Hello, thanks for your time, I need Help. I have been reading the whole day with no results.
1. what i have: I have the Atrix hd from AT&T sim unlocked, bootloader unlocked, CWM v6.0.2.8, it charges by using bp tools while connected to usb charger. now it is 100%.
2. the problem. I can´t make it go up, it can get to fastboot and CWM, when I try to make it start normally it goes to the bootloader unlocked screen and stays there then turn off and goes to the same screen again, when I connect it to the pc while it's off it then turn on to the fastboot and the pc recognizes it as unknown device , the fastboot says.
AP Fastboot Flash Mode (S)
10.9B(*) (sha-2e68372, 2012-11-17 23-33-08)
eMMC Info: Size 8GB
Device is UNLOCKED, Status Code: 3
Battery OK
Transfer Mode:
USB Connected
Fastboot Reason: Flash Failure
else I can go there by using the +, - and Power button, and selecting Fastboot, and it changes the
USB Connected -> Connect USB
Flash Failure -> Menu Selected.
if i connect to the pc it says nothing, I have tried with different PCs and usb cables, also I tried using "Fastboot Reboot"? on my father's Atrix 2 with the same cable and it worked.
I can not mount /data or /sdcard, but i can mount the xternal sdcard.
I have been looking for a Update.zip for the Atrix HD, but nothing found, also the Atrix HD is not supported by the kitchen, it is to flash stock JB with CWM.
how i got there?
first I Rooted, and unloked bootloader with myth tools, i was in Stock JB,
then I instaled CWM and flashed Pacman pac_mb886-nightly-20131222,
then flashed stock ICS 7.7.1Q-115_MB886_FFW-14_SIGNED_CFC.xml.zip with Myth,
then I started geting the Unknown Device and could'nt mount the phone on the pc, even in fastboot,
then flashed back pacman, but the problem kept going,
then tried flashing JB with Myth and manually using the CMD Fastboot and the script of flashing.bat in the myth and the phone died, it went fine until flashing modem from then on it said failed directory doesnt exist, or device not found, or too many links.
again thanks.
EDIT: Thanks for all of those who say my post, editing here to tell you how I managed to fix it.
first I went into CWM, then mount and format -> format data and data media, (Sdcard), something I didn't want, coz I lost all my data and bakups, but anyway i clicked it hopping it wouldnt function, but it did, wen I saw succes.
formated system, data, cache, dalvik, mounted external sd, and instaled pacman, and gaps, that i had there, then reset system now.
it went to fastboot reason flash failed, turned off.. vol + & - , star normally, it went to warning bootloader unlock and finally pacaman bootanimation, I saw glory.
Now I just have to fix the fastboot booting and the warning but reading ill get it.
Glad you got it working. You should also update to the latest cwm or Philz for recovery.
Yes, and you can install Philz Touch recovery zip from within CWM - then you can install the KK ROMs.
So I was trying to wipe fresh Kinology and the device got stuck in a recovery bootloop. Not such a big problem" i thought to myself,
"I'll just wipe everything" and so I did. Except one little detail. I ****ed up and wiped EVERYTHING, including the SD card and *that thing that boots the OS*.
Now, it wasn't such a big problem either, I could just boot into recovery, mount the SD card, transfer the files to the kinlde, buuuut there was one little problem. Once I connected the kindle to PC, a USB device was detected, but no storage was shown up. I got to the recovery terminal and it said
E: unable to locate volume information for usb storage mode
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Okay, once again, no such a big deal, I can boot into fastboot, reflash stock and live happily ever after. I go into fastboot mode (note that the kindle is indeed connected AND DETECTED by PC and I have drivers installed). And guess what? Fastboot won't detect the kindle! (screenshot related)
Now I have a kindle with no OS installed, which can't mount storage and can't connect to fastboot. What should I do?
tldr: wiped everything, no os, can't mount in twrp, can't connect to fastboot, wat do?
SlimThePineapple said:
So I was trying to wipe fresh Kinology and the device got stuck in a recovery bootloop. Not such a big problem" i thought to myself,
"I'll just wipe everything" and so I did. Except one little detail. I ****ed up and wiped EVERYTHING, including the SD card and *that thing that boots the OS*.
Now, it wasn't such a big problem either, I could just boot into recovery, mount the SD card, transfer the files to the kinlde, buuuut there was one little problem. Once I connected the kindle to PC, a USB device was detected, but no storage was shown up. I got to the recovery terminal and it said
Okay, once again, no such a big deal, I can boot into fastboot, reflash stock and live happily ever after. I go into fastboot mode (note that the kindle is indeed connected AND DETECTED by PC and I have drivers installed). And guess what? Fastboot won't detect the kindle! (screenshot related)
Now I have a kindle with no OS installed, which can't mount storage and can't connect to fastboot. What should I do?
tldr: wiped everything, no os, can't mount in twrp, can't connect to fastboot, wat do?
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I had to swap cables for my fastboot to show up;boot into fastboot then go back to stock cable. I also had to use specific commands like "fastboot -i 0x1949" then the command. Hope this helps any.
zander78 said:
I had to swap cables for my fastboot to show up;boot into fastboot then go back to stock cable. I also had to use specific commands like "fastboot -i 0x1949" then the command. Hope this helps any.
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I don't have a fastboot cable, I enter fastboot mode through recovery
I've tried the SRT tool today and if I press "Check fastboot status" it just stays the same as on the screenshot 1.
And if I choose the second option, it just stays like that (screenshot 2) without any movement.
Help me, please D:
SlimThePineapple said:
I've tried the SRT tool today and if I press "Check fastboot status" it just stays the same as on the screenshot 1.
And if I choose the second option, it just stays like that (screenshot 2) without any movement.
Help me, please D:
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You're gonna need a fast boot cable. You can make one if you know how to solder. Or buy one from skorpn. http://forum.xda-developers.com/member.php?u=500006
Okay, for anyone interested: I've solved my problem (partially). I used ADB Sideload from TWRP and sideloaded CM10, but sideloading kinology didn't work for me and resulted in a bootloop.
You need to flash the stock Amazon OS, wipe everything EXCEPT INTERNAL STORAGE first then flash the stock os, then kinology.
Sent from my KFHD7 running ParanoidAndroid using Tapatalk 2
dugoy13 said:
You need to flash the stock Amazon OS, wipe everything EXCEPT INTERNAL STORAGE first then flash the stock os, then kinology.
Sent from my KFHD7 running ParanoidAndroid using Tapatalk 2
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That's exactly what I did, and it resulted in a bootloop
SlimThePineapple said:
That's exactly what I did, and it resulted in a bootloop
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If adb sideload isn't working reliably, you can just use "adb push filename.zip /sdcard/" to copy files manually to your Kindle. This will work for whatever zips you want, be it gapps, CM10.1, kinology, stock, etc.
Hello dear guru's =)
I have an HTC One international. Today i try to get root access and install custom recovery, whent i flash recovery i missed that chose a boot partition to install it. Now phone boots only into recovery, and from my PC, adb or fastboot don see it, but in usb devices its present.
Im on linux Ubuntu 13.04.
In phone dont have any backup.
The phone can't boot in bootloader?
Guich said:
The phone can't boot in bootloader?
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When i chose from CWM recovery menu "Reboot recovery", phone boot into download mode, and thats all. Fastboot or adb dont see it.
But. In usb device list:
In download mode:
Bus 002 Device 061: ID 0bb4:0ff9 HTC (High Tech Computer Corp.) Desire / Desire HD / Hero / Thunderbolt (Charge Mode)
In recovery mode:
Bus 002 Device 063: ID 0bb4:0f91 HTC (High Tech Computer Corp.)
Assuming you didn't corrupt your boot loader you should be able to get at the boot loader and use fastboot to flash a new recovery.
Power the device off
Hold power and volume down, the phone should turn on and load into the boot loader.
From there you can select fastboot (navigate menu with volumn buttons, power button to select fastboot).
You can use this command to flash a recovery:
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
If you can enter bootloader,you may try formatting partitions from fastboot,and flashing them afterwards,that is if bootloader is unlocked.
You can also lock your bootloader and try installing RUU,it will put your phone back to stock,
P.S. - I'm new to this,so please consult with more experienced members,before doing anything
ZloY909 said:
Hello dear guru's =)
I have an HTC One international. Today i try to get root access and install custom recovery, whent i flash recovery i missed that chose a boot partition to install it. Now phone boots only into recovery, and from my PC, adb or fastboot don see it, but in usb devices its present.
Im on linux Ubuntu 13.04.
In phone dont have any backup.
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you "fastboot flash boot recovery.img"? you may want to check this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2478438&page=3
if that doesn't help, post back
Guys, we have to check if he can boot in bootloader/fastboot.
So, @ZloY909, if you're in recovery, adb can recognize your phone?
And, in CWM, there is the option: reboot bootloader?
As download mode you mean bootloader?
ZloY909 said:
Has the same problem, flashed CWM Recovery to the boot partiotion. Can you give me more info about that magic what you are done to cennect your phone to fastboot? =)
Best Regards.
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fastboot shouldn't be affected.
when you connect your phone to the PC, does it the text in bootloader change from "FASTBOOT" to "FASTBOOT USB"
Guich said:
Guys, we have to check if he can boot in bootloader/fastboot.
So, @ZloY909, if you're in recovery, adb can recognize your phone?
And, in CWM, there is the option: reboot bootloader?
As download mode you mean bootloader?
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adb or fastboot is not recognize my phone. In cwm recovery i have only reboot option or reboot into recovery. I have the same situation as tha developer in other post.
when i chose boot to recovery i have : "screen with a phone icon and a green image like i can connect via usb or something, but then it turns red after about 30 seconds"
ZloY909 said:
adb or fastboot is not recognize my phone. In cwm recovery i have only reboot option or reboot into recovery. I have the same situation as tha developer in other post.
when i chose boot to recovery i have : "screen with a phone icon and a green image like i can connect via usb or something, but then it turns red after about 30 seconds"
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"screen with a phone icon and a green image like i can connect via usb or something, but then it turns red after about 30 seconds" -> that's stock recovery
Before, when you are in bootloader (image attached), are you able to "fastboot devices" and it shows up? because the bootloader is not affected by the recovery.
basically "fastboot flash boot recovery.img" put the custom recovery where the kernel is supposed to be.
First thing you need to get/confirm working is bootloader/fastboot.
ZloY909 said:
adb or fastboot is not recognize my phone. In cwm recovery i have only reboot option or reboot into recovery. I have the same situation as tha developer in other post.
when i chose boot to recovery i have : "screen with a phone icon and a green image like i can connect via usb or something, but then it turns red after about 30 seconds"
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In cwm adb will work.
So i think you have some issue with drivers.
And, however, if you turn off the phone, you can't access in bootloader with a longpress of power and vol-?
Hey, so I'm the one who had this same situation. What I had to do from what I recall is go to CWM screen, cleared the cache, even in advanced the davlik cache, then I believe (and you might have to try different combinations of this, because I don't 100% remember as I had before tried so many different ways) I unmounted the system mount, then went to reboot from the first screen to get to the bootloader (hold power button and volume down). After this, I clicked on Fastboot and it then went to Fastboot USB. This is where you should be able to connect. Don't leave this screen until you flash the recovery in the right place and then properly install the ROM. Let me know if you get to at least connecting and I can even send over an image for your boot, so you can at least get your phone back.
It can be done, I had the same situation so your phone is not bricked. Just keep working at it.
herrfricke said:
Hey, so I'm the one who had this same situation. What I had to do from what I recall is go to CWM screen, cleared the cache, even in advanced the davlik cache, then I believe (and you might have to try different combinations of this, because I don't 100% remember as I had before tried so many different ways) I unmounted the system mount, then went to reboot from the first screen to get to the bootloader (hold power button and volume down). After this, I clicked on Fastboot and it then went to Fastboot USB. This is where you should be able to connect. Don't leave this screen until you flash the recovery in the right place and then properly install the ROM. Let me know if you get to at least connecting and I can even send over an image for your boot, so you can at least get your phone back.
It can be done, I had the same situation so your phone is not bricked. Just keep working at it.
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I will check this out. Thanks for your reply.
Now i reinstall to win8, reinstall drivers and adb.
Guich said:
In cwm adb will work.
So i think you have some issue with drivers.
And, however, if you turn off the phone, you can't access in bootloader with a longpress of power and vol-?
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Thanks for your reply. This help me to get to the bootloader.
Now i try to flash boot.img into boot =)
Ok. I have working phone =)
Thanks for yours replies.
I recently got a z3c and decided to try to get a slim rom on it.
I have done the following:
I unlocked the bootloader.
This was done successfully to the best of my knowledge
The next thing I did was flash a cwm image to by z3c using fastboot. The problem was that I flashed the z3 version on my z3c.
The device would boot but the screen would be blank.
Later I flashed the z3c boot loader named : Z3c_DooMLoRD_AdvStkKernel_v01_FW-105
After this the device goes in a boot loop. I am able to access CWM.
I have tried to root the phone as well as flash the slim rom in an attempt to fix it....
Wiping disk / cache doesn't help.
Also for some reason even though adb drivers are installed I cannot use it so I can't get the twrp install to work.
I have no idea what to do can someone please help?
I have same issue....Phone is ib bootloop...i can still go to fastboot mode....
Anything can be done here????
Flash an factory image with flashtool then you will have original recovery. Then reinstall CWM, maybe smth went wrong.
Tried flashtool---Ended up with errors as attached pic
As i cant bootup my phone...USB Debugging option cant be ticked
I was running SlimLP (unofficial) while bricked my phone....
Anything on that please....
I managed to recover my phone. I don't think you need usb debugging for flash tool. What I did was turn the phone off (power and volume up seem to be the buttons that force shutdown and break the reboot loop).
flashtool will prompt you to connect when you flash the ftf file and you hold power up and volume down when you connect the usb cable. If you have issues flashing (it hanged on me on system.bin) try restarting your computer.
Resolution and Problem Exp
Right after flashing the device recovery through fastboot the USB cable is plugged and that seems to loop the boot loader, so you need to force shutdown while looping by pressing POWER + VOLUME UP, and after that unplug the USB cable. You will notice that on boot now the light is no longer red.
splitthepositive said:
I recently got a z3c and decided to try to get a slim rom on it.
I have done the following:
I unlocked the bootloader.
This was done successfully to the best of my knowledge
The next thing I did was flash a cwm image to by z3c using fastboot. The problem was that I flashed the z3 version on my z3c.
The device would boot but the screen would be blank.
Later I flashed the z3c boot loader named : Z3c_DooMLoRD_AdvStkKernel_v01_FW-105
After this the device goes in a boot loop. I am able to access CWM.
I have tried to root the phone as well as flash the slim rom in an attempt to fix it....
Wiping disk / cache doesn't help.
Also for some reason even though adb drivers are installed I cannot use it so I can't get the twrp install to work.
I have no idea what to do can someone please help?
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Hi guys. I've had my HTC one for a while now and it had TWRP flashed on it. About a week ago I flashed the android revolution rom, worked well but my camera went really weird if I looked back at some recordings. So I wanted to revert back to stock everything. I flashed a stock recovery for the M7, after that I had the problem of not being able to connect my device to the computer when I fastboot mode. Simply wouldn't pick it up when I typed ADB devices in cmd. My device wouldn't show up after installing stock recovery. And it doesn't want to restore any roms either in stock recovery mode. I can't even access my folders in that mode to flash any roms. I click either apply from sd card, apply from phone storage. Says for a split second check CID failed or something and reboots itself.
I cannot flash TWRP back cause my computer since it can't pick it up. I've tried everything. Changing USB ports, uninstalling my drives for htc. Changing computers, unlocking, relocking bootloader. No result. I'm screwed cause I'm stuck on this android revolution rom, rooted. Just wanna flash custom recovery. I can connect it to my computer, access folders and add things to it but soon as I turn it off and go into fastboot mode it says fastboot usb and can hear the noise when its connected but it doesn't show up in adb devices and when I flash the TWRP it starts send then comes up with FAILED. Help please, would be appreciated!
Stevo001457 said:
Hi guys. I've had my HTC one for a while now and it had TWRP flashed on it. About a week ago I flashed the android revolution rom, worked well but my camera went really weird if I looked back at some recordings. So I wanted to revert back to stock everything. I flashed a stock recovery for the M7, after that I had the problem of not being able to connect my device to the computer when I fastboot mode. Simply wouldn't pick it up when I typed ADB devices in cmd. My device wouldn't show up after installing stock recovery. And it doesn't want to restore any roms either in stock recovery mode. I can't even access my folders in that mode to flash any roms. I click either apply from sd card, apply from phone storage. Says for a split second check CID failed or something and reboots itself.
I cannot flash TWRP back cause my computer since it can't pick it up. I've tried everything. Changing USB ports, uninstalling my drives for htc. Changing computers, unlocking, relocking bootloader. No result. I'm screwed cause I'm stuck on this android revolution rom, rooted. Just wanna flash custom recovery. I can connect it to my computer, access folders and add things to it but soon as I turn it off and go into fastboot mode it says fastboot usb and can hear the noise when its connected but it doesn't show up in adb devices and when I flash the TWRP it starts send then comes up with FAILED. Help please, would be appreciated!
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Adb only works if you'te booted to OS or custom recovery. Command you're looking for in bootloader menu is "fastboot devices"
Fala Puno. Ja sam raditi sada. I'm of Croatian decent in Australia. I'll try this later when I return home
Fixed it! I'm an idiot, I didn't realise I was flashing the m8 twrp instead of m7. That's why it failed. Lol. Anyway thanks
Hello everyone, I am new to this forum so please forgive if I misplaced this thread
The problem is next:
I want to root my P8 Lite (and convert to dual sim but first things first). I have read some threads here, also that mega-thread, did everything step by step.
First I have requested unlock code from Huawei and successfully unlocked bootloader (fastboot shows it's unlocked and booting in bootloader shows Phone UNLOCKED).
Second, I installed ADB drivers, HiSuite recognizes my phone, adb devices shows it, everything runs smoothly. I downloaded and tried bat file that automatically roots it (the lazy way ) but not success so far. Then I rebooted completely and did everything step by step using cmd.
1. adb reboot bootloader (OK)
2. fastboot flash recovery recovery.img (OK)
3. fastboot reboot (OK)
4. adb push UPDATE_SuperSU-v2.46.zip /su.zip (OK)
5. adb shell /sbin/recovery --update_package=/su.zip (SEGMENTATION FAULT)
I am stuck at step 5, clearly. Also I tried commands one by one:
adb shell
But that returns Permission Denied.
Tried that again through Minimal and ADB Fastboot, through SDK, but no success so far. Thought that Windows 10 may be the problem, but the same was on laptop with Windows 7.
I would appreciate any help here.
I don't know. In my opinion, you can put the SuperSU flashable zip into your phone through USB, and boot into TWRP Recovery, mount /system, then flash it.I'm not sure about it. Maybe it can help.
P.S.: You can see https://forum.xda-developers.com/p8...de-to-unlock-bootloader-t3150616/post61708277this post, find the UPDATE-2.
Sent from my HUAWEI CHM-TL00H using XDA Labs
I can't boot into recovery, it shows nothing. There is a sound that usb is connected but screen remains black, I can't install twrp over stock recovery. Is sd card necessary or this can be done just with phone memory?
popcorn91 said:
I can't boot into recovery, it shows nothing. There is a sound that usb is connected but screen remains black, I can't install twrp over stock recovery. Is sd card necessary or this can be done just with phone memory?
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I had some problems installing TWRP and SU after my update to B588.
I used Xepeleato's TWRP edition with the 2 zip SU installation (I have so many files, that I cannot remember where I got them ).
So, flashed TWRP, then connected via usb (if I am not mistaken) and then via adb rebooted into recovery. Then flashed both of the files for the SU.
I will try doing that with install from sd card, from service menu, otherwise I can't install over stock recovery.
Also can't root it. I soft bricked my phone 3 times and then had to flash Cust, Boot and all the other images using a script I found on the Megathread and set it up all over again. I have an unlocked bootloader but can't root it and I am too scared to try again.
That's my problem, first time softbricked it, then I flashed stock recovery and fixed it, bootloader unlocked but can't root.
Just in case you are on B588: I had problem with the official recovery of the build (don't know for sure if it is different from the others) and flashed the one extracted from B584 and then flashed TWRP.
I'm on B585
if I were you, i'd flash twrp, through adb and then boot into recovery through adb also and flash the 2 zip SU files at once. clear cache and dalvik and reboot.
spirto82 said:
if I were you, i'd flash twrp, through adb and then boot into recovery through adb also and flash the 2 zip SU files at once. clear cache and dalvik and reboot.
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How did you flash the one from B584?
EDIT: Nevermind, I did it. I booted to recovery through adb and TWRP was working
Did it, found some chinese twrp that worked for me. Now other problem came up
I tried to downgrade to Lollipop and setup was successfull. When phone restarted display wasnt showing anything,just bars and flashes and pixels etc, startup sound is there but no preview. Fastboot system flash returns failed, also erase.
popcorn91 said:
Did it, found some chinese twrp that worked for me. Now other problem came up
I tried to downgrade to Lollipop and setup was successfull. When phone restarted display wasnt showing anything,just bars and flashes and pixels etc, startup sound is there but no preview. Fastboot system flash returns failed, also erase.
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1) let your phone charge - in case you don't have enough battery.
2) Try to download your desired build.
3) download Huawei extractor and with this, extract boot, recovery, cust and system.
4) search a bit on the big thread (root, unbrick convert etc) on how to enter fastboot. I cannot remember the exact steps, but there is a way for sure.
5) initiate adb and flash all the 4 images you extracted.
This is in general what you have to do.
Wishing you good luck!
If I find something more I'll let you know.
PS : when I had mine bricked I entered bootloader by following these steps if I am not mistaken :
Connect phone to pc
Keep Pressing the power button and when the screen turns off, press and hold the volume up (while pressing the power button).
When the phone vibrates, release the power button.
Tried everything, boot, recovery and cust flashed successfully but sytem "cant load system.img" even with using -S 512M or 1G or 256M. I took it for a repair, hope they will sort it out.
The guy from service did not succeed, he told me that he tried everything that I have, and that the phone can't be repaired. But I did.
I downloaded the latest firmware for my country, formatted SD card as FAT32, put it in my phone and rebooted, so folders Android, LOST.DIR and System Volume Information were created. I put the UPDATE.APP in dload folder on my SD card. Then I let phone charge fully until LED indicator was green. Plugged out the charger, and pressed Volume Up + Volume Down + Power. When the phone restarted, on startup vibration I let go power button and kept holding Volume Up and Down for about 3s. Then when I let them, display went completely black and nothing happened. I put the charger but it wasn't charging so I hoped that it started forced upgrade. Left it on the table and about 15min later it vibrated again on restart and - success!! Huawei logo on screen, booting up, EMUI optimizing device. So happy I solved it. Also thanks for answering guys!