Themeable Keyboard! - Xperia SP Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi Friends...
As im new to XSP,im so excited that i feel like making my phone cool.
Please suggest me any keyboard with changable themes apart from go keyboard.

- Swiftkey; paid and has some themes (dont know if you can make your own)
- Touchpal keypad; Free nice features etc.. Also some themes (dont know if you can make your own)

Perfect keyboard is my favourite. Only a few simple themes though.
Go keyboard is by far the most customisable, but also takes up the most ram.
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Thanks Guys....
Will try all three and stick to one that is more coooler in looks!


[Q] Search for the perfect layout

Hey guys, I need your help. I have cleared the settings on my launcher and reverted back to my stock theme because I need to be inspired. I'm looking for the best layout you have made on your device. When I say layout, i mean overall theme, launcher setup, fonts, and icons. I want to find a clean and simple setup that doesn't look like it was put together by random icons found on Google. There are some layouts that look don't look attractive because everything is cluttered and colorized to where the theme just clashes. Some people might like it, but i prefer a simple look to my device. Hope this is the best place to post this thread. Thanks!
tl;dr I need to be inspired so post a screenshot your best organized layout including font, launcher layout, overall theme, and ROM.
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here you go

[APP]Touchpal Keyboard v4.8

Hey guys,
Touchpal keyboard has just gone out of beta and has been released in the market. Its free until the end of October. Grab it while its free!
I've used many keyboards, including paid apps(swiftkey) and this is the best keyboard I've used on an Android phone. Swypes(they call it curve) better than swype, great word prediction, many options to customize the layout the way you want.
Surely worth a shot, even if your satisfied with your current KB
Btw, there is a dedicated thread in the android apps and games section if you want more info here:
Thanks Dude
Download right away
Works awesome on miui, great work!
Sent from the frozen tundra known as Canada.
Good find.

Next launcher themess

Just wondering if anyone knows how to crearé themes for Next launcher.
Franft said:
Just wondering if anyone knows how to crearé themes for Next launcher.
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For now i think next launcher does not support theme..give dev's ur feedback for themes...
Sorry my englisg bad
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I hope the Dev Team launches soon a theme maker for Next launcher, i've got really cool custom 3D icons for it I would like to share.
Yeah. Right now you can't even change the icons. But I'm still sticking with it.
Sent from my MK16i using Tapatalk 2
Just curious, how are you guys liking Next Launcher? I don't want to go spend $15 for something I won't use.
I'm planning on just getting a apk somewhere, trying it for a day to decide whether I should buy it or not.
15 minute trial is way too short for testing a launcher.
For me who has limited ram and app space, I can certainly see its appeal. Plus it's buttery smooth. Although you don't have much customization option, specially themes, but I'd still say try it. As you've said, you can find an apk somewhere and try it for day. Then you can decide if you wanna buy it or not.
Sent from my MK16i using Tapatalk 2
I'm using it for a week now and I think its worth $15. Of course its new and there's not much to do now, but I turst the GO Dev team and they're really pushing out products (widgets etc) in good speed. Later when more features come out and more people adopt it, I can boast that I used to use it before it was cool!!
Next Launcher Themes Every where on Play store
I see many themes for Next Launcher on Play store these days. Do any one know the procedure how to make themes for Next Launcher ? If yes please say what is the process.
I'd really like to know this too....
Does anyone know where the files are stored for Next launcher...i'd love to try and make a theme for this

Android Music Player theme concept

It bothers me that it's rare, if anything almost impossible to find a music player in the playstore with the holo theme being used, so i took the idea from Google's YouTube app and thought it would look nice if they'd make a music app with the same idea in mind, so i started doing a little work on the idea and since i know nothing about coding this is all i can provide...if it has been thought of before then i apologize, if not, then would be cool if a developer would take my idea and use it.
i wanna do a complete design of the entire internals but wanted opinions of you guys before i even go that far.
Purely personal taste, but the only thing I don't like is the blank CD icon above the album art. Other than that I like it. Keep up the good work!
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Kwills88 said:
It bothers me that it's rare, if anything almost impossible to find a music player in the playstore with the holo theme being used, so i took the idea from Google's YouTube app and thought it would look nice if they'd make a music app with the same idea in mind, so i started doing a little work on the idea and since i know nothing about coding this is all i can provide...if it has been thought of before then i apologize, if not, then would be cool if a developer would take my idea and use it.
i wanna do a complete design of the entire internals but wanted opinions of you guys before i even go that far.
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Are you using Roboto as your font?
I also think that the search icon should be flat, and possibly implement that flat design choice into the album art/playing screen.
I also think there should be a couple more separation of elements using multiple color choices. Possibly use the holo colors.
It looks great though!
- Keep it simple
- Use one font size
- Don't make UI elements too small or too big
- Don't stretch images
- Don't use black on a dark grey background
A lot of "don't" here, and I'm sorry for that.
Personally, I would like a player that uses the Google Now design language. An evolved Holo design in a sense.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2
The flat look seems to be what's in. I think what's sorely needed is a dead simple, gorgeous music widget. With all the theming that's starting to pop up, i feel like that's the one gaping hole in my opinion. Whoever does that gets my money. I'm really keen on spotify's widget, I'd like to see an updated 4x2 version of that from them.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
LordManhattan said:
- Keep it simple
- Use one font size
- Don't make UI elements too small or too big
- Don't stretch images
- Don't use black on a dark grey background
A lot of "don't" here, and I'm sorry for that.
Personally, I would like a player that uses the Google Now design language. An evolved Holo design in a sense.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2
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it's cool, i posted here hoping for some constructive criticism, promise to take everything you say and see if i can make it better.
Looks awesome
When you finish, i will try this
My next favorite player
Ubermusic dont work on ics
Enviado desde mi LG-P500 usando Tapatalk 2
Looks amazing, I'd love a music asp that works AND looks good. My only advice would be to stick closer to holo. It looks a bit like metro ui from the mock ups.
Sent from my ADR6300 using xda premium
Looks awesome!!
Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk 2
LordManhattan said:
- Keep it simple
- Use one font size
- Don't make UI elements too small or too big
- Don't stretch images
- Don't use black on a dark grey background
A lot of "don't" here, and I'm sorry for that.
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What's your favorite launcher?

Please, vote for the launcher and share the name of your favorite theme!
I have another post about the same thing but couldn't add poll to it, so I'm starting this one with poll. Moderator would be kind enough to delete the other thread. Here is the link
The stock sense is the best!
Best performance
I voted Nova and I probably believe that, but I have been using Google Experience Launcher for a few days and am really enjoying it.
I have really loved Next Launcher and before that Go Launcher. I've used Nova and ADW and just didn't find them any better than various stock or trebechet (sp?). Unfortunately, Next is expensive (although it is on sale right now). I also have observed that EVERYTHING is getting more and more expensive.
The themes I've used and liked are a combination of free and paid. Love the memscape themes but to theme every app I could with say, New York - expensive! My faves are probably the cobalt themes for cm roms and go sms but they do not have launcher themes. The Go folks, e.g., have decent free themes.
On my One I am currently using the Next 3D scene mode with Steel 3D (faisca art - They also have a beautiful Christmas theme both classic and 3D). I simply can't afford to try more.
Sent from my GT-p511x
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Apex here
Apex all the way for me, purely for two reasons: I can set grid size (I like 7x5/5x7 for the Homescreen/drawer) and change icon size (I set them to 80% for Homescreen, drawer and dock)
I'd go back to GEL or stock if I could do the same with those (I actually quite like Blinkfeed)
Aviate wins hands down
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