help with unlocking - Xperia Z Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey, I have tried to unlock my Xperia Z on 3 UK, as it says Bootloader is able to unlock, but when I do it, it still asks for the unlock pin on my phone, any ideas why or how to get it working?

Eee? Bootloader have nothing to do witch the unlock pin
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After which step comes the ask for unlocking...

gripfly said:
After which step comes the ask for unlocking...
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After I do the bootloader thing lol, I put in the sim I want to use, them asks me to put the code in?

If you're trying to network unlock your phone, then unlocking the bootloader doesn't affect that.
You will have to get an unlock code from 3 or buy one online. There is currently no other way.
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kingvortex said:
If you're trying to network unlock your phone, then unlocking the bootloader doesn't affect that.
You will have to get an unlock code from 3 or buy one online. There is currently no other way.
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oh right, thanks fir clearing that up


[Q] beginner android question

I have just got the Sony z1 device and ideally want vanilla android on here, is it possible and if so would it void my warranty?
If not possible what can I delete of Sony's on here as its packed with crap I don't want, will removing their apps cause any problems with the phone?
There is a dedicated forum for the Z1. Anyway, in order to install vanilla Android, you'll have to unlock your bootloader, which voids your warranty. Rooting will probably not require an unlocked bootloader.
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ckyy said:
There is a dedicated forum for the Z1. Anyway, in order to install vanilla Android, you'll have to unlock your bootloader, which voids your warranty. Rooting will probably not require an unlocked bootloader.
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Unlocking bl will also block his camera... If you don't know what are you talking about just stay quiet.
Never unlock bl on Z1!
Vaith said:
Unlocking bl will also block his camera... If you don't know what are you talking about just stay quiet.
Never unlock bl on Z1!
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Are you talking to me ???
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Vaith said:
Unlocking bl will also block his camera... If you don't know what are you talking about just stay quiet.
Never unlock bl on Z1!
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Ok, relaxed, it's true unlocking bootloader blocks camera, but he did say there is a forum for z1, if you ask these questions in a forum for a different device these things are bound not to be known by the forum members for this device (XZ)
And anyone who is going to unlock bootloader should do their homework first..
Just my 2 cents on the matter
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crazymister said:
Ok, relaxed, it's true unlocking bootloader blocks camera, but he did say there is a forum for z1, if you ask these questions in a forum for a different device these things are bound not to be known by the forum members for this device (XZ)
And anyone who is going to unlock bootloader should do their homework first..
Just my 2 cents on the matter
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I know that an UB breaks the camera. However, i didn't advise him to unlock it. I simply answered his question about the possibility and the warranty.
If you want a proper answer go to the right forum

When is the bootloader going to be fixed?

I am wondering if anyone here has any news on when the bootloader is going to be fixed, I'm about to get this phone in a few weeks therefore I'd like to mess with this Bad boy as soon as I get him, but I don't want to lose the camera (I know I can restore TA, but it's a no-go as a daily driver). Also how it's going to be fixed? I've heard that TA/BL is not flashed by ftf, maybe OTA has access to TA/BL?
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olokos said:
I am wondering if anyone here has any news on when the bootloader is going to be fixed, I'm about to get this phone in a few weeks therefore I'd like to mess with this Bad boy as soon as I get him, but I don't want to lose the camera (I know I can restore TA, but it's a no-go as a daily driver). Also how it's going to be fixed? I've heard that TA/BL is not flashed by ftf, maybe OTA has access to TA/BL?
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krabapple said he got the camera working in his carbon rom. Btw, this should be in the Q&A.
i see in cm 10.2 tread a fix already, very fast.
mas5acre said:
krabapple said he got the camera working in his carbon rom. Btw, this should be in the Q&A.
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If you realise a threat should be in a different sub forum please report it
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matheus_sc said:
i see in cm 10.2 tread a fix already, very fast.
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Any idea what might have caused the problem? I thought it has been connected to losing DRM keys?

Sony Xperia C6606 T-Mobile Unlock Code?

Hello, I am new the Xperia world. I purchased a T-Mobile Xperia Z a few days ago (still within return window). I learned today that it is not possible to unlock the boot loader to get custom roms like CM. I went to Sony's site and was able to obtain an unlock code they emailed it to me. Does this still mean I cannot unlock it?
If I can unlock then I will keep the device if not I shall return it and get the C6602 because it is unlockable.
The code will not help. It is still locked. There is no way to unlock it.
However, you can still flash stock based roms. Just not those that require a custom kernel.
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ckyy said:
The code will not help. It is still locked. There is no way to unlock it.
However, you can still flash stock based roms. Just not those that require a custom kernel.
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Alright thanks, I guess I am going to have to to return it then.
Alternate ROMS
qew204 said:
Hello, I am new the Xperia world. I purchased a T-Mobile Xperia Z a few days ago (still within return window). I learned today that it is not possible to unlock the boot loader to get custom roms like CM. I went to Sony's site and was able to obtain an unlock code they emailed it to me. Does this still mean I cannot unlock it?
If I can unlock then I will keep the device if not I shall return it and get the C6602 because it is unlockable.
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Just like ckyy can still root, flash custom ROMs....there are PLENTY of them out there. Just follow the guides that [NUT] put in the "General" section and it will guide you thru flashing ftf files using the Flashtool. All the ROMs I've used have been for the C6603 (I think I read somewhere on XDA that those are the most capatible with the C6606 (T-Mobile Xperias) DO NOT use the ftf's from C6602!!

Easiest way to Root Xperia Z any firmware

Got my hands over Xperia Z
was going through all the forums to root my device
doomlord 's way failed because the firmware i have is newer than what is been tested by Doomlord.
than i tried what i always do
ok I'm repeating myself this time on Xperia forum.
1) unlock bootloaders from sony's own site
2) flash Doomlords kernel for stock firmware which is with recovery
3) get into recovery and flash the zip attached
now you have super user and can install all that stuff needs root.
have a nice day!
And now you also have
1.Invalidate warranty
2.Bravia Engine 2 will not work anymore
3.Download music info, trackid... may also not work..
Doomlords way is fully working on locked bootloader you just need to downgeade kernel. If you have newer fw
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NetSkill said:
And now you also have
1.Invalidate warranty
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I doubt that for most of the countries
NetSkill said:
And now you also have
1.Invalidate warranty
2.Bravia Engine 2 will not work anymore
3.Download music info, trackid... may also not work..
Doomlords way is fully working on locked bootloader you just need to downgeade kernel. If you have newer fw
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1. Music Info works
2.And yes you're right dooms method works like a charm , no need to unlock bl just for rooting
@general: well it's obviously that you can root you device this way, because your bl unlocked. If you don't plan to use a custom kernel /rom you better root using doom's method.
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---------- Post added at 11:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:40 AM ----------
hebbe said:
I doubt that for most of the countries
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you will loose warranty
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Tommy-Geenexus said:
1. Music Info works
you will loose warranty
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not the warranty given by law!
hebbe said:
not the warranty given by law!
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You get the warranty from sony, if they see you've unlocked bl they will charge you
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Nice post. Tx :thumbup:
Tommy-Geenexus said:
You get the warranty from sony, if they see you've unlocked bl they will charge you
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in germany it's like that: if you buy a new product, the law enforces the manufacturer/dealer to give a 2-year-warranty on the product. this 2-year-warranty can't be reduced or limited (normally).
the manufacturer/dealer might give an optional warranty for another X years, but that's up to him.
so sony might say that their additional, optional, voluntary warranty might get lost when unlocking the bootloader, but they cannot reject the warranty enforced by law. to do so, they will have to prove that unlocking the bootloader is definitely the cause for the devices' fault.
let's say the power button isn't working anymore, and the device is 1 year old, then sony can't reject only because of an unlocked bootloader. it will be very hard for them to plausible prove that unlocking the bootloader damaged the power button. if the device is, let's say, 3 years old, then they can reject.
at least in germany this is the case, and i guess in many other countries as well. in germany they distinguish between "gewährleistung" (warranty by law) and "garantie" (optional, voluntary warranty given by manuf./dealer).
(unfortunately, i don't know the proper english translation for the german words, and my translation app shows "warranty" in both cases.)
I read on these forums that even requesting B/L unlock code from Sony is sufficient grounds to deny warranty - whether you unlock or not
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Easiest root ever is with program called KINGO ANDROID ROOT its only one click root. No need for kernel downgrada, i use it on official .67 firmware and it works like charm. I saw it somewhere on xda and download it its imba.
hebbe said:
in germany it's like that: if you buy a new product, the law enforces the manufacturer/dealer to give a 2-year-warranty on the product. this 2-year-warranty can't be reduced or limited (normally).
the manufacturer/dealer might give an optional warranty for another X years, but that's up to him.
so sony might say that their additional, optional, voluntary warranty might get lost when unlocking the bootloader, but they cannot reject the warranty enforced by law. to do so, they will have to prove that unlocking the bootloader is definitely the cause for the devices' fault.
let's say the power button isn't working anymore, and the device is 1 year old, then sony can't reject only because of an unlocked bootloader. it will be very hard for them to plausible prove that unlocking the bootloader damaged the power button. if the device is, let's say, 3 years old, then they can reject.
at least in germany this is the case, and i guess in many other countries as well. in germany they distinguish between "gewährleistung" (warranty by law) and "garantie" (optional, voluntary warranty given by manuf./dealer).
(unfortunately, i don't know the proper english translation for the german words, and my translation app shows "warranty" in both cases.)
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ok thx didn't knew that
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NetSkill said:
2.Bravia Engine 2 will not work anymore
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Maybe my phone is retarded, but I unlocked bootloader without loosing drm keys (with BE2)
Could you tell my any reason for it, please?
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N1k0la89 said:
Easiest root ever is with program called KINGO ANDROID ROOT its only one click root. No need for kernel downgrada, i use it on official .67 firmware and it works like charm. I saw it somewhere on xda and download it its imba.
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Kongo root has been removed from XDA because of malware or something.
Doomlords method is the one to use
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-woczarder- said:
Maybe my phone is retarded, but I unlocked bootloader without loosing drm keys (with BE2)
Could you tell my any reason for it, please?
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Thats impossible ..the BE2 option will be there still.. But u cant see any optimization on pics.
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NetSkill said:
Thats impossible ..the BE2 option will be there still.. But u cant see any optimization on pics.
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Somehow it is. I made some screenshots with be2 on and off - there is a difference. Running on DoomKernel
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jacktackle said:
Got my hands over Xperia Z
was going through all the forums to root my device
doomlord 's way failed because the firmware i have is newer than what is been tested by Doomlord.
than i tried what i always do
ok I'm repeating myself this time on Xperia forum.
1) unlock bootloaders from sony's own site
2) flash Doomlords kernel for stock firmware which is with recovery
3) get into recovery and flash the zip attached
now you have super user and can install all that stuff needs root.
have a nice day!
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Hi !
Unfortunately is not entirely true !!! Please update your correct title : " Easiest way to Root Xperia Z any firmware ( only for unlocked bootloader ! )"
Thanks !

bootloader unlock help

I have a c6603 with bootloader unlock allowed:No
so I decided to buy an unlock code since the phone was locked to o2 and I heard from other sites that unlocking the carrier changes the bootloader unlock status! so far it hasnt... and my phone has only been unlocked for 5 odd mins
can anyone help me?????
Simply. If unlock status saying NO
So it's NO!
Xperia™ Z (C6602) with Tapatalk.
androidfreak70 said:
Simply. If unlock status saying NO
So it's NO!
Xperia™ Z (C6602) with Tapatalk.
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sh*t alright cheers

