Currently on VZN, XT1060, MotoX, DEV unlocked bootloader, TWRP, SuperSU:
version: 4.4
kernel: [email protected]#1
system: 140.45.5.ghost_verizon.Verizon.en.US
build: 13.11.1Q2.X-69-3
NO ROM And I only changed two items:
1. VzwEntitlementService.apk via [] by changing the originalVzwEntitlementService.apk to VzwEntitlementService.apk.bak
2. Remove bootloader warning image
Question: for the 4.4.2 update (hopefully coming soon)
1. Can I just get the 4.4.2 update via OTA with my current setup
2. Or do I have a to flash back to stock
Thank you much.
and I'm new to xda.
you need to flash the stock recovery and then run the OTA. after it installs flash your custom recovery back.
dray_jr said:
you need to flash the stock recovery and then run the OTA. after it installs flash your custom recovery back.
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Thanks, if someone has an unlocked bootloader but is not rooted and they removed the bootloader unlocked message using the command:
fastboot flash logo logo.bin
and used a logo.bin file that has the original kitkat 4.4 logo in it, can they take the OTA without doing anything else?
Also, when you flash the stock recovery, you become unrooted and so then if you flash your custom recovery after the OTA, you reroot, right?
Are you supposed to wipe the davlik/cache or anything else like that before you take the OTA?
Cozume said:
Thanks, if someone has an unlocked bootloader but is not rooted and they removed the bootloader unlocked message using the command:
fastboot flash logo logo.bin
and used a logo.bin file that has the original kitkat 4.4 logo in it, can they take the OTA without doing anything else?
Also, when you flash the stock recovery, you become unrooted and so then if you flash your custom recovery after the OTA, you reroot, right?
Are you supposed to wipe the davlik/cache or anything else like that before you take the OTA?
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as for the logo i am not sure i think you should be ok .
as for when you flash the stock recovery yes you loose root but when you reflash the custom recovery if you still dont have root just reinstall SuperSU and you will be good to go,
and anytime i flash something i always wipe the cache/davlik
dray_jr said:
and anytime i flash something i always wipe the cache/davlik
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really so when I flashed my custom recovery to root for the first time, I should have wiped that?
Cozume said:
really so when I flashed my custom recovery to root for the first time, I should have wiped that?
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you dont have too but it is recommended
dray_jr said:
as for when you flash the stock recovery yes you loose root but when you reflash the custom recovery if you still dont have root just reinstall SuperSU and you will be good to go
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Hmm, I have a VZW DE, unlocked bootloader, flashed TWRP then SuperSU to get root, then flashed the stock recovery and still have root. I honestly can't remember if I re-rooted after flashing back to stock recovery, but I don't think that I did. Are you saying that flashing to stock recovery should have unrooted the phone? What does it mean if it didn't? I hope I'm remembering correctly.
I'd like to be able to get the OTA 4.4.2 update from VZW when available but I keep reading it's not possible with root. How do I remove root if reflashing the stock recovery didn't do it? I'm coming from a GNex which was much simpler so I want to make sure I'm prepared for the OTA when it arrives. Thanks!
Melarsa said:
Hmm, I have a VZW DE, unlocked bootloader, flashed TWRP then SuperSU to get root, then flashed the stock recovery and still have root. I honestly can't remember if I re-rooted after flashing back to stock recovery, but I don't think that I did. Are you saying that flashing to stock recovery should have unrooted the phone? What does it mean if it didn't? I hope I'm remembering correctly.
I'd like to be able to get the OTA 4.4.2 update from VZW when available but I keep reading it's not possible with root. How do I remove root if reflashing the stock recovery didn't do it? I'm coming from a GNex which was much simpler so I want to make sure I'm prepared for the OTA when it arrives. Thanks!
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OK,listen and listen closely, by far the best way to accept the ota is flash stock recovery and also flash your system.img, I don't care what other folks say, I've been here for 3 ota's , this will prevent any chances of having issues when accepting the ota. You may also flash Verizon's sbf firmware when available, the later is what I prefer
Sent on my Gummy running Lenoto X
flashallthetime said:
OK,listen and listen closely, by far the best way to accept the ota is flash stock recovery and also flash your system.img, I don't care what other folks say, I've been here for 3 ota's , this will prevent any chances of having issues when accepting the ota. You may also flash Verizon's sbf firmware when available, the later is what I prefer
Sent on my Gummy running Lenoto X
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Got it, that's what I'll do when the time comes. Thanks!
flashallthetime said:
OK,listen and listen closely, by far the best way to accept the ota is flash stock recovery and also flash your system.img, I don't care what other folks say, I've been here for 3 ota's , this will prevent any chances of having issues when accepting the ota. You may also flash Verizon's sbf firmware when available, the later is what I prefer
Sent on my Gummy running Lenoto X
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Could I do a TWRP backup of /data and just flash the entire system back to new, take the OTA and TWRP restore /data?
Or does /data contain some stuff that is linked to the version of Android I did the backup with?
fbiryujin said:
Could I do a TWRP backup of /data and just flash the entire system back to new, take the OTA and TWRP restore /data?
Or does /data contain some stuff that is linked to the version of Android I did the backup with?
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Why would you need to do that? /data isn't going anywhere in the process of flashing system and recovery and then taking an OTA
piccit said:
Why would you need to do that? /data isn't going anywhere in the process of flashing system and recovery and then taking an OTA
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I thought it might be different because I'm rooted, and encrypted.
fbiryujin said:
Could I do a TWRP backup of /data and just flash the entire system back to new, take the OTA and TWRP restore /data?
Or does /data contain some stuff that is linked to the version of Android I did the backup with?
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You can try to restore your data after you upgrade, there is no guarantee you won't have any issues but it won't be a huge problem, you'll just have to factory reset. It no different when you flash a custom ROM , if the developer uses a new base then often they request you to do a clean fresh install, otherwise you'll have issues
Sent on my Gummy running Lenoto X
flashallthetime said:
You can try to restore your data after you upgrade, there is no guarantee you won't have any issues but it won't be a huge problem, you'll just have to factory reset. It no different when you flash a custom ROM , if the developer uses a new base then often they request you to do a clean fresh install, otherwise you'll have issues
Sent on my Gummy running Lenoto X
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I'm not using a custom ROM though.
fbiryujin said:
I'm not using a custom ROM though.
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I understand that, try it and see what happens, you might be OK restoring your data , no harm in trying
Sent on my Gummy running Lenoto X
flashallthetime said:
I understand that, try it and see what happens, you might be OK restoring your data , no harm in trying
Sent on my Gummy running Lenoto X
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So far no official update available to me even after flashing the stock image from Moto. My biggest goal here is to find a way to backup and restore nandroids from the encrypted phone.
Flash and relock Moto X manually
No lie my a$$hole did pucker up though the whole process but... success woohoo!
I followed the instruction on Motorola website [] one thing I did not have is 'Motorola fastboot utility to flash (included in the Darwin/, Linux/ or Windows/ directory)' had to do some searching; came across [] Thanks for that.
DETAILS (So this is what I was working with):
VZN, XT1060, MotoX, DEV unlocked bootloader, TWRP, SuperSU:
version: 4.4 | system: 140.45.5.ghost_verizon.Verizon.en.US | build: 13.11.1Q2.X-69-3
Did this on my Mac, NOT on PC
1. got recovery image
2. got Motorola fastboot utility from |
3. used the fastboot from Darwin folder
4. follow steps from motorola website, but did not oem lock [$ fastboot oem lock]
5. last step reboot [$ fastboot reboot] a$$hole pucker up
But success, everything booted up properly even had the warning bootloader unlocked image
There was one point when it got to the Verizon boot image; it took abit longer a$$hole pucker up but finished booting.
Then phone went through the setup process (like new).... It's Miller time!
Come on 4.4.2 update via OTA
_slam said:
No lie my a$$hole did pucker up though the whole process but... success woohoo!
I followed the instruction on Motorola website [] one thing I did not have is 'Motorola fastboot utility to flash (included in the Darwin/, Linux/ or Windows/ directory)' had to do some searching; came across [] Thanks for that.
DETAILS (So this is what I was working with):
VZN, XT1060, MotoX, DEV unlocked bootloader, TWRP, SuperSU:
version: 4.4 | system: 140.45.5.ghost_verizon.Verizon.en.US | build: 13.11.1Q2.X-69-3
Did this on my Mac, NOT on PC
1. got recovery image
2. got Motorola fastboot utility from |
3. used the fastboot from Darwin folder
4. follow steps from motorola website, but did not oem lock [$ fastboot oem lock]
5. last step reboot [$ fastboot reboot] a$$hole pucker up
But success, everything booted up properly even had the warning bootloader unlocked image
There was one point when it got to the Verizon boot image; it took abit longer a$$hole pucker up but finished booting.
Then phone went through the setup process (like new).... It's Miller time!
Come on 4.4.2 update via OTA
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I just want to make sure that when you did this all it did was remove root and replace the bootloader, not any data or settings you had on your phone. That is the only thing that worries me before I decide to do the 4.4.2 update.
_slam said:
Currently on VZN, XT1060, MotoX, DEV unlocked bootloader, TWRP, SuperSU:
version: 4.4
kernel: [email protected]#1
system: 140.45.5.ghost_verizon.Verizon.en.US
build: 13.11.1Q2.X-69-3
NO ROM And I only changed two items:
1. VzwEntitlementService.apk via [] by changing the originalVzwEntitlementService.apk to VzwEntitlementService.apk.bak
2. Remove bootloader warning image
Question: for the 4.4.2 update (hopefully coming soon)
1. Can I just get the 4.4.2 update via OTA with my current setup
2. Or do I have a to flash back to stock
Thank you much.
and I'm new to xda.
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1) You don't need to do much. Revert the Entitlement hack you did, you need the one that came on the device, not a hacked one.
2) Flash the stock recovery back to your phone. You'll need the stock recovery to install the OTA. Just do it the same way you flashed TWRP to your phone but use the stock recovery.img file from the 4.4 .sbf ( )
You will NOT lose root flashing the stock recovery, you will NOT lose root taking the OTA.
After updating, use Xposed and the Moto Tether module for tethering instead of using a hacked version of the app.
shadowmonk36 said:
I just want to make sure that when you did this all it did was remove root and replace the bootloader, not any data or settings you had on your phone. That is the only thing that worries me before I decide to do the 4.4.2 update.
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If you have the Dev edition from VZW, it's simple to install the OTA.
This is what I did as I had root and xposed installed.
1. Download 4.4.2 file from XDA and cut and paste it from download folder to root of sdcard
2. Flash stock 4.4 recovery image via fastboot.
3. Flash 4.4 system image using mfastboot (must use mfastboot)
4. Boot into recovery
5. Apply update and selected the OTA zip.
6. Reboot
7. Power down and boot back into fastboot.
8. Flash TWRP, allow it to root, reboot.
9. Reinstall Xposed framework.
All my data and settings were still there. Even my xposed modules reactivated. No additional setup and my phone was exactly the same but had 4.4.2.
Only caveat is only do this if you've never installed other OS's and have only taken official OTAs from VZW. You need to be on the right bootloader. Don't brick your phone.
Sent from my Dev Edition Moto X
This does work to upgrade from 4.4.2 to 4.4.4 and there was no data/setting loss. I am running Verizon, developer phone, rooted, with xposed. Here are the directions I used:
1. disable Xposed - I just went to the app and uninstalled it
2. boot into bootloader/fastboot - connect your computer to the phone via USB. Then push the down volume and power at the same time. This will take you to the bootloader/fastboot
3. flash stock recovery (fastboot flash recovery yourfilename.img) - to do this (and to flash stock system) you need the motorola fastboot files and you will need to use the command prompt on the PC. for directions and download for the fastboot files check out this link - To actually download the stock recovery and stock system files you can download them here (look for 4.4.2 verizon - I actually pasted the recovery.img/stock.img files into the windows fastboot folder and accessed CMD prompt from there to flash them. I flashed recovery then moved onto stock. I did not reboot until both were done.
4. flash stock system (fastboot flash system yourfilename.img)
5. reboot (stay in the CMD prompt and type - fastboot reboot)
6. update via OTA
7. reboot
You are now stock unrooted 4.4.4, so just re-apply root the same way you did the first time:
1. boot into bootloader/fastboot - you should be able to follow the directions from above to do this now
2. flash custom recovery - you should be able to follow the directions from above to do this now. Note that I tried CWM and it didnt work until I used TWRP. - download the latest version here and stick in the same fastboot folder you were using above -
3. boot to recovery - make sure you do this from the bootloader/fastboot screen. To do it, press down until you get to recovery then up to actually select it. I kept pressing power to select which doesnt actually select it.
4. flash SuperSU - this should be on your phone from the first time you rooted. If doing a new root you will need to get it first.
5. reboot
6. re-enable Xposed - i just reinstalled it and all of my settings were back
7. reboot
- BAM you are done!
I'm curious to see if this works the same for unlocked non developer edition Moto X's on VZW too
has anyone tried this to upgrade to 4.4.4? (unlocked BL, rooted 4.4.2 on Verizon)
dhoppy said:
has anyone tried this to upgrade to 4.4.4? (unlocked BL, rooted 4.4.2 on Verizon)
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Multiple reports all over the forum say YES. (must flash stock recovery back, FIRST -- OR just use the FXZ and don't worry about having to flash stock recovery...)
Also, to the OP: questions belong in Q&A, not General. See the 2nd Sticky post at the top of the General forum....please post in the correct forums in the future...
I have a vzw DE
I took the 4.4.4 FXZ file from the other thread and just flashed it, no prep, didn't disable xposed.I was flashing in fastboot, not recovery, so its not checking for intact files. Then had to twrp/root and re-enable xposed.
But if you want to take the OTA then your procedure would be good.
Ryphez said:
I'm curious to see if this works the same for unlocked non developer edition Moto X's on VZW too
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There is no difference whatsoever between an unlocked dev edition and any other unlocked X. The ONLY difference is the dev edition keeps its warranty when you unlock.
Whats the best twrp for root on 4.4.4
Mickoou said:
Whats the best twrp for root on 4.4.4
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How about the latest version from the official source? Here:
It will root for you. Just flash w/fastboot, then "fastboot reboot-bootloader", then VOL DOWN to RECOVERY, and VOL UP to select it. When you go to exit, it will offer to install SuperSU Installer. Once booted, launch SuperSU Installer, and select Play Store method.
dhoppy said:
has anyone tried this to upgrade to 4.4.4? (unlocked BL, rooted 4.4.2 on Verizon)
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No, you should be the guinea pig for all of us.
I can confirm that this works. I did it. I did not lose any data. It took about 20 minutes total. I already had everything installed otherwise you are looking at about 45 minutes.
The only reason to flash stock system.img before taking an OTA is if you made so many changes to system files you can't remember them to undo them. i.e. you modified your system so much that flashing system.img is the fastest way back to stock so it passes the validation checks of the OTA.
I thought there is an Xposed disabler (in the xposed thread) that you can run rather than uninstalling?
That being said.. this information has been the same for EVERY OTA Update. You have to flash stock recovery for the OTA to install, and your system can't be modified too much or it will fail the validation checks built into the (i.e. there is a manifest file that checks for specific files and their check sums before it will flash the ota).
IF you are close enough to stock (like I am... stock, unlocked, rooted, with adfree, wifi tether for root, greenify, Quick boot, and a few other apps that require root), you can just flash stock recovery and take the OTA.
IF you are close enough to stock... you can also use the following... WITHOUT a PC... i.e. you haven't modified system too much, etc.
Place stock recovery.img, the latest TWRP img, the latest and the on your phone's DOWNLOAD folder.
Install Rashr.
Use Rashr to to flash stock recovery (select other from storage, and select your stock recovery). When it completes, pick the option to reboot to stock recovery.
From stock recovery, install the update zip and reboot the phone.
After the update install process is complete, use Rashr to flash TWRP (again, other from storage and pick your TWRP). When prompted, reboot into recovery (so twrp sticks). When in TWRP, select reboot to system.
If you lost root, reboot into TWRP recovery and install
KidJoe said:
The only reason to flash stock system.img before taking an OTA is if you made so many changes to system files you can't remember them to undo them. i.e. you modified your system so much that flashing system.img is the fastest way back to stock so it passes the validation checks of the OTA.
I thought there is an Xposed disabler (in the xposed thread) that you can run rather than uninstalling?
That being said.. this information has been the same for EVERY OTA Update. You have to flash stock recovery for the OTA to install, and your system can't be modified too much or it will fail the validation checks built into the (i.e. there is a manifest file that checks for specific files and their check sums before it will flash the ota).
IF you are close enough to stock (like I am... stock, unlocked, rooted, with adfree, wifi tether for root, greenify, Quick boot, and a few other apps that require root), you can just flash stock recovery and take the OTA.
IF you are close enough to stock... you can also use the following... WITHOUT a PC... i.e. you haven't modified system too much, etc.
Place stock recovery.img, the latest TWRP img, the latest and the on your phone's DOWNLOAD folder.
Install Rashr.
Use Rashr to to flash stock recovery (select other from storage, and select your stock recovery). When it completes, pick the option to reboot to stock recovery.
From stock recovery, install the update zip and reboot the phone.
After the update install process is complete, use Rashr to flash TWRP (again, other from storage and pick your TWRP). When prompted, reboot into recovery (so twrp sticks). When in TWRP, select reboot to system.
If you lost root, reboot into TWRP recovery and install
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Thanks for the tip. I believe I did it the way I mentioned because last time gravity box didnt have a wifi tether available so I had to modify the system files. this time I didnt touch them.
Flashing system.img is imo the smartest move to ensure the OTA takes. It's worth it as it only takes a minute and you don't have to even think about what you changed. Plus, it doesn't delete your data.
You are in there flashing stock recovery anyway, might as well.
Sent from my Dev Edition Moto X
Schaweet said:
Flashing system.img is imo the smartest move to ensure the OTA takes. It's worth it as it only takes a minute and you don't have to even think about what you changed. Plus, it doesn't delete your data.
You are in there flashing stock recovery anyway, might as well.
Sent from my Dev Edition Moto X
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+1 :good:
Schaweet said:
Flashing system.img is imo the smartest move to ensure the OTA takes. It's worth it as it only takes a minute and you don't have to even think about what you changed. Plus, it doesn't delete your data.
You are in there flashing stock recovery anyway, might as well.
Sent from my Dev Edition Moto X
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I'm getting an error while attempting to flash the system.img. I don't remember the exact wording but it was something like "data exceeds download buffer". I flashed the recovery.img without issue. I tried to take the OTA and it gets halfway through and craps out with the red exclamation triangle... Any ideas?
zoid_99 said:
I'm getting an error while attempting to flash the system.img. I don't remember the exact wording but it was something like "data exceeds download buffer". I flashed the recovery.img without issue. I tried to take the OTA and it gets halfway through and craps out with the red exclamation triangle... Any ideas?
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Are you using mfastboot to flash system.img? You can't use regular fastboot. Just search for mfastboot.
Sent from my Dev Edition Moto X
Schaweet said:
Are you using mfastboot to flash system.img? You can't use regular fastboot. Just search for mfastboot.
Sent from my Dev Edition Moto X
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Thank you Thank you.... That was it.
dhoppy said:
has anyone tried this to upgrade to 4.4.4? (unlocked BL, rooted 4.4.2 on Verizon)
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1.6 SU was the only issue I had, I got the latest and had no issue
KidJoe said:
[*]Place stock recovery.img, the latest TWRP img, the latest and the on your phone's DOWNLOAD folder.
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Where do I get the stock recovery.img file?
Thank you!
fede_arg said:
Where do I get the stock recovery.img file?
Thank you!
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The OP tells you in the very first post...
Hey guys, I just got the 4.4.3 to 4.4.4 update notification on my XT1058 (Movistar, Chile). The thing is, I have TWRP so I know I can't take it right now. The device is not rooted nor it has xposed installed. My question is, how do I safely go back to stock recovery? Thanks in advance
Extract the recovery.img from your carriers 4.4.3 sbf and flash just the recovery image via fastboot. Commands should look like this.
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
Travisdroidx2 said:
Extract the recovery.img from your carriers 4.4.3 sbf and flash just the recovery image via fastboot. Commands should look like this.
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
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There's only 4.4.2 available on the sbf list to download. Is it ok or should I take another step?
chalocesped said:
There's only 4.4.2 available on the sbf list to download. Is it ok or should I take another step?
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They are the same (the 4.4.2 / 4.4.3 recoveries).
Hit the THANKS button under the posts of those who have helped you...
samwathegreat said:
They are the same (the 4.4.2 / 4.4.3 recoveries).
Hit the THANKS button under the posts of those who have helped you...
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I see! Thank you
I managed to flash the stock recovery, but now I'm unable to turn on wifi. Any thoughts?
chalocesped said:
I managed to flash the stock recovery, but now I'm unable to turn on wifi. Any thoughts?
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Did you take the OTA? How did you flash stock recovery? It sounds like you borked your /persist partition...
samwathegreat said:
Did you take the OTA? How did you flash stock recovery? It sounds like you borked your /persist partition...
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No I haven't, as I can't download it via mobile network. I downloaded the 4.4.2 stock firmware, took the recovery file from the zip and did fastboot recovery recovery.img. After booting and realizing I couldn't turn on the wifi (slides immediately to off) I did a factory reset but it didn't solve it
chalocesped said:
No I haven't, as I can't download it via mobile network. I downloaded the 4.4.2 stock firmware, took the recovery file from the zip and did fastboot recovery recovery.img. After booting and realizing I couldn't turn on the wifi (slides immediately to off) I did a factory reset but it didn't solve it
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Have you tried wiping cache and dalvik, then rebooting? That used to solve a similar problem on another phone.
gokart2 said:
Have you tried wiping cache and dalvik, then rebooting? That used to solve a similar problem on another phone.
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Unsuccesful, sadly. Will try to restore a previous backup made with twrp
OTA 4.4
Do you have to go back to stock recovery if you're using TWRP recovery? Or is there a way to apply the update while using TWRP? I downloaded the update, told it to install and it rebooted to TWRP. The only zip I found was the old update under cache. Is there a way to do this or where do I find the newly downloaded file to install?
When I couldn't find the file I just rebooted. After booting up the phone attempted to reboot and install about 3 or 4 times before saying unsuccessful and operating normally.
TKil9 said:
Do you have to go back to stock recovery if you're using TWRP recovery? Or is there a way to apply the update while using TWRP? I downloaded the update, told it to install and it rebooted to TWRP. The only zip I found was the old update under cache. Is there a way to do this or where do I find the newly downloaded file to install?
When I couldn't find the file I just rebooted. After booting up the phone attempted to reboot and install about 3 or 4 times before saying unsuccessful and operating normally.
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You have to use stock recovery.... Just flash TWRP back on afterwards.
Sent from my XT1058 using Tapatalk
superp32 said:
Could it be because he downgraded from 4.4.3
Sent from my XT1058 using Tapatalk
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Who downgraded? The OP doesn't appear to have downgraded - he only flashed the stock recovery from 4.4.2 (which is the same as the 4.4.3 stock recovery). I'm confused.
samwathegreat said:
Who downgraded? The OP doesn't appear to have downgraded - he only flashed the stock recovery from 4.4.2 (which is the same as the 4.4.3 stock recovery). I'm confused.
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I am in the process of deleting it I didn't see your post about them being the same. He has to have an unlocked bootloader to have twrp correct?
Sent from my XT1058 using Tapatalk
superp32 said:
I am in the process of deleting it I didn't see your post about them being the same. He has to have an unlocked bootloader to have twrp correct?
Sent from my XT1058 using Tapatalk
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Yup, although safestrap recovery (for locked bootloaders) is based on TWRP, it isn't the same. So at least he will be able to root again afterwards. Being unlocked doesn't affect the ability to take an OTA though. I've seen some people confused about that and tell people that they need to re-lock before taking an OTA. This is NOT the case. Stock recovery is required though.
Don't want to confuse anybody though. Just ignore the above. All that really matters is you must have stock recovery and no significant modifications to /system (no Xposed, etc.).
I'm on 4.4.2 for Sprint, i got the update to install 4.4.4, after reading this thread and the guide to flash OTA i see I have to return to stock recovery. My question is in the guide it says '' if you have at any point of time flashed any 4.4.2 firmware along with the boot loader 30.B3 or 30.B4
DO NOT FLASH THE OTA, YOU WILL HAVE A HARD BRICKED MOTO''...... my bootloader says 30.B4 , so should i take the OTA?
reds28heem said:
I'm on 4.4.2 for Sprint, i got the update to install 4.4.4, after reading this thread and the guide to flash OTA i see I have to return to stock recovery. My question is in the guide it says '' if you have at any point of time flashed any 4.4.2 firmware along with the boot loader 30.B3 or 30.B4
DO NOT FLASH THE OTA, YOU WILL HAVE A HARD BRICKED MOTO''...... my bootloader says 30.B4 , so should i take the OTA?
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Hmm I'm thinking that what you read might have been for another variant....I'm not familiar with the bootloader version.
Regardless, if you are concerned, you are completely safe to flash the ENTIRE stock 4.4.2 SBF, then you can SAFELY take the 4.4.4 OTA with no risk. And if you take the OTA immediately after flashing the entire SBF, you'll already have stock recovery and you can just flash TWRP and re-root AFTER you are on 4.4.4.
(The above instructions ONLY apply to the Sprint variant. Not any of the variants that received 4.4.3.)
samwathegreat said:
Hmm I'm thinking that what you read might have been for another variant....I'm not familiar with the bootloader version.
Regardless, if you are concerned, you are completely safe to flash the ENTIRE stock 4.4.2 SBF, then you can SAFELY take the 4.4.4 OTA with no risk. And if you take the OTA immediately after flashing the entire SBF, you'll already have stock recovery and you can just flash TWRP and re-root AFTER you are on 4.4.4.
(The above instructions ONLY apply to the Sprint variant. Not any of the variants that received 4.4.3.)
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Yeah that's what i was planning on doing completely flashing to stock then taking the OTA, just wanted to make sure I dont brick my phone
Problem, im trying flash stock but i keep getting this.
(bootloader) Variable not supported!
target max-download-size: 768MB
Multi-Flash is enabled!
load_file: could not allocate 907079228 bytes
error: cannot load 'system.img': Not enough space
reds28heem said:
Yeah that's what i was planning on doing completely flashing to stock then taking the OTA, just wanted to make sure I dont brick my phone
Problem, im trying flash stock but i keep getting this.
(bootloader) Variable not supported!
target max-download-size: 768MB
Multi-Flash is enabled!
load_file: could not allocate 907079228 bytes
error: cannot load 'system.img': Not enough space
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System.img is too big for the standard Fastboot.exe included in the Android SDK/PlatformTools. You must use the Moto tweaked fastboot (aka mfastboot) ->
I was on Android 5.0 lollipop when something glitched and my phone wouldn't get out of bootloader mode, so i flash stock android. When it then finished and went back to 4.4.4 i tried flashed the factory images again to lock the bootloader, but it wouldn't let me because it kept saying "downgrading" or something along those lines. Now my phones sysetem version is 21.11.17.titan_retuaws.retuaws.en.Us which is the one of 5.0 when im clearly on 4.4.4. I am currently rooted with a custom recovery, any ideas on how i could possibly get back to android L?
ErikG1999 said:
any ideas on how i could possibly get back to android L?
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Two possible ways:
A. the stock method
Download these files: from (Lollipop 5.0) (Lollipop 5.0.1) (both from this forum)
install the first via fastboot, (ignore errors given by gpt.bin and motoboot.img), reboot
install the second via stock-recovery, reboot
install the third via stock-recovery, reboot
flash The Titan Prime ROM, reboot
doppelhelix said:
Two possible ways:
A. the stock method
Download these files: from (Lollipop 5.0) (Lollipop 5.0.1) (both from this forum)
install the first via fastboot, (ignore errors given by gpt.bin and motoboot.img), reboot
install the second via stock-recovery, reboot
install the third via stock-recovery, reboot
flash The Titan Prime ROM, reboot
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the A method doesn't work, ive tired it before. It doesn't let me relock the bootloader because it thinks im downgraded the system. I think ill try the B method. In order to instal the custom rom would i have to use a custom recovery? how would i go about doing it (P.S. XT1064 rooted with TWRP)
ErikG1999 said:
the A method doesn't work, ive tired it before. It doesn't let me relock the bootloader because it thinks im downgraded the system. I think ill try the B method. In order to instal the custom rom would i have to use a custom recovery? how would i go about doing it (P.S. XT1064 rooted with TWRP)
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currently I BELIEVE if you have flashed MOTOBOOT.img (bootloader) from a 5.0 version you can not go back to a 4.4.4 version, but you can still run a 4.4.4 rom on a 5.0 bootloader. a locked / unlocked bootloader should not stop OTA updates. Having the wrong recovery will stop OTA installing. and mismatched bootloader / recoveries MAY cause problems.
to flash titan prime rom use TWRP (make backup 1st) place zipped tp-rom on sdcard and and following instruction in the rom thread
So, A method (blur versions) will always fail if you have TWRP installed, you need stock recovery that matches your rom on phone now , the 1st from moto firmware should work via mfastboot method.
ErikG1999 said:
It doesn't let me relock the bootloader
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Why would you want to do that? There's absolutely no reason for relock.
doppelhelix said:
Two possible ways:
A. the stock method
Download these files: from (Lollipop 5.0) (Lollipop 5.0.1) (both from this forum)
install the first via fastboot, (ignore errors given by gpt.bin and motoboot.img), reboot
install the second via stock-recovery, reboot
install the third via stock-recovery, reboot
flash The Titan Prime ROM, reboot
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i did what you said and flashed the firmware and know my phone wont boot up. i can access the bootloader and twrp, please help!
ErikG1999 said:
i did what you said and flashed the firmware and know my phone wont boot up. i can access the bootloader and twrp, please help!
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PM me, if you have some time, so we can go through the whole process step by step without overflooding this thread
ErikG1999 said:
i did what you said and flashed the firmware and know my phone wont boot up. i can access the bootloader and twrp, please help!
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If you flashed the firmware correctly you should not have twrp.
Android The Greek said:
If you flashed the firmware correctly you should not have twrp.
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ya i dun goofed, i fixed it now its all good
I recently followed this guide to root my XT1095. All I did was unlock my bootloader and boot the image...I did not (intentionally) alter my recovery, nor did I install a custom ROM. Will I still receive OTA update notifications and, if so, are they safe to apply?
Dan Again said:
I recently followed this guide to root my XT1095. All I did was unlock my bootloader and boot the image...I did not (intentionally) alter my recovery, nor did I install a custom ROM. Will I still receive OTA update notifications and, if so, are they safe to apply?
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If you are running a custom recovery TWRP for example, I doubt that you will get OTA updates. I believe you need the stock recovery to be able to install OTA updates.
grneyez said:
If you are running a custom recovery TWRP for example, I doubt that you will get OTA updates. I believe you need the stock recovery to be able to install OTA updates.
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I'm a little confused by your response. As I said in my original question, I did not (intentionally) alter my recovery. Did the method that I used achieve root alter my recovery for me?
If you did not install a custom recovery than you should be able to get OTA updates. Check to see what recovery you have.
Dan Again said:
I'm a little confused by your response. As I said in my original question, I did not (intentionally) alter my recovery. Did the method that I used achieve root alter my recovery for me?
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As long as you don't make any changes to /system, you *should* be good to go for updates. If you didn't intentionally flash a custom recovery then you still have the stock one.
If you're rooted OTAs won't work. In KitKat and lower they just performed checksums on each file before updating, so the altered root files were left untouched and the update installed. In Lollipop and up (at least for Nexus devices), it does a total checksum and if /system has been altered in any way (including for root) OTA's won't install.
grneyez said:
If you did not install a custom recovery than you should be able to get OTA updates. Check to see what recovery you have.
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Thanks for all the responses, guys. I booted into recovery and saw this, so I think my recovery is still stock. One quick question: when I boot into fastboot and select "Recovery", I get a dead Android and a "No Command" prompt - I had to follow these steps to actually get there. Why is that?
I'd like to try out Xposed now that it's available for my device, and I see that requires a custom recovery. If I install a custom recovery (TWRP, for instance) and use it to flash Xposed, can I then revert back to stock recovery and continue to receive OTA updates?
Dan Again said:
Thanks for all the responses, guys. I booted into recovery and saw this, so I think my recovery is still stock. One quick question: when I boot into fastboot and select "Recovery", I get a dead Android and a "No Command" prompt - I had to follow these steps to actually get there. Why is that?
I'd like to try out Xposed now that it's available for my device, and I see that requires a custom recovery. If I install a custom recovery (TWRP, for instance) and use it to flash Xposed, can I then revert back to stock recovery and continue to receive OTA updates?
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If you modified your system with Xposed you won't be able to install OTA updates. Even if you return yo stock recovery.
To install an OTA you need three things. 1. Unaltered system, root and 3. stock recovery
juliospinoza said:
If you modified your system with Xposed you won't be able to install OTA updates. Even if you return yo stock recovery.
To install an OTA you need three things. 1. Unaltered system, root and 3. stock recovery
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Fair enough. So let's say that I install a custom recovery and then Xposed. Will there be a way that I can manually upgrade to new stock OS versions as they come out for my phone?
Dan Again said:
Fair enough. So let's say that I install a custom recovery and then Xposed. Will there be a way that I can manually upgrade to new stock OS versions as they come out for my phone?
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You can always flash a ROM or custom ROM via fast boot, but you will loss all your settings, apps etc because you are flashing an entire new system... The OTA only patches
The only way back is to flash your stock ROM if you can get a hold of it.
floepie said:
The only way back is to flash your stock ROM if you can get a hold of it.
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So, funny story - this weekend I accidentally wiped my OS and had to flash stock ROM to get back up and running. See: here. Good resource for others who might be looking for Moto X 2014 stock Lollipop firmware...definitely saved that on my computer
juliospinoza said:
If you modified your system with Xposed you won't be able to install OTA updates. Even if you return yo stock recovery.
To install an OTA you need three things. 1. Unaltered system, root and 3. stock recovery
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Isn't there any way to uninstall Xposed, revert back to original recovery and remove root--all in order to install OTA without completely loosing user data and apps installed?
yurkennis said:
Isn't there any way to uninstall Xposed, revert back to original recovery and remove root--all in order to install OTA without completely loosing user data and apps installed?
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just flash via fastboot
1. recovery (stock)
2. system
if your phone is 5.0 xt1095 and you didn't flash modems you should be able to receive OTA.
Repeat of Question
I'm not sure I completely understand what I need to do to get updated to 5.1. I have an XT1095 that I only rooted, no custom recovery. I downloaded the OTA for 5.1 last night and tried to update. Got an error and it did not update. A quick google search seems to state, as well as earlier in this thread, that I can not update if I am rooted. I would prefer not completely start over on my phone (wipe) and would like to just apply the update. Can I just "unroot" my phone and apply the update or do I have to go back to the beginning (with a stock recovery) before the update will take?
I know enough about all this to have followed the directions to accomplish the root about 7 months ago. Since then not played with any system files! The only reason I rooted was so I could use the full capabilities of Greenify. Any opinions on that would be appreciated as well. Thanks!
jhworth8 said:
I'm not sure I completely understand what I need to do to get updated to 5.1. I have an XT1095 that I only rooted, no custom recovery. I downloaded the OTA for 5.1 last night and tried to update. Got an error and it did not update. A quick google search seems to state, as well as earlier in this thread, that I can not update if I am rooted. I would prefer not completely start over on my phone (wipe) and would like to just apply the update. Can I just "unroot" my phone and apply the update or do I have to go back to the beginning (with a stock recovery) before the update will take?
I know enough about all this to have followed the directions to accomplish the root about 7 months ago. Since then not played with any system files! The only reason I rooted was so I could use the full capabilities of Greenify. Any opinions on that would be appreciated as well. Thanks!
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Try reading, the post literally before yours tells you what to do, lol.
Sent from my XT1095 using Tapatalk
AGISCI said:
Try reading, the post literally before yours tells you what to do, lol.
Sent from my XT1095 using Tapatalk
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I take it that flashing the recovery and the system.img files to the phone will not erase all the apps, photos, music, etc.?
summit15 said:
I take it that flashing the recovery and the system.img files to the phone will not erase all the apps, photos, music, etc.?
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Correct, it won't erase those things.
Sent from my XT1095 using Tapatalk
so if i am just rooted, and custom recovery, could I unroot (via supersu app) and flash stock recovery and be good to go? or am i missing something?
yamahakid said:
so if i am just rooted, and custom recovery, could I unroot (via supersu app) and flash stock recovery and be good to go? or am i missing something?
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It's more difficult with Lollipop: updates now "look for" a completely stock unmodified unrooted system. So you'll have to flash a stock image of the current build and then take the OTA.
Many of you have heard by now that 5.1.1 is out, and we should receive an update soon on our stock rom Nexus 6. I just bought a Nexus 6 64gb, XT1103, and it is running the stock rom, rooted, and un-encrypted. I'm wondering if we'll lose root and un-encrypt if we take the update, and loose data if we re-unencrypt. What have your experiences been on the stock rom 5.1 update?
bovineyard said:
Many of you have heard by now that 5.1.1 is out, and we should receive an update soon on our stock rom Nexus 6. I just bought a Nexus 6 64gb, XT1103, and it is running the stock rom, rooted, and un-encrypted. I'm wondering if we'll lose root and un-encrypt if we take the update, and loose data if we re-unencrypt. What have your experiences been on the stock rom 5.1 update?
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While the update will download, it will not install with root and an unencrypted kernel.
IF you want to take the OTA, then you will need to fastboot flash the boot.img and system.img from the factory image. Boot.img will encrypt your kernel, but you will not loose data (but you will have to factory reset, again, if you want to unencrypt, which will wipe data). Flashing the system.img will remove root and flash stock recovery.
cam30era said:
While the update will download, it will not install with root and an unencrypted kernel.
IF you want to take the OTA, then you will need to fastboot flash the boot.img and system.img from the factory image. Boot.img will encrypt your kernel, but you will not loose data (but you will have to factory reset, again, if you want to unencrypt, which will wipe data). Flashing the system.img will remove root and flash stock recovery.
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i think with root but encrypted will do the update
HitNrun_ said:
i think with root but encrypted will do the update
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Nope, not on Lollipop. Kitkat and before, yes. Not anymore.
cam30era said:
Nope, not on Lollipop. Kitkat and before, yes. Not anymore.
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so unroot and encypted will do the trick? what about the bootloader, will it work with unlocked or should it be relocked too?
5.1.1 is NOT officially out for the nexus 6. it is in aosp though. thats two differing things. stock is on 5.1.
HitNrun_ said:
so unroot and encypted will do the trick? what about the bootloader, will it work with unlocked or should it be relocked too?
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The OTA package only looks at system.img and boot.img. Of course you need stock recovery to install it. And the "unroot" option inside SuperSU is insufficient. It leaves some traces around that will prevent the OTA from loading. Flash the stock system.img.
And afterwards, when unencrypting, you'll have to fastboot format userdata. Which will wipe your SDcard again.
HitNrun_ said:
so unroot and encypted will do the trick? what about the bootloader, will it work with unlocked or should it be relocked too?
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Bootloader status has no effect on the OTA.
I have rooted, but encrypted 5.1, and got OTA5 5.1.1, I am on custom recovery,
should I flash stock recovery before flashing? plus, after installing, I will need to regain root access right? my data/apps will stay intact right?
ibraheeemz said:
I have rooted, but encrypted 5.1, and got OTA5 5.1.1, I am on custom recovery,
should I flash stock recovery before flashing? plus, after installing, I will need to regain root access right? my data/apps will stay intact right?
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As it says above, you cannot FLASH the update if you are rooted, even with a stock recovery.
You will have to flash the system.img and boot.img of the Stock factory image. IF the full factory image of the version you want is available here: it, extract the system and boot.img and fastboot flash them. Job done. If the version you need is only available in an OTA file, you'll need to flash the system and boot of the expected version (i.e. the one you're on now) AND flash the recovery to accept the OTA
danarama said:
As it says above, you cannot receive the update if you are rooted, even with a stock recovery.
You will have to flash the system.img and boot.img of the Stock factory image. IF the full factory image of the version you want is available here: it, extract the system and boot.img and fastboot flash them. Job done. If the version you need is only available in an OTA file, you'll need to flash the system and boot of the expected version (i.e. the one you're on now) AND flash the recovery to accept the OTA
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I am using a custom recovery, on a rooted but STOCK 5.1, and I already got OTA, I downloaded it as well, but needed to make sure before upgrading, that it doesn't cause data lose if I move to stock recovery, and want to regain root after flashing 5.1.1,
anyway, i flashed stock recovery, then proceeded with the update, it tried flashing but showed "error" at the android screen, so, I don't whats missing, as I was using stock 5.1, just unlocked it, rooted it, and flashed customer recovery,
ibraheeemz said:
I am using a custom recovery, on a rooted but STOCK 5.1, and I already got OTA, I downloaded it as well, but needed to make sure before upgrading, that it doesn't cause data lose if I move to stock recovery, and want to regain root after flashing 5.1.1,
anyway, i flashed stock recovery, then proceeded with the update, it tried flashing but showed "error" at the android screen, so, I don't whats missing, as I was using stock 5.1, just unlocked it, rooted it, and flashed customer recovery,
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When I said receive, I meant flash. You cannot FLASH the update if you are rooted. Period. Read my post again but substitute the word receive for flash.
danarama said:
When I said receive, I meant flash. You cannot FLASH the update if you are rooted. Period. Read my post again but substitute the word receive for flash.
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got it, but still looking for the answer, will I loose data after flashing system.img? or while regaining root after 5.1.1 update?
ibraheeemz said:
got it, but still looking for the answer, will I loose data after flashing system.img? or while regaining root after 5.1.1 update?
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No. Only factory reset or unlocking the bootloader loses data. System.img is the rom, flashing to /system. Boot.img is the kernel, flashing to /boot. if you flash these separately, userdata.img is not flashed to /data, so your /data partition remains in tact.
root doesn't touch /data either. Just /system
HitNrun_ said:
i think with root but encrypted will do the update
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How do you get root while leaving it encrypted?
Arfyness said:
How do you get root while leaving it encrypted?
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No OTA update will flash with any mods to system, boot, or recovery. No way, no how.
Evolution_Tech said:
No OTA update will flash with any mods to system, boot, or recovery. No way, no how.
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Yeahhh I get that now. It's got to verify that what's already there matches what it's supposed to be updating.
I'm looking here because I'm on Fi now, and there are more implications there than I realized before. Not that those matter too much, I do want stock. Just trying to see how I can stay current, be rooted, and not break Fi. Thankfully it's a Nexus device so it's not throwing up insane device restrictions blocking root access.
I want to be able to update system and boot, as they come available, with a recovery like TWRP or CWM. Then reapply SuperSU flash after that. What I'm not sure of is whether I can even do that. I'm fuzzy on the whole " encrypted device" thing. Does that apply to the images at
Would I be hosed if I took the system and boot images and flash those to update from one version to the next?
Arfyness said:
Yeahhh I get that now. It's got to verify that what's already there matches what it's supposed to be updating.
I'm looking here because I'm on Fi now, and there are more implications there than I realized before. Not that those matter too much, I do want stock. Just trying to see how I can stay current, be rooted, and not break Fi. Thankfully it's a Nexus device so it's not throwing up insane device restrictions blocking root access.
I want to be able to update system and boot, as they come available, with a recovery like TWRP or CWM. Then reapply SuperSU flash after that. What I'm not sure of is whether I can even do that. I'm fuzzy on the whole " encrypted device" thing. Does that apply to the images at
Would I be hosed if I took the system and boot images and flash those to update from one version to the next?
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You absolutely can, it's just that if you wish to decrypt, you'll have to format data. I've had this device, since launch and I'm still encrypted. Not an issue for me. But you can just flash, individually, everything but userdata and keep your data intact, each time a new image becomes available. Then just flash TWRP and then SuoerSu from TWRP. If you've unencrypted, OTA won't flash. You can always update manually.
edit - this was a duplicate. i can't delete it.
Evolution_Tech said:
You absolutely can, it's just that if you wish to decrypt, you'll have to format data. I've had this device, since launch and I'm still encrypted. Not an issue for me. But you can just flash, individually, everything but userdata and keep your data intact, each time a new image becomes available. Then just flash TWRP and then SuoerSu from TWRP. If you've unencrypted, OTA won't flash. You can always update manually.
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Oohhh, wait, so flash from fastboot, except flash SuperSU from TWRP? ( style?) Is only the data partition encrypted then? If that's the case why are folks decrypting? Unlocking the bootloader requires it, but what is that required for?
And thank you loads BTW! I'm so far behind! I'm coming off 3 years of rooted, stable SGS3 stock, last updated to 4.1.2. There were no further stock updates that I wanted, (too many bugs) and everything was working so I left well enough alone.
(I probably would have messed about with CM and other roms, if I had not initially bricked the thing trying to put TWRP on... and had to send it for somebody to JTAG reprogram it. Thought about it several times, but never wanted to chance it again.)
Thanks again!