Hey y'all, I was thinking to myself.. is it possible to restore a stock rom from a CWM backup? Would it work properly?
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Yes if you have converted file system to ext4
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St3fanH2 said:
Hey y'all, I was thinking to myself.. is it possible to restore a stock rom from a CWM backup? Would it work properly?
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You need to convert your partition file system to "rfs" not ext. Otherwise restore will not work. I guess robin forget to mention it
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abhibnl said:
You need to convert your partition file system to "rfs" not ext. Otherwise restore will not work. I guess robin forget to mention it
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Or just wipe data afterwards
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No if you convert system to ext4 then take backup on stock rom then it will work
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To restore rfs cwm backup ur system should be in rfs..
So first flash stock rom via odin..
Root and then flash cwm..
Then flash the backup in rfs via cwm..
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Running rooted stock ics 4.0.3 and want to install cyanogenmod, when i flash from cwm and reboot it doesn't go pass the boot screen even after 30 minutes, so i recovered my stock took.
What are the steps please?
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What kernel are you using? Did you do a clean install doing full wipes before flashing cm9?you need to.
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Once the rom is successfully installed, do a wipe data/factory reset
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My kernel is stock, n7000jplpd.
Do you guys mean i don't have to downgrade to ginger bead it anything and can do it from ics? (the flashing of cm9)
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And no i didnt do a factory reset, only wiped dalvik, wont that just do the job as well? I want to make sure cm 9 is flashable with my stock ics
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go to philz thread and download the jplpd kernel zip and place it on external sd.
boot into recovery and install the zip.
Once done reboot into recovery again and this time you should see cwm touch.
If yes, then
wipe data / factory reset
wipe cache partition
wipe dalvik cache
format / system
install zip from sd
then point to the rom.
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Can i know the reason of installing a jplpd kernel please?
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abdoabook said:
Can i know the reason of installing a jplpd kernel please?
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If you flash from stock ics kernel you'll get instant brick, you need safe philz kernel to flash from
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Will i be able to recover my stock kernel incase some thing goes wrong?
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abdoabook said:
Will i be able to recover my stock kernel incase some thing goes wrong?
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You can reflash stock rom which will put it back to factory state.
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Can you link me to the stock kernels?
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abdoabook said:
Can you link me to the stock kernels?
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Stock kernels thread here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=19871471
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Thanks a dozen
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I can restore my stock room a well from cm9 our 10 right?
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using PC odin : Yes
nandroid restore : Yes , Use only if nandroid backup includes a safe kernel
Safe kernel is the key here otherwise you're up for an uneccesary brick.
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Cool thanks
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abdoabook said:
Running rooted stock ics 4.0.3 and want to install cyanogenmod, when i flash from cwm and reboot it doesn't go pass the boot screen even after 30 minutes, so i recovered my stock took.
What are the steps please?
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1)Well be sure you are on Safe Kernel.
2)Try redownload the rom
3)If doesn't Working install CM10,Its JB Rules this days ;p
I have my cappy rooted and i want to install CMW so i can flash a new rom
Which is the easiest way to do it?Rom manager or flashing a cmw kernel
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TRusselo's Guide....http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=19425513
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Is there any way to remove the cwm and then install another
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i have installed rom Stock for Ku5900.pls help me
Version? Why dont you patch it with cwm?
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