Tell me please. I wanna flash ICS in my GT-I9000
I guess CyanogenMod 9 for SGS will be the best but it's still in alpha. I can't wait to see stable version (anybody knows when it will be released?). As far I didn't use any ICS rom so notnasty9999 you should wait for other replies.
BARMAN2005 said:
I guess CyangogenMod 9 for SGS will be the best but it's still in alpha. I can't wait to see stable version (anybody knows when it will be released?). As far I didn't use any ICS rom so notnasty9999 you should wait for other replies.
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Thanks for reply.
Waiting for other replies.
Without fail daxinfinity's codenameandroid port;
It's at the level where the CM9 alpha should be - great performance (especially with glitch kernel), best battery life of the ICS roms, and the most customization.
Do yourself a favour as well, install the apex launcher - looks and performance of the stock ICS launcher, but cyanogen levels of customization.
I tried cm9 and onecosmic
And now i got AKOP port 2.02
There is no lags , FC , not stuck , A lot of customizion
And it is the best for me
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
AOKP 2.02beta with Semaphore 0.8.1 is extremelly fast, reliable, stable! highly recommend.
ive just installed daxinfinitys got to say pretty good no problems so far love all the extra tweaks you can do.
Teamhacksung is the best. In my experience, this is the most stable ICS build (currently on build 16). I have messed about with AOSP and AOSK and some of the other versions and at first they seem better but often they seem to have a fault - lockscreen freezes or problems with my external sd card and transferring large files with my laptop. I have found the semaphore kernerl (latest version) really good when setting on battery saver mode. You can also change the boot animation with ROM toolbox - good stuff there!
notnasty9999 said:
Tell me please. I wanna flash ICS in my GT-I9000
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I can tell you that starting yet-another-thread on topic already ongoing
And here:
is a bad habit.
I am aware of badly implemented search function of xda, but still?
Best practice = read more, try self.
Pattern of phone usage will always be different.
Bro, hello there, I have 2 SGS, one is running CM9 with original kernel, and another one is with TEAMICSSGS RC4.2+Devil kernel 14.2LED, no doubt, TeamICSSGS is my choice, it is fast, reliable, and most major function are working, around 95% of the function are working perfectly, especially the camera video effect, which makes my day..Try it, trust me..=D..have a nice day
Teamhacksung will pwn all the others and still does.
All those 'wow I have a new ROM' which is totally PAWITP's with a bit of my
own (kuch % battery and don't know what other kinda stupid stuff) are so
not comparable.
They call it SLIM ICS because they deleted some apps, wow it has such a
better battery and lightningfast, yeah well every dork can do that (but
they still call it a new ROM mhowhehaha). It's all in between the ears.
Still think there a 2 main ICS ROMS:
- OneCosmic
- TeamHacksung
And TeamHacksung, here flashed on my i9000, is still the best from build #1.
Stable, stock or on Glitch, so no need to flash all the 20 other useless things.
I don't even flash my phone now every week and my phone is kinda stable,
the accu's getting used to the build and with everything on I have a good
I use AOKP and I am very satisfied.
It has only very minor bugs and is perfectly suitable for everyday use.
I haven't used Teamhacksung as I had the "hello hello" bug in CM7 which others are reporting in Teamhacksungs CM9.
Currently using Team ICSSGS 4.2 with semaphore 0.8.1. Been using this combo for almost two weeks & battery life is awesome with great performance and for what I use my phone for it is super stable, virtually lag free and with no noticeable issues.
While I do miss all the customisations of the CM Roms the "hello hello" bug is a deal breaker for me. There is apparently a solution to actually fixing the bug but this also appears to work for some people but not all. (You can download - if you have these issues)
I agree with inozako TEAMICSSGS RC4.2+Devil kernel 14.2LED, is the best solution....try it
Testing almost all, cm9, CNA ('s), AOKP ('s), MIUIv4 and finally AOKP 2.0.2 is the best, the most stable, the easiest to customize & very good battery.
in my signature no doubt
I haven't tried Teamhacksung's since i have i9000b and it doesnt support it but i did try ICSSGS and i tell you i cant think on a better rom. You should give it a try, since its avalible for i9000, i9000b captivate and vibrant
gal95loker said:
I tried cm9 and onecosmic
And now i got AKOP port 2.02
There is no lags , FC , not stuck , A lot of customizion
And it is the best for me
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
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I'am using ICSGS the onecosmic one. It's pretty smooth, but iam still waitin for a newer relaese of CM9. Well...i like the changes they made to ICS.
I tried the Slim ICS (dark knight) and it seems pretty good
i'd like to know what is the best ICS Rom so far for LG O2x...
Last time i installed O2x ROM from NOVA kernel but still having some issues with:
1. Receptions / Signals (Specifically 3G/HSDPA)
2. Still get forced closed on some of the apps..
I am thinking about changing the kernel as well, but not too sure which kernel to use and how to install it (Presumably just download the *.zip and flash it through recovery).
Any suggestion?
p.s Since i am new here, i am unable to reply/post thread on development forum
i'm running novahd and no force closes so far. signal strength is ok even in bad signal areas. everything runs pretty much stable, except noticeable lag in comparison to cm7 or gingerbread whatsoever.
i'm keeping an eye on eaglesblood as it's not cm based (pure aosp) and looks like V20 basebands & rils are working, but didn't tried it yet.
yes, kernel installation goes thru cwm recovery. just choose install zip from sdcard and run it. jarvis kernel seems less stable than novahd kernel; didn't tried harsh and hp kernels yet but will in next few days.
Also running nova HD for me it works very good! Since v1.1 no random shutdowns anymore with nova kernel. Best battery runtime since ever!
Sent from my LG-P990 using xda app-developers app
I'm trying out the eaglesblood rom and so far i'm finding it good, better reception than I was getting on CM7 and it seems like fewer bugs too. Really enjoying having ICS on my phone at last though
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF300T using Tapatalk 2
I'm on tamasek's CM7 and I+m loving it, its very stable and quick, no problems whatsoever.
I never tried one of the ICS roms because TBH I never found ICS that appealing, never thought it was anything special so I dont want to change from CM7 until CM9 gets as good as it can. JB, however, I cant wait to try.
Rom Question
Hi @all
i have a question about this 3 Roms. Which one is the best for LG P990??
[ROM][CM9][JUN26-Build79] Domination - Taking Cyanogenmod to the next level
[ROM][CM9][ICS 4.0.4][JUN27] Nova HD Rebuild v1.1.0 | LG UI 3.0 | Highly Customizable
Cyanogenmod 7.2.0 Stable
regards Fr0z3n
IMO, the current best build
is the Hellfire sandwich port from the SU660
solely based on some of the software tweaks to add speed, its probably the most stable ICS rom you can find for our phone.
best to keep with a good all round stable fast rom like DjangoManouche
but if you like trying out new things work away. ^.^
Fr0z3n77 said:
Hi @all
i have a question about this 3 Roms. Which one is the best for LG P990??
[ROM][CM9][JUN26-Build79] Domination - Taking Cyanogenmod to the next level
[ROM][CM9][ICS 4.0.4][JUN27] Nova HD Rebuild v1.1.0 | LG UI 3.0 | Highly Customizable
Cyanogenmod 7.2.0 Stable
regards Fr0z3n
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The good thing about Android is that you can try every ROM whenever you want. It just takes a few minutes. Install those ROMs and see which one best fits on your device.
Remember that every ICS ROM (CM9 and unofficial releases) don't work perfectly. For instance, hardware acceleration does not work on those ROMs.
If you want a more stable ROM you can try the unofficial release from temasek here. It is based on CM 7.2.
Just give each n every one a try and see which one best suits you....never hurts does it?
You should test each rom, so you can find out which fits to your needs.. don't be afraid to test a new rom, just do an nandroid backup and everything will be fine
Gesendet von meinem LG-P990
thanks for all the answers....i will now try out different roms
one last question: what about this rils and baseband if there any problems when i flash one of this roms?
regards Fr0z3n
never had problems with that, just flash the matching ril with get ril or lg ril version after you flashed the rom
Gesendet von meinem LG-P990
Looking For Better UI and Apps ROM
I am searching for rom which has complete Look & Feel of Samsung Galaxy S3 & LG Optimus 4x HD.
It should be two different roms. Which has similar Launcher,User Interface, Stock Apps , Similar Calling Messaging features etc.
In short a complete Look & Feel of these type of hugely running phones. Till now all the ICS roms made by devs are based on Stock ICS Roms. It will be better to switch it to these types of modifications also.
Thank You
frosts said:
I am searching for rom which has complete Look & Feel of Samsung Galaxy S3 & LG Optimus 4x HD.
It should be two different roms. Which has similar Launcher,User Interface, Stock Apps , Similar Calling Messaging features etc.
In short a complete Look & Feel of these type of hugely running phones. Till now all the ICS roms made by devs are based on Stock ICS Roms. It will be better to switch it to these types of modifications also.
Thank You
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not a rom but a theme for GoLauncher EX
regards Fr0z3n
Fr0z3n77 said:
not a rom but a theme for GoLauncher EX
regards Fr0z3n
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No I know that but its not complete look and feel i cant get stock apps of these phones through GO Launcher
I wanted a ROM like this which is used in Samsung Galaxy S - This ROM has complete look and feel of Samsung Galaxy S2
I flashed NOVA HD, but after some days of regular usage it started lagging. Apps took too long to open.
Later I flashed Indroid Remics, the ROM settings on this ROM is very comprehensive and there are many tweaks included which can be customized. (sticking to it, till I find some thing better)
I like the NOVA HD and XXMrHyde, but stock browser and Dolphin HD crash a lot.
I am using Owain94 Domination 79, browser not crash.
Hellfire runs well. NoHW Acceleration, no HD Record, a no Go for me. Im back on Official cm7.
All runs how it should. On Nova, i had massive lags, especially by heavily multitasking.
Wait for Official ics. Then Ics Based Customs made Sense
Gesendet von meinem Optimus 2X mit Tapatalk 2
I liked XXMrHydes build with jarvis kernel when I was using ics.
Sent from my LG-P990 using Tapatalk 2
Cuurently on CM 7.2 which according to me more good on daily use.
Sent from my Optimus 2X using xda app-developers app
Hi all!
Now I have CM9 by ivendor and last my phone sometimes have lags and its slow, games which havent lags when I installed this system now have ;/
Last time I think about change but I can't decided. I believe that you help me and you knows better what is worth attention.
I think about: but in version 6.3v
I need rom for long time which is fast, stable and good for gaming.
Well if have to choose those twos i prefer smoothieics, but i think Jelly Bean roms are more smoother and better in performance.
try Slim Bean
I recommend to try JB roms. Even though they are a bit more buggy, but not much and almost everything works. You will not want to come back to GB/ICS roms after them.
Or you can try MIX ROM its also jelly bean and its fast and smooth
IMO for now, the best overall configuration is [JB] CM10 by Ivendor + Broodkernel V1.4 (CastagnalT's kernel is awesome, but JB version has some problems at the moment) - It's responsive as hell, games that were laggy on Ivendor's CM9 now work with no problems at all, I also tried PACman 18.0 by Camcory and it had the best battery life, similar to GB ROMs - anyway, go for JB ROMs, "soon" with 3.0 kernel it will fly! Only problems, that I've got: 2 random reboots in a month, no BLN, no panorama pictures, some other minor known bugs.
What are the pros and cons of using 4.2.1 vs 4.1.2? I've been a JB (4.1.2) user for a while and I like how it flows, will I run into any kind of major bugs going to the newer versions? I've read about bluetooth headset issues but I don't even own one so no problem there XD some users also say 4.2.1 is actually faster, is that true?
Which ROM do you guys use for a daily driver? (I have my SGS for like 2 weeks and already flashed it like 20 times lol)
I've been using hellybean and I find it is faster and amazingly more stable but it could just be how I use it
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda app-developers app
there is some 4.2 rom already to SGS+ I9001?
jbezerra said:
there is some 4.2 rom already to SGS+ I9001?
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Sorry bro, only saw 4.1.2-based ROMs yet
personally i like 4.2 more, because there's less problem with these roms for me. on 4.1 android system always kept the phone awake but when i switched to 4.2 this annoying problem disappeared. also my battery life is better and the speed too. so i highly recommend you to try one or two new roms
Flashed both CM10 and CM10.1. The 4.2.1. was much more laggy and had much more bugs than 4.1.2 did, so I flashed to CM10 stable and it runs like a charm.
Sent from SGS GT-i9000 using magic.
That is because cm10.1 is nightlys ROMs like hellybean and slim bean are much faster and more stable
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda app-developers app
I personally use X-Bean 3.0, stable, fast. I'm now stuck at Semaphore 2.6.2s since newer versions do not support WiFi direct.
I'm eager to try a possibly better rom, trying to decide on anything 4.2 based.
4.2.1 is much faster than 4.1.2
in my opinion the Ram management is also much better
for daily use i'm running on HellyBean 4.2.1 by DerTeufel
for me its the stablest, fastest and smoothest Rom for SGS
i use 4.2.1. fishears nightlys. after i found out that he uses the original parition layout and my hardware is given, its the only right choice for me. i was on slim bean before but after 2-3months of use it became veeeery laggy and random reboots.... slim bean is a very good rom but after some usage it caused a lot of problems. i hope fishears wont do the same after a couple of time
I can never settle for a ROM...been like this since I got my SGT7 which was flashed like everyday, lasted on stock for the first week. I'm a flashaholic XD anyway, I've since posting this tried Helly Bean (4.2.1) and was amazed by how smooth it went and flawless then I screwed it up by flashing some random stuff and getting a bootloop, as usual. Then I tried Helly Bean (4.1.2) and was sad to see it was actually slower than the 4.2 version so right I'm on MIUIv4 from and I'm not sure about it really. Will give feedback whenever but I believe I'll just end up going back to 4.2.1 for the awesomeness of it.
4.1.2 has stopped Development already because of the latest release of Android 4.2 version.
So if a user is satisfied with a stagnant Rom, this is a better choice.
A user can just pick a most stable 4.1.2 Rom and flash it, but expect no more Development on this one.
The beauty of 4.2.1 is its continuous Development. New features are added and new tweaks are introduced everytime.
I'm using 4.2.1 C-Rom Mix v4 and I'm surprised by its fastness and stability.
I really didn't expect an almost perfect 4.2.1 Rom at this early stage of its Development.
AW: [Q] 4.2.1 vs 4.1.2
But according Android Version history the changes in 4.2.1 are not significant nor performant. So no urge really to upgrade in my opinion.
Sent from my GT-I9001 using xda app-developers app
If I remember right, 4.2 introduced the possibility to key in your PIN in landscape orientation. This comes handy if got a desk- or cardock (or both )
Does android 4.1.2 support GL to SD? 4.2.1 doesn't so I'm thinking of downgrading but I need to confirm
I've been away from the S3 mini section on Xda for a while now, so I'm fairly unaware on the latest roms available and what they're like.
I've decided to give the S3 mini to my dad as his entry into the Android world..
Can you lovely experienced users advise me on the latest roms available? The last I knew, Benz rom and dmod were the best and most stable versions and had the best features.
My dads not as experienced as I am so once I give him the phone I'd like for the phone to be very stable and have good battery life versus performance.
Suggestions please?
I hear Tyson made a rom. Hey fella
Sent from the dark side of the moon.
iKlutz said:
I've been away from the S3 mini section on Xda for a while now, so I'm fairly unaware on the latest roms available and what they're like.
I've decided to give the S3 mini to my dad as his entry into the Android world..
Can you lovely experienced users advise me on the latest roms available? The last I knew, Benz rom and dmod were the best and most stable versions and had the best features.
My dads not as experienced as I am so once I give him the phone I'd like for the phone to be very stable and have good battery life versus performance.
Suggestions please?
I hear Tyson made a rom. Hey fella
Sent from the dark side of the moon.
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There are a lot of ROM´s dude...
Some like CM, others SlimBean, ....
I prefer debloated and deodexed ROM with init.d support just like somin.n ROM or Virginity
Try it by yourself.
If you want to keep for phone stable to give it to your dad, then stick with stock or something like benzrom or dmod.
My personal suggestion is that you go for Maclaw's CM 10.2, which has the best battery life, an improved kernel and, well, it is android 4.3
If you wanted to try the latest features, but not final version yet, you could try Maclaw's CM 11. It's a great rom, that works flawless in our devices. Nevertheless, it stills has some small bugs that will be solved in future releases.
The link to maclaw is maclaw.p , give it a try!
PS: remember to flash gapps!