[PLACEHOLDER: HTC ONE M8] Newest Firmware WITH Modified HBOOT, (No Red warning) - One (M8) Android Development

Hi Everyone,
This firmware is WITH OUT the development disclaimer overlay:
This build is for
development purposes only
Do not distribute outside of HTC
without HTC's written permission.
Failure to comply may
lead to legal action.​
** With Latest Radio **
Upgrade your HTC Sync to if you flash this firmware..
FirmwareXXXXX, NO Red Warning, --md5: -- 8f3a59cdbcc84b9ff2319495eee6ae98
These Firmwares DO NOT delete the contents in SD Card. But please make a back up before flashing for safety.
**N.B. Thanks and Donations are most welcome **
Requirements for flashing: S-OFF
Please Follow the instructions carefully!! Otherwise you may BRICK your device.
Please note that it is for the HTC One M7 UL Only. Not Tested with Sprint Version!!
You may change the MID (at your own risk) in the android-info.txt attached and replace the one inside the firmware.zip if you have another MID.
If you have Super CID "11111111", you don't need to worry about the CID lists inside the android-info.txt file
Dear All,
I have noted a lot downloads of the firmware and most of them just don't even bother clicking thanks :silly:
I appreciate your encouragements and appreciation for my work so that it will give motivation to keep all you updated.
Thanks a lot for everyone contributed..
To Check ModelIDs:
adb reboot bootloader
----- Mobile reboots---
fastboot getvar all
----Check the following line in the command window: INFOmodelid: PN0714000----
Steps for flashing:
Windows users, need to do these steps first:
- move the file you downloaded and renamed (firmware.zip) to the C:\adb\ folder.
- next, in the C:\adb\ folder hold down SHIFT key and RIGHT-CLICK and select "Open command window here".
Next, plug in phone to PC and type this in terminal/command prompt:
adb reboot bootloader
----- Mobile reboots---
Now type:
fastboot reboot-bootloader
After that, type:
fastboot oem rebootRUU
Note: You should see a silver HTC logo come up on your phone after executing this command.
Note: if this command freezes, just disconnect the USB cable and hold the power and volume down buttons until the device reboots. Then, repeat the steps above again.
fastboot flash zip C:\adb\firmware.zip
Got this:
sending 'zip' (24557 KB)... OKAY [ 3.053s]
writing 'zip'... INFOzip header checking...
INFOzip info parsing...
INFOchecking model ID...
INFOchecking custom ID...
INFOstart image[hboot] unzipping for pre-update check...
INFOstart image[hboot] flushing...
INFO...... Successful
FAILED (remote: 90 hboot pre-update! please flush image again immediately)
finished. total time: 4.681s
Repeat the same command: !! IMPORTANT !! -- PLEASE WAIT A FEW SECONDS BEFORE ISSUING THE COMMAND AGAIN; Otherwise the cmd prompt will be non-responsive saying "Sending data...", If this happens, try disconnecting the USB cable and reconnect.
fastboot flash zip C:\adb\firmware.zip
You will see this:
sending 'zip' (24840 KB)... OKAY [ 3.233s]
writing 'zip'... INFOzip header checking...
INFOzip info parsing...
INFOchecking model ID...
INFOchecking custom ID...
INFOstart image[rpm] unzipping & flushing...
INFO...... Successful
INFOstart image[sbl1-1] unzipping & flushing...
INFOsignature checking...
INFOverified fail
INFO..... Bypassed
INFOstart image[sbl1-2] unzipping & flushing...
INFOsignature checking...
INFOverified fail
INFO..... Bypassed
INFOstart image[sbl1-3] unzipping & flushing...
INFOsignature checking...
INFO...... Successful
INFOstart image[sbl2] unzipping & flushing...
INFO...... Successful
INFOstart image[sbl3] unzipping & flushing...
INFO...... Successful
INFOstart image[tp] unzipping & flushing...
INFO..... Bypassed
INFOstart image[tz] unzipping & flushing...
INFO...... Successful
INFOstart image[radio] unzipping & flushing...
INFO...... Successful
INFOstart image[rcdata] unzipping & flushing...
INFO...... Successful
OKAY [ 16.837s]
finished. total time: 20.072s
Note:The green bar on the phone may not go to 100% of the bar ... but If you see completed on your computer command window, wait for a few seconds and move on.
Last Step:
fastboot reboot
Then I went back to the bootloader mode (after the phone reboots successfully):
If Boot-Loop Occurs*:
fastboot erase cache
Restart in boot-loader to check whether everything is fine*:
adb reboot bootloader
--Phone reboots into bootloader--
fastboot getvar all
The resulting variable may look like this:
INFOversion: 0.5
INFOversion-bootloader: 1.56.0000
INFOversion-baseband: 4A.23.3263.28
INFOversion-cpld: None
INFOversion-microp: None
INFOversion-main: 4.19.401.9
INFOversion-misc: PVT SHIP S-OFF
INFOmeid: 00000000000000
INFOproduct: m7_ul
INFOplatform: HBOOT-8064
INFOmodelid: PN0714000
INFObattery-voltage: 4129mV
INFOpartition-layout: Generic
INFOsecurity: off
INFObuild-mode: SHIP
INFOcommitno-bootloader: dirty-4dab9d12
INFOhbootpreupdate: 11
INFOgencheckpt: 0
all: Done!
Q: Do I need S-OFF for firmware flashing?
A: YES, It is a must.
Q: Do I need to update my firmware?
A: NO, but updating firmware ensures optimal phone performance.
Q: Does it matter when I flash the firmware (before or after new ROM install)
A: No.
Q: Will updating the firmware erase my SD card or Apps?
A: No, The firmware files provided here does not erase none of those.
Q: If I only flash the ROM, will I get updated to the latest firmware?
A: No. You must flash the firmware separate in most cases.
Q: Can I install a UL edition firmware on a U edition phone?
A: Yes (may be), but you won't have LTE or may experience some other incompatibilities.
Possible Errors while flashing:
If it says "FAILED" do not immediately reboot the device. If you reboot with a FAIL it could brick your device! Listed below error are safe to reboot:
If you encounter one of them, you can just reboot. Nothing changes.
- 12 signature fail (means a signed firmware package is required. This would only happen with S-ON phones though. but safe to reboot)
- 23 parsing image fail (means something wrong with the image in the zip)
- 32 header error (means the zip couldn’t be read and unzipped properly)
- 41 Wrong Model ID (means the MODEL ID in the android-info.txt does not match with your device. you can reboot the device. You may change the MID manually in the android-info.txt at your own risk.)
- 42 Wrong Customer ID (means you need to include the CID of your device in the android-info.txt or change the CID to superCID.)
- 99 UNKOWN (is not yet clear but safe to reboot)
DON'T reboot until you get a success message if you get an error bellow:
- 90 hboot pre-update (means it only flashed hboot and you have to run the process again immediately to flash all other partitions. Don’t reboot before repeating the command. If the command window stuck in the middle for a long time, wait for a few minutes and please unplug the USB and replug it again. Repeat the command again. DON'T reboot until you get a success message.)​
Editing android-info.txt​​
- Use an Editor that doesn't doesn't alter the linebreaks. Don't use Windows Notepad. Use Notepad++
- Only one MID can be in the file.
- CID's can easily be added or removed- one per line
fastboot oem writecid 11111111
RUU Mode is the mode used for RUU flashes by HTC. It is different from the normal fastboot. You must flash the firmware only in RUU Mode. The RUU mode can be identified by the black background with only a silver HTC logo and if a command is being active a green progress bar will show the progress of any command being excecuted.
For Further Reading​Some more useful threads that might be helpful to you:
- Mike1986’s Firmware thread
- Vomer’s ultimate guide thread
- hes_theone64’s radio flash guide for recovery
- chrisch1974's HOW-TO Flash a custom splash screen
- Sneakyghost's Firmware Flashing & Hboots red warning gone thread
- HTC ONE Partition List:
- Mike1986 Partition explanation:
You must be aware that writing to the bootloader -partition increases your risk to lose the device exponentially. You understand and agree that i cannot be held responsible for such or any other damages. The flash process is theoretically safe and tested. I will not accept any responsibility. The method itself is developed by Google and HTC, i have only adapted it and you execute it. You understand that you should not do it if you are not willing to accept this risk.​
For More info, about Super CID, S-OFF and Firmware update process, check this thread:
[Guide] Vomer's Ultimate AIO - S-OFF, SuperCID, Firmware Upgrade & Custom Recovery
Thanks @vomer and @Sneakyghost


'Please note that it is for the HTC One M7 UL Only.'
is this a typo or true :silly:

Is this for the wrong device? or am i just being special?

its a placeholder although, really not needed, since the devs who will be responsible for s-off will likely make their own thread

Thread closed as its only a placeholder.
When the OP has something to share he can ask one of the forum mods to reopen it or report the thread and ask that it is reopened.


[Q] HTC Incredible S Stucked at Bootloader

Guys.. I'm in deep Trouble..
I was taking back my phone to stock by following the above link.. I did s-off to So-on.. But stucked at boot loader with Security warning..
The message shows is
****Security warning ****
Radio - 3822.10.08.28_M
I was using RUU_VIVO_SENSE30_S_HTC_WWE_3.08.405.3_Radio_20.4802.30.0822U_3822.10.08.28_M_release_227170_signed
shipped Rom..
My mainver is Shows in CMD - INFOversion-main : 2.30.405.1
Please Help me Guys..!! I'm stucked..!!
Please Help guys..~~
If your mainver is 2.30.405.1 you will need this RUU http://www.filefactory.com/file/c0a...5AU_3805.06.03.03_M_release_199308_signed.exe
You are using Windows, I gues. Follow this steps to install ADB and fastboot. (Extract the files to C:\Android like it says)
The next part should not be hard, since you already did this I gues. Run the RUU and when it is de-compressed to not press anyting and copy the rom.zip folder from your TEMP folder to C:\Android
Connect your phone to your pc/laptop in fastboot usb mode.
Open up cmd on your pc and use the following commands
cd C:\Android
fastboot erase cache
fastboot oem rebootRUU
fastboot flash zip rom.zip
That should work, because the same thing happend to me
Did Everything what you said..? But still i gets the same error message..
C:\Android>fastboot erase cache
erasing 'cache'... OKAY [ 0.144s]
finished. total time: 0.144s
C:\Android>fastboot oem rebootRUU
... OKAY [ 0.188s]
finished. total time: 0.188s
C:\Android>fastboot flash zip rom.zip
sending 'zip' (257756 KB)... OKAY [ 43.671s]
writing 'zip'... INFOadopting the signature contained in this i
INFOsignature checking...
INFOzip header checking...
INFOzip info parsing...
INFOchecking model ID...
INFOchecking custom ID...
FAILED (remote: 42 custom id check fail)
finished. total time: 84.377s
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use a gold card
I'm in Fasboot mode..!! I cant create goldcard from here..
kannanz said:
I'm in Fasboot mode..!! I cant create goldcard from here..
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Post the output from
fastboot getvar all
minus imei and serial number.
Edit: you can use a gold card created in any android phone.
Here's it..
INFOversion: 0.5
INFOversion-bootloader: 2.00.0000
INFOversion-baseband: 3822.10.08.28_M
INFOversion-cpld: None
INFOversion-microp: None
INFOversion-main: 2.30.405.1
INFOserialno: ********
INFOimei: **************
INFOproduct: vivo
INFOplatform: HBOOT-7630
INFOmodelid: PG3213000
INFOcidnum: HTC__038
INFObattery-status: good
INFObattery-voltage: 4158mV
INFOpartition-layout: Generic
INFOsecurity: on
INFObuild-mode: SHIP
INFOcommitno-bootloader: dirty-af9874be
INFOhbootpreupdate: 12
INFOgencheckpt: 0
all: Done!
finished. total time: 0.029s
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kannanz said:
Here's it..
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There's no ruu posted anywhere for India. Try to create gold card in a friends phone or try this link for info http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=731424 you might need to enter recovery mode for adb commands to work
Ahh..!! Atlast Created Goldcard with my friends Htc and Patched Using Goldcard tool.. Now Working fine..
Thanks a Lot..
I know your problem is fixed but did you read this thread? Hope it helped
kannanz said:
Ahh..!! Atlast Created Goldcard with my friends Htc and Patched Using Goldcard tool.. Now Working fine..
Thanks a Lot..
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Hi I got the same error as u except that my hboot is 1.16.0000. I have a gold card but i still got the failed error like yours. Help?
Mooseolly2 said:
Hi I got the same error as u except that my hboot is 1.16.0000. I have a gold card but i still got the failed error like yours. Help?
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What error code are yo getting when you try to flash a RUU?

HTC One problem after install google edition

Hello all, first thank you for everything you provide us.
Second, sorry for mine english.
I have new HTC One (sprint) and love it, but about one week after buy it now i can't use it
After unlock and root phone i was have no problems, but before two weeks i was try to install google stock edition, step by step.. from tutorial.
After uploading this google edition zip file to the phone and select it from TWRP recovery to install this file, the phone was go to restart and show google logo and this is all... after hours waiting... the phone show only google logo.
I know for mistakes i was doing, in the tutorial i skip step about changing CID...
After this i was trying with RUU program for HTC One sprint - after many downloaded RUUs everyone in the end says - version incorrect.
I was try to flash new firmware in RUU mode, firmware is flashing correct, fastboot command return that flash is completed successful, but the progress line below HTC logo going to about 90% and stop.
When i go to TWRP and try to do anything like wipe or format or mount anything... phone say:
E:Unable to mount '/cache'
E:Unable to mount '/system'
E:Unable to mount '/cache'
E:TWFunc: :Copy_log -- Can't open destination lo
Here is some information that i read in bootloader:
RELOCKED (i was lock to be able to install new firmware)
eMMC-boot 2048MB
Sep 18 2013, 15:46:04.0
Please help me to restore my phone to work again
Follow this guide, and best time only flash Sprint Roms
Sent from my HTCONE using xda app-developers app
Thank you Konfuzion
Thanks Konfuzion,
you help me to go step up,
but again ruu i failed at the end, because hboot version incorrect
C:\fastboot\platform-tools>fastboot flash zip romruu.zip
target reported max download size of 1526722560 bytes
sending 'zip' (1029724 KB)...
OKAY [ 42.198s]
writing 'zip'...
(bootloader) adopting the signature contained in this imag
(bootloader) signature checking...
(bootloader) rom parsing start ...
(bootloader) rom parsing finish ...
(bootloader) zip header checking...
(bootloader) zip info parsing...
(bootloader) checking model ID...
(bootloader) checking custom ID...
(bootloader) checking main version...
(bootloader) checking hboot version...
FAILED (remote: 44 hboot version check fail)
finished. total time: 148.907s
About 7 hours i try to find something in forum that will help me, but without success.
Can you or somebody help me
vasilmitov said:
Thanks Konfuzion,
you help me to go step up,
but again ruu i failed at the end, because hboot version incorrect
C:\fastboot\platform-tools>fastboot flash zip romruu.zip
target reported max download size of 1526722560 bytes
sending 'zip' (1029724 KB)...
OKAY [ 42.198s]
writing 'zip'...
(bootloader) adopting the signature contained in this imag
(bootloader) signature checking...
(bootloader) rom parsing start ...
(bootloader) rom parsing finish ...
(bootloader) zip header checking...
(bootloader) zip info parsing...
(bootloader) checking model ID...
(bootloader) checking custom ID...
(bootloader) checking main version...
(bootloader) checking hboot version...
FAILED (remote: 44 hboot version check fail)
finished. total time: 148.907s
About 7 hours i try to find something in forum that will help me, but without success.
Can you or somebody help me
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you cant flash zip with/from fastboot
try this method
unlock the phone first "fastboot flash unlocktoken Unlock_code.bin", "fastboot erase cache"
flash custom recovery "fastboot flash recovery customrecoveryNAME.img"
download naked drivers for htc one http://dl.xda-developers.com/attach...1/9/3/4/8/1/4/Universal_Naked_Driver_0.72.zip but first delate/uninstal all htc drivers
download badboyz room for sprint htc one http://download1384.mediafire.com/kshtoo0psuvg/wa46yit8ls5wu1q/Bad_Boyz_Sprint_ONE_v1.1.zip
put this zip to your phone with adb "adb push Bad_Boyz_Sprint_ONE_v1.1.zip /sdcard//Bad_Boyz_Sprint_ONE_v1.1.zip"
boot into recovery instal Bad_Boyz_Sprint_ONE_v1.1.zip
it should work
Thank you lafomamone,
Thank you lafomamone,
this solve my problems,
finally my phone work again
I'm professional video-editor and graphic designer, if you need something to do for you i will be happy to write me.
Thx :victory:
vasilmitov said:
Thanks Konfuzion,
you help me to go step up,
but again ruu i failed at the end, because hboot version incorrect
C:\fastboot\platform-tools>fastboot flash zip romruu.zip
target reported max download size of 1526722560 bytes
sending 'zip' (1029724 KB)...
OKAY [ 42.198s]
writing 'zip'...
(bootloader) adopting the signature contained in this imag
(bootloader) signature checking...
(bootloader) rom parsing start ...
(bootloader) rom parsing finish ...
(bootloader) zip header checking...
(bootloader) zip info parsing...
(bootloader) checking model ID...
(bootloader) checking custom ID...
(bootloader) checking main version...
(bootloader) checking hboot version...
FAILED (remote: 44 hboot version check fail)
finished. total time: 148.907s
About 7 hours i try to find something in forum that will help me, but without success.
Can you or somebody help me
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RUU fails because you need to be S-Off to flash the RUU it is a downgrade to 1.44...you have hboot 1.55, I dont know if there is a way to get S-off yet with 1,55, search threads to get S-off, then you will be able to flash the RUU
This is why I love this forum. I'm still in the noob starter program lol, so I don't post much at all yet, but the info you guys provide is priceless. Thank you THANK YOU very much!
did you try to use your HTC one from sprint on att network or any GSM net work with GOOGE EDITION stock android ? Please let me know. because i about to buy HTC one from sprint then convert to google edtion then use on ATT network.

Stuck in Bootloader

I got this used HTC one. I had google edition ROM on it when I got it. Then I flashed AR HD Rom on it. Everything was going fine till I decided to flash the latest firmware since I wanted to go to ARHD 30 and everyone seems to recommend to flash the new firmware.
I was going thru the normal steps and saw that I need to relock my device. I did this:
C:\Program Files\Android\sdk\platform-tools>fastboot oem lock
(bootloader) Lock successfully...
(bootloader) mipi display off
(bootloader) mipi_dsi_cmds_tx_ext
(bootloader) pm8921_vreg_disable function, vreg_id = 38
(bootloader) pm8921_vreg_disable function, vreg_id = 1
(bootloader) TZ_HTC_SVC_DISABLE ret = 534642044 (0x1FDDFD7C)
(bootloader) Use PSHOLD to reset device.
FAILED (status read failed (Too many links))
finished. total time: 1.110s
After this I noticed that I had relocked written in fastboot mode even though it said failed. So tried the next step:
C:\Program Files\Android\sdk\platform-tools>fastboot oem rebootRUU
(bootloader) Start Verify: 3
OKAY [ 0.036s]
finished. total time: 0.040s
C:\Program Files\Android\sdk\platform-tools>fastboot flash zip firmware.zip
sending 'zip' (28338 KB)...
OKAY [ 2.566s]
writing 'zip'...
(bootloader) signature checking...
FAILED (remote: 12 signature verify fail)
finished. total time: 5.843s
And any step that I try it fails. The most unfortunate thing is I can only boot in fastboot & bootloader mode. I can't go in recovery neither can I boot normally. These are my phone details:
(bootloader) version: 0.5
(bootloader) version-bootloader: 1.44.0000
(bootloader) version-baseband: 4A.18.3263.15
(bootloader) version-cpld: None
(bootloader) version-microp: None
(bootloader) version-main: 1.26.502.15
(bootloader) version-misc: PVT SHIP S-ON
(bootloader) meid: 00000000000000
(bootloader) product: m7_ul
(bootloader) platform: HBOOT-8064
(bootloader) modelid: PN0712000
(bootloader) cidnum: CWS__001
(bootloader) battery-status: good
(bootloader) battery-voltage: 4137mV
(bootloader) partition-layout: Generic
(bootloader) security: on
(bootloader) build-mode: SHIP
(bootloader) boot-mode: FASTBOOT
getvar:all FAILED (status read failed (Too many links))
finished. total time: 0.057s
I looked up online tried flashing recovery but now any step that I try to do in fastboot fails with following message:
(bootloader) signature checking...
FAILED (remote: 12 signature verify fail)
I saw in some places people mentioned to use RUU. Not sure what it is but if some one can point me to a correct RUU or let me know any other steps it would be greatly appreciated. My phone is almost bricked now since i can't go past fastboot/bootloader.
awaitforitb said:
(bootloader) version-bootloader: 1.44.0000
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You have no idea how lucky you are. Before you do anything, get S-OFF using revone. Just go into CWM (or re-flash recovery) so you can use adb. Once you have s-off, follow my guide :
This guide requires S-OFF​Important
*** If there are files you need to keep, you can always use adb pull to get them out before hand (let's say a nandroid backup or something important)
This guide assumes you have knowledge about how adb and fastboot command work and that your HTC drivers are up to date.
I am in NO WAY responsible for any possible damage that may happen to your phone, I am only trying to help
Start your phone in bootloader by typing
adb reboot bootloader
or by other means.
Select "Fastboot" so that it appears in red instead of HBOOT
On your computer, make sure fastboot sees your device, then type
fastboot erase cache
fastboot erase cache
fastboot erase userdata
fastboot erase system
fastboot erase linux
fastboot erase recovery
fastboot erase cache
fastboot reboot-bootloader
Download the new firmware.zip
fastboot oem rebootRUU
Once it's rebooted on a silver HTC logo, type :
fastboot flash zip [pathonyourcomputer/firmware.zip]
Wait until it is done on your computer. The green line on the phone will never reach the end.
fastboot reboot-bootloader
Reflash your recovery (I recommend CWM). Might as well play it safe.
fastboot flash recovery [pathonyourcomputer/recovery.img]
Reboot into recovery (select the option in fastboot)
Wipe data/factory reset (you will loose everythng)
Select "Wipe Cache partition"
Select "Advanced -> Wipe Dalvik Cache"
Now you have 2 options :
Push (Preferred)
While in recovery, type
adb push [path/rom.zip] /sdcard/rom.zip
Select "Install zip"
Select "Choose zip from sdcard"
Voila ! You should be good to go !
Sideload (If you can't push for some reason)
Select "Install zip"
Select "Install zip from sideload"
adb sideload [path/rom.zip]
Voila ! You should be good to go !
attanasi0 said:
You have no idea how lucky you are. Before you do anything, get S-OFF using revone. Just go into CWM (or re-flash recovery) so you can use adb. Once you have s-off, follow my guide :
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I agree with the S-Off part, just check the date of your bootloader it has to be pre June 2013. Also, in order for revone to work you need a functioning ROM (4.1.2... 4.3 will NOT work). Do you have one functioning device, or are you "stuck in bootloader" as the title says.
You could run the RUU found on androidruu http://www.androidruu.com/?developer=M7, I believe yours would be http://www.androidruu.com/getdownlo....20_10.40.1150.04_release_326691_signed_2.exe
That's an exe you run directly from your PC, and it will walk you through the steps, this will wipe your phone completely! and restore everything back to 100% stock.
After that you should get S-Off, and then proceed to whatever your end goal is.
@attanasi0 just a couple of questions, why do you recommend all the "fastboot erase userdata/linux/system/recovery" ?
Also, please remember that when using "fastboot flash zip <name of firmware>.zip", in most cases, you have to do it twice after each other, the first will push the zip and say "failed, flush image again" (or something along those lines), the second flash will actually start the installation and should report success.
I usually use firmwares from @vomer's guide: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2365506 as they have the dzdata files removed, as well as the stock boot.img and recovery.img removed.
nkk71 said:
@attanasi0 just a couple of questions, why do you recommend all the "fastboot erase userdata/linux/system/recovery" ?
Also, please remember that when using "fastboot flash zip <name of firmware>.zip", in most cases, you have to do it twice after each other, the first will push the zip and say "failed, flush image again" (or something along those lines), the second flash will actually start the installation and should report success.
I usually use firmwares from @vomer's guide: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2365506 as they have the dzdata files removed, as well as the stock boot.img and recovery.img removed.
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You're about pushing the zip at first, forgot about that.
I honestly don't know why I recommend that. I guess it's to make sure the phone is a clean slate and no conflict will be created TL;DR : Paranoia

TWRP Won't Boot After Firmware Update

I pushed the latest recovery found here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...light=firmware which went fine. Afterwards I went to reboot to recovery and flash the updated radio and the "Entering Recovery" message displays but never loads TWRP. The phone then reboots and loads the ROM.
Note: I did receive an initial error message and then re-ran the firmware flash. Various things stated they were bypassed:
Initial push:
sending 'zip' (39722 KB)... OKAY [ 4.738s]
writing 'zip'... INFOzip header checking...
INFOshift signature_size for header checking...
INFOzip info parsing...
INFOchecking model ID...
INFOchecking custom ID...
INFOstart image[hboot] unzipping for pre-update check...
INFOstart image[hboot] flushing...
INFO...... Successful
FAILED (remote: 90 hboot pre-update! please flush image again immediately)
finished. total time: 6.405s
Subsequent pushes:
INFOstart image[sbl1-1] unzipping & flushing...
INFOsignature checking...
INFOverified fail
INFO..... Bypassed
INFOstart image[sbl1-2] unzipping & flushing...
INFOsignature checking...
INFOverified fail
INFO..... Bypassed
Once the flash finishes, the device sits there with the black screen and HTC logo with the green progress bar about 95% of the way across and refuses to move. It requires a fastboot reboot-bootloader command.
I've tried the fastboot erase cache, fastboot flash recovery RECOVERYFILE, fastboot erase cache method to no avail. I've even tried different versions of TWRP.
Any ideas?
EDIT: PEBKAC. Made the mistake of grabbing the recovery for the M7 and not the M7wls for Sprint. Sigh. Issue resolved.
EDIT: It now looks like the cache partition isn't mounting correctly. How do I go about getting it partitioned correctly? -- Killed it all in TWRP with fixing permissions, wiping cache/dalvik a few times.
Flash the stock recovery, do a factory reset and reflash TWRP

[Q] Soft Brick - ADB Push/Sideload; ROM is "corrupt"

Hello gentlemen,
I'm the noob that wiped his OS without installing a new one--yea, that guy. :laugh:
Long story short: I'm using TWRP and trying to sideload or push via ADB a new ROM onto the M7. I've tried a stock rom and two other well renowned ROMS. Each time, though it pushes over or sideloads, it fails install because the file is "corrupt." I searched the forums and web to get up to where I'm at, but can't get further. I also tried that other recovery CWM or whatever it is--that one had a similar error, though it didn't say corrupt (I can get that info if it'd help you help me).
Thanks in advance. I'll send some bitcoin to whoever gets my case solved. :fingers-crossed:
Code in TWRP is as follows:
Updating partition details...
Full Selinux support is present.
Starting ADB sideload feature...
Installing '/data/media/sideload.zip'...
Checking for MD5 file...
Skipping MD5 check: no MD5 file found.
E: Zip file is corrupt!
Updating partition details...
seth22h said:
Hello gentlemen,
I'm the noob that wiped his OS without installing a new one--yea, that guy. :laugh:
Long story short: I'm using TWRP and trying to sideload or push via ADB a new ROM onto the M7. I've tried a stock rom and two other well renowned ROMS. Each time, though it pushes over or sideloads, it fails install because the file is "corrupt." I searched the forums and web to get up to where I'm at, but can't get further. I also tried that other recovery CWM or whatever it is--that one had a similar error, though it didn't say corrupt (I can get that info if it'd help you help me).
Thanks in advance. I'll send some bitcoin to whoever gets my case solved. :fingers-crossed:
Code in TWRP is as follows:
Updating partition details...
Full Selinux support is present.
Starting ADB sideload feature...
Installing '/data/media/sideload.zip'...
Checking for MD5 file...
Skipping MD5 check: no MD5 file found.
E: Zip file is corrupt!
Updating partition details...
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Your output of fastboot getvar all (remove IMEI) .. also the exact command you are running for sideload?
SaHiLzZ said:
Your output of fastboot getvar all (remove IMEI) .. also the exact command you are running for sideload?
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getvar all:
seths-air:android sethhoskins$ ./fastboot getvar all
(bootloader) version: 0.5
(bootloader) version-bootloader: 1.44.0000
(bootloader) version-baseband: 4A.14.3250.13
(bootloader) version-cpld: None
(bootloader) version-microp: None
(bootloader) version-main: 1.29.1540.17
(bootloader) version-misc: PVT SHIP S-OFF
(bootloader) serialno: HT34HW902411
(bootloader) imei: lololololololol
(bootloader) meid: 00000000000000
(bootloader) product: m7_ul
(bootloader) platform: HBOOT-8064
(bootloader) modelid: PN0712000
(bootloader) cidnum: 11111111
(bootloader) battery-status: good
(bootloader) battery-voltage: 4306mV
(bootloader) partition-layout: Generic
(bootloader) security: off
(bootloader) build-mode: SHIP
(bootloader) boot-mode: FASTBOOT
ERROR: usb_read failed with status e00002e8
getvar:all FAILED (status read failed (No such file or directory))
finished. total time: 0.064s
As for the sideload, i'm following a set of instructions, "How to Fix a Soft-Bricked HTC One by Flashing a New ROM via ADB" from HTC-One Wonder How To website.
It seems to work and send through. In terminal:
./adb kill-server
./adb usb
./adb devices (to ensure device shows up)
./adb sideload *name of ROM*
Then sideload starts, showing percent complete, etc. Then once complete, it fails in the device with the TWRP output in the OP.
Change CID to BS_US001 and flash this while in bootloader mode.. http://www.htc1guru.com/dld/ruu_m7_ul_jb_50_brightstarus_wwe_1-29-1540-16-exe/
You will need a Windows machine..
SaHiLzZ said:
Change CID to BS_US001 and flash this while in bootloader mode..
You will need a Windows machine..
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How do I change the CID?
What am I flashing there? What ROM/version of android?
No way to do this on a mac? (No windows, no access to one)
seth22h said:
How do I change the CID?
What am I flashing there? What ROM/version of android?
No way to do this on a mac? (No windows, no access to one)
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The same way you changed it to 11111111
You were going to be flashing a RUU of the same version as per your fastboot output main-ver. However, this is this file that I found that you can use on a mac.
Download it.. and flash it with..
fastboot oem rebootRUU
fastboot flash zip filename.zip
fastboot flash zip filename.zip (twice.)
fastboot reboot
SaHiLzZ said:
The same way you changed it to 11111111
You were going to be flashing a RUU of the same version as per your fastboot output main-ver. However, this is this file that I found that you can use on a mac.
Download it.. and flash it with..
fastboot oem rebootRUU
fastboot flash zip filename.zip
fastboot flash zip filename.zip (twice.)
fastboot reboot
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Sorry man, I didn't change it to '111111111'. I bought this thing used and it was already unlocked. Please help me out on that.
I'll then try those commands.
So that will install a new OS? (I was convince by the internets I had to use ADB because I have no OS on the device and it's wiped).
Thanks man!
Read this, its my thread and I did the same thing myself, its much easier to do it this way than sideload.
Seanie280672 said:
Read this, its my thread and I did the same thing myself, its much easier to do it this way than sideload.
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I tried adb push. The problem is the .zip file keeps failing to install because it's "corrupt."
Try downloading the zip file again, other than that try and get hold of the guru reset zip for your phone, however as you are S-OFF you can download any Rom for your phone and push it and flash it.
Fastboot oem writecid BS_US001
Seanie280672 said:
Try downloading the zip file again, other than that try and get hold of the guru reset zip for your phone, however as you are S-OFF you can download any Rom for your phone and push it and flash it.
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I tried re-downloading multiple ROM multiple times.
SaHiLzZ said:
Fastboot oem writecid BS_US001
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Thanks for the command. So the only way you know of to fix this is on a Windows?
seth22h said:
Thanks for the command. So the only way you know of to fix this is on a Windows?
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No .. my second reply is with a zip file. Its higher than what you have but as it is a zip file, it will work on MAC
SaHiLzZ said:
No .. my second reply is with a zip file. Its higher than what you have but as it is a zip file, it will work on MAC
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Sorry -- forgot you listed another. I will try this after work today and follow up.
SaHiLzZ said:
The same way you changed it to 11111111
You were going to be flashing a RUU of the same version as per your fastboot output main-ver. However, this is this file that I found that you can use on a mac.
Download it.. and flash it with..
fastboot oem rebootRUU
fastboot flash zip filename.zip
fastboot flash zip filename.zip (twice.)
fastboot reboot
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So I downloaded that RUU, but it was some weird video file..?
Weird. Need different link.
SaHiLzZ said:
No .. my second reply is with a zip file. Its higher than what you have but as it is a zip file, it will work on MAC
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Tried it with a different ROM (sorry, impatient) and it failed:
seths-air:android sethhoskins$ ./Fastboot oem writecid BS_US001
(bootloader) Start Verify: 0
OKAY [ 0.022s]
finished. total time: 0.022s
seths-air:android sethhoskins$ ./fastboot devices
HT34HW902411 fastboot
seths-air:android sethhoskins$ ./fastboot oem rebootRUU
(bootloader) Start Verify: 0
OKAY [ 0.047s]
finished. total time: 0.047s
seths-air:android sethhoskins$ ./fastboot flash zip M7_UL_JB43_50_Cingular_3.10.502.2.zip
./fastboot flash zip M7_UL_JB43_50_Cingular_3.10.502.2.zip
./fastboot rebootsending 'zip' (1153504 KB)...
OKAY [ 46.191s]
writing 'zip'...
(bootloader) zip header checking...
(bootloader) zip info parsing...
(bootloader) checking model ID...
(bootloader) checking custom ID...
FAILED (remote: 42 custom id check fail)
finished. total time: 46.683s
seths-air:android sethhoskins$ ./fastboot flash zip M7_UL_JB43_50_Cingular_3.10.502.2.zip
sending 'zip' (1153504 KB)...
OKAY [ 46.531s]
writing 'zip'...
(bootloader) zip header checking...
(bootloader) zip info parsing...
(bootloader) checking model ID...
(bootloader) checking custom ID...
FAILED (remote: 42 custom id check fail)
finished. total time: 47.026s
seths-air:android sethhoskins$ ./fastboot reboot
finished. total time: 0.035s
X.X.502.X - CINGULAR/ATT US - needs a CID of CWS__001
You can try that
---------- Post added at 12:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:49 AM ----------
Alternate link> http://www.htc1guru.com/dld/ruu-zip...r_brightstarus_wwe_3-22-1540-1-decrypted-zip/< This one Needs BS_US001 as your CID
SaHiLzZ said:
X.X.502.X - CINGULAR/ATT US - needs a CID of CWS__001
You can try that
---------- Post added at 12:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:49 AM ----------
Alternate link> http://www.htc1guru.com/dld/ruu-zip...r_brightstarus_wwe_3-22-1540-1-decrypted-zip/< This one Needs BS_US001 as your CID
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Downloading now. That's the same CID as before, by the way.
I'm going with the link RUU, not the one you named (and didn't link). Same command as before.
All correct?

