HelLo my friends
i unlocked bl and installed cwm and installed new rom
in the new aokp and cm roms all apps crashs like camera and gallery
i am using C6602
must my Xperia Z be C6603 for aokp and cm roms ?
what to do help me guys :crying:
ahmedsasker said:
HelLo my friends
i unlocked bl and installed cwm and installed new rom
in the new aokp and cm roms all apps crashs like camera and gallery
i am using C6602
must my Xperia Z be C6603 for aokp and cm roms ?
what to do help me guys :crying:
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Idk if it makes a difference. You should check out the threads for each rom you tried for known bugs. Next thing would be te reset those specific apps in settings. Also search if there is a rom for your device (6602)
Doesn't matter if your phone is c6602.
How did you install the ROM?
Did you fast boot the boot.IMG first.
Did you get any error messages in recovery?
Did you format system and do a full wipe before installing?
Sent from my C6603 using Tapatalk
golfgtiedition30 said:
Doesn't matter if your phone is c6602.
How did you install the ROM?
Did you fast boot the boot.IMG first.
Did you get any error messages in recovery?
Did you format system and do a full wipe before installing?
Sent from my C6603 using Tapatalk
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thanks man , i have fixed this problem
hi there i rooted and installed Galaxperia v2 custom rom developed by achyut as instructed from the following thread using cwm
the installation went fine and upon rebooting the phone i could only see the sony xperia logo followed by the xperia animation. i waited for nearly 1h and still there wasn't any change in the screen. PS i had cleared my cache and erased all the data prior to the installation. i tried repeating the same steps over and over for some 2-3 days and its still the same. getting stuck in the same screen. kindly help me out with this.
s advance i9070
gokulharidas said:
hi there i rooted and installed Galaxperia v2 custom rom developed by achyut as instructed from the following thread using cwm
the installation went fine and upon rebooting the phone i could only see the sony xperia logo followed by the xperia animation. i waited for nearly 1h and still there wasn't any change in the screen. PS i had cleared my cache and erased all the data prior to the installation. i tried repeating the same steps over and over for some 2-3 days and its still the same. getting stuck in the same screen. kindly help me out with this.
s advance i9070
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You did factory reset? If yes, redownload ROMs zip, maybe it is corupted.
Послато са GT-I9070 користећи Тапаталк 4
shut_down said:
You did factory reset? If yes, redownload ROMs zip, maybe it is corupted.
Послато са GT-I9070 користећи Тапаталк 4
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i wiped the cache and data prior to the installation. i didnt do the factory reset. unfortunately there isnt any other link to download the rom other this.
do you have any other link where i can download the rom form?
gokul haridas;45935214
i wiped the cache and data prior to the installation.. unfortunately there isnt any other link to download the rom other than this and i don't think so the file is corrupted coz i was able to install. i didnt get any error codes during my installation
do you have any other link where i can download the rom from?[
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which was the previous rom. stock rooted ? or u were using Cyanogen mode or something.if u were using Cynogen mode please flash any custom kernal also ; like cocore e 7 or 8. if u were in stock rooted, ofcourse do a factory reset also
ajeshmanu said:
which was the previous rom. stock rooted ? or u were using Cyanogen mode or something.if u were using Cynogen mode please flash any custom kernal also ; like cocore e 7 or 8. if u were in stock rooted, ofcourse do a factory reset also
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i was on cynagen mode 10.1 prior to my installation. i then wiped my cache and also the data and did a factory reset as well and tried. still it did no help. i am stuck on that same screen where the xperia animation is being played. i then switched to stock jb using odin and the tried installing the same but still the same prob. did it some 10 times or more today. how long did it took for u guys to boot to the rom after installing the galaxperia rom? coz i nearly waited for some 1h and 10 mins back i tried again and m still stuck there where i was earlier.
gokulharidas said:
i was on cynagen mode 10.1 prior to my installation. i then wiped my cache and also the data and did a factory reset as well and tried. still it did no help. i am stuck on that same screen where the xperia animation is being played. i then switched to stock jb using odin and the tried installing the same but still the same prob. did it some 10 times or more today. how long did it took for u guys to boot to the rom after installing the galaxperia rom? coz i nearly waited for some 1h and 10 mins back i tried again and m still stuck there where i was earlier.
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cm has its own kernal.so wen u r flashing another rom after cm, need to install kernal also.in ur case u can use COCORE E 7 OR 8 by cocafe.
so before flashing do factory reset , cache partition and dalvik cache.flash the rom , wen complete flash the kernel also. and it will take hardly 10 min. if no luck then better redownload the rom using any download manager
gokulharidas said:
i was on cynagen mode 10.1 prior to my installation. i then wiped my cache and also the data and did a factory reset as well and tried. still it did no help. i am stuck on that same screen where the xperia animation is being played. i then switched to stock jb using odin and the tried installing the same but still the same prob. did it some 10 times or more today. how long did it took for u guys to boot to the rom after installing the galaxperia rom? coz i nearly waited for some 1h and 10 mins back i tried again and m still stuck there where i was earlier.
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Look on what stockrom it was based
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Phoneboot said:
Look on what stockrom it was based
Sent from my GT-I9070 using xda app-developers app
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stock rom was JB 4.1.2
gokulharidas said:
stock rom was JB 4.1.2
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Yes but xxlqb or ......
I had it installed but i dont know what fw i used and it worked fine, these days i use Harsh jelly
Sent from my GT-I9070 using xda app-developers app
---------- Post added at 04:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:35 PM ----------
I looked it was based on xxlpz rom
Sent from my GT-I9070 using xda app-developers app
Phoneboot said:
Yes but xxlqb or ......
I had it installed but i dont know what fw i used and it worked fine, these days i use Harsh jelly
Sent from my GT-I9070 using xda app-developers app
---------- Post added at 04:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:35 PM ----------
I looked it was based on xxlpz rom
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i am on I9070DDULP8 (indian version)
gokulharidas said:
i am on I9070DDULP8 (indian version)
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Maybe its not compatible with that rom
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Phoneboot said:
Maybe its not compatible with that rom
Sent from my GT-I9070 using xda app-developers app
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hmm maybe.. hows this harshjelly v2.2? will i b able to run it? if so can u provide me the link to? personally i loved this galaxperia rom is there any other rom similar to it or any rom that would give the xperia z or z1 feel on my s advance
gokulharidas said:
hmm maybe.. hows this harshjelly v2.2? will i b able to run it? if so can u provide me the link to? personally i loved this galaxperia rom is there any other rom similar to it or any rom that would give the xperia z or z1 feel on my s advance
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I use Harsh jelly v2.1 with cocore. V8. 0 and it works fine low on battery usage to, i alzo installed xperia keyboard on it
Sent from my GT-I9070 using xda app-developers app
If flashing kernel doesn't work
You can always try to flash stock few through Odin
Or have a backup of any stock with you
You need to be on stock based rom (kernel must be stock) to install another stock based rom. Only way you can install some stock based rom over cm is if that rom has embended stock kernel (or some mod of it like cocore). If you install it over cm kernel you will end up with bootloop. So now it is best to flash stock fw with odin, root, install cocore and than this rom. Or with Universal kernel flash, install cocore from cm and copy rom before booting to recovery. You will not be able to boot into cm after installing cocore. And you must unzip kernel.bin.md5 from cocore zip to be able to install it with Universal kernel flash.
Послато са GT-I9070 користећи Тапаталк 4
Please help, I can't flash any ROM on my phone, CWM says error status 7 and TWRP says symlink error.
I using drummerjed's doedexed .67 v1 and doomkernel v19.
rer3 said:
Please help, I can't flash any ROM on my phone, CWM says error status 7 and TWRP says symlink error.
I using drummerjed's doedexed .67 v1 and doomkernel v19.
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sure you are using the correct rom to flash the phone with ? what roms have you tried?
Unlocked bootloader?
Richy99 said:
sure you are using the correct rom to flash the phone with ? what roms have you tried?
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i don't know if c6603's rom could be flashed to c6602, it's drummerjed's stock fw .67 deodexed v2, and AOSP CARBON ROM every version, i've tried and still fail.
gripfly said:
Unlocked bootloader?
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of course, i'm not that idiot, lol
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rer3 said:
i don't know if c6603's rom could be flashed to c6602, it's drummerjed's stock fw .67 deodexed v2, and AOSP CARBON ROM every version, i've tried and still fail.
of course, i'm not that idiot, lol
Sent from my awesome C6602 using xda-developers app
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1. Now are you using. 67 deodexed or you tryed to flash it?
2. Good to know
gripfly said:
1. Now are you using. 67 deodexed or you tryed to flash it?
2. Good to know
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1. I'm using v1 and now I want to flash v2(less bloatware, the updated version) but I can't flashed it, so I tried another rom (aosp carbon rom) and the problem is still there.
2.you're welcome
Sent from my awesome C6602 using xda-developers app
rer3 said:
1. I'm using v1 and now I want to flash v2(less bloatware, the updated version) but I can't flashed it, so I tried another rom (aosp carbon rom) and the problem is still there.
2.you're welcome
Sent from my awesome C6602 using xda-developers app
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Ok. And do you tryed a clear flash? (dalvik etc. Wiped..)
gripfly said:
Ok. And do you tryed a clear flash? (dalvik etc. Wiped..)
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Wipe data system cache dalvik,wipe cache and dalvik only, didn't wipe anything, I've tried everything, even flashed my original ftf, reroot, install xzdual recovery, re-flashed doomkernel, remove xzdualrecovery, and then flashed the rom with everything wiped, and nothing works.
try re-download the file.. from another mirror .. not from the same download site.
i have this problem
my phone is c6602 bl locked "bootloader unlock permission=no"
i have root my phone and install recovery for c6602 bl locked
i have tried many rom for bl locked and i have error simlinks
sorry for my English, i'm french and bad for language
rer3 have you succes install rom customs?
z750leovince said:
rer3 have you succes install rom customs?
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i was once using aosp carbon rom, older version, i think arround september, before that I used PA 3.6.5, did not satisfied with the sound output, so I'm back to stock rom .244 at that time, and then .67 came out, I tried to flashed but I got the same problem such this time, so I flashed an ftf of my original rom and somehow I could flash the deodexed & zipaligned .67 v1 by drummerjed (I have the nandroid backup of this), and then I tried RomAur v9.1, did not satisfied, Tried to clean flash .67 v2 by drummerjed and this problem is haunting me for at least 3 weeks now. so I restore my .67 backup...
Sent from my awesome C6602 using xda-developers app
z750leovince said:
i have this problem
my phone is c6602 bl locked "bootloader unlock permission=no"
i have root my phone and install recovery for c6602 bl locked
i have tried many rom for bl locked and i have error simlinks
sorry for my English, i'm french and bad for language
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try RomAur it has AROMA installer, maybe you could flash that one, but read the OP carefully, You don't want to risk bricking your phone, do you ? LOL
it's ok, when installing rom with 2.6.3 version of dual recovery, my rom installing with successfull
when use 2.7.28 version i have error simlincks statut 7
z750leovince said:
it's ok, when installing rom with 2.6.3 version of dual recovery, my rom installing with successfull
when use 2.7.28 version i have error simlincks statut 7
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then remove v2.7.28 and install v2.6.3 try if that works, and report back, haha lol
Sent from my awesome C6602 using xda-developers app
i cant install any rom of 4.4 like cm11. aosp, aokp , Carbon kitkat.
i use all instruccions , i wipe system ,data, cache, dalvik
i always get a bootloot, never boot android, it freeze on the logo.
i alredy try Nayakkernel and wont boot too.
please help me
Did you unlock your bootloader?
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noahvt said:
Did you unlock your bootloader?
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yes, i have unloocked bootloader
my trouble was i was installing: using .201 firmware it does not load any rom,
i flash .266 fw and later install cmw and later the rom
i Have Rom vanirAOSP and the rom it very fast, i like it
Flash first the boot.I'm inside ur cmrom.zip in fastbootmode and then boot in the recovery and flash ur rom.
Gesendet von meinem Xperia SP
It's about this thread:
is it possible to flash this rom via flashtool only or do i need recovery to flash this rom. Now i'm on 4.4.2 .230 stock without root an cwm/twrp. Last time i manually updatet my xperia to the newest rom, which was the 4.4.2, i just flashed the stock rom over the existing rom. After that i did a factory reset.
Thanks a lot for help
Sent from my C6603
ShellingFord91 said:
It's about this thread:
is it possible to flash this rom via flashtool only or do i need recovery to flash this rom. Now i'm on 4.4.2 .230 stock without root an cwm/twrp. Last time i manually updatet my xperia to the newest rom, which was the 4.4.2, i just flashed the stock rom over the existing rom. After that i did a factory reset.
Thanks a lot for help
Sent from my C6603
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you have to flash the rom from recovery
Read the steps "better" please and your answer is no, you cant flash that rom with flashtool !
Send from my XZ With My Own Personal Modified MoonWalker SuperB !
Thanks for help
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Hi does this rom works on xperia zl(C6503) i'm eagerly waiting to know because in that thread it's mentioned its for xperia z.Thank you
RaDi004 said:
Hi does this rom works on xperia zl(C6503) i'm eagerly waiting to know because in that thread it's mentioned its for xperia z.Thank you
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No buddy u cannot its only for xz c6602 nd c6603
Sent from my C6603 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Thank you
Hi Thanks for the reply my friend. I wont brick my device then :good:
Hi, iam new to all these custom rom installation thing.but wanted to install exiztenz real bad on my phone.currently my phone is rooted, recovery installed and locked bootloader.205 build.please help
Sent from my C5302 using Tapatalk
Reboot in recovery, wipe data, cache and dakvik cache and finally flash the rom that's all
mystogan97 said:
hi, iam new to all these custom rom installation thing.but wanted to install exiztenz real bad on my phone.currently my phone is rooted, recovery installed and locked bootloader.205 build.please help
sent from my c5302 using tapatalk
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no more update for existen z sad