can download any video file - Xperia SP Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

hi all friends i search but not found any app ... i tried firefox add-ons Flash Video Download not downloading giving choose file ... is there has any app which through i can download any video file ...

Zohaib2044 said:
hi all friends i search but not found any app ... i tried firefox add-ons Flash Video Download not downloading giving choose file ... is there has any app which through i can download any video file ...
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Try this app
Hope it helps

its not working for me

Zohaib2044 said:
its not working for me
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It worked for me
I just downloaded a youtube video with this app

dipesh1502 said:
It worked for me
I just downloaded a youtube video with this app
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thanks for help i think its working onlyone youtube i want to download videos as like gamespot or others sites


all e-books for the e-reader

here is 300 ebooks to put in the e-reader...
after download creat a folder on the sdcard..put the downloaded books into that folder and the images and then go to file explorer and the folder u just put the books and images and then copy and paste the books and images into root-my documents-reader and then paste the images to the images folder and the books to the books folder..the e-reader only shows 20 books so u have to pick out the books u want and when u feel like it swich to 20 new books , download ebookindexer04 install and then start the app and create index and thats it
thanks to patcat007 for giving us these books
and here is the site where the books are from
all the books have been accepted by mod team
here is the ebookindexer
updaten donwload link with more options
mobilkungen78 said: here is 300 ebooks to put in the e-reader...
after download creat a folder on the sdcard..put the downloaded books into that folder and the images and then go to file explorer and the folder u just put the books and images and then copy and paste the books and images into root-my documents-reader and then paste the images to the images folder and the books to the books and download ebookindexer04 install and then start the app and create index and thats it
thanks to patcat007 for giving us these books
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Unable to download
i tried the link and its working for me anyways ill upload to a diffrent site ..
mobilkungen78 said:
i tried the link and its working for me anyways ill upload to a diffrent site ..
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Thanks friend
uploading to multiupload right now
not finished yet sorry for the delay but its finished soon
thx for sharing
dl on current location is creeping slow, you can practically shake hands with every 100k arriving, but as of now it's working
DrakenKorin said:
thx for sharing
dl on current location is creeping slow, you can practically shake hands with every 100k arriving, but as of now it's working
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im uploading to multiupload
its soon finished so that u guys have optional download links
dam the upload is so slow and i have a 100mb fiberlan
megaupload ready
depositfiles ready
rapidshare ready
VERY NICE thread ....thanks - but xperia rom development forum? you will reach a lot of people in Windows Mobile Apps forum, assuming the cab is not device dependent
deepthroat said:
VERY NICE thread ....thanks - but xperia rom development forum? you will reach a lot of people in Windows Mobile Apps forum, assuming the cab is not device dependent
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no its not for specific device its for all with ereader tab...thanx for liking this thread
i just uploaded to Windows Mobile Apps forum thanx for poiting that out
here is more books
mobilkungen78 said:
here is more books
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@mobilkungen78 thank you very much
jimk68 said:
@mobilkungen78 thank you very much
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ur wellcome
can i please get some feedback on how it worksout for u guys?
mobilkungen78 said:
can i please get some feedback on how it worksout for u guys?
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Will get back to you later. With out add app can read by HD2: Agent rom, HD: Energy, SX1: Agent
jimk68 said:
Will get back to you later. With out add app can read by HD2: Agent rom, HD: Energy, SX1: Agent
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what do u mean?i don understand
mobilkungen78 said:
what do u mean?i don understand
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Sorry having problem with internet sharing, ebookindexer works across device. Books can be open from file explorer.
a weired request here, anyone have an e-book version of the bible?
zyexx said:
a weired request here, anyone have an e-book version of the bible?
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take a look here;)
sorry for the silly question but, how can i open this epub files?
trranceman said:
sorry for the silly question but, how can i open this epub files?
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u need to have ereader tab in manila

Unable to get Skype

i am new user on android so excuse me for this nerdy question... i've been trying to install skype on my DHD but to no avai.... i cant find it in the market... even when i try downloading it from it only came out error... plz help and guide me...
well thought that said swype lol
ill get skype for you now, i did have it
...and here it is (latest version)
Thx alot
Sent from my Desire HD
Im sure i saw it in the market
U read that wrong to? Lmao
rosswaa said:
U read that wrong to? Lmao
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YEP. i swear it said swype
Same lmao someone is messing with us
rosswaa said:
well thought that said swype lol
ill get skype for you now, i did have it
...and here it is (latest version)
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Please can you make more detail on how to install this app?
Thanks. Am just a newbie on Android.
HkDng said:
Please can you make more detail on how to install this app?
Thanks. Am just a newbie on Android.
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I think he just copied the skype folder from a rooted phone but that's not enough. We need an .apk file to setup.
Get it from here:
Err no that is an apk
rosswaa said:
Err no that is an apk
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Then maybe I missed something. I just found a zip file which extracted the folder structure of the app.
Anyway, with a "skype .apk" google search I found the apk above, it's ver. and from where I downloaded it says it's the latest. I have no idea if it is or not though.
I tried it and it works ok except for very bad ringtones/sounds.
BUT, if I open it with Opera it downloads correctly. With IE, it only downlads by right-click>save target as and then a zip file is downloaded. With Opera I downloaded apk file as you said.
What version is yours?
ok, so yours is newer. I will uninstall mine and use yours
No probs
I have Skype. Downloaded it from the Market but I'm not using it. Bad performance. Keeps on giving me slow and choppy calls whenever I try to use it and is also having conflicts with the What's App application. The Skype app on my Nokia E72 is actually better.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App

Upload A program Please

hi guys
i want these app from market :in apk
i can not download from market because it is forbidden
i am waiting for you
may be you can download it by using APK downloader plugin using google chrome
nokiamodeln91 said:
may be you can download it by using APK downloader plugin using google chrome
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thank you ,... but this tool is forbidden too
i hope to upoad ithis program
what is forbidden?
nokiamodeln91 said:
what is forbidden?
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the market ..
this tool depends on oppening the market in the browser .. but it is forbidden !!!
Got it ?
no,,, i just used it on my note and there is no need to open anything on the browser
nokiamodeln91 said:
no,,, i just used it on my note and there is no need to open anything on the browser
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i tried it before on my laptop ... it doesnt work im my country as i said ..
you have not to upload it if you can not !!
Any one ????
Send a message to developer. He has released the app on XDA. Just search for it.
Attached here

request trackid tv1.3.B.0.9

Please someone can upload latest version 1.3.B.0.9 of "trackid tv" app, I cant install from play store and i cant find it not even on xda forums
cicaem said:
Please someone can upload latest version 1.3.B.0.9 of "trackid tv" app, I cant install from play store and i cant find it not even on xda forums
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Aidey68 said:
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Thanks Aidey... the version in this post is
Aidey68 said:
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Thanks again Aidey, the link open google play store, and says that cannot download it in my country, i tried it before and cannot do it...:crying:

I can’t download anything in n920s

I can't download anything (apps..)in play store and browse.
How can I do?? Please help:crying:
dhyang6310 said:
I can't download anything (apps..)in play store and browse.
How can I do?? Please help:crying:
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Flash new system using odin on it.
dhyang6310 said:
I can't download anything (apps..)in play store and browse.
How can I do?? Please help:crying:
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Yea try flashing stock firmware through odin. Check on youtube how to do it and ask me if you need more help.
Follow this video
or see any other video
therealroyston2 said:
Yea try flashing stock firmware through odin. Check on youtube how to do it and ask me if you need more help.
Follow this video
or see any other video
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it`s working! thanks a lot
El Solido said:
Flash new system using odin on it.
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yes! it`s working thaks
El Solido said:
Flash new system using odin on it.
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yes! it`s working thanks

