[Q] Firmware... - One (M7) Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have a question regarding Mike's post http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2182823
I am currently S-on and I have UNLOCKED and *TAMPERED* in my bootloader. My software version is and the phone is locked to O2 UK (CID O2_001). My hboot version is 1.54
What are the implications of me flashing the x.xx.206.x firmware version in Mike's post? The CID and MID of my phone match the firmware. WIll this entirely brick the phone as soon as it is booted up?
I have a nandriod version of JB 4.1.2 for O2 (not sure of the version, think it was If I flashed that, say, then flashed the firmware and carried on with my OTA's will this by any chance a) brick the phone, rendering it a very useful hat weight, or b) remove the *TAMPERED* message from the bootloader?
Or, in fact, is there even any way to remove that dreadful tampered message from the bootloader without a RUU?

You're already on the latest FW that o2 have released so I'd just stick with it for now and take a Nandroid of the current build as using the 4.1.2 one will lead to screen issues as it's not compatible with the 4.2.2 FW

EddyOS said:
You're already on the latest FW that o2 have released so I'd just stick with it for now and take a Nandroid of the current build as using the 4.1.2 one will lead to screen issues as it's not compatible with the 4.2.2 FW
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Thanks for your reply. I have the OTG cable which I can plug my mouse into and navigate around the phone on 4.1.2 to update to 4.2.2 via OTA
The main thing Im wondering if all this is worthwhile is a) will it change the bootloader so the tampered is removed, and b) is it possible to flash it, flash the stock nandriod of 4.1.2, use the mouse to navigate to update to 4.2.2 and BAM, back to stock o2?

No it won't, only S-OFF and flashing an RUU would get rid of that


[Q] going to stock fail... need 2.24.401.1 nandroid

I got myself in a bit of a dead zone here.
I have my HTC one. Its HTC__001 WWE Europe. It OTA upgraded to 2.24.401.1.
When I saw that you can convert to a GPE I really wanted to check it out specially after users reported success in getting OTA updates. But I quickly realized I needed S-Off and thats not available yet.
I decided to at least take it to a test drive with ARHD GPE 3.0. I downloaded the latest RUU for my device (1.28.401.7) thinking I would need that to get back to stock. I went and unlocked the bootloader at HTC dev. Flashed CWM recovery and flashed ARHD GPE 3.0. Played around with it for a bit and now when I needed to go back to stock.
RUU.exe file got stuck at updating signature then returned 155 unknown. I realized maybe its attempting to downgrade the bootloader so i looked around for a 2.24.401.1 RUU but its not available yet.
I looked at Nandroid backups and found 1.28.401.7 HTC__001 but its UK unbranded. When I restored this version it loaded up but my touch screen didnt work at all. I flashed back ARHD to get touch capability back.
So my question is... Any chance anyone can nandroid backup the stock 2.24.401.1 i need? How can I go to stock now? Am I stuck with custom roms untill atleast s-off or HTC decides 2.24.401.1 RUU should be made available?
Are you s off?? Downgrade your hboot to 1.44 and then flash the ruu for your device....
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
No unfortunately im s-on... Funny how being a good boy and being s-on HTC rewards me with no option to go back to stock...
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
LOL............ I am in same postion . want to go back to stock for updates but cant !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2224752 ... Flash ROM, install stock recovery, relock bootloader, done. The official firmware will be about soon no doubt so you will be able to fastboot it and have the newest base, stock and all before HTC release it in whatever region.
Obviously you'll need S-Off for Hboot 1.54 if/when it happens in order to remove the tampered flag and change relocked back to locked but what I mentioned above is the closest you'll get without being able to run an RUU.
AllAboutTheCore said:
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2224752 ... Flash ROM, install stock recovery, relock bootloader, done. The official firmware will be about soon no doubt so you will be able to fastboot it and have the newest base, stock and all before HTC release it in whatever region.
Obviously you'll need S-Off for Hboot 1.54 if/when it happens in order to remove the tampered flag and change relocked back to locked but what I mentioned above is the closest you'll get without being able to run an RUU.
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You cant s-off on hboot 154 yet. Unless I am mistaken.
Like op says we need a nandroid of firmware think that's only way until ruu is releasee ; (
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
ipmanwck said:
You cant s-off on hboot 154 yet. Unless I am mistaken.
Like op says we need a nandroid of firmware think that's only way until ruu is releasee ; (
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
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2 things:
1) I'll quote what I said, I never said S-Off was available .. "Obviously you'll need S-Off for Hboot 1.54 if/when it happens"
2) What I said above for going to stock is a way of doing it, a Nandroid is not the only way.
AllAboutTheCore said:
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2224752 ... Flash ROM, install stock recovery, relock bootloader, done. The official firmware will be about soon no doubt so you will be able to fastboot it and have the newest base, stock and all before HTC release it in whatever region.
Obviously you'll need S-Off for Hboot 1.54 if/when it happens in order to remove the tampered flag and change relocked back to locked but what I mentioned above is the closest you'll get without being able to run an RUU.
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I actually did this and Im running it right now without problems...
But Im not sure id be getting OTAs as the bootloader main ver still says 2.24.401.1 and not 2.24.401.8. I dont think Mike made a 2.24.401.1 available.
Its a bit disappointing. Im fine with having my bootloader tampered and relocked and s-on as long as I got stock running like it should be. i dont understand why HTC gives you the option to unlock ur bootloader to play around with custom firmware but not allow you to go back to stock. im guessing the RUU is on the way but I have my doubts... Just like s-off.
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
ossman said:
I actually did this and Im running it right now without problems...
But Im not sure id be getting OTAs as the bootloader main ver still says 2.24.401.1 and not 2.24.401.8. I dont think Mike made a 2.24.401.1 available.
Its a bit disappointing. Im fine with having my bootloader tampered and relocked and s-on as long as I got stock running like it should be. i dont understand why HTC gives you the option to unlock ur bootloader to play around with custom firmware but not allow you to go back to stock. im guessing the RUU is on the way but I have my doubts... Just like s-off.
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
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Nah, the stock firmware for 2.24.401.8 is not available yet, only a customised one which would require S-Off anyway. The method I mentioned is the only way at the moment to get as close to stock as possible without being able to go S-Off and flash an older RUU. When Mike gets hold of the stock firmware to post, I'm sure he will ... I can't see any 2.24 RUU's being available seeing that HTC are pushing for a 4.3 release by the end of September, so I'd wait anyways, unless you need to return your device for warranty purposes of course.
As for you getting OTA updates ... I haven't installed the .8 ROM but it shouldn't affect it as the base you are on is still an older base than what you'd be trying to update to but I'm not 100% on that as I haven't flashed it as my device is away for repair lol. I would imagine that the 2.24.401.8 firmware would be about soon enough and then you would be able to revert to stock with the newest base but obviously as you said yourself, without S-Off you wouldn't be able to wipe any trace of you flashing and modding.
I think HTC only allow you to unlock your bootloader because they can void so many warranties that way and bill for repairs lol ... Maybe I'm being cynical but I do agree that they could provide a stock RUU for people to return to stock, without all the hassle of S-Off or waiting months before any suitable RUU is available but sometimes you have to just suck it up and live with what we have lol
ossman said:
I got myself in a bit of a dead zone here.
I have my HTC one. Its HTC__001 WWE Europe. It OTA upgraded to 2.24.401.1.
When I saw that you can convert to a GPE I really wanted to check it out specially after users reported success in getting OTA updates. But I quickly realized I needed S-Off and thats not available yet.
I decided to at least take it to a test drive with ARHD GPE 3.0. I downloaded the latest RUU for my device (1.28.401.7) thinking I would need that to get back to stock. I went and unlocked the bootloader at HTC dev. Flashed CWM recovery and flashed ARHD GPE 3.0. Played around with it for a bit and now when I needed to go back to stock.
RUU.exe file got stuck at updating signature then returned 155 unknown. I realized maybe its attempting to downgrade the bootloader so i looked around for a 2.24.401.1 RUU but its not available yet.
I looked at Nandroid backups and found 1.28.401.7 HTC__001 but its UK unbranded. When I restored this version it loaded up but my touch screen didnt work at all. I flashed back ARHD to get touch capability back.
So my question is... Any chance anyone can nandroid backup the stock 2.24.401.1 i need? How can I go to stock now? Am I stuck with custom roms untill atleast s-off or HTC decides 2.24.401.1 RUU should be made available?
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i got an nandroid backup for you fully stock unrooted : https://mega.co.nz/#!AUZGkKwC!EAfhUXYAgjpAR42jGzG_mhzWJjwcs1j7R_tm_HPMDAo

s-off update to latest firmware, need some pointers

I have searched to forums under HTC one and cant find the info I am looking for. I want to upgrade my phone to latest ATT firmware that is available(or latest recommended file to use). How do I go about the process. I updated my radio to 4A.17.3250.20 my software version is still 1.26.502.12 Am i supposed to flash the corresponding RUU, if so will this flash a new hboot. I am s-off revone and latest TWRP installed. ATT HTC One Black 64gb. Thanks.
If I take the OTA update from ATT for the latest firmware will this replace my currant hboot and custom recovery, I dont want to loose s-off. I am coming from sprint htc phones and am not sure if the update process for firmware updates is the same, on sprint I could just bootloader flash lates firmware file. Would this be the same process for ATT version htc phones.
If you already are s-off, you will remain s-off after upgrading to latest firmware.
sent from my One.
You should be fine as long as your MID/CID weren't changed. Then you would need to change it back to whatever it was originally. Just don't switch to S-On.. you may not be able to get S-Off again
Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk 4
Thanks for the info guys, i am s-off stock ROM that came with the phone when i got it. I did not mess with CID just yet. I did have to revert back to htc stock recovery, update did not start up with TWRP.
problem with update
Okay, I took the OTA from ATT witch was around 225mb, it had a boot loop after install. When phone booted up an error said that update had problem and did not update correctly and I should wait for another update. My software number did change from 1.26.502.12 to .15 My WiFi will not turn one and camera app comes up for a second and vanishes from screen. I tried scanning for new update, says phone updated. How should i proceed now. Thanks for any pointers.
cpt.kraker said:
Okay, I took the OTA from ATT witch was around 225mb, it had a boot loop after install. When phone booted up an error said that update had problem and did not update correctly and I should wait for another update. My software number did change from 1.26.502.12 to .15 My WiFi will not turn one and camera app comes up for a second and vanishes from screen. I tried scanning for new update, says phone updated. How should i proceed now. Thanks for any pointers.
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Hey man! what do you think about do the supercid, then flash the right Ruu, and start with a clear phone?
all is good
I could not find an ATT RUU for my phone on XDA but did find one off another forum. Ran the RUU and I am now back to stock. I did not loose my unlocked boot-loader or s-off. This time ATT OTA update came through with no problems.
My phones version radio is 4a.17.3250.20_10.40.1150.04L and software version 1.26.502.15 are these the latest available for att
cpt.kraker said:
My phones version radio is 4a.17.3250.20_10.40.1150.04L and software version 1.26.502.15 are these the latest available for att
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Latest from AT&T, yes, but any of the international updates will work on your phone. Plenty of AT&T guys are running the the 4.3 leak with no problems.
iElvis said:
Latest from AT&T, yes, but any of the international updates will work on your phone. Plenty of AT&T guys are running the the 4.3 leak with no problems.
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How would i take one of the intentional updates, do change my CID for the phone to access the update, I want to be able to get the radio/firmware update, and I am not sure if I flash one of the custom roms the firmware/radio is not part of the ROM. Thanks for the info given.
cpt.kraker said:
How would i take one of the intentional updates, do change my CID for the phone to access the update, I want to be able to get the radio/firmware update, and I am not sure if I flash one of the custom roms the firmware/radio is not part of the ROM. Thanks for the info given.
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You're s-off, you can install anything. Just flash the latest firmware from the firmware thread, then whatever rom you want. If you wait for AT&T, you won't see 4.3 until 2014.

[Q] rooting and return to stock without S-Off

Hi everyone,
I recently switched from my Galaxy Nexus to the HTC One. Coming from a nexus device, the general rooting procedure seems to be a bit more complicated on the one. After browsing the web for a few hours, a couple of things are still not completely clear and I would appreciate any help as I do not intend to break a recently bought 550€ device So thanks in advance.
Rooting, flashing roms and kernels, and installing a custom recovery works after unlocking the device with htcdev.com. I do not need S-Off for those things. Is this correct?
When it comes to returning the device to stock for let's say, a warranty-related issue, is this also possible with S-On? If this is the case, how would I do that as I mostly found guides to return to stock that require S-Off? I'm currently on hboot 1.54 so S-off is not an option right now.
Also, if I lock the bootloader again (which should work with fastboot oem lock I assume?) I read somewhere that it will say Relocked instead of Locked. Out of experience, would this be a problem if I need to send the device in?
Tl;dr: Rooting, flashing roms and kernels, installing a recovery is possible after unlocking the bootloader with htcdev.com. Can I also return the device to stock if I need to send it in with S-On or does that require S-Off?
Thank you.
Any help is appreciated.
All the rooting, etc. can be done with just an unlocked bootloader. It's the downgrading that required S-OFF
EddyOS said:
All the rooting, etc. can be done with just an unlocked bootloader. It's the downgrading that required S-OFF
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That's quite pleasant news, thank you. Can I also return it to stock for warranty-related issues with S-on? And what do you mean with downgrading and why would I do that?
As there is no RUU available for anything over 1.29.401.16, being S-OFF gives the option of using an older RUU to get the phone back to 100% stock and then you can get the OTA updates to get to the latest version again. If you're S-ON you can only restore a nandroid backup (which I would say a million times to do before flashing a new ROM), restore the stock recovery and then relock the device
b0ld said:
That's quite pleasant news, thank you. Can I also return it to stock for warranty-related issues with S-on? And what do you mean with downgrading and why would I do that?
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Well first thing you should do when you unlock your bootloader is do a nandroid backup of your stock rom. that way you can flash it back if you ever want to return to stock; so you won't need to look endlessly for an RUU or other backup, which may or may not exist.
However, once you do unlock and install custom recovery your bootloader will say:
*** UNLOCKED ***
*** TAMPERED ***
and if you re-lock your bootloader, it will only go back to *** RELOCKED ***, it will never go back to *** LOCKED *** (unless you're S-Off with revone)
I'm not sure about the TAMPERED, as there are some conflicting reports, some say TAMPERED will go away once you flash stock recovery, and others say it will not go away.
So for warranty issues it really depends on your country and/or repair center, some will "overlook" the unlocked/relocked status if it's a hardware defect and either repair or send you a new one, but then again there are some that will blame the fault on you, saying that unlocking and flashing custom roms was the cause of the malfunction.
We don't have warranty where I live so I can't really help there. You could post your carrier and country, and see what other people have experienced.
Thank you all, this has been really helpful. What happens in case I brick my device while having S-On? Would you say that S-off is really important or doesn't it really matter at all if I don't care for OTA updates? And can I obtain S-Off if I am already rooted and on a custom Rom if it should ever be available for hboot 1.54?
I'll post my information as you suggested.
Country: Austria
Carrier: 3, but I don't think that matters as I bought the device unlocked.
b0ld said:
Thank you all, this has been really helpful. What happens in case I brick my device while having S-On? Would you say that S-off is really important or doesn't it really matter at all if I don't care for OTA updates? And can I obtain S-Off if I am already rooted and on a custom Rom if it should ever be available for hboot 1.54?
I'll post my information as you suggested.
Country: Austria
Carrier: 3, but I don't think that matters as I bought the device unlocked.
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With S-On you can do pretty much everything (custom ROMs, even Radios). The only thing you won't be able to flash is the firmware. You would either need to find a signed firmware for your CID and MID, or if an OTA comes in your country (which includes newer firmware), you would have to flash back to stock + stock recovery, relock your bootloader, accept the OTA then unlock again and restore whatever custom ROM you were using. (not that difficult)
Anyway, from what I've seen so far, most ROMs are not being dependent on any specific firmware version. Are you already on 2.24 firmware? I think that's the currently official version.
And with S-On, it's very hard to brick your device as you can't mess with the hboot which is the main reason for bricks.
Thanks for the quick reply. In this thread it is stated that after flashing s nandroid backup without s-off it might result in problems like the touchscreen not working. (1st post) http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2358738
Is this always the case?
That is if you flash a 4.1.2-based nandroid when you have the 4.2.2 FW. If you flash your own one (which is why you should ALWAYS make a backup before doing anything else) you should have no issues
What if I flash a 4.3 custom rim and decide to flash my current 4.2.2 stock nandroid?
That'll be fine as you won't be on the 4.3 FW (as you can't flash FW when S-ON)
b0ld said:
What if I flash a 4.3 custom rim and decide to flash my current 4.2.2 stock nandroid?
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Firmware version is not tied to ROM version, even if you run a 4.3 ROM, your firmware will still be 2.24 (from 4.2.2). And since you're S-On you can't flash any unsigned firmware. So no worries.
EDIT: EddyOS was faster
That's good news.
Why would I need a newer firmware then (probably noob question)? Would it also be possible to flash the official htc stock 4.3 rom with sense once it's released? And is it possible to get s-off once the bootloader is unlocked etc.?
If i understand correctly, even with s-on I can do pretty much anything, and if I should screw up something, flashing my nandroid backup will resolve it?
b0ld said:
That's good news.
Why would I need a newer firmware then (probably noob question)? Would it also be possible to flash the official htc stock 4.3 rom with sense once it's released? And is it possible to get s-off once the bootloader is unlocked etc.?
If i understand correctly, even with s-on I can do pretty much anything, and if I should screw up something, flashing my nandroid backup will resolve it?
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1- Newer firmware can (should ) have improvements (performance, stability, battery) over previous ones, e.g. the firmware 2.24 showed significant improvement of the touch drivers, but after 2.24 firmware I haven't seen any noticeable remarks from other threads.
2- Once the official 4.3 stock OTA rolls out, you will be able to get it after you restore your phone to stock (ie stock rom from your backup + stock recovery + relocked)
3- You won't be able to get S-Off (even with unlocked bootloader) until a new exploit is found (if ever )
4- with s-on you can flash back your original backup, or any custom rom, kernel, radio. the only thing is your phone will show ***UNLOCKED***/***RELOCKED*** and ***TAMPERED*** in the bootloader.
Thanks again, very informative! One (hopefully) last question (for now), do I have to flash the boot.img seperately when flashing a new rom on the PC with s-on or can I jhst flash the .zip, just like on the nexus?
Boot.img flashes with the ROM as a Nexus does, only the One X needed to flash the boot.img manually after a ROM
b0ld said:
Thanks again, very informative! One (hopefully) last question (for now), do I have to flash the boot.img seperately when flashing a new rom on the PC with s-on or can I jhst flash the .zip, just like on the nexus?
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boot.img usually comes in the zip of the ROM, no need to flash separately.
EDIT: EddyOS does it again :laugh:
So, long story short: The only thing that's different from the nexus is that the bootloader will say "relocked" or "tampered". I can still receive OTAs as soon as I flash the nandroid backup I made after flashing the custom recovery. I can still switch between 4.2 and 4.3 ROMs if I'd like to. I can basically do anything with S-On besides modifying system files (which I do not intend to). I could even receive the next firmware updates (the ones after the current 2.24) if I restore my nandroid, restore the original recovery image, and relock the bootloader. There are no "real" downsides for me if I stay S-On as I can return everything to stock anyway. Is this correct?
b0ld said:
So, long story short: The only thing that's different from the nexus is that the bootloader will say "relocked" or "tampered". I can still receive OTAs as soon as I flash the nandroid backup I made after flashing the custom recovery. I can still switch between 4.2 and 4.3 ROMs if I'd like to. I can basically do anything with S-On besides modifying system files (which I do not intend to). I could even receive the next firmware updates (the ones after the current 2.24) if I restore my nandroid, restore the original recovery image, and relock the bootloader. There are no "real" downsides for me if I stay S-On as I can return everything to stock anyway. Is this correct?
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Yep sounds right :good:
If you had S-Off then you could remove the tampered and unlocked/relocked signs, and you could mess around (upgrade & downgrade) unsigned firmwares.
With S-On you have to stick with the official OTAs.
nkk71 said:
If you had S-Off then you could remove the tampered and unlocked/relocked signs, (...)
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If there should ever be a method of getting S-Off with hboot 1.54, it makes no difference if I root it right now and install a custom rom, as I can relock and restore everything again. Right?

[Q] Returned to stock, how to check if updates are working?

So I restored my HTC One back to stock as much as I could (being on hboot 1.54 with S-on).
1. Flashed stock rom, with stock recovery (unrooting it at the same time)
2. Relocked bootloader (Now says 'relocked' and 'tampered')
It now runs 2.24.401.8 and all seems fine, checked for updates but there weren't any so it seems.
But how can I possibly check if I can now install official updates again? (Apart from waiting until one is available and checking then hehe). Any other ways?
Btw, I know S-Off should be available for 1.54 soon so then I could really relock and return to stock but still wondering this in the meantime
*Edit* Guess I could try restoring stock 2.24.401.1 and see if I get the minor update to 2.24.401.8... Meh... Would have to unlock again first, I'll think about that one as I understand the 4.3 update can arrive any moment now as well.

[Q] Downgrade HBoot/firmware for repair?

I want to send my HTC One in for repair, so first I need to restore it to stock.
However, I recently updated my firmware (and hboot) to the new 4.4.3 base (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2793539) so right now I am (s-off) on hboot 1.57.0000... Is this a problem when sending it in since this firmware isn't officially released yet (or is it)? And if it is, is it possible to downgrade my hboot?
Also, must I flash the firmware WITH the red warning before going S-on and locking the bootloader again?
I have flashed the stock odexed ROM, boot.img and recovery from the ARHD site (http://android-revolution-hd.blogspot.nl/p/android-revolution-hd-mirror-site-var.html).
Thanks in advance for any help!
No that firmware isn't officially released yet, it's still in testing stages so you will have to downgrade your firmware to 5.??.401.? Lucky for you this firmware comes with hboot 1.57 however if you have flashed a modded hboot/firmware ie to remove red text, then you will need to flash an official one, just find the official firmware package and use that, it comes with the hboot inside it, if you s-on with modded firmware or hboot you will have an instant brick.
The arhd site your got the Rom from should have the firmware package too.
Seanie280672 said:
No that firmware isn't officially released yet, it's still in testing stages so you will have to downgrade your firmware to 5.??.401.? Lucky for you this firmware comes with hboot 1.57 however if you have flashed a modded hboot/firmware ie to remove red text, then you will need to flash an official one, just find the official firmware package and use that, it comes with the hboot inside it, if you s-on with modded firmware or hboot you will have an instant brick.
The arhd site your got the Rom from should have the firmware package too.
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Great, thanks! I will flash the original firmware in a sec, but the most recent RUU I can find is this one: http://www.htc1guru.com/dld/ruu_m7_...0-38r-1157-04l_release_353069_signed_2-1-exe/
And I am not sure if that is also based on hboot 1.57 and because of that, if I am able to flash this RUU. Currently I am downloading it but the download speed is terrible, I will report back after I tried.
Or are you saying that I can flash the stock firmware 5.xx.401.xx on top of the current 6.xx firmware? I thought that wouldn't be possible because I'm currently on a higher firmware version but I'll give it a shot!
If you are s-off, you can flash or downgrade anything, however I would personally flash the matching firmware to the ruu that you are downloading, however, the firmware and hboot will be included in the ruu and be downgraded when you run the ruu, so just run it, once it's finished and you boot the phone, you can ota up to the latest version.
Seanie280672 said:
If you are s-off, you can flash or downgrade anything, however I would personally flash the matching firmware to the ruu that you are downloading, however, the firmware and hboot will be included in the ruu and be downgraded when you run the ruu, so just run it, once it's finished and you boot the phone, you can ota up to the latest version.
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Ah I see, thanks a lot! Still waiting for the RUU to finish, I'll download the corresponding firmware and flash it before I start the RUU. Thanks again!
WiiiLDFARMER said:
Ah I see, thanks a lot! Still waiting for the RUU to finish, I'll download the corresponding firmware and flash it before I start the RUU. Thanks again!
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You may have to remove the TAMPERED flag before running the ruu and also lock your bootloader, not relocked as the ruu will replace which ever recovery you ha e on your phone for the stock one, sometimes the ruu requires a locked bootloader whether s-off or s-on.
Once it's finished, boot the phone once and then back into bootloader and check the hboot version, if it is lower than the version you have on there now then you'll know you have stock hboot and should be safe to s-on, however like I said before, make sure your locked and tampered has gone before setting s-on (not sure if s-on is required for warranty)
Seanie280672 said:
You may have to remove the TAMPERED flag before running the ruu and also lock your bootloader, not relocked as the ruu will replace which ever recovery you ha e on your phone for the stock one, sometimes the ruu requires a locked bootloader whether s-off or s-on.
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At the moment I don't have a tampered flag, it only says 'unlocked'. I'll try to lock the bootloader before starting the RUU. Do you know if the Tampered flag will return if I S-ON my M7 after completing the RUU?
WiiiLDFARMER said:
At the moment I don't have a tampered flag, it only says 'unlocked'. I'll try to lock the bootloader before starting the RUU. Do you know if the Tampered flag will return if I S-ON my M7 after completing the RUU?
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Unfortunately I don't know that, there's been some reports it comes back after you s-on not after the ruu, I think it's HTC 's way of catching you out, others say it's been fine, are you sending it to HTC or your operator ?
---------- Post added at 04:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:12 PM ----------
However , if you've had s-off with that phone before, chances are you'll get it again, you'll just have to do whatever you did before to get it, then go back to stock again, and send it s-off.
WiiiLDFARMER said:
I want to send my HTC One in for repair, so first I need to restore it to stock.
However, I recently updated my firmware (and hboot) to the new 4.4.3 base (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2793539) so right now I am (s-off) on hboot 1.57.0000... Is this a problem when sending it in since this firmware isn't officially released yet (or is it)? And if it is, is it possible to downgrade my hboot?
Also, must I flash the firmware WITH the red warning before going S-on and locking the bootloader again?
I have flashed the stock odexed ROM, boot.img and recovery from the ARHD site (http://android-revolution-hd.blogspot.nl/p/android-revolution-hd-mirror-site-var.html).
Thanks in advance for any help!
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Try this guide:
It worked for me, returned full stock!

