This my first time on XDA and I'm pretty new to flashing kernels using Flashtool. Everytime I try to flash the XperiaSP_C530X / 12.0.A.1.257 / KernelOnly on my Xperia SP C5303 (254), this shows up :
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If you know how to fix this please reply
Redownload kernel..
Sent from my C5303 using Tapatalk
mrjraider said:
Redownload kernel..
Sent from my C5303 using Tapatalk
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I did and it still says the same thing
Same problem here. Any solutions yet?
Maybe you didnt connected device in right time.
Go to flashtool and click on flashmode( NOTE:dont connect now) then choose kernel and wait untill it says that you need to connect device and then connect it .Thats simply it! Had same problem at my beggining!
Sent from my C5303 using xda app-developers app
Unfortunately not. The flash mode is detected and all right, however it stops at checking header (of loader.sin in my case as I'm desperate to root my device). I'm unable to do it!
Everytime I try to flash a kernel it fails leaving me with the BSOD yet flashing a full ROM works fine. Ive tried the latest Speedmod and Semaphore kernels so far. Im not loosing download mode which is good but it is getting kind of annoying now as I cant get CWM on my phone.
Any Ideas?
Have you tried sgs kernel flasher for flashing kernels?
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
I havn't. The point is that its always worked up untill today and I'd like an idea of why its not working now. BTW chainfires kernel wont flash either.
Im using EZBase Odin. Flashing Roms work its just kernels on thier own that fails.
Post screen shot of odin just before you hit start please
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
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ross_ctr said:
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So what happens after you hit start?
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
Well this message just appear on my sp just now , need to use sus or pcc to update
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But then my phone is ady that firmware
So anyone also got received this notification also?
No, what's your location and network?
Branded phone or generic?
Sent from my C5303 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
technaudio said:
No, what's your location and network?
Branded phone or generic?
Sent from my C5303 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
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I'm at Malaysia, Maxis
This is also happened to my Xperia SP LTE. Singapore M1 (SGP-M1) variant. Generic handset. Don't know why this update is pushed too.
Sent from my C5303 using xda app-developers app
OK, so just now I'm using the Sony PC Companion to update, and it successfully updated and now the msg disappear ady...
And my customization edition from R2A change to R3A ady...lol
I am New to changing stuff on a Sony phone I want to up grade my phone but not sure how to do and what I should up grade to get the most out of the phone
Pls help thanks And I am a newbie so be kind
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Sent from my C6616 using xda app-developers app
just install sony pc companion connect your phone and run update
Thats for stock rom updtae from Sony
When I connect to to the pc companion it say no up date available and my device is up to date
Sent from my C6616 using xda app-developers app
Manarch101 said:
When I connect to to the pc companion it say no up date available and my device is up to date
Sent from my C6616 using xda app-developers app
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Where do you live?
It's impossible! 4.2.2 is out!
Sent from my LT26ii using Tapatalk 4
I live in Canada and bell is my carrier
Sent from my C6616 using xda app-developers app
I have the same problem. Do you happen to be using the phone with Rogers instead of Bell?
Hello everyone, I have a Problem. I want to flash on my Xperia Z the Generic German Firmware. But I always get an error. When I had Windows 8 it was all fine and it worked. On 8.1 I get error. See picture
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On my old PC with Vista I tried to start the flashtool but I get Java startup error
I'd would be great if someone could help me
Gesendet von meinem C6603 mit Tapatalk
Makes sure that "prepared" folder doesn't exist.
It only should exist as a temporary folder in wich flashtools expand the firmware upon flashing it.
Delete that folder prior to start flashing
Sent from my C6603 using xda app-developers app
worf_1977 said:
Makes sure that "prepared" folder doesn't exist.
It only should exist as a temporary folder in wich flashtools expand the firmware upon flashing it.
Delete that folder prior to start flashing
Sent from my C6603 using xda app-developers app
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Thank you That was my problem but i didnt saw your post :laugh: Thank you
i'm glad if i can help
Yuga (Sony Xperia Z) running cm-11-20140509-NIGHTLY
I can't enter recovery mode any longer.
It is impossible both by pressing the power+volume rockers at boot and using the extended power boot menu (reboot->recovery).
The phone simply starts booting cm11.
Do I have to enter fastboot mode and reflash boot.img from newest nightly or is there a different faster way?
Sent from my C6603 using XDA Free mobile app
__MadeR__ said:
Do I have to enter fastboot mode and reflash boot.img from newest nightly or is there a different faster way?
Sent from my C6603 using XDA Free mobile app
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U must reflash boot.img via fastboot.
Thank you neoxx3m (PS: where is the thanks button?)
__MadeR__ said:
Thank you neoxx3m (PS: where is the thanks button?)
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Below the user info.
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