Iphone emojis - Xperia SP Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello xda world
I recently bought a xperia sp phone.Many of my friends have an iphone and however i tease them because they paid so much money i am really jealous of iphone emojis.I am rooted so is there a way to install them on android?
Thanks in advance and sorry for bad English

1. you need to have a rooted device. For how to root your device, please google it yourself.
2. backup /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf by adb or Root Explorer
3. download the font with emoji from http://www.sendspace.com/file/hwk72t
4. replace the font in /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf by the "downloaded font" by adb or Root Explorer
5. if you use Root Explorer, please press "Mount R/W" on the top right corner to enable the write permission on /system/fonts/
6. set the file permission of the font as below
user = read & write
group = read
others = read

or just try then buy (if you liked) Sliding Emoji Keyboard. That's what I am did. ??????


Graffiti & Handwriting apps

Though I could download and install Graffiti on my Gtab , I cannot select it as an input method. A message warns that personal data may be collected, and if I'm sure I want to use the input method. However, after tapping ok, Graffiti remains unchecked. Another similar app gave the same results. Google gesture search seems to work, so I'm hoping someone here might know how to fix this.
(using: TnT-Enhanced v3.1.4b)
Update Edit:
I am getting the same problem with the gingerbread keyboard.
I had the same issue and gaspra over at this post gave me the answer... Hope this helps you out. BTW, there is a free version of Root Explorer in the market.
you will need a root explorer, it's on app market but not free.
From Root Explorer, open the /data/app/ folder and you will find the
keyboard you just installed. Then copy the apk file to /system/app, note
this is where you need the Root Explorer to change the permission for
/system folder from R/W to R/O (allowing permission to write in this folder
by user).
Do a restart once you finish copying the file. The new input method
should be enabled by default then.
Alternatively you can use "adb" tool from Android SDK to transfer the
apk file if you don't have a copy of Root Explorer.

Read Hindi/Marathi SMS on your Android Phone

Now Read Your Hindi/Marathi SMS on Andriod.........its little bit tricky
But You will get Best Result...........
1) Download "Hindi HinKhoj Dictionary" and "Go SMS pro" two applications From Andriod Market its Free
2) install first "Hindi HinKhoj Dictionary application" then after "Go SMS pro"
3) now its time to do some setting with "Go SMS pro" (Note: Make a Go SMS Pro as Default Messaging Application)
Settings in Go SMS Pro
a) Open Go sms pro application
b) press menu button it will pop up menus where is a tab of setting
c) go to setting you will get 2nd option as a "Appearance Settings"
d) first just touch on the tab of "Scan Fonts Packages" it will scan all fonts pkgs
e) then go to Appearance Settings there are 2 main options
I) Conversation List appearance
1) Conv. List Customization
2) User Defined Settings
3) Conv. List Other Settings
II) Conversation appearance
1) Conversation Customization
2) User Defined Settings
3) Conversation Other Settings
f) first go to "Conv. List Customization" from "Conversation List appearance"
it will pop up one more menu choose "Time and message font"
it will ask you for Package which is default set as "system" you have to change it from "system" to "Hindi Hinkhoj Dictionary" from the list
it will automatically chose font as "mangal" then press back button 3 time ti will ask for "Save the setting?"
save that setting by any name and you will back to "Appearance Settings" screen
g) Now go to "Conversation Customization" from "Conversation appearance"
change "Incoming font" and "Outgoing font" same as above.......
and save this setting with different name
h) finally from both of "Conversation List appearance" and "Conversation appearance"
apply the User Defined Settings as your saved name
go out to application and restart the phone and ask to your Friends for Hindi/Marathi SMS...........
The Above Trick for those who dont have "root/busy box/superuser" access
One More Trick for those have "root/busy box/SuperUser" access
if you dont have root/Super user/busy box access then download it from android Market
its also free
1) download Root Explorer from Market (free)
2) Download Below attachment "DroidSansFallback.zip" and copy to your SDCard
3) open the Root Explorer application with SuperUser permission. (click on allow)
4) go to /sdcard
5) open the DroidSansFallback.zip file you will see "DroidSansFallback.ttf" file click and long hold on that file it will ask for extract
6) extract the file. the file will extracted in the sdcard/extracted folder
7) go to sdcard/extracted folder you will see DroidSansFallback.ttf file just long hold touch that file will popup menu touch on copy
8) at the bottom you will see the two tabs paste and cancel dont touch that tabs just press back button 2 times
9) you will reach to root folder of there is a folder name "system" get in to that folder and again get in to "font" folder
10) Now its time to hit the paste button it will ask for superuser permission and replaces existing... replaces the existing file with new one.....
11) Now come out from root explorer by pressing back boutton......and restart the phone and enjoy....hindi on your phone.......
Warning: dont do both tricks on your phone.......
Cool...Now I can see / read Hindi mail on my android 2.3 HD2... Thanks
Thanks I can read my hindi news now
Dear OP,
Is it possible to see the Himdi SMS on widows device?
I deleted the original droidsansfallback.ttf by mistake while replacing it,and now my phone is stuck on boot screen
help guys
Simple step for reading hindi on android like nokia phone
If you have rooted device, Using root explorer select all file from fonts folder and paste in system/fonts
and restart !!!!
it will work perfet for Hindi in every application.there is not need download any crap. If you have some fear please backup your original font
stuck up while replacing Font...
Gauravsgahlyan said:
I deleted the original droidsansfallback.ttf by mistake while replacing it,and now my phone is stuck on boot screen
help guys
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hey using Clock recovery make your device factory reset.......will helps.....
swamimahesh said:
If you have rooted device, Using root explorer select all file from fonts folder and paste in system/fonts
and restart !!!!
it will work perfet for Hindi in every application.there is not need download any crap. If you have some fear please backup your original font
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Gave bootloop for me... Factory reset also didnt help..
Had to reflash my ROM on my sensation..
Not recommended. But first post works, but all words arent displayed properly...
swamimahesh said:
If you have rooted device, Using root explorer select all file from fonts folder and paste in system/fonts
and restart !!!!
it will work perfet for Hindi in every application.there is not need download any crap. If you have some fear please backup your original font
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gave bootloop for me too. had to reflash rom again.
How to type Hindi or Marathi?
Yes , now I can read Hindi or Marathi on my HD2...Android 2.3.5...Thanks.
How can I type in Marathi now?That would be really great.
kalya said:
Yes , now I can read Hindi or Marathi on my HD2...Android 2.3.5...Thanks.
How can I type in Marathi now?That would be really great.
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which font u installed??
are these on Android?? (ur signature calls our for Windows phone)
man4714 said:
which font u installed??
are these on Android?? (ur signature calls our for Windows phone)
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I have used on Andorid... replaces the fonts folder with Nokia fonts ....
and got hindi & English working... I didn't tried other language...
I guess 1 ttf file from nokia fonts is enough.... i will try to find out and let you know...
Thanks a ton..
I want to read hindi / marathi. I followed your method.
Only difference being font displayed was "gargi" instead of "mangal".
I see boxes on facebook.
Waiting to see a sms in devanagri.
thank you
Hey thanks a lot...Now I can read Marathi and Hindi on My sensation 4G.
Will it support punjabi too
Sent from my GT-S5570 using xda app-developers app
hindi/marathi font
cant get system folder and font folder
i followed all the procedure but while it came for pasting the extracted ttf i cant find the system folder plz help ... Im currently using samsung galaxy w - i8150 with android version 2.3.6 thanks
Everything works as directed but when I try to paste the extracted ttf file it says cannot pase its read only file... And doesn't asks for superuser permission either..... My phone is rooted
I want to read hindi / marathi SMS
I want to read hindi / marathi. I followed your method.
Only difference being font displayed was "gargi" instead of "mangal".
I see boxes on WhatsAPP....
Plz Help me .....
i am using Android 2.3.6 on Samsung Infuse 4G SGH-I997 (AT&T)

Nook Touch friendly Better Keyboard skin

I hope this is the right place to post this. I installed Better Keyboard 8 on my rooted Nook Touch. It works great, but the skins all leave something to be desired on E-Ink. What I'm looking for is a simple skin with white keys and black text. I know Better Android (the developer for BK8) had exactly what I'm looking for free on the market, but I guess they got kicked off the market at some point (glad I had backup .apks!) and I can't seem to find what I'm looking for. Googling around usually just brings up broken links for the Better Android one.
Can anyone help me out? Maybe there's a skin that fits my description, some way I can edit a skin to get what I want. I believe SwiftKey's skins work on BK8 as well.
Here's essentially what I'm looking for. I apparently can't post links yet due to posts so you'll have to copy/paste.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
i use the GO Keyboard, that include the white theme, and that work great
chriscsh said:
i use the GO Keyboard, that include the white theme, and that work great
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That theme does look great, indeed. I'm wondering if GO Keyboard will let one get around the keyboard "drop-off" problem that Google Voice/Talk has on the N2E (i.e., the last row of the keyboard simply drops off the screen rendering the apps useless). Anyone try them both together?
Short question, does prediction show up in GoKeyboard? Or in any even?
domi.nos said:
Short question, does prediction show up in GoKeyboard? Or in any even?
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I don't believe any predictive keyboard routine works with the N2E.
We need to try out all the keyboards and find which works the best.
A key thing for me is do they have tab key completion for ssh, also what about alt, ctrl and f keys?
To try out a keyboard apk you need:
adb shell mount -o rw,remount -t ext2 /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 /system
adb push keyboard.apk /system/app/
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/keyboard.apk
then NookColorTools to select one of the new keyboards
Anyone know how I can activate GoKeyboard on my N2E?
Follow the instruction above your post.
Or download the file you want, rename it to keyboard.apk.
Using root explorer, make a copy of keyboard.apk from /system/app. Put it somewhere safe (sd card or computer).
Get the downloaded keyboard.apk and put it in the same directory as above (first, press the r/w button on top of the screen when on /system/app).
change properties to 644 (read/write for user, all others only read) using properties of file.
Reboot (not sure about this part, but it never hurts).
apeine said:
Follow the instruction above your post.
Or download the file you want, rename it to keyboard.apk.
Using root explorer, make a copy of keyboard.apk from /system/app. Put it somewhere safe (sd card or computer).
Get the downloaded keyboard.apk and put it in the same directory as above (first, press the r/w button on top of the screen when on /system/app).
change properties to 644 (read/write for user, all others only read) using properties of file.
Reboot (not sure about this part, but it never hurts).
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actually no need to rename the apk
install the gokeyboard from market
move the gokeyboard.apk from /data/app to the system/app (i use ES file explorer cause this is FREE ),
restart your device
open NookColour Tools, choose keyboard

[Guide] Using iOS-Style Emojis on Android N Developer Preview

Good morning all,
Before getting a Nexus 6P around a week ago, I had been using an app called "Emoji Switcher (root)" to use the iOS-styled emojis in conjunction with Google Keyboard. I prefer to use this emoji style, despite Google's updates, because many of my friends and family use iPhones, and I like to make sure we are conveying the same message as emojis are a very visual language.
Emoji Switcher (root) Thread
I was looking to replicate this on the Developer Preview of Android N, and after a great deal of headache going through many incompatible apps and methods, I have figured it out and would like to spare anyone else who is interested the headache. Many root file explorers will not allow you to modify the system .tff file that controls the emojis across the device, so I had to get old school with it.
I first downloaded a .tff file from the thread below that includes all of the iOS emojis through Unicode 9 as well as the Unicode 10 candidates that those of us on Android N have on their keyboards currently. Download and unzip the attachment "iOS_unicode9_emojis_Mr.Yawnie.zip." You do not need any of the modified keyboards if you are on Android N! Within this container is the file "NotoColorEmoji.tff." This is the same name as the file we will be replacing, just keep it in your downloads folder for now.
Mr.Yawnee's iOS Emoji Thread
Next, you will need to reboot into TWRP and mount the system partition. When your system is mounted return to the TWRP home screen, go to "Advanced," and then "File Manager."
Within the File Manager navigate to the root folder --> System --> Fonts, and scroll down until you see the file "NotoColorEmoji.tff." This is the standard emoji font that Android pulls for your keyboards, incoming messages, etc. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT WE DO NOT DELETE THIS FILE. Simply rename the file to "NotoColorEmojiOld.tff" (Or whatever you would like to call it) and LEAVE IT IN THE FONTS FOLDER.
Now, still within the TWRP file manager, navigate back to your downloads folder where you unzipped the "NotoColorEmoji.tff" file that we downloaded earlier. Simply copy this file into the / --> System --> Fonts folder we were just in. It will not overwrite anything since we renamed the original file.
Unmount the system partition and reboot your Nexus. Your emoji should all be updated and replaced with iOS-style emoji! These emoji are working on the stock keyboard for me, and I imagine that since they replaced the system font they should work with any custom keyboards you may be using.
If you wish to revert, simply reboot into TWRP, mount system, go back into the Fonts folder, delete the "NotoColorEmoji.tff" file that we added in, and then RENAME "NotoColorEmojiOld.tff" to "NotoColorEmoji.tff." You can potentially get your phone into a bootloop if you do not do this step!!
Credits and thank you to @Mr.Yawnie for the wonderful emoji .tff, and thank you to @D_Steve595 for the Emoji Switcher (root) app that I would typically use and have enjoyed so much.
Please go easy on my forum skills as this is my first post on XDA. I will answer and questions as well as I can. I am excited to repay this amazing community with some knowledge of my own!
@Mr.Yawnie, would you be cool with the iOS emoji font being added to Emoji Switcher?
I was able to do this all within the OS using Root Explorer Pro. Thanks for the info - was curious about this myself!
@Nitemare3219 How were you able to mount system with the phone running? For the life of me I couldn't get any root file explorers to even let me change permissions on anything in my system folder.
esthornhill said:
@Nitemare3219 How were you able to mount system with the phone running? For the life of me I couldn't get any root file explorers to even let me change permissions on anything in my system folder.
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I literally hit the button that said MOUNT R/W when in the system folder. I can swap back and forth between the two with no issues, running latest SuperSU beta & BusyBox.
Thank you for sharing these links. I too prefer these emoji. Worked perfectly.
Well I ****ed up... I tried using it on Es file explorer now I need the original ttf ..
Can someone upload
Update *** I got it back...

Font Help Please

I know I'm probably in wrong section but Verizon has nothing their so I'd really really appreciate if you could help me out.
Ok I'm not rooted on galaxy note 5 Verizon but I'm trying to change font and I downloaded fonts but every time I go to apply the new font in getting this error message could someone please help me out on what to do this is with any fonts I download
Maybe theirs a certain app that only works on Verizon note 5 could you please help me out with the name is it cause I've tried several font apps
[email protected] said:
I know I'm probably in wrong section but Verizon has nothing their so I'd really really appreciate if you could help me out.
Ok I'm not rooted on galaxy note 5 Verizon but I'm trying to change font and I downloaded fonts but every time I go to apply the new font in getting this error message could someone please help me out on what to do this is with any fonts I download
Maybe theirs a certain app that only works on Verizon note 5 could you please help me out with the name is it cause I've tried several font apps
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1. get a file explorer with root
2. download this font pack here: https://forum.xda-developers.com/ga...ont-pack-966-fonts-one-apk-s6-s6edge-t3154336 (or this, link from same thread: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=24407100847292972)
3. extract it, navigate to SamsungSans folder and copy it
4. copy the folder + font apk file to your sd card or usb otg
5. open up root explorer, give it root permission, make sure it is r/w and not r/o, and then navigate to /system/app/ (make sure again its r/w and not r/o)
6. copy SamsungSans there
7. change file permissions, SamsungSans folder = rwxrwxr-x, but the APK file change it to rw-r-r
8. reboot
9. you should be able to use any font available as you wish now
EDIT: SORRY just realized you said you're NOT rooted. my apologies, but i'll leave the guide there for anyone who wants to change fonts but dont know how to (on rooted devices)
for your case, due to samsung needing to have some sort of digital signature in order to use 3rd party fonts, the only way for you is to buy them on the store.

