trying to fix the gps issue but for all anyone knows they just don't feel like releasing yet.
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ekerbuddyeker said:
It's out on other carriers. Anyone know when AT&T are going to release it? I'm running the leak which works fine...
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AT&T hasn't said crap about it..You'll just have to wait if you want it. KNOXRAID is one if not the only KK custom ROM that works flawlessly.
wait til 4
Agent said:
AT&T hasn't said crap about it..You'll just have to wait if you want it. KNOXRAID is one if not the only KK custom ROM that works flawlessly.
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I don't think AT&T will release it til the Note 4 comes out
JGuinan007 said:
I don't think AT&T will release it til the Note 4 comes out
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People thought the same about the s4.
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if all of us hold or breath while signing the petition then they will have to listen. it must have worked with t-mo http://www.tmonews.com/2014/03/andr...wnload/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
It'll come out when it comes out. Just like everything else smartphone related. When it does, I'll be right here saying "I told you so."
Hope the GPS issue is fixed.
Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk
I have been pestering at&t customer service about it as frequently as I can. Maybe once a week.
The chat guys are really nice but they admit they dont know anything about the update. They admit it has been released over 3 months ago (by samsung to at&t) and that they have to sanction it first. They also say "i dont konw, might be never".
I got a chat guy for AT&T to admit that 4.4.2 for S4 was released 2/26/2014
So if it was this recently, note 3's update is probably coming soon.
Has anyone else received a small software update? I am currently in baseband nb4.
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iamsavedme30 said:
Has anyone else received a small software update? I am currently in baseband nb4.
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I'm on NB4 and haven't received any updates since but they say KitKat is coming soon.
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The title really should be changed.
1: it is misleading and makes people think it has been released
2: it has not been released so this "discussion" is exactly the same as the rest all over the forums.
3: it is a question in the OP asking for an ETA. Not really allowed and nothing has been said or heard on when it comes out. It gets released when it gets released. And since it is a question, it belongs in the QA section.
Sent from my SM-N9005A using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Has any one heard anything recently?
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I had an update today on my Note 3 that failed and then my update checker said it my device was up to date.
Hawkhell said:
I had an update today on my Note 3 that failed and then my update checker said it my device was up to date.
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How big was the download? 30 mb or so?
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Hawkhell said:
I had an update today on my Note 3 that failed and then my update checker said it my device was up to date.
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are you on the latest update? NB4? if so, that would be very weird..
tylercarter said:
How big was the download? 30 mb or so?
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It was 37MB and then my wife had one on her S4 that was 300+MB that failed. Is it common to not be able to update over the air? I've always had to use kies to upgrade.
Hawkhell said:
It was 37MB and then my wife had one on her S4 that was 300+MB that failed. Is it common to not be able to update over the air? I've always had to use kies to upgrade.
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She got kitkat. We haven't yet. On her phone the entire system has to be bone stock to update. At least that's what I'd do just to be sure. Make sure she has a good wifi connection.
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if at&t follows their usual update patterns, i expect it will be released in late april or early may (when the s5 is coming out). im assuming they're just waiting for the s5 to come out before releasing kitkat so people will buy the s5 instead of the s4 since it will be their only kitkat phone. just an educated guess
BeastSpencer said:
if at&t follows their usual update patterns, i expect it will be released in late april or early may (when the s5 is coming out). im assuming they're just waiting for the s5 to come out before releasing kitkat so people will buy the s5 instead of the s4 since it will be their only kitkat phone. just an educated guess
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AT&T already officially released the 4.4.2 KitKat update for the S4 about 2 weeks ago.

Any 6.0 Updates?

Sorry if this is the wrong section. Quick question though, Does anyone have any updates on the 6.0 Update? I keep receiving small 35 mb updates but no big updates.
Nobody knows when 6.0 will come out.
They rarely say anything to they are about to release it. ATT also takes the longest out of all 4 major carriers
schhy said:
They rarely say anything to they are about to release it. ATT also takes the longest out of all 4 major carriers
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Actually verizon has been the slowest to roll out updates for every phone I have had through them...
I have AT&T for personal use and verizon for work.
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justda said:
Actually verizon has been the slowest to roll out updates for every phone I have had through them...
I have AT&T for personal use and verizon for work.
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Yeah i know, but this past year, Verizon has beaten ATT on the updates
According to reddit user ballislife4328, AT&T will be pushing Marshmallow update on March 14th.
shichemt said:
According to reddit user ballislife4328, AT&T will be pushing Marshmallow update on March 14th.
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cesarsuarez said:
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Their source is this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=3321144 , I tipped them and Android authority
Well that worked out... I don't see an update...

