Hi everyone,
I have since a week a Samsung Galaxy S (I9000) and I find it a bit different from my previous device (HTC Desire GSM), so I am having some question and doubts concerning what I have done so far on the phone after reading many threads in this great forum.
First of all, when I got the phone, it had an operator layer, so I wanted it to have a completely stock rom. Hence, I flashed using Odin the phone using those files:
The android version I have now is the 2.3.6, but I find it a bit (a lot) laggy, so I was wondering if this ROM is actually a stable ROM or a development ROM, perhaps can you help me choosing a more stable stock firmware?
Also, I am also having some concerns with rooting the phone. In fact, when I had my HTC Desire, there was mostly one method to root the phone (the most common method let's say) using unRevoked. But now I got really lost with the Galaxy S as the methods for rooting seem not only to be numerous, but to depend on the firmware I actually have on the phone. So I flashed a file in my phone that rooted the phone, but it seems to have a moded kernel with it. The file I used is the following:
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So I am wondering if there is actually another method to root the phone that does not involve flashing a custom firmware?
Also, I might go back to a MIUI ROM, but I wonder if by flashing another ROM with ClockWorkMod recovery, it will replace my actual kernel (which would be great) ?
I'd like to use the phone for a while using a rooted stock rom, with no alterations nor modifications; and then I will go back to using a MIUI ROM. So can you please help me with my doubts; I really don't like no knowing what I am really putting into my phone so I don't want to spend a week doing trial and error
Thank you all in advance and please forgive my noobism
If you flash a new ROM the kernel should be replaced but I don`t know for sure if it`s he same on Samsung like on HTC. I rooted my i9000 with unlockroot( just google for it) and the phone is stock rooted and I flashed speedmod kernel with heimdall in order to have CWM so I don`t have stock kernel either.
Thank you for your answer !
What android version do you have on your galaxy ? 2.3.6 ? Is it smooth ?
Perhaps I will try MIUI to check how it works on this device (it worked great on my HTC Desire with lower tech specs )
Hi Guys,
sorry for this noobie question but I'm quite new to android.
I've passed hours reading the forum about roms, kernels etc...but there are so much information for my little brain that now I don't know what to do...
So I'm on a GB 2.3.6 XXLC1 stock rom, with Franco's kernel 3.x version and I'd like to install Crisleko's ICS V7 ROM on my device but i'm not able to know how really to install it on the phone...the phone is full rooted. I wouldn't like to brick my note, so here's the reason of my question :
In my case, which is the most efficient way to install this rom ?
Sorry if this question has already been posted, but within all answer, I don't know what to do....
Thanks a lot for yout support.
You can flash the rom also directly from CWM. The reboot into recovery and select : _install zip from sd card _chose zip from sd card _select the criskeloRom zip _click yes ...... Flash it from Cwm i raccomend the Cwm app.from chainfire : _copy the rom to internal sd _start Cwm manager _ chose flash update _select criskelo Rom _click on yes...
I'm also afraid to hardbrick my device, and dude, i bought it 5 days ago lol
I had a Galaxy Nexus and flashed, installed new kernels, rooted, did everything.
I asked few ppl here and they said we should wait till the official ICS comes, it will take 1 or 2 weeks, better than hardbrick my note <3
Not quite because most bricks actually happen because of the stock ICS ROM.
Flash whatever you want, just remember to go from GB and not stock ICS, and remember - never do a factory reset while on stock ICS kernel.
If you need to do a factory reset, just flash a GB kernel, or flash GB stock with Odin, then wipe and flash ICS back.
Also, CM9 highly recommended
Ok guys, thanks a lot for answers. I've tryed to flash this rom and everything worked fine except the fact I'm a noobie and restore with TB Apps and user datas ^^. Now i'll know that user data don't have to be restored !
So I'm came back to my GB rom...
Maybe one more question :
I'll installed a new rom, I think i've understood what to do and what not to do with wipe from ICS roms but after wipe data / factory resest ans dalvik cache, is there a way to have a connection wizard software so a to set everything up because I had no data connection anymore ?
Thank a lot for your support
Hello Pascal-T,
I think I'm in the exact same position as you (except that I'm not rooted yet), but i'm also on GB LC1 and I want to go to Crisleko's ICS V7 ROM !
As I understood, you have directly install Crisleko's ICS V7 ROM on your rooted GB LC1 ? So it's not needed to install an other lower ICS ROM before going to the LQ3 of Criskelo ?
If yes this is great, then I just have to root my GB LC1, do a backup up with TB, and then I can follow Crisleko's ICS V7 ROM topic ? (At the begining I though I should first flash a stock ICM ROM but It seems to be THE THING TO AVOID).
If someone can just confirm these informations, that would be perfect
Thank you !
Well this seems like a perfect place for me to post Ive asked around, And searched a lot, But still cant figure this out. I dont wanna sound like a noob ( I am to the Note )
Ive been flashing and modding for years, Samsungs, HTC's, Sony Ericssons so I know what to do.
The thing is, All the threads I read about the bricking, and how to avoid it, Just keep forever linking me to different threads, and i end up back at the start. I dont have the Note yet (should be arriving any time) Im thinking of Only rooting for now as im not confident enough to flash without errors. But when i do, what i need to do is, Use ODIN to revert to GB (Unless it comes with GB) then:
1, Flash CF-ROOT kernel
2, Flash abyss safe kernel in cwm
3, reboot back into cwm
4, Do a full wipe
5, Install a ROM
Is that right ? I like the look of PA but would like to try a modded stock ROM to start with, So any recommendations ?
I know most / all ROM's provide info on how to install etc.
My query is -
Are ICS based Custom ROM's flashable via CWM on a rooted GB ROM? Or do i need to upgrade to ICS again, Apply CF-ROOT (Or use Abyss) and install from there.
Given I have rooted GB with SpeedMod Kernel, In the even I need to upgrade to ICS to root etc - Is it as simple as just applying ICS via OTA / Or that god awful KIES Software... Or has it gotta be done in ODIN..
Sure hope they sort this big out soon..
Any help / advice is appreciated as always..
Oh no its you again
It depends on the ROM in question, If you want to upgrade to say, Paranoid Android, Or any CM / AOSP / AOKP ROM,Then you upgrade from GB, Just flash the ROM in CWM.
However, if you want to use a Samsung based ICS ROM, Such as Rocket ROM, you will need to flash ICS via ODIN. Like what we did last night
but you will lose root if you use ODIN, But there are many ways to get that back, Such as flashing a rooted kernel, Like speedmod.
Dont use OTA updates on a custom ROM, You will need stock kernel too i believe, You will also lose root when using OTA.
Hope this helps
Oh yes, I am back
Cheers - I gain confidence with each passing minute.. I think I'll probably mess around with PA - but CleaNote OP advised possible to flash over GB Rooted - we'll see haha
PA is awesome, Wait till you see it, I dont think you'll be wanting to try anything else.
EDIT: CleaNote requires you to flash ICS before installation, Not GB
Hello all
Im new to the world of LG, already owning Samsungs Galaxy phones, I'm familiar with 'Rooting, Odin, Reset Flash Counts,Roms etc'
So the LG Optimus 2X LGP990 Star I have is Android based and is currently running on:
Ginger Bread V 2.3.4
Baseband 1035.21
Kernel 2.6.32
Build Number GRJ22
LGE Version LGP990-V20I
So then the questions are:
Is there an alternative program to Odin ?
Is there a program similar to Samsung kies ?
Is there a recovery mode / download mode key config ?
Is there a 'firmware site' like 'sammobile' to download firmware from ?
Does ICS 4.0.x exist for this phone, if yes how can I install it?
I've been to the LG software support section and installed the Win Drivers and the support tool and thats about it for support.
It says the phone is at the latest version - V20L
So many thanks for reading and hope fully some one will be able to point me in the right direction.
Root the phone,install Rom Manager,open it and from its menu install Clockworkmod recovery which is the main tool u need for rom flashing.
Theres no ics sadly,we wait for it.
Sent from my LG-P990
you mean alternative for pc suit???
Alternative for LG PC suit is "my phone explorer", Google it. And firm ware is NV flash tool for installation of recovery mode "Do no use any app for installing CWM " you can get this tools by browsing xda in 2x forums.
I can not paste direct links,I am typing this message from my 2x.
And there will be an official update released soon.
Thank you.
Thats great to hear a possible ICS rom, hopefully official.
I'm surprised there wasn't one for this phone before the Samsung Galaxy Range.
Comparing the speed / responsiveness of the LG Optimus phone and the Samsung Galaxy S2 / Note - I'd say the speed of the optimus is far quicker and responsive - it's a nifty little phone :good:
There's another thead in this section on rooting the LGP 990 for the 1st time, just read it and the principles are the same as for the Galaxy S2 or Note.
So basically I use 'super one click 2.3.2' - probably an exe file for the pc?
I have CWM apk app installer I downloaded and kept for my Samsung phones - yes it works ok
But alternatively, I install:
1) Rom manager 1st - which then gives me the option to install CWM from within it
2) Boot into CWM recovery mode from that option in Rom Manager
No odin though, install rom image as a zip file from the ext / int sd card.
I notice there are no 'safe / unstable kernels to flash prior to and post rooting the LGP990?
I presume whatever rom I install, will erase / wipe over the original template already in the phone?
What is the best rom to install on the LGP990 at the minute, or is it worth just waiting for the ICS rom?
Cheers for the help :good:
The main advantage of the O2X as a dev phone, in my opinion, is that it is almost impossible to brick it, with the possible (but I didn't ever encounter it) exception of a failed baseband flash. It is really fool proof to root, no unsafe boot images or bootloaders to flash, simply run any known "hack" and you will end up with root.
There are many ways you can get into the custom ROM game. The easiest one was already mentioned: Root with SuperOneClick => ROM Manager => Flash CWM => boot into recovery from ROM Manager or by turning on the phone with power and Volume Down button pressed.
An alternative would be to use the script provided by Paul O Brien over at modaco which gives you a CWM installation without rooting or using ROM Manager.
Stock ROMs are available as .kdz files and pre rooted CWM images here in the dev section, enabling you to use NVFlash/Smartflash with the former and CWM with the latter to return your phone to a stock state. I suggest staying away from flashing basebands unless you have a specific problem you aim to solve with another baseband, our CM maintainer hasn't changed his baseband ever, and he (like me) uses the oldest version known to this forum. Whenever you flash a ROM, make sure your Baseband matches your RIL file, which can be done easily with the GetRIL app from the Play Store.
ICS ROMs to date are sort of hit and miss. I used owains builds, Nova HD and currently Paranoid Android. If you are fine with a glitchy Phone that might simply restart itself randomly once you open any app from time to time, can't record/play hardware accelerated video due to missing drivers or slow down if you haven't rebooted for a while you can flash away.
If you're comfortable with the Gingerbread builds atm I suggest flashing the latest CM7 RC or Nightly and wait for the official ICS update which will hopefully arrive in the next 2-3 months.
that's nifty nice quick cool understandable first info. thanks a lot. (I knew that already by searching way a lot more topics than it could be, but your summary is cool. Thanks again.)
tsam19 said:
Hello all
Im new to the world of LG, already owning Samsungs Galaxy phones, I'm familiar with 'Rooting, Odin, Reset Flash Counts,Roms etc'
So the LG Optimus 2X LGP990 Star I have is Android based and is currently running on:
Ginger Bread V 2.3.4
Baseband 1035.21
Kernel 2.6.32
Build Number GRJ22
LGE Version LGP990-V20I
So then the questions are:
Is there an alternative program to Odin ?
Is there a program similar to Samsung kies ?
Is there a recovery mode / download mode key config ?
Is there a 'firmware site' like 'sammobile' to download firmware from ?
Does ICS 4.0.x exist for this phone, if yes how can I install it?
I've been to the LG software support section and installed the Win Drivers and the support tool and thats about it for support.
It says the phone is at the latest version - V20L
So many thanks for reading and hope fully some one will be able to point me in the right direction.
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have you solved this already?
I believe that you should go there :fingers-crossed:
Hello, I've just bought i9305 with Android 4.1.2 (so no KNOX, no root) and I'd like to get newest custom KK.
I've found this link - but I wanna know if I understand correctly:
1. I do backup, especially /efs through recovery.
2. I do root so:
"a) Download the Latest Odin
b) Download recovery of your choice (I choose CWM) and flash it via Odin" - my question is where I can find the latest CWM for i9305?
3. Now I just flash any 4.4.3 soft? No need to flash any older rom before?
That might be a bit newbie questions... I knew everything on my old phone (SGS1) but now I don't remember these steps cuz I did that long time ago on i9000.
Greets and waiting for help
trubul said:
Hello, I've just bought i9305 with Android 4.1.2 (so no KNOX, no root) and I'd like to get newest custom KK.
I've found this link - but I wanna know if I understand correctly:
1. I do backup, especially /efs through recovery.
2. I do root so:
"a) Download the Latest Odin
b) Download recovery of your choice (I choose CWM) and flash it via Odin" - my question is where I can find the latest CWM for i9305?
3. Now I just flash any 4.4.3 soft? No need to flash any older rom before?
That might be a bit newbie questions... I knew everything on my old phone (SGS1) but now I don't remember these steps cuz I did that long time ago on i9000.
Greets and waiting for help
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Friend I was used i9000 before I buy sg3 lte.. so you re remember my past most of your questions I asked.. so follow my participated threads..
And also in this you can find recovery and kernels etc
And I like pihliz recovery.. its very good..
And for 2nd questions you dont need to flash anything before.. but still 4.4.3 not stable enough but but slim 4.4.3 is very stable with boffela kernel..
Dont froget to hit thanks button..
trubul said:
Hello, I've just bought i9305 with Android 4.1.2 (so no KNOX, no root) and I'd like to get newest custom KK.
I've found this link - but I wanna know if I understand correctly:
1. I do backup, especially /efs through recovery.
2. I do root so:
"a) Download the Latest Odin
b) Download recovery of your choice (I choose CWM) and flash it via Odin" - my question is where I can find the latest CWM for i9305?
3. Now I just flash any 4.4.3 soft? No need to flash any older rom before?
That might be a bit newbie questions... I knew everything on my old phone (SGS1) but now I don't remember these steps cuz I did that long time ago on i9000.
Greets and waiting for help
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I had a Galaxy S i9000, a Galaxy S2 i9100 and now I have the S3 LTE and the steps where all the same.
I rooted mine with an app called 'framaroot' then installed mobile odin, flashed a CWM recovery, downloaded the rom I wanted or needed and the gapps for aosp roms... and bam... I was on 4.4.2 kitkat!
Tried many aosp roms but all of them had problems with music. It's stuttering. So I got back to alliance 4.3 and wait for (hopefully soon) 4.4.2 official!
Maybe you could get help on YouTube. There are many tutorials and instructions.
Sent from my GT-I9305 using XDA Free mobile app
1Ishara said:
And for 2nd questions you dont need to flash anything before.. but still 4.4.3 not stable enough but but slim 4.4.3 is very stable with boffela kernel..
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You say this rom works well with this kernel yes?