I have an htc One running on the Reliance Network. Versions 4.1.2 / 1.29.651.10
It is Bootloader Unlocked with TWRP and root
I have downloaded the mouthful OTA_M7_WL_JB_50_SPCS_Sprint_WWE_1.31.651.2-1.29.651.10_release_326731tcfazf1gnytc7g74.zipOTA_M7_WL_JB_50_SPCS_Sprint_WWE_1.31.651.2
When I try to flash it using TWRP it bombs out as there is no MD5 file.
I have two queries:
1. How do I update the TWRP to
2. How do I install the update.
I prefer to use the fastboot method?
I have downloaded the update to my PC since aborting deletes the file. Also, I have the TWRP on my PC.
Please advise and help.
Check PM
sgiitk said:
I have an htc One running on the Reliance Network. Versions 4.1.2 / 1.29.651.10
It is Bootloader Unlocked with TWRP and root
I have downloaded the mouthful OTA_M7_WL_JB_50_SPCS_Sprint_WWE_1.31.651.2-1.29.651.10_release_326731tcfazf1gnytc7g74.zipOTA_M7_WL_JB_50_SPCS_Sprint_WWE_1.31.651.2
When I try to flash it using TWRP it bombs out as there is no MD5 file.
I have two queries:
1. How do I update the TWRP to
2. How do I install the update.
I prefer to use the fastboot method?
I have downloaded the update to my PC since aborting deletes the file. Also, I have the TWRP on my PC.
Please advise and help.
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You cannot upgrade when your phone is rooted(i got to know from hetaldp)
I upgraded to JB 4.3, it awesome. Touch is Excellent. i too use relaince. there are no issues.
BUT remember you cannot root again, as over i am facing problems,,,
check :
So Please kindly wait, till the root for hTC ONE for upgraded JB 4.3 one Comes...
Are you using Sprint or T-Moile or Version HTC ONE?
To get upgrade installed, please un-root, relock, and then you can perform the update...
[email protected] said:
You cannot upgrade when your phone is rooted(i got to know from hetaldp)
I upgraded to JB 4.3, it awesome. Touch is Excellent. i too use relaince. there are no issues.
So Please kindly wait, till the root for hTC ONE for upgraded JB 4.3 one Comes...
Are you using Sprint or T-Moile or Version HTC ONE?
To get upgrade installed, please un-root, relock, and then you can perform the update...
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It is Sprint, and from Hetal. Unrooting and relocking can be a pain, reloading everything. However, for almost two years I did not do any work on the Android side, so have forgotten everything.
I do not mind a locked phone it I can get to 4.3
Can you please pm me with the unrooting, relocking and the 4.3! Root for 4.3 is inevitable - just a matter of time.
Following the GooManager route I managed to get TWRP installed, except the phone did not reboot. I did check it is
Now the problem of the OTA remains. Maybe I will be forced to follow pm.mohanani's route of relocking. I cannot understand if I relock the bootloader then is not the unrooting automatic!
Also, Mr Mohanani GooManager requires root, so do not bother.
Managed to upgrade to 4.3 using Sprint_HTC_One_m7wls_3_04_651_2_RUU from Android Central as suggested by Hetal. I had to do a <fastbook oem lock> first. No problems except it wiped the data totally. Working fine. I have a few points / questions
1. Booting into Recovery is showing the Red Exclamation in a Triangle. Obviously not working, as in rooted!!
2. The Boot into recovery is showing both [RELOCKED] and S-off.
- Is this the cause?
- As per Hetal S-off means that I can root straight away irrespective of the Relocked status
- I guess OTA to KitKat (when it comes) is also a no go.
- What recovery is suggested TWRP 2.6.3, CWM (version?), or some other. This means that 4.4 will again be a full reload.
- Any fixes?
sgiitk said:
Managed to upgrade to 4.3 using Sprint_HTC_One_m7wls_3_04_651_2_RUU from Android Central as suggested by Hetal. I had to do a <fastbook oem lock> first. No problems except it wiped the data totally. Working fine. I have a few points / questions
1. Booting into Recovery is showing the Red Exclamation in a Triangle. Obviously not working, as in rooted!!
2. The Boot into recovery is showing both [RELOCKED] and S-off.
- Is this the cause?
- As per Hetal S-off means that I can root straight away irrespective of the Relocked status
- I guess OTA to KitKat (when it comes) is also a no go.
- What recovery is suggested TWRP 2.6.3, CWM (version?), or some other. This means that 4.4 will again be a full reload.
- Any fixes?
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There is no need to accept the OTA if you are s-off
bigdaddy619 said:
There is no need to accept the OTA if you are s-off
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Thanks. So I will again wait for the 4.4 RUU to be available on XDA or somewhere, and then install and forget OTA.
The point is recovery. I presume with S-off custom recovery must to be installed.
Do I install TWRP which takes care of root or do you suggest some other route, ie, root (how?) > recovery.
sgiitk said:
Thanks. So I will again wait for the 4.4 RUU to be available on XDA or somewhere, and then install and forget OTA.
The point is recovery. I presume with S-off custom recovery must to be installed.
Do I install TWRP which takes care of root or do you suggest some other route, ie, root (how?) > recovery.
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Install TWRP
Option 1 flash SuperSU or another superuser file and run stock rooted
Option 2 flash a custom rom
Still stuck. I downloaded GooManager, and it will go into download > nowstarting and hang forever. I was advised to go the adb fastboot way, i.e.
download latestTWRP image filethen
adb reboot bootloader
then when I get
ui fstboot
fastboot flash recovery <twrp-recovery-name.img>
and its done.
I downloaded the .img file. Put everything into c:\recovery. Moved there under the command prompt. Plugged the phone into the computer, got both the drives (htc sync manager, and HTCONE) . So the connection was kosher.
Then gave adb reboot bootloader
The adb daemon started, but it found no device.
Obviously I being a noob in this game was missing something.
Also, I hear that the ROMs are available which to not reformat the storage. Are these the Deodexed versions or something.
Also, once in ten calls or so the screen goes totally blank at the end and is pain to restart the phone.
Checked up with
Seems that I am S-off but no rooted! Now what??
After a day or so and some cool thought I think I may have the problem identified. It is likely to be the lack of a root. I tried the following and the responses there from:
adb reboot bootloader
rebooted into bootloader Showing relocked and S-off. No fastboot option in the lower menu!
fastboot flash recovery openrecovery-twrp-
I get
sending recovery <8600kB>...
Okay [ 1.140s]
writing 'recovery'...
FAILED <remote not allowed>
finished. total time 1.170s
Any ideas, and when may I expect root for 4.3. At the moment the phone appears to be working file, but no recovery!! HELP!!
Do I need to unlock again despite S-off. Also, then what is the bitstream I send it from 4.3 - the same as the old one!!
Yes you need to unlock your bootloader again to be able to flash twrp
I did as per the htc route - Do the unlock, reinstalled the OS, download the bitstream, etc, and then the OS reloaded. Still Goomanager could not get TWRP so used the fastboot route and succeeded in downloading it to the phone. Thanks for encouraging me and putting me on the right track.
Now ho to root. Then I may as well get Titanium up!
You can get SuperSU or Superuser from the playstore or install a custom rom.
A very interesting experience. I could not enter bootloader [Down-vol + power was just restarting the phone], even adb devices was drawing a blank. So I decided to do a factory reset from phone. Lo and behold it dropped me into the TWRP screen. I managed to root, restarted to the main Downloaded su checker which completed the root. Confirmed. Then downloaded Titanium with Pro license (I have it) and did a recovery. Also, TWRP Manager (downloaded) is working and I am able to start into bootloader, etc.
When I try and look for upgrades with TWRP installer it says none. I know has been upgraded to Let sleeping dogs lie.
Also, I have not checked with adb devices but I am sure that too will now work.
Thanks, but what is going on. Is it only God and maybe Google know what happened?
Thanks for helping, and keeping me going.
I had more or less decided to revert to 4.1 and do an S-on <fastboot oem writesecureflag 3> and bootloader lock and look for OTA!
Added on 25th November
adb still not recognising the beast. adb devices gets a blank list. Phone is available under Windows so drivers etc are Ok.
A noob question. I saw
Stock Rooted 3.04.651.2 Odex & De-Odexed
Insecure Boot img. init.d support, data/app support
Stock Rooted 3.04.651.2 Odex
Stock Rooted 3.04.651.2 De-Odexed
on the upgrade thread. Now what do the terms Rootedm Odex and De-Odexed mean to the average user. Stock means the basic htc ROM I presume.
Also, rooted means what stages are covered.
afaik to upgrade you lock the bootloader, do the upgrade, and then in normal situations again unlock the bootloader, root and install a custom recovery (TWRP does the rooting - hopefully).
Do these ROMs take care of some or more of these stages?
[Q] From TWRP back to stock Recovery & locked Bootloader, keeping root & Custom ROM?
Hey everyone,
around new years eve I found out that the Android Device Manger's remote wipe is not secure enough for my needs, as it doesn't wipe the data (pictures, app data etc.) on the virtual "sdcard" of the HTC One's storage. So a potential thief could easily access my Custom Recovery and simply by flashing a custom ROM gain access to the data.
I described the problem in more detail over here:
While unlocking a friend's phone I noticed that during the "fastboot oem unlock" procedure all data is wiped from the device. Something I totally forgot about.
This behavior is exactly what I want if my device gets stolen.
I can accept the hassle to deal with a temporary custom recovery or ways to perform an online nandroid, without the comfort of a Custom Recovery and having to lock the Bootloader again after every Custom ROM upgrade. (Yes, it will be a pain in the b*ttocks, but I want my data to be inaccessible.)
What do I have:
HTC One (international GSM version) unlocked
TWRP as Custom Recovery
Rooted CustomRom (SinLess in my case) installed
What I want:
Bootloader to be locked (so that you can't simply flash a Custom Recovery)
Stock Recovery (so that you can't simply flash a Custom ROM)
being able to make a nandroid backup, before unlocking again
keeping root and the Custom ROM
keeping SuperCID (req. for SinLess)
I don't want to make a mistake, so I am asking for some guidance. :angel:
I am assuming correctly that just flashing the Stock Recovery image is enough to get rid of TWRP?
I know that this temporary loading of a Recovery was a thing some time ago (HTC Desire), but I haven't looked into it for years now.
Is this still possible and how do I do it? Does this allow me to perform a nandroid backup with a locked bootloader?
Otherweise: If my bootloader is locked and my recovery reverted to stock, is there a way to nandroid backup my HTC One? I know about the App "Online Nandroid" (Play Store Link) that allows to perform a nandroid backup on a rooted phone without booting to recovery. Does it work with the HTC One?
What happens if I "relock" this unlocked phone? Will I simply be able to use "fastboot oem unlock" (followed by a full wipe) to unlock the bootloader again? Or are there more strings attached, like requiring again or any other problems?
Is the CID setting affected by any of this?
Am I missing something else?
Will the following routine be my way to go if I want to flash something (ROM, Kernel etc.)?
Backup Apps: Titanium Backup
Perform full nandroid Backup (App: Online Nandroid?)
Pull nandroid Backup, Titanium Backup Files and all Data from /sdcard/
Unlock phone --> result: full wipe of device (no big deal, as everything is backed up)
Flash Custom Recovery
Push Installation files for (rooted) Custom ROM, Kernel etc.
Push Titanium Backup Files
Install (rooted) Custom ROM, Kernel etc.
Boot Phone, set it up as usual and restore Titanium Backup
Push Data back to /sdcard/
Flash Stock Recovery
Relock Bootloader
Is this correct?
Or did I miss something?
Thanks in advance
noone? :angel:
I would highly appreciate any guidance on this. Thanks in advance
spaboleo said:
noone? :angel:
I would highly appreciate any guidance on this. Thanks in advance
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Well, instead of doing what ur trying to do, you can encrypt the phone. A full phone encryption will prevent any changes made to any of the phone partitions. Thus, a ROM cannot be flashed in TWRP recovery, which serves your purpose and is easier than what u mentioned. However, decryption will factory reset the phone.
To answer your points:
1. Yes, flashing the Stock Recovery image will get rid of TWRP. But, im not 100% sure whether the ROM will work properly on stock recovery
2. You can definitely load a recovery without flashing it. Not tried on a locked bootloader. Sorry
3. Not sure whether the Root will be maintained after locking the bootloader and flashing stock recovery. If it is, then the Online Nandroid will definitely work
4. No strings attached. oem unlock will definitely do the trick
5. Nope, u will still be S-OFF. No CID is changed
spaboleo said:
no one?
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Since you have s-off just use revone to unlock the bootloader without wiping data.
Procedure to lock things down:
fastboot flash recovery stock_recovery.img
fastboot oem lock
Procedure to return to unlocked/custom recovery:
adb push revone /data/local/tmp
adb shell
cd /data/local/tmp
chmod 755 revone
./revone -u
reboot bootloader
fastboot flash recovery twrp_recovery.img
You could also do revone with file explorer and terminal emulator and then flash TWRP directly in the OS using Flashify. This would allow you to return to unlocked with custom recovery without needing a computer.
raghav kapur said:
Well, instead of doing what ur trying to do, you can encrypt the phone. A full phone encryption will prevent any changes made to any of the phone partitions. Thus, a ROM cannot be flashed in TWRP recovery, which serves your purpose and is easier than what u mentioned. However, decryption will factory reset the phone.
To answer your points:
1. Yes, flashing the Stock Recovery image will get rid of TWRP. But, im not 100% sure whether the ROM will work properly on stock recovery
2. You can definitely load a recovery without flashing it. Not tried on a locked bootloader. Sorry
3. Not sure whether the Root will be maintained after locking the bootloader and flashing stock recovery. If it is, then the Online Nandroid will definitely work
4. No strings attached. oem unlock will definitely do the trick
5. Nope, u will still be S-OFF. No CID is changed
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Thank you
Well I looked into encryption and it would require to use a PIN or Password lock instead of the Patternlock I prefer.
There was some mod that derived a PIN from a pattern input to work around this limitation, but I don't think it's the best idea to fiddle around with system files of that level.
But after reacing cschmitt's post, about the fact that there is a way to unlock the bootloader without wiping, my whole thoughts from the initial post are pointless
I guess using Android encryption is the only way.
Is it possible to use phone encryption together with location-based (wifi-based) disabling of the encryption using the "SecureSettings Plugin" for Tasker?
cschmitt said:
Since you have s-off just use revone to unlock the bootloader without wiping data.
Procedure to lock things down:
fastboot flash recovery stock_recovery.img
fastboot oem lock
Procedure to return to unlocked/custom recovery:
adb push revone /data/local/tmp
adb shell
cd /data/local/tmp
chmod 755 revone
./revone -u
reboot bootloader
fastboot flash recovery twrp_recovery.img
You could also do revone with file explorer and terminal emulator and then flash TWRP directly in the OS using Flashify. This would allow you to return to unlocked with custom recovery without needing a computer.
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Wow! Thanks for pointing that out.
So the bootloader lock does not offer the sufficient protection that I am looking for
Unless...I return to S-On each and every time a I want to flash a rom or an Update.
Can I be sure that with S-On revone does not work to unlock the bootloader without wiping?
(edit: Warning Comment: don't do below)
Thanks everyone
spaboleo said:
Thank you
Well I looked into encryption and it would require to use a PIN or Password lock instead of the Patternlock I prefer.
There was some mod that derived a PIN from a pattern input to work around this limitation, but I don't think it's the best idea to fiddle around with system files of that level.
But after reacing cschmitt's post, about the fact that there is a way to unlock the bootloader without wiping, my whole thoughts from the initial post are pointless
I guess using Android encryption is the only way.
Is it possible to use phone encryption together with location-based (wifi-based) disabling of the encryption using the "SecureSettings Plugin" for Tasker?
Wow! Thanks for pointing that out.
So the bootloader lock does not offer the sufficient protection that I am looking for
Unless...I return to S-On each and every time a I want to flash a rom or an Update.
Can I be sure that with S-On revone does not work to unlock the bootloader without wiping?
Thanks everyone
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Nope, sorry. Remote encryption is impossible. You will need to manually choose the encryption option in security settings
P.S. Please hit the THANKS button if you think I helped you
spaboleo said:
Wow! Thanks for pointing that out.
So the bootloader lock does not offer the sufficient protection that I am looking for
Unless...I return to S-On each and every time a I want to flash a rom or an Update.
Can I be sure that with S-On revone does not work to unlock the bootloader without wiping?
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The locked bootloader still offers the same level of protection. Unlocking via fastboot still wipes data, and the only way to unlock it via revone (which does not wipe data) is to be booted into the OS, which is protected by your password/PIN/pattern lock. (You might want to disable ADB while not using it, but in current versions ADB require authorization before it will connect to a new computer, and that would require unlocking your device with the password/PIN/pattern in order to approve the connection.)
If you have a locked bootloader with stock recovery it's not possible to use revone to unlock the bootloader via fastboot or adb, so you're still protected.
You cannot use revone to unlock bootloader if s-on.
An whatever you do do not go back to s-on.
cschmitt said:
The locked bootloader still offers the same level of protection. Unlocking via fastboot still wipes data, and the only way to unlock it via revone (which does not wipe data) is to be booted into the OS, which is protected by your password/PIN/pattern lock. (You might want to disable ADB while not using it, but in current versions ADB require authorization before it will connect to a new computer, and that would require unlocking your device with the password/PIN/pattern in order to approve the connection.)
If you have a locked bootloader with stock recovery it's not possible to use revone to unlock the bootloader via fastboot or adb, so you're still protected.
You cannot use revone to unlock bootloader if s-on.
An whatever you do do not go back to s-on.
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I was initially S-OFF. I had to S-ON the phone to give it for warranty repair. I can simply use Rumrunner to S-OFF the phone again right? Or are there any other complications?
Thank you
raghav kapur said:
I was initially S-OFF. I had to S-ON the phone to give it for warranty repair. I can simply use Rumrunner to S-OFF the phone again right? Or are there any other complications?
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There have been a number of cases of going back to s-on with locked bootloader and then not being able to unlock the bootloader again or regain root, so could not s-off again.
cschmitt said:
The locked bootloader still offers the same level of protection. Unlocking via fastboot still wipes data, and the only way to unlock it via revone (which does not wipe data) is to be booted into the OS, which is protected by your password/PIN/pattern lock. (You might want to disable ADB while not using it, but in current versions ADB require authorization before it will connect to a new computer, and that would require unlocking your device with the password/PIN/pattern in order to approve the connection.)
If you have a locked bootloader with stock recovery it's not possible to use revone to unlock the bootloader via fastboot or adb, so you're still protected.
You cannot use revone to unlock bootloader if s-on.
An whatever you do do not go back to s-on.
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Thank you!
I thought the revone command was operable via fastboot/adb from the bootloader as well.
That is good news.
So one question remains.
Is there a way to access data from the stock recovery (maybe locating via "adb shell ls..." and then using "adb pull...") when s-off with a locked bootloader?
Assuming adb is turned off in the OS (developer options) if not used?
If this isn't possible this seems to be the perfect solution
I thank you sincerely!
spaboleo said:
So one question remains.
Is there a way to access data from the stock recovery (maybe locating via "adb shell ls..." and then using "adb pull...") when s-off with a locked bootloader?
Assuming adb is turned off in the OS (developer options) if not used?
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All that's available in stock recovery in the ability to flash an HTC signed zip (official OTA, for example) and to factory reset.
There is no backup/restore/adb access/file manager like in a custom recovery.
Perfect :good: :laugh:
Sorry for asking that many questions, but as user the motto is "better safe than sorry".
I unlocked and s-offed my HTC One around June-August 2013 and besides a quick TWRP update here and there and a monthly ROM upgrade there was absolutely no need to fiddle around with it more.
Aftermarket development has become that reliable that it's actually possible to find a good "set it and forget it" daily driver setup.
And since I am not a developer and don't deal with those questions on a regular basis, I'm always not 100% sure if I get all the facts right.
Thanks for helping me out with this one!
I'm going to try it next weekend or next week: Going to backup my data and simulate a potential theft with the locked bootloader and reverted to stock recovery. Remote-Wiping the device, unlocking the bootloader conventionally via fastboot and making sure that this wipes all user-data on the phone. And then I'm going to give that booted into OS, revone unlock a try and simulate a potential rom upgrade, just as you described it.
Right now I just can't risk my daily driver phone, as I wouldn't have the time to set it up again.
Thanks for your extended help
Finally feeling secure again on Android.
I have a Sprint HTC One. I previously unlocked the boot loader and installed clock work mod recovery. I achieved SU and partial Super CID. I tried flashing Viper ROM after relocking the boot loader, which failed. when I went to reboot the phone, I was in boot loader without a system ROM. so I installed the stock ROM and updated firmware. the phone now works. however, I lost su and my custom recovery. I tried to unlock the bootloader , reinstall Viper, but neither will work it fails every time. I am experienced at following instructions on this website, but I lack the knowledge to know exactly what I am doing with each action.
Please help me get either su, custom recovery or the boot loader unlocked. I still have S-off and I am at a loss. Thank you!
patrickgartner said:
I have a Sprint HTC One. I previously unlocked the boot loader and installed clock work mod recovery. I achieved SU and partial Super CID. I tried flashing Viper ROM after relocking the boot loader, which failed. when I went to reboot the phone, I was in boot loader without a system ROM. so I installed the stock ROM and updated firmware. the phone now works. however, I lost su and my custom recovery. I tried to unlock the bootloader , reinstall Viper, but neither will work it fails every time. I am experienced at following instructions on this website, but I lack the knowledge to know exactly what I am doing with each action.
Please help me get either su, custom recovery or the boot loader unlocked. I still have S-off and I am at a loss. Thank you!
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... simply flash appropriate custom recovery from fastboot. boot into recovery and try to reboot from there and it will ask you if you want to root the device. root it. reboot normally and you will see SU app. open it and update binaries. thats it, you are rooted ...
Okay, so I appreciate the attention and help, but it fails to install recovery, flash roms, or unlock the bootloader from fastboot. I can flash firmware and run an RUU from my desktop. As well, I can run the Sprint OTA update from the phone, but I have not done that yet. I have hboot 1.55. I have tried to flash things from terminal emulator, but I'm having trouble. I can access and use the phone for Sprint, but the CID says 11111 and won't let me change carriers. Once again, I have S-off.
Run Sprint update and try to start from scratch, if all else fails, sell it.
Can I flash SU from bootloader? I haven't tried that yet, although I doubt it will work given my other problems.
patrickgartner said:
Okay, so I appreciate the attention and help, but it fails to install recovery, flash roms, or unlock the bootloader from fastboot. I can flash firmware and run an RUU from my desktop. As well, I can run the Sprint OTA update from the phone, but I have not done that yet. I have hboot 1.55. I have tried to flash things from terminal emulator, but I'm having trouble. I can access and use the phone for Sprint, but the CID says 11111 and won't let me change carriers. Once again, I have S-off.
Run Sprint update and try to start from scratch, if all else fails, sell it.
Can I flash SU from bootloader? I haven't tried that yet, although I doubt it will work given my other problems.
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... slow down and calm down. i think you are hasting things. dont worry and do whatever you wanna do step by step. its not clear to me what you want to achieve, you wanna switch carriers ? want ota ? want custom rom ? you are s-off but cant flash recovery !!!! please explain exactly what you want and what errors are you getting and doing what
i think you cant have SU from bootloader and certainly terminal emulator doesnt flash recoveries and rom., fastboot does recovery and recovery flashes rom. dont play with your phone like this without proper knowledge. ask whatever doubts you have prior doing anything ...
Straight Talk
You're funny. Yes, I am in a hurry to use my new phone... Ultimately, I want to use it on straight talk. It is S-off, and the boot loader will not unlock, the phone won't flash a recovery and I have lost su. It's the weirdest thing! I haven't had this problem before. Usually you flash stock firmware and ruu and you're back at square one, but not this time.
I would pay you to visit my problem via Teamviewer? Interested?
patrickgartner said:
You're funny. Yes, I am in a hurry to use my new phone... Ultimately, I want to use it on straight talk. It is S-off, and the boot loader will not unlock, the phone won't flash a recovery and I have lost su. It's the weirdest thing! I haven't had this problem before. Usually you flash stock firmware and ruu and you're back at square one, but not this time.
I would pay you to visit my problem via Teamviewer? Interested?
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... Dear if you wanna network unlock your phone, follow the steps exactly as described.
1. Flash this and only this RUU (first link - ), no need to relock bootloader if unlocked as you are s-off.
2. Download the recovery for sprint variant and flash it in fastboot mode (fastboot flash recovery recovery.img) (link -
3. Boot in to recovery and press reboot and then system, it will ask for your permission to root, root it. restart normally and open SU app and update its binaries. phone will reboot itself in recovery and back in normal mode. You will be rooted then. :victory:
then ping me for sim unlock ...
I wanted to download the OTAs to my phone, and the update goes directly to recovery. I think I have removed root from my device by using the full unroot option of SuperSu after which I factory reset my phone.
How to remove recovery and basically download and update the OTAs?
DragonWinx said:
I wanted to download the OTAs to my phone, and the update goes directly to recovery. I think I have removed root from my device by using the full unroot option of SuperSu after which I factory reset my phone.
How to remove recovery and basically download and update the OTAs?
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It may depend on the current phone OS. With Lolipop you will likely have to RUU the phone, with KitKat you may get away with just flashing stock recovery.
First you will need to post output from "fastboot getvar all" so folks here can help.
Use aroma recovery it will back you to stock recovery , then relock your phone after that you can install ota updates .
Hi I have a HTC One Dual Sim (m7) 5.0.2 android. I have unlocked the bootloader using, but cannot root the phone. I have used Kingroot, Kingo root and iRoot. Kingo and King both say rooted sometimes but it goes away quickly (dont even need to restart). Is it impossible to root the phone using these apps? thanks!
Do not use any of those apps to root.
You have already unlocked bootloader so next step is flashing custom recovery. You can find twrp recovery here. Do a fastboot install method. After you flashed recovery download supersu zip file from here and save it on your phone. Reboot phone to recovery and tap install. Find supersu and install it. After that reboot phone (your phone will restart itself a couple times during boot) and your phone should be successfully rooted.
The phone comes with the bootloader unlocked? interesting. Any toolboxes I should use?