Okay, so this happened: Android Police: Nexus 7 and Nexus 10 OTA
Hopefully it won't take long for us now
Yay! I have my Nexus 4 rooted and have the bootloader unlocked running stock ROM 4.3 (JWR66Y) with TWRP recovery flashed and LTE enabler flashed. What is the easiest way for me to update to 4.4? (either through OTA or flashing the 4.4 ROM/update)
We are the next hour by tomorrow nexus 4 gets kitkat
toews said:
Yay! I have my Nexus 4 rooted and have the bootloader unlocked running stock ROM 4.3 (JWR66Y) with TWRP recovery flashed and LTE enabler flashed. What is the easiest way for me to update to 4.4? (either through OTA or flashing the 4.4 ROM/update)
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OTA Updates won't do you no good, even if you receive a notification with rooted stock, it'll most likely fail.
Either flash back to bone stock (no root, no custom recovery) and hope you get it soon, or wait until someone gets the N4 OTA, rips out the new binaries and compiles a new ROM with them from scratch, which you then can flash via CWM/TWRP.
Personally, I choose the latter. Also, do read the article in the link, it explicitly states that only the N7 and N10 have their OTA's rolling out so far, the time specified for our device is still "soon".
jadephyre said:
OTA Updates won't do you no good, even if you receive a notification with rooted stock, it'll most likely fail.
Either flash back to bone stock (no root, no custom recovery) and hope you get it soon, or wait until someone gets the N4 OTA, rips out the new binaries and compiles a new ROM with them from scratch, which you then can flash via CWM/TWRP.
Personally, I choose the latter. Also, do read the article in the link, it explicitly states that only the N7 and N10 have their OTA's rolling out so far, the time specified for our device is still "soon".
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Thanks! I know, just getting ready to see my options. Thanks again
toews said:
Thanks! I know, just getting ready to see my options. Thanks again
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Ah, okay, I didn't know how familiar you are since you only joined this year ^^
I have a penchant to explain things in long-winded posts, it's a failing, I know
Google clearly said it, "Screw you Nexus 4."
Plus Google is always following the same Apple model. Wtf would they keep Google Experience launcher and Transparency limited to NEXUS 5? See the picture. Nexus 7 running 4.4 OTA doesn't have GEL or transparency. SERIOUSLY GOOGLE?
Sent from my Nexus 4
meZQureshi said:
Google clearly said it, "Screw you Nexus 4."
Plus Google is always following the same Apple model. Wtf would they keep Google Experience launcher and Transparency limited to NEXUS 5? See the picture. Nexus 7 running 4.4 OTA doesn't have GEL or transparency. SERIOUSLY GOOGLE?
Sent from my Nexus 4
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N4 will get the transparency, but not GEL
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That's the problem. I don't see why not. Been using it on Custom ROM for 10 days. Works fine.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
meZQureshi said:
That's the problem. I don't see why not. Been using it on Custom ROM for 10 days. Works fine.
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for me 4.4 will be the 1st stock that will not use, GEL is one of the best features from 4.4(looks like from N5) so the 4.4 update will be just to get custom 4.4 roms less glitched / more optimized
Tomorrow is November 13. Didn't I hear there was a Google Search update coming on November 13th. Since GEL is pretty much powered by Google Search, I am guessing GEL can get on devices tomorrow. Just a guess. If it is true, I win a cookie.
moneyolo said:
Tomorrow is November 13. Didn't I hear there was a Google Search update coming on November 13th. Since GEL is pretty much powered by Google Search, I am guessing GEL can get on devices tomorrow. Just a guess. If it is true, I win a cookie.
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That actually makes sense, maybe the reason google didn't put it in the factory images for other nexus devices is because they're going to roll it out through the play store, as the google search update
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defffizz said:
That actually makes sense, maybe the reason google didn't put it in the factory images for other nexus devices is because they're going to roll it out through the play store, as the google search update
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Plus, it was also rumored to get rolled out though Play store anyways. Everything will come together soon enough. We just gotta wait.
defffizz said:
That actually makes sense, maybe the reason google didn't put it in the factory images for other nexus devices is because they're going to roll it out through the play store, as the google search update
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Damn! Can't wait. I hope we get GEL officially.
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When I see *Currently only on nexus 5, I'm thinking " itll be out for other devices". Its that word "Currently", it they really wanted to be dickheads Google could have said *Only on nexus 5
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
Agreed it will come after few fixes and may be with 4.4.1
The build number for the N7 and N10 is KRT16O that is different than the N5's.
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Ohgami_Ichiro said:
The build number for the N7 and N10 is KRT16O that is different than the N5's.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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That's interesting, maybe it already is the 4.4.1 Update.
I miss JBQ.. The OTA is being pushed to those devices, yet there are no factory images for those devices.. Such a backwards rollout.. These things are supposed to go hand in hand.
So I remember when 4.3 hit there were all manner of little random quirks with various apps not being compatible and little things not working right. It took about a month for most major apps like MX Player, Lightflow, some others to get ironed out after it released. Also took a couple days to make rooting easy and stable. With us having to wait on *Official* Kit Kat by the time it comes out most the apps will be ready. Several of my apps have been updated recently and I've noticed 4.4 compatibility in the change log. So I guess I don't mind waiting a couple weeks. Although it still doesn't help me really understand why....
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Is there any word when? I remember hearing something about a week or two, a week ago.
jcnbama said:
So I remember when 4.3 hit there were all manner of little random quirks with various apps not being compatible and little things not working right. It took about a month for most major apps like MX Player, Lightflow, some others to get ironed out after it released. Also took a couple days to make rooting easy and stable. With us having to wait on *Official* Kit Kat by the time it comes out most the apps will be ready. Several of my apps have been updated recently and I've noticed 4.4 compatibility in the change log. So I guess I don't mind waiting a couple weeks. Although it still doesn't help me really understand why....
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Yes, I think you are totally true, but this could perfectly be a comment in a previously opened thread. Please use opened threads
Android 4.4 Kit Kat Discussion Thread
Romman0 said:
Is there any word when? I remember hearing something about a week or two, a week ago.
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You're right.. It's late and I'm overly excited.. Lol. Mod can delete if you want. I won't cry...
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I wouldn't get too excited about this. It's not like android 5. It's gonna be incremental, esp on nexus 4,etal. You want the launcher you are going to have to pay for the nexus 5
Sent by mobile telephone.
jcnbama said:
You're right.. It's late and I'm overly excited.. Lol. Mod can delete if you want. I won't cry...
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Yeah well I need to at least be able to say I lived through one ACTUAL OTA update.. Lol. I would like to see it before too long. Once Nexus 5's get out there more mainstream and Google sees everything going well I would say 2-3 weeks. I think they'll start rolling it out. Probably have it by Christmas..
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howard bamber said:
I wouldn't get too excited about this. It's not like android 5. It's gonna be incremental, esp on nexus 4,etal. You want the launcher you are going to have to pay for the nexus 5
Sent by mobile telephone.
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The look of the new launcher will also be possible with 3rd party launchers once they've been updated, since now Android supports transparent menu and status bars out of the box. Also, I think with those launchers we won't have this hideous gradient.
Remember the rumor saying that there would be a Google Now and Camera update today? Well I was skeptical but it looks like the Google Now did get an update and its pretty spot on with the rumors. New cards and it talks back to you!
Sadly, no sign of this supposed camera fix just yet
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Patience Is Key.
caribouxda said:
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What do you mean so?
People are waiting for an update and half of the rumored update ended up being true.
I guess you just like to go into random threads and be disrespectful. Just like in the Keylime Pie Thread
I didn't receive anything on either count
Sent from my Nexus 5
google's updates are always rolling out to everyone, so just be a little patient.
BiznessMan said:
What do you mean so?
People are waiting for an update and half of the rumored update ended up being true.
I guess you just like to go into random threads and be disrespectful. Just like in the Keylime Pie Thread
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I was literally about to post the same thing...
But back on topic... I didn't get the update today but read that it happened. I'm stock rooted.
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AndreaCristiano said:
I didn't receive anything on either count
Sent from my Nexus 5
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Google + auto-updated on my Nexus 7 (2012) and Nexus 5 yesterday (it's a 27MB download - available via Play Store now) - it described photo enhancements, etc.
SU updated - running on the rooted Nexus 5 stock rom.
Now, KitKat rolling out OTA to Nexus 7 (WiFi model only - 2012 and 2013's) and Nexus 10's - yay, woo hooo !
Yes, Google Search has received an update.
So I actually posted this in the RMA thread but it just got lost in all the posts. Plus I can't find it posted anywhere else.
First two phones I had were 310k, both had faults and had to download the patch before using the phone.
My third phone is 311k, no faults and it came with KitKat preinstalled (no patch to download)
To check what build (batch) you have, look on your box where it shows the model #, imei # etc and look for S/N. The first 4 characters = build #.
I'm going to try and keep a log of all the build numbers and see if there are any changes to the phone like with the Nexus 4.
So.. so far:
310k - Need to install KitKat - Seems to have quality issues from my experience
311k - Preinstalled KitKat - Quality control seems better
This is just based off of three phones though. More information is needed.
Mine downloaded the update at first boot, i don't have the box here right now, but i will report the build version tomorrow
ye version 310k here too, lets see what the rma one will be, it should be here next week
yep mine says 310k and mine updated when i turned it on.. kitkat was NOT pre installed
When mine came in the mail November 15th it already had the update patched on it straight out of the box so i guess I had the second batch. Mine is 310K
Mines 310k had to update to kit kat
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Any improvements with the camera in the newer builds? Maybe I will RMA mine...
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I got mine from sprint and it doesn't have the s/n on the box. I wonder how I could check it.
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cas8180 said:
Any improvements with the camera in the newer builds? Maybe I will RMA mine...
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Haven't noticed anything. I have both builds in my hands at the moment. 310k will be shipped back to Google tomorrow.
musclehead84 said:
I got mine from sprint and it doesn't have the s/n on the box. I wonder how I could check it.
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Did you have to install a patch before using your phone? If so its a 310k build.
Yes I had to install the 128 mb patch when the phone first turned on.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using xda premium
All N5 comes with KitKat. The update wasn't from JB to KitKat!
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Can you please specify what you mean specifically by better quality control?
[email protected] said:
Can you please specify what you mean specifically by better quality control?
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I have an 311K (just got it today) and while it has LTE (unlike my 310), the vibration motor now sounds like a laser beam...? :crying:
I got a 311K yesterday - no update was needed.
- The camera is slow
- Vibration is weaker than my Galaxy Nexus, but still noticeable when it rings in my pocket
- The speaker seems pretty loud to me. I can feel it vibrate a bit when I play music
310k, everything seems to be good
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310 functions flawlessly
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I can also confirm.. I got 311K and no i didnt have to do update for real
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Elisha said:
All N5 comes with KitKat. The update wasn't from JB to KitKat!
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Technically, they all come with "Key Lime Pie" preinstalled (an early build of 4.4). They're patched to KitKat right after startup.
Today I got my N5. It is 311k. No issues so far. No screen issues, no rattle sounds. 32gb black
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Elisha said:
All N5 comes with KitKat. The update wasn't from JB to KitKat!
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maxpower7 said:
Technically, they all come with "Key Lime Pie" preinstalled (an early build of 4.4). They're patched to KitKat right after startup.
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New batch of manufacture.. Nothing to see here. It will continue to change until EOL
How long do you think before Google drops support for it and we get no more updates?
Even if they do drop support for it that's what places like this are for. I'm still rocking a 5 year old phone. Granted it might not be as fancy as the newer models out there. With custom ROMs produced by the fine people of this site it's still up to date as far as what OS it can run.
i think probably soon. htc one X with tegra 3 has dropped support saying nividia did not provide the driver. I reckon for the next update, google will probably say the same thing. Just like how they stop updating galaxy nexus with the same reason
They want you to buy newer models so updates will stop on any device.
Sent from my Nexus 10 using xda app-developers app
There will still be custom ROM's that you can flash and it'll be compatible for years to come.
I've no intention of getting another tablet for a while yet I may get a chrome book next but I primarily use my Nexus 7, best thing I ever bought.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
PassingThruLife said:
How long do you think before Google drops support for it and we get no more updates?
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Google supports their devices for 18 months, so kitkat is probably the last update we get.. :-\
That's just wrong. ?
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tony056 said:
That's just wrong. ?
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what's wrong?
jonny68 got the point. There are KK roms even for the Nexus S so I'm sure we will be running the upcoming versions of Android on our N7.
8an0s said:
what's wrong?
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About Google stopping the support on Nexus 7 2012.
jonny68 said:
There will still be custom ROM's that you can flash and it'll be compatible for years to come.
I've no intention of getting another tablet for a while yet I may get a chrome book next but I primarily use my Nexus 7, best thing I ever bought.
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Agreed....best thing I ever bought. Totally worth the money and when it comes to support.....I'm still using a 2011 HTC rezound running kit kat thanks to the developers on here. Our nexus 7 (2012) will get updates thanks to developers for quite a while still.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
As you know Kitkat is not compatible with Galaxy Nexus, a 2011 device...
I still think that new version of Android will be compatible with Nexus 2012 (I have one so I hope so too), but probably that was the last officialy version released for this device.
It could change if they sell a new Nexus 7 this year. If they do so... I think that they will drop Nexus 2012 support this year...
The official GNex was dropped not because of the device itself (KK runs fine on my gf's GNex), but because the SoC's manufacturer (Texas Instruments) closed its SoC division and so they stopped updating the drivers and Google wants updated drivers in every new releases.
Erovia said:
The official GNex was dropped not because of the device itself (KK runs fine on my gf's GNex), but because the SoC's manufacturer (Texas Instruments) closed its SoC division and so they stopped updating the drivers and Google wants updated drivers in every new releases.
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jonny68 said:
There will still be custom ROM's that you can flash and it'll be compatible for years to come.
I've no intention of getting another tablet for a while yet I may get a chrome book next but I primarily use my Nexus 7, best thing I ever bought.
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As an owner of a previous Tegra device (g2x) I'm pretty aware of the vendor's level of support: None. Basically, once Google is done with it, nVidia will be done as well. So I wouldn't count on upgrades going on forever like we're used to with Qualcomm devices. Still, I'm getting one cheap as a backup for my N7 2013 LTE (which is in the process of getting a new screen leaving me tablet-less for now... ugh)...
Nexus devices usually get support for 18 months. So it will most likely kit kat is the last update for nexus 7 2012.
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I'm looking for 5.1.1 rom is stable and everything work's
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
Just out of curiosity, why 5.1.1, given that it's considerably less secure than Marshmallow? There is a 6.0.1 MOB30H available with security update of 1st May.
Not trying to persuade you - I'm sure you have a good reason. As I say, just curious...
dahawthorne said:
Just out of curiosity, why 5.1.1, given that it's considerably less secure than Marshmallow? There is a 6.0.1 MOB30H available with security update of 1st May.
Not trying to persuade you - I'm sure you have a good reason. As I say, just curious...
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For a game that's all
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dahawthorne said:
Just out of curiosity, why 5.1.1, given that it's considerably less secure than Marshmallow? There is a 6.0.1 MOB30H available with security update of 1st May.
Not trying to persuade you - I'm sure you have a good reason. As I say, just curious...
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At this point being more secure on a nexus really is not a big thing. Many people are moving back to pre- material design versions of android.
"being more secure on a nexus really is not a big thing"
I said exactly that in a post a few weeks ago, asking whether the flaws they find in labs actually have any real-world impact, and was mightily down-voted for daring to suggest such a heresy...
dahawthorne said:
"being more secure on a nexus really is not a big thing"
I said exactly that in a post a few weeks ago, asking whether the flaws they find in labs actually have any real-world impact, and was mightily down-voted for daring to suggest such a heresy...
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Android security really is a joke. As long as it is rooted then security is out the window. People like to think security is a big thing.
zelendel said:
Android security really is a joke. As long as it is rooted then security is out the window. People like to think security is a big thing.
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lol I put android 4.4.4 back on my galaxy s4, just runs better on that phone. I love the nostalgia it brings too!
Danvdh said:
lol I put android 4.4.4 back on my galaxy s4, just runs better on that phone. I love the nostalgia it brings too!
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ive 4.3 on my verizon sgs4(while im on tmobile), and cant update it at all. but.. 4.3 on the sgs4 is very usable
Nobody still didn't answer the question
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lox2013 said:
Nobody still didn't answer the question
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The problem is that no one devs for that out dated version anymore. You will be lucky to find even a single rom for it. Maybe an old slim roms.
zelendel said:
The problem is that no one devs for that out dated version anymore. You will be lucky to find even a single rom for it. Maybe an old slim roms.
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Like which
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lox2013 said:
Like which
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Slim roms. Its the name of the rom. I cant say everything will work completely and you will also lose many of the things 6.0 brought. Go into the dev section and look for a rom updated about a year and a half ago and that would be 5.1 based
Thanks I did euphoria but incoming calls don't work
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
just flash the 5.1.1 factory image, then root it. i googled nexus 6 5.1.1 roms, and found a bunch. but i cant say anything about them.
lox2013 said:
Thanks I did euphoria but incoming calls don't work
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Your issue will most likely be that you will have to revert the bootloader as well as the radio files. If you are on 6.0 you will have to revert these things to work on the 5.1 which will require you flashing the stock rom from google then redoing everything from scratch.