Battery problem... - One (M7) Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello together,
first of all i want to excuse my english. Since last night i have a problem with my HTC One battery.
My device gets warm, while doing nothing. (i flashed a new rom and didn't insall anything / Viperone 6.1.0)
The batterylife is really low now, it's empty in about 3 hours and charges really slow. (nearly 4 hours now and 40%)
I installed the z-divicetest app and this is what i see:
Battery health: good
Maximum Chargelevel: 100%
Temperature: 41,30°C
Voltage: 3mV
I don't know what i should do now.. Maybe my battery is damaged? :/
Thanks for your help.

Try to use an other charger, maybe yours is broken.
That could explain your slow charging speed.
If even this doesn't help, the battery seems to be broken.
Sry for my bad english, greets from Germany :good:

chroniclesin said:
Hello together,
first of all i want to excuse my english. Since last night i have a problem with my HTC One battery.
My device gets warm, while doing nothing. (i flashed a new rom and didn't insall anything / Viperone 6.1.0)
The batterylife is really low now, it's empty in about 3 hours and charges really slow. (nearly 4 hours now and 40%)
I installed the z-divicetest app and this is what i see:
Battery health: good
Maximum Chargelevel: 100%
Temperature: 41,30°C
Voltage: 3mV
I don't know what i should do now.. Maybe my battery is damaged? :/
Thanks for your help.
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must be some problem with something using your battery. that would also explain slow charge.
you can see what is using most power under settings > power > usage

chroniclesin said:
Hello together,
first of all i want to excuse my english. Since last night i have a problem with my HTC One battery.
My device gets warm, while doing nothing. (i flashed a new rom and didn't insall anything / Viperone 6.1.0)
The batterylife is really low now, it's empty in about 3 hours and charges really slow. (nearly 4 hours now and 40%)
I installed the z-divicetest app and this is what i see:
Battery health: good
Maximum Chargelevel: 100%
Temperature: 41,30°C
Voltage: 3mV
I don't know what i should do now.. Maybe my battery is damaged? :/
Thanks for your help.
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Yes as tekkon said use another charger. See if that helps.
Sent from my Nokia 3315.


[Q] Battery life

I've had my Mini for two months now and I've calibrated the battery at least 15 times and somehow I still get battery jumps (sometimes as high as 25% jumps)
Does anybody else have a problem with battery calibration??
Also, is it safe to leave the phone charging overnight or is there no charger protection in this phone??
Akath19 said:
I've had my Mini for two months now and I've calibrated the battery at least 15 times and somehow I still get battery jumps (sometimes as high as 25% jumps)
Does anybody else have a problem with battery calibration??
Also, is it safe to leave the phone charging overnight or is there no charger protection in this phone??
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Hmm.i dont know about the charging protection but I think it had one
Sent from my GT-S5570 using Tapatalk
Thanx for your response, I'm noticing now that my battery's reporting wrong, I've tried 4 different battery tools and all of them report 4mV when they should report 4250mV (or something like that)
Is anybody else seeing this behavior??
Akath19 said:
I've had my Mini for two months now and I've calibrated the battery at least 15 times and somehow I still get battery jumps (sometimes as high as 25% jumps)
Does anybody else have a problem with battery calibration??
Also, is it safe to leave the phone charging overnight or is there no charger protection in this phone??
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hmmm... ur battery must be add with 23 tweaks script .. before i get that script . my problem is same as u but after that is great now i just 2% times
qazsxdcfv said:
hmmm... ur battery must be add with 23 tweaks script .. before i get that script . my problem is same as u but after that is great now i just 2% times
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Could you clarify this for me???.....'Cause I don't know what you're talking about
In my opinion too much calibration is not needed with liking battery
My problem is not due to excessive battery calibration, it's due to battery reporting errors, I keep seeing percentage jumps and the voltage is also wrongly displayed
Akath19 said:
Thanx for your response, I'm noticing now that my battery's reporting wrong, I've tried 4 different battery tools and all of them report 4mV when they should report 4250mV (or something like that)
Is anybody else seeing this behavior??
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Upgrade ROM maybe can solved that problem :lol:
And after installing new ROM calibrate again once!
I've had the same problem with 4 different ROMs (FroYo stock, GB stock, Andro-ID and CM7).
I'm starting to think that it's a physical battery problem

[Q] phone showing wrong battery charge

hey guys,
i got a little problem with my sgs: it shows me that the battery charges itselfs if i don't use my phone for a little bit (for example: i play half an our lane splitter and battery goes to 23% then i leave it for an our in standby and when i come back it shows 28!)
I hope the screenshot might can help you.
P.S.: Sorry for my bad english
Did you also try battery calibration app from market?I don't know if it does anything else than clearing battery stats, but I think it's worth trying...root is needed though.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
I have tried it with the app and with cwm. Both didnt help.
I think both do the same thing.
Sorry for bad english.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
You can try to do a wipe battery stats in recovery after you have done a full charage.
Maybe just your battery is already death, try another battery if you have a possibility.
I have this issue too. I think it estimates battery and when it is left to idle it gets more accurate. I notice if I continue using it it still dies but idling saved battery..... could show battery percentage according to usage ? ( although I'm guessing here)
Sent from my teamhacksung ice cream sandwiched sgs

My Battery Keep Draining When I charge

Hello again...
Can you guys help me why my battery keep draining even when i`m charging my phone?
also charging also take almost 8 hours to full but only can last long for 4-5 hours...
Is it because of Kernel or ROM?
can give me some solution on my problem?
NoteNewb said:
Hello again...
Can you guys help me why my battery keep draining even when i`m charging my phone?
also charging also take almost 8 hours to full but only can last long for 4-5 hours...
Is it because of Kernel or ROM?
can give me some solution on my problem?
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Since other member not having the same issued. I do believe your problem probably related with hardware failure.
Try to use other charger or replace usb cable. 4-5 hours Battery life consider ok if you were heavy user like myself.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
trifiti and
lee yun khong said:
Since other member not having the same issued. I do believe your problem probably related with hardware failure.
Try to use other charger or replace usb cable. 4-5 hours Battery life consider ok if you were heavy user like myself.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
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ok bro.. thanks for that
later try change USB cable and see how...:good:
i`m not very heavy user because normally i only use for call and messaging...
rarely use for gaming or internet usage...if i do that only when i at home = /

[Q] battery gauge problem

after flashing a few roms, my battery gauge is messed up.
the things i noticed, when my ace turns off deu to low power. the gauge shows 0%.
but when my ace shuts it self down and i plug in the wall charger. the battery gauge shows me a percentage around 75%.
the things i have done to solve this problem is deleting battery stats by cwm and a calibration app nothing did solve the problem.
also i have let the battery drain to zero and then charge it up to 100 and let it drain to zero again. also that didnt solve my problem.
so i flashed back the stock rom by odin. also not solving the problem.
is ther another way to solve the problem
Get a new battery.:thumbup:
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The problem is not with your battery. It's with the battery notifier in the ace. It works well for a time and then goes absolutely crazy. Whenever your battery gets low, about 10% for example, connect the charger and charge blindly for 3 hours. Don't worry about the 100% notification. Try your battery now. It should be fine now. But if you're using battery extender kernel, there's a bug in it that brings down the battery for 50% in a short time after using.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
Venomous Viper 119 said:
The problem is not with your battery. It's with the battery notifier in the ace. It works well for a time and then goes absolutely crazy. Whenever your battery gets low, about 10% for example, connect the charger and charge blindly for 3 hours. Don't worry about the 100% notification. Try your battery now. It should be fine now. But if you're using battery extender kernel, there's a bug in it that brings down the battery for 50% in a short time after using.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
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i`am on stock gingerbread, the phone is about two years old. i also noticed that when i turn of my phone and pull the battery out for about three minutes en then put it back in the percentage is higher. so i do think that the battery gauge is messed p but when i use a calibration app to solve it, it gets worse or doesnt change. when i use code *#*#4636#*#* the status of my battery is good. im thinking to buy a new battery but i doubt that it would solve my problem.
Calibration is all fake. Do as I said and you'll definitely witness the results.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
Venomous Viper 119 said:
Calibration is all fake. Do as I said and you'll definitely witness the results.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
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Hi, I have the same problem with the ace of my wife. When I charge it, it says 100% after 10 min charging !
And when I use it not charging, it drops down ...
I try to let it charge longer, but is that sure that the battery continue charging even if the notifier indicates 100% ?
I'm on [ROM] CM7.2-DEMOCRACY FINAL EDITION .. is there also a kernel to change to help ?
Thanks for your answers, by default I will let it charge for 3h.
PS : is there an app to check the battery life ?
Venomous Viper 119 said:
Calibration is all fake. Do as I said and you'll definitely witness the results.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
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i did what you said and it seems to solve the problem step by step
Liell said:
Hi, I have the same problem with the ace of my wife. When I charge it, it says 100% after 10 min charging !
And when I use it not charging, it drops down ...
I try to let it charge longer, but is that sure that the battery continue charging even if the notifier indicates 100% ?
I'm on [ROM] CM7.2-DEMOCRACY FINAL EDITION .. is there also a kernel to change to help ?
Thanks for your answers, by default I will let it charge for 3h.
PS : is there an app to check the battery life ?
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in dialer u must enter the code *#*#4636#*#* there will appear 4 tabs there is one for battery tap it and you wil see the health of youre battery.
Guys, forget about battery level notification, etc. Any app doing so would collect the info from the android itself. Just do as I said. Everything will be fine.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
I've the same issue. I charged it for 3 hours, it's not fine, it goes to 50% in about 15 minutes, and when I reboot my Ace, it drop to 15% !
I noticed that when I turn it off and charge it, the green battery indicator is at 80%...
Any idea ?
I tried differents ROM such as CM10.1 CM10 CM9,PAC, same issue.
I bought my wife a new battery @2000mA and she lasts 2 days now, so the answer seems to be the battery-life ...
Liell said:
I bought my wife a new battery @2000mA and she lasts 2 days now, so the answer seems to be the battery-life ...
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its a bit risky! u r using 2000mA for 1350mA phone.
Haer said:
I've the same issue. I charged it for 3 hours, it's not fine, it goes to 50% in about 15 minutes, and when I reboot my Ace, it drop to 15% !
I noticed that when I turn it off and charge it, the green battery indicator is at 80%...
Any idea ?
I tried differents ROM such as CM10.1 CM10 CM9,PAC, same issue.
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CM 9, 10.1,PAC consume battery like hell, but not that much also.
If there r such huge drops that too after charging the fone for 3 hrs then i guess there is a problem with the battery.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda app-developers app
---------- Post added at 04:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:35 AM ----------
Mandark52 said:
its a bit risky! u r using 2000mA for 1350mA phone.
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Yup u can use without any problem untill voltage n other parameters are as per requirements...
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda app-developers app
Yes I thing the battery is dead, it's slightly inflated...
I too have the crazy battery problem, but funny thing is if i were to ignore the indicator and just use it from a 3hr-full charge till it dies off, i could achieve 2.5hours of internet surfing (wifi not 3g). To me this is good enough, all calibration fixes do not work for me. Any suggestions?
PS: I have the system time problem too with S'perience Rom, Eg. when i shut down the phone at 1pm to remove the simcard, after booting up the phone the time shows 11am. This happened to me more than 5 times this week. I dono if it's the rom or the battery that gives this problem. I dono about how it was when running stock rom because this phone does not belong to me. Any help is much appreciated.
jeromejeremytay said:
I too have the crazy battery problem, but funny thing is if i were to ignore the indicator and just use it from a 3hr-full charge till it dies off, i could achieve 2.5hours of internet surfing (wifi not 3g). To me this is good enough, all calibration fixes do not work for me. Any suggestions?
PS: I have the system time problem too with S'perience Rom, Eg. when i shut down the phone at 1pm to remove the simcard, after booting up the phone the time shows 11am. This happened to me more than 5 times this week. I dono if it's the rom or the battery that gives this problem. I dono about how it was when running stock rom because this phone does not belong to me. Any help is much appreciated.
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Try a full discharge and then plug your phone until it is fully charged, finally without unplug it boot into CWM and wipe battery stats, finally reboot and charge it until 100%

Battery problem

Hi guys ...i need help i have big problem with my battery,i am now on CM.10.2 but this happen with all roms ...when is battery on 28-25% then my phone go off then when i on my phone battery is 5% and again off ...have somebody this? sorry for bad english,thanks
Sent from my GT-I9070 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
drakes992 said:
Hi guys ...i need help i have big problem with my battery,i am now on CM.10.2 but this happen with all roms ...when is battery on 28-25% then my phone go off then when i on my phone battery is 5% and again off ...have somebody this? sorry for bad english,thanks
Sent from my GT-I9070 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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You changed ROM recently? Charge-discharge it couple times.
Hi friend shut down ....yes i changed ROM recently previously rom was liquid,slimrom and carbon rom ...but everytime when i change rom i have clean instal first STOCK and then custom rom ....charge-discharge it couple times.You know what is problem?or what is wrong?
drakes992 said:
Hi friend shut down ....yes i changed ROM recently previously rom was liquid,slimrom and carbon rom ...but everytime when i change rom i have clean instal first STOCK and then custom rom ....charge-discharge it couple times.You know what is problem?or what is wrong?
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Probably it discalibrate. Charge-discarge couple times.
What can I do? need new battery?
drakes992 said:
What can I do? need new battery?
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No. Just wait some time, I think that battery needs to calibrate itself with charging. I tried CM11, in first it was awfull, after 2-3 charges it is becoming usable. But still CM10.2 and CM11 based ROMs are battery eaters. Try CM10.1.
Thanks very much for y quick answers ...i hope that it can to remedy the battery okey but i try too cm 10.1 ...thanks again :good:
Next time when you flash rom or even update to official firmware make sure your battery is always 100%, not 80, not 90 but 100%... I had problem with discalibrated battery cause i update from Ginger Bread to official Samsung Jelly Bean firmware and my battery gone crazy... Try charge-discharge couple of times as shut-down says... This problem could be a swollen battery too cause you say that your phone turns off when you are at 25-28%... To be sure that your battery isn't swollen, turn your phone off and make this steps:
step 1: Take the battery out of the phone.
step 2: Put it on a level (flat) surface.
step 3: Try spining the battery, if it spins freely than it's swollen, if it doesn't spin it's good and try this on the bouth sides of the battery.
drakes992 said:
Hi guys ...i need help i have big problem with my battery,i am now on CM.10.2 but this happen with all roms ...when is battery on 28-25% then my phone go off then when i on my phone battery is 5% and again off ...have somebody this? sorry for bad english,thanks
Sent from my GT-I9070 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Battery caliberation problem. caliberate using battery caliberation app or delete batterystats file
Discharge to 0%, full charge to 100%. And leave it some time (don't plug off your charger), maybe hour and more.
Type this in Terminal editor: cat /sys/kernel/abb-chargalg/eoc_status
And wait untill it says the real EOC reached.
{sent from my mind}
if I help you, simpe just hit the thanks button.
i was having the same issue with Carbon 4.4.2 build 3, i did this:
*Uncharged the phone until 12-15%
*Rebooted phone 7% battery (every time i rebooted i losted 5% no matter what)
*Charged phone good 4 hours and then ran Battery Calibration APK (battery Calibration was showing 4120mha)
*Rebooted left phone alone 15 minutes ran Battery Calibration APK again (battery now was showing 4245mha)
*Ran greenify, hibernated almost all apps except whatsapp (bug with that was launching Player pro instead)
*Disconnected phone went to settings/performance changed:
Cpu Governor to :Abyssplug
Minimum CPU freq: 200mhz, Max: 800, set on boot.
I/O Scheduler: Deadline,set on boot.
Memory Managment: Zram to 10%, Allow purging of assets and KSM, also 16bit transparency.
i had 100% battery from 1am to 5am (whatsapp, fast for facebook,player pro, traffic racer, heavy wifi, screen never went off) at 4:35-40 i had 57% battery, to 5am i was having 55%, slept til 11am from that on i haven't used my cellphone too much but i have 35% current battery...for me its okay since i alway have a backup battery.
Pdt: i owe you the picture im in my office and don't have an usb cable with me.
Mario_Bog said:
Next time when you flash rom or even update to official firmware make sure your battery is always 100%, not 80, not 90 but 100%... I had problem with discalibrated battery cause i update from Ginger Bread to official Samsung Jelly Bean firmware and my battery gone crazy... Try charge-discharge couple of times as shut-down says... This problem could be a swollen battery too cause you say that your phone turns off when you are at 25-28%... To be sure that your battery isn't swollen, turn your phone off and make this steps:
step 1: Take the battery out of the phone.
step 2: Put it on a level (flat) surface.
step 3: Try spining the battery, if it spins freely than it's swollen, if it doesn't spin it's good and try this on the bouth sides of the battery.
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Got 2 swollen battery's here..
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
Mario bog you have truth,my battery is swollen ...thanks very much for help
Thvmh said:
Got 2 swollen battery's here..
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
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How do you mean you got 2 swollen battery's here ??
drakes992 said:
Mario bog you have truth,my battery is swollen ...thanks very much for help
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You are welcome, ill do anything to help everyone...
Mario_Bog said:
How do you mean you got 2 swollen battery's here ??
You are welcome, ill do anything to help everyone...
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2 battery's original samsung are swollen by me.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
Thvmh said:
2 battery's original samsung are swollen by me.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
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Oh, lol man you are battery killer... How do you succeed that, that's is usually from overheat, it happend to my uncle on galaxy s4 cause of bad software and the phone overheat easily...
Mario_Bog said:
Oh, lol man you are battery killer... How do you succeed that, that's is usually from overheat, it happend to my uncle on galaxy s4 cause of bad software and the phone overheat easily...
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It started on wintersport :') with the hybrid rom installed. But maybe it is because of the water damage in my phone. All the sensors are broken expect the sensors on the front of the phone.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
Thvmh said:
It started on wintersport :') with the hybrid rom installed. But maybe it is because of the water damage in my phone. All the sensors are broken expect the sensors on the front of the phone.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
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Yea it must be that, cause of the water and the electricity make short circuit( more electric curreny than proper) and the battery gets damaged easily...
Mario_Bog said:
Yea it must be that, cause of the water and the electricity make short circuit( more electric curreny than proper) and the battery gets damaged easily...
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But my battery broke about 6 months after the water damage
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

