[Q] Port apps from another stock rom? - Xperia SP Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hei i had a few questions.
1. Is the TTS on Xperia Z family is different with the XSP?
2. Can i install samsung-tts to my xsp?
3. Is there any way to port sense 5 ui to my XSP? I'm very excited to try some UI from another phone
Sent from my C5303 using Tapatalk

The short answer is no you can't port any sense ui to sp as it is dependant on libs and other system files which is not open source
Sent from my C5303 using xda premium


[REQ] MIUI Xperia T

Hi all,
do you have any tip, how make MIUI ROM for Xperia T ?
Or can anybody make this rom? Please .... (on stock ICS).
I'm working on a jellybean port.
Sent from my Xperia T using Tapatalk 2
Cool, I'll look forward to.
BTW: Why not on the stock rom? (no problems with the camera,... as in CM10).
I use MIUI on Xperia Mini on StockRom and absolutely satisfaction ...
Wait. I've been helping develop and running cm10 for 2 weeks now. As far as I've seen there are no camera problems
Sent from my Xperia T using Tapatalk 2

[Q] Need Honami i1 keyboard working on rooted stock 4.2.2 (.244)

hey folks,
any link for the honami i1 keyboard that actually works on 4.2.2 - .244 rooted stock rom? i've looked over the whole section and read all threads with no luck finding it, but am seeing lots of screenshots with the Honami keyboard, any help please?
Try here - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2339632
Sent from my C6603 using Tapatalk 4
kingvortex said:
Try here - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2339632
Sent from my C6603 using Tapatalk 4
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
thanks man, but this one FC everything, the exchange, the launcher, the keyboard, it destroys the whole rom man without adding any single new app.
guys am looking for something that "actually works" on 4.2.2 (.244) stock rooted rom

[Q] how to make stock based Z1 custom ROM

Hi anyone,
Can you teach how to make stock based Z1 custom ROM clearly ?
Sent from my C6903 using XDA Free mobile app
I hope this satisfies your question : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2786967

Cyber shot for Xsp kitkat

Im sorry for the noob question, im to find ported cyber shot for xperia sp running in kitkat..
Is there anyone can help?
I want kitkat but with cyber shot feature...
Sent from my C5303 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Im looking ported cybet for xperia sp 4.4.4
Sent from my C5303 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Not working Xperia camera app in 4.4.4 :/
Not possible...
Rizal's Cybershot mod can be found here. However it is abandoned. Xperia SP was not updated to KitKat so the only way you can use KitKat is by flashing CM11 (or the other 4.4.4 ROMs). But on CM11 and the other KitKat ROMs the Xperia camera will not work (due to lack of stock framework), hence no Cybershot mod.

Sony Xperia T Lt30p official system or Cyanogenmod 12?

Sony official system 4.0 VS 4.3 VS Cyanogenmod 12 on Sony Xperia T Lt30p?
Do you use Cyanogenmod 12 on Sony Xperia T LT30p?
With which of these system phone work better?
Which system is better for this phone?
Sent from my LT30p using XDA Free mobile app
WhiteNeo's mod of CM 12 works very well. 4.3 (Jelly Bean) is over two years old. If you like the Xperia look, you can flash the Sony framework and launcher that have been extracted from the Z3 in CM12.1
On Xperia T works well?
Sent from my LT30p using XDA Free mobile app
DYLAN_ndc said:
On Xperia T works well?
Sent from my LT30p using XDA Free mobile app
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes on the LT30p, but I'd back up my TA partition if you want to go back to stock. Also, I'd resize the partition. There are instructions for how to do so on the forum.

