[Q] Rooted X8 says - Bootloader status : UNROOTABLE - XPERIA X8 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi all.. I'm confused now...
I have an Xperia X8 ( ROOTED ! ) and i want to unlock the bootloader so i can install a CM9 rom with the nAa kernel.
S1tool says LOADER VERSION: "R4A045" with big R letter so i have to unlock it.
When I click Unlock Bootloader in Flashtool it says " Root status : allowed " but 3 seconds later " Bootloader status : UNROOTABLE. "
Can someone help me what can I do to unlock the bootloader ? The phone is running on android 2.1 now.

Read this thread here:

Superuser_ said:
Read this thread here:
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Thank you !
I think it was my fault that I missed the instruction when it asked to switch on the phone.. i'll try it later today thanks again !


[Q] Bootloader

hi guys..i have problem about bootloader ... i think i do something wrong when i unlocking bootloader... on every kernel i have "bug"... "bug" is a reset wifi after 5-10 minute (in game, on browswer , everywhere) so... now i wanna try relock bootloader and try to back unlocked bootloader but must working all..please answer me...who give best answer Thanks button i click thanks! QQ
yes need best tutorial for relock bootloader !
Use s1tool to discover the method of unlocking the bootloader after that use the correct .. (setool, or omniusSL SEMC)
if you need help, just tell me.
Sorry for my English.
here there is a tutorial on how to relock bootloader but there is a link from multiupload so you may wait until an update: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1436924
i just saw it..check THIS out: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1254225
i unlock bootloader but now when i start the phone my kernel picture stay and restart what is this?
stamatis16 said:
here there is a tutorial on how to relock bootloader but there is a link from multiupload so you may wait until an update: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1436924
i just saw it..check THIS out: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1254225
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S1 Tool (the one with Re-lock ability) is in the "Boot Loader Unlock" folder of my Media Fire folder (see signature)

how to flash kernal and rom for x8

heloo all
i have root and xrecovery
now i want to this rom http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1789713
how can i flash the kernal ?
and can i flash it on this android version : http://iraqup.net//uploads/images/up-1e0d0ef628.jpg
then help me how to flash the rom
note : i read many thinks about this but i am still don't know
First of all you need to root your X8, download Flashtool, install it, run it, install drivers from folder and go to Applications>Unknown Sources(check)>Development>USB Debugging after that open Flashtool and make sure your phone is recognized by the program.
For custom kernel you need unlocked bootloader, for this better search in forums. It will be a pretty long story to explain you here. There are some guides.
There you go: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2043491
Sent from my XPERIA X8 using Tapatalk 2
oh unlocked bootloader may cause hard brick ... it's danger .. but i will reat it and try
altajer67 said:
oh unlocked bootloader may cause hard brick ... it's danger .. but i will reat it and try
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Check your manufacture date under battery, if it's below 11w29 then you can unlock bootloader but if it is not DON'T EVEN TRY !
(I hardbricked my xperia once)
oh **** my data : 10W45 ... F*** i can't unlock bootloader
altajer67 said:
oh **** my data : 10W45 ... F*** i can't unlock bootloader
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you can unlock bootloader it is safe..read properly what he wrote

Help.. Locked bootloader but...

Hello guys,
Well... I guess I got one of the dumbest operator rom ever made for XZ (guess it's the same as Vodafone's one), so I wanna root it to get a recovery and then flash any kind of others roms but it's still weird..
By typing *#*#7378423#*#* => Service Info => Configuration ; I was (and I'm still) on the "Rooting Status : Bootloader unlock allowed : No"
So, I do Install the ADB Drivers from this Thread
Then I try the Binary's script, but still no reaction on the 2nd step (yeah I do launch it as administrator), and then I use the DoomLord'd recovery for locked bootloader
So now, I got the CWM recovery on my phone, but I still got the "Rooting Status : Bootloader unlock allowed : No"
Well... I just dunno where I am... Do I am rooted ? Can I flash a custom rom ?
MuRpHyNiGHtLonG said:
Hello guys,
Well... I guess I got one of the dumbest operator rom ever made for XZ (guess it's the same as Vodafone's one), so I wanna root it to get a recovery and then flash any kind of others roms but it's still weird..
By typing *#*#7378423#*#* => Service Info => Configuration ; I was (and I'm still) on the "Rooting Status : Bootloader unlock allowed : No"
So, I do Install the ADB Drivers from this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2186368&highlight=locked+bootloader
Then I try the http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2186368&highlight=locked+bootloader, but still no reaction on the 2nd step (yeah I do launch it as administrator), and then I use the http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2187363
So now, I got the CWM recovery on my phone, but I still got the "Rooting Status : Bootloader unlock allowed : No"
Well... I just dunno where I am... Do I am rooted ? Can I flash a custom rom ?
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Frnd, Make ur basics clear.. Rooting different from installing custom roms. To install a custom rom u need to unlock the bootloader first. But to root your device, you dont need the same.. Please search the forum once again.. u'll get the answer
mandarjoshiin said:
Frnd, Make ur basics clear.. Rooting different from installing custom roms. To install a custom rom u need to unlock the bootloader first. But to root your device, you dont need the same.. Please search the forum once again.. u'll get the answer
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I do check what I can since weeks now, and wait till safer way get released (seems cool now ?..)
So I do try the "official" way from sony to unlock the bootloader who just tell me "lol Bootloader unlock allowed : No"
Then.. I would like to unlock the bootloader yeah...
What do I mean to learn ? for now : locked bootloader will stay locked... (I'm still in that feelin that nothin is impossible)
So yeah I search on the forum to "make my basics clear" ; here we go => Usefull forum search
So, what I meant to learn now => I just can be rooted for now, but the Bin4ry's script don't work for me and I still dunno why
But... I success to get the CWM recovery on my phone through DoomLord'd recovery for locked bootloader
Questions was :
Can i flash a custom rom through CWM ? y/n ?
Usually on my previous phones (HTC Leo, HTC Desire, Samsung G2, Samsung Galaxy Nexus) as soon I can get the CWM on my phone mean that I'm rooted, so ?....
You can flash roms that are for locked bootloaders, they are usually indicated by [LB] in the dev threads. The bootloader unlock allowed status for your device will remain no, root does not magically allow you to unlock your bootloader.
lilstevie said:
You can flash roms that are for locked bootloaders, they are usually indicated by [LB] in the dev threads. The bootloader unlock allowed status for your device will remain no, root does not magically allow you to unlock your bootloader.
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So I just got no way to unlock the bootloader ? :/

[Q] Just need some information??

Hi all,,im new user of LG Optimus 4X HD and i have some (noob) question
This is my first LG smartphone mobile and i just wana to know some information about bootloader..
I know that my bootloader is locked (im on stock officialy ics rom) but where i can check that info on lg? when i type 3845#*880#-----version info----SW Version info---AP Bootloader Version it says UNKNOW ????? When i press power and volume up to go in recovery there is no any info about bootloader,, like HTC devices has (locked or unlocked) ? So is there any info about bootloader on this device? Tnx
Dadovvv said:
Hi all,,im new user of LG Optimus 4X HD and i have some (noob) question
This is my first LG smartphone mobile and i just wana to know some information about bootloader..
I know that my bootloader is locked (im on stock officialy ics rom) but where i can check that info on lg? when i type 3845#*880#-----version info----SW Version info---AP Bootloader Version it says UNKNOW ????? When i press power and volume up to go in recovery there is no any info about bootloader,, like HTC devices has (locked or unlocked) ? So is there any info about bootloader on this device? Tnx
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bootloader in ICS is locked. Nothing to do about it, for now... later we'll see but, once in JB I don't believe
that someone wants to remain or go back to ICS.
RuedasLocas said:
bootloader in ICS is locked. Nothing to do about it, for now... later we'll see but, once in JB I don't believe
that someone wants to remain or go back to ICS.
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"bootloader in ICS is locked" --yes i know its locked but where in the phone i can find that info ?
there is no place to check it like is possible in jb in the secret menu,im not sure if there is an alternative to fastboot getvar all but for adb
friartuckme said:
there is no place to check it like is possible in jb in the secret menu,im not sure if there is an alternative to fastboot getvar all but for adb
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Ok..tnx for clear answer
First welcome to our forum , I hope will find what you need .
Why do you want to know 'how to check' .
It's locked in ICS , unlockable in JB (for devices are EUR-xxx ,, after flash JB see the software info in settings) .
You can check it by :-
adb reboot-bootloader
Fastboot flash kernel xxx.img
Then you will get an error says :- error partition is locked .
Update your phone to JB and then unlock it , then check it in the hidden menu (3845#*880#) , goto bootloader status (or something like that) then will see it "unlock" (of course after you unlock it) .
About check them in recovery (like HTC devices) , in LG you can check them in download mode , you will see "unlocked bootloader" in the corner of screen .
to get any help we are here and you can ask us as much as you can .
Sent from my LG-P880 using xda app-developers app

[help] c5306 4.3 how to install REC?

Hi every bro ,my english is not good but i have big problem ,i buy one M35H (C5306) in canada and is a ROGERS Custom machine。。I unlock the network lock。。but BL is : Bootloader unlock allowed :NO so i cant unlock BL ..now i need install recovery in this phone.. how to do it??
my systen is 12.1.A.0.266 Android 4.3
thank every bro!
zdc0012 said:
Hi every bro ,my english is not good but i have big problem ,i buy one M35H (C5306) in canada and is a ROGERS Custom machine。。I unlock the network lock。。but BL is : Bootloader unlock allowed :NO so i cant unlock BL ..now i need install recovery in this phone.. how to do it??
my systen is 12.1.A.0.266 Android 4.3
thank every bro!
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You can root your ROM by using Towelroot and then install this recovery.

